3 Days on America’s MOST SCENIC Train | Chicago - San Francisco

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Today we are going to ride America’s most
scenic Overnight train, the California Zephyr for 3 days. Please enjoy the trip! Howdy. This is Chicago, Illinois. Today we are going to ride the famous California
 Zephyr from Chicago to San Fransisco. Very excited about today's ride as it is known
 to be one of America’s most scenic train routes. This is the route for the trip. Day 1 from Chicago Day 2 is the highlight of the trip featuring the Beautiful Rocky mountains, and the American deserts on day 3, we end our trip cruising by the californian forests and to San Fransisco. The train ride was $1050 USD for the 4000km journey Let’s check in. Chicago’s metropolitan lounge. 2:00pm depature. Alright, it's time to board. The California Zephyr Here we go. This is the Amtrak double-decker “Superliner” The same train car runs from Seattle to LA. I booked my room in the most standard “roomette”
room. Room 9 2:00pm We leave Chicago behind. Our 4000km (2400mi) journey has begun. Your pizza was very gud. Promptly after departure, the attendant is going around handing out dinner schedules. I scheduled my dinner for 5:45pm Scheduled it just in time for sunset. Here is the roomette room. Each car features 14 of these rooms. All featuring the same: A sofa bed. Lights, Music control Light control Air Conditioning Bedding, Power Outlet Water bottle. Table Closet, Towel, Hangers, Phone storage, Tissue, Pillow, Second bed. A tall person will probably suffocate up here No Toilet or sink, unlike the “Viewliner” roomette that we rode from New York. Now that the room touring is done. Let’s go find the washroom Or should we just train tour first? Ok train tour first. These is the economy seats. Business Class seats. The lounge car. Below the lounge car is the food stand. economy and business class passengers can buy
food from this stand. Dining car. I’ll be having my dinner here at 5:45pm. Sleeper train 1 Sleeper train 2 Are both the same style Ah I don’t think I’m supposed to be here. So there’s 1… 2… 3…4…5… 6 cars? I thought there would be more cars attaching
being that this route is quite popular. A few hours have passed And it’s time to eat dinner. The options are Beef Chicken Fish And pasta. The appetizer And the main dish is Amtrak’s signature steak Let’s eat Look at that Today I will be trying out the lemon cake. Tastes like lemon cake Thanks for the food. And here is our bed Tomorrow is hopefully going to be a scenic
one. Time to sleep early and wake early. Good nighters. DAY 2 5:17 We are here Right in the middle of North America Making our way to Denver, Colorado. Holy cow Look at that yellow light on the bottom of
the screen. Beautiful Our stop right before we enter the American
rocky mountains Denver. Seems like a peaceful city What’s this? Oh ya it’s my breakfast. I got the meal that I wasn’t able to get
on the way from New York. And open sesame French Toast Oh wow It actually looks good Wait what Hahahahahahaha Pretty goooood This is hands down the best breakfast option. As it was announced by the conductor, We are climbing in elevation to pass through
the Colorado Rockies. September Rockies are something else. Look at the colors. A thing of beauty to say the least. Lunch This is probably the best lunch meal on the
train. The Angus beef burger Also got the blueberry cheesecake I’m editing this right now and I want to
have a bite of it. This is so good I napped again The scenery has changed once again. what did I miss Holy guacamole A place like this really exists W o w z a A Stunning view Time to nap Holy moly The whole scenery has changed again what the hecko is that I'm scared I don't think this is earth anymore. Let’s have our dinner before it becomes
aliens start attacking us. This is the appetizer. Not sure what it is. It’s like probably something like Mexican
tofu. Oh look a rainbow And this is our main meal. The vegetarian pasta. The pasta kinda matches the scenery. Wow Views DAY 3 Nevada. 3rd and Last day of the trip. Good morning from Nevada. Here comes the sun. Here is the sun. And here is our Breakfast. Wait why didn’t I choose the French toast. I got myself the Scrambled Eggs. Is this how you’re supposed to eat this? Ah Thank you for the food. Wow Look at that I blink New scenery I blink New scenery We are now heading out of the desert of Nevada And heading into California and its forest. Before lunch We shower Hey look it's the cursed room H Lunch This will be our last meal of the trip. I’ll end it off with I’ve never had this yet The turkey sandwich But want to eat the burger too They ran out of Hamburgers So here is our meal. Here it is Looks very cheesy Mmmmmmmmmmm The winner is the Hamburger. So… for some reason… They are 
out of dessert. Lol. So I will be trying out an alternative. Ketchup. Very sweet. Nice. We are all the way here now. There is it The golden gate bridge VERY NICE San Fransico 4000km (2400mi) Is finally coming to a close We finally made it Great trip! $1000 Now this is a trip worth the money. Thank you amtrak service! Thank you all for watching! Have a nice day!
Channel: Solo Solo Travel
Views: 2,261,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, solo travel, solo travel japan, solo travel vlog, solo travel america, solo train travel
Id: TXQz9UaKskc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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