Among Us but the impostors CAN'T LIE

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heidi ho everyone my name is mr fruit and welcome back to among us i just want to be the world's best detective but instead i download this and will undoubtedly get stabbed by whoever was in navigation was that blue no it was shark wait when hold on wasn't it trunk the whole time i don't really know i'm gonna go check for bodies jack did you stab somebody any anybody's anybody's no okay caccus is up there i don't rob is can't rob caccus and dork up in cafeteria i don't what yo what's up i found a dead body it was in electrical uh i just walked in after doing leaves in the bottom and uh just top right electrical and i didn't see only person i saw was bryce doing wires who fixed electrical yeah fix the lights and now it's like okay next time i know not to fix the lights um i know it wasn't shark because he was he went from nav down to comms i feel so good to be back well it was almost i'm here so it's whoever whoever wasn't with somebody when the lights went up where did you couldn't have been dork yeah i was on camera for the rest of the round rob was sussing me out the whole time but he wasn't getting electrical when he ran you ran away your the lights were off and you're running the complete opposite way towards weapons when the light the electrical i saw you i saw you run towards me you know and then i was watching you do some tasks up into the cafeteria and i was like he's taking quite honestly i think we might well that's because i'm stupid we might just dust each other out a little bit because you're stupid that's just where were you you just press a button it just says because you're stupid i was in reactor okay that's a bad place it's it's either got to be ab or blue wait what wait why because when the lights were off no one was on cams you could just stab go right into security and then sit on cams to be a good alibi but it was on the left side but the body's not there yeah he said it's an electrical electrical you could vent right to cams hundred percent that's what i was thinking too and you said that but i was on campus the entire no but you weren't i wasn't that wasn't near lights when lights were fixed like that yeah exactly i'm skipping i'm mid react no i'm mid-reactor task and you guys interrupted me jerks no actors i don't think it's ab i don't i think that call on ab is wrong but i and i i think one of them is rick though i think the killer all right it's rob here's one death there are three things in life death taxes and rick's the imposter agree okay um what okay i'm real sus on ab because i swear to god i did not see cams lit up that entire time and do i even remember seeing them because when i went back up to nav from comms trying to think if i ever saw the red line on and honestly i don't think i did i'm saying he must have gotten their last he would have gotten the kill vented right over sat on camps could be shady i don't know if he's a self-reporter but i guess i'm going to learn rob and shady came from around here i'm going to check for bodies around here rob came this way roughly at least by the gas pretty sure sharks my boy right now oh god hopefully we find a body just ab around here i'm gonna sit with my boy shark okay i'm pretty sure i can trust shark come on come on shark i really hope he's not sure don't leave me i'll i'll help you do your tasks i'll be your bodyguard protect the president mr president mr mr president please come with me go with me mr president we're tailing bryce did he get a kill let's find out i don't think he did mr president please you're running a little too fast mr president nick amanda's oh rick and bryce dork okay there's shirt there's my boy all right protect me protect me mr president i know that's my job that's what you pay me for but i can't always be doing this i'm gonna fake this task no i'm not even gone i'm just gonna watch all right have designated him them oh no it's not rob i'm really really surprised it's not right i found it stuffing me out and chased me 100 percent who versus suss me out and chase me and then i started run away and as soon as you realize you couldn't catch me he like did a fake task and [ __ ] i danced with you how did i chase you he just followed me there's no dancing let's go let's get a vibe check uh whoever is imposter is really good with doors because like they're good whoever you are you're a good doorman it's crazy it's like i have to wait in cafeteria a full 10 seconds to see this body okay shark and i ran past rob running up into admin did we see anyone else i think i saw bryce you did see me a couple times yeah and i think you were headed up there too admin yeah no i haven't been to admin i went electrical and then i went left side to go do uh my one through tens and my wires honestly i was trying to go an admin i never got a chance i got trapped in storage when the door is closed hold on see anyone in there i got a real question for you oh because we got a wild card in here jd are you a self-reporter listen i would self-report from time to time but this is literally just i wish it was self-reporting it's not i've just found bodybuilding i was trying to get an admin the entire time i shouldn't but as soon as the doors open it was reported i never saw an admin wait i don't know how shady i actually was the door was the door to storage closed when you went to admin yes i didn't go that far i just went straight down from cafeteria and hook the right to admin why would i go all the way down i just went into admin still voting the killer who was an election with me at some point we didn't kill each other was that bloob why do you keep voting me bryce i thought we were homies i don't know christian i got my eyes on you see shark and i do we're together shark or truck shark okay you got to do some tasks can you help me now i need you to okay i need you to i need you to care about me the way that i care about you okay he's over here what is he doing oh he diverted that actually makes sense he diverted power we saw caccus go down this way caccus went down this way let's find a trail of body find the trail of bodies he's left i'm on here i'm under you boy these doors are very unfortunate what the rice blue and dork no shark shark wall crossed lovers i'm not letting you go come on buddy i'm not letting you out of my sights you're not that lucky you're stuck with me okay hold on let me start this and let me start scanning how could this happen what how could this happen is that his way saying that i think that's dork saying he found a body dork yes i love this soul i need you to answer me this okay comedy you might not want to answer it dorothy but i need you to did you do it did you kill him dork yes open who else was an admin with you when you were when you were locked it was blue it was bryce caccus and me mm-hmm and she wasn't shady there i saw his name maybe did he leave just before i was i was on top of that cafeteria yeah okay it's either bryce or caccus or both bryce was a little sus with rob's last body now we know he was in the area where blue was fruit legitimately i have been voting blue every single time yeah that's even more you know where dork found the body was it in admin we're just going to go down the list yeah it was in storage cafeteria oh it's still okay it was stored okay so we're here at admin i think how there what so as much as i'd like to believe that it's actually open and shut it might be smart to vote again i can't even think right now i'm in tears i think we're screwed either way okay because i doubt we're gonna all i know is it's not shark that's right okay i kind of trust fruit because well me was it me you and shark who were in med bay we were watching fruit get scanned yeah i kind of like i have to trust someone i have to trust both of you because it's like i don't know we're pretty much following each other's entire round i have been playing protection and then killed ohm right after the kills have been very here's what i'll say here's what i'll say i've been like trapped with a lot of you guys and there's always the odd man out is like versus is never there because i'm always on cams oh okay okay i have i have seen cams after killing someone but there's all the any kills happening aren't right yeah because you're always on cams exactly exactly so what that makes no sense what are we doing we have we have to funnel our hatred towards somebody and it's going to be random most likely and we're going to upset somebody but we got a point tell me my lord i give my life to you here's what i'm thinking it's i swear i'm i'm narrowing it down to shady abbe bryce so why not rick just be out of the curiosity because you honestly it's one of the things that you said is always honestly at this point normally somebody's got something on rick i don't know we're like i'm doing rick so that wait there's something when you have this round is me voting on rick wait a second on us he's telling his imposter buddy you guys i've been you have to whip you guys while people have been waiting five seconds go up okay i'm i'm with you we'll see i had to take a shot this is based on him sussing me jerking i got nothing man [Music] because dork is only staying in cafeteria like i don't think he left cafeteria that whole round i was gonna be honest if dork didn't i think i would have started blaming fruit because there was only one kill going blaming me dude for existing jerk well like i was in your all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to among us is bryce here bryce on deafening rice rice i'm so scared rice bryce talk to me like lovers do all right i see bryce and they know i'm going to the right and i don't really like that let's go fake ourselves a desk why don't we rick's headed in there of course she is little rascal i'm going to come over here and do my it's always so nerve-wracking though to be imposter that you haven't been one for a while oh it really gets the heart pumping i'm with rob see now what i have to do is i have to act like a crewmate even though i'm an imposter you know i got a checkup be like well gotta make sure so and so is all right even though you know i don't i don't care about their health and well oh you got him already oh i thought you just killed me bro i'd like to report a dead body dork by the way versus i saw you in electrical i almost had a heart attack yeah i was like he thinks i'm gonna kill him i i was like not again right uh glad to have you back i am glad to be here thank you for broadcasting me i was just saying my body in the dark uh-huh how did you kill dork yeah so uh mr fruit was dancing on my body in the dark and it made me feel some kind of way and then we had to we had to split off into the dark did you like it i did i did it was very nice very nice dancing uh so what happened after that was i did some wires uh sort of had a good time there uh and then i moved over to navigation to go do my next task and then i murdered dork wait all right and by that i mean i just found a dead body over on the right side oh this is kind of complicated hold on hold on hold on wait i know what the video title is i told them i was a killer but they didn't vote me out all right he wants that clickbait mega clickbait right or well if you vote me out then it won't be the video so we got it here's all this this is not okay but think about it or are we gonna make a video he told us we was the imposter and we believed him he gets one kill and can't handle the guilt self-report i mean every single one of you will be in the top of the description don't worry you know what a nice guy oh hi what a nice guy we got boom bryce some with um mom's kind of kind of following me i don't really like it i got a lot of electrical i got to be doing here so i'm going to start simple oh technically have three tasks here as soon as somebody sees me i'm gonna move if anybody sees me hello [Laughter] i'm scanning i'm scanning i was almost done with my upload okay so when i was in electrical with blue and bryce i as soon as i like somebody went and vented in electrical and then vented into cams and then killed the person at fan cams went back in the vent is now currently chilling at the vent i know it can't be i know it can't be blue or bryce you suck so you saw the vents open closed open closed yeah yeah no no he was he was the first one no it was the top left and like you had to like see it you could only just see it open like you said cams or cans the fan cams video cameras yes what else am i saying can i get the tv we're talking about the vernacular of cams and i need to ask a really serious question yes rob what was the timeline was this before me and bryce were in there or after it was just like as you walked in like as you walked in i saw that vent open in security like like not security in uh what time when we came right now that would explain why you acted all weird that's why i ran into security to see like who vented in there and that's why i found a body that's why i literally ran from america and brandon saw it so where is everybody i know bryce and blue are in electrical where's everybody else i was rudely interrupted well i was downloading stuff why are you calling them yeah me and catherine wants only one kill yeah i'm doing wires in cafeteria i literally had a second and he rudely interrupted we could just walk out of here i'm rice though no i don't think it is it was me this time you're throwing out a lot of really really suspicious accusations if rob is right though that killed killed the person in fan cam sat in security that was close he saw it all happen thankfully i got away in the nick of time i gotta do asteroids didn't realize i had this the whole time unfortunately my boy shark tooth did not get a kill at the same time which would have been nice but oh and then i oh and then i thought there was somebody on cams but they abandoned me hey it's double kill time let's do this all right we gotta find some people we're moving in the pact we can vouch for ourselves [Laughter] uh very good very good [Music] [Music] i can't go anywhere somebody help me there's a kid all right i got a question for two people mm-hmm it was me i killed me oh my wait bryce needed this wait bryce is awake wait hold up wait hold on a minute medical yes what are you holding up with a shark shark blue skin shark was a metaphor yeah what were you doing there shark i was watching a scan and then the lights turned off i watched him scan and i scanned earlier when two people came in there so shark have had to kill ohm but dude ask shark and home where did they come from because he was dead yeah exactly and the last person who was there with us was me you and shark i left the ready you finished scanning he went down when shark was still in there okay that is correct okay now shark is immediately i'm i'm gonna vote shark regardless because i mean i feel like we got it right pretty bad but now the only other person who i am absolutely suspect of who we could think about next round is fruit fruit at weapons fruit set at weapons and he sat there for a while but there was no animation of the weapons going off he was faking it pretty hard but we have animations off that doesn't matter no no those are still on weapons weapon still goes off yeah you were sitting there he was sitting there for a while and then he started chasing me but he couldn't catch me so he gave up guys i know i'm very sus shark you can vote it out dude so you just let it go man all right it's over i know i i know i'm very suss and i was at the wrong place at the wrong time but i'm gonna vote he's dead bro cack rob fruit where were you at just now i've just i was the one that sniped the lights like i left and i sniped him i just finished all my tasks i passed blub in uh what's it called cafeteria i have the last place i saw blue run into it but well i was i was in mid bay with ab but we me and ab left and ohm came in i think it's blue so please vote it's shark it's hard what get me out of here i don't get it he's saying that like weapons weren't doing animation that's not a thing weapons still don't do animations so i know blue's over there and at this point i'm just going to stand here i'm going to look real sus i'm just going to stand here nonchalantly i don't have much time before i need to get a kill it ain't looking great why can't i do i can't i do the lights why can't i sabotage something heck i'm gonna run out of time on tasks though oh i gotta do something i gotta do it fast okay they saw me on cams there's no way i can do it in time running out of time the tasks the tasks i gotta go there's no way it's rob wait no no no no no no no it's not it's not rob it's fruit it's 100 fruit how's it going what it's mr fruit it's fruit how okay i was in electrical when we finished the lights correct there was yeah he was right there ab was in there uh blue was in there and i was in there there's no way any of us could have gotten there and i was like there's got to be a body in fan cams and guess where the body is fan cams what does that have to do with me no you were the only person who wasn't in electrical and then like that's where i ran i don't know how do you know when the body died i'm over in that 100 no no i'll tell you when the body died after no this is this is this immediately incriminates fruit i immediately went to having because i wanted to see where everyone was fruit had immediately gone to the right side now the only way that fruit could have been in fan cams is if he looped around so guess what i went to admin right after electrical if looking admin there's two people in security and there's no way rob or ab could have gotten there in time i wasn't so fruit immediately had absolutely killed no boy no but rob dipped over there too rob had enough i ran over there because i saw youtube and i was like i know where it's actually is i was like caccus is dead i i knew caccus was going to be dead at fan camps because he said he was done with this task and was going to be camping fan games and yes double checking that say i was standing next to cat cause i can trust him and rob kept coming back to it so i got a reason i don't i know no i don't know i'm pretty sure it's blue though because he was on about this whole weapon no it's 100 percent it's not me the reason i think it's fruit is because he faked weapons i didn't why would you do that if you're innocent it's not that i don't think he faked weapons it's just that i can connect where you guys were yeah that's that's where i'm at i'm not wrong just because you saw them around that time no at the end of the day if you saw him an electrical it's not far from the channel if there were if there were two if there were two imposters we would lose already so it's gotta be fruit we have one task i have to go with you guys either if it's not him then it's rob no it's not me oh god because it was me it was what's good well played gamekeeping who was in venice when i caught him in vents that's me wait so you can you can still see weapons you can see what's behind this ambitions off i've always seen them do like the shooting thingies like they're either doing well blue's meta gaming that hard huh wait what no wow pretty hard [Applause] metagamer i didn't do the last task on purpose you
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 1,342,291
Rating: 4.9685755 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us trailer, among us gameplay, among us how to play, among us game, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us review, among us tutorial, among us impostor, among us guide, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us part 1, among us vs town of salem, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us with friends, among us toast, among us mr fruit, trouble in terrorist town, among us vs ttt, among us impostor gameplay, among us ssundee
Id: bXsbQilpK1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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