Sykkuno Livestream - Among Us w/ Lil Nas X, Dream, CORPSE, Toast, Pokimane, Karl Jacobs, Valkyrae

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are you talking to me yeah yeah i'm trying to you know see what tier difficulty i should put you in priority to kill mm-hmm but the least of them played kind of like a poster it's funny now all right yeah i just haven't played normally oh go ahead sir okay it's like a baby or something no my little baby i got the little baby you just say something baby yeah yeah i got that okay straw belly thanks for the 10. nice to meet you we met nice to meet you i am nice to meet you ethan we i think we made that we we have met before yeah really awesome yeah yeah it's a little awkward no it's not listen you don't remember me i've had a lot of concussions and a lot i remember i vented in front of you and then you uh listen i've got i have i have brain i can't remember hi guys that was for like two seconds carl carl join the lobby oh yeah carl's here guys all right everybody let's get in a line at the bottom come come come on yeah yeah yeah fast just you know oh wait i need to leave because uh wait i need to oh god okay oh did someone leak the code no do we need a new would never leak his entire life and sabrina thanks for the sub also who's little logic all right guys if i missed a sub i apologize um we're just setting it up trying to get everyone's volume good let me know if anyone's too quiet or in my description changed i changed from black because i'm i'm always black but i know that i know that you like black and so i i sacrificed my favorite that little nest yep um i believe he is a musician of sorts is that dream uh dream is little nasa ex-fan um i'm guessing okay so dream always places light green with the hat usually so um i'm guessing that's dream right there it's over here the dream's a bit quiet that's even right here i'm more oh you want to use this hat you want to use this you want hats you talk to the computer hi carl hi oh so we'll that's a whole lot of bits divine thanks for the 10 000 bits jesus um i subbed a lot because i love your content i hope i don't make you you know divine i really do appreciate it but you don't have to you've given way too much already um you should just get yourself something that'll that'll be even better so thank you very much so divine you're way way too familiar um i do really appreciate it though i haven't met everybody some of us have are you all putting on a cowboy hat some of us have met but some of us don't remember all right we're all putting on a cowboy hat the guys we got to fit in like that right no it happens all the time it's my bad to be fair it was for like literally one round it was during thank miss yep there was so much charity and stuff going on it's okay don't worry about it it has to line up and do introductions then okay that doesn't count ethan everybody line up doesn't count okay i'm lining up i'm lining up oh should we do two truths and a lie what's up what the first time we meet um yeah sure two truths and a lot oh god what do i even say wait i'm not i'm not really good at this um two truths okay move to the left i'm a streamer for fun um girls aren't into me um joshua thanks for the sub and savvy and fed thanks for the subscribe one of the tabs changes let's see oh my god okay first of all perfect wait no those are all true so we got to come up with something else i got that would be all of us right because everyone's [ __ ] content yeah yeah i'm just joking are we all gonna introduce ourselves in person yeah okay okay everybody line up all right all right ready wait line up so we can all see thank you yes yes yeah go in the middle yeah no i have stage fright okay okay all right oh oh okay we're going oh i play a lot of among us what is that nice nice yeah toast yeah toast to toast great to meet you toast all right dream dream hi i'm i'm little nazax's biggest fan and i'm playing among us today [Music] presentation um hi i'm i'm psycho and i like playing games with my friends oh yeah oh yeah nice yeah hi guys i'm pokey usually i go by pokey mane but because it's almost christmas i'm [Music] funky [Laughter] i believe played as a zombie that was amazing corpse [Music] i'm up i'm okay this is kind of fun hi i'm ethan i i have another dog named spencer oh spencer hi spencer [Music] i also have a dog named mika wait i didn't mention bimbis okay oh man am i alone oh yeah hi guys you can call me b if you're nasty i have a dog and four cats and i was supported by corpse thank you so much oh yeah yeah thanks sports yeah corbin for that oh yeah ready to go let's do it oh wait wait one person didn't introduce themselves i'm just nervous wait okay that's okay no you got it i'm not in scream [Applause] [Music] all right guys looks like i'll catch you guys next round wait is your dog okay ethan oh [ __ ] sorry what i don't know what just happened but catch you guys next round um all right sure hope i don't die first man it feels a little weird oh hey ray ray what are you doing she's gonna kill me um huh well she didn't kill me quite yet um well not really sure i guess i guess we actually we i suppose we actually should do our task now okay here we go um okay oh come on all right we got it man i'm just alone i'm gonna get picked off for sure aren't i okay we definitely have to group up otherwise we'll oh hey it's dream what's up dream um he looks very innocent who's orange is that no i couldn't see hey it wasn't me oh my god two people are dead oh ray ray you know what this means right ray yeah we're gonna be next we're gonna be next we're next or next we gotta figure out who it is now i forgot who um that's okay okay um well one of them one of them uh hopped into a vent and i saw that too electrical um i saw the event okay right before but i know i know who it is i'll say that i left them in electrical so what happened was toast was doing download and then i was doing wires and in the very left side of my screen i just saw like the vent animation i thought it was ethan but i wasn't sure and then i walked away now toast is dead so i know it was ethan wait no did you vote who did you vote wait who did you accidentally vote i voted i voted uh i don't wanna what if they hate me it's okay don't they won't don't worry okay i just want to back them up it's our first game with them so i wanted to feel like you know all right what about eth oh well he's dead now so it doesn't matter right now wow see what you're saying bye ethan oh jesus you guys killed him thanks he's ready oh my god he's just sleeping so it wasn't him okay no dream wouldn't if it was or not oh wait i'm just not supposed to unmute i'm so used to proximity chat um look dream would never lie to us dream would never lie to us guys um all right let's go over here look guys dream's doing the card swipe there's no way he's an imposter and he's doing the download there's no way dream's the imposter he's way too innocent looking okay over here i should turn the music lower um one sec okay whoops there we go it's gonna be super low you probably can't even hear it but all right ready to go um oh it's pokey and carl what's up carl um hmm well not really sure what's happening we only have a few tasks left so let's go do oh hey it's bretman i wonder who the other imposter is i feel like dream oh hey so i'm pretty sure he's it did he just run on top of that vent no no he's just new to the game that's all um he's i got scared yeah i'll tell you guys we got one hat on it yeah i'm pretty sure we got one i've seen a lot of people so just to explain there's there's two imposters yep um and it doesn't tell us if we got them or not until both of them are gone uh-huh period so no one's ah it's normal for two people well the thing is it has it has to have been hopped in and out of the vent so well yeah um unless it's me but it's not oh okay so if it's not you you didn't he didn't contest so it is ethan you did just most likely so that means it's not you well two people saw him so i figured it was true yeah all right let me make sure could always do the 50 50 but we don't need to oh yeah dreamworks guys he's extremely trustworthy what am i letting you by the way can you pick that up hello what hello hello what's happening it was not me that got the call wait who voted for me wait what just happened um i don't know what just happened there wait what'd you get from the call did you do we know who it is okay um no clue what's happening there that's rey pokey um oh um elvis thanks for the five gift subs elvis all right over here where do we go oh pokey's in here raisin here ray seems mildly innocent uh dream is like probably 100 innocent um little nas is most definitely innocent he's new to the game and he's doing very new to the game stuff oh no no carl um uh where it is all right it's it's by admin i was just spam reporting so i was just walking because the lights turned off and i started spamming reporting and it's by i don't know where it is because i was in the dark but by admin well did you see that it's like before the lights are off well i finished my tasks i have no tasks left i finished them i was in navigation and then i was walking over to do lights because the lights went off and then i was just spinning a report walked by admin and it reported i didn't see anybody i think pokey and ray are probably clear but pokey left when you came in psycho yep she went to the left side though yeah okay so i i'm going to clear wait comms is on the right side i think pokey went to the left side [Music] um i really wasn't moving because my okay i was pressing the wrong buttons on that yeah i was just standing once besides bretman just standing there um yeah no you weren't what i saw you i pretty much was okay wait a minute this is wait wait wait no that's not me wait a minute that's what everyone's thinking um oh i definitely don't think it's you but okay huh why don't you think so oh he's doing too much innocent stuff so what is innocent stuff um you know that's uh that's secret knowledge oh jesus you guys voted for me what wait wait how did no one say anything and communicate oh my god how did you guys know that was so random why do you they actually think it's me i'm so confused i'm so confused um okay okay here we go oh i haven't got any of my tasks completed mute wait he hasn't gotten any of his tasks completed but he's wait a minute this is weird okay bretman and little nass were together um me and ray were together and i think i saw pokey run to the left side i thought i'm mildly confused here i'm actually not sure who it is um i do really hope that we got one out the first round i think we did um the only person unvouched for is dream but it can't be dream because um he called out ethan in the first round and we probably would have lost by now if it was two imposters left so i'm very very confused hmm unless bretman and huh oh wait who is that oh it's pokey oh wait did she not run to the left i could have sworn she went to the left um jenny thanks for the sub and uh nika and eris um wait guys i could have sworn she ran to the left i thought she was clear i'm surprised i'm actually surprised i think the real thing is why did she kill me because everyone voted for me so they were suss of me all right time to drink some more coffee perfect i think it's not good for pokey because um she probably shouldn't have killed a suspicious person she's gonna kill for sure right um we almost died to oxidation by the way and it scared the chibis out of me but you also did o2 so okay i don't know honestly what happened bottom 02. no one was there oh i did it i saw brent hey carl i saw him figure it out lime thanks for the five gift subs i was with ray period uh so listen it's it's not racist both oxygen yeah yeah exactly me and nas were together okay you're the only one i haven't seen to be honest if we're gonna take a shot i kind of think this is the best time to who are we voting he's right it's bread or coke oh jesus i mean they were right um okay oh um maeve thanks for the 10 gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift stuffs thanks a bunch how's it going austin didn't what does that mean you did it guys you i don't know what that means but thanks thanks for coming austin and uh nick thanks for the ten gifts i did he votes for her and then goes how would you guys do that oh yeah yeah i definitely knew did you look like girl i got them because yeah wait so who was the other imposter why no proximity because it doesn't work pokey also always kills toast first that's also true yeah what is that what does that mean not always but a lot of the times yeah show that you vented when you didn't actually vent ben oh my gosh and you're crossing thanks for the celebration glitch that's a bad glitch okay okay i'm changing yeah an exterminator for that bug true a little nostalgic [Music] all right here we go um he doesn't have chat open now i have it open now because i'm well now i shouldn't um but anyway um see you guys later oh yeah oh god hey brettman wow that looked suspicious i'm out of here hey corpse all right let's stick in a trio there's no way we die in a trio right corpse is just following him around there's ethan um corpses really just following him around and i'm following corpse around it's like a weird little train of stuff oh hey toast um all right guys toast died first last round now we didn't make it to the end but we made it pretty far so we got to make sure toast gets his youtube video um okay i got this one too okay toast oh god oh jesus where was the body why are you following me like that oh and once i got otherwise the body was right there i was on the wires too i guess it must have been a drive-by or something all right so i want everyone's position right now i'm guessing you know where i am orange and dream are in electrical oh jesus wait wait i can't believe he just killed ray right in front of me he was never raised anybody like a piece of me oh wait wait reading a donor reading a donut all right dream what's your info anyway um my info is i ran straight to cams so i was on cams right yeah and bretman was being very very his peculiar movements i saw that too i saw that too earlier ran over to upper reactor did nothing ran back and then was the last person that was an admin oh my god was that true i already skipped um oh but i do want to say thanks rae for protecting toast ray said she was going to protect toast because he died first last round did a great job good job looking at you like a piece of meat she tanked the bullet good job ray good job you did it for toast you're a good friend i looked at you like a piece of me you're a good friend oh god all right let's go um oh toast most definitely knows i was muted oh he was muted the whole time no wonder he didn't defend himself okay well maybe it wasn't toast i don't know i'm pretty sure it was but um i don't know maybe maybe i miss saw it it's possible right it's possible oh what carl all right that's [ __ ] up guys um all right oh hey this is so weird so the first round toast and corpse die oh and then next round me and ray died that's so strange where's the body i saw him before yeah on life carl killed me that is crazy wait it wasn't toast okay so it really wasn't toasty oh nothing thought it was toast electrical okay i was going to wear it and i saw corpse in him and then i just it really wasn't totally near i just want to point out for the previous [Music] and i think um bretman okay i saw that coming he was moving around like an imposter toast on top of you guys no man the amigos are getting targeted no i can't see him from work and nas are in storage okay because not gonna lie as the lights were coming down i did see toast heading towards electrical and then as i arrived to lights the body is dead and it's just falling oh just like to say again last round bretman was the last person i saw on cam's go into admin about 10 seconds later the meeting was alright dream's got it i made it to electrical but then uh the body was found down right i think dream's gone also carl big susses uh how am i stuck okay like a heavenly spirit uh what's huh um okay not sure what um all right oh um cassette tape and start and starbucks thanks for the sup and jasmine thanks for the sub also okay um here we go finish your task guys i'm trying but the game just started like it's not like oh okay okay i'm trying i really thought that you killed me when the what happened i got something on me all right i'll throw all my info i put my cards on the table here carl did the kill on valkyrie i was leaving him alive to see who would vouch for him carl without any prompting so i'm inclined to think um oh i think you're lying so we'll skip what so dream okay what's that but for the admin kill toast you don't just get to be smart sounds like so it's just it doesn't work every time um did you see brett manning all that round not at all this is what happened i i was on cam's brett i went into admin i left cams about 10 seconds later i was in electrical brett was there with me an electrical um um but then the kill apparently the body was reported in admin so you saw carl between them then bretman had to have left somehow did i'm thinking about did bretman event oh read game chat read game chat we skipped we should skip i feel oh my god they both just gave it away bretman and carl kind of just outed themselves there um i will say i really thought it was toast i really thought it was toast um carl carl um um i'm scared let's just keep saying carl randomly what are they saying walking dead coral is that what they say i used to watch that show but not much anymore okay um della and uh kelly thanks for the subs we're playing with holiday roblox concert man what does that mean um same manga channel retyping wasn't muted i muted it pog champ um what is rope well i know what it is but i mean what is he talking about um okay he did a roblox concert oh oh that's kind of cool i've never played that game before okay oh look at corpse doing his task like an innocent crewmate um saab thanks for the sub hand me out um he did a roblox cut yeah and i heard about it doing tasks because it's not proximity i feel like proximity we just derp around a lot you know and that's why nope like nobody does their tasks in proximity um in this mode people actually do stuff see i saw it on cams [Laughter] it was batman found camps huh okay defense saw you on camp yeah the cameras are broken i think there's a bug in them um what's the bug um he's trying look he's trying his best i i don't know if he's gonna live off of that one sorry b um don't worry oh why the [ __ ] you think oh because corpse is nasty okay for myself oh my god oh for yourself okay um that just happened if i didn't oh damn dude dude those cameras have the same bugs that ethan had you guys were brightening up just some always thanks for the selfies i'm bugs go back to the leaf the leaf will give us the cowboy phase is over it's so hard oh my gosh again all right see you guys next round looks like we're crewmate again um okay no one kill me please let me turn my mic off oh he what i got you covered all right oh he's probably gonna think i'm trying to kill him dude your mic was huh um okay we'll keep them safe i don't know what he said he was doing so yeah what's the report what's the report looking like yeah what happened you ignore that i was just trying the button you're just you just let me know whenever and i'll press my button for you don't even worry about it let's hopefully let you know when we vote for ray she usually gets a little stressed out and she plays better yeah just the stress helps her in a few times then i'll know that it's time to press it are you just going to oh you guys are voting for each other all right just stay over here what carl you voted for ray i wouldn't vote for anybody like that oh that was clean all right let's get on out of here um oh hey bretman dream you're not me oh okay over here what exactly is he doing up there i'm starting to think he's the imposter i'm not gonna lie he's acting okay look i know he's kind of new to the game but he is acting very imposterly i i don't know i i don't know huh wasn't me corpse wasn't quite me pokey reported dang ethan's just not getting to play where's the pokey oh me and corpse were just there we were i thought mere corpse reported it oh corpse did you see saiku no i didn't see him i i did not suck it up but you didn't i only saw a corpse um he was at the like it's almost in the hallway-ish like not in nav when you have imposter vision you could see a little bit further yeah and poster vision helps i don't have it though i was just on top of him um okay on top of him then how come he doesn't see you i'm not sure i think ethan cause i was also there i was on top of corpse actually wait you were you did the thing yeah oh me and corpse were doing wires outside of nav while the lights were off and then i stepped into nav to do another task and i saw the report button yeah i saw corpse like around the hallway and that's i didn't see pokemon introduction well it's because she vented what saw me we both didn't see you know yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah who voted for i'm confused so corpse definitely said he saw pokey hmm why didn't they kill me though if they were both imposter well i'm very confused um if corp says he saw pokey then they must be clear but i feel like neither of them saw me and then strange quite strange something's off here oh hey dream all right pokey oh wait a minute i don't um i'll be honest pokey and corpse both giving me some strange vibes here so i'm gonna just um i'm gonna stay away from that just in case you know i mean they both were at the last dead body so um oh no dream huh dream it's not me it's not me um oh he trusts me okay you know it's probably not dream i think it's probably not dream right i feel like that little exchange oh hey bretman bretman kills with where is these oh no toe stand carl i hate i hate to do this again um okay i was i was walking in the cafeteria right raymond walked right by me and then i walked like five more steps and there's some guy i just saw carl i didn't even see you at the cafeteria i mean i walked i just walked right by it because i gotta go has anyone seen toast i don't think might last i thought toast was electrical um he was running in and corpses running out so i don't think corpse would kill him yeah i saw him there too and i don't think corpse did it once yeah i saw perfume do you suss or clear anyone i saw saikuna in corpse i mean i was with cycuno and nav and then i walked out and as i was walking out of cafeteria um i am yeah dream seems very innocent to me for the first kill i'm sorry why am i always okay well because you came you walked up the area of the body it was wait where was the body dream first kiss he's in the middle of cafe no i didn't just see bretman walk to the top right that weapons yeah that's one that's what i'm saying yeah wait nice to see that again um i said i think we know who did it what wait you guys voted for dream little dream's innocent he's innocent scary is happening here what is happening for me okay something's wrong here um i don't think it's dream i'm fairly certain it's not dream i might just run why did they all vote for him this i'm is am i unmuted oh i'm so confused i really don't think it's a dream again oh my god did he just say he's following me again all right dream is most definitely innocent um it sounds like little nas is innocent too okay well let's just head down here i guess we can keep doing our tasks maybe um i do think dream is innocent i think he's the only one i know for sure just safety check on seven yeah okay pokey all right wait i don't know what it is no he must definitely does not he knows i'm innocent as hell wait who thinks i voted for them me dream you voted for no i would never you definitely did tell us who to vote i would vote for myself before you okay thank you so you want us to vote for you or no i was just asking just thought i'd ask you mentioned i mean oh my gosh i'm not gonna lie initially i was also suspicious of dream but i feel like saikuno wouldn't go out of his way to clear someone oh dream is most definitely innocent why am i casey we did a little wiggle in a corner and that made me think he was innocent why would you two be defending each other like this though you're on to something to be fair i'm not defending it's like you know that much but i i walked by psycho now and i saw brett trump a little while later say the word the wiggle remember the wiggles woman i was just worried that they had killed someone in nav but i know toast was left side of the map dream house sure are you that it's brett oh my god i was muted i don't know i'm pretty sure only because brentman walked out of where the bomb then on seven and then claimed to not see me brevin walked right back we can wait until next round if you guys want but dream you can see too much oh man you walked right by me i really hope this is not wrong guys guys dream is an um i at least hope look guys i think dream's innocent and he's usually right so you're not muted oh what okay look guys i just think dream was probably right about that probably um what's he doing um okay i guess that wasn't right that was right you got it right why are you chasing me like that i'm gonna be sure well me was just i just wanted to hang out you know um yeah yeah um why was this man was this was this man following you bothering you and everywhere i ran you were following me that's technically true but um i mean i wouldn't do anything right oh he voted he spoke oh jesus okay guys wait guys you all know it's not me right we're repairing a problem wouldn't clear dream that's true actually i trust dream oh in fact i know for sure a dream is interesting i voted for cycuno on accident now i feel bad oh [ __ ] wait dream you voted for me too i'm sorry i'm sorry i was i was just i was following it's all right you guys wouldn't kill me what oh my god you guys actually killed me that skip is wait what are you doing you guys know i'm innocent right oh jesus wait wait you guys knew i voted for myself and you always do oh dang it they do they know what's mean look guys i voted for myself because i thought it'd be funny um but you know i didn't think that okay well you know it was still funny in a different way um all right it's that over here so who's the imposter um is it corpse guys here's the imposter um i'm pretty sure one of them was bretman right it really seemed like it was bretman it's rey bretman one i was pretty sure about um i didn't knows rey though i wonder who she's gonna kill oh sunstorm apex thanks for the subs okay um oh man that's awkward i did not know they would you know think that i voted for myself that's pretty awkward huh all right i can't believe they killed you to be fair i voted for myself too but um i i can't believe they killed me they knew i was innocent um shadow and uh wm thanks for the subs rey was right under you she was mom okay all right heading over oh rey ray killed ray oh i can't believe it you thought i wouldn't double back to check on my man's [ __ ] please right i was since since reactor was being called i like to double back to check for a dead body and i catch it oh yeah you you found a dead body all right after you [ __ ] murdered the body the body is top of gas actually it's top of storage yeah yeah top of storage so you're you're claiming you came from bottom bottom uh reactor that's where you're going right no no bottom gas and then i was going back which is bottom reactor the actor was called so i was running back to check it out he went down the hall went down the hallway below electrical did you see that cams were on um that shows i was in the area i was checking cam did you go down the hallway through electrical or did you go somewhere else oh god wait you don't notice that dream was there well you know what i was with them and then i left i went that way and i did not see you come from that that's because she came from top and murdered him it's over i forgot you sent it into med bay probably i didn't invent it's over you caught me well it was a good try good luck um walrus uh tsuki spicy uh wooper and callie thanks for watching double backed actually oh man they did it during she actually did walk by the elections do you keep lauren thanks for the five gifts thanks so much i promise that's the last time i'll kill you i promise you yeah did you go did you go like lower lower game or something i wouldn't but thanks for the gifts oh yeah it was a good try right one pass on the left side i forgot she got caught i was saying wait i have to go uh i have to catch a flight oh man that was fast to play hey uh you hope you guys are nice playing with you thank you man that was fast only played for like an hour thanks for playing then we shouldn't right then we shouldn't we stream it in private read it off stream oh yeah i'll listen to it off stream oh should we do proximity then yeah all right i'm down yeah i'm up to that listen listen corbin's just got imposter let him get this round okay yeah exactly all right all right all right all right i'll play this one out okay let's play this round yeah let's do it oh oh wait corpse is the killer i'm not at night all right well um you know i can stick around he wouldn't kill me first at any moment sure yeah sure we'll just do a regular is there even a point in doing tasks no wait do it right do it i don't know if i i can't oh don't oh wait what do you mean are you an imposter it's like proximity but not proximately no i'm not yeah yeah all right we're staying on muted anyway i guess uh oh they're probably right in here probably you guys does the body in storage yeah oh um okay why don't we just close out of this game yeah yeah we could just we could go to proximity i feel like we yeah sure oh wait really what oh wait it really was of course um um you would see that because your life yeah dead goodbye pokey there's people near the button yeah oh guys that's true probably right oh my god i haven't i actually put my hand on this thing okay it's okay it happens oh [Music] all right so i guess we just turn on proximity corpse actually i voted for pokemon because i knew psychedel [Music] [Music] [Music] open we're doing proximity he's here and you won his imposter yeah and he's big thank you bro technically that's a w let's all right here we go um broken thanks for the sound proximity yeah i'm doing proximity now or something i think it's pretty gonna be pretty fun i hope but thank you oh it's uh one point oh hello all right let me leave discord so i can set up the danielle it's a little huh this is the highest it goes um okay oh okay yeah he's the highest it goes can you guys hear me um let's see howdy and kefka thanks for the sub and pam thanks for the fun right i kind of want to be festive okay oh and bad thanks for the 10 gift subs bad that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks so much bad yeah did you message ludwig right i think the elf years go well with light i suppose we're attempting to get blood i think but we'll see i don't know um yeah he said he would be looking good now that i can hear him i think ludwig's been busy with super smash he said he would be there after an hour it's been about an hour okay i have another phil if we need another yeah he might be busy so we'll see they're figuring out that 15. okay oh carlos thanks for the stuff why are you so scared you're leaving us your family no i know who's leaving oh my god oh oh you need to change your name to elfin [Music] oh oh my gosh wait christmas if i my name um christmas carol or carl you know christmas carol you know oh like what would my christmas name be i can't think of one i'm not gonna lie i just keep thinking sick on these nuts i don't know what what's your face are you okay um okay well pokey's clearly thinking of something or another i got freaked out um dark thanks for the 25 gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch thanks for the 25 gift subs all right let's change our name all right um here we go dream of a white christmas does that fit that's good that's so good um but thanks for the 25 gift subs dart that's a whole bunch of gift subs all right let's put on a snowhead ray is christmas there we go [Laughter] okay um oh reindeer would make more sense oh reindeer here oh that works um i don't know if he's talking um it's not lighting up fred could you unmute yourself on discord okay where's the homie uh i'm gonna get water i'll be right back all right um and girl and peter thanks for the subs oh okay wait let me do the one the corpse one what's the corruption give me a good corpse one yeah um well that would be a good corpse holiday name ornaments [Laughter] okay of course this is probably the closest you're gonna get hey i thought of that corpse guys what's a good corpse um corpse i thought of it all right um fitty thanks for the stuff thank you but you sound very scuffed again who what brethren oh let me control r i can't even hear him on discord hey dream can you hear me hello okay i can kind of hear him now maybe yeah control all right bretman's whispering through his head he just needs to i don't think i can hear ethan go into settings and then hello oh oh ethan i can hear you now okay wait bretman talk hello okay he sounds weird i think yeah hey guys guys i think it sounds like your webcam might probably go to the top left cog wheel oh lotto thanks for the gift sublime corn dog i don't think corn dog has anything to do with i guess it has a c and an o in it but that's about it um also you're gonna have to leave bretman and change your name to ginger brett man oh wait that's a good one um i thought of it all by myself nice carl nice that was a good one thanks guys yeah ginger bretman reindeer microphone [Laughter] [Music] oh guys guys we need a good one wait brevin you're back back to your old ac 130 mike i kind of [ __ ] with it though ac130 you [Laughter] [Music] can you please stop being so mean to ginger bretman oh stop talking okay all right okay hey valker reindeer i don't think your name updated i don't want to fix it valka reindeer hello um hello major thanks for the sub man i can hear you yeah it's still the same mic though oh man i'm talking because i can't hear a dream i can't hear a dream either he's not moving though oh yeah i think it looks better that way yeah i agree guys oh did someone just talk i didn't i didn't hear anything oh [Music] i don't know um thank you for the ten though i can't have another gem and zach thanks for the subs all right catch you guys next time hey guys so toast just want to help right that's so cute have you ever met h2o delirious yeah yeah yeah i'm fine with whoever yeah i mean like while i made the lobby you guys like so ray you're um you're gonna go get them right yeah well i guess you don't need to play this round i'll just have to oh you didn't like my killing sound effect i liked it i thought it was real oh thanks corpse babushka um could you come stand right where i'm standing on this line yeah maybe you should stay only if you don't kill me i'm happy i promise i won't i won't kill you did you keep my mouth but have you heard of bingus bingus wait wait wait wait it's like what's here what's that oh what's that wait a minute we said babushka and he did an attack are you going to tell on him on him right he just killed pokey right in front of us we have to don't we but it's corpse choke me like you hate me corpse oh do you think i well that's true that's true but he killed her right in front of us i listen to me you did say bingo this is your fault i should wait wait no no no no it's not wait you guys it's like you know what yeah no no is it yeah uh wait wait read to me on crew link yeah he's read for me as well i think we just vote yeah we vote okay maybe maybe he can fix it um i can hear all of him oh let me reset it um i think where we start servers or something okay oh oh there we go oh he's fixing that okay there we go hello hello i can hear everybody okay let me explain guys it's ray i saw her standing on pokey's body no no no no no we are first of all we're both standing on pokey's body okay that's the last thing i heard was also bingus and we ray was standing on the body too look look guys i think the safest thing to do is 50 50 it if you really want to but um i saw ray standing on the body that's that's all i got i feel like the biggest thing are telling the truth yeah i heard binges and that's that i blacked out you guys i heard it too i thought that was corpses thing yeah but i wasn't there so it couldn't be me right well i just know ray was standing over the body and she reported it uh yeah i report yet zykuno was standing over the body would you be really unhappy with both of you if you guys are trolling it's no no i'm safe i would never snitch on you corpse you know i would never snitch on you now whatever whatever um oh my gosh okay um so yeah i'll be honest ray kind of just threw him out there but i was willing to i was want to tank it here oh corpse you gotta kill me they know i'm innocent now you gotta kill me corpse corpse you gotta kill me next wait a minute oh i didn't think you'd push the button there um you thought wrong yeah so you guys aren't gonna vote for me right you know i'm innocent don't you oh you're gonna vote me okay um dream who'd you vote for i got the other impossible what the other one said ray yelled saying she did she did but it wasn't it was her insight i think we go dream here what i'm voting for myself what is happening okay ray technically did yell that out oh my god oh my god guys oh jesus the safest thing to do it is oh my god it's carl it's gotta be carl no it's not me it's not carl wait but aren't there two imposters left wait why is that i can hear someone's fan that um i think who it is it's xmas carol wait it's not it's not no it's not no it's not i don't have a space oh stan wait who is it i want to stand like that i'm shocked two people voted for me dream dream i can tell you who they are right now i'm pretty sure dream don't worry he just ran off can you hear me oh he's bugged on crew link um why would i do that because you're the imposter oh he he already knows a little bit i think but it's like so faint like it's not okay how are you following me of course it's dark where's corps where is the light in this map fix the lights fix the lights um i'm going to fix lights okay what is happening right now i'm trying to push the button um okay i think we're just gonna lose [Laughter] [Music] that was a twist huh oh my gosh here we go all right everybody i have to leave unfortunately but it was a pleasure playing with everybody [Music] all right looks like we might need some fills wow really you'd be playing for 30 minutes huh they do they do i'm sorry i'm sure don't be sorry no it's not yeah yeah yeah we can find some phil's playing for 30 minutes um all right [Music] you see what nozzles are um he said i didn't know that stream was public i thought we were doing practice games what [Music] i actually don't know if he's joking or not oh my god i i did tell him we were live at exactly six uh we didn't announce it when it was six but that's fine i promise you huh we're all good you guys we need another phil he hates us another film oh i thought sure delirious is coming but ludwig is not replying hmm what is ludwig too busy he's recording on cards no he's recording he's doing like super smash bros or something like that if he's if he's recording this next christmas i'll leave him be okay guys those are bankers um sign up ally and alpha thanks for the subs at homies yes you got at pogba at the whole ones oh i'll do both i'll do both um okay the whole niece is a little overcrowded for me oh but the pogba's oh okay um let's see not sure who god i don't know if uh delirious has the mod though oh i suppose you could set it up while we um get the tenth person okay uh muse and teresa and galaxy girl thanks for the subs and reverse you guys want to play one just for fun quick yeah sure okay molly wait oh dude it's been so long i haven't met wait where's your yeah i haven't met you either i haven't met myself why this was too quick this is delirious guys don't hurt me please hi delirious carl jacobs i know i don't know her you know dream you know rock you know yes yes i know you all hello stop the person you know the most stop listen it's 100 corpse i know it is murder corpse okay guys i'll go press the button it's messed up yeah yeah yes it's messed up don't open the door don't open the door oh you're right all right wait let's let's get delirious to do it delirious don't open the doors delirious come here come open the door delirious we need your help we need your help delirious away from the door wait he ran away okay okay all right stand away from the door everybody stay right here stay here stay here until he comes here right here right this oh god we're gonna go right on top of each other on a stack stand here stand where i am stand right i'm standing right here yeah a little higher okay now open the door open the door yeah all right oh my god he's innocent he's innocent wait what is that trick okay we're gonna die he's innocent all right i trust you now deliberately you're trusting me i'm a liar aren't you you're a liar to us no no no no no you're definitely innocent i trust you with my life i don't trust none of you guys because i don't know you wait you can trust me i i would never uh i would have trusted you know i wouldn't trust what what okay see the toast the toast says what all right wait wait delirious look i'll show you something that you look see this vents over here let me show you a trick on the vent this is how you know i'm innocent i'm i'm hovering over it see like looks like i have no kudo no no no i'm hovering over it i didn't do it what corpse corpse they're they're they're not out that's not true hello watch out he he vented it right in front of me in toast i seen it corpse knows that i wouldn't kill him even if i which i'm not by the way which i'm not listen yeah he would he would not do that yeah mm-hmm hi guys hello um so everybody here streaming everyone oh i might be i'm not i'm the only one i'm the youth only youtuber no uh rey oh jesus okay it wasn't me dream or pokey oh my god wait i don't think how does it how does it depend we were standing on how does it depend i saw like three of them a little late you could have killed them somewhere you know what i'm saying no no no no the report just showed up yeah the kill happened so who did we just just showed up it's not small not s3 that's true that's true no no it was below me in med bay and and the doors to specimen are right below us i probably got the report button through the wall but i left them through the vlog wait so you think it was rey i think i think putting her in specimen almost unclears here where was the body where was it c did you kill b b c c would not kill b that's billy hey just said sounds about right so he knows it's him knows it's him well the only people i've ever trusted in my entire life are pokemon i did see snow vent oh oh okay wait what oh my god you guys tried to kill me wait who voted wait aren't you delirious didn't you very true you said that about yourself i'm a wild card all right okay um i guess he's a little delirious uh-huh no he didn't hear that he's gone that's a good song i like that yeah growing up in l.a that's why oh hey carl oh hey pokemon hey corpsmas hmm pokey are you the mm-hmm are you the you are the though she's she's she's not not duh look look okay oh toast what's wrong hmm okay um is pokey the killer what did you do oh well dream was testing me because i went to specie okay oh well i went to special way before the kill happened the thing is i think it's you because they narrowed it down to me or you and then it i know it's not me but it's not i don't know sex so why so maybe we're just both innocent wait that emotional player also makes music wait who sucks both of us kind of like as a hobby thing everyone okay yeah yeah okay no no just save me well what boo get away get away i'm just no i was being like a scarecrow oh girls don't talk they just look scary where are they exactly so what are you going to do oh pokemon okay come over here pokemon come over here definitely right now wait oh no oh no oh okay come over here open the door you won't snitch on me right carl no i wouldn't snitch on you all right you get to live carl you get to live oh no wait i was joking i was joking oh my god i was joking i was joking okay what's six we have to vote anyways no that's true the body is outside cams wait a second valkyr reindeer died valkyrie died wait a minute yeah yeah wait for two house on the way to camp outside of cams yeah wait so corpse just said he was on the way to cams which means he was near him somebody on the way outside there i didn't i actually didn't see anyone there so wait toast do you remember what we heard last time right yeah delirious said snow vented no no no wasn't that i heard corpse and ray talking to each other he's not a great state of mind hmm all right well toast let me give you let me give you some information that might be helpful i'm right below camp i just opened the door that's that's right there like below cams because what happened was i was leaving and it shut in my face of course wait so someone must have someone must have been leaving someone you must have been a kid no no no no listen listen this what happened yeah yeah i was at camp i was at camp i was i was with him and then i left it's not so someone vented someone invented it in because i left and they must have vented and killed and then vented out and closed the door joe snow and carol are all together with me how is that a lie dream we have to vote together right no no no no no no no no no no i'm worried why would i play something no one knew i was there i would not have placed myself there i wouldn't wait pokey you hit the button never mind pokey hit the button oh we're done guys we're done all right i'm spamming the report i think dream's gonna murder me at the left side don't worry pokey i'll take it for you um oh i tanked it i [Applause] yeah i did sound upset because i got killed oh no not that no it really was a dream pokey was right i thought [Applause] um i thought i was dead why are they laughing so hard the only person who wasn't here was carl me okay here it was me toast no yeah they had to go right side okay toast did dream kill him uh i thought it was your corpse oh what what the [ __ ] toast it's toasty impossible ahead of you because i'm all the way in the back is toast the other impossible dream is behind me and psycho is behind dream so if you reported it had to be dream i thought i was listen i thought i was dead i thought i was dead i thought i got killed okay all right pokey's got it i don't even i think i think it's pokey then if pokey's accusing me oh man i'm in front of you you have a big enough brains and not everything yeah that's that's true but seikuna was like right on us oh nobody else heard me saying i'll tank it for pokey very good they got him yeah they got him it's dream and corpse oh i had a feeling it was corpse because um we overheard uh um big brain i was a big i mean it kind of worked out i suppose i suppose it worked out but pokey got it guys look pokey is honestly one of the best among us players i know taking it for hers is pretty good i think he thinks it's me probably oh wait don't get out of here you're ruining it this is not for your eyes child okay yeah yeah corpse it's okay no i mean maybe but i don't know for sure that's why you framed me last round during the voting he was like wait it was corpse right it's because it was him why would toast not just kill there why would he no actually i do not yeah oh thank you [Music] before he died and in the next round you were with rey before she died so of course i'm suspicious of you toast toast you've just been a bit of a question mark so i have no idea also you thought it was me and corpse i have no idea why uh i thought it was corpse for sure that's why i voted him only oh actually you didn't vote me because [Laughter] look corpse just has to kill somebody what are you doing i thought you were going with carl where was she oh that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks so much sarah i don't have any more buttons he's just trying to sneak his way in oh corpses he's definitely looking for a kill straight forward likewise hey guys i'll help fix the lights sure oh my god he's gonna kill carl no way he goes for this let me thank you that's crazy we're all fixing light i'm glad we did such a good job this is so i'm a little confused here i don't really know i am not voting um and then you three just pretend like you're the only ones alive i think we know who it is they do well of course corpse knows who i agree take it away carl okay um i'm not saying who i just voted for statkill would have been crazy yeah statkill would have been i kind of wish he did it because that would have been intense but who are they voting for now pokey if you really want to play russian roulette here uh skip skip here pokey trust me watch this what yeah yeah okay um okay say a single thing me neither come up here into the water let's see what happens um danielle d-zone and chance thank you so much are you choking i'm starting to think of into that stuff pokey's kind of getting into it a little too much i'm a little concerned [Music] um okay let's see you guys probably didn't know he's so dead i think pokey's the one who's dead here but um madison thanks for the sub all right so carl's just was listening let's see if he found it out oh come on no no no going to put my headset down i'm going to go to the bathroom and take a nice piss all right i want to come back to a victory screen okay oh my god either way toast is going to be a winner correct what made you think that oh that's true oh carl i accidentally was a nice car you got it he got it um i'm a little surprised oh i tanked it for you pokey i did it oh yeah wait that last yes could she not hear me oh crew link might be broken again standing on anybody when that double kill was gonna happen yeah yeah true link break that's why i don't know why i expected [Music] [Music] singing the jurassic park the problem is we didn't get there before everybody so we couldn't like cut it off no the whole band just joined guys soft green who's abba oh that's my friend you killed her [Music] or should i say um you're gonna ask me what my favorite color i was gonna assume it was orange no it's actually not you might still be busy with it like this oh like hilarious too yeah but it's really not your favorite color you know what i mean exactly it's different i was also i was also afk for the first time like it looks nice diesel 25 give subs thanks for the 25 gift subs d-zone that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks for bounce d-zone for [Music] kind of crazy in here i don't really know what's happening wait can you guys see my hat i thought it was but he doesn't have oh no more like um like a minty green i don't know how to um like uh like like the gum wrapper mint green oh kind of small what's your favorite color bretman hey good luck how fun everybody is i have a tip and you don't like them i didn't hear it oh jesus well dead squirtle that's his name yes the pokemon no oh man well we got a big group here huh dude do we really not have anyone in homies that's like you want to play right now yeah don't you guys have friends i he's a great leader and he's good for content well i mean most of my friends are already here you know ray toast she said these are my friends yeah i said yo uh-huh [Music] i'll do the lights i'll do the lights [Music] over here hey ray you're watching jurassic park someone was singing the tune and not stuck in my head hmm you remember that one song you used to sing all the time it was a dmca free i don't think so it's come trey rhodes remember that one you used to sing it all the time i could not come here huh come here uh where oh okay um you're not gonna what what are you what are you doing ray what did you say to me he's like you know i just cut the song you used to sing okay country road oh my god toast it had to be done okay just wait don't tell us no wait we can talk about it right we could talk about it promise to talk and talk about and not kill me the second your kill cooldown comes up talk about it kill him ray kill him wait what about what i guess bretman okay what is happening in this game oh [Applause] somebody get on here then corpse and um got killed for i'm actually not sure um because neither i'm snitched at the top of the map guys the killers are ray and bretman oh why would it be uh that is so wrong for you that's [Music] did you see them the whole time i saw pokeman i showed her my awesome new studio apartment for sure i think it's very dangerous to vote at five you know what i mean each other no i don't know okay bretman is not racist okay so that was a little chaotic idea so why should they i can't believe they didn't vote off bretman after he said it's dangerous to vote on oh hey guys do we still need a player got me killed ray come over here i'm just doing wires somewhere oh my god all right all right let's do this one step at a time wait guys guys do we still need a player i might have something yes or no no well he says he could play off stream but i said no because he took too long to reply all right well that's off the table all right what do you have oh you want me to just say the name out no no dm it to me so i can vouch oh okay um i promise you you'll vouch for this [ __ ] oh you haven't typed it yet what's your toast this [ __ ] you're a bad [ __ ] but sometimes bad [ __ ] get ejected you know yeah we got someone guys we got someone it's always been me so i would vote yeah we got someone guys and i promise you that's someone's super funny mr dream vote for myself um you are so good no thank you well it had to be you guys oh my god i could have voted for carl and i could have won oh my god i knew you would that's true he could have tied the vote on carl he killed himself you just voted for him [Music] if he voted for carl he would have tied the vote he just voted for himself and you know i call that a win anyway because it was funnier we got a tenth coming guys it's beyonce yeah oh um it's someone extremely fun to play with eventually i'm already here thanks carl i mean carl's already here too i have a car yeah yeah carl why'd you leave right after i said that and why um can you guess sorry i'm sorry i left i all right let's change ours back too um all right guys so someone's joining um all right let's change our name back though can i just click this you may ask your questions thanks for answering my questions hungry hi hungry i'm carl you want to get some food is it what you're hungry for we got tina guys [Music] oh yeah that's delirious it's nice to meet you guys have we met nice to see you okay i'll go do the lights i'll go do the lights don't you guys worry did you snitch what did you tell t and i caught it where's pokey um no but she may have been watching the stream so congrats congrats on that lights psychonauts that's on the what oh yeah you delight yeah never be that big hey tina oh hey hey guys i'm gonna go do my test all right good luck hey guys don't follow me i'm just gonna go with delirious alone isolated don't follow me what are you doing nothing i'm just just uh i know i trust you i trust you you should trust me here come with me in this dark alleyway over here yes yes follow me behind this rock yeah behind this rocker is it you behind it hold on i was just trying to scare you i was just trying to it's delirious i was just trying to scare him oh jesus okay i don't know if it's huh i'm the imposter only one of you is getting out alive you want it to be your toast i'm going to either kill you or toast only one of you guys are getting out of here i'll let you choose though bretman i'll let you choose who do you choose prove it to me no oh you want me to kill you then all right i guess go in the middle go in the vent all right did it stop me i was just trying to make you laugh stop you saikuna oh my god i outsmarted you it's like who knows you did you did good job okay wait so now we both know we're innocent trends okay so now three of us are innocent right bretman all right let's stick together back off delirious i'm the guard here you have to prove your innocence okay all right i guess i can just go now right okay thank you mr delirious yup see you later all right bretman's got to be clear i guess we're both just innocent yeah we're just two innocent people being innocent together we're both innocent um oh my god oh hey carl corps um hey yeah guys if something happens to me bretman's innocent just so you know okay okay oh yeah me and pokey tina are you there oh yeah i'm here yeah bretman's innocent in case you were wondering okay let me tell you what happened each other oh wait wait is anyone nearby i um i am no oh i can leave though if you want oh no you could stay here tina here's what happened so toast and bretman they were hiding in a room together right right okay i walked up and here's what i said only one of you guys is getting out alive which one wants to live [Applause] i'm not your foster nothing oh jesus well that looks guilty um did me and deliria see nothing yeah wait you guys saw nothing minutes of no action we saw oh toast said he said there's no dead bodies here and then he fell over dead that's funny i also have a piece of pixel i have a piece i know who it is all right say it's delirious say you're going to let them get away with killing toast like that it's my first time playing with this person oh my god it's tina wait it can't be tina i was mr corpse forbes wait no it's not oh i was thinking someone else but i'm scared not me you know there is you guys think i would want toasters i'm telling everybody you just voted for me no you're gonna die i'm not gonna die i am not gonna pick up some cold cuts you know too much i do know i know i know killers get tina and we'll do that again oh no it's it's not me carl it's not me i was just um i was just memeing um okay um it's not you either right oh you wouldn't kill me now that you're turning off the lights right um no but if it was me i would probably close the door or something right can you close the door right now you sure you want me to yeah i guess if it'll prove that's me i'll close this door but not the one above us okay oh i i uh carl it's not me it's not me carl i'm sorry it's not me it's okay it's okay okay um well i guess it's neither of us um yeah i guess we'll solve this together yeah yeah we'll figure it out all right i have a secret tactic oh we hide in my studio apartment oh is this your studio apartment yeah look carl i i do have a hunch though who's your hunch i think it might be pokey what do you think why would she do it oh pokey kills toast first all the time oh okay yeah and also delirious he said he didn't want to accuse right um and they were sticking together so i'm thinking it was probably pokey delirious didn't want to rat around no that jump scared me oh my god delirious and rey where is it any intel dream left side or right side where did um tina where did you guys come from oh god hold on it can't be tina right now no it's definitely oh i don't hear him he's asking where pokey and tina came from nope what happened we came from o2 you know just kind of promote you know i just met up with our left side i just met up with your left side okay what were you saying about bretman and toast that one time oh i don't think it's bretman um this means it's bremen psychona or carl right no i was starting i have a hunch from carl my hunch my hunch is dead yeah oh gosh wait why would you say if carl says it then i think carl's on to something and then you'll lose yes at the very least vote on five or six yeah oh my god carl we're the only ones who voted for we're gonna die oh that's okay we're gonna die carl we're gonna die together oh wait she's gonna kill him i'll never forget you carl i'll never forget you carl carl we gotta stick together we gotta stick together carl carl stick together stick together stick together carl gets on the lava the lava oh i guess you guys got to go do that you guys got to go do your emergency everybody except for me and psycho oh no carl you know what's going to happen oh no it's been a good it's been a good look kill me let carl go just let go kill me now kill me first just let carl go no wait carl what do you mean don't report it we have to tell everybody can you hear me carl a dream dream dream can you hear me you still are jeans guys there's two of them two of them are dead jesus carl we got it we got him we got it oh you really thought you really thought miss pokey oh my god so funny oh my god i can't believe you killed the tree pokey here you know bretman i think you're onto something um girl you think you want corpse and pokey it is pokey but the other one is between carl and cycuna i think it's a core it can't be between me i don't think it's corpse though i'm going for pokey unless i got married in the game though no i would never marinate you saying no no no hey carl you tried to marinate me last time like you guys are being christy i'm gonna skip okay what do you like oh god okay you really thought your jewel murdered your ass there oh man oh good job bretman good job all right look i think we all know who do you think it is you don't think it's me right brett based on my the things that i've been carl and corpse let's go uh i was would say all right carl go fix the lights i know it's not you i gotta see if bretman's dead okay so i was with um the two the other two the beginning of the game and now at the end i'm with you yeah okay is this where you asked me who which one i want dad no no no no i it's actually not me like i was with you one right reactor and two died right it's quartz course yeah i remember when i said go up to the right right reactor yeah and i was with you and then two died yes so that means pokey did one one of them oh okay i believe you i guess what okay i believe you hey guys we just fixed the lights because we're so innocent um corpse could i borrow you for a minute yeah yeah sure yeah uh bretman i just fixed the lights me and carl so you know we're both innocent right yeah we definitely fixed the lights come on let's go inside yeah bretman stay hey press it in about 45 seconds okay uh-huh come on okay all right oh wait it hasn't it hasn't been 45 seconds yet that was it i thought you said two five seconds oh four times five four seconds oh like you know four two five i counted one two three four five right um no that's that's not what we meant but we're we're good we're good stay stay over there we'll go handle okay are we skipping here yeah yeah yeah i'm just gonna skip we skip okay um minor miscommunication oh jesus who voted for me i skipped oh oh my god carl's framing me already girl you know you know that me and carl are innocent right me and carl did the lights um yeah can you can you like vote against corpse with that voice oh um i don't know oh oh you should stay at the button we'll be right back bretman okay all right which one is the [ __ ] it's i think it's it's corpses it's got to be corpse i think it's gone it's got it it's gotta be it's gotta be carl oh jesus carl oh my gosh look bretman you know it's corpse right i was at the button the whole time good job good job bretman he called reactors so you couldn't press it i i i caught him red-handed bretman it was corpse all right right okay fine it's gorgeous but you believe me already believably oh i mean yeah you're right you should believe me i'm gonna i'm gonna lock in that vote yeah go ahead um okay i just might vote for it yup it's corpse oh my god wait that's all it took was just wait that's all it took you just believe me why did you know i know he just believed me that's that's all it took i mean he was right you were right bretman but i was crazy i'll be right back would you have killed me what just happened um yeah i would have oh my god that was yeah bretman that was good i'm glad it wasn't i don't know what just happened um you just you just did it if you can't hear anyone control control oh thanks for the sub and feet [Music] huh what are they doing oh here we go good luck corpse should have killed me instead of bro uh carl probably yeah thank you wait carl did you say last game no i'm glad it's nobody's laughing oh me too me too i'm glad it's nobody's question no yeah you guys are great as i'm going up on myself i'm looking forward to playing miranda all right delirious would you like to walk into a dark alleyway with just me like hilarious let's go up on her on her own yeah yes let's do this tina classified as ignore me what's up carl carl carl listen gamers games longer than one hour oh no problem i love playing with you oh are you following me oh yeah come on tina come on oh okay yeah yeah sure so you're glad i invited you right like yeah so you wouldn't be mad if i like you know look look i i gotta get some youtube content can i just get a free kill it'll help me win oh i mean since you invited me to this lobby sure you're sure okay for that i'll let you live tina thank you i appreciate it yeah cause i'm i'm not the i'm not the imposter you're not yeah i can't believe you followed me here i definitely could have killed you oh okay we should leave then yeah do you think anyone heard that conversation where do you think you're going yeah wait none of the other doors are closed oh that's weird oh my god oh my god help help oh my god i was trying oh my god i thought i had her okay okay look tina tina i won't say a word all right i don't say word could you boost your microphone a little bit oh man i'm a little light-headed i got i got a little speak speak into the mic oh yeah that could work hey carl what's up you guys okay hey i heard you huh oh oh man this is oh man i can't believe it's tina what is your favorite color um i'm not sure what to do with all this mine's probably like blue or green well what's your favorite color um i would say oh you know a very pastel pink you know it's very basic but i could see that it's a fan favorite for a reason oh hey corpses oh corpse what's uh what's your favorite color corpse is he talking let me control r oh you know my dog yeah yeah i like your dog no i like them too i like them too you want some secret pictures that no one else has seen corpse i'll send it to you send me all the secret pictures uh-huh of bimbis yeah yeah you have a dog corpse no no i don't have any pets i feel like that would be irresponsible of me oh what do you mean because that's like that's like a lifelong commitment oh that's true oh so so bimbus is technically like my parents dog so i just get to hang out with them when it's fun and they do all the hard work see i would like to go over to like a friend's house and pet their dog but like yeah yeah friends in real life so of course uh so i i think feeling like getting a dog would be a responsible center to take care of it and i can't even like take care of myself and i have to feed it and uh maybe not carl wait carl do you have a dog no i never i'm a cat oh corpse you know you're around l.a right we could be we could you know yeah yeah you know some of our friends a lot of our friends have ray has a dog too um well i live pretty close to you guys also north carolina oh right north carolina's what was your favorite color uh black oh that's what i was gonna guess but i didn't wanna yeah yeah okay of course look i i trust you i can tell you a secret um right the door just ominously closed when you said that oh speaking of doors closing so i i was chilling with tina right and i was doing that thing where i pretend i'm the imposter oh wait was that tina wait carl wait hold on how close were you to tina i heard tina oh i didn't see tina yeah wait wait corpse i didn't finish my story corpse i was doing that thing where i try and intimidate people as imposter and i think we're both innocent yeah um this is true so it's tina did i just ruined him i just saw his little shirt oh no okay pokey died in uh and oh right there's better visions below ray i feel bad i ran away also carl was talking right so i mean i just heard him brent i just saw the circle yes oh man i'm trying too hard to cover it with her oh man i'm covering it too hard i'm probably gonna give it away it would not kill me wait delirious even rey said that even ray said that you told her it was me wait you guys are voting for bretman i'm a liar it can't be pretty nice no no i shouldn't vote but i i think it's kind of i don't think we should vote on eight you know what i mean i'll tell you right now i'll tell you right now i didn't see tina you know i'd i think it's because um what's it called you know how you have more vision below you like like you can see your feet better then but i was i was hugging the wall hmm no no no yeah i got to fix lights i wonder what could happen toast it's not you right what a wonderful day wonderful day he's singing imposter why would i fix the light same yeah silly goose yes silly goose oh hey corpse what's up course did you come out the vent uh oh no corpse is innocent really yeah yeah let me teach you a secret um yeah you can tell corpse is innocent he has one big tell right yeah his content voice right oh uh no i just made that up he doesn't really have any bingus bingus bingus all right he's innocent he's innocent boy starts getting high pitched when he's uh when he's the imposter does he sound high pitched to you right now i'm jealous that your your name has less letters but it's it's bigger than my the i'm sorry your name is bigger than mine i can't help it i'm just gonna what um all right let's head over here oh should we do some tasks um i wonder if anyone's dead i didn't see anything um who's purple oh oh i thought she killed me i thought you killed oh wait i'm gonna look guilty oh no carl uh bremen where are you who would be so yes i'm here where where are you oh i feel guilty you killed carl no uh i would never kill i know where the body is it's an admin right me yeah i just i just walked past there but you know it's not me because i revealed that right right then what if you guys just walked it on the body together i didn't even see [Music] that's the last thing i remember to be honest with you where where are they yeah right outside of where the um the vent is found me there like like two weeks ago multiple times i go there all the time no that's true he does like chill in there so who do you guys think it is i guess wait um how did you know the body was you said you walked past it but i just said yeah how why did you oh um well i wanted to check uh vitals and stuff um and but you guys know it's not me right yeah we are we all know that would it be you we are yeah yes no it's not me it's not me i know it's not you okay i believe you guys i believe you too i know who it is it's brit it's bretman no it can't be brettman what can it be me and not tina wait you think it's team tina is this this is her first time playing no it's not i don't know how to tell you this tina's a seasoned killer oh my god how would you kill why would you kill uh what what's his name that guy the one the unknown person that i don't know what i'm gonna hide over here well i know one is tina the second one i'm not too sure oh bret man what's up yeah i can uh okay sorry i want me to follow you with my imposter vision i'll kill you no i thought i was um i thought my mic wasn't working oh it's working i think it's the right one you sound great thank you oh my god tina what do you do you can't stand outside the fence they're gonna know it's it's toast it's a hundred percent toast it's definitely no no it's toast it's toast it's toast no it's definitely toast it's 100 toast i saw him kill delirious no no dreamer toast no toast vented toast vented right in front of me why would he vent right in front of you i killed and saying i vented wait why would toast vent right in front of you that doesn't make any sense does it that doesn't make any sense okay we're just lying i think that i think it's interesting corpse didn't jump on anybody and neither neither did bremen i i don't think it's either of them that would make you think that the imposters probably said kuno and tina oh wait how come wait you and i'm innocent so why would he defend me yeah why would i defend toast yeah that's right i'm innocent see it's not me um so i guess we're voting for tina i think i think yeah [Music] no no we should go for tina right brett no we don't yeah it's not me wait it's not working wait wait guys i was trying to look suspicious so you would vote for me why you're actually going for tina oh i was trying to sound suspicious don't vote for me vote for me guys i was trying to sound suspicious it didn't mean i started the meeting by going oh no oh no oh no we're [ __ ] up guys hit the button okay we're okay the lights are off the lights hit the button the lights are off we can we can still hit the button hit the button i'm trying i'm trying we got 14 seconds hit the button all right all right look look look toast spam report spam report they can't kill us both at the same time hitting the button here we're they got it they got it they got it oh jesus i can't believe i killed him were you shrimping oh i tried to vote for tina there we go she goes i can't believe people are voting i was doing that thing where i act really guilty but then they know i mean oh my god bret man wait what wait wait wait wait are both people dead wait no bro they should have won wait no no no bretman um oh wait really yeah oh did bernie disconnect or something yeah oh that's tough oh yeah wow oh they got her they got her um dessert okay dude what happened i wasn't within range of any bodies i was like that's okay you did such a good job yeah great job when you murdered me it's all right it's just a game guys jesus why don't we yeah let's do the jurassic park song to relax jurassic mountain [Music] jurassic park song de-stress tina oh my god we were so good miss tina yeah you guys almost had that but that disconnect wait bretman can you really leave on that game you guys had it you had it disconnected thanks for staying with us bretman thanks for staying i wanted to come and say goodbye three cheers for bretman three cheers hog champion totally not the imposter all right all right oh breezy thanks for the five gift subs breezy that's where i'm not it actually sounds good oh hey ray i like your new outfit you have to wait so ray i saw this post um that calculated when you're white with that headpiece there's a 97 percent chance you're imposter really yeah what do you think of that uh i think it's uh i must be pretty lucky because i'm only the three percent in this game oh yeah i just made that up to test you um listen i killed you first once today it won't happen again all right could you come up here though yeah okay is it my turn um eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth a tooth for a tooth you thought i'd kill carl there ray there's rules on this i can't just kill carl he's he came with us willingly okay i'm not going to do it right i'm not going to do it i'm not going to kill carl carl carl now she knows we're both imposter what do we do why did you kill her i was marinating her she believed me she believed me carl she believed me now she those were both imposter i was marinating hers i had her in the palm of my wrist still marinating we had her on the ropes why'd you kill her i know i'm sorry it's okay we'll find another person to marinate together all right all right next one next one don't kill them all right i'll get the next one carl you know what we should do what should we do let's try and marinate toast look look here's what i think carl here's what i think toast nobody tries to marinate him because like everyone thinks he's marinatable they think he's immune but he's not used to it his defenses are down now because he thinks i'm toast nobody would marinate toast yeah let's try and get him let's try and get him this right now come on all right don't kill him though don't kill him okay no he would it's me that killed like right on the water i think oh hey toast what's up hi guys look toast i will protect you this round toast white this round that was the live last round oh i just wanted to make sure you had fun get some good youtube videos that's all he's acting real though wait wait what do you mean toast i'll follow toast toast i'll follow also just to make sure you get away no follow also just to make sure let's get him protect him protect him protect him protect himself until the day he dies detective i'm getting dizzy but i'm protecting him i'm getting dizzy counterclockwise harder to follow than rainbow road and mario kart jesus that's a good video game reference it is if it is all right toast you know it's not me by now right carl you stay in there i'll stay out here what he's out here oh jesus look toast you can't get away i have imposter vision you think you can get away you can't get away toast i can i can see exactly where you are [Laughter] wait where is everybody right now i'm running towards the lights the only person that i know that it's not is delirious toast you can clear me right toast toast just sprinted away from me as i was trying to protect you position again i don't want to say who killed the person wait delirious you know who it is delirious you put yourself in that position you know who it is exactly who it is delirious you've got to avenge rey and pokey just call out delirious delirious can you guess with me it's like i want to be a shrimp delirious if you think it's me i'll even vote for myself i don't think cycuno can hear me i can hear you dream dream hello i just control art maybe i can oh okay can you hear me now hello yep you sound good oh okay yeah okay delirious think this delirious think that's me because i was last seen with pokey but i did not kill pokey yes you did you did so i i i did you i did not where we me this is our last free shot i can prove my innocence you can't we gotta do it for the tier three pokestops what do you have take me to this take me the door to the doors oh my god he's alive i kept him alive for the door no he's alive wait no god six people though um well you know that's our free shot right voters doors to the doors nobody open any doors guys i'm protecting toast come on protect toast protect toast i'm gonna follow him with my imposter vision um surely they'll close it eventually hold on let me close it right now we are going to figure this out i'm going to close the doors right now i'll close the door right here from it thank you everyone get away from it moved away from i'm far away from higher dream you gotta go higher higher everywhere your dream higher a little there just a little bit yeah higher oh [Laughter] [Music] i was trying to open the door to cover for dreams so i didn't see what happened who was it he killed yes wait guys guys look it's gonna be really hard to win this if my partner dies could we skip on seven carl it was dream i just don't want any of my teammates to die so i'm not sure who it is honestly i have no idea dude this is true listen to my voice i'll always listen to your voice wow oh my god you guys actually killed him even on seven if it's not him yeah i gotta i got an extra kill it's fair enough no this is tough what if it's not dream if it's not here yeah girls will be very disappointed well it's definitely not me it's definitely not me so i couldn't order a toast yup that's true wait you have imposter huh yep go ahead and run i'll follow you no no no no would you we'll just kill you then if you're impossible oh wait i'm not imposter i was just me you are me yeah you know how i do that when i'm innocent you know i'm innocent toast you're not impossible no stop playing koi you guys are playing clear watch this toast toast i would kill carl right now if i could please don't i i won't are you guys going um okay okay i'm at the lights too high toasting congrats congrats toast your good lights everybody toasted lights this is true shutting my face all right well i'm gonna toast is gonna hit the button isn't he hello anybody around these parts huh nobody's here interesting um sar and orchestra carl who was that hello carl ah guys no toast is alive who the hell keeps turning off my lights oh yeah me too oh i can't see anybody here corpse uh bretman and tina um my lights are off too oh carter hey oh my god who was just here corpse corpse bretman um atina i think was nearby right oh that's a damn lie kudo you killed wait what no no i did i didn't i corpse you were there right did you get the report button oh i'll be right back be right back what does that mean you know why corpse left is because he doesn't want to vote against this boy well i'm a vote for the girls it's like don't do it tina you don't know what you're doing tina it's not me it's not me tina no no you know what didn't get either of the kills the first round yeah i was with toast oh no i was i was close until [Music] who do you think it is toast i just want to kill you so you so you know wait i reported the body you know it's not me but you say i have imposter vision and i can see oh three of you what are you doing no i heard them talking it can't be i'm like i'm like daredevil except i'm not blind oh no daredevil you ever see that guy hey cycuno you're daring all right oh no no no you're not toasty you know i'm not imposter right you know what i'm gonna kill you now oh my god oh my god you guys actually voted for me yeah we just had to happen i have imposter that's game baby imposter vision that's game oh god i told you guys it wasn't him all right they definitely know who it is right i'm going to lights all right carl yeah what's up our trust is broken um well the war is on but did you think it was me for a while like at the beginning i thought you were innocent oh but then you thought it was me after you know call you a third imposter i did i did think it was you yeah you have these discoveries yeah at least i got doughnuts no you know what i believe in you next time i'm impostor you better watch out you better watch it yeah that's right you better watch it you better watch out you know i have a bone to pick with you it's shrimping for everyone except me and ryan huh yeah what have we run out of shrimp no no i i got plenty of shrimp guys i got a shrimp cocktail or something carl please tina i lied oh my god what's happening here he's more than most things i have a feeling he's going to win no no no way toast knows for sure tina vote toast i've i told you it wasn't tycoon and you didn't believe me you wanted to make this easy for you yes what then look tina listen okay my voice is very calmly okay okay tina are you two among us no why did dream have to vent there why did he have to vent there yeah he vented right and that's how we know it's him oh my gosh because he set himself up for a free kill we know this that was him not anybody else's play no he said he can prove it toast is trying to take dreams play tina vote i was the only one that said it wasn't cycuno and it wasn't you guys i was oh that's technically true i was the yes that's technically true toast did want to go for me because i was mean tina that's going to make him look really good did it to himself because he knew he was going to get out so he got a free kill listen to me right now i think carl might win this one i'm the only person that vouched for cicuna when it wasn't oh god saikuno literally voted for himself okay i did i did vote for myself tina vote tina vote toast i believe in you tina tina oh my god just vote this would be such hold on toast knew i was innocent and he went for me right i think that's what thanks for playing bratman thanks for playing bretman carl did it guys i think it's really because the toast went for me hey dream hey we did it all right it's my fault you did it thank you all right thanks for playing for having me it was a lot of fun as always all right oh man guys i don't know if we have two fills oh god you guys are oh god we need two we need two films have a really good time i'm just kidding oh god yeah probably let me know if you need one because i i can't get one i'm referring i'm sorry toast yeah no tina it's okay you voted and i'm proud of you for that yeah good job tina tina why did you vote toast i'm curious yeah he sounded so calm and sometimes i think that's his tell you know when he doesn't wait why wouldn't he oh yeah anymore oh we got squirrels here oh my god squirrel you're here oh my god we're going nuts oh [Music] [Laughter] still playing wrath today nope um i think we're playing wrath tomorrow [Music] terry thanks for the 10 gift subs terry that's a whole bunch of gifts subs thanks to buns uh terry and that in passion thanks for the stuff crab is yummy i've never tried crab from boiling crab i usually get shrimp yeah it's real saucy all right just like oh queen thanks for the ten dollars queen and boss and robin thanks for the [Music] sentence [Music] everyone has asmr voices yes i could tell yeah wait you're okay i have one mic is kind of quiet um i could try turning it off wait is this a new pokey asmr video dude yes i've been waiting i think it's delirious that's all i know i'm hannah thanks for the song i've had notifications on for so long wait okay guys stay in one spot please i'm trying to asmr you guys no okay asmr asmr both right here hello hello i like the formation [Music] i don't think i've gotten imposter all day have i okay at least i don't think have i got an imposter today i don't think so right you know what means what is skeed pretty sure i haven't is that what a card does not that it's a bad thing maybe it's a good thing um yeah i love it when you talk to me is that what that actually is from [Laughter] sounds like a greek great logic i'll tell you what it means in game okay it probably is wait does it mean something bad true i'll just tell you in game because well there's too many people here um excuse me i do use the wrestling wait [Music] delicious i don't know if i no no it's not me ray it's not me listen odds are it's squirrel squirrel is squirrel imposter a lot no no no no usually the first person becomes square i mean the the last person who joined [Laughter] wait a minute was it delirious did you see who it was um i know it's not squirrel valkyrie and yeah it wasn't waiting for you guys i think it was delirious wait you think i killed toast i think i think i saw delirious on it wait delirious who do you think it is reactor uh i don't have any thoughts but if i had to guess yeah who would you guess the one talking right now you think it's me oh no yeah where were you at the night of uh just now um well i think it's delirious shockingly why would you think it's me i'm stuck the innocent one the most innocent oh you are i am i actually don't know who it is i didn't see it i think it's delirious i think i saw him on toast's body i was there he ran down with me though see see i was talking about squirrels being squirrel yeah but he was right you're on the other side of the table you're reported it's so slow oh wait so ray he was in your vision the whole time uh i don't know yes dang somebody's typing enough it's not me i just got all right i'm willing to skip but i thought i saw you on the bodies i was there no i was there i just got this i'm just glad nobody peed killed me actor whoever wants to know what skeet means i'm coming what let's go all right well you guys have fun fixing the lights i guess they're all going skiing or something interesting um all right anyone here killed by an imposter tina oh hi where are you tina god tina is that you tina i can see you with my imposter vision wait i don't know where she is hello tina is that you by the rock i see you there wait i lost her okay um psycho no never let leave me alone with the girl again carl come on what's wrong we have tasks we gonna do what is she dead never leave him alone with a girl no no what are you guys doing without the over without the over do you get it yeah wait a minute wait a minute carl tina is tina dead did carl kill tina i'm so confused oh corpse what's up oh tina you're alive i oh yeah wait carl what did you mean by that carl let me control r hello carl hi tina um carl came up to me and said never leave me alone with a girl again and then he ran off what oh yeah yeah i learned uh pokey's teaching me new vocabulary oh my god two people are dead um um um you guys died delirious and and um hello purple and blue purple and blue wait wait how many people are alive oh my god we got to hit the button oh jesus about to report blue wait i reported okay what i'm so what happened ray carl both the bodies are in weapons all right i have a hunch guys carl gave me an important hint the last thing carl said to me was don't leave me alone with a girl again which means one of the killers is likely a girl isn't that right carl it's half a game oh no wait what do you mean no no carl send me a voicemail wait corpse you're the only person i haven't seen where are you oh that's true i haven't seen corpse in a while i'm in big chunks wait tina were you a sakuna the whole time yeah it's probably it's definitely not tina send me a voice memo from the grave tell me what you know tina was there ray showed up a little bit late i'm gonna play it right now live okay play who's that that's rey that's rey look i'll be honest i think it's between rey and pokey based on carl's hint but also where has corpse wait guys why would ray report the body on six oh jesus why would rey report the body on six why would ray report the body on six oh jesus oh my god it's gotta be pokey her maniacal laughter is giving it away her maniacal laughter all right i don't think it's pokey but i'm gonna spam report for no reason every time she's nearby [Music] i don't know who are the killers other i know one's probably pokey right um all right corpses not you right it's not you here's how i know it's not you because you would have stuck with your partner for a double kill oh jesus oh man oh it was pokey all right i had a feeling it was pokey i didn't know a squirrel wait delirious didn't do the first kill then i'm surprised well let's go about calling me ski girl more so about you know outing that i'm the imposter oh wait listen listen you cheated listen tells me to voice memo i'm gonna voice memo right and i thought if i should i wouldn't have done it i knew that i couldn't girl oh no no no no i totally blue moon thanks for the 778 would you like to see my cats go to the next one i don't know maybe oh yeah let's go to miranda oh mira wait i just thought of this let's go back though okay wait five minutes ten would help um all right guys i kind of need to go to the bathroom so i'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick and i'll see you guys when i'm back i think they're looking for a tenth also so uh all right i will be no impostor rounds a little bit of bad luck there bud all right guys be right back i'm going to go to the bathroom um see you guys when i'm back all right on the wall who's the kid on the wall [Music] you making fun of me dog yeah make a funny tiny little i don't think you're that daunting tiny yeah you snitched and you know what happens to snitches stitches you might have to give him the code squirrel the code oh yes i don't think he's in the description you know what not he because he just joined wow you did call it you do know wait did you guys go oh i see him bro i don't see your clothes longer bald um okay i'll change clothes yeah it's okay there we go and all that skeet talking to you took your clothes off didn't he i don't get it all right i'm back we're talking about skiing carl sorcery and mario thanks for the subs oh i'm gonna i don't want to change up my outfit hmm all right let's change our outfits queen you look fabulous just put on the little press the color pink um oh god stand your teeth yeah guys let's let's all switch to the presents coming wow ray really changed up her outfit she looks totally different um i [Applause] audio message obvious next time i'll make it much more encrypted i don't know why carl carl it's okay i'll be honest i already kind of knew you know oh yeah a snitch wait did you know did you know he knew i was just pretty sure you know so he knew it wasn't it was just i mean tina was there the whole time and ray reported on six so i just took i'm leaving i swear to god i'll just fill until people have to go oh just one okay oh guys i think i think once the next person goes we're all gonna you know wait wait no i i i'm afraid to go all night i thought we're playing longer oh my god see you guys next round another day because you have a gift on your head yeah it's really good um would you like a free gift yeah three people all right you get one oh oh wait three people left here wait wait what what is someone missing someone's in the bag come out come out whoever's in the vent come out get out of here get out of there get get out of the vent we know you're here yourself you criminal scum i counted eight people but who would vent this early you guys would have seen events wait right i saw i saw a bright color a bright color going to the vent yep well not going to the vent but last i saw i don't remember who it was but i remember a bright color before we left but who would vent like this that's crazy yeah that's crazy talk who would do yeah that's pretty crazy that is crazy you think they're still in there right now they probably aren't there right now honestly they could have ran out early and just missed it all right well i'm just gonna leave then um we'll chalk it up to a miscount then dropping i heard them up uh oh hey corpse what's up okay corpse wait what's wrong where are you okay hey carl it's not you right hey no let's not follow them over there though why not because they're talking about girl things isn't didn't corpse go on there he's uh i think he turned i turned him around what i turned toast i think something's wrong it might be corpse um i'm trying i'm sorry wait you think it's me for standing here yeah who just runs and then stops like they were caught in headlights well what about headlights well look guys it's been so long when you find the body over there it might not be me right um [Music] oh my god is shrimping again oh wait no i'm not i didn't even know there was a body there actually i was just meaning oh there's a body there oh my god who killed delirious wait didn't toast just come from yeah i did i couldn't find it it must have just happened then where was it yeah it came from the north [Music] you remember what you saw wait what did i say um you said you saw a bright you said you saw there was a dead body up there i'm inclined to think it's live up and squirrel though [Music] it's in lights lights it was on the download port delirious oh god it could be them technically i think i heard toast shrimp voice actually what's that wait guys the body the kill must have just happened if it just happened then it can't be squirrel oh then it can't be five up or squirrel wait you yeah and it couldn't be me and it couldn't be toast either wait and it couldn't be wait a minute a hundred percent could have been me i guess everybody's clear then oh we're all clear maybe delirious just died real green pink orange yeah everything just keep that info on your big yeah you might be on to something ray you might be on to something hey i'm gonna do weapons right here okay uh-huh you know what for something second are you waiting so you can kill me oh the weapons are named carl oh hey if you shrimp for me i could shrimp for you all right you go hard i won't go hard on you i won't report you pokey what do you mean report me huh are you the imposter this round with this door no you are no no i'm not the impostor this round well it's really not me okay so definitely not me i'm just like i'll be honest toasted walk from the area but i feel like he wouldn't walk down if he just killed someone i'm just you know i'm like the beast he said that he checked all the rooms but like he didn't do anything far enough to like report the body well or it just happened with a crazy vent kill right was the kill by event seikuna was toast huh no i i really don't know i i just did you guys see that just moved that's just smooth no no listen listen you said you don't trust me right i'll tell you the truth ray i'll tell you the truth an event over there i'm listening to you guys wait rey tina how long you been listening to us tina what have you been doing it's oh my um tell me the truth all right i'll tell you the truth ray then you can trust me right i don't know what the truth is i'm not the imposter i know you're shrimping for one oh no i'm not i don't know who it is either squirrel what the [ __ ] what what's wrong yeah i can suck squirrel right right you're giving me too much credit you think i know who the imposter is you just said i do i'm not that i'm not that good at this game i just uh did it you can't marinate me we couldn't believe i'm not i'm not sorry i can't do it again i'm not marinating you look i'll fix the lights to show how innocent i am i did it already i'm the innocent one oh i don't think corpses wait a minute wait corbin's body might be an event though okay so so pokey you know it's not toast right um so i mean duh yeah so you know i wasn't i wasn't trying to back him up but he was just innocent wait a second wait so it's tina and scorpio tina no that's so wrong five up listen if your crew you gotta help me out here dog all right because i thought it was toaster saikuno and toast is dead and saikuno was with me when this kill happened i think you know it's not me right now when did this kill happen like just now it must have just happened me and tina were bottom we were going we were about to touch contamination at this point okay i don't think it's tina and carlson i do not think it is squirrel and cycuna then what so do we vote squirrel no no pokey let me tell you who to vote right now wait it's five of them it's five up yup you're thinking exactly what i was thinking it's five up it's five of ghetto it's gotta be five oh jesus please vote yeah but see how fast i turn now you know i'm innocent right yep that's me innocent innocent psychonaut oh god oh okay tina i trust you come on um pokey you think i would throw five up under the bus yeah i need more info from tina oh let's go talk to her just everybody all right let's go find tina um i'll look over this way i guess where is she um squirrel i can't hear you my god oh my god okay yeah five up was not giving enough enough info but then it's gotta be psycho north squirrel here's the thing you guys just split up in two so squirrel why didn't you kill seikuno uh um yeah because you can't yeah he can't why not well for the only two sus people of course he can't otherwise you'll know it's him well well carl and i just split off into pairs as well listen this is such a difficult choice to make because we should vote on five and i don't know if i want to vote like you know because he's always us um or do i want to play squirrel because he's the imposter you know what i mean like do i want to punish i'll vote for myself pokey no no no no no no no okay actually do it vote for me guys here's my thing i want to vote squirrel because even if it's like i want him to win psychonauts trump or a bean sprout this game um guess what's under the present pokey what is it it's a leaf it's i got you um what does that mean it's a shrimp right it's under a year oh my god you guys killed squirrel jesus yo that's carlatina that's tough it's not i think you got it right i think you got it right oh dude i'm insane i'm the one that called it wait pokey you knew i was innocent the whole time right out of here oh okay i feel like i do that thing when i'm innocent where i try to look guilty but people are twice in a row but one day i'm gonna be impostor ray come here i will baptize you and then you will be blessed with impossible okay dunk i'll give you my imposter luck ray i'll give it to you last game for me i'm sorry oh my god okay two more games for you guys oh my god be careful guys like she's imposter york thank you and [Music] i will support you this round okay look me in the eyeball ray i will only support you this round five up you want to support her too sure i'll support her support as oh my god no we're supporting you we're supporting you ray ray you said you didn't trust me but now you can trust me right you can choose five up it's both of you all right graveyard time what what's the way here i'm gonna protect the bodies all right but it is what it is oh my god oh my god oh my god i didn't want to do it i didn't want to do it i had no choice you made me do it you made me do it right you made me do it you made me want to be here anymore i don't want to be here i want to be here i don't want to do it right i don't want to do it you're lying what do we do ray what do we do it's just the truth what do we do what do we what kind of plan was this the report button doesn't show up until here so okay yeah so wait you're helping us yeah because what's happening here finish let them finish and then kill them okay they're coming they're coming all right all right i'm about to turn it off i'm gonna hide right here oh my god oh my god turn it off turn it off turn it off jesus jesus christ jesus oh jesus what's up she saved the game oh my god oh my god we just saved the game oh jesus me ray and five up just walked up on a body oh thank god i reported it how did i report it yeah oh okay you got it off i thought okay yeah valkyrie why would you import when you're the imposter what no no i'm not i didn't mean to report it though why did i report it i need an information what's happening save the game listen listen listen you guys know what to do no huh i don't know what to do ray yell out a name yell out a name right no i'm not gonna i can't i can't i don't know how i reported this body are all of these bodies what do you mean you don't know how do you report it it was i don't know however it was an accident what were you trying to do i did always were you trying to who do we vote for ray who do we vote for no no no no listen tina delirious you know what to do i don't know what the hell you're trying to tell me dude oh i know vote for me guys yeah vote vote for me vote for me it's not me i thought we saved the game right there where were you no guys it's it's uh yeah vote for me vote for me it's not rey that tells me nothing what no no yeah vote for me it's it's me i think his powers work yeah don't vote for me no no no it's not ray vote for me it's me and five up it's me and five up vote for me oh my god guys it's me and five up it's me in five for me all i did was tell the truth what happened oh god oh my god i'm sorry guys i don't know how i remember the body i'm brown i don't know what happened i said it was me and five up it just didn't figure it out all i did was tell you guys just being five up he killed ray oh god yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly oh man oh that was a good game huh um cheese thanks for the five gift subs cheese that was a whole bunch of okay but i couldn't get impostor for three games [Music] oh man sorry about that ray i told him to vote for me i don't know what happened again oh yeah that's probably true um virtuoso 50 gift subs jesus 50 gift subs that's an insane amount of gift subs thank you very much virtuo that's that's up i'm gonna be able to eat for a week with that thanks a bunch virtuo for 50 gift subs that's insane um oh fill it up oh man guys that game was the weirdest game i've ever turn your computer off put it in rice all right look guys just kill me whoever's the imposter just kill me i deserve to die after that last game all right tina come with me just do the deed tina do it what the hell was that just do it tina i deserve it after that one wait psycho not the killer why you always do this come on come on just kill me just kill me i deserve it after that game i deserve it look tina let me explain what happened yeah exactly ray said i don't shrimp for her now here you carl carl get carl's talking carl is that you oh hey i can hear you now you guys okay sweetie look guys so ray said i didn't shrimp for her hard enough so i i used my imposter around to give it to her are you gonna are you gonna practice shrimping um yeah okay with no body i tanked it for you tina i tanked it hey pokeyman oh okay i knew what was gonna happen i knew it was gonna happen guys he was gonna try and kill tina right in front of me and then asked me to shrimp for him what he didn't know was i was gonna practice shrimping but i was gonna do it for tina you got it tina you got it look guys we can't take it for the same person every time we tanked it for tina we did exactly what we told him but not the way he thought we were shrimping all right we were shrimping but we were shrimping for tina we did it guys we did it [Music] i don't know why corpse called this button we're just skipping yeah people you wouldn't have it they would have it it's like that and you have it all right you know this is fine betrayed no i he didn't betray me he was okay look carl was 100 carl was 100 gonna go for tina but i wiggled in front to tank it for tina so here's what carl wanted to happen he he wanted me to practice backing him up again while he was imposter but i knew that so i ran in front of tina so i could tank it yup that's how you do it guys betrayals i mean it wasn't it wasn't a betrayal it was something all right let's see what carl's up to there's no way tina's gonna let her get away let him get away with more right what the hell what is happening delirious carl killed me right in front of tina oh delirious down here down here they just they just killed toast oh oh it is is it tina and clark no no no no no no no i don't know what's happening there's something that we can hang out it's like a a it's like boiling crab again there's too much shrimp here oh my god five up oh my god [Music] jesus corpse report it oh my god did somebody die jesus is dead okay okay something's gonna happen all right mars thanks for the stuff plankton uh arena was it tina i don't know if he's imposter but he didn't do this kill five up was just near us pokey and i think that's the striker near the vent but no no no me and squirrels stay together we were on the vet most the time five left one [Music] the imposter uh storage to get the watering can now he's dead um pokey's imposter oh kayla nyatso and squirrelly thanks for this is anybody with you you guys lights are off we can take two shots right here oh my god it's over this game's over this game is so over it sounds so over well you guys didn't vote who didn't vote well this is way over um come on thanks for the subs and eyes it's black on the light they got it off oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we got the book no no it was me and ray me and ray were at the button they got they got the button you have a chance was carl trying to kill me no how would i have killed you you know that's very possible wait who i actually don't know who it is oh come on right now how come you didn't vote it was an accident i was going to vote for carl what happens [Music] i was just flicking them like i don't think oh my god that sounds like messing with them doesn't it sound like it's wait did she just admit to messing with the uh wait why it's never okay you guys are trying to get tina out but they were just meaning i literally voted what i said it wasn't serious oh it wasn't teamwork and in the first round no no ray right corpse was interesting in some kind of way and then i saw he was dead i didn't say that he you know said it well she did corporations i was with tina you're the first one okay i'm voting for somebody oh they're going for car go corpse tina [Music] oh tina you did it you did it tina that means it's right that means it's right right good job carl you were trying to kill tina weren't you no we're trying to kill you this is traumatized i want to trap her to corner i wanted to make her watch me kill everybody smart corpse he could have been talking about like she should have voted all right mellow thanks for the stuff i was trying to kill tina to start oh i know you walked in front of me you see carl let me tell you what happened okay you said are you gonna practice shrimping again and i was but not in the way you thought i knew what you were up to so i ran in front and tanked the bullet for two oh my god that was the ultimate trip oh the ultimate shrimp so i still did it good so i wasn't yeah we both win because i did what i said i would do and um honestly you got a lot of kills carl that was a pretty good round for you yeah do you think pokey's got this oh i don't think it's pokey but also you don't hear the [ __ ] i saw her kill earlier though i have no idea okay carl uh still trying to do some something there i'm not sure um thanks for the 3.79 and mossy and ditzy thanks for the stuff carl and no no corpse did okay yeah all right okay no no no no no no it was corpse who the killer has to kill one of us let's see what happens yeah yeah yeah let's see okay tina you stay there all right tina come south about 30 seconds oh oh come south tina i don't want to make the decision oh god she's stressed out oh um ryan thanks for the sub and lil what'd you do to your finger uh nothing it just has a minor thing on it is it 30 seconds yet just because i murdered tina don't worry we'll report a body just just go oh okay so i'm gonna report okay yeah yeah yes they're figuring you guys it today let's see um poor tina that'll be fun no i can't do it hey love you in your content thanks i'm gonna have to defend myself in uh no i know that's why i need to kill you but ray keeps moving on oh oh oh what the [ __ ] [Laughter] wait it's right right right right twice right [Laughter] [Applause] trey [Music] people that voted for okay you meet corpse the only two people that voted for you were the imposters carl i also thought it was pokey because you pushed from cleveland no no tina may explain it was actually not ray that pushed for carl it was corpse which is why i cleared him and i knew that it was new also because at the end you said that you saw trying it that's why i said it's right and it isn't he's trying to voted for carl if he was my partner but you know that i voted for carl the two impossible the first round or the second round good god i hate tina it's great oh my god 100 subs 100 subs 100 100 look guys did tina did tina really third impossible she just got a hundred subs a hundred subs for tina hundred subs for tina hundred subs for tina you did it pokey no tina i don't blame you i would have done it for 100 subs too i would have done it for 100 subs too i don't blame you at all i was sorry so you know i'm so sorry i did not know what to say aside from it's rights right i thought okay guys look look look this is just a game with a hundred subs you could like eat for a week um i killed like seven people in front of you oh my god um real jorb and rattlesnake thanks for the subs hundred subs for tina yeah that's it thanks for playing yeah the hundred gifted subs are on their way man thank you wow thanks queen wow bye everybody [Music] i think it seems [Music] that we don't have enough to continue the lobby all right oh no problem i'll see you guys later and thanks for setting up today of course yeah great to meet you by the way squirrel and delirious thank you guys for inviting us oh you guys were fun to play with proximity all right it's a very easy simple thing you think so right all right guys um that's probably it for today i'm a little tired we played dmd for a few hours and we stream for three hours which i know is not super long but it was it was a pretty fun stream and we played dnd so you know um i think it went okay um oh duck thanks for the sub and cup it was fun it was a pretty fun day i wish we could have played with little nassmoor but you know he's a busy guy um all right that's probably for a day though you know what i like guys if you guys ever have those peppermint patties i like i think anything with chocolate and mint i really like had like those peppermint patties and andes mints not sponsored by the way i just like chocolate and mint mint is my favorite ice cream too don't know i randomly mentioned that i feel like i'm a little hungry too i'll be honest because um our stream started like right after dnd so i didn't have time to get food um all right well that's pretty much it for today guys pretty much it for today um i hope you guys enjoyed it i thought it was really fun it was really fun i i said it already but wish we could have played with little nast a little bit more but um it was definitely a fun day definitely a fun day existing nathaniel and techy thanks for the subs but that's it for now thank you very much for coming to the stream guys really appreciate you all hope you guys enjoyed it i thought it was super fun today super fun i'm glad we did proximity um but yep that's it for today thank you very much guys really appreciate you all and hope i see you guys next stream um i think we're gonna be playing raft tomorrow or something but um that's for a day thank you very much everyone um really appreciate you all and i'm glad i started streaming because of all the people that show up and make streaming fun for me so thanks a bunch guys really appreciate you all and uh hope i see you next time thanks for making my stream fun for me and stuff so yep see you guys next time um really appreciate you all right who should we rate today um let's see who's still streaming is carl still streaming i think um is carl we've never been able to raid carl before um all right guys carl's rated us so many times i think it's time we finally rate him back so um carl's a super cool guy i'm sure you guys already know because we just played with him but thank you very much for coming guys and uh say hi to carl for us he's a super cool guy um see you guys next time thanks so much for coming and thanks even more for making streaming fun for me i'm really lucky that so many great people show up so all right see you guys next time
Channel: Sykkuno Archive
Views: 84,807
Rating: 4.8735633 out of 5
Id: Lmvq7mTNjp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 55sec (10975 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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