AN EPIC ADVENTURE | Undertale - Part 1

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I hope to god he plays it whatever way he wants to. I've had enough of Ross backseat gaming Barry into a pacifist run while preempting all the jokes.

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/manipulativ 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

So glad he seems to be having fun with it, as far as I'm concerned that's the most important thing when I watch someone play any game. I've been watching a handful of LPs and some of them are acting like they don't even want to be playing it. I think Marks going to love it.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/AnonGirl88 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

"Earthbound is one of my favorite games of all time, I loved that game"


👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/cutmanmike 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

So, he wants to do a completionist playthrough? I wonder if he'll still feel the same way after he finishes his first run.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/BlueRocketMouse 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

It begins...

Ok, let's keep an open mind here, guys. This sub's gonna get real busy soon, but let's not condemn all the new fans immediately. Stay positive, weather the 'get dunked' and such comments flooding in, and enjoy the newfound popularity.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/MattheJ1 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

Mettaton w/ Markiplier voice HYPE

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/birizinho 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

I guess if he gets far into the game, you should

mark it spoilers.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/LEEDLEMAN 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

Yeah yeah, I know quite a few people don't like this particular youtuber or fear large youtubers such as him are going to somehow ruin the fandom, but I'm happy Mark is playing this as he is a self proclaimed Earthbound fan

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/C0NFLICT0fC0L0URS 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies

What people expected to see in the YouTube comments: omg get dunked on lmao le epik maymahs!!!

In the YouTube comments: Rip in pieces Undertale fandom. We had a good run. Everything is ruin. My life is over. You're doing it wrong.

Pot, meet kettle.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Kuudayray 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to undertale now this is rapidly becoming one of the most popular games in recent years and the reason for that is at least according to my friends in real life and my friends on YouTube that tell me that I have to play this game and you guys out there who tell me that I have to play it and I have to play it a very specific way is because of the effect your choices have on the world around and that the effect is so profound that if you were to beat the game one time and then start up the game again and played a different way the choices that you made in the first playthrough would still have an effect on the second playthrough now the reason I'm telling you guys this is because you guys have told me that I should play it in a pacifist way and I would agree because normally when I play these types of games that have choices I would take it in a pacifist attitude that being said this is me we're talking about here I don't choice good and I also don't know what the choices are going to be when I come to this I know a lot about the game but I don't know a lot about the story of the game but one of the things that I'm also very very very excited for is that supposedly this game is either indirectly or directly inspired by mother3 which is the Japanese only sequel to earthbound which is one of my favorite games of all time I love that game to death it is so weird so bizarre and I'm going to name my fallen human Tim cuz he or she was tiny and itty-bitty and adorable and probably entered a world of monsters there was an intro movie oh there was an intro movie to all this where it was showing that the world used to be comprised of monsters and humans and this little child whose is oh oh I thought your eyes were closed okay never mind then this child fell down into a hole after climbing a mountain that legend says no one returns from after climbing up and we're starting to see yl oh hi how's it going there howdy i'm flowey flowey the flower hmm you're new to the underground yeah golly you must be so confused someone ought to teach you how things work around here I guess little old me will have to do sorry my voice kinda gave out there ready here we go I don't know if I'm ready I don't exactly know what this is gonna press okay see that hot that is your soul the very combination of your being oh your soul starts off weak but you can grow strong if you gain a lot of little what's nice stand for why love of course you want some love don't you I don't know I'm a child don't worry I'll share some with you wink okay down here love is shared through little little white friendliness pellets oh okay are you ready move around get as much as you can oh oh oh oh oh oh in this world it's kill or be killed holy crap why would anyone pass up an opportunity like this oh no no no no no no okay oh no why did you do this to me oh hey what hello oh by flowey hello was a terrible creature torturing such a poor innocent youth I do not be afraid my child I am toriel caretaker of the ruins I passed through this place every day see if anyone has fallen down you are the first human to come here in a long time come I will guide you through the catacombs okay this way unless I'm giving you a very deep voice and you're actually a lady which I apologize the best that I can do so we're just gonna pretend like this accurate that actually spooked me when the flower turned evil I would say my heart actually stuff or is it gonna had no idea what was going on is there anything else to explore I don't know if this game involves a lot of exploration or if it's very linear path which involves many branching paths because of story that's a good question should I still be following you is the question the shadow of the ruins looms above filling you with determination HP fully restored oh oh oh okay goody goody gumdrops I'm glad that this is the way that it is alrighty then welcome to your new home innocent one I can't do any higher of a voice I have a naturally deep voice it's not gonna work allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins the rules are full of puzzles ancient fusions between divert excuse me of diversions and door keys one must solve them to move from please adjust yourself to the sight of them okay so was I supposed to follow the pattern that you did only the fearless may proceed brave ones foolish ones both walk not the middle road alrighty then what happens if I press the other buttons did I do something bad hello to make progress here you will need to trigger several switches not worry I have labeled the ones that you need to flip well there's awfully nice of you plus press Z to read signs okay I would have known that because I already did that stay on the path okay is that you considered marking please press this switch toriel okay what happens if I don't listen what happens if I press the other switch go on press the switch on the left what happens if I press the switch on the right wait no no no no no no you want to press the other which I even labeled it for you really but Bank okay splendid I am proud of you little one let us move to the next room I literally am Tiny Tim that's adorable but what happens if I press the other one this which doesn't even work oh it was a fakie ah so the illusion of choice as a human living in the underground monsters may attack you you weren't scottish you'll need this to be prepared for the situation however boring not the process is simple when you encounter a monster you will enter a fight while you are in a fight strike up a friendly conversation stall for time I will come to resolve the conflict practice talking to the dummy oh ok I'm with it I get it oh you encountered the dummy I'm gonna talk to this dummy it's gonna be fun time why can I not how do i I'm trying to move two different options boink I didn't no no no no no no no I didn't know I didn't oh oh I didn't mean to therefore talking we do not wanna hurt anybody do we come now but I didn't I I tried I tried to mouse over to the other ones it wouldn't let me I really tried I pushed the buttons and everything it wasn't my fault I hope that doesn't have a profound effect there is another puzzle in this room I wondered if you can solve it I wondered if I can get your voice consistent throughout this series Oh Oh froggit your visit do you have eyes on your nipples is that what I'm seeing right here okay now I can move over so I just wouldn't let me before axe how about I complimented you have lovely eyeball nipples there didn't understand what you said but was flattered anyway okay good good good good hello okay well bye then you won you are nothing and nothing good good good good good good good the western room is in the eastern rooms great I don't know what that means damn hello this is the puzzle but here take my hand for a moment am I supposed to memorize this pattern because I don't know if I'm gonna remember it all seems a little complicated ok I'm gonna try my best puzzles seem a little too dangerous for now but I could go back I can okay down here okay I think I remember it it was yeah here down here okay so I could go back but I don't know if there was any benefit to be actually going back there might not have been I might just be backtracking for no damn reason cuz there could be something else here that I need but then again I don't know if this game is actually something that's gonna hide things from me or if it's gonna be something that I kinda just need to follow forward because that could entirely be what I need to do but at the same time I don't know if it's what I need to do because I'm I'm a little Lawson confused I'm just little Tim Tim in a world and pain and suffering you've done excellently thus far my child however I have a difficult request to ask of you I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself Wow forgive me for this oh no no please I hate being all by myself hunters will Tim Tim Gatling symptom can get a little help you're not gonna leave little Tim Tim all by himself aware I'm so scared I'm so lonely I don't know what I'm doing I want my mommy lose em Tim needs a head wait a minute something doesn't seem right here little Tim Tims using this little brain brain to come up with a solution to this puzzle I oh oh I thought it was gonna be okay huh oh hey how's it going greetings my child do not worry I didn't you I was merely behind this pillar the whole time well the pillar was all the way at the end of the room thank you for trusting me however there was an important reason for this exercise ah to test your independence I must attend to some business and you must stay alone for a while please remain here it's too dangerous to explore by yourself I have an idea I will give you a cellphone I don't know if you know what this magical device is in the off year of 2020 1x if you nee have a need for anything just kool be good all right okay I'm glad I don't have to do your voice anymore because it was straining me not not like on my voice box just mentally I was not able to process pretty much anything you were doing okay here we go little jammed him going off oh is that frog it ring hello this is toriel you have not left the room have you there are a few puzzles ahead that I have yet to explain it would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself be good all right click okay hello ribbit ribbit excuse me human I have some advice for you about battling monsters if you act a certain way or fight until you almost defeat them then might not want to battle you anymore if a monster does not want to fight you please use some mercy human ribbit that was a lot contained in a single ribbit but I'm just a little Tim Tim I don't probably know any better playfully crinkling through the leaves fill you fills you with determination does it now well I didn't know about that goal leaf pile saved oh oh hello wimps inapproachable hello hi wimzie console are you ok halfway through your first word wimps in person to tears and runs away oh ok I'm sorry I was just trying to make you feel better little Tim Tims lost in this little world why would I want to do nothing oh-oh-oh am i dead this is what death is oh ah interesting oh hello hi there oh hey Wilson how you doing again are you okay can I get you anything like a cup of coffee oh all right then bye Winston hope you have a lovely day I'll just be somewhere over here apparently pudding hello this is toriel for no reason in particular which do you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch oh I like butterscotch although I do like cinnamon rolls but if we're talking about just straight-up cinnamon or butterscotch I do like butterscotch oh I see thank you very much is he gonna give me a little treat he she I don't really know I hope I'm doing the voice just okay hello this is toriel yes who else would it be you do not dislike cinnamon do you I know that your preference is but would you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate right all right I understand thank you for being patient by the way um I don't mind cinnamon but I didn't actually I didn't get to answer the question three out of four great I need us to I three out of four gray box recommend you push them so should I push that what is this one of the ones that doesn't want to be pushed Oh oh hello Winson are you okay can I check on you are you okay too sensitive to fight well that's okay I have known you all you have a choice you go Moo Oh am I Winston continues to mutter abala jeez I I didn't I didn't mean it's okay Winston you can you can fight me you can throw a punch okay bye-bye wimp s'en I love you have a good day man that's actually really cool because like I people didn't even need to explain to me to do the pacifist route because I would have done it anyway oh no oh I see it's an exact duplicate of what its gonna be ah please don't step on the leaves I'll try not to burn my heart Oh mold small hello moe flirt hey how you doing you wiggle your hips hold small oh okay what a meaning Oh sexy wiggle Oh oh god is this a poem my god it's a bullet-hell a ruminating why are you ruminating imitate you lie a mobile with mold mall you feel like you understand the world a little better slime sounds I don't know what you want from me little wiggler waits pensively maybe I should check on you stereotypical curvaceous curvaceously attractive Lily are we going when is that that really are we gonna go with that probe a mold of jell-o maybe I could try flirting again hey how you doing okay apparently not I have no idea what you want from me I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing I seem to be failing miserably oh gosh maybe I could mercy spare huh take that I guess did I do it I think I did it I think I did a thing I did it I was somehow that was wrong with my pen who knows okay so I know what I needs me to do needs me to follow the path that was in the leaves so it was like oh god ah didn't you read the sign oh ho sorry I'm sorry oh I thought I was gonna fall hello foot argit's how's it going there buddies you look mmm you look good oh plus just deeply well apparently only flirted with the one of them oh god oh god oh hey filled with the smell of mustard see why I'm like I have a lot of questions about this world in general but that one seems to stand out as a little bit weird maybe I could threaten you er didn't understand what you said what was scared anyway yeah that's right maybe you don't want to mess with me ruh-oh whoa hey watch out there so could I just mercy spare you'll be okay you'll be all right wait so is this is literally all of us he's gonna be solved by me sparing them apparently not oh because I didn't like ow I didn't oh I didn't I didn't complement this one yeah there you go you know you know what's up so I got a what I gotta do is I gotta act and then I can spare them cuz otherwise they don't want to mess with any of me reluctant to fight you okay you're good all right oh that's cool oh that's cool oh [ __ ] I was one more over wasn't it a poopy poopy pants damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it little Tim Tims angry little Jim Tim's not gonna tolerate this anymore little Tim Tims up in arms about this bull little Jim Tim ain't too happy bout none of this okay so it was all the way over Hazzard oh no my heart hello froggit how's he doing it you're lookin good you're looking lovely today I know right I know I know I know I don't actually know I'm just saying I know because I I don't understand how to talk to you but it's the best I can do at this point okay all right you have a good one I'll be on my way you bye bye now you bye bye now you bye bye now okay bye-bye all right cool bye bye okay I did it wait three out of four rocks these would be oh man these are hey hey come on now I'm trying to do a thing here just okay okay just okay come on okay there we go got it okay we're good I'm getting gold just not experience okay so whoa there partner who said you could push me around hmm so you asking me to move over there okay just for you pumpkin thanks Rocky come on a little farther come on just for me you want me to move some mwah all righty how's this what oh no come on wrong way that was the wrong direction Oh think I got it I should have gone in one direction ah got it yeah thanks buddy was it helpful you do the ball come on now don't be like that hmm you want me to Steve yeah you're giving me a real workout okay you can move down I would have been impaled to death oh my heart hello I'm old small I'm gonna just you know wiggle my hips at y'all Winky Winky to wink sexy with a wiggle Oh God not this Oh God Oh God oh crap dang it are you ruminating okay ruminating enough for me to get away okay bye I probably shouldn't left for the El behind knowing the mouse might one day leave its hole and get the cheese it fills you with determination okay so should I not take the cheese does that put your same oh it's like the Freddy knows okay this cheese has been here quite a long time it's stuck to the table I couldn't take it if I wanted to so I guess I'll just be on my with your ghost hello my remember are they gone yet remember mama this ghost keeps saying Z how repeatedly oh okay I thought he was actually doing the thing if it was forced oh I don't wanna I don't wanna I gotta they also do so maybe I could maybe I could I mean it's not too terribly violent would it be yeah sure here comes napstablook nap-nap stable look nap napstablook cheer you gave napstablook a patient smile you're doing great I know things are going good for you you're gonna be shy uh what are those tears Oh God Oh oh wow wow wow holy crap napstablook looks just a little bit better how about one more you're looking good today I just weigh you down would you no don't whoa oh that's cool oh that's okay maybe I could sit okay you're fine oh no you're crying oh the poor ghost who wouldn't play this and murder them they're so cute it's okay a little homey joke yeah I know it's gonna be okay you're gonna do just fine you're an awesome ghost I believe in you oh okay one more gosh you're high maintenance ghosts here I'm trying to make you feel better and this is just getting in my way because I got places to be one more wants to show me something Lea let let you try what Oh what I call it dapper blue that's nice that's really nice wow you look great how do I tell you you look great I'm gonna flare with you oh no oh no I usually come to the wounds because there's nobody around but today I met somebody nice Oh I'm rambling again I'll get out of your way huh where'd you get out of my way - you just vanished into nothingness I love Roget did you miss it spider bake sale town and to the right come eat food made by spiders for spiders of spiders is the food made of spiders I don't think I want to eat spiders seems counterintuitive do your food bait tail spider bake sale all proceeds go to real spiders really Oh okay some spiders crawl down gave you a doughnut oh I don't have that money okay let's be on my way then I don't have enough gold for that but thanks for the doughnut made of spiders can't wait to eat it I'm sure it's gonna be good you're using f4 can make you have a full screen but what does f4 stand for for frogs I have only seen a maximum of three frogs in this room this is troubling to say the race ribbit that actually talked to you ribbit ribbit huh my friend never listens to me whenever I talk they skip through my words by pressing X oh that's right pressing ax well at least you listen to me okay bye oh my heart honey Oh Luke's hello Luke's are you doing don't pick I don't want to pick on finally someone gets it I do get it well hey we'll hey wait you don't get it hey don't touch me ah okay Luke's is gazing at me can I oh five gold I need more gold I'm gonna form up a little gold here because I wanted to posit it didn't spiderweb maybe I'll get a big spider donut in the big web don't mind me I'm just kicking around till enemies find me okay I think I have enough gold now so I should be able to go down here and deposit a tune and Megan you're us go for it some spiders crawled down and gave you a jug is it a jug of spiders is it filled with spiders spiders for my face when I go to bed at night or they're gonna crawl up my nose and all my other orifices oh boy I'm glad I have that oh boy ribbit ribbit I've heard you're quite merciful for a home surely you know why now a monster was a yellow name when you couldn't spared it I did not know that I was not paying attention to anything see very it's a very helpful it's bad I feel very it's helpful in bed a helpful oh it is rather helpful remember sparing is just saying you won't fight maybe one day you'll have to do it even if the name isn't yellow ah oh hey ah hello I just realized that it's been a while since I've cleaned up I was not expecting to have company so soon there are probably a lot of things lying about here and there you can pick them up but do not carry more than you need someday you might see something you really like you'll want to leave a room in your pockets for that okay thank you should I have non-god the jug full of spiders in the spider doughnut because I'm pretty sure that I got those things and I don't know started growing tah-dah okay the so bizarre that the entire game is designed around like being merciful to people that's really interesting there's just one switch oh yeah and where is it is it downstairs somewhere boink oh hey I got it what are you who defunct it but there's also other stuff over here there's like a radish or something oh hey that's a toy today hey are you doing devourer God no hello plants can't talk dummy oh damn it I wasn't ready how about dinner you pat your stomach that detroit offers a healthy meal eat your greens I don't think I want to eat my green Oh okay you pie your stomach that toy is often okay I'll get this green this time I'll get it baby oh yeah I got it I did it I did it ha ha no I did I ate too green oh boy no why is it is this gonna be another vegetable hello there a veggie tied I should have known this I got the truck on the first try I got what I needed to do come on feed me baby feed me yeah oh there we go I guess I only need don't even me the green some of these people I probably don't even did like talk to first okay I don't know if there's anything else special there may not have been but there might have been you never know these things Oh God oh it's the ghosty - I want to talk to ghosty oh [ __ ] Luke's hey Luke's why would I pick on you finally I know I would never I'm so nice I'm the nicest oh I got it and I got gold - I want talk to ghosty again hey ghosty poo how's going I fell down a hole now I can't get up going without me wait ghosts can fly Gandhi oh well Oh bye-bye then glad I could give that encouraging speech that probably has a profound effect on what I want to be dealing with down the road hello people here how's it going the far doors not an exit it simply marks a rotation in perspective it's a switch present sure why not nothing happened great glad I did that fun fun fun it's a switch present sure yeah nothing happened awesome so glad this is all happening into my life this is which present sure nothing happened oh boy this is the best all right so this should rotate the room I guess so oh well then I guess I goofed ah okay so now let's see if you can read this press the blue switch I know where the blue switch is it's right here yes it's a change in perspective oh I'm heart hello I've enjoyed oh how am I gonna eat your green and avoid him at the same time dinner didn't me come on come on give me a little give me a little some some I'm gonna try to eat my greens Oh God aha got it I nailed it I'm the best okay mercy on there we go swing your arms baby I don't know if I want to but I'll try maybe okay bye bye bye okay cool so this should be after I get this one now the change in perspective if you can read this press the red switch okay this is not gonna work somehow isn't it oh I did it okay it works I didn't expect to do but hey there it is okay so one more change in perspective there was a sign right here oh no it's up there I thought they were gonna hide it secretly hmm hello Luke's but if you can read this press the green switch okay so green switch was right here yep oh look at that I remember simple things these puzzles are easy even for my brain which is very good yes oh hi oh dear that took longer than I thought it would huh ring oh hi how did you get here my child are you hard there there I will heal you I should not have left you alone for so long it was irresponsible of me to try to surprise you like this oh well I suppose I cannot hide it any longer come small one I've prepared you for dinner okay let me say it first before I do this seeing such a cute tiny house in those ruins gives you determination okay yay i'm playing undertale and i hopefully i'm doing it correctly I have no idea if I am but there it is so thank you everybody so much for watching I don't know how long this game is I don't think it's a longest game in the world considering it has replay value but I'm gonna do a completionist playthrough expect videos every day until it's done so thank you again everybody for watching and as always I will see you in the next video you see he won't succeed yours not nobody is gonna find a phantom doesn't offices but God's them happen
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,407,065
Rating: 4.9217186 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, undertale game, game, markiplier, gameplay, undertale walkthrough, undertale playthrough, let's play undertale, undertale part 1, epic adventure, fun, fun game, part 1, Adventure
Id: EJrs_2vjF98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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