Amy Poehler Reveals Who She Wants to Play in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Octo_Goblin 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 đź—«︎ replies
-How do you know what to do? Like, how to protest something? -We didn't. You know, we made a ton of mistakes. We argued with each other. We weren't intersectional enough. We called our meetings pow-wows. -Oh, no. -Mm-hmm. -But you're glad you did it all, right? -Of course. What are you gonna do, nothing? -Welcome back to "Late Night." We're here with Amy Poehler. The movie's really great, and one of the things you absolutely nailed it with was this young cast that's in the film. -Yeah. -They're just incredible. -They're so incredible. And, you know, they worked so hard, and I was able to work them so hard. I mean, you know, none of them had kids or anything, so I would just -- every time they finished, I would just go, "Again. Do it again! Do it better! Do it faster! Do it younger!" [ Laughter ] And it was so great. -So maybe a bit of a contrast to your directing of "Wine Country." -Yeah, "Wine Country" was like, "Please don't leave, guys. We only have a few more hours. Please, focus. Guys, the set's over there. No, we can't go to dinner yet." [ Laughter ] -Um, hey, were you -- This is a movie about a daughter who finds her mom's old zines and decides to protest a certain behavior at school. We both have educators in our family, and I think that sometimes hamstrung being protest-forward. Were you a rabble-rouser in school? -No, I -- You know, people have asked me this question a lot, "Were you rebellious in high school?" And I sadly was not really at all. And I kind of feel like you and I might share similar stories, 'cause your mom was a teacher, too. My mom was a teacher at my high school. She was literally around the corner. So, I mean, I -- I occasionally, you know, graffiti'd something, but it was, like, school-sponsored rocks that we were allowed to spray-paint. [ Laughter ] You know? -Um, I want to talk about one of your friends. I know you've worked with her in things like "Parks and Rec." Kathryn Hahn just had this incredible moment in "WandaVision," and she's always amazing, but has your friendship with her made you think that you would like to find your way into the Marvel Universe? -Thank you for asking, Seth. Yes, Kathryn Hahn is a living legend, and one of the best actresses we have around, and she's incredible. But I do feel like there's a lot of room in the Marvel Universe for people who could just be, like, the helpers. And I feel like -- I think I could be Brie Larson's, like, I don't know, bossy sister who's not in the biz or something, who's just, like -- [ Both laugh ] They're like, "Gretchen, what do you want?" She's like, "I don't know. What are you guys doing? You want me to turn on the lasers?" Like, I feel like there could be somebody who's turning on the lasers. 'Cause you never see that. You never see who's turning things on and off. -Right. -Who's closing up the headquarters at night. And I feel like -- And I'm so jealous of all of these mother [bleep] down in Australia right now -- -Lot of movies shooting in Australia. -Everyone's like, "I'm on the set of 'Thor.'" And it's like, "No, I'm on the set of 'Thor.' And it's so nice down here. And we don't even care about COVID!" It's like, "Keep it to yourself. Keep it to yourself." So, I propose a small indie Marvel thing shoots near my house. And I could play somebody's sister who is in charge of turning on the lasers. That's all I'm saying. -Gotcha. So just -- Let's say I'm Kevin Feige at Marvel, and you're auditioning for Captain Marvel's older sister, Karen -- -Gretchen. Not Karen. -What? -Come on, Seth. Not Karen. Wow. -Sorry, that's how it was written in the comics, and we're not gonna change it. -Well, then that's gonna be a pass. Because my agent didn't tell me her name was Karen! I thought it was Gretchen. If it's Karen, no, thank you. Okay?! And can I talk to the manager? Because nobody told me that her name was Karen! [ Laughter ] Okay? My agent didn't tell me, so I'd like to speak to somebody about changing her name. -It's just -- This is Marvel. We don't have a manager. -Oh, okay. Oh, I'll wait until I get the Marvel manager. Thank you so much. [ Laughter ] -Okay, so you audition for Gretchen. We would love -- So Captain marvel is going off -- She's going off to fight in space, and we would just love, like, what you think an older sister would say on her way out? -"Be careful, Captain Marvel. Be careful. I mean, don't -- don't -- You don't have to go." Is that good? -That was really good. Do you -- I mean, you wouldn't tell Thor, if they found a part for you in "Thor," you wouldn't go to Australia? -Okay, if they found a part for me in "Thor," I'd be on a friggin' plane in 2.2 seconds. But I want to tell you something else about Australia. And, you know, this is something I could be excited about. Remember a couple years ago, the cave rescue? The boys were -- they lived, and I talked about it on your show. -Yeah. -Well, the great Ron Howard is making a film about it. Guess who was cast today as some of the cave rescuers? Are you ready? -Yes. -Joel Edgerton. -Great. -Colin Farrell. -Oh! -Viggo Mortensen. -Oh, my God. -And guess where they're shooting it. Guess where they're shooting it. -Australia. -Yeah. And guess what I'm playing. -Who? -The cave. [ Laughter ] Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. I don't know. My agent has a call in. I'm excited. -[ Laughing ] -I'm gonna be like, "What are you guys doing here?" [ Laughter ] I'd love to come down to Australia. I know what's happening down there. -Oh, my God. So that's so exciting. So, Mortensen, Farrell, Edgerton, and you're the cave. -I knew I was I gonna see that film because I love that story, but I didn't know I was gonna be excited about that film. Like, I didn't know I was gonna be in the front row for that film. I mean, those three? -I mean, that's like -- It's worth getting stuck in a cave for if they're gonna show up. -You know what? You're right. And think of how much arguing is gonna happen between the three of them. They're gonna be like, "We gotta go this way!" "No, we gotta go this way!" -Oh, yeah. There's only one thing they're gonna agree on, which is, "We gotta get those kids out of that cave!" [ Laughter ] -Right. And one of them is gonna be like, "Or push them in more!" They're gonna be like, "Get out of here! We don't want to push them in more!" I don't know. When I saw that, I was like, "I want you to know that when I read that today, I was like -- This is our relationship. I was like, "Oh, my God! I can't wait to tell Seth on his show that they cast the cave movie!" -Yeah, I mean, those are three -- those are three classics for me. I mean, that ticks all of the boxes. -Those guys, come on. -Yeah. I mean, it's -- -Think of the -- Think of just the -- Well -- -I bet there's gonna be -- -Now I'm just -- Yeah. -I think there's gonna be a lot of, like, that thing that I know you love. Guys with, like, their scuba masks, but then they have to put them up here to talk. -Oh! And their hair flips out a little bit, and -- [ Laughter ] And -- You're right! There's gonna be so much -- There's gonna be so much scuba mask -- object work. I mean, this is where -- no offense, Seth, you would -- you'd flounder because you're not good with props. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Anyway, I'm so glad those boys were saved, and I'm very, very excited about that casting. And I think that you should do your show from Australia. -I think it would be great. Just for, like -- We'll do cave week. [ Laughter ] We're going to do it from inside a cave, and all of the guests are gonna have to swim in. So the only way onto set is through a tunnel that's full of water. -Yeah. -So only really -- only really good swimmers can be on. -You know, like, in those pools in Florida where you can have, like, the table in the pool? You have your cocktail in it? That's where your desk should be. [ Laughter ] And then, you have people swim in. That's actually not a bad idea. -Yeah, all right. So, we'd love to have you for cave week in Australia to promote your new film. -I would absolutely love to be. I'll already have been there 'cause I'm gonna be working on that movie. -I love you very much. Congrats on "Moxie." Thanks for being here. -I love you, buddy. It's great to see you. I miss you very much. -Come back to New York soon. "Moxie" is available on Netflix now.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 237,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night, Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler, Reveals, Who She Wants to Play, Marvel Cinematic Universe, NBC, television, funny, talk show, comedy, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Amy Poehler interview, Parks and Rec, Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope, Inside Out, Baby Mama, Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live, SNL, Wet Hot American Summer, Duncanville, Moxie, Netflix, Golden Globes, Marvel, MCU, Avengers, Joel Edgerton, Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell
Id: Txiy3BRlgFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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