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There is already an among us movie. The Thing from 1982.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/The-Doctor-- 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

never vote on four

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/dafatmofo 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NormalNotAlienHuman 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Senior airmen among us

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mysterious_Plastic21 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

you fucks, thats what you get for voting on four.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Euhemerus- 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very nicely made.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JellyMule 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
What happened? Yellow ... ... he's dead. What !? How? Stabbed with a knife. What are you suggesting? ... that he was murdered? But that would mean that ... Exactly. No one's getting out of here until we get to the bottom of this. Ridiculous! Why would anyone here ... ... want to shank one of our own? Would you mind !? He's got a point. What's the motive? The virus. Wait, are... you saying it's here on the ship? What are you guys talking about? We don't have a name for it yet. But according to our intel it was first discovered on Polus a few months ago. First we thought it was some kind of brain disease. Comparable to rabies, perhaps. But this one's different. It infects one's personality ... ... and turns seemingly normal people into mass murderers. Noone on Polus survived. Well, there must be a way to detect it, right? Blood analysis or signs of pupil dilation? The scanners in "MedBay" would probably be able to detect something. But unfortunately ... ... Yellow's bio-signature is the only ones registered to use it. and we're too far from HQ to call for backup, so... So we're on our own ... We could check cams .. Where did you find him again? In the hallway between storage and cafeteria. But the recordings were deleted. Whoever the imposter is ... ... he knows exactly what he's doing. Wait ... do we know when exactly Yellow was killed? Couldn't have been more than an hour ago. Why? Well.. before going to bed, I remember seeing Purple in the hallway. Between the Upper Engine and the Cafeteria. What!? Which is sus since she should have been in Electrical if I'm not mistaken. Wait, no - that's not how it happened. Purple did know how to read the logs back on Mira. She probably knows how to get around surveillance cams, too. Guys, come on ... That doesn't make sense. Orange ... ... get that knife away from her. Black is obviously lying. It has to be her, or she wouldn't lie like that. We're you doing tasks in Electrical or not !? I was! Fixing wires. And you were there the entire time? I had to redo them several times ... ... so yeah! And it just so happens that no was around to confirm your story, huh? Sus! Purple, back away from the knife! What about Green? Him and Yellow never got along, so he has a motive too, right? Or Black? She has no proof she even saw me. Alright everybody, let's be rational here. I vote Purple. It has to be her. Come on guys, please calm down. Blue's right, we can still talk about this. Or, we can toss the bitch over board. Purple's goin' bye bye. Please! Please, you can't do this. I was only fixing wires. I haven't done anything wrong. Come on! Guys, you can't do this. Blue .. That's the virus you're talking to. If we don't get rid of her now she could kill you ... or me ... ... or Black. Get me out of here! Get me out of here!!! It had to be done. Okay everybody, let's go. We still got a lot of tasks to do. Cap. I've been thinkin about this. I don't think ... Captain! [inaudible yelling] I knew it! We should have never trusted this guy. This is insane ... ... he was dead when I found him. You gotta believe me. Shut up! That's enough, Green! The death of Orange left me in charge, so stand down. We cannot afford another mistake, alright!? Clearly, the imposter is still among us. Yeah, I know he is .. "Captain". He's sittin' right there in front of us. If I remember correctly, you were very vocal about blaming Purple. Now obviously, she was innocent. So that puts you under suspicion as well. Me? Now you're sussing me? All I said, was that I saw her in the hallway when she should have been in Electrical. Hey... Leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with it. Sweet. Nah.. neither one of the two Skeld-Sweathearts would be any of the imposters, right? Can't be. I mean ... they've been super busy obviously inspecting samples in MedBay lately, huh? Hey, you better watch what you say, man! Let's just.. think about this logically, okay? Why would Blue purposely draw attention to himself? I mean ... what !? He kills Orange and then decides to shatter his glass and wait for someone to find him? Why not just sneak off? Maybe that was his big brain strategy behind it ... ... to make him seem less sus. Reverse psychology. Ooh, I'm Blue, I'm so shocked I even dropped my drink. So it's definitely not me. He was against killing Purple, so ... Why? If it isn't Blue ... ... then it has to be one of us. And it's definitely not me, so That leaves you two. Well I happened to be on cams. And I didn't see you anywhere. So where were you? Downloading data in Communications. Why were you on cams again? I mean, we all thought it was Purple. So what were you looking for? Can't you not see what's happening here? How Blue's tryna pit us against each other? Come on, only a sicko like him would be able to jam a god damn knife through the captain's skull. What? Why are you looking at me like that? The knife went through his skull? And we're saying ... Blue was the first one to find the body? I never mentioned he was stabbed in the.. head. Seal off Weapons and O2. No, no, no, no. Please listen to me. You're making a huge mistake. He was already dead when I found him. I swear! I was the one who made everyone go after Purple. I knew you were gonna sus me next. But I.. if I could just.. I couldn't say anything ... Listen to me. You're making a huge mistake. I - I didn't .. Didn't what? He was already dead when I found him. I swear.
Channel: Jay & Arya
Views: 10,837,197
Rating: 4.9606953 out of 5
Keywords: jay und arya, jay & arya, among us, among us film, among us short film, among us movie, among us real life, marios gavrillis, marios gavrillis denver, paul cless, franciska friede, leslie malso, marcel becker neu, jay samuelz, arya lee
Id: t2jP1AVkItA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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