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heidi everyone my name's mr fruit and welcome back to more among us here we go here comes the sun here comes the sun in the sea [Music] [Music] shark just see him out bro don't guess i'm kind of stuck [Music] um guys uh i'm just doing it pulling the trigger gonna hide up here they'll never know um don't i could have maybe i was just out of his sight um yeah don't know how i didn't see that seriously what someone's dead already bruh yeah dork why did you just report that dork why'd you just kill him i just came across a body dork little did you know little did you know all seven of us are in a group so it has to be oh it's me self report do it you wouldn't throw would you so now i know it's not dork no it really could be for real because here's here's what's weird okay let me tell you it's weird i'm running along so i was i was stuck afk for a while i'm running along i find the body i did not immediately report it i stood i was there for like a second because i was like oh [ __ ] because i was literally in the middle of just letting people know what i might be doing tonight i wasn't even in recording mode so i sit there for a second i'm like well [ __ ] now i got to get into the game and all of a sudden dork reports it but i didn't even see dork wait wait i don't know it might have been it might have been a self-report he might have panicked were you telling people what is going to happen tonight with you and uh did it involve at any point pizza with sugar on top no yeah no pizza you're missing out so wait dork when you rolled up on this body om was just there yes at the last second where was the body it was i never saw a dork though well i mean the lights on or off were they going off i can't remember the lights were on i was uh doing the swiper card i went above the rock and then all of a sudden i saw like a report button and then i went down and i saw you like oh [ __ ] okay wait so where where's the body uh it was you didn't follow that oh i'll just skip then just no no i'm not voting for you dork no i'm not voting for you all right i still don't know where the where the body works uh yeah this would be a door in case this i'll actually follow dork i'll let him show me where it is show me where it is dork okay so he was saying it was right there it does check out it's by the rock it is right there i believe him i'd believe it okay so now i have to they saw me kind of coming over there so i need to kind of skirt skirt over here if i see anybody okay i do see crafty and here's the thing i don't think anyone else is around here oh boy okay well [Music] it was me it was me it was me someone boogie did it it was b-o-o um he just ran away from the body it sounds like b-u-l-l what no you i just saw you run away from the body i walked up blue is dead on the floor and you were running away i saw a bo in the corner you did it i'm voting what are you doing i'm on i'm on the scanner like 80 times today how can i be an imposter yet again i'm on scanner i'm on maybe oh no it just happens you you have european powers you don't really have a very good alibi how did you just casually walk away from the body when there's no vents in there what do you mean cassie walk away from i'm on med-based county i'm running to my base camp yeah you're the only one that was in there i looked there and where are you you just killed blue and where where's the body um the place right next to med bay on the left yeah that's where i am yeah i know because you just killed the body i didn't kill a buddy i'm going to med base cam what the [ __ ] all right i know how to figure this out i i do have 180 let me let me uh let me mediate here okay we're at a town hall uh i've muted your mics we'll have you talk one at a time faye never played with you before so i don't know your towels so i need you i need you to tell me this are you telling the truth yeah i'm telling the truth all right yeah that's pretty solid that's how that's hey that's how diplomacy works dude all right one person gets to talk and the other one's screwed so you're done if i happen to be wrong what if what if it's horrifying fruit please skip let's not throw we're on seven yeah welcome to the north american meta baby [Music] north american vetta that's what the europeans get man i am so boned i had to go in on him i didn't really see it's like nobody knows faye or at least i don't and so i wasn't about to be i i didn't know how to take it plus he was me he's like yeah i was walking walking what do you mean i didn't uh so i was like but did you screw this man i ain't helping him i'm throwing them under the bus and i thought maybe with my little shenanigans it would work um but hard to say now i have to hope i can find some butter i'm gonna go fix the lines oh nice great work shark that's my guy my man jorge is walking that way all right here's what i'm gonna do she thinks that i'm gonna be running to the right because that's what i should be doing had oh i should have taken a bit there had i gone that way i would have taken that now see i'm kind of hoping that shark just kind of stays around here where did that rasco go what the heck where did it come from where'd it go where'd it come from cotton audio okay i was thinking about it but then shark shut up out of nowhere um screw it i'll take the shot i'm stuck on freaking terrain screw me all right i was peeping at cams now i'm running over oh that's what i just saw walking away from this area i just want to say i don't think it's home wrecker or mr fruit because they could have killed me very nice i don't kill my diplomatic uh ambassadors i hold on dork and don i saw horror faye walk in from this area even if you kill me i can still do tasks so that's my only alibi like i didn't even know there was a body there hey i ain't voting for her because she defended me and no one does that so yeah but it could be you and her it could be even if you choose to vote me i can still do my tasks so do with you kings but didn't but only one person died right i don't i'm convinced it was boogie i mean that could be on the studs list i was scared of home and then dawn well dork didn't kill me dork i know where you i know you desperately want to be suss but don where are you i was alone in a room with om and he didn't kill me so yeah just like proof true true don where are you done done you gotta say the full name for it to work i think don dick oh hey am i playing am i playing phobia it's a luigi adult so the only thing that i saw that was weird is that i was i came up from um what is it called the bottom thing where you do the fossils and then i went up and then i saw a dork shadow just kind of like standing there not really doing anything and then i went to the bathroom and did the wires and i came back and brooke was still standing there and then the report button came out the body was called oh damn it fruit i know it's you or or done me i it might actually be dork but i don't know but there's no way i think oh i think we're screwed i think it was boogie dude i'm telling you oh fudge i don't know i'm gonna do this man i have to somehow so who do i have to kill i need to keep dork alive i need to kill um oh my suss me which is a little weird and if i can get rid of him then maybe there's hope i don't know but if not i don't know tasks we're getting pretty close to all in all i have to figure out where the fudge he is i'm going to go to admin and it's my only hope i'm looking someone's lab someone's calms someone was electrical i'm not gonna follow horror because that'll just look bad on me okay i'm gonna go that way i saw him going that way now i want to kill the dude in cams it's going to look a little weird okay so we did get one i told you i didn't kill anyone okay i saw faye go into specimen room where's the body let's let's let's hold on for a sec dork where are you camping the ship because i'm done with my tests camping the ship yeah and okay for you can place fae in specimen yeah so if the kill is right the body is all the way in the camera room and i saw the cam's on so i'm like oh i should go check to see if they're alive they're dead okay it's got to be dork then that's what i'm saying i'm comfortable voting if you're vouching for her is there any chance she could have come all no way i saw her go into the airlock well i was a admin i don't think there's any way no there would have been a story he saw me it's dork dork what the hell this is like such a long gun [Music] door can't be alone for a little bit in an airlock i'm surprised if they kill me if this that sounds like dork oh god [Laughter] better go get the better go get the reactor whoa we gotta go do the beeping of the popping wow whoa i'm gonna go help her browse the button come on let's go do it it could be outbreaker who really does let's hurry hey why are you running away hey don't be weird come on don't don't be weird about it come on come on no stop no don't you're not gonna do the stable come on you're gonna you're gonna die to radiation or a bomb like come on nobody wants that it's not good yo do i straight up run faster what's up with that i'm running faster i swear to god i'm just gonna i'm gonna let it get down to one second yeah sorry boogie i had to just go right in on you you son of a [ __ ] i didn't do anything wow i got fragged out dude welcome to my life every [ __ ] game yeah i i don't know how i'm gonna get you out of this so i'm just gonna pin you and then we went from there god i love it i'm crewmate isn't that much so much freaking fun don't you dare stack kill me get the shark dawn went on late shark shady dawn crafty ft shark shark and shady wait why would shady fake that are you are you are you r really no they're going to get away with that it's really crappy the worst part too is they're not going to find our bodies for a while wow wow i mean i'll give it to him well play that's what i get for trying to like make sure no one gets to kill i take my time and everyone else leaves me and then they just bro i wouldn't even have the balls to pull that off i applaud them like i would be like i'd be paranoid like this is it but they did it i will say shark is shark if you ever want to look for double kill get shark is your imposter like he's always looking for he's like let's do it so i respect it crafty's probably just killed so many sharks like this is my cue huh and what are you gonna do okay uh okay so we have to vote yeah [Laughter] i have very very high suspicions on one person i think it's anyone but dork i also think it's anyone but i saw i saw bryce's legs in finals wait what you saw my legs in vitals in the admin area yeah bryce why were you there um because i did the specimen task and then i was doing the two admin tests i only had one in med bay so i went that way and looped around because when you went down to specimen i went to go check for you and you weren't there i saw you go down and i had to ch wait when was he when was he in office okay uh so shark and crafty why did you do it wait what do you mean dude not a boy um because we're blood thirsty just kidding it's not me good enough for me yeah but bryce why did you do it uh i didn't i'm an innocent angel hence the halo hey i don't have a halo but so what shark and crafty what were you guys doing this round and t where was the body uh so it's very dark oh my god tell us where it is you could not see it i know it's like below the ship between the ship and like where you fill up the gas tank at it's right hand interesting i haven't walked around a bit who stayed at the ship really quickly i don't think it's t because they went right side with me to start off i think all the kills happened left side that's why it took so long to find it so that's why i think it's crafty and shark i'm gonna vote shark wait what well we have seconds let's go and i hope i don't regret it sorry boy i'm wearing sharks i know bryce literally just unlocked his third eye or something that was shame he pulled out his shot and gone i was like oh my god seriously i was so angry i went to click report because you died oh yeah oh hello hello hello do you just want to vote another person up to yeah if we just lose yes because we could have been wrong that's yeah you're not wrong one way or the other we're about to either win or lose all right dork yes who do you think it is i don't know dork thinks it's dork that's not helpful let's try something hey who are you leaning towards uh i mean it's the only person i saw when the lights were out because we like i saw little pink feetsies was dork on the right side but i don't know i don't know if they would have killed the person below like the ship i really don't know i'm not really suspected of anybody i don't have any [ __ ] information but this round is [ __ ] weird it's yeah it's just it's lefty who do you think it is or crafty dude i have no cells on anyone except for bryce and that's only based on ohm saying that he was an admin you know we could we could no i didn't say he was an admin i went to go check to see he's already an angel didn't you literally say he was an admin no somebody else said he was an admin york you saw bryce in admin not this round last round well it's right by him so i went to go check on bryson's specimen and he wasn't it was just the one through ten home is that possible guys would you feel better he voted for you oh my god sure no so it's either omni is big braining us i'm gonna vote fine i will vote t but i bryce i have such strong suspicions on you and i'm going against my good voting team but didn't you just say because he asked me to or i guess because he said it would be okay if i did wait wait wait wait i won't feel bad i voted didn't you just say no i said crafty oh [ __ ] well you could try to tie it then or vote somebody crafty you want to vote home what what bryce i literally just saved your life so f dude no see what you've done you've got blood on your hands i'm still stuck it was okay i am not loved bro i don't feel bad so was it crafty oh i take it all back it's uh it's crafty and short i was like man they got it they got shark and now they're just it's just the wild west like i think it might be tea it's all i don't know and now they're gonna think that they voted off the right one right now i don't know yeah this is uh this is pretty far gone now i think yeah i mean i understand why you pressed the button but it just it screwed everything up hey man i just got back with icebreakers ice cubes peppermint gum yeah you did not help dortmund all right so i found home ah tea and crafty where are you guys bro this is definitely bryce for sure okay so it's crafty uh why wait why is it me um well realistically dork was not the killer i led the charge against the last group uh which means that we got the impostor out that time not dork because let's be honest it's never dork when there's kills happening dork doesn't kill i don't know if you've ever played with dork but he doesn't kill him i'm just saying what if this is the one time it could be the one time uh so it's one of you two i do know that um and i think it's crafty and i think i big brained it right at the beginning with the shark craft i'm sorry i'm sorry where was the body it's right at electric right the door okay well i i'm i'm not anywhere near electric okay uh t where are you i'm also at electric i know you're not electric i saw the report button flash but i was trying to see if i could find anybody before i reported it i think it's crafty i'm voting bryce dude don't do this to me dude so i'm i'm heading up towards the lab i have no way of verifying either of your information aside from christ being where he is because you're part of the body so bryce you could have self-reported if i'm lab how am i killing at electrical i was the guy i was the guy who got shark out i got shark out to begin with which means he was the impostor that's why we didn't lose on four it's got to be crafty we don't even know that he was the imposter bro but i know it's 100 percent what if i just vote for myself then that pastor will win by killing one of us i'd like to kill him it's not my fault if that's okay no no no no don't change who the blame is you do not let bryce do you know thank you i feel like i feel like i just threw up i don't know oh you broke my heart let's go oh yeah let's go baby let's [Music] i think shady was gonna report and i stopped [Music] oh hell yeah they got him nope [Music] foreign
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 892,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us trailer, among us gameplay, among us how to play, among us game, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us review, among us tutorial, among us impostor, among us guide, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us vs town of salem, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us with friends, among us toast, among us mr fruit, trouble in terrorist town, among us impostor gameplay, among us hacks, among us hacker, among us hackers, corpse
Id: qvNo7C4Qrj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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