Waifublade Chronicles 1 | Expand the Future - RamZaes

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man oh excuse me were you expecting a video let me check ah yes like goal achieved YouTube lock opened and it's the finale of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 also by the way this will have spoilers so catch up on the first part if you haven't already otherwise this won't make any sense anywho picking up right where we left off after for like a million meters of the sword the characters all died I mean that's quite a fall are we seriously gonna believe that a round furball survived the drop that high who is no pointer quite bouncy so before we check on the gang we cut back to Kali and getting told about the fortress collapse and being pressured by Dickson to start the war with the MEK on and I guess enough of that dude back to the main characters [Music] and out in the water he spies and so he rescues her then tries to get for your a water but I don't think she likes it for some reason a No so after some hand-holding on the beach and definitely nothing else because this is an attender family-friendly game they wouldn't put anything more than that okay Fuhrer what's wrong strange it's okay we can yeah so if you haven't noticed fiora is now well in the body as lady main it seems to have swapped herself out and is now in hibernation fiora feels her spirit inside and wants to repay her kindness for defying Agel and helping her hubby joke agrees and the two begin their search for the others meanwhile this is the part where I realized I know the customization I don't have any new outfits for fiora so to cheer me up I looked over at Shoku is now part of Horn gang wait a minute hahaha you said the word which means it's time to remind everyone about the Horned gang anime references and waifu Murchie out now we'll be going forever after July 2020 grab some for yourself and help the channel but yes they'll be gone forever once August strikes by 1 no 2 no 3 is that too many give them to your neighbors I won't judge alright link below boy I really gotta have a word with that Frank anywho we cut back to the others who also made it out safely who would have guessed physics doesn't work in this world Ricky Melia and Duncan are together while Ryan and Sharla both start an Instagram account as a cosplay couple do you think she'll come the others are okay of course they are they wouldn't die from something like that Brian do you know how far you fell sure couldn't even make it off that cliff earlier right sometimes you things became a bit hairy uh okay so eventually the three groups meet up together in this abandoned village [Music] Chuck is that your childhood friend yeah yeah she is first I'm glad they put in the effort to show her pain in the remaster compared to before but the group sees that the village ain't so abandoned as it's filled with machina whose headquarters is a giant shoe the one here is Lunada a medic and she takes us to a leader a jolly chap named michael he says that lady meyneth is the creator of the mechonis she defended the machines and the bionis attacks now the reason they hide here is that Michael's son is eggl and he was driven by revenge and wants to destroy the by honest he also exiled all the Makana down here even going so far as to rip his father's face off leaving you with this thing and giving it to Mum Co which he used in the attack on colony 9 anyway Michael is like I really missed that face so please kill my son but before that Chuck needs to tell Kylie and about the eat the weapons that disintegrate life the Meccan are making in their labs but look who it is it's somehow here with us he says don't worry I'll tell the Birdman fiora also realizing wait this body ain't human it's a machine and get some tune ups from Lunada alright so we are ready to head to the mechonis don't make that face okay let's go off you go kid I'm counting on you and the Bernardo don't let me down sure good ol Dixon always looking out for show but before we go Nicole says to find vernéa you know the pear-shaped lady as she is the sister of egill and will help us try to stop the mad Lud alrighty then run along here all the way to the mechonis and yet climb all the way up to the top oh no it wasn't actually Ricky I really enjoyed the climb here although the scenery did feel a bit samey pretty much you so he make your way up to the mechonis his body and near the top did you find Charlotte's fiance who she was going on and on about he is not dead but rather a faced mechon and angry that Sharla is now buddy-buddy with Rhine he shoots a super beam at us and disappears but somehow it quickly sends shock into space where rock-and-rollers voice tells him to find the true monado baffled at Elvises words he wakes up and finds ghetto missing perfect roof are all okay and then out pops the pearl lady saying how it was lady meyneth who saved the group vernéa agrees to take the party to eagle and she hopes you can talk it out with him and stop her brother from starting a war but we see Oh looky he's starting a war trying to wake up the mechonis once more while at the same time the human no pond bird people army led by Kelly in charge of the mechonis on the titan sword oh my goodness he survived the attack but his blade lives who cares we come back to the group weapon a it tells them some confusing law and shield goes please 40 of main Zen's and Egger were best friends and that zanza is a creator of humans and that he attacked an icon is first and why all the Xenoblade character designer so horny I don't understand shook calm down alright fine Nanea says to find the control room ahead and there she'll explain some more things so onward we go with both Mellie and fiora chasing after shocks hard leave it to me so in the data center main it takes over fiora removing the peppa pig voice for another british voice well super low dump time electric boogaloo she says how the and the cons and long ago were at peace until the bionis for no reason attack killing many mark enough this is why egg ball is so mad at by honest and i guess it's understandable given it how unprovoked the attack was so they head further up involving some JRPG padding maybe my body itself is the key nice bod you've got there but I stopped by get her who was waiting for them however through some persuasion my body itself is the key ghetto becomes good and tells Ryan to take care of Sharla while he rests there finally the group reach a goal you have my undivided attention I've seen that I don't see the joke when I am pleading with her bro to not be crazy brethren resounds within my clearly still crazy Hegel says something important that he doesn't hate the life-forms and by honors its the Titan itself and how all the life forms on it actually just as food when they die naturally the ether goes back to the Titan allowing it to eventually reawaken so these mentality is to murder all the life-forms to stop that from happening well it's still a crazy plan and so we fight them with shook landing a blow Hegel is like fine you want to play a rough and brings out his mecha alder boa fusing it with the mechonis ascore to be one with a Titan the group then after flee as this causes the inside to collapse and I mean have you ever tried living inside of moving Titan how dear looks like I gotta buy some new furniture and with a big explosion about to kill them ghetto sacrifices himself to save them allowing Ryan a free open chains with Sharla so the mechonis awakens Kellyanne seeing this goes bro WTF and orders are retreat and then we come back to the group and trust me the game does there's a lot where we see the party being rescued by the flying shoe as Elvis somehow warned the machina what would happen I saw that dude has been really helpful lately so after some more discussions the group decide to fly it through the back of the mechonis into the core to confront eagle Oh ie this whole section was just a PG padding trademark location cosmonaut Oh pains but is reminded by fiora about the power of friendship if it's too hard for you to handle on your own yeah it's not bad come on sure you can I am fine so while the mechonis attacks to be honest the group confront eggl again and when they do after a fight we gotta run around in a circle defeating these things choke about to finish off a girl and just hold by a voice in his head to do so until four you're a striking British accent snaps him back to reality Chuck tells eggle both of them had the same pain and he will not stop until he convinces eggl to give up his bloody revenge the two should live in peace eagle in his crazed state goes on about the past or the Titans lived in harmony and his body arglist refused to wear pants but in death he's changed when he found the monado and was possessed turning into zanza then fighting the mechonis in battle before well being prison done prison break island choke is then worried that he might turn into a giant naked giant if he wields the blade - but a go says the monado is zanza that he inhabits the humans he creates to continue his existence however he sees that choke is part of horn gang and thus might have the strength to break the curse of zanza chuck is like I don't get it but I'm not complaining and forms a truce with a girl but then yes you're right oh my goodness it's a man with a wig then he takes it off and it's movie car but then he takes the mask off and it's Dixon joke well dies because that's a fully upgraded Garnier locked in call of duty Hagel recognizes him as a disciple of zanza so yeah this dude's very old which plays into the 80s adult movie star look he's got going chokes a lifeless body then rises into the air as the ends of the god of bionis is reborn from his body to that begs the question why does he look like Shaw and it's revealed that after the battle with Maynard zanza grew weak and the monado was sealed in the Arctic tower where Shaw was found and Dixon says well she was already dead then zanza killed them all and resided in Shaw he was able to control the monado and return he only picked off because you know why not wrong place wrong time I guess Dixon also says you know this crazy vision short kept getting while zanza only did that to him to lead him to the predetermined path of this moment zanza is then like ok this is boring let me erase the whole world and start again by first eliminating the mechonis which he does so by awakening the bionis Engel tries to stop him but it's like a god and he summons a monado on the bionis to obliterate the other titan meyneth flying over he awakes from a nap summons Herman ro and says how even though she too is a god she understands that life forms they made can control their lives not this predetermined BS and fight zanza but I think meyneth is a little sleepy probably from partying hard the night before with old show and loses - zanza he's like come on copy me and release yourself from fiora fighting me God vs God he does so looking nothing like Phil remind you and Diocese Enzo because honestly he's just really terrible at fighting but before she go she says to show up to create a world with no need for God's well with her gone zanza grabs the freeman our dough he then sends prison-break island to its grave which frankly should have been after season 3 and this causes a higher concentration of Elvis music to be played loudly Anelka moth which really the bird people vinaya and eggl have a touching moment before eagle says to leave him he has one more thing to do and also that shirt can still be saved so the group was Chuck's body flee to the shoe with egill using his last strength to stop zanza's attack letting them escape safely and so the mechonis is no more only one Titan stands after all these years however while flying out Dixon appears with a hoard of tilapia but then Callie and comes in with his bird people and it seems that the bird lady milf is seemingly working with Dixon as she begins to play some more Elvis music telling the rest of the bird people into telethia so yes these are all once bird people meaning all the Melia's race are now gone and only her human genes saved her fulfilling the third prophecy found at the napkin at starbucks kelly and however honestly vying for a spot of best boy over the commander fights his way through it apologizing to Melia for all the trouble and shoots himself at Dixon and milk allowing the group to flee back to colony 6 well then the gang wonder what to do and also hey Elvis is here clearly not affected by his own music and the group worried about the lifeless chooks body just rotting in the corner it's kind of starting to smell he also gives him a weapon made by the machina with their research on the monado which part of me believed that this time yeah he's coming back alive ain't he and well the group just chill for a bit among all the chaos Melia finally wanted to get something off her chest confronts fiora however fiora starts by saying how a body runs on Windows 7 while still very functional and amazing Microsoft ain't supporting it no more and unless you pays for a Windows 10 upgrade the body will shut off Melia secretly a Mac user doesn't really care but then a siren sounds with the whole telethia peering around them led by wow this is happening we come back to shew floating in space questioning the point of his life Elvis then appears and says you are the only one who can decide if their life was pointless and give some more lore dump while shook finally gets the strength and resolve to stop the god so then somehow does the old power friendship and magic and rock-and-roll thing go to bring himself back to life and not too late cuz he joins the fight which is kind of good since the rest of them suck without his monado skills sure goes to some how can still see the future but then Dixon Colson Elvis saying how he's also one of Santa's disciples which is kind of odd considering the dude just helped us a minute ago anyway we win for Elvis asked so does this world belong to you or zanza before flying away on the dragon birds you understand don't you shunk I don't understand so we get one big final rallying cry from the group to strengthen their resolve for the final fight for Ricky family Ricky win we must show this God our unyielding will to survive the girl cares for one thing hey so the weirdos used the shoes to fly inside the bionis through a hole Eagle made his final attack landing themselves inside its heart here they find milk who really loves taunting Melia saying that Kallen is now under control and in the weirdest thing in a game of the talking walking furball she uses Italian and begins one of the toughest fights in the entire game however male yet somehow talks to Kelly and spirit and he goes sis please add by suffering there's no faster much also don't worry you won't ever turn into telethia thanks to father's horniness for homs he then explodes killing himself in milk well that's good enough be good for the buyer this is her Dixon then magically appears as he does so quite often I'm honestly getting really sick and tired of it saying you why are you fighting in a bloody heart come to present break island and fight me they're noobs so away we go fighting monsters and a dragon yeah you couldn't lead the fantasy out of your sci-fi game eh well during the fight with Dixon he reverted to his true form a naked giant man but he's still no match for the power of friendship and we defeat him letting him finally die well good riddance man with a funny name juju Zanta I guess now is in space looks into the future oh yes I see monolith will make an MMO game that went so well there no waifu gotcha game that was so well but not enough and then also be forced to work on breadth of the wilds not allowing them to make their games they want to because Nintendo really can't do they are in games himself but what's this the group will fight him but their vision cuts off zanza is baffled he can't see past that I mean he is through freaking monado's he should be unstoppable they dupe then suddenly are in space a simulation I guess cuz like no breathing dancing nope on all right ignore the details so they run through fighting all the bosses again going past all the planets but not Pluto cuz you know then finally reaching the final boss zanza he's like hey I got two swords so I'm super happy right now I have no need for you or your life-forms Melia gets mad at what happened to her people but he's like you do realize ourselves of my body and only exist this food Duncan goes dude you know all-powerful we still trapped you on Prison Break Island but he goes aha that's what I wanted so I could be reborn with sha he then offers shooked the look bro I'll make you immortal also I'll give you a free upgrade on fiora to Windows 10 no charge or maybe a small installation fee shook outrage that this says he can install it himself and reject zanza zanza is then sad saying how he only wanted to be friends with the life-forms but that god shouldn't do that and well it'll wipe out everyone instead shouk replies that meyneth did exist with us as friends say you're just evil you wanted slaves the friends to feed you then begins the fight and I mean oh boy the music that plays here hits so hard he also then transforms mid-fight but somehow still has visions which confuses anza as he holds the only two blades shook is then like our friendship and rock and roll did it that and thus the group went again as they all power up shook transforming his blade into the true monado Sansa goes another Menard oh I must have it however we win zanza saying but i'm a god how can you win well mate is a power of friendship or actually this time a crooning boy speaks of a head sang how this is a result of the world's power and that it limits even a god if that's what the world wants they realize this voice is Elvis the rock and roll singer and he says how he's the monarda existing since the beginning so I guess he wasn't just a random seer okay he's like a super God or something he then asked joke again if the world belongs to zanza or him and she'll goes did you even need to ask turning a full anime today we use our power to fell a god and then seize our destiny [Music] [Music] [Music] so zanza is dead yay then Elvis comes in and shows him a vision where these scientists called Klaus and Maness performed an experiment to create a new universe but accidentally didn't hit control s and didn't say the current version leading it to be wiped out somehow turning them into gods of a barren universe so they were kind of bored and they made bionis and mechonis zan's are not wanting to risk his life forms venturing out and exploring the seas created the telethia to eliminate anyone who tried and pretty much set it up in a way that the world would constantly keep resetting elder son says he's actually the AI on that computer aboard the space station where the experiment took place and now this universe is dying choke as the new god that's the rules you kill one you become the new one must decide to let the world stagnate or evolve it joke says how he's no God he's just a dude hates shirts and the gang suddenly all appear agreeing yeah and none of them want to be God just live life every day as it comes but I guess this was a simulation made by Elvis to try and trick shock into this idea but Joker's like buddy I thought evil don't worry I don't want any guards here just let me be a normal home and thus the decision is made he throws the monado away in a new universe is born and well we see what happens months later with all the life-forms living in harmony and I guess we are playing a fiora fps as she asked where to find sure but on the way we see Millia and tell her haha he lost the fight for short then goes onto the beach seeing Ryan Ricki Sharla and juju before sitting next to Shaw showing off her new hair dude Chuck says he doesn't like if the aura gets mad but then shook makes it up to her by showing a new recipe he made it spicy no Vaughn burger with free drink and the group all gather round to eat and laugh in their brand new universe well that's the proper end to zone of load one and can I say honestly if I was completely blind to this game it would be one of my favorites the way the story builds its narrative the twists and turns the gameplay being so fun the customization that got to music I don't know if I ever mentioned this but I never did find any tracks and said oh bow to that like but here there were so many amazing ones however it's just a shame I was spoiled are many story elements take little bit of enjoyment out of this experience but it's still up there as one of my favorite games all those anybody to have probably better overall character development I mean Ryan Sharla Duncan Ricky didn't really do much story wise later on although if I had to pick a favorite Xenoblade game it might be X if I've got a better story in a remake I don't know but whatever happen anyway no that's not the end because we're this definitive edition they made an expansion set after the end of the game and if you watched all my Xena played videos you probably know that I dislike torna you know the most recent one well this would be a new expansion the most recent theme monolith made will it be good bad or well let's find out shall we so future connected to set a year later after the main ending where the world is at peace so like nothing really happened story wise and the story features sure obviously and Millia and that's it from the main cast yep not a single other one yay so they are flying on the shoe looking for Mellie as Capitol City went out of nowhere a beam attacks them making the ship crash on the bionis his shoulder here alchemor also alright I'm on my way yeah it's been 10 years since the original game and I'm glad they've got the videos back but yeah I mean 10 years to be fair she sounds so much better later on but it does take a little getting used to especially if you just played the original game shuco so wears a hoodie because why not their shirts still though a year later and I guess he's a wifey or I couldn't convince him to close up [ __ ] fear but before they can fix this [ __ ] they come across some wolves hunting some food and nothing notable here it's the way of life we shouldn't interfere with the ecosystem oh wait it's Ricky's kids uh fine we'll save them so yeah it's a roundup the party into four we get tuned up on kids keno who wants to be a hero pond like Ricky which will require him to go into huge gambling debts Phyllis and I get into that and Nene who's looking out for a brother oh yeah that's pretty much the general setup for the DLC you and Mellie I want to investigate the beam that came from alchemor and they're no fun just not want to be eaten I mean help you of their own free will and you travel on this area of the shoulder which honestly because it was one area I actually did more cyclists here than in the main game I don't know having instant loading because one area really did help so you learn that Alka moth has been overrun by this fog that's a king somehow [ __ ] which kicked out the remaining bird people and most of them are not full bred entir like Melia and there's this whole full breed half-breed debate all I know is that a lot of bird people will horny for homes I mean if they all were dunking I mean sure why not keep coming my gloom is no match [Music] [Applause] me as well just promise to be gentle well enough that story it's time to talk about the best bit of the expansion the pun specters yes you get your own team of lemmings except they don't really act like lemmings so as a way to incentivize you to explore you have to find these twelve no fawn and complete their side quest to recruit them and yeah they actually follow you in the world which is just the hilarious to see in game but I keep in mind to get them all final one requires you to defeat a dragon hello my good this is so hungry hello we stopped her we stopped them however I was referring to shows hunger but yeah having them also in battle lets you build this meter which goes up and once it's full allows you to do a replacement to a chain attack god I love him so yeah the story pretty much has the group entering alchemor finding it dead quiet let's see a bird kid getting attacked by a fog beast they saved the kid in escape and he takes them home to his sister who is ty Reyes Skywalker oh my goodness I forgot about you and yes she has this whole son thing where she hates Melia that loves her like a sister it's great okay so then the end of the expansion pretty much involves true getting a super vacuum cleaner to suck up a frog we clear the mouth and Melia becomes a queen to every fan of her it already has happened ICU million fans and I guess sorry I really wanted to write more on the expansion but I think I kind of had the same feelings as I did with gonna get me wrong I love the gameplay so much and I wanted to explore every nook and cranny of the shoulder but it's just that the story was average compared to the main game plus the group dynamic I never really enjoyed it really did remind me of my feelings with torna I mean that's okay it's an epilogue but I don't know I expected a lot more for an expansion called future connected knowing how cryptic monolith is with their shared universes also anyone knows how familiar they screwed up the sub so yeah I love the expansion but not the story so I won't be going to in-depth but it just ends with the two of fixing the ship and taking the no point home to be reunited with everyone so like a super duper happy ending and yeah that ends my run of Xenoblade I guess it's been such a ride being one of my most viewed videos on the channel - making me try out one of the most unique games ever - one of the most interesting stories I've seen in a JRPG yes I'm in love with monolith they are easily one of my favorite game developers and I can't wait to see what they do next but I guess that's it for zener games on this channel I don't think they're even exist anymore zener games so yeah Trojan Rameses magnum cheek [Music]
Channel: RamZaes
Views: 123,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramzaes
Id: wzci0BGch3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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