When The Among Us Impostor Is Dumb

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i've made so many things but i've never made a person look at me darth tator best inventor in the [Applause] world okay now walk now let's hear you talk your name is stephen what's your name good boy and i am your boss my name is darth tater darf potato look guys i made a person that's um interesting can it talk he can talk his name is steven with a p as in s s-t-e-p-h-e-n no it's pronounced thieven and it's spelled p-t-h-e-v-e-n [Music] hello hi steven it's so cool to meet you wow darth tator you're really good at what you do hello hi my name is banana hello okay can we start already [Music] [Music] oh [Music] happy [Music] hey buddy what are you doing here all alone even sad ah things keep falling on him oh well don't stay here too long before the impostor gets you what is a booster it's the person on the ship who has to sabotage stuff and kill crewmates to win the game [Music] [Music] if you don't like it postery yeah sandy so the simple thing to do when you don't understand something is to read a book or google it but why should i do that when i could just ask you you're so smart oh sandy what google how to use come along we'll show you where's your daddy he should have taught you these things [Music] you're the impostor how did that even happen you're not a real player oh boy [Music] yes yes sorry buddy i didn't mean to make you sad let me help you out of there then i'll help you become the best imposter ever [Music] so the first thing you want to try is to kill a crewmate we won't tackle sabotaging yet because i think it's a bit too complicated for you kill good we're getting somewhere now look in this room snowball is all alone easy target kill him you tried to kill me he didn't try hard enough come on stephen try again no [Music] where in the photo room was anyone around no i was just wandering through the hallway and i happened to look in there there was no one else around not even your mom no we had to split up for a while to get our tasks done you killed my snowball what no it wasn't me i swear i just found him so who did it then well that's what we're trying to find out here who has been behaving suspiciously you yes mr grits you're suspicious but you guys have no real evidence yes we do there was no one around he found the body it's a self-report simple i think you're the imposter and you're trying to blame me oh don't try that can we just vote already [Music] [Music] [Applause] so this is how you sabotage here's a sort of computer you tap on the thing you want to destroy for example let's destroy comms okay so now all the players are going to come trying to fix it we won't look suspicious because we're the first ones here let's just pretend like we're trying to fix it see that went well didn't it yes now stand by the door and i'll show you something cool [Music] okay steven now press on electrical all the lights will go off don't be scared the other players will be in darkness but you will be able to see i want you to kill the first player you see [Music] where where i discovered the bodies near comms i was on my way to the cockpit any sasses yeah what's anybody around no i wonder who did this who killed poop in mr pepperoni man he's kidding that's just a joke i taught him right stephen he's funny isn't he and so cute okay so back to the point who did this i think it's ninja why i don't remember seeing him in electrical it was dark and i'm black so how could you see me in there it was you yeah i don't remember seeing him either we're sad [Music] this is the best place to kill people as soon as you see a crewmate kill him or her but if there's anyone else around don't do anything because they'll report you i want to play with the wires [Music] so colorful ah can i eat no [Music] this has got to be the dumbest imposter who ever lived and i made him what a shame [Music] hi ladies what's going on here we're eating and watching tv we're too sad without our boyfriends there's more to life than boys the world doesn't stop revolving when they leave us why don't you get up and finish your tasks uh maybe in a while yeah just one more episode see you later eva oh [Music] it's stephen what he's not even a real player you are right there don't try to pretend like you don't know what happened your mom well are you okay i'm fine well no i'm not really fine i just watched steven kill sandy right in front of me and besides steven and i were nowhere near there i think darth tator is right i was just in there and i didn't see them it was just your mom and sandy then it must be her i don't think stephen could be the imposter right stephen [Music] can i have hamburger he can barely talk you think he can hold a gun and aim it good try your mom [Music] good effort earlier but don't kill the crewmates when there are other crewmates around i told you this before make an effort to remember what happened earlier with sandy and your mom is unacceptable what unacceptable gosh how did i make you so dumb darth vader so mean well maybe i'd be nicer if you were smarter oh you you hurt breathing feelings ah how sad oh people kill you now [Music] what on earth just happened my creation killed me that's what i'll have him destroyed immediately good idea or we could just throw him outside and let him float through space forever that's mean let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 560,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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