Among Us but there's THREE detectives

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heidi ho everyone my name is mr fruit and welcome back to more among us all right it's time la la la ladies okay so i know om is good and now they can see that i'm good uh-huh so om is good i'm good and then if we see rob do it we're chilling bro yeah we're chilling boys okay so we saw shark come out what [Music] all right the shark came out is there any dead bodies around here no oh there's a lot of people jesus okay but rob and om are good that's what i know god which how do i get god you would have if the what the walls look like and then the things that aren't what is this i have to recreate the wait what oh that's what i was trying to do i was like the heck brother wait what [Music] i'm super papaya nailed it don't do it dork how do we uh if you do it just tell my family i love them yeah okay all right we're big chilling i need dead bodies i need that bodies oh a shark there's a body and shark's gonna try and pin it on me wait no there's just dome ohm shark and rob oh but i know om and robert chill i know my my boys be chill here i know we ain't got nothing to worry about let's all go in as long as we're all going we're safe okay i'm stuck with home which is fine come on now come on hit me with her oh dead body that's in the hallway right to your right because i was processing data and that takes a little bit i didn't see her in the hallway just saying probably the murder i didn't see the dead body but i did see her adjacent sounds suspicious data in the office you go to the computer and you say process data you click upload it's a folder okay here's here's what i know trader backwards through process of elimination i know me rob and om are all good so that leaves ab sonic data and danielle but danielle seems to know no one near the bottom robin home no i'm good why don't you you and home just found me like waiting for someone to do the danielle is the when we lost blue wait we lost i found dork by the way i did not find blue i found dork by the way so blue's body somewhere so it's between abstract daniel and foreign yeah all three of us are good so who are we voting danielle i'm gonna go daniel i guess i don't know i heard it and that was enough evidence for me idiots i literally described that is unfortunate i wasn't leaning towards danielle uh but oh oh it shows me what i need to get oh so i need uh b okay but if i'm an imposter though i'm gonna start killing the people that know everybody's innocent that would seem like the smartest idea right so that way we can't corroborate with everybody wait what just went down when that went on down here wait what i felt like that door just randomly open okay all right well i guess i need to do this is everything's about to melt down no one's doing anything oh that was my task oh whoops i thought the arrows yeah it's not boring all right this is my social please don't leak thanks all right so yeah ohm's chilling rob's chan i just mean a couple more dead bodies though and we have majority we can rule them out but i literally haven't seen anyone uh oh okay all right okay okay no no sammy you stop right there ab was in the reactor room while i was finishing the wire and you were the in the laboratory to the right and now ab is dead as i just got done finished in the wiring it has to be in the decontamination did you not just see me leave yeah and i was leaving as [ __ ] versus phil wait who did you see you're saying are you blaming me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait deep contaminator no [Music] enjoy it shark it's three of us why would three people be good hey shark watch this okay it's gotta be shut up and watch this yeah shark voted against you fruit there we go shark voted for fruit that's gotta be shark look i'm just gonna follow rob as long as i'm with rob they can't win because once we go to the next one or chill [Music] shark why did you vote for fruit because i really think what was this whole you're stupid you're stupid because fruit is framing his own partner for the wrong concept both witnessed that i am not an impostor no you are it's incriminating yourself all you're doing is incriminating myself i'm literally doing my job okay right over scary you're talking wait oh man scaring me i'm just trying to protect myself man i got a family where are you i don't i don't think it's you yeah we're not going to vote you off because it could be datto oh my god i mean i'm just squatting up with a boy and it doesn't mean dude i'm wandering i'm in the the [ __ ] admin room right now if you are a ghost make sure you finish your tasks i'm going to try and stay alive with my homie mr fruit yeah just chill i got one more test so we're going to we're going to hang tight how do we have this we'll prove shark that we don't just randomly vote yeah don't just rdm even though shark is it's still voted for you guys are literally throwing the game yeah like i don't want to do it because i know if we do it's going to be datto and i've got an emergency meeting so worst case there's not a body or something nothing's happening see all of us chill boys we just we're in it [Music] dude oh my god are you just serious we literally cannot now you're feeling like confidence that i'm the imposter because you won't let this go why literally okay we just let you we didn't vote you off you you're asking oh my god you let me live because i am the prime minister and the person who's the imposter is going to get away with it and be like oh my god it actually works then who is it yes immediately hey i've made it hey datto do you want to join fellow innocents and voting in for shark monster and if not i guess we'll know who it is when you phrase it that way we're voting [Laughter] you know it was over is it you shark come on it has to be you guys chores oh my god shark why i knew it it's daddo i got my emergency button oh fudge i we actually gotta do this wait this is big brain because we can't do it okay as long as if but if you kill someone we'll find a body and we can win that way too sauna's home comes with me we're gonna be okay rob might very well be dead oh okay well then that means i can go press the button he doesn't know hey yo where my crew mate homies at all right all right so shadow it's time to go i don't literally just disarm the reactor with rob he did yeah that's a very nice thing for a trader to do yeah unfortunately though through process of eliminating we literally you got real unlucky this round did i we all had med bay at the very beginning we all saw each other be innocent it's just it's rough and i figured you would try and do the reactor long con well yeah because i went to i went to press the button i was like that's big brain i can't press it anymore with the reaction right yeah but then he did it for us this button the emergency button well no what i'm saying is he tried to sway me into the like him finishing the reactor with me i think he was trying but like i said him this is just this is unprecedented they should have killed one of us three because we all knew that we were chill see data was covering for sonic all right it just makes the most sense enjoy your sky driving hey at least you weren't innocent in this [ __ ] round right duh there we go wait wait wait all right i'm quiet because i'm a crewmate screw me maybe i'll just be no job joel you know i just won't do any okay so we're just doing this immediately okay come help me oh shark please be unfortunate bro all right but dado's here to save me unless it's both of them in which case unlockers thank you shark my man all right all right sharks okay i mean he's not clear but you know i i get down with them this might be my favorite right [Music] get me through the store i hate this so much oh fudge okay right there and then there and then oh my all right i'm a professional dark canis what is going on here why do i have so many tasks up there yeah i'm like a professional geologist i did take a geology of course in college it was terrible you didn't have to do much but you had to show up every friday for labs oh god oh no all right okay i found a body found versus on my way to going to fix the o2 situation i didn't see anyone coming up from that direction okay so walk into a room like cardinal directions where we talking i was going south then west back to the landing pad where we start to go fix the o2 versus was at the very start the hallway if you're going back to the landing pad oh he might have gotten killed like off spawning at the job there maybe no i didn't have it i finished a spawn thing there sorry but at the end of the hallway if you're coming from the launch pad like close to them yeah yeah no i know i think yeah i mean i didn't see them at all i i have no info yeah where were you room with that well okay let's say sonic or dork and i don't remember coordinating where is that on like where would that be on the map negative eight up and down left or right all i can give a tip is that me and blue are innocent oh yeah all right i'm immediately voting now i'm saying that no no you don't because then you're the imposter because me and dork have midway at the start oh okay but only you two no no no no no no just gonna be good no point go for it you're gonna like you know i already knocked it out so i i can't be a part of this vote it doesn't help if only two people saw each other because it sounded like you're ready to vote i don't know man we don't always just smoke a church all right it was just a bit we're not we'll tell you where we're going geez okay yeah but blue and dork both saying that like but we saw each other to see the thing is it doesn't work if only two people see you do the thing you need three because otherwise you'd be like well you're the two imposters it would be different if we find a random imposter and then those two are still alive then it's like okay yeah they're probably right but right now both of them no that is classic blue and dark it would be pretty funny if they both got it so but i i guess the odds are oh wait a second i can use this admin table oh i just had to come out at a different wait why are these people in cafeteria disappearing i don't like this i wish there was a vital one though i missed that one [Music] well that was quick well jesus body found outside the decontamination room like right in front of the roof i was in the kitchen the whole time no no that was yeah like i ran i ran past um like and he was in the cafeteria wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why are we so quick on saying our location because there were people around me that could back it up let blue talk let me present something and then let dork talk because we're in the queue right now fruit you were north i just did test there and i didn't see you there is a vent there though i've been north this entire time bro have you i've been in the admin room this entire time i have five tasks north i can't even make it up bro um i did see him in the admin room during my id daniel what do you think all right so i'm still going for blue and dork then because he accused me why do i feel like i was i can't vote for blue and door you'd make a mistake uh dork was your question danielle uh it was i was asking where she was so she was the last person i saw before i found the body okay does anyone else i was in the admin room i saw fruit and [Music] all the way to the top right and i just saw you in the bottom the only one i had seen was ohm and he was wait wait what are you saying george uh she she said she's in the atm room right but yeah and then i went down to to the launch pad so you said where was i just at i was in the admin room and then i was going down into the hallway through to the launch pad where we spawn correct all right i know what i'm going to skip [Music] oh we actually reformed now all of a sudden are you playing wow during this bro almost all my tasks are done which means i don't know what to do not a lot that i can watch yeah i can't watch cameras they're not in this map i can watch like a thing that says like so and so entered so and so but i think ducks like ignore that so that's completely useless okay dork and blue i mean to be fair if that's them they could have probably just killed me what i literally how are you gonna call that right away sure are you serious first of all no no no are you saying oh my god hey you know when he was like why are we reformed now i just saw him stab ohm in front of my face why are we reformed now because fruit and blue and dork just saw me past them i won't get loud i won't go live wait a second because now i know that i had my tasks up in the admiration last time and i was on my way to the admin room and i did not see neither danielle or mr fruit in there i would okay blue and dark you just saw me right i'm talking about the last round in the admin room now wait hold up where was the body where was the body it was in the room above the monitor stuff i'm thinking and i literally ran into i am telling you i saw him murder him vote shark out and if i'm wrong me and dork literally just came from there and there was not a body wait a minute and i just passed blue and dork i'm voting mr fruit i think it has to be rob you guys what if it's fruit and shark i just saw sharks i stabbed him no no you guys said you were in the admin room last time and i was like i feel like i was in the room the whole time blue and dork just passed me they didn't see a body i just saw a shark stab this dude all right well you better have your emergency button ready boys that you're looking for you guys of course if it's him but it's him because i saw him are you freak framing me for this bro not cool man i don't know if you truly believe there's no okay okay no no of course there's no defending me obviously but if you truly believe it's me vote for me and let the other person that's actually the imposter like every other game win i'm so sick two imposters there's two impossibles wait then why did you wait why did you say it was mr fruit if it actually wasn't because i saw him there i don't know why he like took so long but he literally was in that room and i was gonna i was gonna ping everyone that i saw him there wait wait wait wait shark i still understand that was ohm's body you hold up where was zom's body went it's where's the freaking i don't know you look at this in a room is it in a room yeah you look in this computer it wasn't in a room it wasn't in the [ __ ] room okay listen can you let me defend myself not in a room no hello can you let me defend myself i literally saw him in the room where there's a computer where you look at all these scanny things and where people's been but sure vote for me please well you said fruit did it and he obviously didn't because he was innocent when we just killed him okay just said we just killed him no because we voted him off you dummy yeah we just killed him because we voted him off scanners yeah that's a little suspect sammy okay okay so who are you guys voting for uh i'm waiting i'm bone for shark i'm running for shark but sammy you're on my list okay dude yes if it's not me it's sammy if it's not you i don't understand these baseless accusations have you how does sammy say that it's not a room oh yeah that makes sense it's not a room it was a room because i was going to say if he doesn't get voted off he's reaching so hard is that the list to get punched in the face well i was like they started like second guessing themselves like well it's like no there's no well sonic was like we killed him because we voted him off and then like it's hot blues like wait what we killed him like yeah you guys voted him off wait so did you all all you get killed by shark or who's the other one yeah i got killed by shark shark killed me daddo who'd you die to refer guys do you who do you think the other one is we were just trying to figure that out objectives i know that for sure door go back nope god he's just going to figure out who it is so he can help him [Music] okay sonic and danielle do you know the same one you're close to being done with tasks you all have to catch them right close rob rob's a little sus yep i just saw it danielle this body that sitting right here that was uh only you and me that was in this room uh you want to explain it that was only you and me in this room danielle i literally saw blue oh my god i literally come up there to do the oxygen thing just in case just in case i was like just in case of the inspector hold on i was like justin you like all of a sudden and now she's not like things and now she's not letting me finish okay so now now we know it's her i literally was going there to be like okay if the oxygen room isn't done then the imposter's waiting there to kill the person who's gonna do it and then just let the time go do the oxygen with you and i went straight up sonic it's a long con i promise you it's a long con sammy please believe me bro it's hurt i'm just going to report myself i'm about to sip okay all i'm saying is i came to the room blue westload was dead and danielle was already running away and the oxygen wasn't done yet her plan was to kill the person who was about to do the oxygen she was hoping that only one person was going to plan or your plan and you're just trying to pawn it off if that was my plan i would have just let the oxygen deplete and i would have won the game superstar she voted instead i called the body that you had found instead of just winning the game all right bro all i'm saying is like i could have i could have won the game if it was me because the oxygen would have depleted unless like somebody killed it then and danielle totally didn't see the body but it totally has to be and i get voted off i'd be a rich man dude i could not believe they turned down you fruit every time dude yeah give me give me uh give me two minutes immediately hey danielle danielle look at me watch me watch me danielle witness me oh and darkness is what darkness dork is witnessing us okay so danielle knows i'm cool she should understand that that means we chill where wow that was fast no no i don't know who it was i don't know okay okay i don't know who was weren't you there on the left yes i was but i don't know who it was like an idiot listen i saw sammy and someone i don't even know we're all close i'm not blaming anyone please clustered and i literally saw someone get their head chopped off and i called it in i don't know who was i'm sorry we didn't see any names in the club let me speak real quick it's uh so first it was me and shark in there and then sonic came in afterwards i walked out of the room as sonic went to the top left of the room and then that's when it happened yeah i could tell you right now uh you guys could believe me or not it's shark because i saw him chop off blue's head i was that close no i saw the body die right i'm like oh dude ab left so it's not him and there's a green body standing over blue's body and of course shark is reported first do you see how i'm talking calmly i'm not even yelling anymore you're gonna vote for me so fast you know what it doesn't matter because i'm all right i'm gonna get voted off either way because no you can just answer what your thing was it doesn't matter because you guys are going to vote me off either way because you got to present a case literally so little evidence you could have said anything and it's so easy i can't hear anything in here not only is it dark but it's it's suss and it's so i'm deaf poor shark i can never know he just goes on long tangents and it's just he's a wild card we have way too many wild cards to be honest i can never really tell who's who we have so many people that will just troll for the sake of trolling so you don't know like okay like is that is that something i can go off of is that not why can't i access this upload the vials rob just went up working home big chilling rob's fine okay all right so far all so far so good uh quiet in the western front or whatever the saying is well hopefully somebody's going to fix those i am a little busy oh [Music] i can see clear why am i dying i can see clearly now oh my god i'm i think i'm actually dying not even not even in game irl my rp is a little too good got a body in medbay sonic's body in med bay i was no one in nowhere near it and dork you were scared of me weren't you wait jesus shark's also dead sharks i can't honestly oh wait well you all voted there was like three people mr fruit that's kind of sucks did you forget that yeah yeah is that murder and induced indonesia keep going yeah what's the word yeah i i was doing things and i saw datto anyway i was doing my testimonial no i did the weather balloons from voting for uh shark he was the only abstain and i don't like the baselessly accused people yeah you do and i wasn't there you basically accused me of being the thing that last round throwing me under the bus i wasn't there i don't know if i'm not there i don't vote check my voting record sammy and i exited the deacon i live in america we don't have any i mean i exited the decontamination room and then we were walking together i s we he you literally passed into our tiny realm of light and then sonic stopped and i moved on so i did that i did remember you guys you three were in the reactor room and i went up you guys left i i don't have any evidence we're going to go fix the lights but keep your eyes on yeah i have no info because i was fixing lighting all right the [ __ ] wires sorry the wires the wires all right keep your eyes on datto all right i was debating just voting datto off but it'd be a little mean if he never votes for baseless accusations and then we kick him off for baseless associations although he never votes for like if someone sees somebody stabs somebody like at that point it's a 50 50 right like somebody's gotta die like somebody did it okay i don't know what dork's doing but wait what let me go ahead and fudge is dork just baiting me back why can't i open this oh there's dork we did it wait no okay the oh well i know it can't be fruit because i was next to fruit yeah wait wait wrong way and i did scan each other at the beginning i was following datto for a while and i didn't know versus you literally saw me repair the comms of course when you know you're being where was the body what's up where was the body uh in the north most the tree room i was in the reactor the whole time you know i'm trustworthy that's not wait wait but you i saw you walking to the lunchroom just now oh i was following you yeah you went to the lunchroom wait if the body's in the lunch room then it's daddo cause rob was already north when i went there and he left he wouldn't be north daddo do you have any sort of defense for finding rob i found him after i've just fixed the comms i went down realized i had to go back up i went up boom body's there all right wait when's the last time somebody saw rob uh i saw him in a minute a good way to go domination together but then we split when i was and he left he was exiting the northern part of the the whole northern part guys and the only person i know that was outside of the decontamina or the reactor room and stuff at that time was me rob and ab and then home came afterwards i was like dancing to try to make you come with me but then you left abby's versus sorry it seems to be voting with the whole trying to get people to follow and then they leave yeah so i'm voting data because i found him i think i'm gonna skip later you tried the self-report you're dumb i win yeah yeah yeah dude what if it's not him i went to go kill him and go to the event and then [ __ ] change the report as soon as i went to jail like as soon as you did that i was like he doesn't know he didn't mean to do that [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 2,238,478
Rating: 4.9668245 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us trailer, among us gameplay, among us how to play, among us game, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us review, among us tutorial, among us impostor, among us guide, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us part 1, among us vs town of salem, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us with friends, among us with randoms, among us toast, among us mr fruit, trouble in terrorist town, among us vs ttt, the dream team
Id: qosTXaFUMx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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