Amy Winehouse's Ex-Husband Blake Fielder-Civil Responds to 'Back to Black' Biopic

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now bck following Amy W as his rise to fame marriage to Blake field the civil and struggle with addiction is released in cinemas today Friends of the late singer have slammed it for being too sympathetic to Blake but he says it's a fair portrayal of what happened we're going to speak to him in just a moment about his thoughts of the film but first here's a look a a little clip from the movie well Blake is with us now good to see you this morning um um there's been so much talk about this movie there are so so many strong feelings about Amy from fans strong feelings about you too uh from the family and from fans you saw it yourself yes I did first of all um what did you make of it first of all it's a it's a surreal experience watching a film about somebody you recognize that person but it's not that person you know same for Jack who played me as well it was it was a surreal surreal watch but when I'm watching the film I have to watch it firstly from my point of view as somebody who I was married to so I'm I'm I'm looking at it as as somebody that I wasn't just friends with Amy we we were married you know we were together we we were deeply in love going from from that to the addiction so there was some real difficult parts to to process um but the the upside of that is it was almost therapeutic in a way ah there were some parts of it that enabled me to feel like I was seeing a more accurate representation of the relationship not in a sense of being let off the hook or whitewashed as as you kind of alluded to the the the the comments that people have have made just in a sense of it it wasn't it wasn't all about addiction and and and you know as much as that might have been the salacious headlines and the the paparazzi goal there was addiction but it was only an aspect that the relationship started like every relationship does so Sam Taylor Johnson the director has said that because there have been criticisms that you've been turned in I think one of the quotes is into a Disney prince are many people for a long time have kind of blamed you for drawing her into her addictions that ultimately took her fairly or unfairly um but said that it was very important to show how the two of you fell in love What attracted Amy to you in the first place what the chemistry was did you see that in the movie I did yeah I did I I think the the problem is is that the story that that that had been perpetuated or or or the narrative I should say was something that I I learned quite quickly Sam and Jack and I didn't speak to Marissa but they weren't interested in repeating that Jack when he came to meet me said so you met the the I did Jack yeah he came to meet me he's really really really good guy came to to meet me um not asking for any notes or anything like that just out of a respect thing really just to be but he they made it clear they weren't interested in in rehashing that story and I think what Sam said was kind of a nice quote that really if Amy wrote This Album which everyone loves so much about this person and Amy is known for being intelligent and and not suffering fools and and you know a strong person in many senses there must be a little bit more to this relationship than just an adult user or whatever I was betrayed as or somebody that was leading Amy sinisterly into addiction which wasn't the case when you so when when you look back at your time with Amy I suppose anybody when you lose a loved one and regardless of what your relationship what the circumstances were do you feel any level of any kind of responsibility in you know think well actually you know I could have done more we all think that sometimes I lost my mother we all think we could we could we could is there anything else we could have done in your position do you sometimes go to bed at night thinking okay I wish I probably hadn't done that or I wish I course many times and I've said that I don't I don't you know speak about it often but but yeah I do I felt to be honest I've done pretty much nothing but kind of try and take responsibility on my own way for quite a long time it's been a cross debate bear and it's it's impacted on many many things on my life throughout the years I have death threats online social media still Amy inspires a lot of fierce you know fandom and devotion um so so that idea yeah I I do feel what kind of things do you think blame what is anything you would change anything you look back and go okay I I wish I'd done that a bit more or a bit less or there were certain aspects in the film yeah when I'm watching it and I think you know it be the same for anyone I'm sure you look and you think I wish I wouldn't I wish I would have known one of those must have been introducing her to heroin h i mean that's got to be a big regret a regret that you were using it yourself at the time and a regret that you introduced it do yeah I sense that that the the idea of heroin obviously it's it's a it's a horrible terrible drug I've not I've been clean for years myself but I was in addiction as well well it's it's it's not as black and white as that I was a very very young person I thought I had all the answers but yeah of course to to to not to be TR about of course I regret any drugs but yeah I if I would have known how it was going to develop I would have been far more careful about about the things that I was doing the people I was doing it with I had no one looking out for me either no and and on that you know um her family particularly her father um have been very critical of you haven't they do you think they would change when seeing the movie do you think that this offers an Insight which might lead to some kind of I don't know conversation between you what what are your thoughts my thoughts prior to seeing the film were that that was something that perhaps didn't need to be said however after seeing the film one of the things that struck me was Amy's person Marissa did a really good job in my opinion of playing Amy in what because they have the mannerisms this this the singing did you make it feel like you were looking at A's mannerisms in a way obviously I know it's not Amy you know it's a film you have to suspend some but there were certain mannerisms with the way she moved her hands the way she flooded her eyes the little movement of her feet Etc there were lots of things that that brought Amy to my mind yeah I think that Mitch seeing the film would also see parts of of the film that he maybe aspects he thinks I shouldn't have done this you know his regrets like I have mine not as profound as mine I shouldn't Wonder but I think that one thing that comes from the film is Amy was a peacemaker and I think that watching the film yesterday I thought she'd probably want me and Mitch to maybe have some sort of we don't need to be best friends but I wouldn't mind having you what would you want to say to to Mitch and and and Amy's family now that you know they may well be watching they may well watch this interview what would you say to them to try and reach out to them I think that that they must have seen the film as well I hope that they as hard as it may be you know Mitch is a father on my father I understand his position on me I understand that I really do but I hope that he would see that there was genuinely love there and I love Amy you know very very much and she loved me too um and if if there was anything that could bring her back on would obviously do it would you like to meet with Mitch and sit down with him yeah I feel so more so since I've seen the film as I've said it just it it's a bit like a therapy session I guess that might be a bit self- serving than me to but I feel like for Amy's sake I feel like she was always saying you two should speak you two should speak when she was alive when we we'd already separated obviously um my exf father and nor we didn't speak so you know it's it's something that's kind of gone many many years now you feeling a away would be a gift and something that she would want that's right yeah yeah well my goodness me um we could talk to you CU I'm sure there's so much to talk to you about just briefly are you okay now I am yeah yes you are you're feeling Life's good I'm I'm in a I'm in a much better place than the person I recognized in the film um but it took me a while but yeah yeah BL we really appreciate you coming on and you know in the end this is a personal relationship between you and Amy only you know you know what went on there and it's I think it's it's great that you're willing to come on and and have this conversation and that's really important and I'm sure you still miss her I do not everyone's going to agree with you but still it's your right to come on and say here and we say what you want and it's and we really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 606,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, amy winehouse, amy winehouse back to black, amy winehouse movie, amy winehouse blake, amy winehouse blake fielder, amy winehouse blake fielder civil, amy winehouse blake interview, blake fielder-civil, blake fielder-civil talking about amy, blake fielder-civil good morning britain, blake fielder-civil interview about amy, blake fielder-civil amy
Id: 83T8KYmnH5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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