Homeless for the Holidays (2009) | Full Movie | Matt Moore | Crystal Dewitt-Hinkle

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[Music] everyone loves a good story especially a Christmas story there's something magical about dancing lights decorated trees and beautifully wrapped gifts that stirs within us a nostalgic sense of yesteryear memories of a better time but this isn't that kind of Christmas story no no no what makes this story special is the fact that most of it really happened and not too long ago known as the Christmas crazies Jack Baker's family always celebrated the holidays with the most splendorous display of illumination in the neighborhood Jack would tell you that it was because he loved the season what he might not mention is that he also simply preferred to be the best at everything he did well it's Christmas time again which means big lights big gifts and big expectations for children and grown-ups everywhere but bicycles and video games aren't on the minds of everyone this December including the Robinson family who live just behind me at least they did until their house was foreclosed just two days ago now like dozens of families here in wooded Falls they'll be spending their Christmas looking for a home kind of a depressing way to kick off a Saturday morning isn't it dad you know the unemployment rate in wooded Falls is up 7 percent this year unemployment rate why why are you watching cartoons some of these people can't even afford Christmas presents do you know what that means yeah all the good toys are still in stock seriously I want you playing more video games hey Michelle can you come play with me Oh sweetie you know I would love to but mom and dad have a very important meeting with Santa today we got to tell him everything you want for Christmas hey Angie we'll be over here in a little bit ok ok what's wrong you love Angie okay hey I know I haven't been around much the past few months years don't you have comic books be normal just a busy time for dad right now okay and there's people pulling at me from every different direction but it won't always be like this ok ok ok it's an important call that's what you always say but you know how mom gets gonna rings on the weekends yeah oh you're kidding yep be right there hey you two be good all right we'll see you tonight being the best was good and Jack looked forward to a long satisfying life at the top and it may have happened that it not been for a brief encounter with an unusual Santa yeah Merry Christmas can you help yeah Oh quarter bless your generosity you know they say if you just give a little a great deal can be accomplished may your life be forever changed from this day forth Merry Christmas [Music] I'm serious I got the government robbing me from the top because I make good money I don't need the poor chipping at me from below I don't work 70 hours a week [ __ ] hates this whole planet I'm serious Cheryl I feel like everything that moves and breeze I got to support it Baker mr. Ferguson hi no I left it on my desk hey is there any way I can get that to you early Monday morning I need it right now yeah no not a problem be there in 15 minutes I got assigned the Allison contract look he needs it Cheryl alright I got to go in I'll just take a few minutes it never just takes a few minutes check the moment you walk through that door it's gonna be like any other day and he's gonna put you to work yeah maybe you're right what do you want me to do is my fault okay you know what I want for Christmas jack you I want the phone to stop ringing and I want you even if for just a few days yeah and that's cute no but when this phone stops ringing we're gonna be bum and Santa for peanut butter before you know it you and I and the kids will be spending all kinds of time by the pool I got a position myself now Cheryl we have talked about this you've talked about this jack for years how many more years are we gonna lose before this elusive bliss begins I need some money for the sleep and needy offering yeah an egg comes home to everybody else is giving wouldn't want you guys gonna look bad in front of your friends huh there you go this is out of here [Music] okay well thank you all right class let's remember we all give a little together we can do things yes yes Christmas have always been a magical time for Jack and his family a perfectly orchestrated exhibition of memory worthy bliss for all involved [Music] greasy oily stains now you can wash this all away with a beautiful blue since hitting the market over two years ago with the beautiful blue line the question has always been how do we sell more product well I'm pleased to inform you that we have sold over two million units this quarter alone and as soon as this little darlin hits the airwaves the numbers are projected to double for next quarter so ladies gentlemen we have ourselves a new question what changes will we have to make in order to keep up with the explosion of future sales Jack you outdid yourself today kid if you come anywhere near those projections I think there may be a VP position waiting for you I'm shot oh it's say I ordered my new nameplate yesterday sir I look forward to exceeding your expectations I bet you do big day today Baker now go home get some sleep see you in the morning ha what do you want it's me Wesley sir I'm Jack O's co marketing executive if I could have just a few moments of your time I'd love to show you some new concepts for the beautiful blue line that I think will rock your world we already have product design for beautiful blue it's been on the show for two years now yes and no offense to the amateur who designed them but I think with a few minor enhancements we could take our look to the next level what I have we hire a CO marketing executive I didn't authorize this but we didn't he's my assistant I hired him three weeks ago he's just a little there are two hard solid facts you need to know about me you little worm I never forget a face and I don't take kindly to people lying to me you just dug yourself a pit and I don't expect you'll ever crawl out of it okay where'd you say Baker you get an iron I overslept pace yourself Wes e you don't just throw designs and mr. Ferguson in the hallway there's a time and a place for that and it's not here you'll get the hang of it if I keep [Music] [Music] bisher what have you been we've been trying to reach you all morning we have a serious problem Jack I'm not sure how we're gonna get through this one what happened is that your signature no let me ask you again is that your signature yes well it appears you signed off on a label with a serious misprint on it signed off what are you talking about use in well-ventilated area press down on cap to open do now inhale fumes mean do people even read those instructions apparently they do 200 mindless drones were hospitalized after those bottles ship last Thursday the EPA tied all the illnesses to us last night look I didn't sign off on anything I've never even seen this form before in my life of course you haven't we've never used them and believe you me somebody's gonna lose their job over that one but the real problem is without this form and your signature on it there's only one person that those folks are gonna blame me that can't happen are you throwing me to the wolves it's for the good of the company son they believe me they shut us down and hundreds of jobs will be lost in this present economy wooded Falls may not recover for years if ever you take the hint one job is lost and I'll bring you back later with a handsome raise as soon as all this blows over sir dr. Boll of this family the house I can barely afford I'm our only source of income this could really hurt us I guess I'm not asking whether or not you're comfortable with it the forms have already been filed they're waiting to speak with you the question is are you going to play ball and save hundreds of jobs or are you gonna make this messy for everyone they want to talk to you [Music] fired mr. Ferguson's been like a dad to you for 15 years how could he do that no idea so we need a plan you say Dave's gonna call me back when this whole thing blows over so just wait it out what if it takes months we don't have that much in savings have you thought about how we're gonna pay the mortgage the credit cards the utilities no I don't really want to it's just need time to let him sink in maybe I could go back to work for a while Cheryl you haven't taught number 10 years I mean by the time you renew your teaching certificate I'll be back to work and this whole thing will be a distant memory besides I mean there's playing teachers off right now it's it's impossible to find a job in this economy any thoughts on moving forward I kind of like being on vacation hey don't worry they'll call formulating any plans in here never rings anymore what no idea how much I enjoyed being needed four more bills today we're past due on a couple of them any thoughts on how we're gonna get caught up he'll call he just needs more time for the smoke to clear fine then I'll leave these here for you [Music] sweetie why isn't he calling it's 3:00 p.m. are you going to be getting out of bed today I see [Music] yeah what do you want I told you it's gonna call me Oh you'll listen to me mr. Baker and you listen good you've been dealt a bad hand I get that but I'm not gonna let you lay around and talk about it anymore you understand me it's over mr. Ferguson is not going to call you back but it's okay because there's hundreds of companies out there who would love to have you on their team it's time to go out there and figure out who they are and get you on their team I love you Jack Baker it's time to come back now serious I swore it worked dim it I don't think I can use you I'm sorry huh well you've done a lot of selling and whatnot but you ain't never worked in the car business per se we ain't selling $8 bottles of floor scrub here with deal in two thousand pound killing machines that help people get to work and all besides ain't you that guy on TV that poisoned all them people I don't need you to give him a lot of bad name that's not possible I mean your name has been banned from public schools that's profanity that's not official yet I once read an article they sold a car to a lady that needed to be pushed started hey I gave that lady a deal on that car I knocked 50 bucks off the window price she was an 83 year old widow with a walker I mean you framed and matted the picture that was a big win for me let's see you make that sale I don't even know why I'm in here I wouldn't work for you if you were the last place in wooded Falls oh you're gonna storm out of here now like you're refusing an offer or something hey I turned you down remember nobody's gonna hire you you know any people came in here to apply for this job in the last week alone 650 it's an employer's market here yeah you think you're all fancy because you had some big job once well let me tell you something I had the former president of glyco steel in that seat just three hours ago I can hire anybody I want to people like you on the other hand you're gonna have to leave the country to get a job I'll find a job don't you lose a minute of sleep over that I'm not going anywhere what it Falls actually means something to me I love this town and I am gonna raise my family here you know I've worked my entire lifetime to build a good reputation it's gonna take a lot more than a phony news article to destroy [Music] Silvia send in the next one [Music] [Music] today I don't see how are you thank you how are you it couldn't be better not a bit can I be praying for you about anything what no we're fine thanks [Music] good morning okay so the idea is that we're now offering all-natural cleaning solutions so no one else gets poisoned by our stuff this is a revolutionary because no one else is doing it so we're going to focus on being the true Blazers this also gives us a competitive advantage because people always stay loyal to the first company to take a product to the market no they don't huh my seven year old granddaughter could disprove that theory with one hand and an internet connection where did you gather that information I Snapple is what are you making this up even if that concept were accurate and it isn't it would only work against us we're not the first green cleaning company I was totally were doing something brand new that this was something totally different brand new for us did you research our competition at all before developing this campaign or are you just pulling this out of the air like what do you mean that's it this meeting is over folks I will see you Thursday Melvin yes sir if I ever lock eyes with you on this property again I will personally wring you out and make you drink your own sweat you understand me yes sir when I said replace Baker I didn't mean with a corpse what about all the other applicants actually sir at the 57 we interviewed he was the most qualified what turns out a good marketing mind is very difficult to combine that's probably why Fury's we've been trying to steal Jack away from us for years good thing he's been so dedicated to us if they they got a hold of him we'd be flipping chicken patties right now yeah that's the thing apparently our new sales guy Jim was talking with a furies rep at the colorado convention last week he may have mentioned Jack's departure you're telling me that Curie's knows that jack is on the market and that is our most qualified replacement that appears to be the case how this could end badly for us we need to make sure that pure ease never gets their hands on Jack Baker [Music] hey babe thanks for waiting up with me tonight it's been the longest day oh I'm beginning to think I am not gonna get a good job now we don't need a good job jack we need an income keep it down a few notches Cheryl come on I mean I have had a long day and no money to show for it so what good is it you might as well been here helping me with the kids least you'd accomplish something okay I love you Cheryl I love you to pieces tear into me like that come on this is how we used to be remember me back when you and I thought we weren't gonna make it I'm not going back to that I'm not the marital boxing gloves are retired you cannot talk to me like that I mean I am fighting a few emotions to Cheryl well you're sure hiding it well what do you want me to do you only walk around like I'm mad at the world you're gonna slam the door check the neighbor's dog I mean would that really make you feel better I want you to just show me that you're at least a little worried that it's not some big joke to you and that you're gonna fix it is that what you want to hear that I'm worried I'm worried I'm worried that the secure life I've worked 15 years to build for us is so fragile that a few bad months could actually wipe it out I'm worried that every time I get rejected by a minimum-wage job just maybe not as valuable as I thought I was worried mr. Ferguson doesn't keep his word doesn't call me back but I'm not gonna be able to provide the kind of light that I don't want you for the woman children I love I am worried Sheryl because for once in my life I've got a problem it's not within my power to fix it you want to know that I'm worried by worried you are the most valuable person in the world to me with or without a job don't you ever be confused about that but you know what I think it is within your power to fix it you're the most creative me like no don't just fill out an application and walk away use that creativity to set yourself apart [Music] can I help you sir yeah may speak with Eddie Eddie some guys who see you I'll be right with you yes sir what can I do for you I turned in an application a couple of days ago just check it in see if you reached a decision yet no I haven't found a qualified candidate yet but I know or when I see her okay well I just want you to know I'm very interested I've been out of work a long time I've got a family to feed christmas is just around the corner I need to start making some money duly noted Thanks if you could just look at my application a second time I'm extremely motivated I will give this company my best look ma'am I'm sure you're a great guy I bet you can flip patties as well as anybody in this place the truth of the matter is just not my type hey I'll work for free how's that I'll work the first week for free if you like my work cut me a check if not I'll walk you keep my pay for yourself we'll call it a risk-free trial so you're saying if I fire you for any reason I get to keep your peg no questions asked a risk-free trial that's original I like that hey you should be like a marketing guy or something I'll tell you what I'll give you a shot come back here tomorrow at noon but you're gonna be my greeter is that okay yeah that's okay that's great thank you hey why wouldn't that be okay [Music] [Music] don't forget to wash your flippers their eating establishment [Music] here we go [Music] Baker there you are man where have you been I need you back here now I thought you wanted me outside do I look like I need you outside get back here and get on this cash register now come on use the register high-schoolers know how to run this thing figure it out I'll be with you in a second dude get back here hurry it up jack come on I'll take a big Wally with a large fry and I want a chocolate shake instead of a soda and give me a medium chili cheese fries no make it a large a large a large got it do you want just the sandwich earth or dejoy the whole meal are you serious I just said it I know I'm new I'm sorry could you please repeat the order large frog chocolate shake large chili-cheese fry just this flipper makes it very difficult would that be all if I wanted more I would have ordered it yes that's all take my money your total is 726 make sure he can count she'll stop it mommy's trying to read [Music] what man get you this wonderful day what Apple day maybe for you give me a super Wally with onion rings large and orange drink your total is 567 thank you and what may I have our chefs prepare for you today your cherry I have a lot to be cheery about what can I get for you [Applause] I've got to give you props old man never seen anybody catch on that fast keep working like that you just might be back here next week thanks Eddie hey do you mind if I give my wife a quick call I just want to check up on my kids making a call on the clock man I thought that was a chick thing you deserve it the moment you see a customer come in here you hang it up all right will do [Music] you've gotta be kidding me can you like take this out for me I'm totally busy you guys have order number 319 have a great day Jack Baker hey Wesley how you been so this is what the next step looks like not exactly what I had envisioned but hey you gotta pace yourself right you gotta put food on the table Wesley what can I get you oh that's so sad mr. big-time corporate executive has to wear a beak in order to feed the family oops I think I feel a tear coming on yep there's moisture but wait no it's a tear of joy because it appears there's justice in the world after all let's see I'll take a big Wally large soda small fry for watching my figure and a triple order of giddy joy I'm even willing to pay for it but it looks like that one's on you now doesn't it 586 I can't wait to tell everyone at the office about this I'm so happy I think I'm gonna burst your orders 212 thank you no thank you [Music] what I just thought you might like to know where I went for lunch today and I'm telling everyone why would I care where you eat lunch because I went to penguin point where I was served by our dear friend Jack Baker he's working at penguin point he's more desperate than I thought he was never willing to relocate before but if he gets an offer from pure eats now he just might take it this is bad we have got to remind him why he wants to stay in wooded Falls and you're the one who's going to help me do it Oh diabolical plan how exciting [Music] Hey yeah how's my working man's first day on the job his hard work kids do it everybody treats you like a bomb expelled so ecstatic about getting them a burger a basic respect gone nobody says please anymore do you say please at restaurants you gonna get that nope it's probably just another bill collector they've been calling every few hours and I still don't have any money to pay them I figure if I don't answer they'll just stop calling so enough about that tell me about your day it's totally not interesting I'm just excited about getting that first paycheck me too I need to do some Christmas shopping the kids need a new winter coat winter boots yeah or maybe we could just focus on paying some of our bills off you think you know you're gonna be buying me diamonds on this is all over with right [Music] is that it yep I asked twice for both weeks yeah I won't make a mortgage payment no you need a second job well not enough to pay any bills you want to go shopping yeah all right your total comes to 141 90 okay you know what we don't need all of this so this can go this one really isn't necessary thank you this isn't working the computer hates me actually every computer hates me mr. Henry's gonna hate me because this is the third time I've had a page up since lunch can you come please tough boss no he's a beautiful human being that cares for small animals and donated solenoid drums in lollipops to Norwegian villages would it be better if we just cancelled this whole thing and started over yeah I wish I could but I need mr. Henry here because he has the code that I need and he's a manager and I'm not so I don't have it what's the problem Stewie these folks they just need to take a few items off their order I need to record again I'm really sorry your problem fee items no no no everything is fine we just we just decided that we don't need them why you put them in your cards well I mean we we thought we needed them at first but but then we realized that you realize you don't need them well I'm gonna have to use my managers code after Kay excuse me put in the managers code right now you wouldn't mind if I make a phone call I got your mug now I have to put that in my personal file hmm see them cameras up there goes my eyes in the sky next time you come into my store let me watch you see shoplifters aren't prosecuted here [Music] they disappear okay it's a standard store procedure what customers changed their minds [Music] manager hmm that's right 17 years of active duty son I've seen it all and dropped the hammer store manager and its commander in chief and judge and jury and a ma'am food I'm jailor that title net little beauty means anything idea stored procedure all right your new total is 996 88 thank you keep the change actually uh I am gonna need the change hey kids look at this Oh [Music] hey listen you have a great Thanksgiving and thank you for shopping at Keiser's [Music] now that was a meal hey Jack what time does the game start eight minutes ago [Music] what's wrong what's up with your TV Baker the games in play I'm not sure Oh your cable isn't out is it hope not it was working earlier today let me have a look at her everything looks fine back here this is Gerald that's why you turn that back turn this possible oh it's just turned off the ringer well we should get going great party though [Music] okay let's go we can watch the game in my house I've got the surround sound all hooked up and ready to go Jack Jack you coming no no stick around and help clean up let me know who wins Oh [Music] and kids why don't you head on up to bed and get ready I'll be up there and then and reach you all right hey okay kiddo head on that I'll be up there man sweetie why couldn't you have just kept your job jack none of this would be happening if you would have just kept your job I had no choice it was me or the whole town well let the whole town fall then at least we'd be in good company that is not who you are Cheryl you are the voice of kindness and gentleness in this home the most compassionate amazing heart of anyone I've ever seen don't let this bad situation rob you that I'm sorry I didn't mean it [Music] you've always stood behind me we've always encouraged me never question anything I'm done I've taken you for granted all I could think about was winning what didn't work winning it building our future I was so busy trying to impress you I just forgot how to appreciate and enjoy thank you it's gonna be okay you're gonna figure something out hey Jack hmm I'm gonna play for food stamps what we've been paying for other people to use them for years right that's what they're there for they're designed to help people like us who need help in a bind I'm not we need groceries Jack I'm not gonna let my pride start the kids I've got no pride left to protect we've just got to survive now so you have two kids both of them under 18 yes any savings stocks bonds well we pretty much had to sell everything just to put food on the table and we even had to sell our stocks but I'm guessing you already know that being is that you ended up with most of the money in taxes huh mm-hmm trust me sweetie it didn't make its way into my paycheck well it looks like I'll be able to authorize $425 per month are you serious your first deposit will post on December 15th and you should be receiving your card in the mail within two weeks or so thank you so much you don't know how wonderful this is this is a temporary situation believe me you have a very Merry Christmas you too dear [Music] your total comes to 725 your order number is 322 thank you thank you [Music] hey Eddie if you're gonna keep me on the register you think because like lose the penguin no effect work ladies [Music] hey Wesley what can I get for you hey Jack I want to apologize I acted like an inconsiderate snob and well that's just not me okay yeah it's very much me what can I say it's my calling card no apology needed but thank you well I did a little more than that I told Ferguson that I saw you here how good of you what I never said the remorse was immediate it develops shortly after smearing your name around the office at any rate fer you didn't see the humor quite like I had hoped after my little wrist slappy said to tell you that he's making plans on bringing you back what when does he plan on bringing me back no idea your name is still kind of the kiss of death around here but he did mention something about cutting you a Christmas bonus as a measure of good faith you are making my day right now yeah that puts a warm cozy little fire right smack in the middle of my soul but I was thinking that since I kind of rekindled all this promotion might be in order we'll talk about it and I want you to start calling me sir now you're pushing I suppose I could pull out some more newspaper articles and remind him of just how many people got sick you caught me on a good day sir yeah tangles let's stick with that for now it'll be good to have you back Baker Thank You Ashley hey and tell mr. Ferguson thank you sir [Laughter] hello lovely ladies what's up with your mom I don't know that's the happiest I've seen her since dad lost his job your dad lost his job yeah like three months ago that I TV doesn't work and the phone rings all the time but we're not allowed to answer it well how do you pay for stuff for that money I don't know what if she dad doesn't have a job by Christmas will you still get presents huh No I had the most amazing day today me too and I have good news oh yeah I bet my news is better than your good news oh I accept the challenge what do you got well it seems that a certain someone went down to the local Food Stamp office applied and got approved on the spot for $450 a month 450 a month that's good top that one mr. Baker are you ready because you're standing right now and you really should be sitting oh stop it just tell me there's a local manufacturer of cleaning supplies and they finally realized how much they need me you've got your job back you look surprised come on it's me there's more no not the bonus it's gonna be a very Merry Christmas baby wait we have to celebrate I'm gonna take you out to eat anywhere you want to go oh we don't have any money Oh got some emergency money tucked away the emergency money now I've been eating sticks in dirt for three months I'll be waiting monsoon stop it's not that much but it is enough to help us celebrate the end of this nightmare now go get cleaned up [Music] kids get in the bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Shauna we've been talking about [Music] employment to be challenged serious stuff I mean you shouldn't need to be talking about more important things like video games dolls we were just wondering if Christmas I think Santa's not coming to our home because daddy's making minimum wage no no no well yeah I mean it's real if we can't afford a lot of stuff this time so what Santa just bundle all I give together into one big prison or something that's a great idea and I don't see how the jolly fella can argue that one in fact I got it why don't we get a complete set of encyclopedias ah no more wasting time on the net all the information you'd ever need right at your fingertips yeah no I'm kidding with him Jack you two on another truth hmm here's the truth we are going to have the very best Christmas ever promise to rest people it's 10 what are you gonna do you're not actually considering it are you not a chance we've lived in what it falls our whole life when we bought this house when we agreed that we'd raise our family here I'm not going anywhere but it's nice to be wanted plus it's a good bargaining chip in case Ferguson tries to stiff me on that Christmas bonus huh I can see we're back to us again things are finally starting to turn around we're gonna be just fine Wesley hey what's the word why don't you tell me Jack what's wrong what are you trying to do to me I stick my neck out for you and you kick me in the throat I swear this is why only do nice things for myself what are you talking about word has it that you've been talking to pure ease please make this headache go away by telling me that it's not true no I mean I mean they called and left a message on my machine but I never called him back what was all that drivel I've heard about you never leaving wooded Falls why would you do this to me look I have no intentions of leaving wooded Falls I've completely dedicated to coming back to Smith Anderson then end it make it clear to them that you neither are nor will ever be interested in working with them they are enemy number one as long as Ferguson thinks you're talking to them there's no way you're ever coming back to Smith Anderson all right I'll do it I'll call him tonight and let him know I'm not interested counting on a jack you know yours isn't the only job on the line anymore hi yeah my sweet with Rod Stevenson please rod hey this is Jack Baker hi yeah yeah that's that's why I'm calling I was just wanted to say thank you for for thinking of me but unfortunately I'm gonna have to pass yeah yeah I'm sorry I just got a few irons in the fire here and and I'm not really interested in moving my family out of the area so all right well I appreciate that mm-hmm happy Holidays to you too yeah bye Sharyl yeah did you leave the garage door open last night did you move my car did the kids move my car [Music] are these your little ones yes Sophie's the oldest then there's Ben and the twins are Aaron and Aiden they're beautiful I imagine you're here because you haven't received your food assistance card yet yeah I hate to seem impatient but I was expecting them a few days ago and with Christmas around the corner yes well unfortunately there's a small problem with your account I tried calling you several times but no one answered the phone yeah we don't seem to do that these days you said there's a problem yes it says here that you own two vehicles actually we only have one my husband's just repossessed the other day I see and I presume that the minivan is not your husband's car no that's mine then I'm afraid the problem still exists it shows here that the van is completely paid off making it an asset that you fully own yeah that's actually something they can't take from us the issue is if you own over a thousand dollars worth of assets then you don't qualify for assistance through this office now if you wanted to sell the van and put the money towards your debt then we could really at your case after that point sell the minivan but how would my husband get to work we would provide you with city bus vouchers wouldn't that cost the city more tax dollars wouldn't it be more logical if we kept the van and paid our own transportation only if you owed money on it well we don't and if we sell the van now it would be impossible to replace our credit is a mess right which is why we would provide you with city bus vouchers you would just have to come in once a month so that we could review your income status and make sure you're still eligible and if we get a little ambitious and make too much money you'll take our city bus vouchers away you have to remain eligible in order to continue receiving assistance yes and if we sell the van we'd have no way to get to work leaving us with no choice but to stay below poverty level do you see what you're doing here I understand your point and I'm not arguing its validity but these are the rules the rules who made these rules has anyone questioned their motives I thought the system was designed to help hard-working people who needed a temporary boost but that's not it isn't it's designed to trap people when they're down and for the rest of us we have to cut ourselves off at the knees and become completely dependent upon you even if it costs us City more tax dollars you're not helping people we sit around and complain about people living off the system but you're the ones keeping them there you know what you keep your little stance they're not my rules I just follow them you love your job stay on this side of the desk [Music] sir yes we've noticed something about the problematic beautiful blue bottles I said I don't want to hear any more about those bottles that messes in our past we need to focus on the future I understand that sir and I am so sorry to be bringing this back up but I've been looking at the artwork and there appears to be a problem yes well we're all the way or the problem no a less obvious problem there were changes made to those labels before they were sent to print and no one knows who made them what this is the last approved revision before they went to print no errors no typos yet on the product that ship there are slight variations to that design as well as the misspelling it's almost as if someone hacked into our system and altered the design before it was sent to print pure ease it's the only logical answer [Music] [Music] surprise Wow Michelle this book's amazing wait till you see Adam [Music] various stinking Christmas joy to the world the Lord is come let earth receive her King let every heart prepare him room and heaven and nature sing and heaven and nature sing and hit Heaven and Hell right here sweetie okay everything's fine we're just in here singing Christmas carols Christmas carols cold and dark it's not cold over here come in sit down take a load off the kids decorated the living room it looks so beautiful you're gonna have to see it in the morning can't wait and when did we lose power no an hour ago but I have to bend up bad we've just been I'm here hanging out singing Christmas carols I'm telling stories this is fun daddy fun did you put a little something in there juice boxes this is where we are Jack love it or hate it this is our situation until we can make it better I'm done hiding from it I'm done being embarrassed this is just one of the more interesting and unpredictable chapters in our story that's it and I'm not gonna let it ruin another moment we've all been talking and we've all unanimously decided that were okay with a lame Christmas this year it's just stuff yeah it's cool dad you don't need any big cue this year we can just hang together try something new big Jew who is English teacher oh you are I'm so sorry I got caught up in appearances and so focused on maintaining some silly image that I forgot to show the most important man in my life how much I love and believe in him even if he's flipping big Wally's and pinpoint even more so because I know he's doing it for us you know if I were given the chance all over again mrs. Baker I'd marry you [Music] what do you think of this new revision there gee Jack Baker nice to see you how have you been very well and I am ready to get back to work I can start immediately hey I've been working on some new concepts so we can start filling the shelves with products I am hungry for this look I work from home for now if you need more time to clear my name with the media but I'm ready to go let's stop wasting time and start selling our new environmentally responsible products Jack hi jack I'd love to help you out son but we can't start issuing you checks until the public forgets why they hate you could be months months what about my Christmas bonus well now that would be a check wouldn't it hey I said no guarantees Baker sir I don't mean to be pushy but I need that Christmas bonus my powered the house got shut off last night our only source of heat is our gas fireplace and that could go any day I don't have a cell phone cable no internet but Christmas is on Sunday my kids don't have presents I need that money yeah speaking of money shouldn't you be prepping my lunch I quit my job so I could be here today I'm completely dedicated to Smith Anderson what about pure ease I told them to find someone else I'm not willing to relocate my family Wow you are dedicated yes sir I am among other things well like I said Jack we really can't risk bringing you back right now after we fired you the class-action lawsuit was dropped and we're building a whole new public image things are going quite well for us in fact the way profits have risen since your departure I don't foresee ever needing you again turns out that Wesley here is a pretty sharp marketing guru must have been from following you around all that time I just wish you two taught him how to spell we have little people first spell-checking you don't pay doctors to mop hospital floors Wesley why is everyone so stunned hey Russ Jack it's cool I'm sorry son the damage is irreparable I know it wasn't you but the public thinks it was we ever change that we put the company at risk if you hurry maybe you can get your penguin job back I'd like to say I gave it my best effort but that would be a lie and in this case the truth is much more fun but come on which you have done it any differently and the roles been reversed we all look out for numero uno jack that's what keeps the world spinning merrily round [Music] you are never gonna hire me back all this time you've just been leading me on but my goodness he's just now getting it the too trusting Jack that's always been your problem you need to open your eyes look around and discover that nobody is looking out for the other guy yourself included and you know it if you're not spending every waking minute thinking about how you can make life better for Wesley here how could you justify the assumption that Wesley or anybody else is doing it for you wake up jack it's a cold little world we live in filled with self-serving individuals if you want to stay on top you got to watch your back [Music] well I'm glad that's finally over there are a lot of typos on this proof right I'm not the best speller in the world but that's not why I'm here is it it has been brought to my attention that some last-minute changes were made to this art before it went to print what can you tell me about that [Music] Hey hi we're kids oh I sent them outside to go sledding you okay this came today [Music] if we don't send them $4,800 in the next seven days we're gonna be homeless you're not getting your bonus are you how did you know the moment I received that and I opened it and I read it I just knew there's a way to fix this we just gotta figure it out I mean can we call your parents and ask them for $5,000 on December 20th they don't have that kind of money well we need to get a loan who in their right mind is gonna loan us money what about the church the ministry the kids are always raising money for feed the needy I think we'd qualify for that well I think that's for people who don't go to church but it's worth a try everything is worth a try I don't care what anyone thinks of us anymore we just got to get caught up Jack Baker come in what brings you here on a Wednesday afternoon well I wish to work for noble reasons but unfortunately I was wondering if I could ask for help what kind of help I wouldn't even bother you with it except yesterday we received notice that unless we come up with 4,800 by the end of the month we will lose our home you know me I'm the last one to ask for help I just have nowhere else to go Jack I am so sorry for you and your family and I wish there was something I could do to help but there isn't we don't have the resources what what about the feed the needy fund the kids are always collecting ah the feed the needy fund that is a great program but it's not gonna save anybody's home we continue to do that year after year more as a way of teaching our children how to give the making an impact in the community this year we only raised $72 and we've already been approached by 14 families who are facing foreclosure $72 actually that was pretty good this year considering the state of the economy yeah but you have hundreds of kids donating to this fund how could that happen 37 cents at a time when Jack received his final paycheck he knew that this would undoubtedly be the Christmas like no other remember the time this is fun I've really been enjoying our campfires lately me too what's something that we certainly wouldn't have thought of maybe good things can't come out of bad situations I think the phone doesn't ring anymore hey yeah kill the power every Christmas is this fun strange group of people yeah why not you could become a new tradition man may still be off anyways hey you know speaking of new traditions your gifts may not exactly be like normal I know I promised you kids the best Christmas ever Santa's wallets a little light this year so yeah that doesn't matter this is the best Christmas ever what seriously you guys are usually just way too busy to hang with us you're always bragging about what parties we have to go to and stuff I mean when was the last time you guys took time sit down son with us by the fire we've collectively chilled every day this week and it's not even Christmas yet collectively chill where do you come up with this stuff so being together is really that fly to you yeah but your game is you really get a cool when you're not being kept in busy and mother's stress oh he didn't stick to the standards nobody says fly anymore okay my bad dog if being together would really make the best Christmas ever the may we still got a shot because unlike money power heat time is one thing I currently have more than enough of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas Eve mrs. Baker Merry Christmas Eve mr. Baker we are truly blessed you know what yes we are now this this whole experience it just feels ok just like we're supposed to go through it yeah look speckles now hey Sparkle snow ha I forgot all about Sparkle snow I used to pretend that our whole backyard was filled with diamonds I'd run out there with both arms wide open trying to scoop up as much as I could I was so rich yeah I haven't thought about sparkle snow since I was a kid how did I ever overlook it hey let's walk to church tonight what yeah it's gonna be a beautiful evening I mean the town's all decorated it's nice to drive through but tonight let's take our time let's really enjoy it hey maybe we'll see more sparkle snow huh I love it okay kids we're we gonna eat our annual Baker Christmas Eve dinner tonight have we got the coin for that yes so we're down to our last 40 bucks it won't be fancy but hey it's our Christmas Eve dinner it's tradition right hey I have an idea we could go to penguin point so not funny it's bacon like Chinese buffet yeah we haven't eaten there in months I know so it's about time right we don't [Music] we stick together all right could be Adam [Music] if anybody cares we gave the Baker Christmas Eve dinner to someone else too [Music] hey how you doing what do you want now wish you a Merry Christmas well I guess if it make you feel any better you would actually make Christmas Merry Christmas to you what's it my family and I would like to bless you with a hot meal tonight have a good Christmas god bless you brother god bless you lady god bless your kids I hope you did did grades in school I hope you did a good job and I hope you never get laid off thank you [Music] shall we go I love you Jack Baker [Music] that's sir we're fine thank you how are you couldn't be better not a bit how's the job search coming how did you know about that oh I've been praying for you for a long time I believe your lives are gonna be different soon remember God's opportunities sometimes come in disguise so you got to keep your eyes wide open or you might miss it this season always brings challenges but this year were in hard times all of us most of us are struggling to maintain that lifestyle that status that we've all grown accustomed to but you know it's not working anymore we've not been placed on this earth to maintain status or to build up treasures for ourselves maybe it's time to quit striving for what we've had in the past and embrace what God would have us do during these tough times this day [Music] hey there's Gena I'm gonna go see how she's doing okay oh good all good as Jack left the Christmas service that night he couldn't help but overhear the conversations of other churchgoers who were enjoying their home perfectly constructed holiday seasons but as he looked into their eyes he could see more [Music] could it be that other perfectly presented people were experiencing troubles of their own at Christmastime [Music] at that moment Jack question for the first time ever whether the glittery splendor of North American consumerism was really enough to fill a holiday with a genuine sense of joy yeah hey are you ready for Christmas yeah I'm going to my grandma's house tonight I get to see my cousins it sounds like fun hey you and your family have a wonderful time okay okay um I made Christmas cards and sold them so that your family could have a good Christmas that's very sweet thank you Merry Christmas [Music] are you alright yeah yeah I'm fine thanks how are you are you fine heck are you really fine you look a little down how do you know my name I know a lot about you son oh really then you know my life's not so impressive right now huh quiet honestly I don't really want to talk about it I don't think you do either so why don't we go back inside and get warmed up how do you know that I'm not interested in talking about it don't you know I'm not just a kindly old man who cares stop fooling yourself there's no such thing I mean we can all fake genuine compassion for about 30 seconds or so but deep down inside cares about anyone else and watch today we all have problems right what if someone really did care what if that person was willing to help you get your life back together again and even willing to make personal sacrifices to see it happen people like that don't exist ok and even if they did they passed me by if they were smart I don't have a job I don't money no heat in our home I don't even have Christmas presents for my own kids at Christmastime and now I'm standing in a freezing cold parking lot spilling my emotions to a complete stranger and to top it all off I just became keenly aware how selfish I an 8 year old girl gave me a bigger gift and I have ever given in my entire lifetime accumulated I'm a failure [Music] you are not a failure jack oh really because we're gonna lose our home in three days my family the ones that I'm supposed to love and provide for are gonna be homeless homeless you show me a winner who left his family homeless at Christmastime just one please [Music] he had reasons for doing what he did me he was said to save the world [Music] just some guy [Music] trying to pay for a house can't afford maybe this March story [Music] maybe a positive impact of your room is stirring around inside you tonight in the Oh you taught your children how to give that's a much bigger gift than any musical toy doll Adam [Music] you're welcome someone like that does exist you people follow your lead you're not here just to pay your mortgage and sell cleaning supplies you're here to be that person who genuinely cares about others that's who you are it's time to stop wishing for it and start becoming it how do you know about the alley [Music] [Music] God's opportunity knock you know Jack honey are you ready yeah think I am what's wrong man well I was just thinking please hurt your feelings if I gave my presence away to who there was a kid named Nick I never searched last night he doesn't have any parents he lives with his grandma and she doesn't have enough money for presents this year yeah I can have mine too you just met this kid last night for the first time and you want to give him your Christmas presents why so he can have a better Christmas we've got this so backwards adults shouldn't be teaching children how to give you should be learning from them what will your Christmas gift be we sing Christmas carols around the fireplace mom can we hook it up I'd love to who needs a flame warm fake logs do a few days later Jack and his family had leaved their beautiful home it was a mixed bag of emotions for them they were leaving so many wonderful memories behind yet they still had each other and they sensed an unexplainable feeling of optimism as for the first time in their lives they ventured out into an unknown uncalculated future they stayed in the church auditorium until spring when they moved into a small tent village on the east side of town it was a simpler life and Holly had very little to call their own they remained a hopeful anticipation for what the next chapter in their story may bring they also became vividly aware of the need for generosity for who kept them fed and clothed during this time you guessed it the feed the needy Minister then one day this chapter did something that every chapter and every book must eventually do it came to an end can you tell me where I might find Jack Baker hey Jack hey I'll be back kids okay Jack Baker yeah rod Stevenson pure ease hi what brings you out here you do actually we know about what happened at Smith Anderson and we know that it wasn't your fault there aren't many people who would be willing to fall in their own sword to save their co-workers jobs especially in this economy everybody's looking out for themselves you're a rare find jack and you're exactly the kind of person that Fury's views as upper management material we've always admired your work and we want you to come on board as our director of marketing we'll beat anything Smith Anderson was paying you and we offer plenty of room for growth how did you ever find us we received a call from Karl Ferguson's former assistant Miranda she left the company when she found out what they had done to you she works for us now and she told us we could find you here we want you on our team jack what do you say do you offer relocation assistance because we may need a 60 bucks for gas [Music] thank you here you go sir Oh Thank You Jennifer hey it was really good talking to you tonight thank you it was good talking with you too y'all be right back with your change oh no need for change and you just tell those little girls reviewers to have a very Merry Christmas okay thank you you folks drive safe [Music] happy holidays sir just 30 and gas yes please slow night tonight yeah most holidays are pretty slow people usually do the traveling the day before or after that makes sense sure glad you're open everybody else is closed we would have been freezing in our car in another five miles if it hadn't been for you so we sure appreciate it yeah it's a thankless job I'm sure tonight your lifesaver thank you oh it's okay to say Merry Christmas it is after all Christmas have a good one Merry Christmas that year Jack gave his entire Christmas bonus away to struggling people in the community it was one of the best holiday experiences of his life it was also the beginning of the new Baker Christmas tradition hey guys Thank You Michelle where most of all I miss Wendling is so good to see you here whoa excuse me a woman as beautiful as you deserves a clear walkway I'm gonna run this down to Frankie that guy's too proud to come down here but won't like that starvin tell my son I will do as it turned out the whole situation with Jack losing his job ended up being a blessing or an opportunity in disguise he never would have moved here if he hadn't lost the house now the Baker's couldn't imagine living anywhere else this was home [Music] Merry Christmas Oh No can't complain not helping that is good to hear hmm I know sometimes this can be a thankless job what you're doing here is a wonderful thing keep up the great work oh thank you sir Merry Christmas - Merry Christmas do I know you I'm sorry it's not possible right you just look like someone I used to know that was a while ago to be slight down the chimney and leave gifts under your tree huh have a Merry Christmas merry Christmas to you sir Merry Christmas I thought you said you knew people in high places here are you gonna get a job or what cuz if I don't have enough money to get my nails done next week I'm gonna be inclined to make your life extremely miserable if you don't excuse me I'm sorry Wes really give me one reason all I need is one reason to leave you all right here you go Santa go buy yourself some booze and cigarettes have yourself a merry little Christmas quarter I don't want you getting all plastered let's keep the kid bless your generosity sir you know they say if we just give them them a great deal can be accomplished may your life be forever change from this day forward good sir good day sir [Music] and that's the story of how Jack Baker rose to the top fell to the bottom embraced his chapter in life and ended up in a better place than he could ever have created for himself I suppose I could read on about how Jack overcame future challenges by abandoning his comfortable routines in exchange for God's less predictable opportunities but then that's Jack Baker's story and it's time for you to get back to writing your own [Music] [Applause] you know you're gonna owe me diamonds when this is all over and said with done leave me alone I told he was gonna call me George was that you I'm Mike was that big did a bird poop on me oh did a bird poop on my head you're joking I wish bird food smells like salad dressing I want you to show me that you're at least a little worried not this is not some big joke to you you want to know that I'm worried fine worried okay David I think this is what you need to enter no excuse me hey a woman as beautiful as you back she'll stop it mommy's trying to read hey you have a sign by the door said you buy gold tooth fillings you you take him here at the store no we don't I noticed a lot of your things are made in China and I've been there that doesn't qualify you daddy you're gonna have homeless for the holidays scene 33 take 9j mark actually you're the most valuable man in the whole world to me you're the most valuable person would that be which part I heard a lot high schoolers know how to use this thing now figure it out get back here I'm sorry I'm sick - your attitude go to your house [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] come on buddy my lunch break is just about over let's go I've been here ten minutes what are you doing back there I'm working little help here funny I don't do cash registers last you know that you see what I have to deal with here I need to take this watch the window for me please it's so not cool [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,150,951
Rating: 4.6677289 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, christian, Movie, trailers, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, EncourageTV, God, Matt Moore, Crystal Dewitt-Hinkle, Cole Brandenberger, George A. Johnson, Homeless for the Holidays Full Movie, Homeless for the Holidays Movie, Christmas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 59sec (6359 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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