Amusing The Goats Instead Of Tending The Sheep

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[Music] ready amen let's open to the book of Romans in chapter 10 father we thank you for your word that this is not the word of a woman or a man but father this is your word we thank you Lord we approach it with the fear of God and we ask you for the spirit of Revelation to open up our eyes to see and ears to hear what you're saying to us Lord and we thank you for this to be life and health to us we thank you Father for the body of Christ that we would wake up to here what you're really saying to us Lord that we wouldn't be asleep but we'd be watching and we'd be praying and we'd be waiting and we just thank you Father for your word and for your bride and we for your remnant today and everyone said amen review from last week in Romans 10 we were talking about the zeal of God to zeal and false zeal in Romans 10:1 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge for they being ignorant or an error of God's righteousness are going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God so we found out last week I just want to give you a quick review of what the zeal there means in the Hebrew it's red-hot boiling it's a passionate pursuit and the Bible says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge not for a lack of zeal so there's a difference between zeal and knowledge and there's true zeal and today we want to talk about somebody that we probably haven't heard a lot about I've preached about it before but Phinehas Phineas and how he had the zeal in the Old Testament and we need where are the Phineas's today where are those that are standing for righteousness that have the zeal of God that will do whatever God tells him to do to stand in this hour and I'm once amongst a mass of people that were dying he did the right thing and we're looking for people today and I know God is looking for people today to stand up in a day that people aren't wanting to stand up because they're going to be persecuted but God is looking for people that will take a stand amen so hear true zeal is knowledge and it's being informed with the facts and it also tests everything to be sure now when I first got saved and a lot of you guys we sat under leaders that we just thought everything they told us was true and we were like little birds and now I'm learning that a lot of the things that I learned I'm having to unlearn because it wasn't God's Word it was scriptures that were taken out of context and twisted and so I want to just do a real quick little thing on how to test and try the spirits because we in this day we have to know what spirits that we're following and finding out if we are really following a true doctrine or a false doctrine and if we're just having a form of a zeal but it's not according to knowledge and that's the way Saul was Paul before he went on the road to Damascus and he had that confrontation with God he was persecuting Christians thinking he was doing the right thing he was zealous but it was blind wildfire it was the wrong kind of zeal and so even though he was passionately pursuing something and we can passionately pursue something thinking we're doing the right thing and we can actually be deceived so we have to have knowledge and I shared with you last week about the fireman who was going into a burning house and the father had passed out trying to take care of getting his children his wife out and so the fireman went in to the baby's crib and he wasn't instructed that there are other things in the crib so he ended up taking out a doll wrapped in a blanket thinking that he rescued the baby but instead he got the counterfeit and so the true baby died in the fire he was zealous he was doing the right thing he was risking his life but he didn't have enough knowledge to know that there were a lot of other things in that crib right so we have to know that because somebody says they're Christian or some doctrine comes along that says it's right how do you know if it's right because it's a day we have to test and try the spirits right so a name is 6:1 it says whoa whoa it's not a good word everything I looked up about well today we'd say oh no and shake our head oh no oh no have you ever gotten any part in you're like oh no oh no well that's like a wall trouble problems regret things woe to those who are at ease in Zion and ease it means you're complacent you're cold you're callous to spiritual matters you're not watching and you're not praying what are we supposed to be watching and praying for the end time is deception the biggest thing in Matthew 24 that is out is the spiritual deception how do we know and that when Jesus is gonna come he's going to say because of the false prophets of false teachings and so well how do we know of some things of false teaching we got to know so we don't want to end up in that woe category and we don't want to be at ease we were never meant to be comfortable in this world do you know that God never created his people to be just comfortable in the world he says in James 4:4 he said if you are friends with this world you're an enemy of God right so we have to know we're called to be separated we're called to be different and the problem God's always had with his leaders all the way down is mixing with other religions serving other gods and idolatry lusting after other things so we don't want to go that way but we know that the the zeal of the firemen he got the doll the counterfeit he wasn't informed that there were dolls in that crib and what happened is the baby died in the fire and this is what's happening there's a lot of Christians that are being deceived by counterfeits and spiritually they're dying you can run into them and you cannot tell the difference between Christians and the world now they're doing the same things there's no distinguishing mark there's nothing that makes them separated and God wants us to be a separated people for himself in 1st Corinthians 10 we didn't get here there last week but I wanted to get here this is a scripture for anybody that tells you this is one of the teachings that are going around now in the popular churches is that you don't need the Old Testament get rid of it it's a bloody book bla bla bla bla bla first Corinthians 10 in verse 5 it says with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown we're in the wilderness remember we're in the world we're here but we're not supposed to be of the world but we're here in it so how do we live in this world and not be overthrown so that God's not you know he wants we want him to be pleased with us she said now these things were out examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted now we can look at all the kings we can look at all the people in the Old Testament how they would serve God for a while they'd get a good leader then the leader would get corrupted he'd get famous he started he started thinking was all about him he started thinking about himself and his kingdom he thought it was his kingdom he forgot it was really God's kingdom he started building his own Kingdom and what happened they'd fall and as the leader goes so goes the people right so God is very very strict with his leaders so he said now these are examples to us that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted so now what are we teaching we're teaching lust we're teaching covetousness and our pulpits rather than pick up your cross and follow him we're talking about it's all about you you know how how you can fulfill this and instead it's like going to church is being motivated instead of picking up your cross live a separated life live a holy life live a dedicated life this life is just temporary it's but a vapor we're passing through every one of us has an appointment with death right we don't know when that is but we got to be ready we got to be prepared and we also should be prepared for spiritual warfare now because we're living in a day where things are being infiltrated our churches are being infiltrated and we know it not so here we have to not lust after evil things is the minister you're sitting under making you want more more stuff more stuff you feel better about yourself the more stuff you have you know you're gonna die and all this stuff's going to be gone only what you have on the inside is what's going to carry you through to the next life right only what's done for Christ is remember when you first got saved only what's done for Christ is really gonna last so we have to keep knowing that there is a spiritual adultery and I want to talk a little bit about that in a minute but here let's finish this neither be idolaters what does it mean to be an idolaters to pursue other lovers God wants to be the love of our life do you know that in the Book of Revelations he rebukes them for leaving their first love he said you've left it it's like that husband and wife driving down in the car remember and she's sitting way over here and he's driving and she goes I remember when we used to sit together and hold I was just cuddling next year he goes I haven't moved she moved right God hasn't moved we've moved and he wants us to come back come back to that first love remember when you first got saved and how he was your everything and you're all he doesn't want us to pursue other lovers what does that mean putting other things ahead of him people have more excuses for not serving God just like when a cop stops somebody and they say what are you speeding for all I have to go the bathroom I have this arrived they have thousand excuses right Church people have a thousand excuses why they're too busy to serve God but we have to keep them first don't pursue other lovers and keep him first place you get married people put their wives ahead put their husbands ahead they have children and they put their chill we got to keep him first he's the one that gave you that mate he's the one that gave you those children and ultimately he wants them back right so keep him keep him first then he said they sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play this is what they're doing today neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand and then it goes on verse eleven now all these things happened unto them for what examples other words we are supposed to learn from them we don't erase the old testament and say let's you know it's just now the new has come and well what are we supposed to learn from the old and so today we're gonna go back and learn some things from the old that we need to know for they're written for our admonition upon which the ends of the world are come wherefore let him that thinketh he stand take heed lest he fall Wow so we want to make sure we don't fall on this hour we want to make sure that we're prepared we want to make sure that we're testing the spirits we want to make sure that we're in sound doctrine we're met we want to make sure we're not following a movement or a wave and I used to be guilty of that I just always wanted to be in with whatever didn't you guys ever go through that well this is this guy's coming to town or this I want this person I've learned that God isn't in movements a lot of these movements are been man-made and they're signed driven and God tells the people he said an evil generation seeks after signs and wonders it's your if you're just running after signs you're gonna be in the deceived category right now we can have a really good military but if if the enemy outwits them out plans them they can be deceived they can be defeated and I want to bring you into remembrance of the legend of the fall of Troy remember that the Greek army couldn't penetrate the walls of the city or force the Trojans out so they devised a new plan and what was this plan they devised they built a large wooden horse and it was a symbol of Troy and because it was their symbol it came in their language and this is why we have to be careful when things come as Christianese they come as our symbol oh you're Christian oh this the Lord told you that or you had a dream and it takes you outside of scripture but now you're following these false prophets and you're just waiting for their next word from the Lord you know they built this large wooden horse and that's the symbol of Troy which they left outside as a gift think about it and then what happened the Greek army they sailed away the Trojans pulled the large horse into their City this is what you have to know they opened up the gate church are we opening up the gates because of false gifts false doctrines were opening up the gate to the enemy they rejected the warnings there was someone that told him don't do this don't let them in don't open up the gates God always has a voice this makes me want to cry he always has a voice but it's usually a small voice and it's not a real popular voice but he's always got his Micaiah he's got his prophets out there that are telling you the truth and you have to know can you handle truth can you handle truth do you want the truth or do you want to hear what you want to hear do we want to get tickled and have sugar coating and have someone tell us all the things that we want to hear sometimes what God tells us isn't what we want to hear persecution is coming judgment is coming to America because they have rejected God they're rejecting God they're doing all these things and they they're now they're a post-christian nation what happens if you know history it always repeats himself judgment always comes when people start serving other gods but they reject the warnings of a man so that happened at that night 30 soldiers that were hidden inside of that horse remember that was in that image that symbol they thought it was a gift so they opened up the gates they willingly open up the gates and then during the night the the Greeks come back in the darkness they all surround the place and the people inside of that wooden horse what they opened up the gates they open up the gates to all the other soldiers and they let him and they crept in the open the gates or the the Greek army that sailed back under the cover of darkness evil was inside that gift sometimes you get a gift and you think it's you know prophesy people just calling out people and you think it's a gift and it messes these people up why it says in the Old Testament they make you proud those offices make you vain make you think you're something you're not right rather than humbling you false prophets make you vain the Bible says so then what happens evil was inside that gift the church today has let down their guard their discernment they opened the gates of the church to the false gifts of the enemy and what happened in Troy they rejoiced they thought oh yeah we've got this gift we're all excited now we've got people in the church that have opened up the gift because if you learned anything about the new world religion in the New Age movement what they said they're going to infiltrate Christianity and we've opened up our gates to mysticism to all of these false mystics and to do all these things thinking it's a way back to God right so here we're opening up these gates to different doctrines rejoicing and now rejoicing and revival we've got revival here we've got revival there and what's happening it's a Kundalini Spirit I my eyes have been opened a lot to this Kundalini spirit study it out it's from India Hinduism and it mocks a lot of it like the Holy Spirit and it makes people violently shake violently act drunken weird manifestations right there's no repentance there's no call to holiness people are just coming to get another high in fact they even call it the Holy Ghost bartender come and get your come and get drunk in the Holy Ghost and these people are so weird I mean I was trying to talk to this one lady she used to go to our other church and I was like why are you into this she has laughter on her phone and laughter and she acted drunk all the time and I said there's a Tsar onus on you I could feel there was she's pretending they're making this stuff up the true joy of the Lord isn't weird it's not distracting it's not you know compulsive and weird and makes you study out these things and it's inside of our churches now so they're rejoicing over these revivals these signs and wonders don't get in a rabbit hole of weird signs and wonders all this this is happening and these feathers are floating and this is happening and come and see this come and see the people are totally running after signs and wonders and the Bible gives us lots of warnings in the end times that they're going to seek signs and wonders and in the Old Testament what we know from the magician's they can do signs and wonders so you've got to test the spirits where's this sign and wonder where is it really coming from we're gonna talk about that in a minute so the the demons are creeping out to destroy they came into destroyed troy from within and I've always thought Christianity was going to be it just attacked from without but the true battle is going to be just like Troy it's going to be within we're opening up our gates we're opening up all these megachurches trying to church the church and the unchurched and not turn anyone away instead we're amusing the goats we're not feeding the Sheep we're keeping them amused and we don't want to offend them God wants them offended he wants them to repent amen let me just do a quick test so that we don't know that we know how not to open up the gate to the enemy because we don't want to open up the gate I don't know about you guys but I have before I thought this was God I thought this move was God I thought this person if you found the last three years some of the things I've studied have shocked me brought me to my knees made me weep I was like whole movements weren't even of God they were based on a lot of things that weren't even real but anyway first of all you gotta test the origin and first John 4:1 and first Thessalonians 5:21 it says to test or try the spirits now this isn't something anybody can do for you we have to learn to do it ourself the test of origin is this sound doctrine always originates with God remember god has given us his word to reveal himself he's not manifesting through other he's not coming to a Joseph Smith and giving him revelations outside of the Bible some of these devotionals people are reading they said God just spoke to us that you're not going to find this in the Bible this is a special revelation God's not giving out special revelations right and watch out for that passion by john xxii he he personally wrote me an email but I stand on what I said the test of origin sodas originated with God false doctrine originates with men or demons the Bible says what doctrines of demons what's a doctrine of demons that you're going to be as God the book of Genesis you're gonna be as God so now we have the self movement the humanism movement that you can elevate you can become as gods you can become illuminated you become enlightened right so you have to know did this come from God yeah you know a lot of people have gotten saved out of other denominations just reading their Bible because some denominations tell you you can't read your Bible and you know who that is so when you came out of that church you can't read your Bible well watch out run if they tell you you can't read the Bible false false cults don't read the Bibles so the origin is the good sound doctrine originates with God false doctrine always originates with men or with demons special revelations masters these different religions have they go into degrees and they have their spirit guides divination there's a whole realm out there that's very real but it's demonic we don't want to go there then you have to test the authority of this this false doctrine is always outside the Bible this revelation you're not going to find in there this is only for the few run this dream God gave me this dream you know every dream we have has to be tested we were taught in the movement that came out of all tests everything by the word but then this prophet was always having divine revelations so we ended up what subtly wanting to hear what the revelations were forget the Bible that's boring we want to hear what God is telling you now see how subtle deception is so test it for the origin the authority tests the consistency of it false doctrine is inconsistent with some parts of Scripture false prophets we'll take a few Scripture they'll take like the the prosperity gospel prosperity is not a gospel the the grace gospel that's anytime they just take one word to make a gospel out of it that's taking and lifting something's out of context read the rest about covetousness read the rest about going through the eye of the needle there's a whole lot of things you can't just take two scriptures and and even with the power of your word you can't just take a couple scriptures and pretend you're God and you're gonna create things he's sovereign he's God and we are not the secret is the Bible of the New Age the law of attraction has been in our gates we have opened up to these doctrines thinking that this was Christianity and it's not it's Christian science the test of consistency so don't you know Bible talks about strange teachings different doctrines in hebrews 13:9 scripture interpret scripture it's got to be consistent throughout what's the context don't take a scripture out of context and make a doctrine out of it we all could do that and that's what a lot of religions do that's what a lot of movements we have we'll just know God's saying this now it only emphasizes this to the two it's a whole Council of God we need the whole Council of God then we'll along with these tests how about are you growing spiritually does this sound doctrine make you mature does it make you proud does it make you haughty does it make you humble does it make you more hungry for the Lord are you spiritually healthy now in our movement we got very arrogant I remember this one preacher I said he said I said well he goes what do you think I preach out of the yellow pages because we were acting like we had faith and no one else did you know we just came on with this arrogant attitude thinking we were right does anybody know I'm talking about sound doctrine makes you mature spiritually healthy and knowledgeable it's not just about coming and hearing good stories and having a few good jokes even though sometimes that's fun and we can have a like we got to be knowledgeable we got to prepare for battle we're coming into the darkest of Ages we're living in the end of the end times do you know your Bible if your Bibles were taken away do you have enough in your heart that you could stand these are trying times it's not a time to just get amused and be entertained and feel good sometimes God doesn't want you to feel good he doesn't want us happy he wants us holy and sometimes holiness doesn't make me happy repentance doesn't make me feel good I got to go repent and say I'm sorry to somebody under rather just cut him off you know but false doctrine makes you spiritually unhealthy weak makes you weak the masses they don't even know their Bibles they don't even know what doctrine is they think it's all love and unity right now it's all about love it's all about unity and they don't even read that in context the truth it's about being United around the gospel the sound gospel not just all these different religions can come together now and we all serve the same God no we don't but that is the new one-world religion that they're pushing and it's it's been in the movements for centuries but false doctrine makes you weak deceived and ignorant chasing after signs and wonders because the Bible is boring this is the lie you can't understand the Bible so if you are told that you can't read your Bible and understand it you're never going to read it people told me because you're a woman you're going easily deceived you can't preach I've tried to not preach for years save the email I've tried to run from this give it away I haven't wanted to you know but the test of godly living is the fifth test I want to get through here the test of godly living it trains us to live a holy life and pleases and honors God false doctrine pleases self it honors you and also with all these false teachers there's always some kind of an extreme whether it's covetousness or if it's behind closed doors there's a lot of sections in the Old Testament they always had fornication there's always you know we're seeing all this pedophilia so it's not new because you can't live wholly if you don't have a relationship with God you can't be religious and try to make yourself better so let's look at zeal here in numbers 25 you guys do I know I'm talking fast numbers 25 I love this story maybe some of you don't know this story if I can find it here this is about Phineas the he had a kind of zeal but God wants us to have in these end times and it's not just the leaders God wants us all to have a godly zeal there's there's something that he's called each and every one of us to do but now I'm not going to go through this whole story but we know that they were committing whoredoms in verse 1 and what does that mean that they were unfaithful to God they were doing things that God didn't want him to do it God's always had a problem with his people they love them they forsake him they love him they forsake him they get in trouble they get judged then they go it's like this cycle and they were sacrificing to other gods and this is the problem that always happens to the church into Israel all that they open up their gates to the enemy they want to be like the world they don't want to be rejected they don't want to pick up the cross and follow him they don't want to deny self they want to honor self they want to raise up self they want to feed that flesh but the cross is there's a cross and it comes into our life and it's not about us it's about him so here they're sacrificing to other gods and verse 3 and Israel joined himself now here's a circle that we're joined we are not to join with the world we are called to be separate we are called the bride we are called he is our husband and we are his bride and God wants a faithful bride he doesn't want us running after other lovers but here they are there here they go and so what happens now God the judgments come Moses is telling them in verse 4 all the heads of the people hang them up before the Lord against the son all the heads that means the leaders the leaders are going to be judged first then Moses says slay every one of his men that were joined unto bail verse 6 and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianite ish woman in the sight o Moses think of this in front of their pastor and in front of God himself now these tents were there that was their church at this point in time and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation so what are they doing they're committing fornication now in the Old Testament that happened a lot they would do things in the temple and they had temple prostitutes did you know that we're going to the day where I can see we're gonna have the same thing in our churches it's the door has been open to the enemy and uncleanliness and ungodliness and pollution are upon the altars entertainment amusing the goats is happening now instead of feeding the sheep we're trying to amuse the goats and make them happy instead of making them offended get them repentant get them before God we're trying to join in with them always been the problem that God's people have had but then what happens they're starting to commit fornication and when phineas verse 7 the son of aaron the priest saw it what do you do he rose up now here's the real zeal he knew if he didn't stand against these now these were leaders this was a prince this was a not only a prince of Israel but it was also a daughter of the Moabites but that was a leader so he's coming against two strong leaders one of his own people and one of the another group of people the heathen you know I'm saying but they'd mix now but he sought he rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through the man of Israel and the women through her belly now I think that's something because it was through her belly now in the New Testament we don't go around killing people you know that we take it in context but in the olden this is an Old Testament we have progressed thank God for the blood of Jesus but in the Old Testament that sin had to be atoned for and there was a plague the plague was happening and it was killing 24,000 people and it was going to kill the rest of the people so Phineas knew if he didn't rise up and do something they were all doomed so he the first thing I want say there is a plague there is a plague in the house of God fornication in God's house false unity movement is a plague and we're gonna hear about this more and more some of the preachers we even were growing up with or becoming the main unites of the ecumenical movement calling us back to Rome and if you don't know about it don't get mad you know I don't care if people get mad anymore it said you know what go study you know yourself I had to well I don't believe that and I don't well it doesn't make it not true can you handle truth Phinehas Phineas rose up and slew them with the sword or with a javelin what is it he slew him with the Word of God you could say today we got a stand against ungodly teaching we got us we got to put the Word of God to them say this is what the word says we're gonna we're not going to have judgment in our house we're gonna say what the word says we're gonna say what God says this is false doctrine this is false teaching these are false signs and wonders this is a false revival it's not true repentance and holiness it's not of the Cross right so someone's got to stand so there's a plague he went after the leaders to stop the plague to save the masses to save the church same thing we've got to go we've got to have leaders why do we have so much deception because we have few people that will stand like he stood and say the truth this is truth and this is error I don't care how popular it is I don't care a popular Christian television is it's more dangerous to watch Christian TV now than ever there are more false teachers on TV because the true ones aren't on there because they call you to repentance and holiness and right living and they don't want that so if you're popular you can get on these stations I know I've been on TBN before I've seen some things I've been around a lot of preachers that have been on there I've known a lot of and I just like God's called me to preach against it now oh wow fun job but someone's got to do it so he went after the leaders to stop the plague to save the church God is looking for more finances Phineas's what is the plague deception false doctrine problems happen in the church because preachers won't take a stand and speak out against them they want to be popular they want to be famous they don't want to cause anyone to be offended but you know what their offending God and there's a day we're gonna have to stand before God for what we've told people and the blood will be on our hands if we haven't warned people about what's coming because the false preachers are saying peace peace get the peace plan Rick warns peace plan oh that's it so let's all just get together and have a social gospel it's not what the Bible says there is no peace right now to the wicked so what do we do we have to stand and be a remnant and stand alone sometimes you got to stand alone you got it you feel like you are alone but you're never alone God's with you the Holy Spirit's with you the word of God's with you his angels are with you amen so where are they today these men these messengers who expose and stop sin and stop judgment because as we thrust the Word of God through the belly and the belly in Romans 16 18 it says that they serve their own bellies they serve their own selfish desires so sometimes we got to preach the sword right into our own selfish desires ah it's a no chala lujah the Word of God likens the church to a chaste virgin who's presented to Christ defilement of this separation is called spiritual adultery and fornication James 4:4 adulterers and adulteresses friendship but the world is an enemy of God beware when men speak well of you sometimes you're gonna have to go against the grain sometimes you're gonna have to people aren't gonna like you for a while you know if we're all people pleasers like we don't want to we don't want to cut sometimes you got to cut people out of your life do you know that physical fornication and thyra Tyra was famous for making an offering to a god in a temple and then having sex with a temple prostitutes sex always comes in after the morals go all the other stuff happens beware of a cross less Christian Christianity that breeds spiritual adultery and fornication spiritual fornication calling us away from Christ into another lover and let me close with this in revelations chapter 2 you guys doing okay while you're turning there I just want to say a couple things 2nd Timothy 3:13 says evil men and seducers what's a seducer it's an imposter just like in Troy that wooden horse came in there the men came out they were imposters right here they thought they were going to have a great gift and it ended up killing them evil men and seducers are not going to get better and better it says they're gonna wax worse and are you prepared for that do you know how to test a spirit to see if it's from God or not do you know if this so-called man of God that used to follow now he's switching doctrines do you know your Bible enough to know when they turn because the Holy Spirit wants us to know he doesn't want us to be deceived but he's telling us right here there's so many scriptures in the New Testament about deception evil seducers doctrines of demons I mean it's full it's loaded and very few people want to touch it evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and their deceived being deceived in the Greek that word deceive means to cause to roam from safety whenever a preacher gets you outside of the Bible your roaming from safety his word is our safety and Lorne the older I get the more I'm realizing his word is our safety do you know your Bibles do you know your Bible well enough if someone comes and preaches another doctrine another Jesus another Holy Spirit this is what I'm seeing now it's another spirit another spirits been opened up into the gate and we don't even know the difference between the Holy Spirit and a Kundalini Spirit we don't know the difference because we don't know the Lord enough to know that you know when we are young you get away with a lot of stuff but the older we get too much is given much is required God wants us to know the difference right but it causes you to roam from safety truth to go astray dare to wander or seduce opening the gate to the enemy just like toy did we open it up rejoice yeah this is a new revelation oh man I got so stuck Howie irreverent come and have a toke this one guy was preaching about getting Holy Ghost stoned and I mean this stuff is out there it's it's just rampant and people are into this thinking that it's the Holy Ghost they don't know the spirit contaminated so that today the church is infiltrated by the counterfeit prophetic it's pathetic but it is counterfeit prophetic the true prophets are not being believed but the false ones are said the counterfeit is more popular than the true it's polluted and unclean just like in the Old Testament why do we need the Old Testament this is not a new problem God's always had problems with his leaders this is where they're airing so when we see that we're like that's just like you know that's just like in Ezekiel that's just like in Jeremiah's day that's just Jeremiah had to stand against all these leaders you know and then even when that when they're looking for signs and wonders was the Lord say my it was my still small voice it's my word sometimes we want something way out here instead of just listening aw Towser many tender minded Christians fear to sin against love by daring to enquire or test anything that comes wearing the cloak of Christianity and breathing the name of Jesus all that that guy's a Christian how do you know there's many many Freemasons infiltrated into the body of Christ right now what I found out the last three years being gullible is not being spiritual being gullible means you're easily fooled well they say they're there of the Lord they say they're Christians they say you know that I have to if I sow my seed to them that I'm gonna get a harvest why don't they saw their seed to you and they get a harvest in Revelations 2 let's close here revelations 2 God wants you to test oh I can't judge there's a there's a you got to learn how to test a spirit he requires it in Revelations 2 and verse 2 he said I know they works they labor thy patience and how you can not bear those which are evil and has to what tried them you've tried them that say they are what now apostle we are in a movement I just got us some video I didn't even watch it it's like I know this guy he said he went to heaven played with Jesus living a double life like I don't need any more of his revelations Telly repents but he's talking about the New Apostolic movement and like I've chaired shared with you before just pay $69 a month and you can be one you can be an apostle or prophet now or go to so-and-so school and learn how to prophesy I don't see that in the Bible that they had to go to school to learn how to prophesy show me where that is God taught him God told him and many of them that had to stand up against evil and God rose them up and they had to say they didn't want to say like Makai he had to say that the king you're gonna die if you go into battle everybody else all the other false prophets said you're gonna win this battle you're gonna win this battle well guess what he died because he listened to the wrong voice he opened up the gate to the enemy and he listened to the wrong voice because it told him what he wanted to hear can we handle truth so he said you've tried them which say they are apostles and or not and has found them what Liars they're liars boy that takes a spirit of Phineas doesn't it you liar here's what the Word of God says write to the belly you are a liar wow that's a whole different kind of zeal and lastly revelations 2:18 I saw this kind of connected and unto the Angel of the Church of Thyatira write these things under the Son of God who hath his eyes this just should put the fear of God in us unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass think about the day we're gonna see God he's not this wimpy little thing that you know we're all just all unite and it doesn't matter what you believe and all doctrines are fine and there's many ways to God because not God's not gonna send anyone to hell he said I know thy works like charity they service I faith thy patience that works and the last to be more than the first notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel now this weren't words suffered here means you permitted you tolerated you allowed this spirit you have allowed it this Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to lead and to seduce my servants here again into fornication it could be spiritual fornication or it could be physical fornication but that spirit will lead you to other gods just like we go back to Phineas they were going back after what other gods we're seeing that there's pagans now we just want to fit in we just you know now they have churches where you bring your God your being will be all bring our gods together you you do what you think is how can you have any unity in that mess with no word so we need to Zilla Phineas to slay them with the sword we don't want to permit Jezebel to teach and seduce Amen hallelujah father God we thank you for your word that it's definitely not our word we would have spiced it up and turned it a little bit differently made it fit our flesh a little bit but father we want it to correct us he said that your word is sent to rebuke to correct to admonish and to put us in the fear of God and to keep us ready in a day in an hour where that so many are falling asleep there's two kinds of Christians those that are sleep and those that are awaken we want to be watching we want to be waiting we want to be watching to pray and we want to keep our eyes open we want to be alerted we want to know what you're telling your church today Lord so we just thank you for eyes and ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to our church into the churches and everyone said amen [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,360
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: WdTJEVrAjvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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