An Evergreen Christmas (2014) | Full Movie | Robert Loggia | Naomi Judd | Booboo Stewart

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[ORCHESTRAL NOTES] [BIRD CHIRPING] [MUSIC - INSTRUMENTAL, "O HOLY NIGHT"] [BELLS CHIMING] BABETTE: Front row at the VMAs or I'm not going. [LAUGHS] STYLIST: (RAPPING) Work it, work it. ASSISTANT: What is she doing in here? BABETTE: Ugh (RAPPING) She bad, she bad, mm-mm-mm. Evie? STYLIST: Girlfriend, I'm loving this do on you. Mm. What are you doing? I'm waiting. Oh, uh, I was just working on, uh, some ideas I had. Maybe something for the tour? BABETTE: Oh, how cute. Now, why don't you run along and get me my hot coffee? Hm? Absolutely. ASSISTANT: Can you even believe her? Seriously? STYLIST: Who? Don't even worry about her, girl, you're fabulous. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) --known you before, know you too well. [INAUDIBLE] was lies, your lips made the tell. Sleeping [INAUDIBLE] encased in those eyes, like you'd erase our distance and ties. To know that's your game, I know the game. Hey there, handsome. CHEZ: Wha-- ah, ah, ah! EVIE: Ooh, let me help. Jeez, Evie cakes. I'm so sorry. You can't just sneak up on me when I'm creating. - Mm, OK. - No, it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. OK. - Oh, hey. - Yeah? I read for a body wash commercial this morning and I think it went really, really well. - You would be perfect for that. - I know. I know. Hey, do I smell like nachos to you? You know, you really do. CHEZ: Ha! Awesome. [PHONE RINGING] Is that Babette? Oh, um-- no, it's my dad. He's been after me to come back for Thanksgiving this year. Hm. I'll just call him later. So you ready for today's order? Oh, you know I am. So the usual then? - Mm-hm. CHEZ: Mm-hm. [MACHINE BUZZING] [PHONE RINGING] Hello? Hello. POPS (ON PHONE): Evie-- Hey, can I call you back? POPS (ON PHONE): It's your grandfather. Oh, hi, Pops. Yeah, look, I'm really busy, can I-- POPS (ON PHONE): I need you to come home right away. It's about your father. [DRAMATIC INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] Oh. EVIE: Pops. You know, your daddy would want you to keep your chin up. Where's your baggage? [DOOR CLANKS] Uh. Hey. Oh, no. Whoa! [THUD] [MUSIC - CHARLEENE CLOSSHEY, "MY TENNESSEE HOME"] Uh, this is my boyfriend, Chez Walsh. POPS: Uh-huh. Howdy. [SNIFFS] What's that taco smell? Yeah. POPS: Let me give you a hand with that. Oh, oh-- OK. Uh, well, you don't mind riding in the back, do you? What? [DOG BARKS] Hey. Nice doggy. [MUSIC - CHARLEENE CLOSSHEY, "MY TENNESSEE HOME"] (SINGING) Like rain on the rooftops, I can't get them to stop. Start missing that spot in the road where the wildflowers grow, I close my eyes and I go back home. My Tennessee home. When mama is calling me from the porch, feel the breeze, give anything just to be back home. My Tennessee home. So how's life in California? It's good. It's, uh-- it's busy. When does that album of yours come out? [MUSIC - CARLEENE CLOSSHEY, "MY TENNESSEE HOME"] I can't believe you still listen to this old demo. [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] [DOOR CREAKS] I'll put these in your old room and made up the spare for your friend. CHEZ: Oh, well, Evie and I can just bunk together if it helps. [CHUCKLES] EVIE: Honey, why don't you just go on upstairs? I'll be up in a second. [SNICKERS] [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] I remember that day. You kept trying to get your brother to go out and play in the snow, but he just wasn't having it. EVIE: Our first Christmas after mom left. Thomas thought she might come back and he didn't want to miss her. HONEY: I'm so sorry, Evie. This isn't the homecoming we wanted for you. [CRACKLING FIRE] [CLOCK TICKING] [MUSIC - BRANTLEY POLLOCK, "APPLE OF YOUR EYE"] (SINGING) I can't make it on my own, but my muscles have all grown. I'm still a child who needs his dad. I'll try to climb the hill in your shoes too big to fill. But I'm scared that I don't know the way. I don't wanna say goodbye. Am I still the apple of your eye? [THUNDER] [RAINFALL] MINISTER: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying. Neither shall there be anymore pain. Former things are passed away. Let us pray. Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. [MUSIC - BRANTLEY POLLOCK, "APPLE OF YOUR EYE"] (SINGING) I don't wanna say goodbye. Am I still the apple of your eye? And now you're gone. [THUNDER] Thanks for coming over to help, Annabelle. Evie cakes, what's the deal with the cell reception out here? Do they not do mobile in the boonies? Whoa. Hello, gun control. What is that? That was a gift from General Ulysses S. Grant to Robert E. Lee. They both served as junior officers during the Mexican-American War of 1846. It's been in the Lee family ever since. We fought the Mexicans? Who won? [LAUGHS] [DOOR BELL] HONEY: Evie? Evie, would you mind getting that? [PLAYFUL MUSIC] City boy, why don't you come help me-- - Uh-- - --before you get in trouble? Oh. Hello, Miss Evie. Hi. It was a beautiful service. Thank you for coming. Of course. We're all gonna miss him. It means a lot coming from you. Thank you. And do you remember our son, Angel? EVIE: It's good to see you. - Hi. EVIE: Hi. You got tall. Please, come in. ROSIE: Thank you. Adam? Adam Malloy? It's good to see you, Evie. He means a lot to me. I'd been doing a little work for him on the side. Miss Honey invited me. I brought a pie. [CELLO MUSIC] Uh, please. POPS: Well, it's beautiful. [INTERPOSING VOICES] ANNABELLE: Mm-hm. Thanks for helping me with my hair, Miss Honey. POPS: You, too, [INAUDIBLE]. - It's fine. Baby, it's fine. OK, you look good. I was just trying to help. Pops, would you ask the blessing? (WHISPERING) Just take my hand. Dear Father, bless us this food which we are about to receive. Let it nourish us, heal us, and provide sustenance for the long road ahead. In the good Lord's name, amen. EVERYONE (IN UNISON): Amen. [MUMBLING] Amen. Evie, would you pass the dressing, please? Yes, ma'am. It's so good to finally see you, Miss Evie. You're going to stay for a while? Uh, I have to be getting back to LA. We actually are starting a Christmas tour. ROSIE: Oh. Yeah, Babette's doing an international tour, 25 cities in 25 days. Get it? Who's Babette? Is she an internet sensation like you? Internet? I-- I-- no. No, no, no. She has her own record label. Wait, go back. What-- what were you-- what did you say? Oh, Evie here is famous in these parts. ANNABELLE: Well, I think it's incredible that you work for Babette. She's so cool. Well, that's all well and good, but what about your music career? Well, I-- Her music career? [SMIRKS] She works with Babette. What more could she want, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So what is it that you do, Chez? Me? Oh, well, I'm an actor. Whoa. What movies have you been in? Well, see, I'm more of a theater actor. Film acting doesn't pay enough attention to the craft. And at the end of the day, that's what interests me-- the craft, my instrument, keeping my weapon sharp. Mm. So what theater have you done? Well, I just wrapped a staged reading of "A River Runs Through It," where I played Brad Pitt. [GIGGLES] HONEY: Hm. POPS: [CHUCKLES] Well. What have you been up to, Adam? [CLEARS THROAT] Um, I-- Mr. Adam just graduated law school. Law school, really? Where? Vanderbilt. Oh. And you came back here? ADAM: I know the people of the town. It's a community I want to be a part of. HONEY: Speaking of, the Christmas show's coming up. Shame you won't be around. You always were the main attraction. I, um-- Well, actually, Thomas and I are starting a band. EVIE: Really? That's great! Congratulations. ANGEL: Thanks. Right. I heard you playing last night, you're really good. What's the name of your band? The Gypsy Moth Experience. That's deep. I don't understand you kids naming your band after a parasitic insect. [LAUGHTER] EVIE: That's good, Pops. I don't get it. Um, what do you play? I just, uh-- I play the drums. Oh, man, you should totally play the guitar. Guitar players get all the chicks, man. Everybody knows that. Look into it. Right, dad? Oh, yeah, you know. [CLEARS THROAT] [CHATTER] Well, Miss Honey, you outdid yourself yet again. Nothing like a good meal to warm your soul. Thank you, Jose. I'll help you with the dishes, Miss Honey. That would be most helpful, thank you. Angel, before you leave, would you mind making sure Miss Annabelle gets home safely? Yes, ma'am. ANNABELLE: I'll help clean up. [CHATTER] [COUGHS] Did I ever tell you this story about little Owen? It was 1972, Owen was eight years old then. Honey and I had been together a few years, but little Owen wasn't much for having me around it seemed. That is until we got a donkey to help in the fields. [CHUCKLES] Little Owen insisted we call him Jesus. Not Jesús, Jesus. I tried talking him out of it, but he was as stubborn as that donkey. And it felt like the first time we might bond around something, so we let him call him Jesus. [CHUCKLES] Well, one day, Jesus went missing and little Owen was devastated. He wasn't going to rest until he found Jesus. Doing everything he could-- walking up and down the street, calling the good Lord's name, stopping every car along the way, asking if they've found Jesus. Little Owen never did find that donkey. But through it all, we did find each other. [PIANO MUSIC] No father should ever live to bury his son. And I miss my boy. Oh, I miss him so much. [PIANO MUSIC] [CRYING] [CRICKETS CHIRPING] The stars are so bright tonight. That's one good thing about living in the country, I guess. They say in the city, the stars don't shine so brightly. You know, where my family is from? Mexico-- the people believe that there once was a sky without any stars. And? Oh, um, it's just a Mayan myth about the moon goddess, Ix Chel, who fell in love with sun god, Kinich Ahau. The moon goddess was beautiful, almost too beautiful. But the sun god, he barely noticed her. So one day, the moon goddess decided she'd make a gift for him, a tapestry so large that even he wouldn't be able to ignore it. And when the sun god saw this beautiful tapestry, he fell madly in love with her. And the tapestry the moon goddess wove were the very stars themselves. Come on, come on. There we-- oh, oh, oh! Oh, I just had it. Oh, man! - [LAUGHS] - [SNICKERS] CHEZ: Come on. Gook! [GRUNTS] What is he, signaling the mother ship? CHEZ: Come on. Well, here's where I live. May I walk you to your door? Um, I don't think that's such a good idea. Um-- Annabelle Morgan! You better get your butt in this house right now. I gotta go. Um, thank you so much. I'm coming, papa! [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] JACOB: Where have you been? And what's he running after like that? He's probably illegal. Where's my money, huh? Where is it? [THUD] [CLANKING] [DOGS BARKING] JACOB: [YELLING] [INAUDIBLE] Don't you hide from me when I'm talking to you, girl! [ROOSTER CROWING] EVIE: What the-- what time is it, Chez? Time to run. Come on, we already missed yesterday. [BANJO MUSIC] POPS: Oh, there you are. What's going on? POPS: Evie, this may not be the best time, but we need to talk. Chez, why don't you go up and take a shower first? I'll be up in a few minutes. OK, I'll try to save you some hot water. Why don't you have a seat? OK. We need to go over Mr. Lee's estate. Is there a problem? It's about the farm. If you wouldn't mind opening these, we can get started. The land and the tree inventory, coupled with the house, barn, and equipment-- total, it's around $8 million. Really? I didn't realize we were that rich. [SNICKERS] That's because we're not. The government levies a 40% estate tax on property over the $5 million exemption. ADAM: So if you do the math, you owe taxes on $3 million, which comes to $1.2 million. What? Uh, they can do that? POPS: Oh, yeah. [CHUCKLES] You'd be surprised what they can do. But how are we going to pay for that? Mr. Lee did have a $1 million life insurance policy. The policy can pay the taxes so you wouldn't have to sell the land. Well, yeah, but that's still $200 grand short. So what does all this mean? POPS: Means Uncle Sam is reaching into our pockets. To pay him, we have to finish the year strong. Problem is we're barely making payroll as is. I mean, you do have a few other options. You could sell the land or just the business. That's not going to happen. Sorry, I mean-- POPS: No, the boy's right. My son wouldn't have wanted that. We'll have to figure something else out. Well, there is one other thing. Yeah? Yes? As the eldest sibling, Evie Lee is designated as the executor of the estate. THOMAS: What? Whoa, hold on. She has control? I can't do that. So if she wanted to, say, sell the farm, I would have absolutely no say in the matter. I have to get back to LA. But she hasn't even been here in years! Thomas, I don't-- Unbelievable. Thomas, wait. [THUD] Best you let him be for a bit. But, Evie, pilot season is right around the corner and I have got to get back to LA. Oh, please be soy. Chez, this is all coming at me kind of fast, OK? Just sell it. What? Sell it. Sell the farm. Problem solved. What-- what about my family? I can't just sell their home. CHEZ: And why not? Hm? [PHONE RINGING] How do you-- Hello? BABETTE (ON PHONE): Evie. EVIE: Babette? Um, yes. CHEZ: How do you get a signal? BABETTE (ON PHONE): Where are you? Stop it. BABETTE (ON PHONE): I need you back. I had to order my own coffee today. And they gave me this black liquid stuff and it tasted horrible! Oh, um, in a few days. I just-- BABETTE (ON PHONE): Oh my god, they pushed up our rehearsal schedule at the Staples Center. Some guy name Michael Bubble, whoever that is. Hey, Evie, look. Microwavable cardboard. Ha! BABETTE (ON PHONE): This is a really tough time for me right now and I wish that you would stop being so selfish and understand that. Uh, will do. Look-- hello? Babette? Babette? Hm. [CLANK] Will you watch where you're going? Evie? Evie Lee? Becky. [SQUEALS] Oh! Oh, I thought that was you! Oh, you look different. Yeah. Hi, I'm Becky Tamora. Walsh, Chez Walsh. The Tamoras own the farm down the street from us. BECKY: Well, it's a little bigger than a farm these days. We're the second largest Christmas tree producer this side of the Mississippi. But enough about me. Aren't you like some big LA rock star now? [LAUGHS] Hm? What? What are you doing back home? My father just-- I am so sorry about that. I'd been spending some time with him recently-- business matters. I was so disappointed to miss the funeral, but I was out of town on business. I'm sure you know how that is. Mm. So who's running the farm now? Well, I am. Ah. For now. You know what? We should get together. It has been too long. EVIE: Oh, yeah. [NERVOUS LAUGH] Give me a call. OK. BECKY: So good to see you. Call me. Bye, Becky. Really? Go. OK. Is it possible to have negative bars? [MUSIC - "JINGLE BELLS"] (SINGING) Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. And why is there gluten in everything here? Chill out on the whining a bit, please. And for goodness sakes, stop using that awful body wash. I am the future face of the company. I gotta represent. What is this? I didn't order this. CHEZ: You cannot eat that. Still your favorite? Uncle Joe. Welcome home, Evie. Oh, I am so sorry about your dad. The whole town is in mourning. Thanks, Joe. What, these record people not feeding you out there? OK, hold up. What record people? JOE: Hey, Adam. Look who's here. Adam. Hi, Evie. But I thought you were a lawyer. Not until I pass the Bar. Yeah, he gets his results any day now. He probably aced it. We're all very proud of this guy. Well, I got to get back to my cooking. Don't let that dessert spoil your meal. Thanks. So the special today is a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, and onion-- No, thanks. I'll just have a salad. OK? Vinaigrette dressing on the side, no croutons, hold the cheese, and a fruit cup. Oh, and I'd like the fruit cup first. EVIE: Um, I'll just have the chicken noodle soup, please. CHEZ: Uh, Evie, there's meat in that. EVIE: Oh, right. OK then, just a Greek Salad, please. OK. CHEZ: And that'll be it, thank you. All right. So, OK, what is the deal with this whole record internet thing? Oh, that. Um, when I was 18, I saw a contest to win a recording contract. So long story short, I posted a video online and I won. Nothing really came out of it, though, so it's really not that big of a deal. CHEZ: Evie. Hm? Christmas karaoke. Can we do it? Huh? Hm. Sure. Yes! Enjoy that. OK. [ROOSTER CROWING] Rise and shine! [GRUNTS] CHEZ: Come on. Come on, Evie. [GROANS] No. Gotta run off that diner. Come on. Come on! No, it's freezing. Ts-ts-ts-ts. [COUNTRY MUSIC] Hey! [METAL GRINDING] Um, how you doing? Angel? Hey. Um, Miss Honey sent me in to see what you wanted for lunch. What's that? Oh, this? It's just, uh-- it's just something for Christmas. I wanna see. Well, it's not ready yet. Oh. I usually make one every year for my family so we always remember our Christmases. How long are you going to be here for? I mean, until you move on. Um, we'll be here through the new year. You know, to till the soil. I don't know. Then we'll probably go to Florida for strawberry season. You're lucky. I'd love to go to Florida. Really? I'd stay here year-round if I could. Yeah? Yeah. I was thinking that, um-- yeah, but it's stupid. Tell me. Well, I'd love to go to school, the art school in town. That sounds incredible. You really think so? I do. You know, Annabelle, about the other night-- Oh, um-- yeah, my dad. Um-- Is everything OK? Uh, yeah. He just, uh-- he was just stressed about work. All right, well, I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you. You got my word. Thank you. [WATER RUNNING] [BIRDS CHIRPING] CHEZ: Come on, there's got to be something. There's something just not right about that boy. CHEZ: No, no, whoa! Hi, sweetie. Would you help me with the potato salad, and I'll get started finishing the sandwiches. Yes, Miss Honey. So what did Angel say? [GIGGLES] His life is so interesting. I wish I could travel as much as him. Heck, I've only been out of the county once and that was a school trip to the planetarium in Murray. Girl, that's only three inches over the county line. I know. [SIGHS] I would love to just-- What is that? ANNABELLE: It's nothing. Um, I, uh-- I was carrying something heavy is all. Is there something you want to tell me? I, um-- [EERIE MUSIC] I should be getting home. [COUNTRY MUSIC] Some good bass in there this time of year. Yeah, well, I wouldn't know. I'm not catching anything. [WHOOSH] [PLUNK] Me, Pops, and a few other guys are getting together to play poker tonight. Nothing fancy. You interested? Yeah. Yeah, that-- that'd be awesome. Maybe I'll have better luck at cards. What kind of bait are you using? Um-- The bass out there seem to like guppies. What are guppies? Guppies, like little fish you use as bait. Are you trying to tell me you use fish to catch fish? Well, that's ridiculous. [CHUCKLES] So 7:00 tonight. [SMIRKS] - Barn? - Yes. Yes, thank you. That's-- I'll be there. Thanks. [LAUGHS] Cool, classic. Use an antelope to go hunting deer. [LAUGHS] I invited Brad Pitt to poker night. [THUD] [ENGINE RUMBLES] [SERENE MUSIC] Thought I'd find you here. What you working on? A new song. Can I see it? Please? Did you write these? Thomas, these lyrics are really good. Thanks, I guess. Lyrics come easy. It's just the music I'm having trouble with. Mind if I take a stab at it? Evie, this is folk music we're talking about. Yeah. You can't just pick up a guitar and play folk. You have to feel it. You have to be folk. So, what, I'm not folk anymore? No, you're not. You know, what is it exactly that I did to you? Thomas, I didn't ask for any of this. Exactly, Evie. I'm the one who stayed and worked the farm. And yet, somehow, you still get control of something that you never worked, you never cared about, and that you left. You left me and you left dad. After mom, you'd think you'd know what it felt like to be abandoned. You know, what I don't understand is why don't you just pay the tax? Or is the farm not worth your money? [SNIFFLES] I can't. [BANJO MUSIC] All right, all in. POPS: It's too rich for me. Come on. Come on, Pops. That old rifle you got should be able to cover it. You know how many people have tried to buy that gun off of me? [CHUCKLES] Not going to happen, Joe. Never. Worth a shot. [INAUDIBLE] - [LAUGHS] Will you play already? Yeah, I got nothing. I'm all in. Mi, tambien. All right, let's see 'em, boys. [BANJO MUSIC] You've got to be kidding me. Four of a kind, of course. I like this game. [LAUGHS] Thanks for inviting me. Yeah, thanks for inviting him, man. POPS: Well, that's it for me. Time for this old man to go to bed. JOSE: Me too. I got nothing left anyway. CHEZ: Watch and learn, my friends. Oh, yeah. How? It's all in the wrist, boys. [SIGHS] It's all I can handle. Don't let this get out of hand, son. So, you ready to play a real man game? [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] [CLINKING] [GRUNTS] Yeah! What's the score? Match point. Serve it. Watch me. [CLINKING] [GRUNTING] Oh, yes! All right, 22-22. It's on now. You serve it. [COUNTRY MUSIC] [CLINKING] CHEZ: Ah! Yeah, baby. Match point-- me. [COUNTRY MUSIC] [CLINKING] [GRUNTING] (YELLS) Ha! [THUD] [GROANS] Ah! Whoa. I'm good! Chez is OK. [SQUEAKING] [ROOSTER CROWING] Evie cakes. Come on, time to go. Go away. CHEZ: Evie, my body's my calling card. You know I gotta stay in shape. Now, come on. Come on, come on. - Shut up. CHEZ: Come on. - No. CHEZ: Come on. - [GROWLS] Oh! If you pull these covers off me one more time, I'm going to strap you down and force feed you hamburger, capisce? Now go away and let me sleep. OK, first of all, you know I don't eat quiche-- eggs. Uh, second, your hair? You really might want to do something about that before you-- Get out. (WHISPERS) Get out. (YELLS) Now! Get out! CHEZ: I'll go, OK! [COUNTRY MUSIC] Yes, yes, yes, yes! [GRUNTING] And the crowd goes wild. And the crowd goes wild. Ahh. Oh, ooh, oh, ah. Hey, little buddy. What's your name? Huh? [DONKEY BRAYING] OK. OK. OK. [DONKEY BRAYING] OK, OK. OK. OK. [COUNTRY MUSIC] We need to leave this place now. Did you hear me? Hello? Don't be ridiculous, Chez. Oh, come on. I've been chased by a chicken and a dwarf horse just ran after me. And yesterday, I said, "y'all." Y'all isn't even a word, Evie. Yes, it is. No. No, it's not. Plus, this place is changing you. It is. This-- this roadkill-eating, second cousin-marrying, this oven is-- what is this thing? - Sh-sh-sh. - Wha-- - Sh. Eugene? - [GASPS] Quiet. What-- where are you going? I am going to get a latte. OK, you win. We'll do karaoke tonight and then we'll leave in the morning. Good talk. Well, wha-- [SIGHS] [CLANK] [GRUNTS] OK. [ENGINE STALLING] [GROANING] OK. [HORN HONKS] Where are you going in such a rush? Getting a latte. I hate to break it to you, but you're going to be walking a while. Closest thing to steamed milk is about three towns over. I know how far it is. I grew up here too. That's right, we forgot. You know, I think I can help. You help me? Oh, that'll be the day. High school was a long time ago. We're both adults now. What I'm saying is that I have a business to run and you are stuck with this farm situation. Selling it to me will help us both out. You are unbelievable, you know that? [SNICKERS] What do you want with a little farm in tiny Balsam Falls anyway? You live in Los Angeles and I live here. I am prepared to make you a fair offer. I can't sell, OK? I'm not going to kick my family out of their house. I don't want your house, just your land. Your family wouldn't have to move at all. I'm offering you a way out-- back to your life, your dreams. Just be realistic. You're in way over your head here. Just think about it, Evie. [MUSIC - BROKEN DUCKFEET, "HEY BARTENDER"] (SINGING) Hey bartender, won't you pour me some Christmas spirit? Yeah, make it fast and make it slow. Wow, would you look at this place? Wow, it is so quaint. A brewsky, my fine fellow. PAT: Coming right up. - Hey, Pat. Good to see you. Just-- just some water, please. Pat? Pat. Of course, it's Pat. [CHUCKLES] [SIGHS] How do these people take themselves seriously? Girl! CHEZ: Is every day Halloween here? ANNOUNCER (ON MIC): Well, time to change it up, get into that Christmas spirit, and see what kind of talent we have out there. - Oh, yeah. ANNOUNCER (ON MIC): Christmas karaoke, coming up next. It's go time. Muah. For luck. - Hey. [MUSIC - BROKEN DUCKFEET, "HEY BARTENDER"] (SINGING) When I heard noise downstairs. So I walked on down to take a look and there he was kissing my girl. I said, hey, bartender, won't you pour me some Christmas spirit? Yeah, make it fast or make it slow. ADAM: [CLEARS THROAT] Excuse me, is this seat taken? Um, what are you doing here? Well, I got my Bar results. I passed. Congratulations. I should buy you a drink. CHEZ: Mic, one, yeah. Just a coke. CHEZ: Chez has entered the building. Walsh, Chez Walsh. Hit it, Joe. [POP MUSIC] (SINGING) What child is this who laid to rest on Mary's-- I cannot believe I am back here. ADAM: Tell me about it. I didn't think you'd ever come back. Well, I certainly wasn't going to stay around and be a young bride with 2.5 kids and a white-- Bride? What are you talking about? Seriously? Every time you'd bend down to tie your shoe, I was expecting a proposal. It's like you had everything planned and I was just a spectator. Ahem. Wow, who are you? This is not the Evie I knew. She was nice and considerate and-- EVIE: You're right. You're right. You're right, I'm a horrible person. I left and I broke his heart. Evie-- No, Thomas is right. I know what it feels like to be abandoned. I was devastated when my mom left. I felt like I had to prove I was worth something, you know? And maybe that if I made it big, she-- she might come back. Your mom leaving had nothing to do with you. She was just selfish, that's all. But aren't I? I left just like she did. And now my dad is gone forever and I'll never be able to change that. You are nothing like your mother. You followed your dreams with your dad's blessing. You have a great career. - No, I don't. It's a lie. The whole thing's a lie. I'm not singing. I don't have a record contract. I'm not doing anything with my life. Wait, what? The record deal wasn't what it seemed and then I got dropped altogether. And when everybody here kept assuming, I just never corrected them. The reality is I live in a studio apartment in the valley that I can barely afford. And if I'm not back soon, I'm going to lose my job waiting on Babette and her little misfits. I remember what your father always told me. She's a special girl and the world needs her more than we do. But if you're not following your dreams, why stay in LA? CHEZ: (SINGING) This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds watch and angels-- Oh, my goodness. CHEZ: (SINGING) --sing. Haste, haste to bring him laud-- I think I have to go home. (SINGING) The babe, the son of-- I'll get your boyfriend. Just let him be. He's having fun. Besides, he'll be at it all night. I could take you home. OK. I love you, baby Jesus. I think we can all agree on that. Thank you. [LIGHT APPLAUSE] Walsh, Chez Walsh. Chez Walsh. Oh, that was moving. [CRICKETS CHIRPING] [OWL HOOTING] You know, I know that people think that I'm silly and that I can't handle this, but I can. I know you can. Nobody thinks you're silly. At least you still believe in me, don't you? I never stopped. May I walk you to the door? I think I got it, but thank you. And for driving me home. Good night, Evie. Good night, Adam. [COUNTRY MUSIC] I-- [SIGHS] JOE: Here you go, buddy. Careful up them stairs. CHEZ: Thanks a lot, Joe. Hey, give Mary a kiss for me. JOE: Will do. CHEZ: Evie! Evie, where are you? [GRUNTS] Mm. Oh, thank god, sleep. Hm? Chez, what are you doing? Um-- What's going on here? EVIE: Pop! Whoa, whoa, don't shoot. Don't shoot. - Just put the gun down. It's OK, it's just Chez. POPS: [GRUNTS] How many of those do you have stashed in this house? Pops, just go upstairs. I'll take care of this. Thank you. POPS: [GROANS] Damn city boy. Chez, what's going on? Are you OK? I don't know. I don't know. EVIE: Well-- Did you have a good time with Garth Brooks tonight? OK, look, I had to get out of there. You were karaoking. Adam was there. He offered to drive me home. I didn't think it was a big deal. Oh, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever. Whatever. EVIE: I'm sorry, I'm sorry-- CHEZ: Hey, whatever. - --but nothing happened. Hey! Sh. Listen. We-- you and me-- are leaving in the morning. You know I can't. Can't or won't? Look, it's either me or the farm, Evie. That's your ultimatatum. Look, my priority right now has to be the farm. After all the moments we've shared, this-- this is where-- this is where we are? EVIE: Look, look, it's just until I can get this-- No, no, no, I get it. I get it. - You know what? OK, why don't we just talk about this in the morning? No, because there's not going to be a morning. EVIE: [SNICKERS] You are obviously drunk, so-- Well, not too drunk to see what's going on here, though. I'm leaving in the morning with [BURPS] or without you. [THUMP] CHEZ: Come on, Pops. [THUD] I told you I was sorry. Chez? Evie. Does this mean you changed your mind? No, I didn't. Look, I'm sorry. I know I dragged you here and I didn't expect all of this to happen. And I got you caught in the middle of my drama and I-- I'm really truly sorry. [SIGHS] Oh, it's OK, Evie. Birds of a feather don't always flock together. Besides, this has-- it's been good for me in a weird "Legends of the Fall" kind of way. [BANJO MUSIC] So friends then? Friends. Ooh, uh, that body wash. Yeah, I know. This stuff's starting to give me a really weird rash. [LAUGHS] [PHONE RINGS] Go for Chez. Sweetness. Yes. Yes, thank you. Thank you. I'll be there tomorrow. Thanks. I got it. I actually got it. [GIGGLES] That's amazing. You are looking at the new spokesman for Manly Men body wash available in beef jerky, rich mahogany, Cuban cigar, and, of course, nachos. [HORN HONKS] Bye. Bye. [COUNTRY MUSIC] Let's go. [INAUDIBLE] I'll miss you, Buddy. You're not going with him? I'm not leaving, Thomas. [BELL CHIMES] I've seen that look before. Oh, it's you. What do you want? So has Evie said her goodbyes? Excuse me? Well, I thought since Chez left and she was going to sell the farm, she'd be going back to LA too. She would never do that. Why then do I have this contract in my hand all ready to be signed? Nu-uh, Adam. You may be a lawyer, but you're not my lawyer. I've got to go see the Lees now. You should stop on by. [COUNTRY MUSIC] [BELL CHIMES] [TRACTOR RUMBLING] This is beautiful. Yeah, we call it the secret field. I wish you didn't have to leave. Maybe I don't. I applied for the spring semester. It'll only be a few classes at first. But it's a start. Come on. ANNABELLE: Where are we going? ANGEL: Just follow me. [MUSIC PLAYING] ANNABELLE: [GIGGLES] ANGEL: This one right here, OK? ANNABELLE: Wow. Or like little ones right there. ANNABELLE: Where did you go? [LAUGHTER] ANGEL: Come on, right here. Butterflies! How pretty. Those aren't butterflies. ANNABELLE: What's wrong? Angel? ANGEL: Oh no. We've gotta go, come on. What? [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING ON RADIO) But you're my home. You know me more than I know myself. Hi, Pops. Hey, Buddy. Here's some apple cider. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. What does she want now? My boy already told her we're not selling. Don't you worry about it. I'm going to go take care of this. [MUSIC PLAYING] What are you doing here? Whoa, slow down. Look, based on our last conversation, I figured I'd write up an offer so you can make a more informed decision. That is all. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING ON RADIO) Friends and lovers come and go. For the final time, I'm not selling, Becky. Now, get off my property. All right, have it your way. But I always get what I want. ANGEL: Evie! Come on. Evie! Gypsy moths in the secret field. [TIRES SQUEALING] [DOG BARKING] Oh no. JACOB: Annabelle! Annabelle! Where you been? Get your behind in this car right now. Come on. EVIE: You stay here, [INAUDIBLE]. What do you think you're doing? Huh? Letting his kind touch you? Why, you little tramp, you. [DOG BARKING] [GASPS] [DOG BARKING] [DRAMATIC MUSIC] THOMAS: What's going on? None of your business. No daughter of mine is going to be seen with an illegal. Now you get in this car right now! Do you hear me? - No. Oh, come on! Go ahead, do it! Do it! Pull the trigger, you crazy old man! - No, Pops, [INAUDIBLE]. - Come on! You think I care? Pops, no-- That's enough. Come on. Now, Jacob Morgan, you calm down! [LAUGHS] How dare you talk to me? It's all your fault-- giving her ideas. HONEY: Jacob, you need to leave. Get in the car. Pop-- I'm telling you, it's your last chance. HONEY: No, she stays here. So if you know what's good for you, you'll just be going along. [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] Never. You hear me? Don't you ever think about coming back. [CAR STARTS] [TIRES SQUEALING] ANGEL: It's gonna be all right. Are you OK? Gypsy Moths in the secret field. [PIANO MUSIC] POPS: That was beautiful. EVIE: Pops, you know I'd save the farm if I had the money. I know you would. EVIE: Becky even offered for us to keep the house in exchange for the land. I mean, she tried. And maybe in my-- my lowest hour, I might have considered it, but I'm not going to sell. POPS: I brought you something. EVIE: What is it? POPS: Did your father ever tell you about the time he lived in Chicago? I knew he lived there, but I don't know anything about it. POPS: It was a few years after high school. He had big dreams in advertising, thought he wanted the big city life. [CHUCKLES] He was successful too. But one day, he up and left. Said he wanted a family, a simple fulfilling life. He called the city a mirage. Sounds about right. Said he wanted to put his sweat and love into something, and be able to pass it along to his children. So you see, you and Thomas are his legacy, not this farm. Well, get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us. Pops, I don't want you worrying about the farm, OK? Evie, I may not move as quickly these days, but there's still fight in me yet. [CHUCKLES] I love you, Pops. [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] [BIRDS CHIRPING] [MELLOW MUSIC] Well, it's worse than I imagined. So what does this all mean? Well, the moths themselves aren't the problem, it's the eggs. When they hatch, the caterpillars feed on the needles. Which can kill a tree. And if the outbreak's bad enough, the entire field. If the inspector shows up, sees it as bad as it is now, they can quarantine us. We can't ship trees out of state that have been infected. The farm needs some shipments to go if we're going to make it. OK, well, let's quit this talk about failure. What can we do? We can spray. The boy is right. That's about our only chance. Let's get started. [PHONE RINGING] BECKY: Get me the Department of Agriculture. [UPLIFTING MUSIC] [KNOCKING] Be right there. [KNOCKING] [DOOR BELL] Jeez, hold your horses. What can I do for you? - Hello, ma'am. I'm with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Can I speak to the owner? Did you eat yet? Oh, ma'am, I don't want to be rude, but I am on a tight schedule. Oh, of course, you are. I am just going to run down to the pantry and get some fresh coffee. So you just make yourself at home. Yes, ma'am. All right. [MUSIC - "DANCE OF THE SUGARPLUM FAIRIES"] [EXHALES] Evie! Evie! Hey! HONEY: Evie! Hey, what are you doing? Woo! He's here! He's here. Honey. Woo! Honey, who's here? Get your behind back to the house. The inspector is here. Woo! OK, um, all right. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Hello, ma'am. Hey, how are you? Are you the owner? Yes. Yes, I am. What can I do for ya? Uh, we've received a report of gypsy moth swarms in the area. Hm. You notice anything of those sorts? Uh-- Do you mind if I take a look? [SOMBER MUSIC] It's OK. Hm, you see this here? This is not good. How bad is it? INSPECTOR: Well, until I inspect more trees and more the fields, I'm-- I'm not going to know. The good news is that we're only going to have to quarantine the one field. The rest seem fine. Ms. Lee, I need you to sign right there. Right there? You bet. I'm so sorry. It's not you. [SOBBING] Well, thank you. This doesn't look good. I'm just surprised you haven't threatened to shoot him with your gun. [CHUCKLES] He's just a man trying to earn an honest living like the rest of us. EVIE: [CRYING] [GRUNTS] WAITRESS: And what else can I get for you to go? [MUSIC - "OH, CHRISTMAS TREE"] (SINGING) Oh, Christmas tree. Oh, Christmas tree. Coffee? You got anything stronger? Oh, that kind of morning? You could say that. I just got a call about gypsy moths. I think I just lost the farm for that young lady. You know, I've been married 25 years and I've never seen a woman cry like that. [COUNTRY MUSIC] Joe, we got a problem. If your projections are accurate, I think we can do business. BECKY: My new acquisition will be closing very shortly and we'll be able to-- SECRETARY: Wait, you can't go in there! Are you behind this? I have no idea what you're talking about. BUSINESSMAN: Is there some sort of problem? What's going on here? Is there nothing off limits for you? Is there anything-- anything at all-- that you hold sacred? The Lees are a great family. And you-- trying to profit from their losses. BUSINESSMAN: I'm going to have to leave. ADAM: Someone needs to stand up to you. You think this whole town is for sale and you can just buy everyone and everything in it? Well, not this time, Becky. I'm not going to stand by and let that happen. [THUD] [SOLEMN MUSIC] [CHILDREN LAUGHING] [SOLEMN MUSIC] So how bad is it? We'll figure it out. You know, I had everything under control before you came home. [LAUGHS] Well, in that case, I will be on the first plane back to LA tomorrow. Is that what you want? I wouldn't blame you. Not if you paid me a million dollars. Tell me what you need me to do. EVIE: Oh, hey, Pops. I was thinking we could talk to the IRS about this-- This is for you. What is this? [CHUCKLES] Oh, no, Pops, tell me you didn't. POPS: There's this guy in Chicago who's been interested in it for a while. Couldn't go any higher, but I figured every bit helps. But that gun's been in the family for so long. POPS: Family, that's what matters. Not some rusty, old gun. Thank you, Pops. OK, enough of that. [DOG BARKING] Better go see what he's into now. OK. THOMAS: Can you believe that? [DOG BARKING] POPS: I'm coming! I'm coming. OK, um-- let's see, with Pops' check-- POPS: Well, I'll be. [DONKEY BRAYS] What is he-- [DOG BARKS] [DONKEY BRAYS] Oh, my goodness. EVIE: Oh, my. Isn't-- POPS: Jesus. [PIANO MUSIC] Hey, do you sell Christmas trees here? How much? It depends on the kind. What's the best kind? Locally grown. I'll take 20 then. EVIE: Adam, that's way too much. ADAM: Look, the other night, I told you I never stopped believing in you and I'd like a chance to prove it. How about dinner? I would like that a lot. [COUNTRY MUSIC] You know, once a storm came through here. Big storm. Your dad was the first one out at my place, cutting timber and putting the roof back on. Wasn't a day went by he wasn't out looking for somebody to help. Here's a thousand bucks. Go plant him some trees. Joe, thank you. Thank you. Hope you don't mind, we brought a few friends. [UPLIFTING MUSIC] Oh! Oh my. [LAUGHS] ADAM: Annabelle, you know, if you go down this path, there's no going back. Yes, I understand. I'm just tired of being afraid. The judge has agreed-- at Honey and Pops' insistence-- to grant temporary guardianship to them until you come of age. [COUNTRY MUSIC] You would do that for me? We already think of you as part of our family. I don't know what to say. I'm-- Welcome to the family. [MUSIC - "O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL"] (SINGING) Triumphant. O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold him, born the King of Angels. O come let us adore him. O come let us adore him. O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord. [CHEERING] [LAUGHS] [MUSIC - "SILENT NIGHT"] (SINGING) Silent night, holy night. All is come-- Do you guys want drinks? Sounds good. I-- yeah, you guys go ahead. I'll catch up in a second. - Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go for it. All right. Hey, Pat. Guys! Oh, my gosh. JOSE: You look beautiful. Very graceful. You like this turn out, huh? Oh, man. Yeah, it's awesome. I'm really happy for you. And I'm going to miss you down at the diner. Come on, Joe, you serve the best meal in town. We'll see plenty of me. Merry Christmas, you guys. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. WOMAN: Evie! Hey. Hey, it's good to be home. Uh, for a long time, I was struggling to find my way. And it took me coming home-- seeing where I've come from, the people who love me, the people that I love-- to remind me that I was already a part of something really special. And by coming back home, I realized that you can't just chase your dreams, you have to live them as well. The lyrics to this song were actually written by my little brother, Thomas. Dad, this is for you. We miss you and we love you. [MUSIC - CHARLEENE CLOSSHEY, "EVERGREEN"] (SINGING) I'll fall down on a bed of needles, soft as a baby's cradle. Tree tops rocking up high, they sing to me your lullaby. Wake up on Christmas morning, smell the coffee brewing. Sitting round our Christmas tree, Mom and Dad there next to me. Take a deep breath of fresh air with the scent of evergreen. Running through the rows of growing Christmas trees, I know I'm alive, horizons are wide. I feel so alive when I'm home. I'm the one who stayed and worked the farm. And yet, somehow, you still get control of something that you never worked, you never cared about, and that you left. You left me and you left Dad. (SINGING) My mind drifts in the fire light. Their faces fade into white. Alone by my daddy's chair, I wake up in the frosty air. I know everybody thinks that I'm silly and that I can't do this. But I can. I know you can. You still believe in me, don't you? I never stopped. (SINGING) Take a deep breath of fresh air with the scent of evergreen. Running through the rows of growing Christmas trees, I know I'm alive, horizons are wide, I feel so alive. When I'm running through the rows of growing Christmas trees, I know I'm alive, horizons are wide, and, yeah, I feel so alive. We've had a good life together, haven't we? We have a good life. EVIE: (SINGING) Oh. Oh. Take a deep breath-- So you never forget this Christmas. EVIE: (SINGING) --of fresh air with the scent of evergreen. [APPLAUSE] [CHEERING] Oh, awesome! EVIE: Thank you. Oh, I love you. Oh, and I love you too, Pops. [CHUCKLES] I love you. Fantastic. EVIE: Thank you. JOSE: [INAUDIBLE], always. EVIE: Thank you so much. That was incredible! [SQUEALS] Your lyrics are absolutely brilliant. THOMAS: I'm really proud of you, sis. Thanks. [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] Merry Christmas, Adam. Merry Christmas, Eve. [COUNTRY MUSIC] You're Babette. Hey, uh, I'm-- I'm-- I'm-- I'm Chez, Evie's old, uh-- No autographs. Just get me a, uh-- Oh, OK. OK, yes, I'm getting it. I'm getting it. A tres grande, four-shot, sugar-free, hazelnut, easy foam, extra hot, soy latte. Right? BABETTE: You're good. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ugh. [SCREECHES] [SQUEALS] She's everywhere! [MUSIC - CHARLEENE CLOSSHEY, "MY TENNESSEE HOME"] (SINGING) Lonely, sometimes it finds me, wraps its arms around me, ever so tightly. Tear drops, like rain on the rooftops, I can't get them to stop. Start missing that spot in the road where the wildflowers grow. I close my eyes and I go back home. My Tennessee home. When Mama is calling me from the porch, feel the breeze, give anything just to be back home. My Tennessee home. Blue sky, rain in the spring time, snow on the hillside, leaves red as red wine. We all pray-- we all pray-- at church every Sunday-- at church every Sunday-- wash our sins away in the creek near that spot in the road where the wildflowers grow. I close my eyes and I go back home. My Tennessee home. When mama is calling me from the porch, feel the breeze, give anything just to be back home. My Tennessee home. Where I learned to dream my dreams, chase the sun, spread my wings, trust that one day they will bring me home. My Tennessee home. My Tennessee home. Tennessee home.
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 480,241
Rating: 4.747798 out of 5
Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Movie Trailer, Film, An Evergreen Christmas Movie, An Evergreen Christmas Full Movie, An Evergreen Christmas, christmas, Charleene Closshey, Robert Loggia, Tyler Ritter, Booboo Stewart, Naomi Judd, musical holiday tale, Family, Music, Romance, Christmas movie, Jeremy Culver, Morgen Culver, Hollywood, glamorous, sibling, music career, Christmas tree farm, Christmas tree, Balsam Falls, Tennessee, christian movie, faith based movie
Id: w16GjgBycvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 40sec (5920 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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