No Postage Necessary (2017) | Full Movie | George Blagden | Charleene Closshey | Robbie Kay

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Cyberthreats... Cyberthreats... have become one of the most serious threats to our nation. The cyber challenges we're talking about are not theoretical. Hackers can shut down our electric grid... Telecommunications... COMEY:<i> Our money, our secrets.</i> This is something real. We're already under attack. FEMALE NEWSCASTER 1:<i> Sony Pictures...</i> Target comes to mind. MALE NEWSCASTER 1:<i> Sooner or later, the U.S. will take action.</i> We will respond. MALE NEWSCASTER 2:<i> The FBI hopes to graduate hundreds of new cyber agents.</i> We still have a hard time finding the right people. MALE NEWSCASTER 3:<i> The Bureau's having trouble finding enough qualified personnel.</i> The current threat outpaces our existing authorities. Terrorists... Foreign governments... OBAMA: Criminals... Hacktivists... The massive distributed denial of service attack. A new form of warfare. Cyber attacks are only going to get worse. COMMENTATOR:<i> The cyber threat is threat number one.</i> FEMALE NEWSCASTER 2:<i> And in local news, a Hillsborough County man</i> has been sentenced to three years in prison for hacking into a multinational agricultural company and posting online the home addresses and social security numbers of its board of directors. [TAP SQUEAKING, WATER FLOWING] Seriously? HARRY:<i> Have you remained in the same residence since our last meeting?</i> SAM:<i> Yes, sir, still at my brother's.</i> HARRY:<i> Have you maintained gainful full-time employment?</i> SAM:<i> Yes, sir, I'm dutifully employed in the land of minimum wage.</i> HARRY:<i> In lieu of paying restitution,</i> <i> you've opted to perform community service.</i> <i>Have you complied with the court order for the required number of hours?</i> SAM:<i> Yes, sir, nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing those little rug rats smile.</i> HARRY:<i> Have you knowingly violated any law</i> <i> at the Municipal, County, State or Federal level?</i> <i> SAM: I'm as honest as a politician during election season.</i> HARRY:<i> Answer the question, yes or no.</i> SAM:<i> No, sir, I haven't violated any laws...</i> <i>that I'm specifically aware of.</i> Finally, have you operated any devices connected to the Internet, including a computer, phone, tablet or television? No, sir. I haven't. [ICE CREAM TRUCK MUSIC PLAYING] SAM: I'm telling you, give me one chance, and I'd hack those TERRA cells so fast, they'd think I was in the next room. You think our government's doing anything about it? No. They rely on outside groups like Anonymous to do their dirty work. To pass them information. And then, they lock up kids who were just having fun, when it's those kids they should be hiring. Doesn't that make you mad? Fools give full vent to their rage. The wise bring calm in the end. For Christs' sake, Stan... And once again, please, my name is David now. You know, [CLEARS THROAT] David, changing your name doesn't mean you get to start over. This isn't<i> Halo,</i> you can't just respawn. You know, I'm willing to accept my faults and set a path to correct them. But like a talisman, my name serves as the key to the spiritual mindset that I'm trying to achieve. Doesn't alcohol do the same thing? You should come to Bible study with me sometime. All the answers are in here. Now, if you'll excuse me, we have customers. NEWSCASTER:<i> State-sponsored cyberterrorism, though, isn't that the FBI's worst nightmare?</i> COMMENTATOR:<i> Yes, if a rogue terrorist</i> <i> were to perpetrate a hack, it would be the worst nightmare.</i> SAM: Yes. JACK: You forget something? I found this, stuck between my seats. Wait right there, I have something for ya. Hi there, Jack. Hello. Beautiful weather we're having. Are you kiddin' me? It's hotter than hell out here. Oh, you know us southern ladies never sweat. [CHUCKLES SARCASTICALLY] You came early today. Efficiency's my middle name. Early isn't efficient, it's just early. You got that letter for me? Right. You okay there, son? Mm-hmm. [SIGHS] "Happy Birthday, Tommy. "We remember when you were just a little boy and now you're ten." Blah, blah, blah. "Love you very much. Love Grammy and Granddad." Thank you, Grammy. Mwah. Adam... from Barb. Whoa. Nice to meet you. Stay right there. [CLEARS THROAT] How generous of you. "Dear Adam, I've never done anything like this before. Really? "I'm a little embarrassed but you make me feel so comfortable. "I can't tell you enough how much your encouragement "has brought me out of a very dark place. "I don't know what's more impressive, that I'm wearing lingerie, "or that I figured out the camera timer." Well done. [TOILET FLUSHES] What's up with the getup? I thought you were at work? Called in sick. [BEER CAN CRACKS OPEN] [CHUGGING] [BURPS] "Dear, Michael. "Tomorrow will be six years since you left us. "2,190 days since they told me you were gone." JOSIE:<i> That's 2,190 nights dreaming the same beautiful dream</i> <i> of you next to me.</i> <i> And then the same horrible nightmare where you float away...</i> <i> dissolving into darkness.</i> <i> Leaving only that moment when the doorbell rang.</i> <i> I forgive the soldier.</i> <i> I'm still angry with God.</i> <i> Daisy looks more like you every day.</i> <i>She has your cute stubbornness and your intellect, too.</i> <i> But she struggles connecting with others.</i> <i>I just don't know what to do.</i> <i> I sent her application to that school for the gifted in Nashville.</i> <i> It's a long shot,</i> <i> and it's expensive. Too expensive.</i> <i> But I think you'd at least want me to try, wouldn't you?</i> <i>I miss our mornings together.</i> <i>The dawning of each new day bringing endless possibilities.</i> <i> Days filled with love.</i> <i> Nights filled with laughter.</i> <i> A life full of dreams.</i> <i> But that song has been sung.</i> <i> The harmony's gone.</i> <i> Dad thinks it's time to move on.</i> <i>That rhetoric is a poor substitute for action.</i> <i> Doesn't he realize my Prince Charming is never coming back?</i> [CAR DOOR SLAMS SHUT] [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] [KNOCK ON DOOR] Be right there. Agent Ames. Sam. May I come in? Do I have a choice? You always have a choice. Some choices are just better than others. So, what brings you to this side of the tracks? Ever hear of the spice trail? Oh, the Indo-European trade route? Yeah, we learn about it in school... That's funny, that's very funny, but I'm referring to the online drug marketplace. Oh, that spice trail. Well, you really should have been more clear. We infiltrated it a few years back, and we were hacked. Over 1,000 bitcoin was stolen. We've only just now caught up with the trail. Great. Congratulations. However, we're at a dead end. The trail vanishes. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] You think that's funny? It's just, I don't recall you reaching a dead end with... with me. I'm sure whoever you're after is using an encrypted Tor server just like I did. Yet you were somehow magically able to find my IP address. [SIGHS] So, I'm just wondering, why you don't break the law to find them as well? Sam, the thing is, we know the IP address. It was routed through the same data center you used. Well, thanks to you, I'm prohibited from using the Internet. So, unfortunately, there's no way I can help you. Actually, we think you can. Nobody leaves a calling card quite like you, Sam. That's over $10 million worth of bitcoin, gone. Which would make you a very rich man. [CAT SCREECHES] Look, I have no idea who stole your coins or how, that wasn't my game. If you were willing to break into Monsanto... Come on, that was for the people subjected to their genetically-modified crap. That is a far cry from stealing assets, even in the real world. Sam. Do you have the coins? No. I don't have them. Thank you for your time. Should have visited me in prison. I've missed our little... conversations. There's always next time. [ICE CREAM TRUCK MUSIC PLAYING] If you were to die today, how sure are you that you'll be going to heaven? Well, if God's willing to overlook that drunken one-night stand from last week, I'd say I've got a 50-50 chance. [PHONE CHIMES] You've got to be kidding me? What is it? Trying to cash out of this stupid poker game but it's saying all I get is 1.2 dollars, which is a bunch of crap, I just took the pot. Well, let me see that for a sec. Oh, no, it's not 1.2 dollars, it's 1.2 bitcoin. Those sneaky bastards! I gave them my credit card. No, it's still real money. It's just... It's a digital currency based on a perceived value created by a group of people who engage in trade, just like the dollar. Why are you such a dork? So, how do I get my money? In dollars. It's easy, you just... You just cash out and then convert the dollars on an exchange. I can do it for you. [DOOR OPENING] SAM: Stanley? Hi, Rachel. We need to talk. Is everything okay? What's going on? You hacked the spice trail? Jesus Christ, Stan. Please don't take the Lord's name in vain. How could you? It was a few years ago. A few years... That isn't what we were into. It wasn't corporate. We agreed to stay corporate. Why would you hack into a drug marketplace? You went rogue on me. I've already been to prison once, I'm not going back again. Why? 'Cause they're bad people. They sell drugs to kids. They sold drugs to my sister. They killed her, Sam. I... I can't cover for you this time. You don't have to, dude. You didn't do anything wrong. Tell that to Agent Ames, he stopped by this afternoon. What? So, where are the bitcoins? I lost them. They're gone. Gone? Why is he talking to you about this? Check your wallet. Karate cat was angry. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] [BOTH CHUCKLING] I'll... I'll go talk to him. No. I'll take care of it. He can't prove anything. [WOMAN GIGGLING] [DOOR OPENING] LARRY: After you, m'lady. Watch your step. Oh, hey there, little bro. Meet Nancy. Nancy, this is dipshit. This is your brother? NANCY: Mmm. Why don't you come party with us tonight? It'll be fun. [CLEARS THROAT] Oh, baby, come on, you know I'm just playing. [SCOFFS] Baby? Babe. Come on, you know I love you. Babe? Baby? Come on, baby. Are you ready for a good day at school today? [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] [CAR ENGINE STARTING] [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] [DOOR SLAMS] Hi. I'm Sam. I like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners. Oh, yeah, I'm also a convicted felon. Recently released from prison, who stole your letter and staked out your house. Yeah, I know, and you were expecting Prince Charming. [SIGHS] [SLOW GUITAR MUSIC PLAYING] <i> ♪ Other girls</i> <i> ♪ Just won't say</i> <i> ♪ I know</i> This is so wrong. I don't even have a driver's license, dude. SAM: Just drive in a straight line and slam on the brakes. I'll pretend you hit me. It'll be fine. That's her. Oh, she's very pretty. What? She is. Remember. Just like we planned. <i> ♪ Been around the world I've seen</i> <i> ♪ Enough crying out from a girl for me</i> <i> ♪ Baby I'm here</i> All right. [CAR ENGINE STARTING] [TIRES SCREECHING] Oh, shit! SAM: Whoa, watch out! [JOSIE YELPS] [TIRES SCREECHING] Shit. [HIGH-PITCHED FREQUENCY] JOSIE: [MUFFLED] Are you okay? JOSIE: [MUFFLED] Can you hear me? Are you hurt? Hi. Come on. Let's get you up. Come on, that's it. SAM: The guy just came out of nowhere. Hey! Hey! [CAR ENGINE SPUTTERING] Honestly, it's fine. Wait... Hey! [CAR ALARM BLARING] [TIRES SCREECHING] JOSIE: Get back here! Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. Little... light-headed. Okay, let's get you inside. Thank you. That's it. Over here. [SAM SIGHS] Sit down. Oh, my goodness, your hand. [SAM STUTTERS] Does it hurt? I hadn't even noticed. It was very brave of you. Thank you. Are you okay? I'll tel you what, here is my name and number. If you start to feel worse or get a headache, or just wanna lawyer up and need a witness... call me. Hi, Josie. I'm Sam. Hi, Sam. You sure you're okay? Better now. Okay. [TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING] HARRY: Have you remained in the residence since our last meeting? Yes, sir. Still living with my deadbeat brother. Have you maintained gainful full-time employment? Yep. I'm still stuck in reverse. In lieu of paying restitution, you've opted to perform community service, have you complied with the court order for the required number of hours? Tell me, sir, is this it? Is this what rehabilitation looks like? Something troubling you, son? Yeah. I need a better job, for starters, and a new car would be nice. And how's that possible when the system's rigged against people like me? People like you? I'm not a bad person. You're also not a victim. Look... I understand how hard it is when you first get out, you got no job, no prospects, and in your case, are unable to earn a living using the unique skill set that you have. I do get it. That's just it. I can still do coding and security work. I don't have to be connected to the Internet. I mean, I can do all my work on a dummy station and then send thumb drives. There has to be a job that'll let me do that. I'll tell you what, I'll do some digging for you. Really? In lieu of paying restitution, you've opted to perform community service. Have you complied with the court order for the required number of hours? Yes, sir. [INDISTINCT BROADCAST ON TV] [DAISY HUMMING] Sweetie, why aren't you asleep? Mama... Yes? Do you think Daddy's in heaven? Well... Come here. What do you think? Well, Albert Einstein said, "Energy can't be created or destroyed, "it can only be changed from one form to another." I think Daddy is a star. Daddy is a star. He was our star. Would you please sing me a song. Mm-hmm. [JOSIE VOCALIZING] <i> ♪ Galileo, what were you thinkin'</i> <i> ♪ What were you seein'</i> <i> ♪ To frighten you sometimes You might be a fool</i> <i>♪ Did you stand beneath the moon glow</i> <i>♪ To change the world</i> <i> ♪ Or impress a girl?</i> <i> ♪ Were you just sleepless and needing</i> <i> ♪ Something to do</i> JOSIE:<i> ♪ Tell me, Galileo ♪</i> [PLAYFUL BASS GUITAR PLAYING] SAM: Come on. Come on, pops. Well, hello there, sir. Hello. Where's your truck? High cholesterol. Doctor said I need more exercise. You look thin enough. It's a silent killer. Aren't they all? You have any mail in that bag of yours for me? Afraid not. You got any outgoing mail for me? Yes, I do. Right there. Thank you. You have a great day, sir. You too. JOSIE:<i> I interviewed for that customer service position today.</i> <i> I think it went well.</i> Hi, sir, how can I help you? Yeah, I need bee honey and all you have is wild flower honey, so... Well, sir, wild flower honey just means that the bees use primarily wild flower blossoms to make the honey. So... You think I'm stupid or something? My wife sent me down here to get bee honey, I need honey that's made from bees. Not by wild flowers. [GLASS RATTLING] [GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION] [SCREAMS IN FRUSTRATION] JOSIE:<i> And although the pay raise would certainly help,</i> <i> I still don't think it'll be enough for Daisy.</i> <i> Daisy...</i> <i> She got in trouble again at school today.</i> <i> What am I doing wrong?</i> <i> The guys are playing again this weekend.</i> <i> Should I go?</i> <i> I miss the music.</i> <i>But that was a different life.</i> <i> I was a different person.</i> No. Honey, you need to eat. Grandpa went through a lot of trouble making that for you. Smells like Godzilla farted. Daisy Maribel! Where did you learn that? At school. It's okay. No, Dad, it's not okay. Apologize. I'm sorry, Grandpa. Apology accepted. Now we eat some chicken nuggets and french fries? That'd be much better. Thank you. You're quite welcome. [DAISY HUMMING] Whatcha doing? I'm drawing a processional graph of Mercury's orbit. Isn't it pretty? JOSIE:<i> I've been stuck on this page for years.</i> It's beautiful. JOSIE:<i> I want to start a new chapter but,</i> <i> who am I?</i> <i> I've been caught between the past and the future.</i> <i> Just waiting...</i> <i> Is this it for me?</i> <i> All the dreams I had, are they...</i> <i> are they gone forever, too?</i> Hey there, Josie. Looking good! Hi, Tom, how are you today? Mother's going out for bingo tonight. She's going to be out late. That's nice. SAM: Excuse me! Um... I have a date tonight. Sorry, Tom. [GRUNTS] I think you just saved me again. I guess it's providence that we ran into each other then. Again. So, I never got a call form you, I take it you're okay? Well, I am a little concerned about this corn. Do you know if it's non-GMO? Did you get it in the certified organic produce section? Yes, I did. Then, yes, it is non-GMO. Great. I feel so much better now. Shall we? Shall we what? I believe you mentioned a date? Well, that... No, I didn't actually mean that you... you and I were gonna go on a... on a date. Then, shall we have a drink? Isn't that the same thing? Depends on how you look at it. Plus you do kind of owe me. I do not. Tom? [CONTAINER DROPS] JOSIE: [PLEADING] St... Stop it. Tom? And I jumped in front of a car for you. If that doesn't get a guy a drink, I don't know what does. Let me go clock out. [ROCK MUSIC PLAYING] <i> ♪ Why?</i> <i> ♪ The lies had to make the trees so heavy</i> <i> ♪ Oh, I</i> <i> ♪ I was such a fool No, I wasn't ready ♪</i> Here you go. Thank you. I can't stay long, though. My daughter is with her grandfather. You have a daughter? Where are you going? Yes, I have a daughter, I am widowed, and I haven't spoken with another man in years, let alone have a drink with one. Please, don't go. I'm sorry, I... I haven't done this in... ever. Neither have I. I always dreamed of being a singer. But, I mean, what kid didn't? Me. [CHUCKLES] I respect music way too much to subject this voice to it. [BOTH CHUCKLE] So, what's stopping you? Life, I suppose. I was even in a band. [BOTH CHUCKLE] People really do that? I mean, I feel like everybody wants to but I never met anybody who actually has. Well, don't let this customer service uniform fool you. We were good. You are brave. I was brave. I was. What about you? What did you want to be when you grew up? A fighter pilot. That's impressive. So are you a fighter pilot? [SCOFFS] Unfortunately, no. A little thing called school got in the way. Grades? No, no, that wasn't the problem, I got straight A's. I had what you might call... behavioral problems. Looking back, I think I was just bored. I acted out a lot. Do you still act out? Honesty, I just try to focus on the little victories. It's what gets me through the day. Hmm. Maybe some day, they'll add up to something. Something special. Let's drink to that. [ANSWERING MACHINE BEEPING] [ADMINISTRATOR]<i> Hello, Mrs. Cartwright, this is Hawthorne Elementary calling.</i> <i>Please give us a call back. It's regarding your daughter, Daisy. Thank you.</i> [SCHOOL BELL RINGING] [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Come in. Please, sit down, Mrs. Cartwright. What happened? Daisy hit a girl. She's okay. Just a little shaken up, they both are. Daisy gets frustrated easily which I'm sure you know. But the thing is, it's getting worse. She's becoming more anti-social. She just retreats into herself. She doesn't pay attention, she doesn't interact with the other kids, she just doodles all day long. I would like you to consider this. Special education? You're not serious? We just feel that she would do better in another program. One that can cater to her unique needs. But she's smart. She's really smart. We're doing the best we can, Mrs. Cartwright. But we can't have her hitting other kids. That's two weeks in a row. I have to take the well-being of all students into account, including that of Daisy's. [DOOR OPENS] [SOFT PIANO MUSIC PLAYING] Hey. You okay? Come here. <i> ♪ I think of you and I find my strength</i> <i> ♪ Remembering your warm embrace ♪</i> [CELL PHONE RINGS] Hello. SAM:<i> I was going to wait the requisite 48 hours, but...</i> Hello? Hi, Sam. I'm sorry. It's just been a really bad day. Well, lucky for you, I have just the thing. SAM:<i> Do you want to go out with me on a date?</i> <i> A real date.</i> I don't even know you. That's exactly what I'm trying to remedy. So, I'll pick you up at 8:00? Is that a yes? [WHISPERS] Yes. Yes. That's a yes. [PHONE DIALING] Hey. Can I have your address? Thank you. [LOCKER OPENING] STAN: You sure this is a good idea? SAM: I can't pick her up in the car you almost hit her. No, I mean this entire situation, dude. Look, have you ever had anybody love you? Think you were the greatest thing in the world? Yes. Jesus. Well, I haven't. But she has. Maybe she can feel that way about me someday. [WHISTLES] Mm-hmm. STAN: Mm-mmm. That's it. That's the one. How do you think this is gonna end? Really? I've gotta try. Try to be something better. If I don't, I'll just be living the same life I've always lived. Where has that gotten me? [CELL PHONE RINGING] Hello? HARRY:<i> Sam?</i> Yes. <i> Free tomorrow?</i> Yes, sir. <i> Got you an interview.</i> Really? <i> Brinker Stag Investments.</i> That's great. That's amazing. Be there at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Yeah, I'll be there. All right, good luck. How can I help you, Special Agent... You have Sam Collins on papers, correct? I do. Is there a problem? Has he reported on his weekly probation? He has. Hasn't missed even once? No, he's been a model probationer, why? Hasn't asked you to look the other way? You know, you're bordering on the offensive, Agent... Ames. Ames. Right. Of course, forgive me. Uh... One more question before I leave. Has he mentioned anything to you at all about stolen bitcoins? No. Thank you for your time. You're aware that lying to an FBI agent carries a maximum sentence of five years? Yes, I'm well aware of the law, Agent Ames. Is there anything else I can do for you? [UPBEAT COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING] <i> ♪ Please, please me</i> <i> ♪ Please, please me</i> [CAR ENGINE REVS] [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Hello, sir. I'm here to pick up Josie. Postal work pays pretty well. My aunt recently... We were very close. JOSIE: Honey... Who are you? JOSIE: Come inside with Grandpa. Please take her, Dad. Come on, darling. Okay, but, who is that man? JACK: That's the mailman. Hi. Hi. JOSIE: Wow, I haven't been to this part of town in forever. I hear there are some great restaurants that opened up. And speaking of. I thought we were going to dinner. Don't let this place fool you. They serve the best corned beef you'll ever taste. I can't go in there. Look, here's the thing. We could do a quiet evening in a restaurant talking all night. Serious adults having serious conversations. Or, we could go in here, have a meal, laugh, listen to great music. Your choice. [PEOPLE CHEERING, CLAPPING] [WITH IRISH ACCENT] Hey, man, can I get another round of Guinness for the band. Three? It'll be up in a wee minute. Yeah. Josie? Is that really you? Oh, my God, I can't believe you're actually here. [JOSIE CHUCKLING] How've you been? God, you look amazing. Hey, I'm Sam. Hey, there. I'm Gareth. Oh, uh... Sorry. I hope you're taking good care of this one. She's a special girl. Absolu... It's not like... [SAM CLEARS THROAT] Um, well, look, we're just about to start the first set, but please swing by during the break. I know the rest of the gang would love to see you. Yeah. It was great to see you again. It's good to see you too, Gareth. MAN: When's the music gonna start? Cheers. So, you know that band I used to sing with. No, way. What are the chances? [MELODIC TUNE PLAYING] [GARETH SINGING IN THE BACKGROUND] SAM:<i> "Neither snow nor rain nor heat</i> "nor gloom of night stays these couriers "from the swift completion of their appointed round." Come on. You are making that up. No, that's really the postman's creed. [BOTH LAUGHING] If only every occupation sounded so noble. So, you like it? It certainly has its perks. <i> ♪ Let's go slowly</i> <i> ♪ Don't say love me</i> <i>♪ Don't want to roll the dice</i> <i> ♪ Just yet ♪</i> I was five years old. [GARETH CONTINUES SINGING] Looked up to my grandpa. He was my idol in a way that parents can't be at that age. And I was walking down the street with my mom, and... he was on the other side, approaching us. And, so, I called out to him, "Grandpa! Grandpa!" And he just kept walking. Pretended like he didn't even see me. Wow. He had remarried. His first wife had died and the new wife thought it would be a good idea to disassociate him from his kids. That was the last I ever talked to my grandfather. A few weeks later, we packed up and left town in the middle of the night. I started to stutter. I kept asking my parents if... if I was good. I was paranoid, really. And then I grew up and realized, it doesn't really matter if you're good or not. My being good had nothing to do with his choice. Jesus. You can probably tell I don't get out much. [CHUCKLES] [SIGHS] My husband died. Six years ago, in Afghanistan. He was a marine. Compliments of the band. WAITRESS: And can I get you anything else? No, thank you. The sad part is, is that... he never even got to meet his daughter. What kind of man was he? He was honest. He always saw the positive in everything. He was a romantic. He was kind. He loved me. And I loved him. We were high school sweethearts, I mean... he's all I've ever known. And when his life ended, so did mine. Now I live for Daisy. At least I try to. Wow. Yeah. Wow. [AUDIENCE CLAPPING] Thank you very much, folks. We're Fair Play Lass. And now I'd like to invite a very, very special lady up on stage. It's been a long time since she's spit a few lines with us and seeing her here tonight, me and the boys just couldn't pass on the opportunity. I think he's talking about you. Josie, come on up here. Let's have some fun. Um, I'm good. No. Go on, I'll be right here. You can do this. There she is, folks, give her a big hand. [AUDIENCE CHEERING, CLAPPING] [UPBEAT GUITAR MUSIC PLAYING] <i> ♪ Baby</i> <i>♪ Tell me what you're thinking</i> <i> ♪ 'Cause baby</i> <i> ♪ I've been thinking, too</i> <i> ♪ Maybe</i> <i> ♪ It's only wishful dreaming</i> <i> ♪ But lately</i> <i> ♪ I only dream of you</i> [BOTH]<i> ♪ Oh</i> <i> ♪ I need to know</i> <i> ♪ Tell me</i> <i> ♪ Would you come running whenever love calls</i> <i> ♪ Would you fly with me without fear in the fall</i> <i> ♪ Give me your heart</i> <i> ♪ Or nothing at all ♪</i> Thank you for tonight. I had forgotten what it feels like to have fun. Look, Josie, I really like you and I wanna be completely hon... Shh. [DOOR BELL RINGS] [JOSIE YELPS] [BOTH LAUGHING] Yeah, that was pretty smooth. Good night. Good night. Fill this out. And I also need to see two forms of ID. SAM: Hey, I'm from the Zoldi Corporation. We look after your network infrastructure. Excuse me. We recently updated the BIOS on your system drives and as reported, the Wi-Fi is assigning dynamic IP addresses to the ones that should be static. So, I need to get in the server room. It's an emergency, so if you could just push that button. [BUZZER SOUNDING] SAM: Thank you. Oh, I'm sorry. [CHUCKLES] Unbelievable. [CAMERA CLICKS] [SIGHS DEEPLY] How may I help you? I was brought in to do an integrity check on the Wi-Fi network, and I came across a DDoS attack on the way on your mainframe. "Distributed denial of service." It's kind of a big problem. Okay. What would you like me to do? I would like you to get me in there. They're in meetings. Look, I'm sure you've done everything right to get behind this big desk. Went to the right school, flashed that saccharin smile of yours, and used it at just the right moment to kiss the boss' ass, but if you don't get me in there, all anybody will remember is that you're the guy who failed to protect this company. You're responsible for all its clients' money being stolen. Now, is that what you worked so hard for? No. No, it's not. So, I want you to use those... perfectly-manicured hands of yours to pick up that phone and get me in there. Right now. Yes, there's a gentleman out here with our network provider, who says we're under a distributed denial... [WHISPERING] ...of service attack. ...of service attack? Yes, ma'am. Yes, okay. She said to go on in. What do you know? What's going on? I'm here for my interview. Excuse me? The network security interview. May I? You've been hacked, by the way. [SIGHS] I don't understand. SAM: it's what's called social engineering. I simply impersonated a field technician, said I was checking Wi-Fi integrity and security parted like the Red Sea. I could have loaded any kind of malware or spyware on your company's mainframe. I could have downloaded every document or email in this firm. But, of course, I didn't. Sam Collins? Yes, sir. I understand the condition of your probation is you're not allowed access to the Internet. Maybe I should have hacked in after all. Changed the records. [CHUCKLES] Forgive me, but, isn't access to the Internet kind of needed to secure our company from attacks coming... from... the Internet? Well, [CLEARS THROAT] as I said, my hack today was simple social engineering. Which is exactly what some teenager did when he hacked the head of the CIA, by the way. Where the Internet is concerned, I can write software simulating any kind of attack imaginable. Then I can create a virtual environment to test these attacks, and then provide the code for somebody else to implement. Mr. Collins, although we appreciate your enthusiasm... Corporations spend $60 billion worldwide on information security services last year. They're expected to shell out another 86 billion this year. The reality is, you control a lot of money, but you're vulnerable. Entrepreneurial hackers hunt for security flaws in companies just like yours. Then they sell that info to governments from Russia to North Korea, as well as your competitors. For that single vulnerability, I could have been paid $150,000. You're welcome. [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] Look, hire a middle-aged man with a computer degree from your local community college, if that's what you think will protect you. But don't say you haven't been warned. Thank you, Mr. Collins for your... insightful commentary. We'll be in touch. How'd the interview go? What are you doing here? Sure, help yourself. What are we gonna do with you, Sam? You've got nothing on me. You know, impersonating a postal worker is a federal crime? I'm sure that your probation officer would be none too pleased upon receiving this information. Neither would the judge. Okay, I get it. Okay, so back to my original question. What are we gonna do with you? Pretend like it never happened. No, that's... That's not what I had in mind. Get me the bitcoins, Sam. Then this little problem of yours will go away. I told you, I don't have them. I... I never did. You got three days. [SIGHS] [UPBEAT ROCK MUSIC PLAYING] Stanley, we need to talk. Come on, Stan, I know you're in there. David, please open up. We need to find those bitcoins, now. Agent Ames just busted me for stealing mail. What? Why are you stealing mail? Well, first for money, but then for... love. Oh, so the bad boys really do get all the girls, don't they? No, they don't. The girls that matter, they just want an honest man. Okay, the uh... [SIGHS] Okay. The bitcoins disappeared when I ran them through the tumbler. He's never gonna find them. [SIGHS] I'm sorry, Sam. I can't believe you tried to launder them. What are you gonna do? [IMPATIENTLY] I don't know, David. I'm thinking of giving prayer a try. [SCREAMING ON TV] Kung fu? Really? Yeah. It's cool. [ICE CREAM TRUCK MUSIC PLAYING] Are you messing with me, Sam? No, sir. Then why did you hack into that job interview? I was trying to take initiative. I thought I could help them. They weren't asking you for that kind of help. Their ignorance isn't something I could ignore. Their ignorance? I was doing that company a favor. No! You were gambling with my relationships. The world is burning around us, and we're playing by a different set of rules. You smoke one joint, you're not FBI material. You show initiative, you're told not to think outside the box. You hack into a company to try to help people, you're relegated to working in an ice-cream cone. It's not how you win a war. Not this one. A war? Okay, enlighten me, son. How does one win this war? You put your best soldiers on the front lines and let them battle it out. Just like we've always done. Is that how you see yourself, a soldier? I could be. Young man, to be a soldier, you have to think of someone other than yourself. Because when you're a soldier, if you make a mistake, people could die. Right now, what I see hiding behind that charming smile of yours, is someone who is out for himself, damn the rest of us. Is that the type of soldier you wanna be? Agent Ames, came by my office yesterday. Is there something you wanna tell me? About stolen bitcoins? [SIGHS] I didn't steal his bitcoins. Not that it matters, he circumvented the law before to put me in prison, he'll do it again. Okay. HARRY: Hmm. Whoa. [GRUNTS] [BREATHING HEAVILY] STAN: [WHISPERING] Okay, let's make this cool. All right. Hi-yah! [GRUNTS] [THUD] [TRACKER BEEPS] [INDISTINCT CHATTER OVER PA] Huh? [AMES BREATHING HEAVILY] [CAT SCREECHES] [TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING] [INDISTINCT CONVERSATION] Hello, Barb. Stay right there. [INDISTINCT CONVERSATION] [SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, Adam. Sorry, do I know you? You think it's funny, what you're doing to that lady? What's it to you? She's somebody's mother. Somebody's daughter. What if it was your mom? Gimme the money. Sorry. Tell that to her. Get in the car. [AMES KNOCKING ON DOOR] LARRY: I sent you packing for a reason, honey. What the hell! This shit better be important. FBI. I swear, she told me she was 18. Where's Sam? Oh, um, have you checked his work? What I was just saying before, I was just kiddin'. [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] Hmm. [INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION] Hmm. Excuse me. Outta my way. Where's Sam? I'm sorry. I don't speak rude. Don't mess with me, sprinkle lady. I don't know, he's not on the schedule. You wanna look? I was wondering when you'd show back up. Come here. I got somethin' for ya. Well... aren't you gonna open it? How long have you known? [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] I had a barber in Vietnam. His name was Frank. That wasn't his real name. He had a wife, kids, from the village, just outside of Saigon where I was stationed. Long Binh. Frank was a jolly guy, always smilin'. Just like you. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] Then one day while he was giving me a shave, the razor stopped. I looked up at Frank, and he had this look on his face... A mixture of hate and fear. Normally you just see one or the other when they're fightin'. But this was close up. It made it more real. Turns out Frank was Viet Cong. Turns out a lot of our friends were. So, tell me, what is it you want, Sam? I just wanna be the kinda man that she could someday write a letter to. Nothing's stopping you from being that kinda man but yourself. You'll find her at work. I'm assuming you've received my e-mail? Our adversary, the Devil, prowls like a roaring lion seeking to devour its prey. FBI. That so? Yeah, that is so. We're investigating reports of missing mail in the neighborhood. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? Can't say I have. If you and your daughter are involved in any of this, that makes you accessories after the fact. Again, I have no idea what you're talking about. Well, if you think of anything. [INDISTINCT CHATTER OVER PA] JOSIE: Cheese is in the dairy section, last aisle. Have a good day. Thanks. Bye. Are you here for some more corn? [CHUCKLES] No. I'm here for you. I want you to know that I haven't been honest with you. Not about some things at least. Things I hope don't change how you feel about me because I'm... I'm... I'm still the same person. Collins. You're under arrest for impersonating a U.S. postal worker. Josie... Sam, what's going on? Let's go. I'm sorry, I... You're not sorry. You're done. That was your answer? Stealing more of my bitcoins? Huh? Stay right there. Stand down, I'm arresting this man. No, you're not. I said, stand down, I'm arresting this man. No, no, no. Drop your weapon! [POLICE SIREN BLARING] I said, drop your weapon. POLICE OFFICER: Drop your weapon. Drop it now! We know about the bitcoins. It's all over, Ames. Last chance. I'm not gonna tell you again. Drop your weapon now. You're making a big mistake. Mark Ames, you're under arrest for wire fraud and money laundering. Do you know who I am? Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. I assume you're aware you're going to jail. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You okay, kid? Yeah. Thank you. Go ahead. Open it. JACK: The Tomb of the Unknown Solider doesn't actually receive letters. But, I never had the heart to tell you. It seemed you needed something to hold on to. Something that could get you from moment to moment. So, when the first letter was returned, I set up a post office box and forwarded them there. This box is just one of many. There's two letters missing from that box. You think there's a chance they may have reached their intended destination after all? How could you say that? Michael is dead. He died six years ago. Daisy needs a mother. A mother willing to chase her dreams, otherwise what are you showing her? How to survive? Survival isn't enough. Not when she has an opportunity to thrive. You can honor him by living. Not by writing letters. [SIGHS] HARRY: Have you remained in the same residence since our last meeting? SAM: Yes, sir. Have you maintained gainful full-time employment? Have you, uh... You handled yourself well during this whole mess. I could have done better. Well, life is more about where you end up, not where you begin. Don't you think? Yes, sir. I'm gonna... recommend early termination of your probation. What? I mean, it'll be up to the judge to make the final decision, but... I'm confident he'll judge favorably. Thank you. Thank you, sir. I don't have to tell you to make the most of this second chance. No, sir. You have my word. [DOOR OPENS] I'm so glad to see you. How are you? I'm doing well. Why are you doing this, David? Please, call me Stanley. [CHUCKLING] Oh, thank God. I knew if Agent Ames stole bitcoins once, he'd do it again. So, I hacked into his accounts and traced all his deposits. But, in order to send everybody that email, I had to hack into the Department of Justice. Apparently they don't look too favorably on that sorta thing. So... [SIGHS] I also told them that it was me who stole the mail. What? Why would you do that? "Greater love hath no man than this, "that a man lay down his life for his friends." It's exactly what you did for me, when you took the fall for us. This is my opportunity to pay you back. I have to tell them. Don't you dare. It'll mess up my plea bargain. So, how's your girl? Doubtful I'll ever know. Haven't you asked her? Sam, you have to ask her. Otherwise, what has this whole thing been for? Remember, you've got to try. Speaking of... She's a weird girl, that Rachel. Said she always wanted a pen pal in prison. [GUARD KNOCKING ON DOOR] What can I do for you? Talk to Josie. Sam. There's something I want you to have. Yeah? My Bible. I'd be honored. John, Chapter 4 is my favorite. Let's see what the big deal is, Stan, shall we. [STRAINING] John, Chapter 4. [WHISPERS] John, Chapter 4. A bitcoin wallet address? Stanley, you sly son of a gun. Well, what do you know. You really do have all the answers. <i> ♪ I could never see</i> <i> ♪ The man</i> <i> ♪ I should be</i> <i> ♪ Till I loved you</i> <i> ♪ Till I loved you</i> What are you doing here? I came to apologize. You stole my letters. Yes, I did. What gives you the right? Nothing. Nothing at all. I don't even know who you are. [SIGHS] I'm a computer hacker. A convicted felon who was recently granted early release from probation. I work in a giant ice cream cone on the other side of town. And I stole your mail, hoping I could earn a couple extra bucks. But that was before I read your letters. Before I fell in love with you. From that moment, I resolved to change. To become a better man. You're a thief. I only hacked into the bad people. You hacked into me, Sam. Into my life. You know all about my little girl, my family! Do you know how violated that makes me feel? What, am I a bad person, too? No, you're the best person I've ever met. [SIGHS] [JOSIE SNIFFLES] We're leaving. We're moving to Nashville next month. What will you do? I don't know. I don't know, besides knock on the door of that school every day until they let Daisy in. She's no closer to getting in by being here. I meant, for you. I am so thankful that we met, and whether this was real or not... This was real. For me. For me, too. I'm a better person because of you. So am I. Take care of yourself, Sam. Good things happen to good people. Don't ever lose hope in that. <i> ♪ Didn't dream</i> <i> ♪ Of all the things</i> <i> ♪ Life could be</i> <i> ♪ Till I loved you</i> <i> ♪ Till I loved you</i> <i> ♪ Till I loved you ♪</i> [DAISY PLAYING THE PIANO] Oh, hey, Dad. She's finished with her lesson, I'll be home tonight around 10:00, so... A letter came for you. From who? Why don't you take a look. [JOSIE SOBBING] Shh. It's okay. We'll figure something out. [JOSIE CHUCKLES SOFTLY] No. "On behalf of the Kinsen Morgan Academy, "I'm please to congratulate you on the acceptance "of your daughter, Daisy, into our program." What? Keep reading. "A designated scholarship gift "has been presented in Daisy's name, "covering tuition and fees for each year she is enrolled." [JOSIE LAUGHS IN JOY] ARMY RECRUITER:<i> How well do you manage adversity?</i> SAM:<i> Well, you've heard of the fight or flight response.</i> <i> I was really good at the flight part.</i> <i> Problem is, I was</i> <i> equally good at convincing people I was fighting.</i> ARMY RECRUITER:<i> And now?</i> SAM:<i> I'm tired of running and getting nowhere.</i> <i> So, I figured it was about time</i> <i>to start fighting for something bigger than myself.</i> ARMY RECRUITER:<i> Can you describe a time</i> <i> when you had to demonstrate leadership?</i> SAM:<i> I think I've always been a natural leader.</i> <i> It's where I've led people that's been the problem.</i> <i> So, that's why I'm here.</i> ARMY RECRUITER:<i> What do you have to offer us?</i> Let's get you outta here. SAM:<i> Intelligence.</i> ARMY RECRUITER:<i> Your intelligence?</i> SAM:<i> Yeah, that...</i> <i> Computers, Internet.</i> <i> Obtaining political and military information.</i> <i> Fighting with my fingers, you know?</i> ARMY RECRUITER:<i> Care to explain?</i> I can destroy networks. Penetrate enemy computers to steal or manipulate data. I can release a worm to take down control and command systems of our enemies, so they can't communicate with ground forces. Or fire surface-to-air missiles. That sort of thing. Why do you want to serve your country? I appreciate the opportunity we all have to chase our dreams, <i> no matter our background.</i> <i>And I'm willing to do whatever it takes, to ensure we don't lose that right.</i> Plus, there's something undeniably sexy about being part of the biggest, baddest military on the planet. Don't you think? Do you think you have what it takes to be a soldier? Yes, sir. I believe I do. [PLAYFUL BASS TUNE PLAYING] SAM:<i> "Dear Josie..."</i> <i> ♪ We talk about a beach in Tahiti</i> <i> ♪ Saint-Germain and Paris, France</i> <i>♪ What makes the best martini</i> <i> ♪ Stirred or shaken before it hits your glass</i> <i> ♪ We talk about this We talk about that</i> <i> ♪ When we gonna get down to brass tax</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ We talk about having three wishes</i> <i> ♪ And a genie to make 'em come true</i> <i> ♪ You go for a Maserati</i> <i> ♪ I'm thinking oceanfront Malibu</i> <i> ♪ We talk about this We talk about that</i> <i> ♪ A whole lotta nothing as a matter of fact</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ We go on about our favorite movies</i> <i>♪</i> Casablanca<i> or</i> Heaven Can Wait <i> ♪ Astronomy, philosophy</i> <i> ♪ Blind luck, or is it fate</i> <i> ♪ I've been waiting</i> <i> ♪ Anticipating for the one thing</i> <i> ♪ Missing from our conversations</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i>♪ When we gonna talk about love</i> <i> ♪ L-O-V-E</i> <i> ♪ When we gonna talk about love ♪</i>
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 170,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, George Blagden, Charleene Closshey, Robbie Kay, Jeremy Culver, Morgen Culver, comedy movie, romance movie, romantic comedy movie, rom com movie, No Postage Necessary Movie, No Postage Necessary Full Movie, No Postage Necessary 2017 Movie, No Postage Necessary 2017 Full Movie
Id: m024gJNaan4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 31sec (6271 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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