Mobile Game Ads are Lying to You!

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so my mafia city video did really well it's kind of crazy but yeah it did amazing so I decided hey why don't I try out some other apps that I've seen a ton of ads for if you go on Instagram that's probably we're gonna find most of them the apps we're gonna be covering today our word story save cat and happy glass and I bet you don't know them from the name but if you actually see them you're gonna know what app they are because of the amount of ads that are played for these is crazy and they're they're kind of annoying they'll basically say oh this is too hard 200% Ike you can't beat this but really it's like it's a stupid game so let's let's try it out okay so we got this guy just chilling here let's play tap tap the answer bar the ad is basically the same thing okay thank you for bringing me the tools but there will be a hole in the wall well I can so I can only help him okay I guess I'll help him get some stuffs just start the plan okay I guess I'll get some of the stuffs map I'm guessing what is that little cheeky grin on his face T let's try T wait what eat one inch wait what is this bomb can help you to remove the unuseful letters one inch so is this gonna be like Shawshank I'm gonna have to do this for like I have to do this for like seven or so years oh and also I heard you guys didn't like it stretched so I guess I'm not gonna stretch this time I don't know what to do though let's do nod so if you guys don't want to stretch I guess I won't but I can't do Ben Ben again oh I know I guess I'll put something in the background haier haier oh no I get hers here oh that makes sense okay what is this why this is the dumbest game ever this is stupid it's not like 200 IQ isn't gonna pass this 200 IQ realizes how dumb this game is and then they just stop playing meet there we go Oh does it give me meat are you serious how is that helping him oh yeah get some stuffs okay I got the stuffs I think get the trust of the gut what is this broken English I think get the trust of the guard is important no wonder you're in jail you're stupid tweezing the guard and pretend to enjoy prison life this is so stupid cops pick okay this is really weird okay this one's a stupid one um this one's really dumb it's just words and stuff and I'm not gonna play a word game from someone that developed it with broken English so on to the next game fast won games save cats this is another one I guess I can dress up the cats using that making by banana there's a hat draw a box why do you want me to draw the box I'm gonna raise the water level so you can drink well I mean this isn't bad per se hey can I drown the cat no because theoretically if I made a big enough object it would drown the cat so I gotta get at the fish you have to raise the water level again is it just raising the water level okay what happens if I just drop and drop a rock on this cat nothing okay that makes sense oh this is just I mean it's not a horrible game it's not like Dom it seems like it's the same developer though seems eerily similar the animation in her face it seems like really similar I'm gonna buy the banana hat now use this is just this kind of stupid big long walk oh that doesn't work it's kind of hard to draw this as well okay there you got take the fish draw a triangle oh so it's like a ramp for the cookie I mean this game it's clever how big can it be all can be as big as I wanted to see the other game that I played like you could run out of room like if your thing was too big but it seems like you have the most amount of surface area that you could possibly want oh wait hold up maybe you don't know oh I'll try oh come on take a nice no I don't want any free things I can't build it inside the cat that's stupid I swear you guys are gonna say like oh I solved it in my first try 200 IQ I'm a 200 IQ genius but I mean it's just weird the controls game so you can buy hats you can buy clothing for the cats you make it a gang member I guess that bandana alright I kind of want to get that but I don't know I think that will take too long so I got ya at this game I respect a little bit more than the other one just because I mean the ads are kind of annoying but it's not like it's stupid again it's not broken English like the other one was but uh okay I guess on to the next game okay the final game we're playing is happy glass and as we can see there's already an app there's already two ads a tick tock ad and flipped trickster so um VIP what is that there I'm guessing no ads $7.99 no week one hundred dollars a year for what perks to daily free coins three but they're preying on kids that are just stupid and don't have any sense of money it's no bundle what are they trying to do the whole fortnight thing that's stupid they're trying to get skins to boost everything so it's gonna this is literally where's my water isn't this basically just where's my water without like alligator thing are you serious 200 IQ I need for this someone some sort of device that oh yeah that works I didn't get three stars but who cares what Disney here look at all these ads no ads what does no ads okay we're back let's stop my recording when I click that so that's annoying I love well you can't change the level 2010 how many levels are there oh my god I'm step Oh coming soon they're still making more there's 670 levels and they're making so much money off of this game probably so I respect the cat game a lot more than this Amazon me look at all this I'm gonna have to blur that out or oh I could just crop up and I don't have to show all their stupid ads or else my videos gonna be use abused by all these advertisers for future reference like these games are mostly crap they're not very good they're never like amazing they're never groundbreaking they're just like there's like little tedious games that you can get just to play like look at all this this loading is not fun it takes like 10 seconds to load in a level I'm I guess this oh and they're easy and I can't skip any of them I have to like pay money I have to pay a hundred dollars a year for a stupid membership it's dumb it's very dumb I guess there oh and look 4,000 for what I mean let me see let's see I have to watch a tick tock ad oh no guys the moral of the story is basically don't download any apps that have ads for unless you actually think that the app will be good like these these games look so stupid well I hope you guys enjoy this video I will see you guys in the next one good bye
Channel: TheSlickGecko
Views: 1,548,388
Rating: 4.8500586 out of 5
Keywords: save cat, words game, happy glass, dank meme, tiktok, instagram, ads, save cat ad, words game ad, happy glass ad
Id: 07iFZ_4iwqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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