Freddie Mercury - His Grave and Where He Died (QUEEN) 4K

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I come luck just my way Wherever I Go Hard Luck isfe Good Luck never stays Day always to my for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves in Kensington London we're going to be visiting the house where Freddy Mercury the lead singer to the band Queen lived and where he died and then from here we're going to go to a place that not many people know about but a few people believe is where you'll find the final resting place of Freddy Mercury we're going to talk about all that but first the house and I don't know if you noticed there are leaves here they're not as crunchy because it's been raining but Jessica noticed them and of course when she sees leaves she jumps in them you're too cute now like I said we are in the Kensington area of London beautiful little spot and then you see this giant wall with this fence on the left hand side of the screen this is what's known as Garden Lodge this is where Freddy Mercury lived and died it's a beautiful little home behind the wall I wish we can see it I'm going to show you some pictures you can't jump that High baby gou now there were photos taken of Freddy Mercury the last days of his of his life that were taken in the garden behind this wall it's pretty wild standing here now what's crazy about this throughout time ever since his death people would come here they would leave flowers they would leave notes graffiti everywhere and all of that has changed I'm sure people come out here like on the anniversary and leave you know flowers for his birthday and his death day but there are signs that say graffiti is a crime CCTV and operation and it is private property there it is Garden Lodge now if you know anything about queen or the life of Freddy Mercury then you know what a life he's lived I mean they even made a movie about it called Bohemian rap city now here's the thing as crazy as his life seemed or as crazy as his life was he really cherished his private life and sadly he died November 24th 1991 here at his house at Garden Lodge and his final resting place has been the topic of discussion or debate or curiosity ever since he died Queen said tonight they were planning a big musical event dedicated to their lead singer Freddy Mercury who died last night of AIDS there have been tributes to his talent and his courage from friends and from fans the health Minister Mrs Virginia bottomley predicted his death would have a big impact in preventing the spread of AIDS one of the most flamboyant rock stars of his generation Freddy merer was extravagant in everything he did with early hits like Bohemian rap city he and queen created a whole new medium the pop video was born he was also a master of the big event drawing crowds to live shows all over the world in his private life he made no secret of his love affairs with both men and women he'd known for two years that he had AIDS but had kept it quiet living the life of a recluse in his 5 million pound mansion in West London where fans have been paying their tributes he only admitted publicly that he had AIDS the day before he died when he also appealed to his fans to help combat the disease when Freddy Mercury died in 1991 his cause of death is listed as bronchial pneumonia resulting from AIDS and he was cremated and he pretty much left everything to his girlfriend well onetime girlfriend in Long time friend Mary Austin including his ashes whenever he was cremated and she swore to never tell anybody when where and if she were to scatter his ashes it's crazy to think that at one point there were all kinds of posters and pictures and letters and graffiti all over this wall and the door this is how it looks now it's crazy right now I'm really battling the light here because the sun is directly behind the house but that the garden Lodge that was the front door now there's another door that a lot of people a lot of fans come here and flock to to get pictures of and that's down here at the far end of the property this was the studio door today it says deliveries because there are people still living here and I I heard I don't know I I didn't look up on it but I think Mary Austin still lives here at least that's what I read what do you thinkful I'm just so sorry therei [Music] somewhere where do you think they should be I don't know I I wish it there will be One S somewhere I wish the the person who responsible would just hurry up and get one organized it's been a long time and even the poorest of the poor have [Music] one today I think I was still with him I didn't leave here till about 1 last year and so for me I'm still there holding his hand it won't be until I think 7 when I reive theone it hit Mary could you just turn this way please Mary you this P year same as any one of us I F thank you guys so find it hard hav you yeah and we all know how we feel an empathe good on you thanks for coming thank you [Music] Mary I know it's ridiculous we'll arrange them later [Music] come come please I'll come back all right thanks I know it's not exactly [Music] time [Music] [Music] now here's the great mystery ever since Freddy Mercury's death fans from all over the world come here to pay the respects to visit where Freddy Mercury lived and died and wrote some of his music again there was a studio attached to this place and every single one of them wants to know where did Freddy Mercury's ashes end up now Mary Austin she's in possession of the ashes and again she said that she would never tell somebody she would never tell anybody when where and if she scatters them I do do believe there's an article at some point correct me if I'm wrong she did say that she did put them someplace or scatter them someplace and she kind of had to do it in secrecy so nobody would follow her some say it's in Zanzibar some say it's in the garden some people even say that it's in a an urn above the the the mantle of the fireplace but here's the thing they could actually be in a cemetery here in London this is going to blow your mind Bohemian rapidy is being re-released and all Royals will go to the age charity the Terrence Higgins trust the announcement about Queen's Greatest Hit came as friends and family bade their fairw Wells to Freddy Mercury in life Freddy Mercury said he didn't have any real friends at his funeral they had to employ extra security to keep them away dozens of floral tributes had been arriving all morning amongst them one from David Bowie will be missed it said echoing the sentiments of thousands of fans in life so flamboyant in death understated his coffin borne into the chapel bearing a single red rose a short service featuring the music of mosak kabay was conducted according to Freddy's Persian zarrian Faith the congregation joining with priests in prayer and chanting the news of fr's death from Aid stunned the world but none more so than the other members of Queen there to mourn the loss of the man they call the greatest and most beloved member of our family they were joined by Elon John and close friend Mary Austin with Dave Clark the man who witnessed Freddy as he put it going to sleep and as ever the loyal fans there to pay their last respect he's rock and roll he always has been he always will be even though he's now dead Queen will Queen will never be again but their music will live on I don't care what anybody says right now we're walking through kenel Green Cemetery looking for what many people believe is the final resting place the grave of Freddy Mercury now what's really interesting about this Cemetery it's about 15 minutes away from where Freddy Mercury lived and died and when he died that building right there that's where he was cremated now the mystery goes a little deeper usually whenever we try to find a grave we turn to now here's the fun thing about this it is listed that there is a marker here for a Freddy Mercury but it doesn't really tell you where it is it doesn't pinpoint it with like a GPS coordinate so we're just kind of walking around and doing our best at trying to find it we're starting to think that at some point somebody came out here and stole the face plate really hope not but it's starting to look like that now this could very well have been a fever dream of some sort but I could have swor and I read an article in preparation for this that Mary Austin Freddy Mercury's close friend one time girlfriend stated made a statement that she did scatter his a or she put them someplace and I I I vaguely remember something in the article about how she kind of had to sneak the ear out of the house and nobody would ask where she was going so it only makes sense that 15 minutes away is where they are living where he was living where he died and then if she were to kind of sneak away from the house come up here to the cemetery where Freddy Mercury was cremated and Scatter his ashes it would make sense that he was here now out some place like in Zanzibar or some other place he did say that his wishes were he never wanted to be found like scatter asses somewhere put him somewhere that was just as private in death as in real life follow looking at pictures online it appears that right next to the crematorium there are some statues if you will that kind of resemble his we walked past them earlier we didn't see his name which is why we think that it was stolen we're going to go back there and kind of look at everything again again right over here that's where he was cremated I love that there's a little pathways through this Cemetery and then off in the distance you can see progress being made new buildings so right down here to the right down in this little area well we have some sad news it looks like the memorial plate for Freddy Mercury has been stolen or at the very least the cemetery removed it so nobody would steal it once it was found out but a couple years ago somebody walking through the cemetery noticed a plate now you can see these three posts right here and they have these metal sliders they slide in and slide out you can see Jessica moving one off in the distance and it turns out that whenever somebody's cremated here and you scatter the ashes in the scattering area you'll find plates like this now this is where it gets really sad somebody did come out here they did a video uh you can see this one up here Jessica was just touching it it's broken so somebody broke it or something to get Freddy Mercury's plate out but somebody did come out here a couple years ago they did a video it's got a couple million views on it and we are able to track down I'm going to go ahead and get in here you can see names like this Cornelius who else on here baby go Cornelius blazeck Patrick and Maria and Ron Clark so right over here next to these folks is where Freddy Mercury's plate used to be it's gone wow oddly there are no cameras back here but you can see somebody busted it and removed it oh brother now there's always the possibility that the cemetery did remove the plaques so it wouldn't get stolen fingers and Bones crossed that's what it that's what happened but this is how the plaque looked whenever it was found in loving memory of Fark basara I think I'm saying that correctly that was Freddy Mercury's real name he chose Freddy Mercury once Queen started performing in the early 70s and the dates match up his birth date his death date November 24th 1991 and then there's a French quote here now I'm not going to pretend to know what it says but it does translate to always to be close to you with all my love and if you look down at the very bottom how interesting it's signed with a single letter M which could very well mean Mary Austin Freddy Mercury's close friend and one-time girlfriend it's crazy right could this Cemetery be the final resting place of Freddy Mercury could very well be with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure this time telling the story of one of Rock's most legendary performers Freddy Mercury himself from Queen until next time happy Halloween my way wherever I go hard is is you never stay today always the in my way
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 101,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freddie Mercury, Queen, Queen Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen Songs, Queen Freddie Mercury, Freddie Mercury AI, Freddie Mercury Live Aid, Freddie Mercury Interview, Freddie Mercury AI Cover, Freddie Mercury Songs, Freddie Mercury Live, Freddie Mercury Mama, Freddie Mercury Death, Freddie Mercury AIDS, Freddie Mercury Queen, Freddie Mercury Music, Queen Music, Freddie Mercury Grave, Freddie Mercury Garden Lodge, Queen Songs Playlist, Queen Songs With Lyrics, Freddie Mercury Photos
Id: L0fclJkFdhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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