Among Us But Crewmates Can Kill

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[Music] um [Music] yeah and i just don't get it like if you want a pineapple just get a pineapple don't ask me to buy it for you do it yourself but then he was like but i want you to buy it and i told him you're a grown man do it yourself and he was like what and i was like you heard me and then he started to insist that we go to the grocery store together to buy the pineapple no really i know crazy but me being nice agreed to go and when we got there they had sold out of pineapples can you believe that wow so then we had to go home and order from online which you know is never a good idea because fruit from online is never that fresh [Music] [Music] ah um poop [Music] [Music] [Music] you you killed him mr grits you just murdered someone but it was an accident i didn't mean oh god are you the impostor no i'm not you saw him he was trying to kill the both of us i guess that's true which means you're a crewmate that can kill look mr grits it's okay your secret's safe with me what am i gonna do what am i gonna do i'm not a killer mr greg oh god how do i even get into this mess just this morning i was happy and ready to have a fun game of among us now look at me i'm a murderer [Music] uh what are you doing [Music] you're not a murderer nobody ever has to know i don't know sandy i'm not a very good liar what i watched you win three imposter games yesterday that's different that's when i was supposed to lie now now i'm just a big fat liar a good for nothing killer imposters have an excuse because they're meant to kill i'm supposed to be an innocent crewmate and you are an innocent crewmate remember this never happened are you sure we can do this your secret's safe with me i told you okay let's do this we just found bananas body at the lava pit yes we found it together it's not sandy mr grits didn't kill banana either wait did you guys see the dead body count supposedly there are four people dead already i saw that but i don't think that's the case what do you mean i mean i think one of the dead people was an imposter what are you trying to make a joke cause it's not funny do i look like i'm trying to crack jokes here jeff i'm telling you there was something weird about poop's icon it looks like the imposter has been murdered how could you possibly know that [Music] [Applause] well well well looks like there's a mystery to solve you can count on me to crack the case now tell me where'd you find this body again by the lava pit splendid lead the way good sir um [Music] okay [Music] i know what happened what happened first banana stood by the lava pit presumably to do the temperature task then poop approached thinking he could sneak in a kill he killed banana the pool thing but little did he know that two other crewmates had been standing behind the rock the whole time they had seen it all panicking poop had immediately attacked the two crewmates as seen by these foot marks here however it appears the two crew mates out played poop because he must have fallen here as you can see by the bloodstain here he fell dead and if i could make a guess i would assume he had fallen over a protruding leg then the two crewmates stunned and confused immediately took the body and dumped it into the lower pit to remove the evidence of the crime that is the evidence they could see with the naked eye of course they didn't know i would be on the case and would spot the clues immediately how did she get all that from just a few footprints and bloodstains so two of the crewmates are murderers precisely well i would guess one is a murderer and the other is merely an accomplice what do you suggest we do an interview i would like to ask each of you some questions of course you all should have no problem with that if you have nothing to hide fine by me me too yeah me too perfect you can come in one by one and remember lying won't do you any good [Applause] [Music] now tell me snowball where were you at the time of the murder hi uh i was an electrical ma'am is that right what task were you doing uh uh wires i was doing wires hmm seems to check out all right fine send in the next suspect but don't think you're off the radar snowball i've got my eye on you where were you at the time of the murder i was in med bay with mr pepperoni man we were scanning can you vouch for that yes we both scanned although he could have faked it since he got off before me but i'm pretty sure jeff's crew are you pretty sure or are you certain come on man i need good answers here ah certain what yes 100 certain jeff is crew good very good but i'm keeping my eye on you yes ma'am well well well just a ladies eh got any gossip to share with your girlfriend i don't know what you're talking about oh you don't do you nope [Music] so mr grits how are you um i'm good want anything a glass of water perhaps um no i'm good okay listen you can tell me anything you can trust me um got anything you want to get off your chest any secrets look if you tell me everything's gonna be so much easier um mr grits you can trust me on this um no i don't have anything to say i was afraid you would say that can i tell you something what i figured out who killed poop who sandy what it wasn't sandy oh no i'm certain of this after this meeting with you i'm gonna head out and tell everyone to vote for sandy it's a shame for her really but it has to be done no it wasn't said it wasn't then who was it mr grits i if it wasn't sandy who was it because i'm going to vote out sandy after this mark my words but i who was it it was me it was me i did it i killed poop but it was an accident i didn't mean to my work here is done [Music] wait your mum how did you know it was me oh i knew all along but i just needed to threaten you with sandy so i could get a confession out of you oh i see [Applause] [Music] oh but there's one other thing i forgot to mention what is it i'm the other imposter [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 2,604,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4ZWmJxlBf5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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