Among Us SHORT Impostor: Cartoon Animation

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okay [Music] ah what happened why did i wake up short could it be the hat ninja what happened to you wow that guy is really short i woke up like this i'm not a hundred percent sure what happened you look like a garden gnome stop it hat yes be nice bye only for you [Music] [Music] well this is going to be more difficult than usual but i hope i can pull it off first i want to kill banana his hat annoys me is an interesting place the showers yours what happened to the cheetah who showered twice a day why he ended up spotless [Laughter] [Music] come with me i have something cool to show you in one of the rooms near the main hall how cool you'll love it trust me banana this no that it fool cannot be trusted but i want to see the cool thing i don't see anything cool here you will in a second i warned you why are you doing this are you the imposter no but i want some information from you what's that well as you probably already know i am the world's greatest inventor shut up you were saying but i can't figure out how i got your hat to talk so we're going to stay here until you explain to me how you did it i've tried and tried to make this post-it note hat talk and nothing works but i didn't do anything one day he just started talking liar tell me the truth or i'll never let you go you are such a lousy inventor and i'm not a hat i'm a person silence you're lousier than the guy who invented knock knock jokes you know what he won huh a no bell prize and you haven't even won any real prizes a banana knock knock who's there banana pelera who knock knock who's there banana banana who knock knock who's there orange huh orange who aren't you glad i didn't say banana i may be a lame inventor but you're the lousiest comedian in the universe oh hi tiny ninja why are you pointing that thing at me um no reason i was just um putting it away [Music] i'm too short to kill anyone i need help hmm maybe if i can find a stepladder around here i told you i don't know how hat started talking one day he couldn't talk then one day he could i'm not an inventor i'm not hiding any secrets liar i'm telling the truth what do you want a stupid talking post-it note for anyway where electrical any sauces there was no one there where's banana i don't know i feel like you do know what did you do to chester have you hidden banana so we don't find him too where is he i'm not the imposter where were you a while ago then i was uh in the uh the showers no mr grits and i were there we didn't see you well maybe you got there after me but you said you were just there it's definitely him now [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] what's going on in there eva is that you yes banana it's me help me get out please what happened we thought you were dead darth tator kidnapped me he wanted to know how i got had to talk he threatened me it was horrible well don't worry we've thrown him off the ship we thought he was the imposter but turns out he wasn't i'm happy you guys threw him off i wonder who is the real imposter though once upon a time a guy got hungry he ate a cherry and it made him short huh i never get it anyway let's get out of here [Music] hey mr grits hey your mom hi what's up i'm worried about who the imposter might be have you seen anyone behaving strangely well apart from darth tator no and we already got rid of him so i'm just as clueless as you guys i hate that guy maybe the four of us can stick together okay good idea what are you looking at poop oh hey shorty i think i see another spaceship in the distance it looks very [Music] where where the viewing deck i was with snowball he was fixing the wires and i was walking around and saw him snowball did you see the body too um no she pressed the emergency button before telling me anything snowball they're trying to make me look guilty no they're not well actually sandy you're very guilty how i was with eva your mom and mr grits that means it's ninja no way i was in the cockpit minding my own short business like a short person you heard the guy he's innocent i believe it's sandy and you're just trying to cover up for her snowball banana is right hey i have to do a task in the engine room real quick i'll be right back no i'll go with you okay my love all of this madness has made me hungry do you want a burger eva sure and what about me i'll make you an extra special one yay [Music] ugh [Music] hi ninja i am rolling my eyes internally i just killed eva what no it's you yes and i'm only telling you this because you're next it's ninja really yes i saw him while he was trying to kill banana he was standing on the counter it was kind of hilarious wow ninja it's not me snowball is the one who was trying to kill banana i was trying to save him hello i'm right here you know so what really happened banana i was cooking ninja jumped up on the counter told me he just killed eva and that i was next wow ninja you killed eva not only that he framed my girlfriend well good job so far ninja you really tried your best but it's time to say goodbye loser no [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's normal now oh i am great nice try ninja hey i'm sorry about earlier stay away from me oh come on [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 579,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n-HUlpYdf34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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