Amtrak Texas Eagle Los Angeles To Chicago In A Bedroom

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all right we just walked into Los Angeles Union Station today we are headed on Amtrak's longest train journey from La all the way to Chicago on the Texas eagle [Music] all right so we're just hanging out here in the metropolitan Lounge for just a little bit and then we're going to be headed over to the train they told us when we walked in that it's already here which is like an hour early so we get to board here in just a few minutes and then get ourselves settled in as soon as we get on we're gonna be taking off about 10 p.m so it'll basically be bedtime when we get in so we'll see what what we'll film when we get on board otherwise it'll be tomorrow [Music] foreign [Music] it's time to board we're in the elevator headed down and then when I walk to the platform all those with red cap already went over so here we go [Music] first floor [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right we found our room here and it is a bedroom on this Texas Eagle it is so spacious we usually travel in a room at I can really tell this is going to be going in style this is Ali's bed down here she's actually sitting over there and my bed's going to be right up here we're going to show you all that in the morning but just wanted to give you a little feel for how big this room is and this train takes off at 10 pm so as soon as we take off everyone's going to be heading to bed waking up we lose an hour going into mountain time and we'll grab breakfast and uh get situated on the train foreign [Music] of the trip we are in Tucson Arizona and it is I think like 8 30 ish in the morning a little before that but um we just woke up because there was a time difference we're in mountain time now so yeah gotta get used to that we got one more hour one more time change probably overnight um to Central Time uh and to the time that we'll be in Chicago so that's not too bad two time changes instead of three but you're on the platform I'm gonna get a couple of steps in real quick before we run over and get some breakfast [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] again phones headphones are required we do have a campaign car in the middle of the screen if you want to get something sweet or drinks [Music] foreign [Music] this is thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay we're taking a little bit longer fresh air break here in El Paso as you saw we drove past the border wall there and now we're just here on the platform getting some fresh air [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay guys so uh you saw last night we hopped on in the evening and basically went right to bed after we got all settled in so I'm gonna give you a tour of what the room looks like during the daytime and I'm going to show you one of the best features I think of the bedroom is that you not only have Windows on this side which you can sit here with the seats and we'll talk about that in a minute but at the door you actually can see out the window right there so that's really cool and I do like your lock here make sure that you flip the one down and then the other one over then you've got your own sink here in the room and your mirror right here and you've got light switches here on and off and there's actually two outlets here but as you know we've got our travel buddy here so I've got what do I have one two three four things plugged in there and I have one more spot which I'm not currently using but we are charging things right there um so that's your whole vanity area here and the sink and Then There are towels down here a trash can right here and then in here is just some extras like uh soap and extra toilet paper and that's a bonus because we do have a bathroom in here so this is one of the seats here and this seat folds up and turns up against the wall so that it's out of the way so you can go to the bathroom easily in the night you can also leave it there because the bathroom door still opens and does clear it as you can see you can leave it there and see there's still clearance with bathroom door if you don't want to fold that up you've also got the big couch or like double seats here look at how big those are it's actually enormous I'm sleeping down here and I actually feel bad because it's really really big compared to Rob's base upstairs um and here is the closet and this is where we're keeping our blankets and pillows during the day and then here we've got an outlet here but I found it challenging that it wasn't holding our um plugs so it was just falling out so that's how come I put it at the vanity and then we've got temperature control here you can make it a little cooler or warmer it just kind of closes the vents off a little bit it doesn't control a ton but it will change the room temperature just a little bit and then we've got a light right there so that's good and then on this side you have your attendant button here it's a little bright from the Sun and we've got our ceiling light and a night light you can just flip this button and it will control that and then here do not forget like I did last night when I came in turn this to zero and volume all the way down so that you don't hear the announcements in the first thing in the morning that's what woke me up this morning when we got to Tucson was the announcement so I quickly flipped that and that is now off and then there's another night light here and then there's the tray here where you can pull this out and you can have lunch right here or dinner or breakfast or you can use it as a regular table and then we've also got get that in there and then we've also got this area here you've got a nightlight or a reading light I should say right here as well and then there's this nice shelf here right now we're storing some snacks which we don't really need because they give you so much food on this train you don't even need snacks and then we've got our jackets up here too just bundled up we are in January headed to Chicago so it is going to be a little bit nippy when we get there this is Rob's bed here look see if we can get to it now during the daytime my mattress is stored up here so this is the big old mattress this is the width look at how big that is it's almost as big as Rob's bed is long so that's this and this bed goes all the way from there to here and then as you can see there's a little bit of space right there so it doesn't go all the way to the window so it's a little bit shorter than it would normally be so that's up there and then also the ladder is stored up here as well that goes out and to the ground so that's that we'll put that up so that's basically what the room looks like during the daytime Okay so we're going to take a look at this bathroom real quick right here it is a commode and a shower all in one and this curtain you pull that across and it snaps actually into the side here you see those little snaps all the way down now if you're thinking toilet paper is going to get Dr wet while you're showering it is not because they have this little flap Plexiglas kind of door here that covers up the toilet paper which is right up here and then you've got your shower head right there and towels are stored there so they do suggest that you sit to shower in here because you could fall over very easily but there is also a bar that you can hold on to if you need that and you can always just go downstairs if you feel like this might not work out for you you could use the bigger shower downstairs where the other restrooms are as well so you can always use some of the other amenities that are on the train you don't have to only use what's in your room they have a new menu for lunch also as well as dinner and so for lunch I decided to see if there was any difference with the Angus burger so I ordered that it was really good again the old one was good too I don't know if there's much difference this tasted pretty much exactly the same to me but we did have a new item on the menu which was the Monte Cristo sandwich and it was basically like the grilled cheese but filled with ham and turkey and I mean like filled it was really heavy on the meat so it was really quite good actually better than the old choices they had so we we actually got one of each and split them and they also have a couple new desserts I got the lemon cake which I really liked and now we got the chocolate mousse which was also pretty good as well so lunch is in the books we're gonna see the sights here for a little while and then go try this new dinner that's coming up okay so Amtrak uh has got quite a few options now for dinner they've changed the appetizers and they have some new entree options as well as some new desserts I'm not gonna lie to you though these desserts look good but they did take my favorite the carrot cake off so I don't know who needs to be told about that but um I would like to petition to bring back the carrot cake but let's not uh get too far off the path here so let's talk about the appetizers that they have they've got Mexican souffle with grilled sweet corn that sounds really good um that comes with like sauce and different things like that like roasted poblano sauce that sounds good there's also coconut crusted shrimp that sounds amazing as well it comes with a sweet chili sauce pretty sure I'm gonna go for that and then there's also baked brie and raspberry empanadas um gosh that sounds really good too so I'm not sure what we're gonna get because all three of those sound really good and then for the entrees they do still have the Amtrak signature flat iron steak they have pan roasted chicken and that comes with lemon risotto and some mixed vegetables and some butter sauce then they have the Atlantic salmon which I always love the lemon Atlantic salmon so I'm glad that they still have a salmon option they've got that with ancient greens and some vegetables and a nice white wine sauce and then they also have a rigatoni Bolognese and that's kind of the um non-meat option because the Bolognese is made out of plant based meat sauce so those are the options for the entrees and then here are the new desserts there is a chocolate toffee mousse and I have that with my lunch and it was really quite tasty then there is the white chocolate blueberry cobbler cheesecake that is quite a mouthful I saw a couple people at lunch got this one and it did look really good from a distance so there's a good chance I'm going to get that one for dinner and then there's the ultimate Meyer lemon cake that's what Rob got for his lunch dessert and um I'm willing to bet a lot that he is probably going to get that with his dinner as well and I'm sure he will share some with me we'll probably split the two desserts amongst ourselves so that sounds really good these are really a lot of great options now I'm kind of hungry even though I just ate like an hour ago um so I'm looking forward to dinner and we'll see what we decide we'll show you guys current central time all right foreign okay all right so as you can see I of course did go with the salmon and Rob went with the flat iron steak and they were both delicious the flat iron steak is the same one that was on the menu before so that didn't change the salmon was a little bit different it had like a Dijon mustard type sauce on the top of it um and then it had the ancient greens with it which was a little bit different than before and it did have the green beans which were delicious so we did both enjoy that the appetizers were a little bit different um than what we were used to before I think Rob got the the Mexican souffle but he did say that he did prefer the tamale a little bit better the green tamale the green chili tamale so that's kind of a it's the same type taste but a little bit different so he would prefer it in a tamale style and I got the coconut shrimp for my appetizer but I will tell you that I definitely missed that lobster crab cake it was so good I wish they would bring that back because it was super tasty um desserts were very good I got the um white chocolate let's see if I can remember all the words white chocolate blueberry cobbler cheesecake I think those are all the right words and it was actually very tasty it was really good you could taste all of those all those words you could taste all of those in every bite of of that cheesecake it was super rich though but I will say I still missed the carrot in the carrot cake that they had before but the blueberry cheesecake was a good option and like I said earlier at lunch I got that um chocolate toffee mousse and that was really good Rob got the lemon um the Meyer lemon um cake both times and he enjoyed it so I had a few bites this time as well and it was actually really good it's nice light and Airy so if you're looking for something a little bit more light tasting that Meyer lemon cake is going to be a good option so all in all pretty good we did like the changes they made so far but you know you kind of miss the old stuff too so it is getting to be night time now so we're gonna make up our room into the nighttime Arrangement and show you what that looks like but the interesting thing is going to happen on this train overnight when we get to San Antonio the train will split into two because this is actually the sunset limited is the front part of the train Texas Eagle is the back part of the train and that's what we're on so split them in two they'll each get an engine and they'll each get a diamond car and we'll go north and they'll go east and then in the morning our train is going to change from traditional dining which we've had to flexible dining so we will be getting the kind of more microwaved meals so we'll be able to compare what that's like and see if they've done any changes we did those last year did enjoy them so I am kind of looking forward to seeing what that's all about but this train will be splitting in half and uh it'll be take a couple hours tonight in the middle of the night in San Antonio to do that so hopefully we'll sleep through it wake up and already be on our way to Chicago beds are made up time to crawl out there and show you around a little bit first thing though is how do we get up there we have this ladder and that differs from the room at that there's an actual ladder instead of stairs that you step on so because of the the skinniness of the room here the ladder does have to go on this end which is by the window which means your head has to go on the other end by the door or you'll have a really hard time getting out so we're gonna go and head first like you would do go up the ladder and this is what it looks like up here so there is a little bit more room um I will say kind of light up here let me turn that on there's a little bit more room above the head which is really nice because in the room at it is very very tight you feel like you almost can't even flip over at all another thing that you might be interested to see is that this mattress is quite a bit thicker so I noticed that the mattress was quite a bit more comfortable you have more space those are some pretty good upgrades from the room at now having more space up here means the person below has a little bit less space but their bed is wider so they do have that going for them um the thing that I really do miss though from the roomette is that there is no like bag or pouch up here to hold your glasses anywhere so there's just really all you have is that light there's nothing on the wall over here so to make up for that I'm gonna have to back up here let me show you I have all my stuff hanging in this white bag right here and I have some snacks on the Slugger drag over here too um but those are kind of inconvenient to get to in the middle of the night and I will say that getting down this ladder is a little bit tougher than getting down the uh stairs and the room at that are just kind of stationary and built into the room this is a little bit thinner so it's a little bit harder to get down but overall it's a good trade because you have a lot more room to sleep and move around and you hit your head a lot less often than in the roomet that's the one thing I wish we had was a little bag up here but overall this is for being on the top bunk this is definitely the way to go so I'm gonna have Alice show you what is different with the lower birth now and she's going to show you around okay hey we're gonna go down here so as I told you earlier look at how big this is it goes on it seems like forever it's bigger than a twin size bed for sure as far as the width the length is probably about the same but keep in mind too that the nice thing is you've got the bathroom in here at night so you don't have to leave the room to go to the restroom at night because it's going to be really hard to do with this tiny little space I basically can I mean you have to squeeze through there but I can get like my leg through I can walk through if I'm facing the vanity you can walk through and get out of the room if you've had to for some reason while the bed is made but pretty comfortable down here and as Rob said there's a little less Headroom here so I do and as you know I'm not very tall I'm 5'4 um so my head basically I have a bun in my hair right now so it's basically being pushed back like this when I'm underneath here while when I'm in the roomette I can sit up with my hair and my bun like this at night and not have any trouble at all so there's a little bit less room like he said down here and he's got a little bit more up there which is nice for him up there to have a little bit more space so that he doesn't constantly hit his head while he's up there so um that's kind of the the setup for night time it's pretty nice setup and as I mentioned before too this chair here is folded up if you remember it was sitting out so there's a lot more room here you can see now all that space between that chair and the bathroom so that's pretty much it for the nighttime setup now we're gonna put our PJs on I'm going to wash my face do my whole nighttime face routine which is nice because we've got our own little sink in here and then I'll be ready for bed and we'll be ready to break up with the sunset limited early in the morning and head up north to Chicago to see our sun all right it is a sunny and bright here in Austin Texas gotten off here for a little fresh air break walking around still a little bit groggy just woke up that time change really gets you two hours so check it out right here [Music] so in the night um we went ahead and dropped off the people from the sunset limited now we're down to just one engine here and our car is in the front instead of the back now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you well good morning I just woke up and Ally has already been to breakfast was kind enough to bring me back some to the room so we have a breakfast sandwich here which I think I'm gonna eat I also have part of the uh flexible dining uh three cheese omelette breakfast and the Continental yogurt and muffins I think I'm gonna try this uh breakfast sandwich which looks pretty good and it's still warm that is pretty good we just left Austin San Antonio stop was pretty uh [Music] I don't know it was it was just eventful eventful yeah yes they were unhook on the trains and we've done that one before but this one that was always a little bump when they hook them back together and the bumps seemed pretty big almost like a crash it felt like but it was uh definitely something that would wake you up but we got right back to sleep no problem and uh actually slept pretty well for how much moving we did and now we're gonna have breakfast and enjoy the day foreign [Music] thank you okay we are stopped for another fresh air break here in Texas we are in Temple picking up quite a few people here our train is considerably smaller now so everybody's getting crammed into all the little spaces um but we're just gonna get a little bit of fresh air here it's a little bit colder than I was expecting so I didn't put my jacket on because I probably won't last as long as Rob foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] changes sounds good that's pretty good I didn't know there was going to be shrimp in here it's the salmon with this creamy sauce and the brown rice and vegetables and there's a couple of shrimp on there so that's pretty good that looks good it's got the roll got the salad we got all kinds of dessert too it's a lot of food of course Rob got his famous pasta and meatballs that looks good [Laughter] a lot of food here okay so we're gonna try out this um butter cake I mean I've tried it before let's not kid ourselves but um Rob and I are gonna split this one but these are so good if you've had them you already know that they're good and I can get into it oh that was easy it gave way easily alrighty let's see if we can oops cut into it I feel like that's half and half right does that look half and half to you Reb close enough well I'm gonna Jump Right In look at that yes very yummy she brought us a bunch of desserts so we had another brownie and another cake and I think she's gonna make us get dessert for dinner as well as you can see it's way too much food we can't even eat half of it um but we'll enjoy splitting these and then trying to move around so we can make room for more food later foreign [Applause] our train right back there behind me that yellow truck here we have about 30 minutes because we're running on schedule so that's really cool I do see a train car over there I'm gonna see if I can go into that because that looks cool and see what else I can do for a few minutes get some steps Rob's back there taking pictures I don't know if you can spot them and yeah we'll try to get some steps here um and see what else we can do around here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so while we're here getting some steps in we notice the Heartland Flyer is down here loading up here in Fort Worth and headed over to Oklahoma City with stops in Dallas in between welcome [Music] [Music] all right so we just ran into one of our uh one of our our top attendance Eric and he's on this train here and it actually turns out that I've lied to you it is not the Heartland Flyer it is actually the Texas Eagle but it's going the other way so they're headed to San Antonio while we are still headed over to Chicago foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] ER tonight we both got the braised beef and that come comes with mashed potatoes carrots and dinner roll and a salad so I'm gonna try this out I haven't had it before very soft today very good it's well cooked sometimes you know they can cook at different amounts of time and it can be over undercut but this is perfect very good chefs on the Stream Longview Texas [Music] okay [Music] they can wait downstairs to D train to exit here in St Louis please head towards the direction the train is trapped upstairs escalators there's an elevator behind the stairs take that up head across that one way down into the station to exit if you got a check baggage you can pick that up inside once your inside stable is Gateway station make a right there's a sign that says baggage that's where you'll get yours those of you continuing on you can step off here and say I'm going to stretch your legs get the smoke break grab the fresh air all of that here on the St Louis platform if you want to go in the smoke please do not stand in front of the doorways and listen when conductors and crew members yells everybody [Music] joined us [Music] yeah happy success so woke up here in Seattle and we stopped for a little bit but I didn't get off because I decided to have breakfast instead so I enjoyed from here now we're taking off so I'm going to show you what those views look like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] everything yeah that is route 66. please do not cry by The Doors out of the attendants need to open balls up once again our next station stop is below me 10 is Bloomington is your final destination with us please make your way down to the lower levels foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so much let's go [Music]
Channel: Grounded Life Travel
Views: 74,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak texas eagle los angeles to chicago in a bedroom, amtrak vacations, amtrak tips, amtrak vacation, train travel, vacations by rail, union station, los angeles, amtrak texas eagle, amtrak tips and tricks, amtrak trains, amtrak mistakes, train travel vlog, amtrak, chicago union station, los angeles union station, st louis gateway arch, texas eagle, amtrak bedroom, bedroom on a train, bedroom on amtrak, amtrak bedroom la to chicago, amtrak bedroom texas eagle
Id: _nhUWsh7pwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 21sec (3921 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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