Werewolf: WHO IS THE WEREWOLF?! Feat. Johnny Chiodini, Dicebreaker, Eurogamer πŸŽƒ Hallowstream 2022

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and welcome to werewolf with outside extra outside Xbox Johnny ciardini and dice breaker and Eurogamer that's right whoa this is the most channels we've ever assembled for a game of werewolf yeah and they'll all be dead soon [Laughter] if your channel is out you have to delete it yeah yeah I'm playing on hard mode we said it was high stakes and you've never told us this before we joined yeah to Euro game I'm pretty sure so I mean collecting debts at this point [Laughter] wow a show of hands if you have never played werewolf before my Andy put your hand down and he's just doing a practice lie yeah okay Pro strats uh Maddie and Ian have never played werewolf before well that's all right I'll I'll quickly run through the rules and for the viewers at home as well so werewolf is a social deduction game the idea is that uh I will be running it um all of everyone who's playing they are all villagers in a village that is cursed by a secret werewolf infestation the werewolves come out at night and choose a villager who they want to kill and it is up to the villagers to identify um the werewolves so the game split into two phases in the night phases the werewolves choose their victim um in the morning in the daytime the body is discovered and everyone can discuss who they think the werewolf is they can make wild um baseless accusations they can vote on who to burn and they can they can burn at the stake one uh person one player a day and hopefully they will identify and get the werewolves um there are a couple of other roles uh the way we're going to play it we've got seven players uh we're gonna play with two werewolves per game um although those werewolves will only be choosing one villager each night to um devour horribly there is um uh someone the werewolves will be randomly assigned by me using a random number generator I will also be randomly assigning a Seer who during the night phase can investigate another player and find out whether they are a villager or a werewolf which I will let them know with uh um a kind of a nod of the head a nod of the head means I'm afraid yes a werewolf Shake ahead means no not werewolf um can I can I ask that you actually go if it's a werewolf there you go to ask yes fine last fine uh that's okay uh I will also be randomly assigning someone to be a Healer now once a night the Healer can choose a player to protect and they are saved for that night and that night only from violent werewolf murder the Healer can't use themselves um and we're gonna play a few games like that and then we're gonna mix it up we're gonna replace the Healer with a different role called the Hunter uh the hunter uh at the point where they are killed should that happen they can just choose anyone they want to murder with a crossbow um uh and they don't have to consult anyone on that it's pure gut instinct they don't have to kill anyone but should they want to just go out with a crossbow bolt fired into the at at someone they wish to dispatch it's nice to have some company on the long road [Music] what's the wind condition Luke is it when the werewolves outnumber the villagers so for the villagers to win they must find and identify and kill every werewolf for the werewolves to win they must draw equal numbers wise with the Villagers so if there are two Villages left and two werewolves that's it the werewolves have one okay uh does anyone have any questions or Shall We Begin uh what if um mine was silly Ellen you go no no no mine was really silly and we'll see I was gonna say like if like kick on a werewolf one-on-one then maybe I could like win if I like fight the werewolf one-on-one like I know that physically won't happen but yeah it mechanically cannot happen Liz but uh but there's no reason we can't weave your efforts into the storytelling yeah um Ellen what was your question um can I bag see uh violent werewolf murder as a band name please does anyone else get chandelier in their head every time Luke says yeah yes absolutely yes regrettably uh well this isn't really a question I had a bit of an epiphany yeah like an epiphany like this is a game about werewolves right yes yes but it's also about where wolves so it works on two levels no one ever asks how wolves vowels okay is that all out of everyone's system now no but let's press on okay all right welcome villagers you are all humble villagers in the thriving small Township of praise porth it is a coastal town uh the village started very very small was settled by your great-grandparents but you know you've all worked hard you've and the village has indeed arrived you've opened trade routes with neighboring Villages you've even managed recently to secure a new um over-the-water a Naval Exchange and trade route with uh with a village that is is across a broad Broad River that you previously thought would be completely unaccessible the town of uh licensure oh um oh lovely we trade Ducks sacks of grains very carefully it's an absolute logistical nightmare you have to take the second grain over first with the and then um yes so uh I think yeah we find we're gonna find all of the villagers um at the start of the game uh they're all just gathered down by the port they're they're you know you're looking at the first ship is coming in from um from like and share it's a big moment the whole whole village is gathered what exciting items will they have to trade um and as the ship pulls into uh uh pulls in you you see that that on the on the ship's wheel as it comes emerges from the fog there is simply one hand gripping the wheel and nothing attached to it we've got one of those new one of those new one-hand navigation systems I've read about it's in the elements this doesn't look good for my steam deck delivery we have it's a humble Village it's five Traders um as you rush onto the boat you you find that it's a wash with blood and gore it seems that everyone on board has been murdered frantic you you've sort of exchanged looks try and figure out what happened there's no clue but then suddenly you'd hear just over the side of the water a sort of two sounds as two large objects seem to have dropped into the water how odd I guess there's nothing to do but go back to your Village open fire into the water into the water yeah you do that but don't find anything okay so as the evening draws in you're all feeling a little uneasy about um well it's the first time you've seen violence on this horrible scale ever in your sweet town of praiseworth um but you all settle in for the night maybe tomorrow will be um a little brighter uh before we do that let me assign roles for this round Knight descends on the once sleepy now slightly uneasy town of Praise poorth everyone close your eyes thank you I mute your microphones as well I should say oh I'm gonna have to open it you can open your eyes to mute your microphone sorry I forgot that little Little Instruction okay everybody muted it okay great werewolves open your eyes to reveal yourselves to each other and the audience werewolves who would you like to kill werewolves close your eyes thank you would the Seer please open their eyes hello Sia who would you like to investigate see if please close your eyes heal up please open your eyes healer who would you like to protect tonight thank you healer please close your eyes everyone open your eyes and unmute your microphones oh what a refreshing sleep that was day has broken ah how lovely you all stroll out of your houses um yes bathed in the in the dawn light in in praiseworth you you get up pretty early because the working day is just begun and as soon as as soon as those ps5s out exactly you're burning daylight they're the PS5 Factory is already churning our ps5s ready for distribution um but as you head up to the factory and you all punch in and walk to your um PS5 making station you notice the controllers you know even one hasn't uh shown up to work today oh that's odd you head over to Mike's house and when you you knock on the door there's no response but there are claw marks on all the doors there's a smashed window and what's this you go inside oh my gosh it's like a mic balloon exploding in here oh no scratch it bits of Mike coat the walls oh my gosh there's not much left Mike has been killed by some horrible monster and someone in the village must have done it he has to program Astros playroom into all the ps5s pre-order canceled I found the stadia controller under the bed so I just hide it to protect his reputation wow okay yeah that's a good thing to do all right we need to investigate this mic murder all right yeah yeah oh uh did you do handy I mean that would seem to be the obvious conclusion wouldn't it because yeah yeah I do always kill Mike in these things I can tell you that it wasn't me this time um very convinced yeah I I think well you know I think it would be the obvious thing for me to do so if someone were trying to frame me they'd probably kill Mike first when we think of that would you do that thinking that other would never think it's me because they know I always do that and it's like another situation exactly exactly well I think it's something that some people who've played werewolf with me before would know we should place the suspicions [Music] I also know that Andy would just do it for the LOLs like just just for the beer chaos of it hmm just thinking this through this I I think the most most suspicious person in this situation is Ellen that's not saying she did it I'm just saying if I had to make a choice out of the people we were currently playing I would say Ellen would you like the most accusation and put it to the vote Andy yeah why not oh yeah all right Andy did it's an Xbox off so uh if you think that Ellen should be burned at the stake and is indeed a werewolf raise your hand too early for we don't we simply don't have the data and if you think that Andy is a werewolf and should be burned at the stake raise your hand I do a little bit now oh okay certainly on the fence yep I'm not seeing a majority there sorry but file away just mentally who wanted who dead because that's that is that is they are data points folks we can't get rid of Andy and he's the only one who can slide the polystyrene into the box without tearing a corner we've never worked out how to do it it's like getting the hummus out of the sleeve without breaking and now on Impossible after a after a a a panicky an unsettled day many many ps5s are going unbuilt as this day plays out you're not really sure what to do but perhaps it was a one-off perhaps Mike simply exploded he's inclined to do such a thing classic Mike Mike sometimes does stuff like that yeah he was always saying oh I'm gonna explode tomorrow if I don't finish lives you know he never took him seriously and as you all head back to your homes you make sure to lock your doors and bar your windows because you don't want anything getting in let's see if your defensive preparations are enough okay it is now night time everyone mute your microphones and close your eyes werewolves open your eyes werewolves indicate to me who it is that you would like to kill foreign s close your eyes SIA open your eyes Sia who would you like to investigate Sia close your eyes healer open your eyes healer who would you like to protect this night okay healer close your eyes everyone open your eyes [Music] your unbar the windows you unlock the doors it takes a little while you've all been very very careful you step out into the Town Square you look around for each other you don't even think of heading to the factory you just want to make sure that everyone's alive right now before you can even think about making dual sense controllers it seems that someone is indeed missing where's Maddie there's no indication that she made it out of her house you head over to Maddie's house there is as you find only a splintered door and a blood trail leading away uh there are there are gouges in the ground where huge claw marks have dragged something off something is is really feasted you find the odd limb maybe a finger a bit of ankle Maddie was the one who wrote the PS logo on the oh chassis oh I can't do that if I learned to write count to five only one I learned the letters pee at us and we were fine yeah so we needed will villagers who done it this has all the Hallmarks of somebody trying to throw someone off the scent of ox or oxtra well I was what I was gonna say was from the last round I baselessly accused Ellen because you know I was thinking on the on the ox Works line but I thought it was interesting how quickly Ian jumped in to Pile in with a vote which I thought was interesting well that's because I initially thought it was you and then Ellen also thought it was you so I just said Andrew because he voted for me so mine was purely retaliation oh I was just backing you up because I thought strengthened numbers interesting yeah but how many of those numbers were there exactly too how many Wells are they exactly two Ian just uh into the camera for me Ian can you just look into the camera for me are you are you a werewolf yes I swear I am not wait what okay and it couldn't even say it couldn't even say it didn't even say it that's not not damning I'm not a werewolf all right is this like um is this I you haven't explained this part of the rules for me is this like police like where no yeah I was just a police officer it's PlayStation PlayStation 5. this is not Andy is not invoking a mechanic uh Andy is simply Vigilant to look him in the eye and yeah and make a vowel okay it's the sort of thing that a non-werewolf would just easily say off the top of their heads without any kind of trouble or you lot have played Among Us with me I'm just tragically bad at anything this is true um I am not a werewolf and you need me because I put the plugs fuses in the plugs at the PlayStations and they won't turn on without me God yeah but the question is Ian how short is your views that's the job done I don't think where is just anger management issues there's a little more to it than that all I'm saying is if I got a talking corpse yeah escaping the body if I'd already been accused once by Andy say and then I wanted to persuade people from thinking to me I would kill anybody but Andy exactly well that's why I thought I was safe I was like I'm not gonna get killed because they want to use me as a that's a that is and what safer way to protect yourself from werewolf attack than by going out as a werewolf and attacking others um I'm hearing a great deal of SASS and speculation and not a lot of accusation is there one to make otherwise well I think we need to kill someone because if we don't and um if we go into the next round with two werewolves and they kill someone and then they win are you volunteering uh yeah I'm volunteering you popcorn as well casual making a really big show of not being full like oh and me I couldn't I couldn't imagine I volunteer you then all right okay Ellen made the accusation first got in there so uh Ellen is Accused Ian of the most speakable of crimes where Wolverine do I look like someone who could do a Despicable thing come on I'll just screwed myself raise your hand if you believe Ian to be a werewolf still got a bit of mic in his teeth okay that is three votes to one okay Johnny why didn't you it's fun I'm more than happy to talk about it okay yeah well why not I'm just I was hoping it wouldn't go through so that I could vote for Ellen to be burned at the stake because I feel yes she's Come Out Swinging so hard with that my my assumption was so she's a werewolf and the popcorn thing just doesn't work for me yeah look at look at that oh look look how hungry I've never I've seen her some person and then a bunch of popcorn if I wanted look how smug that popcorn crunching is I wouldn't want to on account of being a villager so they're nom nom nom villagers you have voted by majority to Bernie and at stake would you like to reconsider or are you all feeling pretty good about this I'd like to reconsider Ian you are at this point bound and gagged and tired okay I'm not hearing okay let's just take your big bad spot okay fine getting a big fan of guys you drag Ian out to this to the square in in the middle of the village you've you've hastily uh built a pyre out of old move controllers you you bind Ian to it and set it to Flame as this is the fire melts the flesh from Ian's bones oh a terrible transformation takes place and the bones elongate and transform into the unmistakable skeleton of a quail wolf Ian collapses dead okay this doesn't look good yes yes Johnny very keen to not have Ian burned there but just apathetic about the idea of burning Ian if I'd known he was a werewolf I would have I would have happily thrown more move controllers on there what interesting for the avoidance of any of the channels featured but move controllers go up in Flames okay um right inside them they hurt the most right okay well you are convinced that you have found the killer in your midst and you all go off to bed feeling a lot better for having killed Ian the werewolf night descends everyone mute your microphones close your eyes werewolf open your eyes werewolf who would you like to kill werewolf close your eyes see it open your eyes foreign open your eyes healer who would you like to protect tonight healer close your eyes everyone open your eyes [Music] good tomorrow hello mm-hmm good to see you maybe hello you go to your windows to uh to open the curtains greet the light of a new day um but you can't see outside every window pane in the village is thick with Gore and whose blood is this live you taste it like this like a detective it's pure Andy oh you go to Andy's house and indeed find that Andy has been shredded up real nice no no and has been violently and I mean violently um killed in the night a werewolf in my blood I wrote someone else make Uncharted five on the wall and that's why there's no Uncharted five oh I was in charge of it there are only three of you left ironic then that you were killed by a naughty dog [Laughter] very good okay good all right okay I killed werewolf I accused the werewolf and got them killed there's Jack Hughes is snarling you've been all over this in trying to wipe people out and no no we had to kill a werewolf in the last round otherwise it would have been 2v2 and they would have won they would have overpowered I do agree with that so I kind of was like oh we I don't really want to but we have but I will throw my fellow werewolf on the fire in order to I mean that sounds completely plausible but why wouldn't I have gone for Andy in that case he was an innocent villager we'd already scuffled before then because nobody voted for Andy then yeah but I I could have just been like you know what I actually still think it's Andy I could have I could have really doubled down and perhaps you wanted the satisfaction of tearing into pieces in the night since you all live um I'll tell you it's not me I'm gonna I'm gonna go out and say this I'm a Healer I've been healing very badly this entire time and I have not I've not gotten a single person right um I protected myself and then I protected Johnny and then I protected myself again and that's what I've been doing that's what I've been up to so there is a tough job um yeah should we burn Johnny I accuse you in French I made an accusation in French well I can do that as your cues there you go okay right but I I got him there first uh no he's in the sweeper and werewolf do you Ellie loophole you would be dead by now because it would have it would have been on me to to go after you people are passing the fall okay Johnny has accused Ellen Ellen has accused Johnny uh we could take votes in turns but I think like it's safe to say live you're getting the deciding vote here oh fun uh oh good the terrible heal I guess you decide who lives and who dies I'm uh I'm gonna go for Ellen I think it's Ellen I think I just I look at the start both you and Ian were like on Andy and it was like oh those are the two werewolves and that's what I think no no no I only went for Andy because he went for me first and then Ian jumped in on it and I was like huh interesting and that's why I voted for Ian you went for Andy in an animalistic rage sad really and Johnny you grab one of Ellen's arms each you pull her over to the pyre you haven't even bothered to clean up Ian's bones that's what we're using is kindling hey I'm you still finally yeah some good meat on those yeah uh you set hungry work you set the pyre Ablaze Ellen looks at you with Fury and Desperation live you watch as the flesh melts away from Ellen's face and her eyeballs burst In the Heat of the flame revealing well only the charred corpse of your good friend Ellen it's still daytime I'm afraid sorry live even and uh Johnny's enormous Jaws clamp down on your face and wow werewolves win yeah sorry Ellen I'm sorry that was I think the dirtiest play I've ever done in werewolf it means you hold it back after going this looks bad for me which is absolutely did I was convinced you had me at that point yeah I was like there's no way anyone could think it's Ellen at this point me I just saved us from being killed immediately everyone will trust me oh the game goes this looks bad for me uh that was great well done everyone uh let's play another round shall we yeah right talking about yourself Johnny thank you good morning play the Blinder and Ian we'll do all that wolf what flavor popcorn is it it's actually unsorted sauces they best kind yeah because I'm sweet and a little bit salty right now it's sweet sweet handy flavor sweet Andy I went through that quite quickly I reckon it was nice it's one of the first two people because I was like I don't want them to come out right at the beginning because then it's Target I was terrified to say it was Ellen to be perfectly honest with you [Music] um yeah sorry to accuse you first round Ellen I was was working on the assumption that you were a werewolf whoever killed Mike first would be someone Johnny did you decide to kill my quest uh no that was Ian yeah yeah sorry okay so that doesn't like me everyone who posted all overnight will have will have seen that we had some technical issues there with getting um with with getting names written down to show up um so I'm going to suggest as a workaround potentially if anyone has like notes apps on their phone where they can write a single word okay let me let me just do a practice uh was it like that's fine Andy that looks fine uh yeah let me hang on I think that would probably be all right look I tried oh wait uh I might have a Sharpie because my Biro doesn't yeah oh [Music] an angle sort of works I think like if we can do notepads notepads is best but like yeah if we just practice with it uh how does yours look Maddie if you um say the scariest bit of that round was when I lent forward in yep that's been incredulity and this entire folder fell off my lap to convince someone would have heard it okay so I've messaged you all your new uh rules um from this round on we will begin with a daytime round uh now that we've got our head around the rules and the way that the game is played so it is daytime uh let's say that it is um let's say that you are different villages in the uh in the town of um of Praise poorth um you're you're well aware that that things have been going violently wrong in your town ever since you opened a trade route with like and share needless to say you've shut that trade route down um but my goodness business is hurting the your you all all this town does is make ps5s and your main and and your you you've lost a you've lost a big a big supplier yeah and everyone's going wild for stadia right now yeah stadia is stadia which is um which is run out of like and cheer is absolutely huge right now as long as expected it was run by were of course um and frankly you feel that perhaps in an act of industrial Espionage the stadia loving town of licensure may have been sending over more werewolves to live amongst you I just moved to town but it's because the house was cheap and there were lots of jobs going I had to scrape a lot of Gore off the ceiling so if anyone would like to uh discuss now um obviously there have been no murders yet but you can reveal roles if you want to or well you know just have a lovely chat get to know each other okay interesting kids the factory break room around the water cooler yeah yeah dunking my biscuit into my tea slowly eyeing everyone if everyone just uh just showed me your teeth real quick just the top row yeah all right fine no fangs I thought maybe you know some little some little werewolf characteristics coming through but nothing as yet I desire only to test that the USB ports on the front of the PS5 is working as it should yeah I'm the one who puts in the little light that goes around it on the outside Oh that's oh the little ring the little ringer I think I've been admiring your work it's very nice thanks are you a werewolf no get these things out the way early dogs it's a very personal what are those characteristics of Werehog walls do they have like super fast reflexes I say swinging quickly at Johnny's face I get punched in the face I'm not entirely sure I say microwaving some fish vomiting in the corner I say we buy say we burn Johnny on Prince are you making an accusation should we put it to the boat we simply can't know at this early stage um just technically does anyone want to reveal their roles or anything I think it's too early for anyone to do that to put a Target yeah because the werewolf could get him in the night what couldn't they see a nice try Mike I say well there's a Seer can can test one person and find out whether or not they're a werewolf okay no reason I asked that no would you like some microwaved fish for sure okay okay this is an entire mackerel I'm getting good vibes from this Factory good vibes from this little town none of us could be a werewolf I feel like it might be possible that just there are just no werewolves actually this round yeah go to bed with that hope in your hearts and AS nights descends you all mute your microphones and close your eyes what we call closing our mouths yeah eating microphone it's slang for um brushing your teeth system right and close your eyes lovely and to the to the werewolves who would you like to kill this night werewolves close your eyes see her open your eyes Sia who would you like to investigate Sia close your eyes Gila open your eyes healer who would you like to protect tonight healer close your eyes wakey wakey everyone you are all awoken by a terrified scream from someone outside protect the New Years I mean come quick everyone it's mastery you will run outside you find half of Ian's head lying there in the Town Square it's been bit there's clumps it's been it's been one hour since Ian was killed clumps of Ferris stuck to his skull um right of werewolf oh no well okay so Ian obviously gave away that he was this here and so paid to the giant Targets on himself I feel like the Healer would have known to protect Ian because of that unless they weren't that versed in werewolf perhaps maybe that's a clue as to who the healer is then yeah I'm just trying to work it out my head like maybe unless Ian was the oh no I think Ian dropped a clanging hint he was yeah it sounded yeah yeah absolutely I okay and then I don't understand why the Healer wouldn't have healed I'm not that healer obviously but I I don't understand why the Healer wouldn't have if you're feeling guilty Mike it's okay to talk at all yes that's entirely Fair um this is gonna sound as heck but um I'm gonna come out and say it because I got some really good information last night Ian was not this year I am in fact this year so I don't know why Ian asked and paid the dug on his back um I asked about Maddie Maddie is a werewolf oh okay yeah okay yeah yeah Maddie I gotcha girl maybe maybe Ian was he literally asked yeah yeah it could have been I think that he was just a mistake funny by being like Oh not asking for any reason because I I don't think Ian is gonna mess up that badly in the first round I know Space Buddies is a thing I know Ian has done weird tactics but I um but I also don't I don't think huh well look Ellen I know I crossed you before really sorry I know but I'm telling you sometimes I've been resurrected now as a different person reincarnated it's fine I don't have any memories of her this is either clutch clutch werewolfly from Liv or like very bold Seer play and I'm not sure which Maddie I mean yeah what do you have to say for yourself account for yourself yeah well it's not me like me no everyone says I think he's just covering for herself she's going in straight up early just just laying the groundwork is anyone else claiming to be this this year is anyone else claiming to do this here either live is telling the truth and is the C huh and then Ian may have been the Healer um Ian was the CIA and Liv is lying and we don't know who the healer is but the Healer might have protected themselves yeah the question the question here is is live telling the truth or not and if um if she is then we have to we have to go if you kill if you kill Maddie and then it's not Maddie then you could just kill me it's pretty yeah you have another night to kill people great but yeah but we've still got it we've got villages to burn baby uh yeah let's look at this Maddie then he's been accused of the sickening crime where we enjoy dying everyone put your hands in the air if you believe Maddie is a werewolf and wish to burn her live straight up wow okay you always put your hand up for yourself narrowly a narrow majority wow I mean Maddie there are so many hands grabbing you and dragging you over to the stake binding you to the to the move controller come on on everyone with it enormous now these now these dual shocks are wirelessly trying to use the court anymore we're looking for a restaurant in Germany and I did threaten to eat Maddie I can't remember past results are no indicator of future performance I am slightly worried that if we burn Maddie we don't get the uh the HD re-release of horizon zero Dawn that everyone has been clamoring for because now that game looks nice yeah I think we all agree it is the most vital release that can possibly be on so you're saying that I'm doing that wow yeah you're the most talented programmer in town and now we're gonna burn you it's a shame it's true you can vote for it if that makes a diff it will never happen because as the flames in golf poor Maddie your stand and watch and for a moment you think oh no what have we done but then oh oh a terrific howl right through the air as Maddie the werewolf is consumed but she's such a good programmer yeah I hope that's how you remember me oh yeah we'll see I would love that okay it's night time again I think maybe there was only one werewolf this time who knows maybe maybe you're safe maybe you're safe mute your mics close your eyes folks werewolf please indicate who you would like to savagely brutally kill with your powerful werewolf Jaws and your strong werewolf arms and claws whose bones will you be stamping on with your strong werewolf feet werewolf please close your eyes see ya please open your eyes Sia who would you like to investigate tonight see you please close your eyes healer please open your eyes healer who would you like to heal tonight healer please close your eyes everyone open your eyes and unmute [Music] you all rush out of your houses you look to each other what a good sleep I had a great idea for a metal gear yeah [Laughter] uh you all look around at each other to find out which of you is missing and with a start you will realize no one is missing every villager is here there has not been a killing this night the gods be praised nice good job healer whoever ye be it's all timing right yeah are we assuming that what happened was that the Healer healed live and live is the Seer because wait yeah yeah that's that's yeah that makes sense yeah so I am and to see how it's correctly identified a werewolf so yeah live do you did you who did you look into last night and are they the one getting the Intel I looked into you Mike and you are the mic I was 100 convinced it was Ellen I can say it now I'm the Healer you're welcome right okay he was so quiet as opposed to normal that I was like there's some there's something going on with Ellen I I was playing diminished odds both times I was like I I need to that hasn't been announced yet it's fine drag him to the fire I'm wearing an apron and a chef's hat Mikey Inferno Mike is happily describing all of his werewolf sins uh yeah Mike is um yeah the the Flames go up and like just goes it's a fair cop yeah as yeah the Flames consume him and his werewolf form is revealed well done villagers what a slam dunk that was so excellent appearing yeah it was not blind luck it was popular still can I just say the juiciest I never ever want to play werewolf again without Ian in the mix because that that like that would have been so much more straightforward if I could have just been able to say I'm the Seer and I found a werewolf but the fact that like there was that notice of uncertainty because terrible mistake though yeah he did it was a glorious mistake I was like he he's not I was like he's not I said my favorite thing was that first round people going oh man he was really stupid for not protecting in I'm like [Laughter] this round let's ditch the Healer and let's have a hunter instead oh mix things up a little okay right well Talk Amongst yourselves and I'll reassign the roles normally apologize because I'm so sorry when I was a steer the first fast moment for you is you I'm pretty sure trust within the dice breaker oh yeah I just want to clear each other's name straight away you know so Ellen you protected live in that last round yeah because if I was if I were the werewolf I would have been like they're definitely going to protect live so I'll go for someone else yes and that's why I knew it was Mike even before lives yeah I I had to because I could have killed someone else but I'm like this isn't gonna help me because the sea is probably gonna you know I basically just had to play the odds and that was the only way I could play yeah I'm out I'm outnumbered basically quite quite a long time between going for you and and Johnny and yeah in the first round then you're like okay that's bad for you if you kill the Healer does their heel still go through Yeah question um I seem so yeah like they've healed but like you know they're walking back from helping them walking back into the forest to get more yeah they've got like they're like oh cool I think yeah yeah that's the horrible thing about the he lives the Healer heals you they feed you a whole pine cone while you're asleep yeah and they don't even turn it around so the barbs are going like that end first yeah yeah no no oh okay oh no I mean it goes in the button um I was really distracted paying attention to random.org and it's great service there and I only came in on no it's the butt end so it seems like you Rowdy folks all need some senseless werewolf Slaughter in your lives oh yeah okay it is a generation later um the the the town of of Praise porth ps5s have been are all but forgotten instead you have taken all the ps5s you had built and transformed them into a huge wall fortification around the town um strict strict measures are in place to ensure that that no visitors from the outside from like and Shear which has just expanded and expanded expanded as the great stadia service picks up more and more third-party support um but I mean but what can you do you're you're starving here in isolationists Praise poorth there must be yeah there must be something you can do you people don't appreciate our artisanal handmade wooden ps5s anymore look we just have to hang in there until the PS Vita 2 Electric Boogaloo launches I've got a great idea we give a hundred billion dollars to hideo kijima I'm down for that yeah another 100 billion well it'll be good this time yeah he used the first one up on a concept game where you're an owl or something no where the werewolf Menace continues to uh to to beleaga poor praise poorth uh and indeed now there is a still always a risk always a risk you find them you burn them where you can but you can never none of you can rest easy and you never have your whole lives um but hey look it's daytime there's you know a PS5 defensive wall to be maintained um there's r d to be done on the PS Vita 2 yeah maybe it'll be the thing that saves this town brings in the income you need to squash the werewolf menus once and for all but who knows because like and share they just back Bethesda oh no I know what you're thinking Microsoft owns it they bought Microsoft oh like and share Microsoft all right um if anyone wants to do any daytime discussion uh or accusational role revealing you may otherwise you know yeah hands up if you're a werewolf oh great there are no werewolves that's terrific I am better good looking villager yeah I'm just ahead I'm just a hairy villager yes yes so maybe the most Pursuit among us but that's because I've got a beard not because I'm a now werewolf come over here and help me with this Killzone sequel It's Not Gonna program itself bad idea for the Hunter I think this early on early on again can confirm [Laughter] ly might get the werewolves pause if you're like well I hope no one comes everyone yes well done because they'd be like I hope no one comes after me because this crossbow's got a real sensitive trigger yeah [Music] that is true uh okay well Johnny seemed to want the hunter to reveal themselves just saying I was just joking mechanic okay yeah yeah Mike is Mike is weaving his web yeah this is the kind of you're gonna kill the hunter you'd want to do it early right when like there's less ideas there's more a meat Shield yeah well yeah I guarantee it like that might the hunter could in theory win the game for the werewolves by shooting one person yeah right yeah I mean I I to be honest with you I was talking about that Hunter because I think it's a great role and I'm sad that I'm not it because I'm just a villager okay sure go on to crossbow this is the this is the suspicion and fear that saturates everyday life for the praise both as of late and as you all creep off to your beds lock your doors by your windows microwave some fish my goodness um yeah there is only doubt and fear in your hearts none of you have felt the warming Touch of Love or companionship or friendship oh okay I have a single life that's right this round you're all canonically extremely sexy [Laughter] tomorrow I start a speed digging service okay just running away from werewolves if you make it you get to kiss the ultimate speed dating brilliant all right close your eyes folks it's night time now oh and mute your microphones also okay werewolves open your eyes Reveal Your identities to each other and to the audience werewolves who do you have a taste to kill tonight werewolves close your eyes SIA open your eyes Sia who would you like to investigate tonight foreign everyone open your eyes [Music] and unmute your microphones oh yeah hi hello good morning well it seems like the sun doesn't really shine in Praise poorth anymore it certainly doesn't shine in any of your hearts you're also desperately sad and lonely all of you are afflicted with this deep sense of Melancholia except for one of you Johnny because they have been sprayed liberally across the walls of the PS5 fortifications of Johnny everywhere it's all over the statue of Jim Ryan [Laughter] who's going to who's going to install the games on the umds individually now that was Johnny's job they would hand carve them in with a delightful tool that wasn't Ian he was the delightful too cannot deny um all right the information we know is that we must still hat because Johnny said they were a villager so we know we've still gotta see him we still got our hunts person I'm not from those things there's not a Healer anymore but the means that they're definitely not the hunter something else so uh okay okay would anyone like to reveal any Seer info or yeah did they see anything it's only useful information it's either Johnny or understandably because it's still quite early they they don't want to yeah I guess I still yeah you're right unless Johnny was the Sierra and didn't want to say anything because there's no healer now so yeah the only reason I came forward before was because there was Sheila and because I had the info so maybe they didn't find anything yeah that's still that's still useful info though if you found out that someone isn't a werewolf yeah so maybe it could be Johnny was this could be there with us here the trust has gone out of Praise poorth entirely you have this conversation stood at a large distance from each other [Music] sneak up on you that's right and you will we have this conversation virtually using PlayStation via using PlayStation home you will meet up ones [Laughter] you uh back into your homes suspiciously because it sounds like there are no accusations and it's about time for night to fall again everybody mute everybody close your eyes and that's right close your eyes closing closing closing closing closing close and close them good good good werewolves open your eyes werewolves who would you like to kill tonight werewolves close your eyes see it open your eyes Sia who would you like to investigate tonight see you close your eyes day break [Music] the light filters through the clouds as you all unmute your microphones and creep suspiciously from your homes you've all got old tiny dressing gowns and those little candles yeah that's right creep out you look around who's not here extremely white screen on a PS Vita yeah it's a way of life it looks like maybe everyone survived the last oh no wait Ian's dead no sweet to Ian I'm describing umds in heaven I just keep killing the most beautiful one first they're just jealous just jealous Ian's poor torso has been rent asunder don't happen to have a crossbow on you do you Ian don't fancy shooting someone with a couple no no all right well well okay okay I think it wasn't Ian that we can assume okay the hunter the hunter the hunter lives yet we know this you've got villagers you have to bag a werewolf tonight why don't seeing well I suppose not I suppose it depends what uh if hypothetically you don't because the hunter could change things yeah yeah well uh so is it is the if the hunter reveals himself now is that a good time to dance I don't think there's ever a good time for the hunter to reveal themselves because the werewolf just won't kill them um because they they know there's the chance well I guess they could they could hope that they shoot someone else yeah there's like not an obvious Target that I think um pick off another villager um okay we need to yeah we need to start eliminating suspects yeah we have to kill someone to die I think yeah um okay do we think this here is dead do we think that I mean they're not revealing any info so yeah yeah I feel like they would at this point at least to let us narrow the choices down that would be helpful um okay they go let's see it right okay I love that for us fantastic okay are you Ellen you're being very quiet you got anything to add to this conversation I just don't understand why Mike keeps going we should have the hunter to say who they are I I mean I'm saying it because I don't know if it will help but I know we've got nothing to do nothing to go on at the moment at least it means that someone's alive I guess I don't even know if that's better I don't know if it's better to kill a werewolf for or for the for the hunters the thing is if you're if you're a villager you don't want to know who the hunter is because then you'll be a Target because they won't want to go after the Hunter and if you're a werewolf you want to know who the hunter is so that you don't kill them so if you're a villager interesting phrase okay [Music] who don't you think is a villager you Mike sorry oh well I think it's Ellen then I mean that's fair I I it's a challenge you know I I understand the retaliation I'm just I'm a I'm a regular villager I'm not the Hunts person um if uh if I was the Hunts person I probably would have revealed it by now just for chaos mode um so uh my gut feeling is that Ellen is one of the werewolves and we need to get rid of werewolf and I've got no other evidence other than that because you need to get out rid of a werewolf you're accusing uh yeah okay yeah why not all right well well I in return accused Mike that's why yeah I think Ellen did get the accusation in there first so I'm going to say if you want to burn Mike as a werewolf raise your hand keep an eye on those votes okay I'm gonna stick by my choice okay sorry what are you doing what are you all basing that on no I don't know I'm thinking about it yeah he's talking a lot and I know he didn't talk much in the first track because he's dead I don't think I haven't seen anything that points towards my but the way I look because in the way if Ellen has been trying to push everyone towards Mike I think is quite so no no no no no no I'm just you asked me what I thought and I said Andy I said you'd been very quiet okay Mike made the acquisition against Ellen we'll get through these in order if you think Ellen is a werewolf raise your hand wait I'm just stretching I don't we've got it we've got to get a werewolf we've gotta get away I think let's give it a crack and you know you can kill me tomorrow if it's if it's not if then you can point at the suspicions if it's I mean yeah if it's not Ellen tonight you can point the suspicion at Mike and I tomorrow it's not gonna be a game-winning situation but we need to get someone out and Ellen has been supersus this round right now I am not seeing a majority vote I'm Gonna Leave it I'm oh wait I'm leaving it see we're not going to kill anyone and we're not going to kill anyone we're going to lose we have to do something we're going through I thought we had the options there was a majority vote to kill Mike it was originally no they lowered their hands halfway through that wasn't the final that wasn't the final vote all right let's do it okay let's do the vote again okay so accusation of me first hands up who thinks is me [Music] I'm taking it back because I was like you're talking a lot and I realized you didn't talk in the first round because you were dead so I actually have nothing to face it on how you do that so I tell you about actually interesting I mean I think the other werewolf is not now sticking up for there okay anyway that's fine uh uh hands up who wants to to um kill that we gotta kill a werewolf we've got it right internet just cut out oh we don't do it we are voting whether we're voting on Ellen now vote to give you what hand up if you want to kill Ellie okay all right fine let's go throughout something okay Ellen you are dragged into the Town Square you are secured fast with usb chargers for dual sensors you know the one that weirdly is the only thing that charges it yeah it doesn't seem to make much sense but whatever you're tied to the move pyre and the flames ignites it and all of you stand the Flames flickering in your wide eyes as you watch Ellen Byrne and what sound do they hear Ellen okay well done okay fall for it all right you've ided a werewolf congrats uh villagers but you suspect your ancestors would have been happy at this point but again all hope and love and happiness has gone from your bleak and so all you can do is crawl back to bed and hope you live to see that it's really living [Laughter] all right everyone close your eyes kind of glad I'm dead now mute those mics close those eyes wait werewolf open your eyes werewolf who do you want to kill where we'll close your eyes SIA open your eyes see her close your eyes Daybreak [Music] Dawn is just breaking the birds who are still brave enough to hang around near this werewolf infested hell hole are nervously tweeting a little song and it goes like this hey Carrie and birds Among Us and as the rest of you see all of the birds of the Town feasting my good coat what remains of shredded Andy any hunting going on [Music] who have we got left is it it's just me live Maddie Mike yeah yeah serious so as I already said and I think I've been proven right with the Ellen thing I'm just a villager so I'm not the Hunts person we've not had a crossbow go off so okay one of you is the Hunts person one person's werewolf right yeah yeah that makes sense which one is the Hunts well uh no wait wait no wait wait a minute done it's a very werewolf you move move right there because like I I mean I'm I'm a little Dumbo and you could you just convinced me to say yes I'm either the werewolf or the Hunts person wait yes but you know what isn't it werewolf you move killing Ellen the werewolf and voting hard and pushing confirm in the werewolf who was a werewolf to be killed that is the least werewolf you move I feel like I'm Vindicated Andy's been bumped off um so tell me who's the hunter I'm the hunter I feel like I can come out and say it now because we're like at this point I've been trying to because I was like someone will just go for me and I don't want to say it until like I have no I don't know no of course of course it is you you you voted to kill Mike initially you were fit you were you were in there you're like I'm gonna kill mine because I was like oh he's talking a lot before he didn't and I realized that he was he was dead the first round yeah so I had nothing to base it on yeah of course but of course that's what you would say you also voted for him didn't you eventually yeah because I was like susceptible to be a precious thing but you've been backed onto a corner I think it is I mean as of you yeah I'm terribly sorry bro I think [Laughter] hands up if you think it's live unbelievable well done Maddie thank you I'm a great hunter Liv yeah thank you I'm a great hunter Maddie we'll see we'll see who wants a werewolf Hunter we will see live is dragged to the Village Square tied up Flames the accurate smoke fills the sky and an eerie uncanny sound [Laughter] well done well done Villages um sorry Maddie I I have to I had to come on just I really enjoyed that emotional rollercoaster live especially when you were trying to figure out whether you should or shouldn't vote for Ellen I was like just do it sorry just do it yourself close you had like you had three votes for Mike at one point yeah I I really regretted I wanted to come in saying that I was the Seer but I left it slightly too long and I was like missed it I've missed the boat I could have I could have been like yes yes I did have that moment just before the accident was like if I'm wrong about this I am out of here what was interesting was the night that you elected to kill Ian Ian being the Seer investigated Ellen and found yeah she was a werewolf I I had the worst see a play because the first round I chose you to investigate Johnny yeah you got killed and then yeah so that's why we had no help from The Seer I didn't want to say straight away because yeah yeah I would have given myself away and Johnny was killed anyway yeah so and then I got out of a valuable clue but also my head ripped off [Music] where's the Hara specs when you need him it'd be nice to see the hunter do their hunt thing if we can oh it's getting ready to shoot someone but yeah to alive not much of a hunter if you can only shoot things as you die yeah I just need I like need the pressure to push me into doing it because I'm really scared of doing it you know oh he's gonna hunt some deer hunt some deer for the village I'll do it when I die your whole life to my throat quick rules notification I just want to uh play this out so it didn't come up but had uh the group if in the end game we were just in with Mike live and Maddie if they decided to kill Maddie and Maddie had been burned and Maddie actually was the hunter yeah um if at that point have the werewolfs so if Maddie Maddie would still get the shot yeah yeah she could get a clutch wins live then the werewolves would not outnumber the villagers because that could be the only Survivor yes yes okay cool it'll be a very dramatic and fun ending but plenty of them to let me carry my crossbow on they didn't know to look hidden under her tongue a miniature crossbows the tiny bolt through it's a converted peripheral the that's just hidden in the fire Ah that's what I did with my aim controller yeah okay right a Welcome to the the round of werewolf uh I think it's a little I think's looking a little happier uh okay please um do we have Partners do we have friends family yeah you know what praise poorth uh you have the the PS5 wall now surrounds you on all sides you have ceased all aspirations of outside trade and become a war like werewolf slaying people it's all gone a bit Mad Max nice in here our E3 conference every year is very different do I at least get a girlfriend Ian has a girlfriend it goes to another Tower which is why we've never met them but true ever expanding like and share with their werewolf stadia has expanded and expanded and now surrounds you on all sides you are the last holdout on the entire continent against the like and cheer Empire perhaps because it was you who struck first the oldest most experienced fighting and isolating werewolves other towns um you know townships Villages hamlets they all fell quite quickly to the to the um to the to the advances of the werewolves and to the great low prices and incredible value offered by the stadium platform convenience the convenience is just incredible and there's the opportunity to for example be watching on YouTube and jump straight into the game and other features that like that that did materialize the ability to sort of not own the games that you own was that's what I liked exactly yeah and they've got that one great exclusive but you're here in Praise porth You are it is daytime you're gathered around a statue of Mark Cerny which is being unveiled today Knack three is a kind of slang term for salvation from werewolves yeah of course um snack three right it's daytime if anyone wants to do any you know role revealing anything like that go go for it I'm too busy finalizing the UI for Saints Row 15. looking good no it isn't it's an easy job yeah I do a role reveal by which I mean I do a cool roll revealing that your problems all the way around that's really cool I do a backwards roll as well oh oh it's showing off now yeah we didn't work out that there was any strategic advantage to revealing anything at this point did we it seems like a Fool's errand just you know yeah I think it's about quiet these Playstation moves I say did I reveal that I had a girlfriend by the way now you've revealed texting it's just shouting yeah next to someone loudly shouting sex over water or microwaving fish every night he showed us all the picture it was clearly a screenshot of Eloy from Horizon zero but we're all too polite to say anything yeah and it's so low res because we never got back yeah she is gonna visit just uh in like March 2023 and then he'll be pushed out yeah peeks Over the Horizon even Ian is too wary of werewolves to stay out by the by the walls loudly loudly sexy and you all Retreat into your dingy hovels good night my love aubergine Emoji splashy water Emoji oh dear [Laughter] comes back the cry from what well I mean maybe because about the trial maybe Ian puts on a voice I'm not sure right mute up eyes closed nighttime nighttime that is except for the werewolves who will now open their eyes and reveal themselves to each other and to the audience werewolves who would you like to kill werewolves close your eyes SIA open your eyes see who would you like to investigate tonight see it close your eyes everyone open your eyes and unmute for it is morning and what's this at the edge of the Town wall I guess someone couldn't leave their beloved alone left themselves vulnerable oh no because it's a tragic story Romeo is in pieces torna torn apart the bloodied remains of Ian are at the foot of the wall listen of the town this is unbelievable I have to let Ian play the game you're not giving me a very good first impression it's just a plaintiff cry coming over the world Peach Emoji Villages as you look at the corpse of Ian you notice that clutch tightly in his hand is a crossbow there is no bolt Ian in your final moments who did you fire that crossbow at well luckily I had a sharpened move controller loaded and ready to fly and uh uh yeah it ricocheted off a couple of walls and struck [Music] um Maddie in the back of the head I was the one that just said I announced your death I was the only good skill emoji wait what The Vault struck Maddie in the back of the head she fell down this is the scene that the rest of you find blood is pooling around untransformed corpse Madison alright so we definitely have to kill someone now otherwise yeah this is the worst anyone's ever played werewolf we needed to invite someone who could bring a bit of Chaos have you ever grateful for random.org find work they do over there okay well all right what what did you say Mike I said now what is that is the CEO still alive or did we just as well Ian's only game for the werewolves brilliant Billy team werewolf it was in yeah oh my God your girlfriend turned you we should have been listening like Peach Emoji Peach Emoji wolf Emoji thumbs up that's my activation phrase Ian it's very clearly a wolf in lipstick she's got big eyelashes we've got to kill someone at random yeah we're in a lot of trouble at random we've got to kill someone at random it's not around them I'm stepping forward I'm the Seer hello it's me again yeah and I investigated Andy and Andy is clear we we are both not werewolves and I think that that's that's you know there's just a little help so the three of you Mike Ellen and Johnny unless you notice here you're a werewolf and Andy's a werewolf well I know that I'm not a werewolf so now I'm now in clay because I was like oh here we go she's gonna say Andy's the werewolf and then I'll for sure I think it's mine you you text a full moon emoji to to me and we'll see how that plays that you're so sure well you put your money where your mouth is well it's not me I'm Andy's Andy's react I'm just I'm just saying from my okay all right it's not me okay Andy's reactions seem genuine I could see him being like all right oh I believe anything um Johnny if it's you know if he it could be me like it's we are at odds with each other in in terms of who we think is the other werewolf so but but we both that leaves Mike then so we all have to kill Mike what how does that work well Andy believes Liv I believe the two of them therefore in my opinion it's Mike or it's Michael Mike and Johnny from my perspective okay so we're basing this entirely on Ellen thinks that Andy's well the thing is it's me versus Johnny we're pointing each other but the only other person that it could be as the second werewolf is you I accuse myself but how did it become you versus Johnny because you haven't started talking before you because I started talking again Johnny was like uh I mean I'm going to die well it's me versus Johnny because Johnny's not gonna pick on you because he's also a werewolf so I think I think it's Andy and Liv I think that it's the The Seer I think the Seer was killed I think it was probably Maddie and then Liv and Andy are basically protecting each other and if you kill me your your even numbers and the game is over okay I wasn't I wasn't sure about Mike until he started trying to well yeah okay made the accusation let's see who goes through it I did it hands up if you think you did it oh my God hands up if you want to burn Mike okay wow across the board Johnny live Andy and Ellen have all voted to kill Mike and that's exactly what you do just when you thought this day couldn't get any bloodier you drag Mike Kicking and Screaming into the Town Square and you burn him at the fire unbelievable and I have to say but when you burn him horrible transformation that could have gone bad Villages you're still in this thing but only Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny telling the other is Johnny you're all tuckered out uh to all tuck it out from burning Mike to possibly countenance burning someone else okay oh it's been lovely knowing all of you goodbye everyone murdered bye bye okay mute eyes closed werewolf open your eyes werewolf close your eyes see ya open your eyes see her close your eyes everyone open your eyes [Music] when you all went to bed last night none of you knew if you would be opening your eyes again particularly not live I imagine oh I realized when I went to bed I was like Oh I thought I was gonna die but leave it so possible being aware of I must kill thought Ellen it's coming down to a deciding vote for Andy again isn't it because I'm going to accuse Ellen of of throwing Mike onto the pyre Ellen's gonna accuse me of throwing Mike onto the pyre Liv's dead so but we don't ever see her no but we wanted to throw Mike onto the park because he was a werewolf yeah but as no as in like I'm gonna accuse Alan of being a werewolf and sacrificing Mike to stay alive Ellen's going to accuse me of doing the same I set up I said okay Johnny I and so I believed Liv and Andy which has provenly like live is obviously was the Seer I believed the same thing yeah and then you accused me and I was like well the thing is if we both excuse you well like you were like I said we narrowed it we narrowed it down too well I no it's the three of us I know I'm not aware I said well in mind so I said I suspected you you said you suspected me so the only thing for us to do was to go after Mike right we're both singing from the same song I said it was for for my view I'm innocent and it's going to be you or Mike well yeah because from my view I'm innocent and you're aware bit of a leap please don't take my words out of context um and so you so I said try it I'll try to leave Helen I forced your hand because I was like well we're both accusing each other so we're not the werewolves because we obviously think that we're yeah we're both we're both saying the same thing we're just and so I was like well let's just kill Mike yeah no I proposed it I'm already married yeah well I'm taught in this game released holds up picture of Eloy from Horizon [Laughter] multiplayer Emoji question mark but this is what I'm saying is that from my perspective you're a werewolf and therefore we should kill you from your perspective I'm a werewolf and therefore we should kill me so it's just gonna come down to a deciding vote friendly again this is where we are that's what I mean that's what I've been trying to say well I'm just saying the last time well I shouldn't say because it was the last it was a different round completely with different hand but I have been in this situation before and if I die again right the end will be kind of mad uh I'll be quite mad as well if I die write the eggs I don't want to die I I feel like in the last rounds Ellen was very quick to believe that Liv and I were telling the truth uh she was trying to bring other people around to that way of thinking uh whereas I don't think you were as keen on that Johnny I just went second um yeah but also I don't feel like I don't know I feel like I cannot remember the actual order all I know was thinking in my head while it's Mike and Johnny then I cannot remember the order in which things were set so carry on Andy I just yeah stop interrupting me Eleanor I think it yeah I think Ellen wouldn't have been so behind like you saw what Mike did which was to try and say well Andy live at the werewolves and they're working in cahoots which is sort of werewolf reaction to it I don't think Ellen would have been like I think Andy and liver telling the truth uh so I'm leading I'm leaning towards Johnny unless you have any extenuating circumstances no extra evidence also believe the two of you believed that it was Ellen and Mike it's it's six of one and half a dozen of the other so what's that all right so Ellen you're accusing Johnny Johnny you're using Ellen Andy I think you have the deciding vote Eleanor Johnny who's getting burned I got says Johnny and it is Johnny who you dragged to the pyre it is Johnny who goes up in flames smoke starts pouring out of Johnny's eye sockets ice cream fire Emoji wolf emoji oh nice but towards Johnny they were indeed the werewolf well done Villages well done pulling that one back and speak Mr Wolf man yeah that was rough that was good um yeah despite Ian's best efforts we it was such a gift I loved it that was brilliant sorry Ian that you barely got it yes I managed to mess it up for everyone in Revenge it was so funny it was so good well done all of you for playing such great rounds of werewolf well well done you were all terrific werewolves terrific villagers good job and a great boyfriend and and in the end a very devoted boyfriend to her werewolf hey Loy Halo Halo I'm a little confused thanks for watching everyone definitely definitely if you like this and you haven't already go and find Johnny over at youtube.com Johnny ciardini uh there are links to all these in the in the in the description go find Maddie and Liv over at dice breaker and go find Ian at Eurogamer and yeah thanks everyone for joining this hallow stream werewolf event all right let's all do a big howl three two one G [Laughter] guess what the Icebreaker is releasing a brand new 5th edition d d show called story Breakers story Breakers features the entirety of the dice breaker team playing in an ongoing Adventure where we're journalists in a world we would describe as Hot Fuzz meets The IT Crowd meets science fantasy but with all the same rules as your favorite d d actual play show you can check out the trailer right now on youtube.com forward slash dice breaker but you can also just tune in on the 4th of November at 6 PM GMT and every Friday after that for this ongoing DND series we hope to see you there foreign [Music] thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 114,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, luke westaway, ellen rose, olivia kennedy, maddie cullen, ian higton, werewolf, social, deduction, game, tabletop, live, group, crossover, stream, hallowstream, 2022
Id: yIjlNlmgJEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 1sec (5941 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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