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today we're going to be checking out 10 among us glitches that you can try for yourself at home everything from going invisible to guaranteeing yourself being the imposter to even crazy glitches that let you get outside of the map all of that here in this video i can't wait to try them if you watch this video right now and you want to be the imposter in the next round hit the thumbs up button i promise you it'll happen and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button turn notifications on this video is going to be a lot of fun and number one we're going to be going invisible for this you're going to jump into free play and boot up a game there i am looking very blue head over to the laptop customize a nazi imposter.exe which will instantly turn you into the impastor first thing you need to do is go ahead and sabotage o2 and keep an eye on the oxygen depleted timer and go over event we're going to be waiting until oxygen depleted gets to one second and then we're gonna vent two let's go in normally the impostor would have just won because of the critical sabotage instead we just shut it off now if i click x i should be moving around the map and i am invisible ladies and gentlemen take a look at that i'm still there i'm still doing stuff there's even dummies here for me to take out but i am completely invisible to everybody let's see what happens when we try and kill someone oh we turn back we can't stay invisible forever but it does work glitch number two we're gonna be teleporting if you hold down a direction and keep on moving at the beginning of the game look at that i've already off to the left-hand side i've gone all the way across i can start doing things i can start doing my tasks all you've got to do is start off the game by moving during that period oh no someone maybe sussed me because i was glitching someone's already dead let's try it out again and see if we can get even further here we go one okay we're gonna keep on moving across i'm a crewmate i should be hopefully yes look how far i got this time it's such a good glitch so at the beginning when they're going shush keep on moving ladies and gentlemen you can get a head start on everyone else on the map [Music] at number three we've turned invisible and now we're gonna make our name invisible this is really easy to pull off on mobile on pc it's a little bit more technical so be careful we're gonna go to app data into the local low folder then to inner sloth and then the game obviously among us we're gonna go to this file we're gonna open it with notepad hopefully this works yes look at this i don't know what all of this means but i know that that's my name we're now going to go ahead and paste in an invisible character this is an actual character available within keyboards and computers we're then going to go ahead and save that close it all down that's the only thing we're going to change we're going to boot up among us again and if this has worked i'll no longer be called ali a let's take a look oh my name's disappeared okay i don't want to change it i'm going to go into a public game take a look let's take a look oh ladies and gentlemen i don't have a name above my head let's see if anyone sasses me or if anyone notices you actually enter this special character directly onto your name list on mobile if you want to give it a go yourself a big thanks to glitch king and many other glitches that found all of these glitches and who shared this character let's see how it looks in game oh my gosh look look i've got no name no one can even call me out because i don't have a name to be called out for despite having literally no name i don't think anyone's hustle me so give it a go it could be a disadvantage if people start thinking that your name's been hacked or glitched so be careful when you use it [Music] next up you can apparently glitch your pets into the wall this is a little bit of an odd one and i don't think i want to lose my little body but we're gonna give it a go it works in a few spots on the map apparently here is one of them obviously normally your cat that happened so quickly normally your pet obviously just follows you around as normal and now the poor little guy's stuck in the wall i'm not sure how far we can go if we go too far i know he's going to teleport back to us but i don't know how much of the map he can stay inside look at this he's on a proper adventure and he's he's back again that is insane let's see if we can do that again so come along make sure you've got a pet and just slowly walk around the corner and give it a few attempts there we go and in the walls he is trying to get his way out the poor little guy give us a go show it off to your friends and i'm sure they'll be impressed glitch number five who wants to be able to do tasks quicker that's right the scariest thing about doing tasks is potentially being killed but what if i told you could speed the process up in the engine base there is a task where you have to line up the angles and it's really easy to do you can just drag it up and go ahead wait for it to finish and it eventually goes away and it will say that you've completed the mission however you can actually do it a little bit quicker with the weirdest little glitch ever what you want to do is start the mission you need to get ready for this you're going to line it up and once you line it up you're gonna click on the arrow one two three times this sounds ridiculous but trust me it works so get ready line up one two three and it's gone it's done it's finished slight little changes but tips that could save you one day within among us give it a go for that little bit of bonus speed and number six who wants another glitch it's gonna make you look a little bit funny it will draw attention to you but people will definitely be confused head over to the med bay and come over to the scan task we're going to use this we're also going to go ahead and cancel it as quickly as we can if you're on pc you can press use and then the escape key to do this really quickly so just keep on spamming it over and over and over and eventually the game should glitch stay patient keep on giving it a go oh my gosh oh my gosh we did it no we had just done it and then they called a mountie meeting oh no this person suspects me he's telling people to vote for me i think you saw me do the glitch wait we just won pulling off that glitch isn't easy and it helps if you change your region to somewhere where you get a higher ping so a worse connection with a bad connection you can keep that green ring around your body it looks hilarious oh we've done it [Music] oh my gosh whoa look look at this the animation is so cool at number seven when we play among us most of us want to be an imposter what if i told you can boost the chances of making that happen that's right when you jump into a game head over to the pc go to customize and just start spamming and constantly flicking through the hats ladies and gentlemen don't stop doing it and keep on doing it wait for the game to load in are you an imposter well this glitch may have helped you give it a go keep on cycling through those hats for a boosted chance to take people down as imposter another method give this one a go as well what do you like when you're waiting in the spawn area do you stay still do you talk to your friends do you loop around the spawn room well keep on moving keep on moving do circles don't stop moving and keep on doing it as the game loads up another small way to slightly boost your chances of becoming an imposter goodness knows how these work but give them a go and see if it works at number eight we've got the vent glitch so if we head into a game here obviously the goal is to try and work out who the imposters are right and that can't always be easy but with this tip it should help you a lot just to show what it's like to be the imposter you can see obviously a lot more if we go back and get rid of being the imposter the lights don't show as much so as the imposter you got some really clear vision and one of the big things you should be using as an imposter is oh no everything's turned halloweeny among us has had a little halloween update that's so serious literally happened just now how awesome is that anyway not getting too distracted obviously venting is a really big thing to do it's a good way to get around the map it's a good way to get away from the people that you have killed but did you know there's a little bit of a glitch that will help against you if you're the imposter and for you if you're not now if i wasn't an imposter and i was stood here i can actually see that vent in the dark if i go ahead and vent and go over to there and jump out i can also see that vent also in the dark now if someone is stood in the other room and i vent right now despite the fact that the vent is in the dark you can still see the animation you can see on screen here what that looks like which means you need to be careful if i jumped in this vent and someone saw me and then who knows i came running around the top of the map and they bumped into me there's a high chance that you can determine that that person is the imposter and they've just vented in front of you super useful 200 iq information to keep a close eye on events especially in the shadows when you're a crewmate and number nine i'm gonna be giving you wall hack that's right ladies and gentlemen there's actually a dummy over here in med bay but you obviously can't see it because there's no lights and you're in a different room to them if you go over to setting go over to graphics and change your resolution we're gonna make it really bad 800x600 can see we get black boxes then going to go ahead and change it back again are you ready for this oh we just saw through the wall it is such an easy glitch to do and for just a split second it will let you see what's in the other room with the lights on it literally wall hacking through the game and it's as simple as that so go ahead give it a go if you want to see through walls and do a little bit of cheap thing you've heard it here first and at number 10 there's loads more glitches that could randomly happen to your game including spawning outside of a little spawn hub whilst you wait for the game to start you're free to explore space and move around as much as you want on top of that you can even get the spawn room loading into the actual game of among us allowing you to go ahead customize and change your character in a real game all of this stuff has low chances of happening but it could happen to you if any crazy glitches have happened or you found them let people know down below in the comments guys if you enjoyed the video be sure to share this with your friends so they can check out the glitches as well if you want to see more among us quickly click on screen here go and check out another video big thanks to glitch king and all the other glitches for these crazy glitches and i'll see you on another video quickly click one
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 3,901,530
Rating: 4.8497939 out of 5
Id: y47IbeH94e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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