Among Us Zombie Apocalypse Takeover

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] um chester are you okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey banana what's up with him what's up with him let's get out of here hey banana what's up um the chester huh what's that the chasing it's chester i can't believe come on spit it out there's our zombie on board our ship sure thing banana it's the truth is this some big brain play by the imposter it's not banana is telling the truth guys me and your mom both saw it we did right really yes i don't believe you i swear i'm telling the truth i walked into electrical and chester was there acting all weird then all of a sudden he turns around and he's a zombie he starts chasing after me he chased us too oh my god i think i think there's some sort of virus on this ship i think i heard about it oh i've heard of this i think one of the other ships reported about some sort of virus on bollis that must be it so it's true the virus is on this ship i'm afraid so i don't believe you i'm pretty sure banana is the imposter and he's just doing this to mess with us poop both me and your mom can confirm that banana is telling the truth there aren't three impostors so it must be true can't you see that i don't believe you that's it i'm voting for banana poop why would you oh what run wow wow [Applause] [Music] um i look it's okay this is a zombie apocalypse we have to work together if we want to survive just just promise not to kill me okay we're in this together yeah okay thanks snowball [Applause] [Music] if we want to survive we have to find some weapons i have my knife i'll need a weapon too i'll shut the door oh um thanks [Applause] ah [Music] uh what was that guys you're alive sandy snowball oh thank the heavens you're alive i thought you were goners we nearly were but we made it through together both pink and green have been turned into zombies we spotted them over by navigation just a few seconds ago this is serious if we don't get rid of them soon the whole ship could become infected you're right but it's so hard to kill them i think the only way might be to chop their heads off even if you chop off an arm they just keep coming at you i think if we [Music] [Applause] this way can the imposters close the door or something please we're gonna die sandy you gotta close the door they'll know i'm the imposter we'll die if you don't [Music] you're the imposter mr grits it's okay i'm not gonna hurt relax sandy won't hurt you she's on our side it's us versus the zombies now you knew we're gonna die here no we're not we will survive even if you're the imposter we both have to work together snowball's right me and mrs potato are both imposters it's fine mrs potato we'll work together to end this fine this virus has plagued our lives but if we are strong and work as a united people we will defeat the zombies i know it will be tough i know we may get hurt but wouldn't you rather die trying and give up like a coward we have to offend our fallen comrades we must survive now who's with me we are let's get up uh we did it we actually did it i knew we could i knew it i'm so glad the imposters and crewmates worked together we never could have defeated the zombies on our own i agree i think this is a joint win nice work [Music] we did it together [Music] no oh god oh god we want [Music] sandy if sandy was here we could have won she was the best partner ever gee thanks snowball i was trying my best you're the slow one if ninja was here he'd know what to do yeah and i miss running into poop in the hallway and mr pepperoni man yeah i sure do miss our friends i hope they're doing okay yeah me too shall we play another game i don't understand how we can play games at a time like this but whatever ah cheer up snowball it'll help you take your mind off things i'm sure sandy is fine broccoli yum ew okay let's start [Music] what's the matter buddy wi-fi oh i see that looks like a very strange ship in the distance but it seems it's getting closer ethernet table it's even closer now oh look some nice people on board are waving to us cheesecake [Music] i guess they're coming to say hi we should open the door and let them in roger this just press that button right there to let them in would you kind gentlemen like some tea [Music] [Applause] okay now that you guys are warm feel free to look around me make yourself at home now let's go to communication so i could teach you how to communicate today you're going to learn how to use sentences okay buddy pancake [Music] [Music] your mom there are zombies on the ship zombies yes they are terrifying and up to no good oh no what are we going to do but how did they even get on here i don't know what's up your mom there are zombies on this ship star saw one zombies but how'd they get on here i wonder banana you hungry peach yellow uh don't mind him i'm teaching him how to use sentences okay so back to my point what are we gonna do i've heard about the walkers they're not friendly at all they will hurt us and try and eat our brains so you're saying that some of us are safe this isn't the time for jokes snowball this is a very serious situation if we don't get this under control we could all be goners [Music] so what should we do does anyone have any ideas no how about we hide in the cargo bay there are lots of boxes and stuff to hide in we can figure it out there good idea let's go [Music] wow [Music] [Music] no stop somebody help me leave me alone disgusting zombies [Music] they're going to come back for the rest of us what do we do i'm scared don't be scared darling i'm here to protect you wow that's reassuring who is the imposter i think that now we all have to stick together to defeat the zombies that's true we can all work with the imposter to kill the zombies yes so who is it not me it isn't me either oh come on guys it's me do you agree to kill the zombies instead of us sure but we need a plan maybe he can lend us some of his weapons and we can all fight against them i know a lot of battle zombies hey mrs darth tater do you still have that clone watch maybe you can create more clones of yourself and they can battle the walkers instead uh yeah i do it's in here somewhere fascinating good now make more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you save chloe uh no uh we sort of forgot about her so what are we going to do now a strategy wasn't too bad but we are still outnumbered i have an idea what well mrs darth tater you're the imposter right so you have control over the lights but you can still see if you sabotage them you can find the zombies and kill them but they won't be able to see you good idea and we can stay here instead of fixing them i can try but you know my clones won't be able to see them yeah but you will what other choice do we have just go fine good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] wow i'm so thankful i have company now this is so scary i'm so happy you're okay chloe chester is working for the zombies he must be an imposter too then that's how he was able to find me so easily yes if only there was a way to warn the others i'm back how are they finding us they kidnapped jeff and mr gritz i'm terrified me too my poor boyfriend he must be so scared we've got to turn the lights back on water bottle but i can't do it alone okay follow me snowball put your hand on my shoulder then eva put your hand on his shoulder and someone else put your hand on eva's shoulder just make sure you're touching someone and i'll lead you to electrical okay uh guys who is touching me not me not me not me you're the last one on the line what could possibly oh oh no [Music] quicker mrs dark tater they're coming after us bananas gone sad i'm trying my best i'm so scared it's time for a new plan what's that you must all fight with me and the clones of course i guess we have no choice at this point to the armory [Music] now follow me [Music] [Music] what's going on i wish i knew we were both imposters you see we made a bet the other night we both wanted to be impossers but we didn't want to work with each other we wanted to work against each other to see who could win because this chester guy often thinks he's more awesome than i am and i need a chance to prove him wrong you didn't win though yeah i guess we're equally awesome huh this is darth vader i guess i'm still confused yeah me too why did the zombies come from oh these guys we rented them to spice up the game they're not real zombies they're some kind of special alien technology and somehow they can't die so they're just gonna get back on their ship and go to some other people's game now well that's a twist i wasn't expecting you dramatized me for nothing this is so embarrassing we'll get them back don't worry yeah we will but for now good game guys where are they get away from me ah scary zombies hey they're gone what happened did you kill all of them it's a long story but they're all gone now [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] that really hurt i hope that spider wasn't poisonous what just happened [Music] ugh honey [Music] are you okay uh yeah yeah i'm fine i'm uh huh completely fine yeah you don't look like you are you should rest uh yeah i i think i will good night sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite the next morning ticket [Music] please hmm go ahead [Music] should we go to the kitchen first oh i actually have a task in comms let's go there i'm just gonna head to the toilet real quick huh yeah i'm oh i'm i'm not feeling so hot oh you know you always look hot to me i'll catch you later sure feel better sweetie [Music] why does it hurt so bad [Music] i feel different whoa [Music] oh let me try that again whoa i'm banana hmm let me see now i'm sandy hmm one second thought this is kind of weird i can shape-shift into objects too awesome this is going to be fun ah oh my god that's too funny ninja no [Music] where ninja was killed right in front of me in vault oh no who killed him it was your mom me it's not me sure your mom it wasn't you that hopped out of the vent and killed ninja with those heartless stabs there there jeff it's okay how could you but it's not me i don't understand what's going on here well jeff's definitely not lying so it must be you but it's not mr grits you gotta believe me i i see not even your boyfriend believes you let's get this over with yeah you deserve to do it no you gotta believe me i'm being trained i'm not the imposter [Music] what but but well if your mom wasn't the impostor it must be you jeff i can't believe we voted her out i'm sorry baby but it's not me i thought for sure it was your mom unless did i see wrong no impossible it had to be her goodbye [Music] that makes no sense something fishy is going on here look let's just skip maybe something will happen in the next round and we'll be able to figure out who the imposter is okay so are you ready to hang out this round oh i uh i still need to go to the bathroom huh but didn't you go last round uh no didn't make it in time the meeting was called oh okay well i guess i'll see you then yeah sorry it's okay that's kind of sus snowball hey aldi what the ah hey chester what's up um ah go on we don't have all day okay this is gonna sound really weird but i just saw myself kill mr pepperoni man you killed peps well i didn't but someone who looked exactly like me did oh really as far as i know we don't have the morphing mod on this game i know exactly that's why i'm very confused is this a big brain play chester cause it's working no it isn't please you gotta believe me you do sound innocent but it just doesn't make any sense chester i'm sorry but i've gotta vote you out same here goodbye chester no please you gotta believe me no what again why does this keep happening it makes no sense well i guess all we can do is skip now uh i guess you're right snowball [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] my name is banana [Music] tough luck banana huh we caught you red-handed [Laughter] oh you're serious yes of course we're serious we caught you with our own eyes but huh i'm so confused did we not just find you in cockpit with two dead bodies what i'm not in cockpit i'm in the kitchen but but no that's impossible guys isn't it obvious banana is lying but he sounds so innocent snowball you're not the imposter right what of course not look it's not that complicated you caught banana red-handed let's vote him out move to the next round already hmm yeah okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what but if he's not the imposter then snowball it's you [Laughter] guys please help me huh sandy snowball snowball are you in there can you hear me sandy help me i'm stuck in this body i can't get out what happened to you remember when i went for a stroll in the jungle i think i got bitten by something and it gave me this ability to shape-shift but now i can't control it how how can i help you i don't know please just please help me [Music] snowball snowball sandy what do we do if he grows any bigger he's going to destroy the ship i know what to do huh sandy [Music] [Music] snowball i know you're in there i'm not sure if this is gonna help but if there's one thing that i know how to do it's loving you and that's what i'm gonna do love you [Music] sandy you saved me of course i love you [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios Live
Views: 2,469,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cPrNms3cvgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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