5 Mistakes Tourists Make When They Visit Vienna, Austria

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Das mit dem Wochenticket wusste ich gar nicht (muss mich normalerweise mit der Verbund Linie herumplagen).

Wer hat sich denn das so ausgedacht? Klingt nicht gerade vernünftig.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/permavirginmeganerd 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies


bike lanes. yes, we have bike lanes here. bikes lanes are for people riding BIKES (and scooters).

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/RacingWalrus 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

unterm stephansdom ist es auch jetzt im sommer sehr kuehl, der sollte seine tipps updaten. und so ein bisserl knochen schauen hat noch keinem geschadet

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/sludge_hammered 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Links stehen auf der Rolltreppe

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/kryo1150_ 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Vanillesoße beim Apfelstrudel apart bestellen dann kann man sich die Soße drüber geben, es ist nicht so eine Sauerei am Boden bei der man den Teller abschlecken müsste wie ein Tier um nicht 50% von der Soße zu verlieren und die Soße wird nicht sofort kalt (selbst wenn der Teller vorgewärmt ist, gegen so einen großen Soßenspiegel ist er chancenlos wenns mal unabsichtlich 1-2 minuten nicht unterm Pass steht).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mirac0 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
get a fellow-travellers mark here with Walters world and today we're here in Vienna Austria at Carl's Platz you have Kyle's kid here behind me cool sure to check out when you're here there's a lot of really cool things to do here and there's a lot of tourists that come here and I've actually been coming here for over 20 years I went to school here back in the day like you know but I was skinny and stuff like that I used to play here at Carl's Platz so the city has like a special place in my heart and I've come back many times over the years I've actually taught at the vaiue here a couple times as well and so Vienna has got a special thing for me and over the years I've kind of seen a few common mistakes that tourists make when they do come to Vienna cuz it just has some of those things cities you go to people make mistakes and so what I want to do is point out five common mistakes I've seen tourists make here quite often Vienna so you don't make those mistakes so you can have a better time when you are here cuz this is a great city to visit with all the culture and the food and all the stuff like that but anyway let's get the mistakes and the first mistake people make when they come to Vienna is they think they're sisters nobody checking for tickets when you go into the Strasse and bond or you go into the bond or you go into the bus the subway the trams are streetcars and all these kind of things they think oh I don't have to buy a ticket wrong look here in Vienna they have open public transportation so you just walk on it's kind of like an honor system thing but the thing is they don't trust everybody well their honor here there's actually people that will go and randomly check tickets I've been here for two weeks now teaching and I've been checked three times so it does happen often enough that you need to make sure you actually buy some tickets and make sure you validate them because if you don't have a ticket they don't care if you're a tourist I've heard many tourists go well I just thought I could just walk on like where do you can just walk onto stuff okay so make sure you realize you got to get tickets also another mistake I made before is remember if you get the Vulcan ticket or the week ticket it is not a seven-day ticket in a row it is from Monday through Sunday so you're coming on a Friday and you've got like you know you're gonna stay for like six or seven days you probably need to get to different tickets so have a heads up for that okay so that's the first mistake I see people make now the second mistake I see tourists making which really breaks my heart and a lot of tourists just don't do this is they don't sit down and enjoy the cafe culture here in Vienna I mean Vienna is the cafe a little the whorl and you sit down and you have your coffee or for me I have my hot chocolate and I might have a piece of Sacher Torte or an ethyl extruder or what looks like pancakes chopped up with cream I just there's so many great towards so many great desserts but there's so many great cafes and so sitting down and just watching the world go by when you're here in Vienna is one of the things you have to do but a lot of tourists get scared cuz you're like oh that looks kind of pricey to have a coffee and an ax and a cake no it's worth every saint you spend because the cakes here are fantastic the coffee is great the hot chocolates great you have that and you have that experience and that's what people do here so don't make the mistake of thinking I don't want to do that why would I want to sit there sit there enjoy it's great and the thing is when you sit there you might notice the third mistake that tourists make and they make the mistake that service and Vienna sucks look I'm not gonna lie to you service in Vienna has some issues if you're comparing it to places like the US or the UK where people kind of over-the-top friendly stuff you will not get over-the-top friendly service anywhere in Austria especially here in Vienna and so just be ready that they're not trying to single you out and be mean to you or anything like that but it will take time to get you a menu it will take time to take your order it will take time to get your bill and also if you're what you're bill you've got to ask for it because here they don't judge you you would stay for three hours go and stay for three hours maybe you want to get six or seven pieces of apple strudel you go right ahead we're not judging you and so you kind of have to like get them to come over when you want to order something and stuff like that because it tends to take time now that may seem like their bad service or bad waiters oh no they've been trained they've gone to school for this and if you're not sure what you should order they will tell you what the best dishes they will tell you like what would be a better thing for what you want to do that day or you might tell them I like this and this what do you recommend they will let you know which is kind of cool in that way so don't think of it as bad service just stinger is over professional I'm giving you your space to enjoy your time in a cafe or your Venus it's all your steps or things like that no matter where you go the food was take st tourists making they come here is they also whip out their credit card all the time look you can't pay with credit card and a lot of places here in Vienna but it's not everywhere and I think it's enough spots but you can't pay with a credit card that's important that you always have some cash with you because if you're gonna go to the nosh mark which is just right over there and go have an amazing doner kebab when you're there just go see other stuff and buy some things there not everybody takes credit card there so you need to have some change you need to have some money to buy stuff also sometimes in the public toilets you might need to pay for that it's not everywhere you know just occasionally you just might want to have some stuff or if you want to grab one of those hot dogs with a frankfurter inside that you know the the Wiener sausage as my grandma used to call it or at Kasich crema or whatever you need has cash okay cuz it is one of those things here also when you tip you usually want to tip just put the cash in there if you do pay with a credit card you can actually tell them the whole bill like they add it on that way but you don't write in the tip so you might wanna just have cash to leave that as a tip as opposed to putting it on your credit card and the fifth mistake I see tourists make here is they are not prepared for all of the culture that's here look this is the heart this is the home this is the capitol of the Holy Roman Empire hundreds of years of a big Empire being based out of here so there's concert halls there's operas there's folks operas there's theaters there's there's culture there's Museum at your museum whether you go to the Koons comma to see the art they're the Natural History Museum that's they're going out to the palace shouldn't Brune Palace are or to go see that the apartments there and then Gardens they are going to belvedere to go see the best collection of Gustav Klimt paintings in the world they've got all the stuff there and it can be a bit too much and so I do see tours get a little bit over like too much kind of things like I'll see people they'll go to shunran and shin burn palace is great you got to go there if you don't go in go to the gardens and see those things there's a zoo in the back Kuehl views all kinds of great stuff but there's like three options for tours and they'll take the long tour because I really want to know a lot about the house Berg's and the thing is even if you're a big fan of the Hoffs trucks you could be a hospital it's just too much information for people so you want to take one of the shorter tours kind of things and it's just kind of these unpreparedness like if you're gonna go into Steve st. Stephen's Cathedral stephansdom go in you will it's a symbol of the city but take a tour and you go in the catacombs below but if you don't know that they're actually you're gonna see a lot of human bones stacked up in there and it can be a bit shocking for some people get worried about it so don't make the mistake of not being ready for all the culture stuff that's here make a list of the things you really want to see and focus on valves and get that because you can't take it all in because the city is just one site after another after another and I don't want you to miss out on this cool city anyway I hope this helps you know some of the mistakes the tourists make when they come here I hope you don't make that mistake also we have don't make a mistake of talking really loud at the restaurants and stuff because they don't like that here okay so we just have a heads up for that anyway I hope this helps you know more about Vienna if you want to learn more maybe the don'ts of visiting Vienna a little more in-depth kind of stuff or with shocks that come into Austria check us on our website at Walters worldcom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Pinterest all those things as usual for Walters world you'll find us and we do appreciate your likes and subscriptions so if you liked the video hit that like button hit that subscribe button and you'll get new travel videos like this every Wednesday and Saturday if you hit the bell you actually will get those videos every Wednesday and Saturday in your feed we have other stuff to talk about that there's all kinds of great travel stuff so we hope this helps and we'll say bye from Vienna
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 691,973
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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