Waifublade Chronicles 2, Torna, X Complete Edition - RamZaes

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this game oh this game has some top-notch voice acting beautiful I love it it's my [Music] that's comedy Xenoblade owes inner blade when you first came out on the way you were just oh jeez what is that but your captivating story one of the many fans and so the big end was like yeah all right make a game for our better console so we start off wait a minute this is a Nintendo game minimize the footage again flip it add some effects more even I think this is too much so the game starts off with our protagonist Rex scuba diving under clouds wait clouds clouds okay so let me get this straight you got the ground and you got the clouds up in the sky and you have the ocean for the layer of clouds on top of it it's like someone just copy pasted the cloud layer and drop the down like this man that's some good imagery okay I mean the cloud sea is pretty cool but what the heck is that don't go raining on my parade grumps wait sir he's your granddaddy then who exactly are your parents direct pulls up the safe and out pops now the game gives us a look at the battle mechanics those are some battle mechanics yeah I'll get into this a bit later but boy do I have things to say on the battle mechanics anyway it's time for some backstory this is a Titan and that's a dead one now Titans are important as they are the land masses in the cloud see and so when they die no more land for you buddy crap but sitting in the middle of all this stands a single to all trade now the rumor is that there is this place right at the top of the tree called Elysium and it has enough landmass for everyone yay but for now Rex decides to pull up his Grampy tighten up to a gentle trade guild to sell his haul and we get thrust into more gameplay tutorials oh boy now I'll get into this later I seem to be doing that a lot lately this game really doesn't do a good job of explaining tutorials but all you need to know is this talk to the people with this thing on their head visit places everywhere to unlock fast travel points and pressing Zr shows your current objective but whatever you do don't mess with the camera anyway we talk to this fuzzball these are nope on a race in the Xenoblade universe and all you need to know is that they speak like Yoda mm-hmm and uh sometimes you're apparently catching mr. Krabs was good for business as the chairman Bruce Banner wants to see us okay so this joke worked better in my head so mr. banana wants us to do a job with a hundred thousand gold as payment a hundred thousand yes a hundred thousand gold hundreds a job for us is to work with these three weirdos who call themselves torn up we got djinns malice and near a child salvage F okay so this must be an Australian accent no no way wait it must be English no um maybe it's Scottish no no what it's Welsh Welsh now each of these guys are drivers and these here are their personas I mean Jojo stands I mean blades and me of being a cut girl as a cat so we made friends and now we get ready for the job this is where you can now buy things as each major town has these shops that sell all kinds of trinkets you also learn about salvaging you know the main thing Rex does for a job you buy these tanks and then have to pull off a mini game and depending on how well you do oh you pull up loot and with that we are ready to take off with our international friends bazinga while on board Rex and Nia have a little talk by which I mean he rants on oh no no no no no no no no no Elysium is waiting for a suit of cord not this crap again and we finally get to do our job which is to salvage something small from the bottom of the cloud see and by small I mean so after pulling it up we board the ship without crew a team is always a max of three usable people at once but you can swap them out if needed yeah I'm not too sure I should pick you buddy and while near and Rex bond we see the scariest same possible day the rich dude who's a perv is evil and ever could have seen that coming so descending down the ship we get two more gameplay and how the battles play out in the open world as unlike other JRPGs you battle the enemies seamlessly with no transitions so you see a monster boom you go attack them the problem however is that when you are battling one monster you might get pushed around and into the path of another and another and that never ends so we find some crazy door Ginny old boy tells us to open it up and this is where we find her Pyrrha she's important to the story at oh wait a minute Jim Perrault wasn't done explaining so Pyrrha here is a special kind of blade called the aegis touch the beaches and well we are now kind of dead so she offers half a life to revive us in exchange we promise to take her to Elysium because every single person in this game wants to go to that place after that little bonding session she is now our blade and we are her driver malice and gin get mad because we took Pyrrha for ourselves and now we have to defend her yeah I'll get to this further on but the voice acting can be and so now we get to battle malice with Pyrrha helping out yes help naturally being no help and the fact that you know we're a little kid we are forced to escape with Nia helping us out because she kind of is against that whole killing us thing and she also has a thing for exes scream ah so in comes Graham chicken fly now yes you heard me this old dude is just full of surprises yeah looks like we crash-landed on this island then Gramps is missing oh no tragic I guess we'd better go off and find the old widow in so wandering the forest our heroes find Gramps dead no grams don't leave me here this still is so much more things we had to do anyway who the heck are you sir ahem Titans when they die turn into this naked little fling start growing all over again think of him as a baby grand boy that felt wrong to say I am so confused right now and I guess with a blade in one hand and a fur ball in our helmet we continue searching for a way out of the forest and also finding near I guess now here's where I'll get into a little bit more on the combat so you press a to initiate an attack and once you do Rex will go into an auto attack now while this happens you build up these three moves on the right and using mem shows up a special move unique to each blade this then levels up this thing on the right and pressing a depending on the level unleashes a super button prompts special attack but remember how I said the game wasn't really good at explaining things well let's see we're about five hours into the game this was all I thought the combat was yes just this but it began to your eyes a little higher up the screen you can see this on the right though after you use a special move this tree opens up depending on the elements now after that you must use a level 2 special and then a level 3 and if you have trouble with this your allies also use their own special move and with a button press you can use them to help build up the tree now if the meter on the left is high enough you press Start and it kicks off this super duper sacred tag-team attack where you all gang up on your enemy then you do one button from per person and if you can destroy this off which matches the element of the tree you get to go again now when this is all said and done the damage before that damage also the BA will naturally build up with attacks and you can use one bar to revive a full an ally including the a reviving you hurry up and revive me so the reason I went into detail on that is because for the life of me I did not understand this at all from the game I had to look up guides but this because I couldn't believe that this is all there was to the combat I am probably just dumb but once you know this the combat becomes insanely more fun and tactical as your eyes are always darting around the screen looking for what to do next a problem though is that a lot of the monsters early game are so weak that they tie too quickly before you can even build up the tree but trust me when you get to mid to late game this is so addicting anyway look I'm riding a tiger okay so I gotta bring this up as well while everyone is sleeping Pyrrha and grants have a secret little chat where it's revealed that this thing has met her knows how important she is and doesn't tell any of this to Rex this happens more than once in the game he knows so many things that could help everyone but keeps quiet for reasons I guess it does help cement the idea that Rex still a kid and everyone around him is an adult who knows more things than he should I do like that aspect of it bird just stop looking so smug about it Rex finally notices that near is a catgirl took you long enough org or mati as is the technical term and the place where they landed is her birth land birth Titan anyway the next stop is the capital Torico level 75 now I'm sure I'll be fine [Music] finally we made it to torogai the cat-people capital and we see that near is now on the FBI's most wanted list for being associated with torn up here we learned that yes you can get more blades as we see one dude literally died trying to awaken a core crystal think of them like pokeballs you resonate with them and bam you're either dead or you get a new blade okay you're not really dead don't worry it's a Nintendo game okay so I think it's a good time to bring up the voice acting no not the actual voice actors because I think they nailed a lot of the voices for the characters but the voice direction is atrocious so you would have a sentence but instead of getting the voice actors to record the line in one go it's like okay record this bit today come back tomorrow and I'll finish the rest of the line I know most TV shows of the actors record while the animation is there on screen to try and match the lips well just the aegis even me okay they don't clearly do that here but it's like the voice actors didn't even know what was the context for some of these lines now as usual the worst contender for this was dear old Gramps I remember crashing through many trees before landing in we seem to have attracted the gods since we hold the powerful Aegis and Nia subsequently gets captured in this mess by the blue fire blade better than the ethernet good we managed to escape don't let them escape which kinda annoys the head military man so to lay low we hide with the help of this na pon Torah who isn't really a driver but is smart enough to make his own mechanical blade he dresses up as a maid in his quiet time okay but seriously papi is actually a really good character it's just a shame her introduction was with this dude now while we deal with these pervy fuzz balls and a naked gram pore on the table the head Inquisitor of the military comes in to meet up with her blades that capture pyro I mean sure hey what's one more person chasing after us gonna change if pyro dresses up as an Ewok from Star Wars and we wander the streets looking for Nia this is where the game opens up a bit more the shops and menus now I won't go into much detail here but the game really lets you customize your playstyle to suit your needs giver 1 always open this menu it has blade abilities and they don't actually unlock until you open the menu even though the game tricks you and you will need to level these up to use the field abilities which actually are needed to get through the game and - you can roll four more blades so it's like a gambling system without microtransactions way you find core crystals in the world and roll for a new blade summer terrible ill and some looks so amazing with their own cutscene and everything the game however order saves after each roll so no cheating here so after asking around we find that near as being held in the big military ship and Rex has a clever idea I guess we'll just have to mount a full-on attack no Albert instead Rexy boy we wait for low tide and sneaking from the bottom huh yeah pretty pretty smart eh so before we go out we learned that Dora will come along to help us with its artificial blade poppy after a small fee of course assess how exactly nothing illegal oh damn see what I mean when I say this dude creeps me out now the process to level up poppy is different to normal blade since she actually isn't a real blade you have to play this game called Tiger Tiger which is like a salvager thing where it order Scrolls down your big treasure and your dodge enemies did I how freaking hard this minigame was anywho we make it through the secret opening and sneak around the military base has many amazing places in it perhaps rest and enjoy view for a bit view what do I mean metallic endless always sure that's up here I didn't hurt anyone did I we rescued near and a home free and I am no fool and now we are home free so Morag here wants to hold us in since apparently Pyrrha cause the almost end of the world 500 years ago for X being the goody goody goody two-shoes believes in the heart of the cards I mean is friends and decides to take down Morag by toppling a water tower on top of her hi yes you see watered the fates buyer in Pokemon so if you use the Move surf and you can do I want to reach Elysium what not this again no fine and guess I'll stay since its kind of cute now after escaping we try and find Taurus friend who has this ship that can get us off this island but getting there is no easy feat because please stop following me stance why here for just you wait and see birdy I'll be back for you so we reach his uncle friend guide you became very big in what year Dora thanks mate who after a bit of messing around gives us his ship and we use it to take us to the World Tree but our heroes are attacked by none other than was [Music] into the belly of the bass we go belly of the Titan stop looking at me like that Gramps and in said belly we made a big individual look it's an Aussie and of course they stick the Australians down under far away from everyone because everything here just cost so much money anyway meat band am a leader of mercenaries and let rip with a [ __ ] so after he takes us back to his headquarters he requests of us to help him on mercenary business and we're like yeah sure ok why not oh wait you're actually joining our party yeah you don't really seem main character material um hello I said get out of my party some people seriously listen up kid drivers use thoughts while on the bench Van Damme teaches us that when blades die they actually return back to their core crystals they can't get awakened after a while but they lose all of their memories now this one element is a huge driving force of the story of the game so don't forget it kiddos quiz later on in the day give me a look at that [Music] so off the Van Damme gets released by the FBI he tells us that it's odd that pyrrha and Rex both feel each other's pain because blades shouldn't really feel anything I guess it's because oh I don't know half of her heart is in Rex wait a minute hots is this inner blade or is this actually now when we get back we find this dude echoes the works for torna alongside malice and jinn he tries to capture a pyro band mr. Ozzy scares him off and afterwards he tells us we should go to the capital of Australia I mean Araya yeah - then find someone to help us with our Pokemon problem but we get interrupted on the way by actual literal Giorgio's characters [Music] well anyway we move on and reach the capital man this city is so real and lifelike look that's your is unrealistic armwrestling so we arrived at the theater to find a dude who can maybe help us catch rayquaza to then get to the World Tree but instead we booked tickets to Hamlet which then turns out to be a play detailing that war where apparently pyro destroyed half of the world he is a short version hi I'm Adam hi Adam God mr. architect give me power hey do I demons yeah I win but oh no three continents died oh well wait why are people angry II and and after that riveting performance we meet the Aussies friend who's dying or something he tells us to come back tomorrow to give us this thing to catch Rayquaza oh this sounds like a plot device that will mean something evil will happen in that one day break I'm sure this modern JRPG won't resort to so dead dudes little girl thinks a curse can save her dying grandpa nap sir and then Melo suddenly appears in pirate's dream grass place to tell her to come alone to save the girl or we'll kill her wait well so we got to go save her but since Pyrrha is gone from the party we gotta use other blades no blades I guess I'll roll for some spare ones oh what a big boy and we make it in the nick of time to fight malice you know an epic boss battle with epic music - Matt yeah and then in the strangest toys happy music starts to play and yep and damn dies I don't know maybe I'm just big brain smart or the game was really cliche but man I knew he would die hence why I never used him in my party earlier but this moment allows pyro to awaken her hidden blade form which was the mode that destroyed almost the entire planet five hundred years ago yes it's time or Mithra damn G strong allowing Rick's to have this Future Sight move readability don't worry you can't use this in battle it's only for story cutscenes wait well but she can call down the heavens to absolutely obliterate the enemies we got a retreat now myth bro well she why did you wake me up she's a bit grumpy but I also like this scene as it actually shows that Rex is still a kid and like I said earlier you understand that mentality that he's still a child it will make a lot of the scenes later on work really well so Pyrrha gives us an explanation dumpling how she's so crazy strong as Mithra and that MELAS is another aegis just like her wait it was also this one dude who climbed the World Tree to meet mr. architect but couldn't find anything at Elysium so his proof of that you know he climbed the freakin tree he stole two core crystals being malice and firearm he won't malice first to being evil destroyed half of the earth bill Adam remember him whoa myth writer then stop him at the cost of three Titans Mithra hating what she did created a weaker form being Pyrrha and sealed herself away so the only reason that Pyrrha wants to now go to Elysium is to find a way to once and for all defeat mr. MELAS now I know the game likes to portray them both as equal but Pyrrha literally says Mithra is a stronger version so I never used pyro in my entire playthrough after this oh and yeah Gramps is like who I fought in this old battle on so old and horny Oh Rex are you too young to know all this I'll say by the way it is dude is actually a flesh eater or a blade who people in the olden times used with human cells hence why is dying early instead of living forever like a normal blade anyway oldie here gives us a blade that can be used to help reach Elysium but since he's a blade he reckons his driver would actually be best suited to helping us and he is that indole which is kind of like the big neutral churchy place of the world so to get there Rex decides to go back to our gender then two more a day in the military capital and then to endure yes simples well we get back to our gentlemen this is fine so it's been a while and the group decides to get some rest and well she is certainly exposing an awful lot of skin pot meet kettle yeah one may say to my face I love online Oh see what happened have you looked in a mirror recently so the morning-after erectus panicking like crazy that he almost held hands with a real girl while Gramps and the tiger watch on you need a little romance in our lives to me I can't do this this dirt is so creepy actually I'm quite all right will you get out of here stop with this horny old men oh yeah hi Alphonse yes so this here is the Prince King kid of more are dying the big military continent and also the brother of more I received reports of an attack on a ship headed for the praetorium okay seriously how can you even read like this till we get some more political talk which really isn't that interesting to us at the moment the Senate doing but more importantly we got some blades to roll [Music] now do you see why the title of the video is like that and with that some kid steals fandoms blade cool crystal we chase them beat them up kill some people the end and that was inner blade Chronicles 2 yeah well I gotta say I love this game so much but I'll be completely honest it does start extremely slow with the loading and the slow talking the fact that the early game monsters die so quickly making the battles feel incredibly boring without the tree chain attacks not mention atomic dimeric anime cliches but still these are just minor gripes as boy oh boy this game is really stunning I mean just look at some of these backgrounds the story while it starts off slow what with the small group gradually picks up into some really engaging stuff and all the characters you meet are great except this one but sadly the game ends here as Rex and his group lie off into the distance never to be seen again you know what maybe just maybe I can do another part to this [Applause] who are you so frightened by our power but you wet yourself arrears monster [Music] near you can't just go around saying that the people Mithra tell it to say sorry I think my game is broken [Music] that's comedy yay I can finally upload this I want to talk about the whole game so I'll split it up into parts and maybe set a really low light Gosselin's Oh what could go wrong [Music] really like xenoblade don't you know but also hello to any new viewers here there is actually a pot before this over here and in the description and comments I please check that out first as it covers a lot of the story and gameplay don't worry I'll wait and this is taking too long so you're the main protagonist and you're the waifu then who's so our gang of rex pyro kama Mithra Nia Mufasa perv and poppy all crash on Maura Dayne and holy moly we are under leveled this desert area is very dusty and also home to the military capital and once we had there we made another one of these things of Professor Shu Shu alright maybe maybe not very interesting so tora forgot he exists Mantor are you cold AF this apparent assistant to torres dad said he was getting some adult magazines and when he came back the dad disappeared well that was pointless then so we wonder the town buying equipment and so on till we reach an inn which has a hot spring in a Japanese game nice spot you've got there please Nia don't tempt the YouTube headquarters no I just thought it's been fun lately you're a sicko Rex you know that right but so the military seems to be up in arms over some commotion and we go to investigate which means kill innocent military soldiers well we try to do that they then find the thing causing the ruckus and it's another artificial blade who looks like poppy and was made by Torre's Gramps why is every thread part of this game [ __ ] indignant ending so we fight the blade called Lila but she escapes and Toro remembers only on that time back in the day where he would work naked with his dad and Gramps making a God made robot yes this was as weird for me to read out loud as you think a rule but we then see the moment of his granddaddy's death don't you have any idea who the attackers were I have no idea tora then realizes that the only one who could finish making lila was his dad meaning that he's alive somewhere well I guess it's time for his story arc but then all of a sudden Morag and Bridget come in with soldiers they mistake poppy for Lila and try to arrest us oh look it's another cutscene where we easily win but the story says otherwise so we continue to fight till this spy nah pond thing comes in and is like hey forget about it you got the wrong girl Morag apologizes and we join forces to find Torre's dead and that other blade so now the mission is to find people who sold pods to make poppy as they would have needed the same parts to make Lila be careful everyone I think someone might be following us oh crap he's on to me he doesn't suspect a thing our investigation leads us to a factory in the middle of the desert but standing in our way is the old Jojo couple oh it's salad yes wait seems that insult was a bit too much as he breaks out his most powerful moves well anyway we make it inside the factory to find that they are mass producing artificial blades and deeper than we see Torres daddy pond but oh no the mysterious blue thing comes in revealing himself as the traitor and he was doing this all for this dude remember from the first part anyway he's been making all these fake blades and selling them off to whomever wants them they then send Lyla to attack us but with the power of friendship we managed to wrangle her back to our side while the two nopon flee and honestly I kind of weirdly loved this area of the game unique setting with many different sections to explore lots of treasure to find and these weird bird enemies we reached the end of the factory to only witness an earthquake what's all this shaking what the heck is going on this is too ridiculous for words so we fight a giant robot maid piloted by two pervs yeah copy then comes in and super saiyan transforms this energy is incredible yeah this is poppy cutie and with such a powerful form she barely uses it in the rest of the game wait what we then defeat the giant mech and chase banana down to get in to stop making the fake blades see talking things out can always solve problems what [Music] these are the other two members of torna the team from earlier that really wanted the aegis touch the beaches and we almost lose to them but more a comes in to save the day oh yeah for good I mean we have the freaking aegis this attack destroys their blades and before more fighting can break out another character steps in who is from indle you know that big holy important place and the other two flee while they can now with this new character the game sort of picks up again with a whole bunch of new story developments because frankly I was getting a bit tired of Torahs daddy pawn issue we cut back to Jen the leader of torna who reassures someone named Laura that it is almost time while she is frozen in stasis and then it cuts back again to five hundred years ago where Mithra was with that savior to the world Adam as he spars with Laura we also see Jin frigid and that new indole girl oh this is all nice and such but I missed my racing car so back to the present the party is on a ship headed to end all the girl introduces herself as fan Lenore she tells us that the praetor of Malthus who is the distributor of all blades to drivers wishes to meet all wrecks a boy Rex only agrees to it after finding out that amount this is also the driver of coughing man sueanne Mallos the big old baddy also one thing tonight here we see more of the blades memories being erased after they returned to their crystal as both frigid and fan were there in the past but neither remembers Mithra who as the aegis can remember things throughout time we then cut back to Jin again this isn't a popular way those two bozos report what happened a course also tells them the brief political thing I mentioned earlier which was where more are Dane was digging around and finding this old technology called judicium interestingly this is where those tests were done to create the blade human hybrids like mister coughing man so cut back again to Rex geez my head is spinning from all this cutting where we land on these beautiful floating islands which is where her ex actually lives Pyrrha is very eager to see Rex's parents know and insists they travel there and so they go and do that now this place is probably my favorite in the entire game I mean the whole place - screams tropical resort well until you fall off meaning you have to swim all the way around again oh that's great and I mean this place is great for leveling up your battling skills before I mentioned that early game fighting wasn't that fun well this area is where that starts to change with huge monsters that take a while to defeat meaning you can have fun practicing all those train attack combo well just be careful then all the rewards fall off to the side gee thanks Nintendo and after a fun while we reach Rex's hometown and are greeted by the children and this lady who is the caretaker of rest lady have lots of little pawns SM hate you can build advanced AI but you sure are a dumb sucker potato Rex then takes Pyrrha to meet his parents we're dead I'm honestly so impressed with Rex he didn't have any parents around yet he still works for himself and sends a lot of money back to the village great guy really back at the lady's house he's never brought a girl to meet me before uh-huh you do hear of blades and drivers getting married a lot in the old stories she tells us Rex's backstory and that he actually wasn't born in town but instead his dying mother brought him with a last breath and they found his dead dad only a few miles away Hiero notions how maybe she should not be with her accents that would only bring more tragedy to his already tragic life the lady assures her that everything will be fine and off we go to reach the ship to finally take us to indle but of course the Jojo couple is back again you want to join the fun too and here we learn that he's the crown prince of tanta that's the other big continent by the way now this is more like it come on yeah keep it coming after we beat him he concedes that he actually works for indole keeping an eye out for us and to test us if we're actually strong enough but well he always has the worst luck should we go rescue him so we finally make it to indole and decide to be tourists and instead we see anti blade protests on the street there are a lot of politics with this as indole gives people blades but some people don't want blades to exist at all and then you have more our Dame who's Titan is dying which is why they are sneaking off doing military things and trying to steal the cat people's land fan allows us to stay in the capital to enjoy the sights you and we find her staring at this huge painting beautiful has somebody got a little crush I wind up a pyro miss no it's eight hey no she ponders on the thought of forgotten memories as we cut to pirate and Bridget discussing similar things gia is that all blades talk about these days Bridget however says that she remembers a lot of her past since she kept the diary during those past lives and knows what Mithra did back then and that she should tell Rex before it hurts him later we then go to see the Prater a Malthus while the flashback shows us again that he was that due to climb the tree to get the two core crystals being myth right and malice we're the same you and I I consider us equals I feel a bit better no you put it that way your eminence so Rex pleads his case to be allowed to climb the world tree because when he finds Elysium he then can stop that war over the dwindling land a Malthus says he used to think like that too and yeah sure why not know how I'm letting the kid try Rex then trips out seeing malice in place of a Malthus hmm I wonder if he also ate some bad man geez geez meanwhile Ginny oh boy lands on temper and she are the neutral zone that are Damien's were digging in the place is also home to these giant super bug weapon things which is why Maura Dane had set up camp here who try and grab them for the war Jin however sneaks in and then uses the machine to open the world of light to attack Bo Ryan soldiers stationed on the island this is then misunderstood as more are Dane attacking the other and word travels to Morag who suspects that torna might be the cause behind this so away we go we arrive on the island and find the Beast is still rampaging Morag tells us to jump on its back and attack the power cables to stop it vaporizing everyone and so we go and do that well not right away because of course it has a defense mechanism or what now after that Jin pops out and confronts us me throw questions him as to why he was helping Mallos when in fact he was a good guy back in the day Jin accuses Mithra as her power caused the kingdom of torna to fall during the war which led to the death of Laura he also reveals that he has a blade himself but hates the fact that blades have those horrible rewritten memories each life and due to that humans were able to conquer the blades he says that malice woke his eyes to this which is why he tries to kill us [Applause] and whose ability can stop any blade tries to slow him down but of course as the evil sexy ninja bad guy he resists and within a blink of an eye he kills her you are no slave be free now with her last breath she reminds Jin of Laura when she died and this along with the old anime too much power trope stops his attack but of course a cos comes in to whisk him away and we are stuck here Rex said he couldn't stop another death while the two warring sides are about to blast each other out of the sky now take a guess as to what happens next too late a Malthus commands he's freaking Titan of indole to come in between them to stop them yes the literal entire land we were just roaming and so the chapter ends this is too ridiculous for words it is here where we get the backstory on the whole Jin and Laura thing where it shows a young Laura awakening Jin back in the day this however noise the heck out of her dad who almost kills her the Jin comes in the way and kills him first and saying how he'll always be there to protect her anyway back to the Titan wars in dolls huge presence puts a ceasefire in place and invites Prince Alphonse from Laura Dane and Bakura from Australia I mean Mariah to talk things out but of course I think the OL Aegis in any room and stuff gets done naturally she and Z convinced them that it was Melissa's fault and that in fact malice is pretty awake right now which is why he wants to return to Elysium to heal his broken core crystal up amethyst then reminds everyone that he was the dude who climbed the tree and yes yes mate we all know how it's your fault naturally meanwhile outside the three musketeers what to kill the leaders since they all are here in one place but that's dumb we still got more story to go through no tell us why you're really here well it's the info dump Jin's plan which is to open a part to the world tree to kill the actual god architect and then all humanity oh that's great now because fan was highly regarded in indole she is given a huge funeral but good old Nia has no time to be respectful at a funeral so wait you're saying you want to go be kingly Allah I'll burn you sheesh they also do remark a fan didn't turn into a crystal like before but instead it got split in half like with Rex and mithra it's almost as if someone stole her core crystal hmm anywho we finally get back on track to our original goal to catch right Wazza I mean defeat the serpent thinking that to able to reach the tree we learned that this thing was actually Mithras pet yeah but died during the war and a Malthus tells us that the kingdom of tanto we're the ones who revived him and told it to stop anyone approaching the tree through control of the omega feta cheese plus they also made a big black hole of bottom to deter even more people how did they manage a feat like that as I've said mankind is regressing uh you know that doesn't explain anything naturally Zeek finally gets his big old character growth since he is the prince of tantal and says that his people are actually descendants of Adam who was part of that toerner country you know how to do that everyone blames after he sails Mithra away he founded tantal and so with Zeke on our team we had they're not so great we shipwrecked by tomorrow son of a panda hurt boy we jump cut to another different group where we see the more our dang crew discussing that they will meet the Aussies to try and work out peace but then that weird spying upon thing from before tells them that banana lands to kill all the leaders there and so again we gotta go and try to find out what he plans to do and so we investigate no but seeing as how we are bumbling fools we mistakenly think he's gonna poison the guests as he hired those birds from the factory as the chef's poison that food is poisoned no mr. banana here instead tries to blow them up well he sure made it more powerful but we defeat the giant make made and miss annoys banana who pulls a kamikaze move and blows up the MEK to kill everyone there Alphonse however charges in and gets his blade to save everyone at the cost of his life much to the shock of the Aussies and we now lost another member then in honestly a mind-blowing scene Nia tells her blade to distract everyone while she transforms showing a core crystal on her and then proceeds to super heal him back from the dead wait what and then is like a dumb dumbs he was all right don't you ever breathe a word of this to anyone all right kiddo this is too ridiculous for words ah yeah Alphonse ends Morag to help us and we finally go to the kingdom of tan tile sachem which won't you fancy pirate or mid-run definitely Captain Crunch cereal wait that's not what I was asking I said Captain Crunch cereal you like it so on the way we learn that Zeke was disowned for wanting to venture outside the kingdom to explore the world hey he's got daddy issues shut up and sit down Chum this will be great oh yes I'm sure it will be so Zeke gets his blade pan Daurio to call up the Titan of tantal which actually just swims around under the sea oh it sure is cold yeah do you mind you're just so warm did I hear something naughty just now No so after some Yeti hunting we arrived at the palace a rundown area where we then meet the nice king no he's not a nice King at all the King imprisons us and captures Pyrrha telling his son that he plans on destroying the aegis for the good of the world he was able to capture us somehow by stopping the ether flow in the weapons rendering the blades useless but with some JRPG trickery Morag had told torah beforehand to make poppy store some of her energy in herself just for this moment see Torah you can't use your blade for non pervy things you small little sicker you want we then cut to Zeke pondering about his friends dilemma and the only reason I mentioned this saying is that Zig tells his blade that Rex can be the one to save his kingdom since his heart is pure and that as a child Zeke who is the adult has to help guide him keep in mind this for the end game anyway after so much time wasting poppy finally burst down the door and the group rush to find Pyrrha while teaming up with Zeke we then find it and whoa whoa whoa did they just point a cannon at her yes are you nuts mate yes they plan on overloading her with ether energy to kill her but not before we come rushing in Zeke and poppy push the cannon to miss hitting Pyrrha and it destroy something not important I'll say this so the King then comes clean saying that these people aren't actually descendants of Adam but rather use his name to help unite the country after Adam abandon them however Pyrrha reveals there is a mystical magical hologram thing of Adam with a pre-recorded message that he didn't want to back and then he sealed her away as a trial because only when humans and blades can learn to live together then she can save the world that sounds a bit confusing can you explain it in a bit more detail no time for that the Titan is crashing further into the ocean has that not really important thing earlier was important it was the Omega feta cheese which Pandora used to control the ship's depth meaning down with the ship weaker but of course is the goody-goody main character we go to repair it since viruses it's just like the thing she used to control Rayquaza so it should be no problem for her the way the king was acting I can't help feeling there's something more to it you think indle is holding something else over tanto do you know anything about those days grumps hmm no I was somewhere else at the time geez grumps what's the point of keeping an old-timer like you around if you don't even know anything Rex we also get a little tidbit here where Pyrrha tells us that she has to artificers Rayquaza and siren or the thing that helps shoot those light beams earlier MELAS even has some of his own but pirate doesn't know why the architect even gave her these and she wants to go to Elysium to find out open a chest it might turn out great but until then it's just a crate ha ha Rex we then find the Omega feta cheese which Pyrrha manages to repair and removes it so they can use it on Rayquaza can you fix it shut up I'm sorry but while leaving we are blocked by the three goofballs and we easily defeat them Jeanne old boy comes in with some ultra instinct power levels as he can now control the elements and move faster than light itself sorry what this is too ridiculous for work this is a really crazy anime nonsense I mean he destroys our entire team and isn't even fazed by sirens OPA laser attack oh well he's about to kill Rex by removing his crystal because remember Rex is technically dead already but Pyrrha stops him by focusing the laser on herself saying she'll destroy the aegis if he doesn't let Rex go Jin agrees and kidnaps Pyrrha Pyrrha and lays Rex all alone again the poor kid who really cannot do anything to change the world word of the aegis being captured by Jin reaches indole where a malthus ominously says prepare the ceremony and then his gem on the Titan starts to glow we then cut back to Rex and tanto having awoken to find no pirate or Mithra and he makes the sudden decision to leave the group and return to be a salvager because all in all he's just a little kid Pyrrha doesn't deserve him and he feels she's actually better off with malice than with him this of course leads to a heartbreaking scene as near Brigid and even papi cry out that Rex that this is not the Rex they know he should be understanding how much pain Pyrrha must be in to do all this just for him and that she would never want to leave his side this sad scene is then interrupted by a summon from the king he tells us more of the history of tan tal and that to be able to hide the Titan under the sea indle only allowed it if they gave up one resource core crystals yes the crystals which are made from the Titans energy were used as pavement to end all to keep hush about the whole country thing and as a result the climate group holder in the whole country now is in poverty in the length of pretty clean country we all thought it was in fact the letter he brought from a Malthus which he thought was just asking for aid actually said that indole now wanted the omega feta cheese and as such the king was worried that if he said no they would use the aegis to obliterate his country so he thought to just at first he also reveals a more interesting tidbit a third aegis blade you want yes while there exists Pyrrha and mithra there also sits a more powerful third blade which Adam himself couldn't wield and thus locked away this whole speech rallies Rex who now feels he was the one holding the aegis back and maybe this sword can unleash their true potential and how do you know Graham suddenly says oh boy Rex is sure already I know everything about this let me take it to the blade and I know this is normally done in JRPGs to help the main character grow but grants come on don't play dumb so we head there while Gramps tells us that Adam himself made him God the third blade now the place is near Rex's hometown and as such only one of his kind can open the door to it there's also why Jin needed a Rex on that earlier excavation now while we go down it seems that the tiger had a bit too much to drink and Gramps reveals another thing he kept secret because I don't know he liked seeing the tiger suffer hmm he tells us that the cave actually has a power to limit blades no not just in the story sense this place actually limits your moves meaning you can do any supa dupa combos here oh I dislike this place so much run for your life Dora don't look back just keep running anyway I hate this place so much are you for real and here's another tidbit Zeke is actually a blade eater not a blade turned human but a human with blade parts as while traveling he almost died a Malthus found them and not to erase his blades memories took part of her crystal and put it in Z her reminds you of something from earlier seems like endure l'ainte the goody-goody R K you get the point now and I guess well the cave of death is good at bringing out people's backstories cuz he is near so she was from a rich family her sister grew extremely ill and eventually both she and her father died while searching for her cure Nia alone found her dad's poor crystal and awakened Rama and later they were captured by indole but jinn came in to save her and had her join torna also by the way his cave is still stupid I swapped that team member since I couldn't handle Rex without Mithra and well see for yourself all right forgive me it was joke no we then head deeper into the cave and yeah this was the worst segment in the entire game for me so there's this spider cave and there are these bridges that collapse and now if they collapse you end in this spider hack hole with literally no way out apart from this burnable web now in the first part I mentioned the field skills and having them in your main party can do these things in the overworld now naturally you would assume stuff like this is for optional quests naturally there are no to proceed in the main story you have to burn this web there is no other way and I literally spend hours here because I did not have the blades on me to open this and what with the handicap in this tunnel meant that I couldn't even defeat the spiders so I would go in dying again and again trying to see how to get through without going through this web I then decided to meditate on it and not look up anything online and boy guess I got a farm some blades to go through to get the skills to burn the web there was one more section later on which was much worse but seriously this is my one major gripe with this game you somehow needed active blades that had all these skills to progress the story and then you got to go through your whole team again too unequipped the useless blade to get your faves back on again anyway we make our way deeper and Nia has some troubling thoughts as she suddenly feels weaker she then explains how Jen was the one who saved her meaning that she up to him and which is why she worked for him Rex being his goofball self snaps her out of it saying that this ain't the NIA he knows and don't worry I'm showing this for a reason you want so anyway we finally make it to where the blade should be however these dead guardian Eater fingers attack us yeah sure is scary and this battle goes on for so long with Rex almost dying when all of a sudden Nia transforms yeah you heard me because she is actually a flesh-eater what's that how is that possible well it is because Nia was actually a blade brought by the father to heal his daughter however when it didn't work he fused his daughter with Nia what and she is here now to save Rex and well I'll let this thing do the talking thank you for helping me see I love you Rex what nice game with a love confession and she is at the main girl Oh joyous day Picard wait for bit Nia I love you too I love you and all you guys my goodness this game is way too cheesy for me now Nia is your blade and oh there Molly she's so good the downside to this is that you have no draw mark for the other two blades that Nia had but I personally liked using her for the only reason to heal myself now instead of relying on the CPU no other reason at all anyway just as we win rex is whisked away to the magical tree place in his head where he met Pyrrha and he meets the actual Adam who recognizes his worth and says he is worthy to wield the third blade and upon touching it he sees visions of the world destroyed and a really old man and then the sword breaks wait what no matter this is given Rex enough motive a shouldn't they go forward and rescue pyro and not to mention he doesn't really need another blade since he has Nia naturally also in these visions was the place where pyro was being held and more eggworks it out to be the titan right at the bottom of the world tree and so they head towards it meanwhile we see Mallos somehow stealing Pyro's memories which allows his core crystal to completely heal without the native Elysium he then takes the omega feta cheese to make some delicious pasta but all of a sudden Rayquaza attacks him of its own accord it seems that Pyrrha knew it had some order defense features which is why she came quietly since she knew it would attack them but malice is just way too powerful and goes in to reprogram it anyway back at the bottom we land on the Titan and slowly make our way up and I mean slowly because this place has the other field skill issue this time with jumping now unlike before where you just needed fire blades you actually need this leaping ability and I literally had none that I could use so once again I meditated and found that poppy has is at level 2 now if you've been watching the footage I never really used poppy at all in the game which is why I never thought about this and if I didn't meditate on it I wouldn't know what to do but in short you gotta go to Argentum by these holy moly maracas give them to Torah and boom it's all done also by the way while I was farming for more blades I got this one for C and she's absolutely perfect for him anyway we run into the overpowered Mallos who can obliterate matter with his dark energy however this time we have Mia he's like super duper good at hailing she then destroys Mallos his body by super regenerating his cells and so he falls to his death no way his body isn't there I sure hope this doesn't mean anything in JRPGs no also here is where I found that you can easily practice the more intense combo trees that I mentioned in part 1 but then there are also these SuperDuper strong enemies level 100 what that's it I'm out of here his blade okay then bye anyway we finally make it to the top of the Titan to where Pyrrha is but I know it's now loss you're alive gee who could have seen that coming naturally Rex now grown up and well with me as health instead of drying man's up to fight malice and so we go and do that but well MELAS gets annoyed at me are always healing us which reminds me of another JRPG and so jin freezes near leaving us vulnerable and then super anime boy comes charging at us higher and mithra tell Rex to give up on them and that the only reason they wanted to go to Elysium was to destroy themselves to pay for what they did during the war but Rex the goody-goody says Lowell no I made a promise to take you there myself and I'm a man of my word and so the to show themselves to him in front of this absolutely amazing mech and joined forces to bring out the third blade and what are you kidding IRA and mithra fused together to make another blade with green hair and a party tail [Music] and sir Ramsey's couldn't handle all the wipers in this game and thus we shall never know the end to this story well you're willing pop three because this stuff started long to edit oh that's great see you soon weird Rex your guy don't tell me you haven't noticed that Mithra is lacking a little something what answer carefully Rex huh don't look at me Rex buddy you're on your own come on Rob isn't it time you got a new outfit if you moments later [Music] wait you cheated Mithra no free dlc skins allowed but why I don't even know what's happening with this game anymore [Music] that's not what I you'd call it [Music] that's comedy okay let me just check my comments real quick where's I hope you're happy now no so high to any new viewers this is surprisingly the third and final part of my Xenoblade Chronicles two reviews I want to get caught up just to click the card appear or description or the pin comment and AAA should be you're fine because from this point onwards this is endgame content like a huge big spoilers will be in this video and I'm doing my best to warn you okay okay okay yeah all right then here we go so pirate and myth refused back into their true form our green head only tailed blade called and she replaces near in the party both literally and or romantically we then get the most anime cutscene ever where Rex has now ascended impossible but I'm not complaining I mean this one quote can just summarize the entire game this is too ridiculous for words we then corn a gin who tells us to end him but Rex the goody-goody says Lalo all I want to do is go to Elysium just like move on move a little aside so I can get through MELAS however interrupts them by saying he can't allow Rex to do that since he wants to get there first to awaken the strongest machine ion to destroy the world and the architect indeed he then calls up Rayquaza who he had reprogrammed earlier to destroy them but siren mithras other pet joins to fight it and they accidentally destroy the whole platform sending everyone tumbling into the clouds below [Applause] Mithra wakes up next to Rex who has been separated from the others and are now in this range of ecliptic world the see I told you the geography of this game was pretty neat indeed Rex and mithra then joke around for a bit rulefive at the salvage of code always be I don't think we need to hear it come on let's go hey before setting out to find the others also by the way with this new green power Rex is able to overwrite controls of blades bonded to the other characters and use them for himself I know it's the game's way of letting me survive down here in case I didn't have my own other blades but it didn't really feel right was it like that for anyone else that they couldn't remove the blades once they bonded with the other characters because it kind of just felt a bit wrong to my games personal story uttered oh man I'm getting too sentimental sorry old man Rex then tells Mithra what happened while she was gone and we then get the title of the video which one of you is it in that form it's not one or the other it's both at once like coffee with milk what kind of a Pyrrha they're both me call me whichever Oh no no how will I choose I mean you already know my answer if your what's part one right you can transform the will if I need to see what I kind of preferred your hair in that form and let it be no Rex is a man of culture and we share a kindred spirit both jerk we then siege in getting beat up by the zombie thing but he is too weak to continue and Rexy boy pitches in to help out we knock it over but like a zombie dirt it comes back to attack and all of a sudden bridgett jumps in to save the day saying to destroy their core crystals to keep the zombie down and she is joined by poppy and I know Rex Rex then ask Smith right to heal Jin fine whatever and you two JRPG nonsense this is the power of the master blade she can analyze other blades and such finds out that Jin is in fact flesh eater with a human heart and I know it's like meant to be shocking but after Nia and fusion girl over here I don't think anything can top that we then get little bits of info dumped here and there Jin reveals that this is the land of more athough a place where humans lived but destroyed even before the cloud sea was born and also the birthplace of the architect then Mithra deduces at the heart inside Jin is that of dear sweet Laura his old master Mithra and poppy then have a little philosophical chat as you do where Mithra notes that no matter which age humanity's reliance on technological advancement always backfires on them this scares poppy who's like you know an artificial blade in a technological advancement she worries that she might someday destroy humanity and makes me through a promise her that if that should happen to destroy her Mithra agrees only in turn if she does something for her later on and so the promise is made the group then make their way further along until they come across the remains of the toner Titan yes the one that sunk during the war the one which Jin and Laura were a part of but no type by that because it's the three musketeers little just a little bit and now us who drive their ship down into the sea to find Jin back to the main group we get another big spoonful of him for a dump we find the womb of the Titan with all of these dead blades which then leads Jin to explain the life cycle of poor crystals okay so Titans create core crystals inside them which later turn into blades but over time eventually instead of a blade returning to crystal they get reborn as a Titan with no memories of being a blade the people of torna thought this was sacred and the humans on top lived together in peace with the blades and after a bit more exploring which involved me getting a little overconfident and handling monsters without my healer near Jin den reveals the shocking truth but like it started to get pretty obvious already that after Pyrrha and Adam disappeared it wasn't their battle with malice that destroyed torna oh no it was you guessed it a Malthus and endo he's just a little bundle of evil eighty naturally so he sent indole to attack corner which is how Laura actually died and with her last breath she tells Jin what humans fear the most it's not death rather it's being forgotten engine refusing to forget her when he goes back into crystal form fuses with her taking her heart to become a flesh eater however the grouped info-dump is yet again interrupted by the zombies this time with a boss the rest of the group managed to find us though and we all defeated only for Rex to find our way wait wait is that a human ID card on the monster boy you better hope you remember that for the ending but why so the group discussed that the best way to proceed is to climb the world tree right from its roots but the three goofballs have other ideas as they come in to pick gin up and also try to destroy our here Jhin however stops them a tells them to just take him to the top of the tree well that's not very nice we could have used the lift two guys I guess we gotta go the long hard way it's world tree climbing time what an so we enter the World Tree which is in fact not really a tree but it's a huge metal structure that had plant life growing around it and if you're anything like me who love sci-fi / fantasy yea these magazines are so good okay now after some real good dungeon climbing fighting all these cool robotic sci-fi enemies we then get a flashback to a malthus's childhood where he and his mother were being pursued his mother hid him and when he came to a Malthus found the man with his mother's a lifeless body and say he proceeded to kill the attackers curse those fools we then cut to Ginny old boy on their ship when suddenly the end of Tyson comes charging out of the safe it seems that a mouth is too now wants to reach the top and thus attacks gin ship gee everyone sure seems to love this hunk of tray probably cutting back to us we get the warning oh yeah that's pretty obvious oh my cookie supply was just running out Oh No also since we have Mia as a blade again we get some new dialogue hey about that thing you said that one time well oh right you're asking now now is not the time we can talk later so we make it outside to the next part of the tree to then see the big battle with gin and a Malthus um let me just grab some food and uh yeah yeah it's pretty good yes Oh merciful architect naturally so a mouth is sports us and thinking we still don't know his little schemes he sends his messengers to tell us to attack Jen for him rec says well no and attacks the messengers which in gameplay terms means he kills them so uh well just die you know that a little detail aha jerk anyway your mouth is is mad that we didn't listen and reveals the not so big shock that he absorbed half a fan Longhorns crystal to become a blade eater like Zeke this gives him her poetess of jus other blades including Mithra Mitra Mitra using her he summons siren to destroy Jin but Mithra manages to hold them off so the blast doesn't destroy the ship Jin and melis then make it to the top leaving the three goofballs to defend the ship since they are flesh eaters meaning that they can't be controlled by fans power our mouth is still mad keeps his hold on Mithra but guests old Gramps decides to once again be late with his advice now telling Rex since he's the driver of the aegis he can also wield amazing powers to wreak summons a huge beam of light which seems to be coming from this structure shaped like an Aegis called crystal to free Mithra from a malthus's control ethan gives even more grumpy and uses his Aegis driver power because he was malice driver remember so he gets all this crazy power to to summon more attains Titan to attack the group this is too ridiculous for words we then get another flashback to this game sure loves to do that right now where we see a mouth is traveling and the game is pretty much now trying to shove as many things as it can to tell you the player that this Dudamel 'this is a bit of an angry man who hates humanity naturally back to the present we see more ardennes Titan shoot a massive beam of energy just missing the group Alphonse on top is shocked to learn that his Titan is being controlled by someone else Majesty we strayed of course but we managed to confirm or composition we we work that's really did you just somehow miss the giant tree right in your view anyway amongst all of this commotion which includes the Aussies Titan arriving at the scene and AG boy sending the other two on to the tree for safety patrol car I love you you are so gross Mik see this game really hates love stories I love you and all you guys blondie here then transforms his ship into a mech yeah stick with me too then beat up in those Titans at which point blondie reveals to Malthus that they both are the same both being blade eaters what and that long ago he was one of the refugees that her mouth is healed back in the day but managed to escape getting killed during a malthus's murderous rage days a mouth is getting really mad again falls upon Zeke's homeland Titan - now help out say yeah yeah you pretty much have our every single country here fighting this one mech Oh sir the voice acting is still ah I can't back down from cure this game is so cheesy so Rex works out that the big green energy beam on indole is a source of a mouth as his power and that they need to destroy it Mithra says boy we ain't close enough for that but don't worry furball tora can finally help ya he was a bit quiet these past few hours I have no idea by using Poppy's limited booster to fly them closer or you know she could transform into that ability that was stronger but never used again in the story because torres a dumb sack of potatoes what's there to get closer they gotta go up and well as you can see the enemies get a bit tougher Oh juice and because they're a little bit tougher I I can give you a little hint if you want to avoid the enemies first you run between its legs get into the next zone realize you're screwed then jump off because this will then spawn you at the elevator behind the MEC through instead year sex haha I see we reached the edge and poppy launches us towards indole where the e just destroys the pillar and we somehow survived but oh no it's still alive what was the point of that whole segment then I don't believe this no matter blondie comes in to sacrifice himself and we get our little flashback as to how Laura and Jin saved him before his ship blows up rest in peace my favorite voice line in the entire game now at this point I thought you know what would be amusing why traveling to the Titans to do some side quests as this definitely is not because the game looks you out again of the main story unless you have the field skill focus like the faster times but anyway it's still pretty funny going around these countries that are locked in battle while Rex is over here like why witness my power all of you [Music] what's that dick indeed also to fans of the first part of this series remember how I swore vengeance on that bird that destroyed me in that part well I got my anime Redemption art why so we get enough focus to go through the door and onto the Skywalk of the tower we finally make it to where Jin is waiting for us at his last stand knowing he's still too weak from before but deciding to see whether the world and destiny will favor us or Mallos in the cutscene Jin questions us to why we want to go to Elysium to share the land with everyone because if that happens humans will still turn it to torna or even more athough is their nature Rex promises that won't happen as he'll stop any unrest but Jin questions him what happens when you die who will continue your ideals and Rex mightly says isn't that the same as blades even when humans die their message and memories live on in others just like blades Jin then collapses and the two goofballs come in and ask near to heal him and well that's a fatigue all of a sudden the true villain of the whole game appears yes it's the stalker dude from Part two oh right no no it's a Malthus in this crazy form which he got by absorbing core crystals this was achieved as his role as the praetor which allowed him access to a whole bunch of these crystals he then starts ranting on and on about how he's the architects agent and how the aegis his goal is to destroy the world higher and mithra then realized that malice was influenced by him when a Malthus summoned him that is the reason why melis kind of wants to destroy humanity it was all due to a Malthus we then do battle with tentacle man and win but of course of Malthus is a greedy little boy and fuses with the tree to finish us off Jin however turns on his anime charm and saves us by impaling a Malthus and the angry man finally disappears seeing his mother one last time jinn having used up all of his super Sayan energy also dissolves but not before having told us to stop Mallos what a splendid soul you were chin gee guess you're gonna ignore those people he killed a grant I did not know and so we reached the final chapter which weirdly shows us the past on board this orbiting structure and space which is under attack Oh No in a last-ditch effort to save the space elevator command gives authority to use the final weapon ion however they can't access the room as a scientist named Klaus is there experimenting on creating a universe Oh No he feels that this is the only way to stop the war we see the structure also resembling the one that Rex Joey's power on from earlier and so pushing away a female scientist who has a badge eerily similar to the one Rex found in Martha wait what Klaus presses the button earth is then seemingly destroyed in the same vision Rex had when he touched the third blade and a new universe is born we then see Mallos meeting the suppose at architect a feeble old man also from Rex's vision the man reveals that everything MELAS has done he already knows which then prompts MELAS to try and kill him which hilariously fails the architect says well don't worry I'll be dead Syd anyway don't worry MELAS then says thanks dad for making me and proceeds on the head our group right behind makes it to the top which shockingly to me is at the top of the space elevator similar to the one from that cutscene and oh my goodness it's it's beautiful I honestly will say that this games world design is my all-time favorite I love how at the start of this game you wonder around these huge Titans feeling so insignificant and yet here you are looking down on the whole world in one go I just really like sci-fi stuff okay I didn't know the group then hears bells which is what Rex and Pyrrha heard in their window xp dream and so they had that but instead of rolling green hills they see a vast desert with rundown buildings and dust billowing exploring around the group finds remnants that people actually lived here and that the size is easily big enough to fit everyone from all the continents below it should be Elysium but it isn't eventually they reach a chapel where the bell tolled they hear the architects of voice calling out for them and well trusting a creepy old man's voice is the best thing in this situation so down they go it's made of same substance as world tree itself same as the world tree [Music] huh hey where is everyone Rex then suddenly finds himself all alone being transported to their old memories where we see near looking really angry she spouts out hateful comments that they were misled to this wasteland all trusting Rex we fight them then find more AG and bridgid who say similar things and after that fight we find the others and fight them now I know this is meant to be very scary and profound finding all of your friends seemingly turned their backs on you Rex has a bit of a habit of ruining the mood [Music] he then finds himself at the beginning of the game where Gramps mutters how pointless this whole world is after which Rex is transported to his hometown where he sees Oh Lord but even this vision seems a bit strange as Mithra is now nice to him like Pyrrha and Pyrrha scolds him like our Mithra does seemingly and all this and everyone acting very odd Rex breaks down and cries which given what I said in the earlier part makes so much sense Rex is still just a kid I want to mention this because I remember seeing things online while playing at how everyone hated Rex of being a wimpy protagonist and such but you have to remember that the game tells you over and over he's just a fish out of water a salvager a kid this is honestly too much for him and I really love this scene and how it was built up over the entire game Pyrrha seeing his distress asks her father to stop the trial and we suddenly are with everyone all normal as it seems like they all were undergoing similar trials the architect then says that he was trying to test our strength of our hearts before revealing to us the big shock that he is in fact Klaus that scientist from that flashback who wanted to make a new universe what and just as he decides to give us one big ol info-dump I get interrupted in my playthrough and hit pause then while still reeling from the events when I resumed I pressed a to resume for whatever reason a is to skip cutscenes what now I'm not joking I skipped one of the biggest cutscenes in the game by accident oh no which of course meant that I was so baffled after this and throughout the ending but don't worry dear viewer I'm here for you the game has a cutscene viewer oh that's great so in his research to find hope for Humanity Klaus discovered parallel universes by complaining and thus by opening the conduit if you wanted to connect the gate to them in the hope of changing his own war-torn universe instead what happened was that when he opened the conduit everything in this universe was sent out to the other dimensions and all that remains here is this universe land of Martha and the right half of his body why Klaus / moans that this state of him is being punished for what he tried to do so to try and seek forgiveness he sets about trying to fix the world first was to create a substance that can restore or dissolve matter which then became known as the cloud see this then said about destroying the remains of Martha which led Klaus to create life with the core crystals who held data on all life forms from the old universe the crystals mixing in with the sea created the Titans and eventually evolutions made humans now Klaus knew as humanity always did was to destroy itself so he made the aegis three of them on toast Lagos and Numa on toast was lost to another dimension Lagos became Mallos and Numa became pirate and mithra it boggles the mind attack but over time Klaus learnt that humanity we're doing the same things as the humans before they were seeking answers for why things happen like they do like with the younger Malthus and even when a mouth is stole the crystals and MELAS was destroying the world he just watched because he lost the will to even try knowing his redemption was just a failure what he also says that once he eventually fades away the conduit will vanish making the Aegis lose its power forever I don't get it at all but in all that he notes that Rex is reawakening Pyrrha is different to humans before and while we are all spelled down by this info malice begins his crazy fun antics of destroying the world with other sirens oh joy Klaus then gives Pyrrha all the authorization to use Elysium to stop malice and just as we leave Rex says thank you for giving us all life we make it further in and see malice destroying the Titans as he prepares to wake up ion the strongest artifice so one last boss rush run and we are here that good old JRPG save point before everything changes the last call to do every side quest you wanta cuz once you beat the game it will only load you back here and as you'll see the end can be a little bit crazy indeed so we reach mallow still his arrogant self but confronting him we learned that instead of malice being influenced by a Malthus it was actually Jin who drove his evil desire as when he met him Jin had lost all his will to live but he couldn't die because he had Laura's memories this spurred on hating the world that did this to Jin he then awakens ion in a surprisingly well voice saying that huge mech from Rex's vision comes to life for the final battle and it's a weird final battle you attack him with the slow pace of the gameplay as usual but then at times he moves back and summons these mini bosses from before meaning you lose all your power build up when you're fighting your enemies you want we then get a cutscene where Rex tells malice of Jin's final words and that he never actually wanted to die that because malice reached out to him he wanted to connect with mallows and how many people died because of it you'd forgive him just like that forgiving isn't that easy well it helps that Jin is a sexy anime ninja so forgiving him was pretty easy with everything you've done we can't forgive you I'd get it now I don't get it at all and with more battling we defeat ion slicing it into this then causes the conduit to disappear and with Klaus he leaves one final gift as he moves on the sirens that were attacking the earth stop and we see MELAS dying finally being able to find his meaning to his destructive existence but of course with a giant space elevator with no power it kind of stops working and this is catastrophic as the huge structure starts to collapse and we get a little physics lesson where the Rings would fly off into space due to centrifugal force but the world tree itself would crash down on earth most likely destroying the entire planet what Rex pleads with Newman for a way to save everyone she hesitates but says yes there is one way she leads us to a place where we can fire boosters to change the trees trajectory to miss hitting the planet NUMA then calls upon Gramps and poppy to stay behind while she tells them something and so down we run to the booster but suddenly Numa stops on the other side then destroys the bridge she says to Rick said it was all a lie the booster thing doesn't exist or there is our escape pods and that the only way to stop this is to destroy the tree with ion which in turn means sacrificing herself this breaks Rex's heart and he tries everything to get back over to the other side including pleading with Poppy to fly over poppy says she can't as this fulfills the promise Mithra made to her and Martha everyone then tells Rex that he should listen to nuuma and that this is what it means to be an adult to let go and so Rex finally agrees finally becoming a man NUMA then removes her crystal from Rex and you ever so close Gabe so close they're getting about emotion he and the others escape and the pods bald Numa wakes of ion to finish off the tree however the pods break up while going back to earth and guess what Gramps finally does something good turning into his Titan form somehow and saves everyone and while they go down they see the cloud sea disappearing and no Titans when seemingly everyone dead I don't get it at all then in a flash of light they are over a vast ocean and the Titans are all there merging into one huge land mass this is classes final gift creating the world once more making a new Elysium down here and then after the credits are over the Aegis crystal in Rex's hand starts to glow and as every other blade before out comes Pyrrha and mithra earth separated but very much alive and thus boy meets girl go girls since now there are two of them and Nia I guess as well as still didn't get her happy ending I love you and all you guys thus we conclude Xenoblade Chronicles - and absolutely amazing JRPG that has the best world design I have ever seen like I'm not even joking about me thinking years ago just what would happen if we as humans built a space elevator and I guess thanks to this game that's a bad idea but this was such a fun JRPG and it's kind of amusing to me that this was the game I saw at Nintendo's e3 one year and were so confused as to what our see but after it's glowing praise on release I'm glad I bought this even though the stories and characters were dumb and silly at times and with some really humorous voice direction the charm and cheerful nature of the game held it together plus I mean the added bonus of waifu blades my goodness monolith you've struck gold with this ball matt jerk so now we can only look forward to the future and hope to see just what kind of crazy sci-fi nonsense the team can create you and next up we have Jin from anime ninja land competing in the gold medal match for long jump this game is top quality everyone well here we are it's the golden experience Xenoblade style so for those not in the know this game was made after Xenoblade Chronicles 2 but takes place 500 years before its story which means we ain't got our racing car boy anymore as here our main character is Laura with her blade Jin else I will mention you might want to check out my videos on Zen I applied to beforehand as I won't be repeating things that I mentioned there but then again reviewers said that this game is apparently standalone so are you really sure about that not really ok so this game starts out on the torna Titan where Jin and Laura are under attack by some big boy and the first thing you will notice is that we can finally control the blades Oh a feature that would have been so amazing in the main game is now a big selling point here I'll get into it later on when we got more characters - I mean hey sure you can attack if you wanted matey but for now these to travel through the area till they come across a bird village with one lone surviving boy my name is IC and thus we got a brand new party member with many different skills and ability oh wait now he's a NPC doesn't help us in battles at all how sad we then get some boring political stuff of this games prey to some guy then cutting back to our main duo who discuss some things at a campsite I'll get into it a bit later on but let's just say these areas are a little bit glitchy the to reveal how they are part of a mercenary group and that they should report the burnt village to their leader the next day while meeting up with another blade called Hayes who is helping Laura search for her lost mother but when they get to the said meeting spot they find it destroyed by what looks to be malice and all-powerful evil Aegis blade accidentally released into the wild by this totally good guy it's almost like bass what and I guess it's a perfect time for our first boss battle against one of my losses max well I meant perfect time in a metaphorical sense but we are saved by the supposed hero of the people and is blond simpleton this is Adam who is the Prince of torna alongside Mithra the other aegis blade like the yang tomb Ellis's Ian and well I guess Jin is kind of a stolen blade as the previous owner before Laura had stolen his core crystal I guess we are the bad guys and they tried to take us in a little fox boy I'm sure I'll enjoy his character growth very much and the entire story what's tail oh here we go again so after Wow in them too with our strength they have a chat with us Adam agrees to not turn us in about the stolen blade Jin if we join him in taking down MELAS I mean hey sure why not but before that can we make a quick stop in finding my mother no no what I am right lacking in compassion huh so this turns into a running theme with the game Mithra is made out to be well an idiot and now while I disagree with a lot of it like there are times in the game when no one is talking then one of them will go oi Mithra stop things I mean and she's like wait what did I do in this game the other characters really pile it on her saying how she's just a dumb blade who doesn't understand humanity I know the game is trying through those you know personality growth things but the thing is well she's like that at the start of the main game so from this fact I know she isn't gonna change much so I don't honestly see why everyone bullies me through it makes for a good video title jerk but haze chimes in saying she's found Laura's mother and Tory go and thus we had there while some creeper creeps on us and yes to use SmartView er this is the dude who stole Jin's core crystal and who abused Laura and her mother a while ago so I guess he's going to be a bad guy in this game just a hunch was I'm getting sharper kina that's interesting and so we reached horror got then found it's all burned down and deeper in we find a cemetery with one of the graves having a charm Laura made for her mother but while leaving the group is surrounded by our Damien soldiers and we meet Bridget once more who does battle with us she is the royal blade and pull once so high and mighty yeah well joins in on the bully Mithra campaign pretty cheap drink cheap you say don't be absurd it's called tactics look it up but perhaps that's something a simpleton like yourself could never hope to comprehend Hays however uses her Opie paws any blade attack thing that she rarely uses in the story again to stop the fighting and Emperor Alphonse comes in with these other blade AG on and yes this is Emperor Alphonse from Fire Emblem Heroes not to be confused with Alphonse from Xenoblade - or Alphonse from Fire Emblem heroes yes anyway Alphonse is buddies with Adam somehow and invites us back to his flagship yeah there it is Laura and hey stay back as Laura once more time alone with her mother and so we cut back to indole time you know the big high and mighty religious place that controls everyone where we see young and Memphis who is definitely not evil and some other creepy dude like seriously you don't design a character like this and not expect him to be the bad guy indeed they discuss things like how cool crystals contain DNA and all beings blades eventually turn into Titans mind boggling ie things that you already know from the main game indeed and we cut back to the ship as the game can't get enough of the good boy definitely not evil of Malthus with another flashback to when Mithra and Adam first met him and she's a woman too quite lovely indeed oh great I guess since we don't have Gramps here some other old man has to take / / be roll away you so we see the plot device I believe characters of screen so then we have to rush in to save them as a Gian who by the way is literally the most bland design main blade I've ever seen in my life was running in to tell us that some evil looking dudes were approaching the cemetery and we rush out to Laura and haze who are under attacked by the old one umm creeper from before who has an Aussie accent I had a soft spot for her making it very apparent that he hasn't been given gin for cutting off his arm from last time well you know the drill win the battle but losing the cutscene and when all hope is lost gin comes animate charging in and chops off both of his arms and when he goes to the kill Laura stops him letting the Aussie escape as she doesn't want him to die in front of her mother's grave we return to the flagship while the Aussie trips over unfortunately for him landing right near the i man who has some hankering for some illegal testing and now we have Alphonse and his two blades joining our party wait what I guess this is a good time to go over the combat for the game and for what it's worth the combat is the best part of the game it takes the same overall mechanics of the main story so initiate combat then Auto Attack while building up meters will be special attacks which you press buttons when they're full but the difference here is firstly you don't get the blade Pokemon system these are the only blades you bond with which of course means different things for the orb tree so in the main game you had to pick the right blade element - then work your way up this tree with level one being the meter on the right then level two and so on with your party members but here there's no tree and the game rewards you the same for any combination of elements thus when the party gauge is full you can do an all-out attack picking an elemental defeat the orb types here and if you destroy and all of you get another round and so just piling on the damage now another feature is controlling the blades Laura gets Jin and haze Adam gets Mithra and Alphonse gets Bridget and Adrienne so with the d-pad you can swap the mountain battle which attacks the enemy while also refilling your attacks on the right you will want to keep doing this in each battle which also makes the combat play more engaging and hands-on than the main game I prefer this style so much more and kind of wish they could somehow patch this into the main game because after controlling the blades here you can see what you're missing with the main game when you have so many blades to choose from and then I guess the other mechanics are mostly the same like upgrading your weapons and abilities and yes you have to go into the field skill tree to make sure it unlocks for use but however thankfully there is no gating the story with field skills like in the main game instead you have the dreaded slide quest system Oh No so in this game there is this thing called community and it opens up every single time you talk to someone just please stop yes I know you can turn it off in the settings you don't mean it so with that it doesn't mean anything yep it's pointless know what you should look out for is the side quest people and talking to them unlocks their side quest doing it will make the person very happy to join your community and if you have enough of these people happy then your rank goes up now why is this a big deal you may be asking well let's just say you're playing through the main story not really focusing on these all of a sudden a game will roadblock you saying hey buddy in a community quest level 2 to continue I guess you could look at it as a way of the game telling you to played beside content but you know it's pointless forced padding to a short game to make it feel longer than it really is Wow sorry I always seem to have some big issue with these games and this seriously was the biggest one by forcing the player to do these side quests to proceed with the main story do you kind of stop caring about the side content I mean most of them aren't even voiced so when you're forced to do them to get to the main story back-to-back you kind of just speedrun them my advice would be to do as many side quests as you can on your journey otherwise you'll have so much to do back to back with no end in sight also one other thing I what I mentioned is the camp sites here is where you can rest and level up with bonus xp but also where you craft items and such which you were made for side quests however there's this thing called the chat thing I don't know it was called which I honestly did not use mostly because the scenes were not voiced yeah what can I say I love my dumb English dubs okay hey you angry I'm not that's interesting me malice enough you think this is bad just stick around for a bit also I was kind of scared to visit them after the game literally crashed on me when visiting one yeah it's not letting me do anything okay anyway we go back to the story with some little bits here and there kind of showing how Adam is worried about Mithra as she has this crazy power within her but doesn't think she can control it just mentioning that for later next to each other like that you really do look like twins you too so we arrive back in torna when a soldier warns us that Mallos plans to attack the capital how did this lowly soldier know that who knows all I know is we got a long journey ahead of us because of this boss well that's the end of my review everyone Titans foot I almost had a heart attack I don't even know what to say to that okay but with the boss battle the game introduces another character whose name is minute Oh waiter whose minute okay my mentor No oh it's him mister coughing man you got an interesting way of fighting his hope caused this or his despair despair oh come on and I guess after defeating the boss its Milton's time to show why the devs created him his sole purpose of being in the game I make sure you get enough to eat I don't know where you put all that I'm the aegis I need all the fuel I can get what are my extra Russians brilliant amazing a character purely created to bully myth aura yeah I don't like him very much if he can't though really but we cut back too good not evil a mouth Asst and his mate no eyes who brought the Aussie back with him and is like Yale right let's just test something on him I'm sure this won't come up in the game ever again liar so moving on with the group they arrive at high Burbidge a place where gin finds his old diary as blades sort of lose their memory every time their owner dies so writing in a diary is a good way to remember things and in it he finds a photo of his old driver Laura comes in then the well acts very out of character I whoo I am glad you don't change ah Laura you okay what happened you've got me right here [Music] what no reaction and then at night we get a scene that definitely hasn't been done before oh she was such a pain in everyone's butt you know that you really then after crossing a harmless desert this all feels familiar doesn't it indeed we arrive at the capital which looks down on the whole tone and tighten atom notes how this is actually safety lock tighten as when the crystal is in this tower the Titan is peaceful but before it was a huge destructive monster blowing up other Titans gee what a convenient thing to say at him I wonder why he didn't mention this beforehand and so we meet with the torn and king who asks our group to be the guards for the tower against him Alice's attacks we agree and what amazing timing malice and his buddy mexic the capital and so we have a mini-boss Rush mode after which we finally meet the main villain hello partner he has an awesome presence if this is a joke it's not funny and I guess we have been pumping them iron since our last death and we easily would we can take them on a bit later hey sure Laura we definitely will fight him later while you know he's nuking the city what about it and so we beat MELAS and gameplay but lose to him and the cutscene as he escapes Yummy's mech and while it looks like we might have to fight more of them look who comes in to save us is it's Gramps not cool wait wait wait wait I thought his name was Gramps formerly as urdhva oh no go like I'm sorry what why is no one else getting worked up on this am I the only one who cares about the law for this creepy old dude oh gee thanks for reminding me that's interesting and so we ride on Gramps but a too late as Mallos he poses out with the crystal going to the Titan head to awaken its to raggin mode but before that says you know what I'm having too much fun with you with this rodeo I'll wait for you to arrive so I guess instead of going there straight away we chat to gramps in the Titan wound boom which is where the blades are born were you born here too Asura wait wait wait now she calls him as urdhva and this wasn't mentioned in the game before what about no girl you can't just keep making up names for him anyway for doing good Laura gets knighted for some reason because we have plenty of time to do this while MELAS just twiddle his thumbs over there and then we have even more time to waste because guess what we are roadblocked unless we do some more side quests and what side quest would those be a nothing except for helping this disgusting no pun what why so after resting at an end because I'm tired from all these side quests we decide to leave the kids behind hey don't worry you and miss this perv and thus we head on towards MELAS the lake not before some dungeon crawling in a really well-designed cave I gotta hand it to them they do make some really cool world design when they feel like it so we make it to the top and I guess this is the final battle you know the point in JRPG is when you finish the game that will load back here which is a good place to throw of a finale spoiler warning because yes know part two here we're finishing this interesting game in one video anyway moving on we meet Melos who summons his mech to attack the Titans core to make it more mad and after it goes to raggin mode Mithra summons her pet rayquaza but it like dies in one hit dragon types am i right No so Mithras summons her other pet siren while Mello summons his one and we get a really cool battle where instead of a party gage doing attacks builds up this meter and once full our mech will attack his the just billet quicker than malice can he however really just wants to see some mayhem and sends his siren to attack the capital absolutely obliterating it killing everyone there including some kids we left behind and well Mithra had a thing for milton's verbal and physical abuse and cries in art in anger going berserk mode and fights mallow super anime style they both then pile up their own sirens absolutely going nuts at each other destroying more of the Titan Mithra however is still holding on trying her hardest to not go crazy but she then unleashes a huge attack that destroys malice is siren presumably killing him into the cloud see but you know you'll be back of course you'll be back in this attack however does massive damage to the Titan exploding its core this almost kills our main party if not for the brave Alphonse who sacrifices himself to save us Mithra falls unconscious on to Adam and the flagship takes them to the survivors of the capital where we see and Milton with all Fox boy dead this despair causes Mithra to cry out as she realizes she was the cause of all these deaths and seems to forget that Alphonse died as well thus locks herself away in the weaker form of Pyrrha we then get the farewells as Adam says he's going to hide his sword and pirate away as they are way too powerful while Hayes Jen and Laura go the other way and this is where the game would now who we get to see this yep all no eyes turned him into this blade human monster machine hybrid and he's hell-bent on destroying us but we are easily defeat him which makes Laura finally happy that her mother can rest easy even though Jen could have solved this problem half a game ago and back at indole we see happy scenes and peaceful activity as a Malthus calmly becomes the next praetor he's definitely not an evil guy at all everyone are you completely incapable of saying something without sarcasm sorry his first decree is to send his force to attack Jin lovely we then seal origin Hays and back in the forest as Jin looks back saying in those forces come to kill them we then cut back to gen burning his group boto they took at that village or Gramps asked him whether he'll see him again Jin says well no and we then see Rex finding Pyrrha flanking the game to the main story okay before we bring the end spoiler skippers back I have a few issues with that ending so firstly it just feels like the story here wasn't fleshed out as they want to do like while playing the main game I always thought that bit where Mithra destroys torna as this crazy huge war event you know some epic crazy battle on a huge scale but now it was just due to some box boy dying I don't get it at all alright anyway everyone's back here so I will say I have a lot of issues with this game I played Xenoblade too when this was released and everyone online was praising it to no end and I guess I got over hyped on it a story that could have been worthwhile and added to the main game's plot I mean I love the main game it's one of my all-time favorites but this just felt a bit too rushed I mean looking back I honestly would have rather this story not existing at all and let my imagination take over and it's not like the game really warranted existing because it kind of was a bit short and they had to bloat it out with some padding of side quests of course it could be also due to me the main party members and not really caring for these new characters especially since you know this is 500 years ago all the humans in this game are dead by the time Rex comes in you know that's going to happen this situation kind of reminds number of first Tales game as zestiness was made first then boss area which was a prequel to it's world but it's story and gameplay were both huge improvements over zestiness so I kinda was hoping that a game like this would have been on that level of quality but unfortunately it wasn't for me the game playing music was standouts however I do honestly wish this combat was updated to the main game cuz I don't think I can go back with that slower style and not controlling the blades but yeah I guess I'm in the minority when I say this I don't think this game is worth it even if you are a fan of the main game unless you really really love gin and seeing me for getting bullied then yeah if that's your thing then I guess this game is for you but if you've never played a Xenoblade game ah do not start here oh I don't know why so many people said it's standalone it is not play the main game first then this one Oh what's my videos on it nah I guess looking back it could be a sign of fatigue on this style of gameplay I mean maybe I do need a break from these kinds of games but then again I really enjoy the stories these people tell man if only there was another Xenoblade game that had a different style of gameplay but still the amazing story in world-building that the main game was known for oh well maybe someday would you believe that this is a great summary of the entire game wait wait Oh Xenoblade X that one expensive game i bought in 2017 but i probably should have just waited a hundred released on the Wii U you know when there was actually a thing it got praises all around from the people who played it all three of them now for me technically Xenoblade X was my first Xenoblade I knew about except me back then never really paid much attention however after Xenoblade - I can honestly say I love you monolith no that's great also I do want to mention if you were wondering why I was a bit more pessimistic on my tour no review he can probably be explained because while I was writing that script I was playing this game oh boy was this the fresh air I need it in the series alrighty let's start from the top you get all these notifications and settings about the online and I'm like wait a minute no way you had online indeed but I'll get to that later the first cutscene starts up where it shows the earth being bombarded by a war between two alien forces in the near future knowing the aliens were coming somehow the human sent giant ships into space with survivors but the only one that made it through was the white whale and they fly safely as the earth is destroyed geez just getting straight to the point eh everyone is gone no also by the way this is narrated by Morgana from persona 5 I'll get into that soon enough but the voice acting in this game was amazing the ship then spent two years adrift until for whatever reason the aliens came back again and attacked the ship sending it crashing into a foreign planet with the whole splitting off from the rest of the ship and then we create our character wait what well yeah that was news to me too you don't get some British boy to control no you make your own so I finally decided to create my channel mascot Ramona if you follow me on Twitter or twitch you would know who this is oh yeah and I just want to point out oh wait the voice cast for this game is amazing I can't believe I can make a sound like GA velvet or to be that's one thing you'll notice that's very different about this game from the others enter blades the voice cast is actually well known at least of me but in those games you don't really know any of the actors outside of that one game I mean Rex was a TV actor oh I adore our Mishima especially if you suction good-looking but yes as for Ramona's voice I had to go with my favorite voice actress good old to be you don't say so we awaken on a dark and stormy night to see the other best girl in the game Elma she's a high ranking officer and finds us in this pod that launched from the hull of the ship and takes us back to the new base this is where you get a first taste of the gameplay it's a third-person adventure game that is incredibly open-world I'll get into that later but for now we beat up some small enemies and I say that because we die to the big ones oh yeah don't let the level fool you this isn't like most JRPGs the size difference is what you should be most interested in and for now we are no match for these things so we make it back to the hollow which is now called new Los Angeles because I guess the white whale launched from LA on the original earth and this is now the base for humans on this planet we head in and meet up with two others Erina and Yosuke wait what we then meet Morgan I mean Lin who is an engineer and will be one of the main characters in our party alongside Elmer she's 13 I did it say Lin takes us on a transportation ship to our new home saying how new la is divided into four distinct sections industrial 4 tech development commercial for shops housing for well and the main area the administration section we then meet the head honcho some guy I forget his name and he gives us the whole rundown since the crash seems to conveniently given us amnesia lead is an acronym builders of a legacy after the destruction of earth quite fitting I think no it just sounds really forced indeed so he tells us that they created blade to quickly establish a provisional government on this foreign planet and that their purpose is to search for the life hold unit a huge structure from the ship which has the rest of the civilian still in stasis she's 13 I don't normally show this to people but I've been working on some Skell fanfiction hold on I'll just pull it up here one sec this girl seriously is writing fanfic between two giant robots well that's no different from real life eh so these are the scales pretty much these giant mechs the humans control to help with the rebuilding of the new home honey we're home well friend what do you say can we count on you to do your part [Music] Ms CooCoo how much do you know about lifepods you mean like from the white whale like the one elma a blade rescued our friend here from emphasis on the word rescued because if you aren't released you just sit there frozen in stasis forever so did you have an engineering question about life pods or is this all part of the guilt trip I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about now what'll it be friend hem now you wouldn't want to refuse the people who saved your life would you friend [Music] you said no you wouldn't refuse that's a yes right so yeah the game does have voiced dialogue if you say no but the point is after showing us around we decide to join blade to rebuild humanity the first job we get is to stick some poles in the ground so these are data probes and pretty much the towers in Assassin's Creed or ie visit these to unlock the area of the map oh and by the way the map yeah it's horrible on screen but did you forget it's on the Wii U you know with the second scream that I still don't know how to record footage from so pretty much the second screen is just you looking where to go or to fast travel between these points anyway with the first mission you finally get to experience the Wonder and horror of not being the dominant species because oh my goodness so at the first frontier nav point we have to kill this giant bug thing and here is around the time I really started to fall in love with the game I know I said this before but in my Xenoblade 2 reviews I mentioned how I loved absolutely any media where it just shows how small humans are like there is proof that there is something bigger out there and well a lot better than a game that has the earth destroyed and you're fighting for your life against hostiles and a planet you don't understand indeed anyway we defeated and set up the first FN point now these also come very handy later on and I did realize that too late because to get money to buy things and such you have to make sure you change the FN probes to different ones like research mining etc like there actually is a lot of thinking going into this to maximize your efficiency gathering materials and let's just say I did not do that so we go back in me command abandon huh no that name doesn't ring a bell indeed he comes in to give a huge speech on which division and blade we should join with each helping to do some specialized skill in the world but honestly I didn't see any notable difference in what you pick I guess it could be from the online but like playing this in 2019 is a weird experience let's start with you in fact let's expand on that so this game has online but like do people still play the Wii U online I find that surprising but yeah there are plenty of people who apparently do for what it's worth and I'm sure someone in the comments can correct me but I believe that these are just AI characters with names of other players not actually them like in my 60 hours in the game I had one interaction with someone online and then I accidentally said no to their requests because it happened near the end and I was so confused as what to do also my Wii U keeps disconnecting which is why randomly he will see in this footage I'm either put in a squad online or just offline anyway Van Damme gives us our next mission we're a team using a scale are reported to have broken down somewhere in the southeast and us three should go and investigate wait a minute you remind me of that gorilla from Xenoblade 2 it's time for some payback the group then finds traces of the team but gets interrupted by these weird-looking aliens who know who we are and are trying to kill us strange I thought this place was just full of animals anyway we go further in and find that these creatures have a base upon entering see that the leader has now exterminated the team we were looking for he then addresses us saying how humans are intruders and must be eliminated Elma tries to reason with the prone but fails and we must defeat him it just kind of strange that out here in the wilderness we suddenly find an alien race hell-bent on destroying us so then as we leave what do you think finally free interesting one of the vegetables is sentient talking potato different - oh yeah this is a Tatsu and get into his character floor later and no not because he's an oaf on but he reveals that he's part of an endangered species here and that the prone were only recent invaders around the time we came well now I know why they call themselves blade okay look at him danced so he gives us the follow which is just the thing to reveal where to go and I kind of just forgot about using this thing after a few hours yes it's very helpful that this game has too many features to remember what the dirt agreed just one last thing what the bloody hell is this dancing turnip doing here he's actually a potato so oh yeah this is his biggest character trait floor firstly he does not help in battle at all oh oh well maybe he has some other purpose in the game no he's just comic relief and that being food jokes yes lots of them okay okay but tops will be running off yogurt instead we need it spread evenly to the tandoori sauce so now at the start of each chapter we get to pick what food Lin makes and this always always lead to some jerk about eating Tatsu oh it's funny the first time that six goes in I want to also mention here a bit the good and bad about the music in this game as you'll see from the voice lines good is that it's a well known anime composer so if you're a fan of his anime music you will absolutely love the soundtrack here maybe not the song title names however but it is my belief because of his renown status he maybe cost a bit too much for hiring for old small-time monolith and I think they paid him less in exchange for his music to be absolutely blasted at every single seat you can't increase or decrease the music and this happens in so many cutscenes where you literally can hear the characters and I would be so lost if not for the subtitles anywho I guess now since we get more freedom I should talk about what you use the money for and mostly its equipment so you got a gun and a melee weapon then you get armor for each part of the body and yes it does change your appearance is so if you're wondering what's up with my fashion sense I picked it up because it has higher stats I'm sorry if that's the only good thing Lincoln wear in the game she start later on though I did realize you can do this thing called fashion armor which means you get to keep any armor you want on you know so not skimpy things but you can still then equip the stronger weird looking armor that will make people question you say yes Lin does get better clothing later in the footage it's actually kind of a neat feature though in where I wish more games like say Dragon Quest 11 had because some outfits there you wanted to use throughout the whole game but then they're actually horrible stat-wise near the finale well also another thing I want to mention is the side quests as I know what you're thinking G these sure are optional and I would then laugh at you because these are the people who made the torna side-quests oh no not to say that they are bad but over the course of the game they really did start the grade on me and that's the fact that to start a main mission you need to complete some side quests requirement first like with torna the quest themselves can be fine but when I'm forced to do them in a certain order I kind of lose a bit of interest in them though they did help me keep my level close enough to the bosses as oh lordy this game has some really huge difficulty spikes I'll get into that later but just know you will be grinding and grinding in this game which is that a good place to bring up the gameplay now I know at least what to expect from a Xenoblade game and that is I'll be doing as little as possible in the combat wait by which I mean the combat in these games are usually hands off using Auto Attack to do most of the combat but to be fair X is at least way more hands on than two at least for me so the battle begins by targeting an enemy then either whacking or shooting it and your character will keep whacking or shooting it until you press X to swap to the other style now with the Auto Attack you can also build up this bar over here and win at 3000 you can do an overdrive attack which is pretty much Super Saiyan mode allowing for faster combos with more benefits then over time you build up these skill abilities to use on a cooldown timer and they all have varying effects the main use for them though is that your allies will yell out these attacks and if you respond with the same color when it flashes orange you both slightly heal and the attack does a bit more damage now this honestly the majority of what the gameplay is you attack building up the bar to overdrive while listening to your allies to keep hailing everyone so then with the enemies since they are huge creatures you actually can lock onto a specific body part and when destroyed it topples the enemy allowing you to do more damage but yeah I do know there is so much more strategy to the combat for example you can even change your class and weapons change what the teammate is saying even give them commands in battle and honestly can be a bit much for some just focus on building the bar and keeping an ability free to heal everyone oh so amusingly I never knew you could actually control your teammates till like 12 hours in when my whole team died and I was cowering in the corner and I'm like oh wait what does this do I'm just saying there are so many options in battle and so little explanations in game and I know I did have that problem in the second one now even though this is a lot to take in I really really enjoyed it probably more than two it's one of the few games that I actually did enjoy grinding on with the other being tales of Assyria which kind of has a lot of similarities with the customization but at times a lot of enemies you come across are so over level and even then you fight a monster that you can then beat but some giant is then like oh don't mind me I'm just stomping on through and interrupts the fight - just a one-shot you I guess it makes the game way more realistic since he was small creatures - rug lling to survive as you can then see me running away from a lot of enemies using the environment to sneak away kind of remind you of travelling in the Elder Scrolls games but with the gameplay I want to point out doesn't this feel like an MMO what I'm serious you have the open-world created character online squads the fanservice he armor the team battles on monsters - the cooldown on attacks this really does feel like a Wii U MMO and I love it the fact that this can be played offline really made me enjoy my time with this and you shall then see with her nuts the story can get later on look who it is it looks like the game has Matt Mercer well into the party you go so van Damme tells us that they might have found the life hold unit and knock to them a deep jungle area that is easily the scariest place for me Oh jack trying to set up Vash travel points here was a nightmare since everything is so over leveled like this is not a tactic you actually have to run and hide from monsters and not engage if you want to not die while scouting just like real humans in this situation hood I guess I mean there was even at one point I had to make my way north so I thought the safest way was to just around the whole dang island this big brain play took me an hour to do and there was still no spot to re-enter the island from the sea wait anyway we Elma Lin potato and Lao head off to the spot where we get interrupted by this blue dude called Elle he tells us the life hold is further up and doesn't seem hostile he just wants our sweet sweet knowledge so after some dinosaur hunting we arrive and find the perón are already attacking the ship part our team tries to stop them but a too late the prone didn't call in their commander oh wait I'm still playing a Nintendo game right but she says she is part of the ganglion army which the prone worked for and their duty is to wipe out humans a bit oddly specific but ok we fight pollute es Maximus Squidward and before we can kill her she flees in another mech we then bring Elle back home to aid us and tell blade of the ganglion anyway after this I actually finally realized like 6 hours in you can actually visit the other districts in the base this will be a running theme in my playthrough realizing simple things so late in the game but yeah it was really fun running around here like to be with less gravity it seems like the cars they want to play nice and for the most part you will want to explore here and the game does force you to do all the side quests and things like that now since we got Li gotta mention that the main party members are Elma us and Lin but you can actually replace them for most non story missions like Lao Elle Erina Yosuke waitwe or even other online players but with the AI teammates you can also customize their outfits and I'm just saying that because when you dismiss them they still wear it in every single cutscene this is seriously getting close to the serial levels of fun with the customization played then detects a spaceship crashing to the east and oblivia a desert like area making our way to the crash site we find these things called man on who tattoo says arrived only a year before us on the planet so we go and talk to them just remove my ears please so these friendly people won't hurt us apart from our ears but are afraid of the ganglion and will only trust us if we destroy some ganglion machines now went going to too much detail of how under level they was here but a cool feature I found was that if you died and had leveled up during the battle you keep that level this in addition to the many times your speed run in and you somehow it gets stuck in a fight the respawn area is further ahead than where you started trust me I needed all this cheese when dealing with things like this yes now this next part can be considered kind of a spoiler but when you look at it in the end it's not really so just a little caution here don't worry I still give a big proper warning before the final boss so we go back to the moon and find them under attack by the ganglion rushing in we save them and then Tatsu you know the character who is very valuable starts dancing which causes the last girl to fire a shot at him ramona bravely pushes him out of the way but our arm is completely blown off and this reveals the biggest and popular shock in fiction we ain't even Elmer is like wait why are you shocked tweet we all aren't human oh right right the amnesia aha well don't worry we'll explain everything to you into the 4th wall of viewer back there when we get back to base and so begins the mini Ozone's or ie human clones so the life hold unit is actually the home for everyone's real human bodies and the countdown in nla is the time we have left before its backup power will die killing us all the biggest thing to take away from this is that it means a lot of these characters don't fear death that much since it's really not them and the most important thing is to get to the life hold as soon as possible anyway we introduce the high-pitched boys to our leader and take them in docking this ship in ula the next chapter then shows booty squid reporting to a ganglion boss Luxor and yes this is definitely an evil boss ruler design our next mission is to then find a ganglion Skell in this monster guarded area the enemies however won't attack if unprovoked so this was kind of cool just wandering in we find the mech which seems to run on dark matter and call in our helicopters to take it back to the base Tatsu however the ever useful character decides to 8 which draws in the beasts and oh boy this whole scene is truly where I felt like a help was a little human we defeat it somehow but it still keeps coming until this giant death bird drops in and have literates them it acknowledges us but doesn't kill the group and flies off well that was kind of nice of it indeed so back at base nla is said about to study the MEK while lux our soup talks with another race who works for him think of their army is just made up of different races that they conquered over time it appears nothing is beneath me of late oh hey their surgery irin as team then finds a part of the life hold in oblivia and we go to help ramona and the others get there and we almost open it but all thick squid girl comes in to attack and after another top battle seriously so hard battling these mechs as a scrawny human we defeat her for good and return to nla dinner is on me this time ok this is weird very weird Tatsu is suspicious holy moly I love my sassy OC now one thing I'll give credit to Xenoblade to over this one is that with the camera work during cutscenes is that many times it's a free-spinning one which goes around our OC with the control stick however the cutscenes can go on for ages and it can get very boring just staring at our backsides well I mean actually but yeah the other games at least made it feel more dynamic with the shifting camera but here it's like the sorry up but I guess randomly we now can get a scale license yep we can write them in the open world oh this is true so yeah after doing a lengthy side quest you get a really basic cheep mech now for the time being this is fine but the thing with skills is that they don't level up and this one is a level 25 you can buy a level 30 Max and here's where you start to notice oh lordy are we poor so yes if you were efficiently using the FN sights beforehand like I mentioned this wouldn't be a problem but for me anyway so with the mech you can run around everywhere on the overworld and fight any monster your special attacks depend on what weapon you equipped so if you're rich you get better weapons the scale also has its own overdrive feature plus this lock ability which can trap enemies from doing things while your teammates through the damage like they appear new humans don't worry when you have more money you can buy as many mixes you want that's still always to go also to things with the skills firstly yes they need fuel and it can get quite expensive so don't like writing them if you don't need to or you can abuse a tactic I found online secondly is that if your scale is destroyed well make sure your pres be at the right time as then your insurance will pay for a new one otherwise you have to pay for it all again and this is seriously the worst together it becomes a bigger problem when your party gets their own mechs and it's kind of hard to always keep a track of them all right anyway a new mission same old Tatsu food joke that's yeah so it seems like the ganglion are on the offensive as they are approaching our city command tells our team to defend the east gate Erina on the West one and Lau to guard the alien mech that we captured we then do some enemy wave battles and I was kind of proud here and I've made an enemy all by myself as my team doesn't gave up but we then get called back into the city as the ganglion launched a huge drop ship to land all these mechs in our home Lau then tells his squad to go out there and protect the city as there's no point guarding the mech if we get overrun so we try and save the city when we meet these two a huge guy and then evil girl huh no wonder Xenoblade too has a thing for waifu's we defeat them and they flee while we get a call back from Erina at Soldier oh and his cat girl managed to sneak in and steal the ganglion mech back anyway we get back to the hangar how did they know exactly where we were keeping it no way okay yep that's it Aeryn I get out of those clothes put some actual armor on you're on the starting lineup now you traitor I'm benching you no point of wasting levels on you yep so our short-shorts gang meets up with the president while at the same time the cat people bring the mech back to Lux I was very happy then our next mission is in sylvalum which is north of here and blade believes this might be home to the ganglion army also it's really cold perfect clothing then upon entering the main area we see Lao collapsed and force him to rest while we go further in to confront the gangly and he said that did this to him however we can't seem to detect anyone until a big ambush by the cat people in there max we asked them why they're aiding Locke's eye and he says it's because of luxola is holding his cat people as soldiers for his army he then also reveals the ganglion stru goal is to destroy our real human bodies are not the clones however he can see that we might be good guys and agrees to a truce if we can beat a in a bottle septic on what I so will this would be the first big huge difficulty spike in the game you have to defeat five enemies at once then a mech battle now remember I only had one met and a basic one at that I mean I tried so hard to win this but it does seem like I do need to do some more grinding and this is where the handy guides come in oh man because there are so many tactics to level up but my favorite one and a lot of other people's is this money farming guide in this cave I'll leave a link in the description but pretty much it's this place in noctilum that has a ton of item pickups now in this game if you max out picking up one of an item the next item pick up instead gives you money so you can see where I'm going with this also make sure you just do one lap and reload of the fast travel point on the touchpad as you want to not let the crab spawn as they will attack you in this mech say yes I spent hours doing this to finally get to more max which then finally allows us to easily beat the cats and they agree to a truce and reveal the ganglion bases north of here also mate you did lose to a waifu in jeans we also hear lao has been brought safely back to nla for treatment so Jareau cat then tells the laksa soup which is what am i even reading that their alliance is no more however remember that big guy in the evil girl well she's really angry that she lost and steals a mech from the ganglion I'm not really a mech more like a giant behemoth warship to crush us yay so we had to sell volume to face our head-on and well this is yet another difficulty spike against me because my team just kept dying to the base so after some thinking and internet searching I get enough money for stronger mechs and better weapons I finally take it down during this time we also do a side quest where ah you want sorry arena back to the vent ego I love cats we then get cold to our scale warehouse where we find Lao as he is stealing a data terminal with Intel Andy reveals he's a spy oh gee what a shock he then flees while command tells us that the data he stole is the key final component to finding the life hold core we go to confront him in the ganglion base in cold arras so after making our way down to the head base we find Lao who gives us the sob story of his family not getting chosen for the white whale as only the rich get picked which is why he joined the ganglion to eliminate every human a bit extreme but ok luckily we managed to somehow sneak out mix in and easily beat him elmer threatens has killed lao for being the traitor but lin is like no please he's like a dad to me ramona joins in and elmer stands down Lau realizes the error of his ways and gives the data back he says to leave him alone while we report home and so we reach the final chapter now I want to mention this big fat warning to anyone before this chapter because ok so like with every mission you see there's a star at the start there's this warning ok once you start a mission you can't pick another one now I never really paid too much attention to this but that was my downfall during this chapter as you will see so first we announce to the public the location of the core and it's off the coast yep the whole time it didn't even land on the islands so every single blade heads out there but see the ganglion are already trying to break in just barely failing with it the last barrier lux I at the same time gets a report that we're all heading to life hold and decides to enter his mech to stop us also by the way he is the final save point before the bus so I skip here if you don't want the finale spoilers you know the drill pretty lady as we enter Elmo randomly says that DNA for all earth life is on the white whale and another bombshell that in fact every single human body and animal was destroyed on earth the capsules have all the consciousness of them and can be used to restore their original life form kind of reminds me of that future I'm a movie then out of No the structure explodes as Luxor comes in with a beta it's kinda weird how I'm meeting the final boss like this and you know you never really met him till now but okay we battle him and here is where my mistake bites me and my gene hide so remember all my necks are level 30 this one is level 50 and for the life of me I could not defeat him I mean firstly when you die you have to make sure you know you're going to die beforehand and eject from the mech otherwise when you spawn you lose any chance of getting it back since you can't leave and this includes telling your teammates to eject from the mechs as well so it pretty much meant I'm dying get the WiiU long loading times when I reload the save skip to cutscenes with the loading times and to the life hold skip another cutscene battle his first phase another cutscene then try and beat the heart of second phase now you may be thinking okay when you're complaining just grind a bit alright fine that works but remember the mechs don't level up themselves I need level 50 mechs which cost over 2 million credits for just 1 ok so then my problem is money I could just grind in the cave but remember how long it took me to just get one level 31 well it would take even longer for a level 50 mech and one at that all right fine I'll look up some guides then maybe I'm missing something and I did I found something a side quest that gives you mechs which you can then sell for profit but here's the big problem since I started chapter 12 I can't do any and I mean anything else till I beat it ie bait the game I'm effectively locked into this quest and of course only once a file in a Xenoblade game so unless I grind for like 10 hours I am stuck and I mean honestly I really tried my hardest in the barrel but to no avail I guess this is where I tap out however don't worry I'll still be talking about the ending just using my art since apparently I'm an artist anyway during the boss battle Luxor says humans are descended from Sumerians and these people are the ones who created gangling as their servants now anticipating an rising they built a fail-safe into them and in turn their descendants the humans that would spell the end of the ganglion race but we then defeat him and his bata sinks into the pool now with a job well done Elmer opens the console to demonstrate how the DNA thing rebirthing works but Oh No Lux I ain't dead and attacks the computer causing some mutated lizards to appear and attack us we defeat them and again I don't know now comes in and stabs Alex ah with both falling into the pool now realizes that failsafe was just human DNA which is all around them in the pool and this dissolves locks are you know I was kind of hoping for something more cool than just human DNA being the reason ganglions were angry at us now tries to swim out or the dying locks our grabs onto him using with him into this hideous beast Lin tries to protect him again but Elmo's like come on Lin look at what he's doing he's destroying our ticket out of these cones and surprisingly Lau agrees and that we should stop him so the final fight we defeat Lau hybrid who dissolves into the pool Lin says the computer is fine to create life and so we turn on the backup power Elma there now to Noah's like oh by the way I'm an alien wait she apologizes for lying for like 60 hours of gameplay and reassures us that it's still her the blade hatch q contacts and congratulate sus on destroying the ganglion threat and we return home the epilogue then talks more about Elmer who arrived to earth in the late 2020s and she gave humans info on how to build skills clones and spaceships Lyn somehow believes that earth is still alive and that more ships might have escaped as well then after the credits Elmo returns into the core to get our consciousness out of there but another shock it's completely ruined most likely from the crash landing impact this leaves blade at odds with what to do now because well their consciousness from Earth is dead and yet them as the clones are still alive in existing Elmer suggests that this planet might be doing some mystic mumbo jumbo and we then see lau on the beach while a shadow of a figure walks up to him and he opens his eyes cutting to a black screen with a text that the story never ends that was uh interesting or something that was some ending so like a cliffhanger maybe okay um so everyone is fine and alive but I really don't know how to express my thoughts on that ending for a game that started out with such a strong premise it kind of just fizzled out with weak characters and villains and a sequel fate I mean finding out Elma is an alien is cool although I prefer to clone design way more but that little sequel bait just seems really out of place I mean we barely know anything about Locke so as a villain and yet there's still someone else and Lao is yet again alive oh yeah wait wait anyway we bring the spoiler skippers back because honestly if you have a Wii U there you know gathering dust and if it's cheap I a hundred percent say you should buy this game I mean you got sixty hours worth of enjoyment from it easily and that's not to mention the numerous things I skipped over like did you know this has social links yeah you can level up with a certain party members to know more about them the game is just so massive which I guess shows you with the loading times but it's so surprising how they managed to fit this all on the Wii U this game would then be even more amazing on the switch and maybe just reworked the story a tad bit no some of the level grinding and mission structure that being said I still thoroughly enjoyed my time with this I guess it helps that I'm suddenly on a really high kick of giant mechs recently coupled with the amazing soundtrack voice acting expansive detailed worlds the fact that you can make your own waifu a husband oh and the customization showing in the cutscene raises the game a lot in my eyes it's just a shame the mid and late game story and difficulty dropped it down a peg or two but with that oh boy I sure have spent a lot of time talking about Xenoblade on this channel maybe it's time for a long break who knows if I'll ever come back to the older monolith games 10,000 likes and I'll do designer Plato on our guy Trojan Ramses Magnum chic [Music] you
Channel: RamZaes
Views: 476,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xenoblade, xenoblade chronicles, xenoblade chronicles 2, xc2, nintendo switch, mythra, nia, comedy, funny gameplay, xenoblade spoilers, blunz, gamexplain, xenoblade definitive edition, shulk, monado, xenoblade future connected
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 54sec (9654 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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