Among Us but it's HORROR hide & seek

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hi eddie everyone my name is mr fruit and welcome back to among us and in today's video we thought we'd mix things up so we're playing around with some custom setting game shananna gunnery everybody's getting a little tired of the tried and true among us formula so we're playing a pretty popular one called hide and seek everyone is super fast the twist though is that there's only one killer they announce themselves at the beginning of the round and the killer has as little vision as possible whereas the crewmates have max vision the crewmates aren't allowed to report bodies and comms are sabotaged at the start and you're not allowed to fix them the crewmates have to try and do all their tasks before the killer kills everybody and as you can expect it gets crazy it gets chaotic but most importantly there's a lot of peeking mics enjoy the video i'm the imposter let's go get out of there i'm looking for the sabotage okay so don't don't fix the calms one side oh god all right don't fix that i don't like this yeah you can all talk because i'm coming for you margaret where are you where where where where where he's like he's like oh no i don't know there you are come here where am i going you just have to kind of [ __ ] oh my god no i mean i'm in reactor i'm in reactor wait i don't report the body oh no you can't report anymore don't report the body no report navigation you're just navigation oh my god hey rob uh how's that download going it's going yeah thankfully if you're a ghost i mean task it omega easy so that's the good news to stay alive whoever's the last alive stay alive i'm trying to find my town stay alive who's live really trying dude joe skateboard we're in there bro why would you i hope this works i was an admin i know but thank you but he just killed my god he's probably actually running to react where are you he never suspected that dad were you able to see me when you ran here yeah okay right away yeah well we have maximum vision what are we what's our tasks at i don't know i don't know he won't know i think i'm done oh [Music] oh my god i think i'm done i think i'm done i have to be i think i'm done oh i gotta be close i have one more i can't where are so many let's go that's a good first round let's go oh oh i'm in it boys i think blessings aren't moving don't move oh [Laughter] holy [Laughter] wait [Music] oh i see danger oh oh my god i'm actually terrified come on i think i did all my tasks you're doing great thank god great huh you're doing fine honey there's just a apparently i do i don't want to give away where i am god forbid am i getting warm i'm still alive you'll never find me oh [ __ ] there he is he won't fight you found me nothing in there go fast go fast nothing in there i think i did everything i think i did too that was kind i at one point i think you i think you stopped rp and it scared me sharks imposter once you click on make sure you look where you go go i don't like this hi who's still alive oh my god oh no oh no uh it's it's a shark it's oh i think i just i'm going to admin damn don't ever go down oh god fall out don't scare me like that you just went to electric i have to do work there's a body in electrical someone report it oh that's oh okay i'm getting scared too someone hold me please no thanks that would start you stay very far away hello oh yes i'm just let me live this one game all right nevermind no let me download it come here you find any tasks where'd you go [Music] hey babe how's that how's that test oh know i know oh i've been heard from reacting yesterday i don't want to come through here where is he in reactor you missed no no you stay alive why are you [Music] are you playing dirt and second of posture for me i'd like to think i'm done where are you guys i think i have one more i'm in the spot dude i'm in the spot right now he's not getting me i promise okay i'm doing i'm doing something in navigation right now where i'm done the unkillable was killed oh come on hurry my skin my no oh god stay alive please i think i'm almost done i think it's my last one i'm gonna find you this time no you're not oh i think i am who is it you went oh go straight up just chill straight up all right i'm straight up wow dude reported reporter reporting this is not a short task i'm panicking this is not a short task oh i'm in cafeteria oh my god you're right fruit's an electrical crazy rob you're lagging blue i give you purple blues you shut up you better thank me for saving your ass what did you do i told you he was there bro bro claire's over in the reactor i think i did all my time i think i did my tasks plus watch out bless get out of med bay this is my thing that is such so sus you just saved my ass fruit but seriously get out of my bag yo that's crazy plus an electrical it wasn't that nice that's a cool [ __ ] i saw the vent open i was like oh no cafeteria where is everybody i'm in i'm in cafeteria right now company i have no way rob is in cafeteria well you might not be anymore where did you go no you can't you can't see later guys i think i'm done i think i'm done my farts give me super speed finish where's rob does anyone know he's up up on the left up left oh god bless was so young i'm still alive what what he's never gonna see this one coming where are you i i've done i've had enough time yo is anyone that's dead what's the last one i think i'm done which means i left him and he's still up here [Applause] have mercy on us everyone stack up let's say a little prayer thanks for the tasks amen okay in three two one go three the whole time do that again is i'm so [ __ ] oh my god he's on youtube you're so lucky i was on kill cooldown i know i saw that i was like wait a second tattoo i just thought that was such a good high school okay does everyone alive think they have tests done i've done mine i think i did mine i did mine i'm downloading i have to be done don't don't don't tell him don't let him know all right oh my god that was cool storage battle storage damn that oh that's crazy wait what don't go there you guys just don't i don't know wait wait wait wait i have one more task one more time come get me i'm in my tasks guys okay we're running right i'm doing my wires right now doing wires right now you're a liar i know it nothing oh medical i suppose oh no no come to medical please dying over here i think i'm done but i don't know wait i just saw that i just saw him oh oh oh my god run there's like bunnies everywhere no no no no not over here bringing that over here no not over here okay well don't worry i'm just doing my task in med bay and reactor rob i thought you said you were doing uh i thought you said you were done no i'm in reactor confirmed throwing [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 1,549,535
Rating: 4.9622812 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us trailer, among us gameplay, among us how to play, among us game, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us review, among us tutorial, among us impostor, among us guide, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us part 1, among us vs town of salem, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us with friends, among us toast, among us mr fruit, trouble in terrorist town, among us vs ttt, among us impostor gameplay, among us ssundee
Id: GOfTLgNerFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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