Amy Poehler Reacts to Sha'Carri Richardson’s Olympics Ban

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-It is so good to see you! -Oh! -This is the first, like, in-person thing I've done, really, like, on TV, other than the Golden Globes. And you know how that went. -You guys won a Globe for it. -Yeah. We won a Globe for the Globes. But -- -Are you happy to be back in the world of business and get to work again? -I'm back to work. -You're back to work. -I mean, we had a year or two. Was it two years? -Isn't it a little weird that there's been two -- it's happened -- March happened again? -Yeah. It feels like we've had about a year and a half of discovering what we care about. You know, tough times, making bread, being creative in our sweatpants. But it's time to get back to work. I'm back in the office. -You're back in the office. -This -- You know, you are one of my top work friends. You're like in my top-20 work friends. -Of all time or currently? -Just in New York. -Okay. -And, so, I'm excited about making sure that this is very productive, 'cause I need us to get -- I'm going to bill you for this time. -Okay, gotcha. So this is not about -- We should not be frivolous of our time here. -I don't want any personal questions. I don't want to get personal. This isn't a time to talk about life. Work. -Just work. -Productivity. -Okay. -Numbers. If we find a way to get the sales up that our company is going to do, we need to make sure -- -So it seems like you've maybe gone back to a different kind of work that you were doing before, because you don't seem very, like, locked in on the terms. -Yeah, I forget what -- how work goes. But I'm very excited to talk with you about solutions and ideas. -Oh, God, that would be great to find some solutions. I do -- I want to ask this, because it is very nice having you back in New York City. -Yeah. -Summertime in New York City -- are you pro or are you con? -Love summertime in New York City. -Okay. -My favorite city in the world. Love being here always. A lot of people are complaining about a lot of stuff in New York right now. But you know what I love? Construction. -How so? -Because I love construction sites because I do very well there. -Really? -Yeah. -Historically, has this been -- -Yeah, they're my people. That's my group. That's my group. -Gotcha. -Like, if I see scaffolding, I'm like, "What's going on over there?" -Oh, you'll go out of your way? -Then I go out of my way just to say, "What are you guys doing?" -Gotcha. -Yeah, because I don't think that construction workers are big fans of "Parks and Rec," but they are fans of my work. You know what I mean. -Oh, that's great. Yeah, yeah. -They're fans of my work. What's a common way that they would let you know that -- -Well, no, I mean, I do like that everyone is out and about and talking and seeing each other again. Like, it is really great to make eye contact with people. And what's great about New York is that you can walk down the street, and someone can be like, "Hey, beautiful." And you can be like, "Hi." And they can be like, "Can I ask you a question?" And you're like, "No. No, you can't ask me a question." It's that kind of give-and-take. -Yes, like that you can immediately -- It can immediately take a left turn into this is, "You've overstayed your welcome with even your second sentence." -It's best city in the world to keep moving. -Yeah. -It's the best. It's the best place in the world. -It is the best place in the world. It kind of can be oppressively hot, but you've never minded that? -No. And, also, I was here during the World Cup, which was awesome, walking around -- -How was that? -Oh, it was so great. I mean, just walking around the streets, watching -- -Were you rooting? Did you have a rooting interest in the final? -I didn't. I was rooting for a good game, which is certainly what we got. And Italians and the English, the Brits, were, like, in full force in the bars and pubs all over the city. And I love little Prince George in his little suit. -Yeah. I read a headline in "People" magazine that he is like, "No more shorts." -He's not wearing shorts? -No, 'cause he's 8 now. It said he's 8. And there was a big exclamation point like, "This is final." -No more shorts? -No more shorts. Get used to the little-suit look. -He's not going to do well at construction sites. You got to wear shorts. -You've got to wear shorts. -But it was exciting that Italy won. There was so many scooters in the West Village just going like, "Beep, beep!" Like, just very -- Like, there was a lot of people in, like, handsome suits and brown shoes being like, "Beep, beep! We won! Beep, beep!" -Hey! -Hey! Like, carrying raviolis and being like, "We won!" And then their beautiful girlfriend being like, "Beep, beep!" But that was great. I like -- Did you watch the World Cup? -The European Cup, yeah. -Oh, excuse me. -We get a lot of -- We have this thing on the show now where people -- -Wait. That was the European Cup? -Yeah. -Oh, my God. I thought it was the World Cup. It was the European Cup? -Yeah, it was the European Cup. -I thought it was the World Cup, 'cause the Olympics are coming up, so I got confused. -Are you excited about the Olympics? -Very excited. I know some people don't like the Olympics. And whatever they say about it, I agree with that, too. But I do enjoy -- I'm very sad that we're not going to see Sha'Carri Richardson. I think she's awesome and an incredible athlete, and I love watching her run. And -- -Are you surprised? How do you feel about this rule? -Well, I am impressed by the fact she can do anything after smoking weed, because I could do very little back in the day. -Yeah, because she continued to excel. -Yeah. Now, you spent some time in Amsterdam, so I'm sure you had a minute or two where you tried a marijuana cigarette. -Yeah. It never was -- I just get real tired. -Tired. -Yeah, I get real tired. -So you don't run -- You don't sprint after that. -No, no, no. -But I would -- I mean, I would like to go see a film. Like, if it was, you know -- -Well, that did happen to me one time. But I will tell you that I had a puff of a marijuana cigarette, and then I went to see "I Am Legend." -Okay. The Will Smith -- -I wouldn't recommend it. Yeah, that was the movie with will Smith. He was the only person left in New York. A dog is introduced very early on, and you know the dog is not make it. -You're not going to be like, "This is going to make it to the end credit." -The dog's not gonna make it to the end. What gets the dog? Is it, like, a vampire person or something? -Oh, yeah, probably some kind of, like, creepy alien that is never explained. -Right, right. I got a question, though. I've got an "I Am Legend" question for you. -Yeah. Of course. I'm ready. I run the website. -No, but it's a hypothetical. -Alright. -You're the last person in New York. -Mm! -What do you do? -It's so funny you say that. My kid just asked me that question. He was like, "What if you were the only person here? What would you do?" And I was like -- It was like, "Walk around The Met? Like, I don't know. It would be a day, and then I would have a full breakdown. -Right. Well, 'cause what I like about New York is, there's a -- you're surrounded by people that are very good at doing things that you can then benefit from. -Yeah. Like, am I going to make my own pizza? -No. -What? Going to the best pizza place and make my own pizza? -Right. -Like, no. -Like, I'm not -- I mean, I've watched, a thousand times, somebody at a bodega make my egg-and-cheese sandwich. -Yeah. -It doesn't mean I'm going to be able to do it. -No. I think you and I both have a quality where we know what we're good at. -Yeah. -And it's not any of those things you said. -Well, I think it will be heartbreaking to think of how little improv skills would come in handy. -Oh, my God, can you imagine? -Imagine -- The only thing sadder than trying to do an improv show with people around would be, like, doing a bringer show when there's nobody around. -You know what I would do? I'd go into one of those, like, cool mirror -- you know, like, those mirrors that look like there's 10 people and I'd do an improv show with myself. [ Laughter ] -I'm very hung over. -Oh, yeah, that's right, because you drank. -Because I did day drinking. We haven't aired it yet. We're going to air it next week. And we -- I mean, what is -- Back in the day, when you were here, what is a perfect hung-over New York day for Amy Poehler? -Wow. Well, this is pre-kids, of course, 'cause, you just, like -- There's no way to be hung over once you have kids. Like, you just -- -You try to avoid it. I mean, like, at some point, you're like, "I don't even want to drink for the fun of it." -Yeah, you can't even say you're hung over. You're just like, "No, I'm not. I'm just throwing up because I'm so happy." But, you know, the things that I used to use to cure my hangover are both gone, because I would sit in Pizzeria Uno and read magazines. And they're both gone. -Both Pizzeria Uno and -- -I mean, maybe Pizzeria Uno is still around, and, you know, I'm sure they're celebrating Italy's European Cup win. -I mean, they're not going crazy. -I mean, I can't -- I'm, like, reeling that I thought it was the World Cup. I just didn't read the fine print. -That's fine. But, I mean, it was two European -- I mean, those teams could have been in the final of a World Cup, too, so... -I feel like a couple guys told me it was the World Cup. -Were they construction guys? -They were construction guys. They are like, "Hey!" -We're they like, "Hey, you just won the World Cup!" -They were like, "You got the World Cup of --" You know what I mean. And I was like "Okay. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. Stop." But, yeah, what did you do for your hangovers? What you are doing for your hangover today? -It was like having to work got in the way a little bit. But I definitely want to have, like -- I would like to have a very cold beer and a very greasy hamburger. I think that would be, like, what I would like. That might be how I try to button this evening. -And you drink the beer and stick the hamburger down your pants? -And then I move around a lot. -Throw the beer over your shoulder, stick the hamburger down your pants.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 287,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night, Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler, Reacts, Sha'Carri Richardson, Olympics Ban, NBC NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Amy Poehler on Meyers, Amy Poehler Interview, Parks and Rec, Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope, Inside Out, Baby Mama, Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live, SNL, Wet Hot American Summer, Duncanville, Moxie, Netflix, Golden Globes
Id: 6VHSxlxWD64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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