Amtrak Sleeper Car Room Guide | Tour A Roomette, Bedroom, Family Bedroom And Accessible

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all right you asked for it and here it is it's a review of all of the different room accommodations on amtrak [Music] okay so i'm gonna give you a tour of the room and kind of show you what some of the features are and what's available what you can do in here and uh basically how you'll be able to turn the two seats and the bunk into two beds to sleep on in the evening so i'll give you a little tour here let me flip the camera around and i'll show you what we got okay so there's a closet here there's a coating hanging coat hook here and there's also a coat hook here this is the closet little tiny closet and they do give you some towels for when you freshen up a couple of hangers in there let's see we've got the seat here which is really quite uh comfortable and there's a bar here that you pull on and pull the seat forward after pressing on this here and the whole seat pulls forward and then the same thing on this seat on this side and then that's what makes the bed go all the way across you've got lights here and there is only one outlet so just know that if you can do like multiple usb ports you can bring something like that but there is just one outlet you control the air in here you also control the heat so you can just turn the knob here um and then on the other side it actually has the control for the lights ceiling you can also call the attendant and you have your own separate light here but again there's only one outlet in the whole room at so make sure that you have a way of being able to plug things in these here you see right by this seat so these are the steps to climb up to get to the top bunk now for the top bunk you pull this lever and then the bunk comes down so let's see it's stuck here there we go pull it down and we've got a bed up here um and there is a safety netting that will hold you in and so you can see there's a little bit of room here between this and then the space down below and then when you finish with it you just press that same lever and it goes up so you've got a little bit more headroom in here when you're moving around there are curtains on the windows both windows look at the pretty view right now driving through riding through oregon curtains you can pull those shut and then you've got curtains for privacy here out the door as well here and then on this side as well so that's pretty good uh kind of combo here in the room you've also got a little place for trash here um so they really did think of everything all right guys so moving on the list here of the different types of rooms on amtrak we are in a super liner two room at so let's take a look at this one guys we've got our two seats just like you would expect in your room and that becomes your lower birth or your lower bunk bed and the mattress we store up above gets stored up here and you just bring it down here now you've got your tray table right here you can pull that out flips out and you have a nice table for the two of you to use while you're in here here you've got your push to call button to call your attendant you can turn the lights overhead on and off right here music control here actually is referring to the announcements that you hear overhead so if the conductor is speaking or the dining car or your attendance trying to get a hold of everybody in the sleeper car they would make announcements but you can turn this off so that you don't hear it in your room or you can turn it down so that it's not as loud in your room and you can um adjust that however you want i like it all the way off we like it all the way off and we can usually hear it from the hallway anyways no problems and a reading light right there now on this side you got to take note that you only have one outlet here so if you have more than one thing to charge it's best to bring those little cubes um that you can plug in several uh usb items into and plug there we have one that has two and one that has four so whatever we need plug that in and then we can charge everything at once here we've got the thermostat gauge now it doesn't change the temperature a ton but it does a little bit especially when you turn it all the way to the warmer so just know that it's not going to be a drastic change but it is going to change the the temperature a little bit you got another reading light right here here you've got this little storage area that's right off of this this chair here this seat and then you've got a little armrest here but then here you also have storage as well that's actually where i keep my toiletries down in there and then if you want to hang some things you can lock those in with this belting system here to keep them from dangling all over the place and you've got a couple of little cubbies up here that are actually going to be used up above by rob in his suite so let's pull this down here show you real quick what this looks like you've got uh the bed up here and it's going to be a little bit smaller and narrower widthwise than the one down below the one down below is 28 inches this one's a little bit narrower than that one at 25. now this netting here is where rob keeps his things you get his headphones his phone snacks things like that and then this one does have the netting like they all do up above um to make sure that you don't fall out of your bed and the big question is always how do you get up there well these are the steps right here so these steps we use as storage during the day but at night i move my big bag and store it underneath my bed and rob can use these as a step no obstruction all the way up to his bed hey guys so let's take a look at what a view liner room at looks like so there's a lot of differences here between the super liner room at for starters the big difference is here in that you have a mode right in your room so you don't have to go anywhere to go to the bathroom it's right here in your room and you also have access to a seat right here in your room which is great uh to have those two things available right here in your room some towels to wash them to dry off your hands and then somewhere to hang your things as well so there's two seats here as you normally have but as you'll know this one is wider than this one and it's a little bit narrower so the mattress is actually going to be wider on this end and a little bit narrower on this end because of course it gives you a little bit of it's a little bit of space gets taken out from having the commode there now you also have the great feature upstairs person is going to have a view which you do not have in a super liner room at so that's really nice here now up stairs bunk actually look at how far down it comes look at this all the way down so look at how much room he actually has up there so that's why he can actually use that whole window up there he's got quite a bit of space now we're gonna push that back up and show you some of the features and down below here you've got control all different types of lights from the ceiling to the wall to a reading light and then here you get to control the thermostat overall but you also individually upstairs top bunk has a control here on off low medium high and the same thing down below off low medium high and you can also control the direction that that is going in and then you've got a little hanger here and i love also up here we've got a luggage rack and you can store your luggage up there we've got two outlets here and those actually are going to be extremely helpful normally you would only have one in a super liner room at but this is a great setup here and a great option if you're looking to get a viewliner lumet let's take a look here first off you got these lights here so you get this area light it's a little bit see that brighter than the other one and you still have that reading light right here on the bottom so that's really nice right there and then you still have your sink area you have your mirror hello uh right here but you've got your sink area which i'll show you in a second you get two outlets here and then you have a light that turns on here at the mirror as well now when the sink is open you're gonna see this light turn on here there's cups right here for you so see the light comes on that's a warning to rob up above to not come down here or he's going to put his foot in the sink so you use that and it's actually there's notice there's no drain in here it's actually because it drains back into this area here so one of the things that you'll notice in this one is that there is a toilet in the room um now let me move these bags here and show you this so normally in the viewliner one you'll see a toilet right here there is not one in here there's actually one in the hallway that we all share or several in the hallway that we all share um but this is actually a great nice steps here for the person above which is rob in this case to come on down the other thing i like about the view viewliner is this storage area up here for luggage you don't have to worry about shoving them underneath the seats which you still have room to do that if you have a lot of bags so if you're in a viewliner you get this nice base up above and it's easy to access again with the steps to get up there and then let me show you the lock here on the door so you have a ceiling light here uh switch there and also a night light one here so that gives you the lights to the room and nightlight should rob want it he's not going to have to crawl underneath the bed to get to it like he would normally have to do and then there's a lock here that actually flips and on the outside there's a keyhole which the attendant actually this to open the door if there's an emergency now there's a nice big trash can right here you just pull that right out that's a huge trash can honestly and then there's this big area right here look at this i have my big carry-on bag there but look at this space is amazing it's great and it's actually comfortable you can use this as an armrest nice and comfy there's my carry water bottle you've got two more outlets here so as you count that's four outlets that's amazing you've got control of the air conditioning down here this vent here i'll show you another place where you can control it as well and then we've got ceiling light and night light here control as well you can turn the overhead speaker system off so you don't have to hear announcements in your room you can hear them from out in the hall you push here for your attendant nice and easy and again you have the area light and the reading light on this side as well now rob's panel here for up above he can also he's also got his own push uh to call the attendant button reading light for him up above and he can control his air more or less just kind of like carvings um you would have there and then up here he's got this cool little mesh pocket that he'll have from up above and he'll show you upstairs in just a second but let me show you this other spot here right by the window by the other arm you're gonna find this other vent you can open or close it here tons of air coming out and then the tray table in this view liner too is insane look at this guys this is not tilted if you've ever been on a room that is not tilted you will not have to hold this up with your knee you will be one happy camper just like we are so let's send this camera upstairs with rob and show you what it's like up there okay we are up in the best part of the room which is this penthouse suite up here and i have so much room up here i am sitting fully up and my head is not hitting this um you know if it was over here would hit a little bit but there's a little ledge over here where you can sit up fully there's 38 inches of space between the mattress and the ceiling so that is amazing you've got your own windows up here and that's something you don't get on a super liner your own window so i love that because sometimes at night it is nice just to look out and see city lights or something like that so a couple of the features up here are there is a ton of storage so right up here i have that's the bag that we keep our food in and all kinds of things like our toiletries and that's my backpack with my computer and my tablet and all that so if i want to get to that at night no problem all i gotta do is crawl down there and get that on this end there's a little pouch here which i think i'll keep a couple snacks in i'm gonna keep my glasses in there have my own light up here that can be turned on and then the air is nice because you can angle it towards you or away and you can also turn it on or off or higher or lower and there's an attendant call button for the person up here so know that that's there make sure you don't push that by accident there's a little harness here to keep you in the bed which i think will work fair enough that's going to be fine but the main thing about this is the room so um on this end of the bed and the bed is six foot two inches long so that's just how how long it is but on this side of the bed it's a normal width of a super liner then as you notice as you get up towards this part it does jut out so you have more space up here you have 28 inches as opposed to 23 inches down there so this bed is just like being on uh on the lower level on a lot of these trains and a lot of times you're up on the upper level and you just you don't have the same you don't have the same headroom you can't sit up you don't have windows you don't have a big bed but on this view line or two you have everything that they have down there and that just makes it uh totally amazing okay next up is a super liner bedroom so let's talk give you a quick tour here of what the super liner bedroom looks like first off you do get a closet right here store some things in there and then you get the sink area so in a bedroom you are going to get on a super liner a bathroom so you get your own sink soap there's a little even vanity in here with some toilet juice where you can put some toiletries and there's even a bit of a counter space here for you you've also got a nice big trash can which is really nice you know if you're here for a night or two then you've got your seats here and these are going to slide out so you're looking at about 40 inches of bed space here now when the bed is folded out you're not going to have a ton of room here to get by to get another room but once the bed is made you don't actually have to leave the room so this is nice and comfortable you've got two outlets over here by the mirror right here but you also have one right here so you actually get three outlets in this room you control the temperature in here there on that dial and on this side you actually control the speaker system for overhead for announcements and things like that you also get a light on each side so not only do you get all of this seating but you also get this chair here as well um and you can put the arms down on it if you want to and you have storage space overhead here we have our pillows here but this has a little lip on it which is actually going to hold your stuff in overhead here we've got a bed i'll show you here i'm not going to build the whole thing up at this very second but you'll see here that folds down quite a bit of space here and you do have a little bit more space here than you would like in a roulette as you uh probably already heard and you've got stairs that we attached here in order to go up to the upper bunk so there's actually quite a bit of space there for you now we're gonna go into and take a quick look at the bathroom which is a huge bonus so i'm gonna squeeze in here there we go so there's plenty of room in here actually just to move around and shower it's an all-in-one so you've got your commode and your shower you've got shower head that comes off and you can safely store your towels up here they'll be dry there's a two uh two system here two-step system so that you don't accidentally turn it on while you're trying to go to the bathroom and then your toilet paper gets stored under here in order to keep it nice and dry so um that's basically the whole look there it's really nice to have this right here in the room and not have to worry about even leaving the room all night if you need to use the restroom or whatever you're just right here in your bedroom so hope you guys enjoyed this one let's move on to the next room all right guys we are going to take a look at the bedroom on a view liner and this happens to be a viewliner 2. so we're going to take a quick peek around here this is a great accommodation probably one of our favorites overall so let me show you guys here you can seat so this is the actually this is the couch area here and it slides out and turns into this bed and it's about uh six feet two inches long 40 inches uh wide this way so you got quite a bit of space you got a little closet area here for storage you get your sink right here in your room and mirror and all kinds of lights you even get a little medicine chest which i think is pretty great so you also one of the big bonuses on here is getting your very own bathroom so in here this is a little bit bigger than the super liner we think it's a little bit wider amtrak provides you with towels and you've got your shower head which does come off from here a safety bar and you turn your water on right here you've got your toilet paper and it has a cover on it to protect it from the water when you're showering and of course your commode which is really nice so that's kind of an all-in-one and then as we head out here we're going to take a look at one more seat here and this seat swivels in and then when you're ready to sit in it you just pull that out and put the seat down and you can sit right there and then this ladder actually stores behind this seat right here up against this door here so this will be out of the way during the day time when you're awake perhaps going to give you a quick tour of the upstairs yeah and sometimes i joke about that this is the penthouse but in this one it really is the penthouse because there's so much room i'm sitting fully up right now and aside from this bar my head does not touch the ceiling so tons of room up here this bed is going to be six foot one inches long and you actually have a great view out the window going this way so this is probably my favorite sleeper car combination if i'm riding upstairs which is always the case uh this is way more room than the super liners and way more room than the room ats as well so i love it up here this is a great ride and i think you're gonna love the viewliner two bedroom as well next on the list is the family bedroom on a super liner so this ideally is for about four people two to four you know however many two to four people whatever um all right so next on the list is the family bedroom on a super liner so let's take a tour here of what's available in this family bedroom so this is actually quite um spacious as far as the beds are concerned so this is the bed laying down i'll show you what that looks like in just a second when we fold it up but here's the ladder that goes up to the two beds now this bed here is only about five feet long um so this is going to be more for a smaller person or child or a small middle schooler or high schooler is going to fit up here this one is the regular length so it's about six feet long for that one and then you can also put a child here this folds down and it's basically the exact same size as this bed here and this is the full-size bed here now if you are a taller person this is actually really great because you can use this entire space if you're taller than six feet you would have all of this space right here or like an adult and a child could sleep here or two smaller adults as well you do have a trash can like you do in all the rooms you have two tray tables in this one one on this side and one on the other side and then you've got the closet a little closet space right here for you it's a smaller closet but it does give you enough room to store some things if you wanted to then you also have the tray table on this side as i mentioned before and you've got control of the temperature right in here and you've got some lights kind of some night lights built in there you also have only one outlet in this family bedroom which is kind of crazy to think that there's only one outlet in a room like this but that's all that's available you are able here to control the audio coming from the front from the conductor so you can turn it off or down so that it's not so loud when you're in here trying to sleep but there's quite a bit of room in here let me go ahead and switch it out here and show you what this looks like real quick with everything kind of folded up all right so this is what it looks like all folded back up there's actually quite a bit of space now as you can see all that space has been opened up and you've got a lot of seating here which is really great you can even lay down if you wanted to or have a child lay down while some some of you set up and you've got another seat right here there's actually quite a bit here there are no windows up above in the super liner just down below here but you do have one window here with your tray table and another window on the other side so this actually goes the full width of the train okay guys so this a super liner as you know is completely different than the viewliner uh the ceiling space is going to be a lot shorter so i'm 5'4 and i can't uh i can about stretch my whole arm here so if you're much tall if you're about six feet it's gonna be a little bit tall we'll have rob maybe measure that here in a little bit when he gets that handy-dandy tape measure out okay so let's take a look at the bed portion here so this is very simple to get into it's going to be very similar setup to in a regular room at it's basically about this much space here so this would be about what a regular round would be like so first of all you've got your your handlebars here which is great is going to help you get up and out of the bed if you need to and you've got call buttons on both sides so here's one and then there's one on the other side as well as a reading light and as i mentioned you've got the call button here and you've got a reading light here so these two are going to fold out into a bed i'll show you that in just a minute and then the panel on this side is going to show you is going to do the warmer and the cooler now guys um here's the thing is that this isn't going to drastically change the temperature in the room it's going to be a mild difference so don't think if you put it on cold that you're suddenly going to be in a meat locker or if you put it on warm that it's going to be like you know you're laying by the beach okay so just know that there are differences also there is a room air control here you can open or close it so that's going to close that vent up above to change the control of the room and i can actually see it moving from up here from here if you're looking at it you can see the little things moving inside the little shields inside so the rest of the panel here you do the temperature control and there is one outlet here um and then there is one over by the sink which we'll show you in just a minute so in this room you've got your one outlet here just like you would have in a um in a regular round and then you've got your it says music control and if you've seen our review of the room at the music control really means that you're controlling the volume of the announcements so when the conductor or the attendants or the dining car attendants get on and give you announcements they're going to be coming through here and then at the bottom you get another call button and you also get the light switch for up above and so you've got two lights up here one of them stays on is a little bit dimmer and that one stays on for your night light um at night okay so the top bunk is folded down here so when it's not down it's like this so you got quite a bit of space and it snaps into place so i'm standing here like i mentioned i'm 5'4 and i'm standing up here if i wanted to stand here or if i want to walk around anywhere in the room now let's pull that bed down and have a looksie up here all right so during the day the mattress for the lower bunk is stored up here very easily and then you got your here make sure if you're the person coming up to the top you're using these up here to buckle yourself in because um you know there is quite a bit of rocking and rolling on some of these trains and you don't want to roll out obviously into the middle of the night you're going to end up on the floor okay and then the nice thing back here is they do have this netting and the little pocket which we all know rob loves these he likes to store his phone his snacks headphones and stuff like that for at night for himself and then like i said before this is the mattress that's going to go down here i'll show you what that all looks like in a minute but first we're going to go to the other side of the room before we do that i'm going to show you the steps how to get up here we're gonna go to the other side of the room and go to the bathroom or show you the bathroom so steps are exactly the same as in a regular room at here and here and you're right up into the bed so no ladder required like you would need in a view liner room all right so here's the bathroom guys it's on the other side of the room directly across from the bed but see this people who are thinking i don't want to go to the bathroom with someone looking at me no problem see you later you would just close that curtain very simply and then the other person doesn't have to see you go to the bathroom you can have your privacy and if you need an assistant or something they can come and help you very quickly now you've got not only this bar here but you've got this bar here okay for accessing the toilet which it gives you plenty of room too if you can see here look at how wide that is if you've got a wheelchair this is a wide door here so you're gonna be able to bring that in and they'll store the chair out here for you and you'll be able to have access to this very easily guys because there's a ton of room you've got a nice big trash can here and then you've got your sink area here and here's the other outlet for you tissue and towels a couple of mirrors cups for rinsing out your mouth and there is a a mirror light switch here turn it on or off right there now here's a cool thing that i really like about this room is you've got windows on both sides guys so this is about the size lengthwise it's the size of the full train so you're going you can look on this side or you can look over here as you're sitting so if something cool is going by on that side and you want to see it you can go right on over to the other side in the accessible bedroom on the super liner you do not have the shower in your room so i'm going to show you exactly where that is this is the viewliner room and the shower is just two doors down so right here you come out second door on the left is going to be the shower i'll show you what that looks like in here close this handle push the lock of course over and then there are some bars in here for you to hold on to not a ton there's no bar on that side but the shower head does come off so you can use that like that and attach that back on there's a bar there there are no other bars in here there is a seat there i have noticed a lot of times it does have towels and stuff sitting on it so you may have to move those over but they do provide you with the towels they do provide you with soap and then when you're done with the towels you're just going to leave them in here so you've got the shower area and you also have a dressing area to this shower alright guys so for your accessible bedroom they have all of the ada approved accommodations with all of the bars and all of the different things that you need available so in a bedroom you are going to of course be getting your sink and you've got the bars there you've got a commode in your room and you've got the bar that comes down here as well as having a push button here to open and close the door so you don't have to pull it yourself you're also going to have your very own shower here and the seat goes up and down so if you're here with a partner that doesn't need the seat or doesn't want it then you can put that up there's push button um two push buttons one up above and one down below and again the bars are here and of course you can take the shower head off if you need that to be able to sit and bathe other accommodation that's important for those in the accessible room is the passenger emergency intercom and you can connect with the crew through this intercom by pushing and then they will connect with you there you do get your table here if you want to eat pull your table out and you're able to eat here and then you've got this is the bed the seat pulled out into the bed and it is almost double the size of a regular bed in a regular roulette and then the the bed up above is also bigger now one of the cool things because we're in a view liner one of the cool things here is how high up the ceiling goes or how much space you have headroom up above it's really for someone like me has issues with claustrophobia this is great and you do have the netting here of course to help to protect you and you have a little storage space up there which i think is fantastic to have that available and then you also have a little a little closet and a trash can behind there as well at the sink you do have some outlets and then you also have outlets at the back here where you're able to adjust reading lights area lights call for the attendant and make adjustments to the speaker so there's plenty of light there's plenty of air plenty of places to sit and there's lots of room here again this is an accessible room and you're able to if you need to bring a wheelchair in here you can or a walker you can bring your bags in here there's all kinds of space so this is a great room if you are needing an accessible bedroom on amtrak
Channel: Grounded Life Travel
Views: 1,679,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak sleeper car room guide, amtrak roomette, amtrak bedroom, amtrak family bedroom, amtrak accessible bedroom, superliner, superliner roomette, superliner bedroom, superliner accessible bedroom, viewliner, viewliner roomette, viewliner bedroom, viewliner accessible bedroom, superliner family bedroom, viewliner i, viewliner ii, superliner i, superliner ii, amtrak sleeper car tour, amtrak trains, amtrak, amtrak sleeper car, amtrak sleeper, roomette amtrak, bedroom amtrak
Id: WAWAJitt73A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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