Amtrak Auto Train Bedroom Suite Experience and Review

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all right guys so we're on our way to the  lord and otter train which is going to take   us all the way from lorton virginia to sanford  florida it's a 17-hour train ride and should be   very interesting this is where everything starts  our car's right here and it'll be soon loaded up   on the train so here each car gets recorded for  any existing damage they put a seat cover on the   seats fold all the mirrors in and basically make  sure that there's uh no damage on your vehicle   before it gets boarded so when they offload the  vehicle if there's any damage they can compare it   to the video that they've taken of your whole  vehicle which is really quite smart basically   if you bring a motorcycle this is what happens to  it it gets crated up securely before it gets put   onto the auto train all right guys so here's  the process of loading of all the vehicles as   you can see everybody gets lined up if you pay  extra or you're here early you typically get to   the front of the auto train which allows you  to get off early at your destination because   otherwise it could be quite a wait and basically  they're just putting all the vehicles on and now   we have to go check in we got quite a few hours  before the train leaves so now let's go inside   the train station and take a look inside as you  can see it has wonderful tall ceilings a very art   deco design and i just absolutely love these  two giant art deco prints up here on the wall   all right guys it's starting to rain but here is  the train behind me this is the train we're gonna   be taking to florida uh this is the front of the  train that just hooked it up and we're gonna be   heading out here in a little bit for our 17-hour  journey i'm really excited because i've never   been on an overnight train and i've actually  have never been on amtrak train and i haven't   been on a train in general in about nine years  so i'm looking forward to it hope you are too   here we go sir we got a and then okay okay  here we go the stairs this is a narrow stairway   now let's go find our room all right guys let  me give you a quick tour of this bedroom suite   uh the bedroom suite consists of this  lovely bench which converts into a bed   we have another bed up top which i'm not going to  be using obviously you've got nice window we've   got a tray that folds out there is another  seat over there i've got me hello got a sink   we got trash etc and one of the things that makes  this room better than the regular bedrooms is not   only does it have its own toilet but it has its  own shower so i will be showering sitting down   on the toilet which should be interesting but  this is great because don't have to share a shower   or a toilet overall this is really nice my dad's  got one and i got one so each have our own rooms   he's gonna have dinner in his room  and i'm gonna go to the dining car   the dining car only had an 8 p.m dining time so  it's late but i want to try that experience so   i'll give you guys a full tour of the train in  a few minutes so as you can see here they're   preparing all the meals that are going to be  going into the rooms later everybody's hard   at work making sure everybody's trip is a good  one now we've got the lounge with alternating   seating obviously one table is open one tables  closed and masks are required on the whole train   and i think i've located the most important  part of the spring which would be the snack   and more importantly a bar cart it's time  for lunch dinner's not till eight it's about   two o'clock right now and i didn't eat  much today so i'm gonna grab something here   what can i say it's gonna be another gourmet meal  with a hebrew national hot dog a diet coke a bag   of doritos and cups of ice for some cocktails  later now we're gonna go some cocktails with dad cocktail hour train just started inexplicably  moving and we're hoping that this isn't really   us leaving because there's still another hour left  and oh i guess that was the last call so literally   the train has rolled out an hour early it's 3 30  there was no announcement the sign said last call   but the train is moving and we're leaving i am  just really thankful that my father did not step   outside to smoke a cigar because he probably left  on the platform but we are here and we're about   to enjoy a little drink since can't do anything  else right now here we go little jack daniels   it's not that little okay it's all right dad cheers dad cheers to you guys so some of you may be wondering why we're even  making this trip well my parents have recently   sold their house in the new england area they  bought another house in florida my mom's already   gone down there and she's setting up everything in  the house but my dad was closing out his business   dealings and he didn't want to drive the 1200  miles by himself so he asked me if i would fly out   from austin take the 500 mile drive with him and  then do this auto train journey and i said why not   you know if i get time to spend with my parents i  think it's super important so i'm really enjoying   this journey bonding more with my dad and i think  it's just it's just wonderful when you have time   to spend with the people you love friends family  because time is one of those things that you know   you can't replace a lot of us focus on other  things but time with people you care about that   is just something that's irreplaceable so i'm  very thankful that i'm having this few days to   spend with my father and i would encourage you  that if there's someone special in your life   friends maybe that you haven't seen for a while or  visited go make the time see those people because   life is short man just go do all these  things that you're putting off do them now so here's some interesting information this amtrak  auto train is a service that's been provided since   1983. it's actually the longest passenger train  in the world over three quarters of a mile in   length with 18 passenger cars 33 auto carriers and  two engines pulling it it transports over 130 000   automobiles and 250 000 passengers per year this  train carries 650 passengers and 330 automobiles   on a full train quite the workhorse all right  guys let me take you on a little tour of the train   and show you some of the other cars the other  sleeping arrangements and the other seats that are   available we are now entering the car that has the  roommates and basically there's rooms on either   side i believe there are smaller rooms there's  a shared bathroom okay and this is the roomette   basically you've got two seats here facing each  other and this will turn into a bed and up above   there is another bed that you can use there is  a shared bathroom and toilet at the end of the   hall and this is quite comfortable as well here  we are in the empty coach car lots of seating   plenty of room we've got outlets at each location  well let's try and see how these seats recline   oh that actually reclines pretty nicely and  i think there's a foot rest in front that's   actually pretty comfortable i could totally  sleep on this so this is the recline angle of   this seat so you can absolutely sleep in  here pretty comfortably tons of leg room so these four guys really got to set up  here they're playing lord of the rings   they've got a four-person network on an xbox  all set up i mean this is the way to travel   this is the lounge card that is at the front  of the train that's also connected to its own   snack bar it's obviously got a little bit  different seating than the one in the back   i kind of dig this style a bit  more it's got some art deco tables   very cool little area i'm telling you guys  you just can't beat the scenery out here   okay it is time for my dinner i've got  my dinner ticket so let's go and see what   it will be like okay guys well it's dinner time  and this is going to be my little booth here get our salad or dinner roll it's like a little  water so here's the menu again and even though   they already took my order when i boarded the  train i guess they're going to take it again   i'm still going to go for the pan roasted  chicken that sounds like it will be a safe bet and here is the beverage and bar selection  menu with wine and beer and sodas   and no there is no 1982 chateau rothschild  lafitte on this menu eeny meeny miny moe balsamic vinaigrette is that boxes of wine i see in the distance all right hey there you want  some chardonnay degrees here   cabernet i'll do the pinot grigio bandit  brand no less sounds good thank you so much thank you well box wine it is and  i've had some excellent boss wine   so let's give this guy a try cheers guys [Music] yeah it's wine here's our lovely salad greens a  little vinaigrette nothing fancy but gotta eat your veggies yummy thank you so much  and here is my dinner which   is the cod it's caught fillet  let's give this chicken a try sorry it's fish it's not bad it's heavily crusted um  in a good way but it's fluffy and light   it's not bad and here back is my favorite  person rachel with some more wine thank you so much you know when you treat  people nicely they will treat you nicely   hence the free wine i'm getting be nice to people but be nice  without expecting anything in return   that's really important in life is just  treat other people the way you want to   be treated and it'll come back to you tenfold  as long as you don't expect anything in return   and last but not least we got some plain new york  cheesecake so after a nice dinner and a couple   of glasses of wine i decided to kick back in my  room and just watch the scenery it was absolutely   gorgeous with the sun setting next i'm going to  have my bed made up and get ready for the night all right guys and now we're  going to get the bed made up here   sleeper lounge [Music] once again this  will be the last announcement for tonight please got our mattress i swear to god guys trying to do this shower  thing in this room is like a total convoluted   mess but i gotta do it because i don't know when  i'll have a chance again so anyways i got these   wonderful slippers so basically this foam piece  becomes this so i don't have to put uh my feet   on the floor okay i'm not sure how this is all  going to work out in here ah let's give it a   roll i guess this is the point where i find  out if this iphone 12 really is waterproof we have water wow all right let's just do this   shampoo here i'm just going to dump this on  my head there's no other good way to do this the things i do for my youtube viewers all five  of you all right well i made it out alive out of   that shower and if i didn't already mention it  that whole shower is probably two feet wide and   three feet deep so we're talking like a broom  closet and as i mentioned i don't recommend it   unless you really have to and yeah that  was an experience but i'm glad i did it   okay now i gotta get ready and just  go to bed and i gotta remember in the   night that if i go to use the bathroom the floor  is wet because my bathroom is also my shower   well that was kind of a rough night of sleep i  mean i've never slept on a train and obviously   it's moving around and the bed was a little  bit less than comfortable but survived and   we're about two hours away from our destination  i'm gonna go grab some breakfast well here is my   breakfast today they give you a banana you get  like some coffee cake cereal orange juice etc   uh i didn't want any cereal so i went grabbed  a sausage breakfast mcmuffin that i have to   pay for which is no biggie and i snuck on my own  contraband well guys that's pretty much it we're   off the train we're getting some starbucks we've  got a two-hour drive to our final destination   you know my personal feelings on the whole amtrak  train experience is it is quite dated the uh it   kind of felt like a 1997 united airlines flight  and personally i feel that what you're paying for   all of that the overnight the car transportation  i don't really think it was worth it personally i   would have driven however like i said before  it was a great time to bond with my dad so i   really enjoyed that experience anyhow stay tuned  for the next video in the meantime please like   subscribe hit the bell so you get notifications  and until then i will see you all take care
Channel: Life with Serg
Views: 520,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak, amtrak auto train, amtrak auto train bedroom, amtrak auto train bedroom suite, amtrak bedroom, amtrak bedroom suite, amtrak bedroom suite tour, amtrak experience, amtrak review, amtrak roomette, amtrak sleeper car tour, amtrak superliner bedroom suite, amtrak train, amtrak trains, auto train, auto train amtrak, auto train bedroom, autotrain, life with serg, train travel, car train, auto train virginia to florida, amtrak rooms, amtrak car train, amtrak sleeper train
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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