AN EPIC ADVENTURE | Undertale - Part 1
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,407,065
Rating: 4.9217186 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, undertale game, game, markiplier, gameplay, undertale walkthrough, undertale playthrough, let's play undertale, undertale part 1, epic adventure, fun, fun game, part 1, Adventure
Id: EJrs_2vjF98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I hope to god he plays it whatever way he wants to. I've had enough of Ross backseat gaming Barry into a pacifist run while preempting all the jokes.
So glad he seems to be having fun with it, as far as I'm concerned that's the most important thing when I watch someone play any game. I've been watching a handful of LPs and some of them are acting like they don't even want to be playing it. I think Marks going to love it.
"Earthbound is one of my favorite games of all time, I loved that game"
So, he wants to do a completionist playthrough? I wonder if he'll still feel the same way after he finishes his first run.
It begins...
Ok, let's keep an open mind here, guys. This sub's gonna get real busy soon, but let's not condemn all the new fans immediately. Stay positive, weather the 'get dunked' and such comments flooding in, and enjoy the newfound popularity.
Mettaton w/ Markiplier voice HYPE
I guess if he gets far into the game, you should
mark it spoilers.
Yeah yeah, I know quite a few people don't like this particular youtuber or fear large youtubers such as him are going to somehow ruin the fandom, but I'm happy Mark is playing this as he is a self proclaimed Earthbound fan
What people expected to see in the YouTube comments: omg get dunked on lmao le epik maymahs!!!
In the YouTube comments: Rip in pieces Undertale fandom. We had a good run. Everything is ruin. My life is over. You're doing it wrong.
Pot, meet kettle.