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Su dudes welcome back to among us today we're doing the anime mod and in today's anime mod I am red from pal world sorry I'm going to get canceled so how this mod works we have to defeat four different bosses and gather their badges look there's Mew and to defeat Mewtwo I need seven intelligence you can see my stats up here I have one of each right now and to get these stats check this out you see this little red or this uh green coin up here let's say I challenge one of these Samurai bring it h shigo what did I say I don't know and there we go hit the green and you're dead hey look that's going to give me coins now check this out I'm going to enter this PVP area I got to be careful oh there's Gary I don't want to die we have life and we get a whole bunch of new abilities when we're in PvP hey Gary truce truce Gary truce truce truce truce oh I will not truce I will will notr I will not I'm out of the PVP area Gary you can't hurt me hey look at the leaderboard I have a kill now hey come back in come back in come back in no stop it stop it leave me alone Gary leave me alone I got to go buy points you see how much damage I did to to uh zud right the more I up my stats the more damage I do like if I put a bunch of stats into my hand the strength I punch for a truck so I'm I think I'm going to dang it oh you almost died lo I got to buy stats inre my Str okay so now I have three St ah get out of here come here no I'm leaving stop it punch stop it all right so I increased my strength by three but I need intel what is this team what is this rocket guy doing get out of here stop punching me get you one of five oh that's one of the quests oh yeah guys do me a favor like always show me some love hit the like down below the video H hit the Subscribe button join the team Okay so my quests are so I'm the impostor right I have to defeat Team Rocket and I think another one of the Tas was to take on a samurai I'm going to take on another one here we go I just want more points so I can get more strength so I can PVP cuz one of the qu if I want to get the final ability H oh gosh that guys died dramatically uh I have to finish all of these quests if I want the final ability and I need to get K 10 PVP kills I currently have one so I need nine more but as I get more PVP kills since I'm the impostor I unlock more abilities so hold on let me go down here oh since I'm the impostor as well I can camouflage other people because they can call him eting and vote me out so I'm going to be somebody else like Biff and now they're going to sus biffl out whenever I do this cuz only the Imposter can do that okay want to hit these grunts so I need to take out five of them can't I just round up all five of them and punch them all at once okay is this work did I find an exploit yep found an exploit and Quest log updated wait I got another ability rosenon the hold on let me camouflage this before what is rosenon oh my gosh okay I don't want to do this to anybody that's around anybody else because then that'll clear them and they can call a meeting there's Biffle you're going to get abs so whenever they die since I'm the impostor they lose a ton of their step so poor bi oh let me get more points I need to find an exper to get these green coins cuz I want to try something if I max out strength can I One-Shot people in PvP I'm I'm going to go Max out my strength here we go and stop it stop it stop it stop it come here I unlocked a new PVP ability I'm going to camouflage as Biff and then I'm going to shave down towards sigils here we go f you want to fight me you want to do it bi bi I saw that bi uh what is what are you doing what are you what um um all right well this is going well oh and this is the first boss I can fight with strength I need seven though all right uh so I need two more hi Bi hi Pat what you just killed me I literally just died in a fight I don't want to hear it baldy no oh gosh you can't call him bald I'm F about that's what they call him in the if you why don't you call him meeting that if you think it's bivel huh yeah call him me go ahead I maybe I will defeat satisfy your hunger eat some noodles you're going down you stupid God this guy takes seven strength oh my why would he why would he try to fight that when he doesn't have seven speed cuz he's stupid I don't okay so I think I eat noodles yeah down here all right let me do this here we go eat some noodles I need to unlock more abilities okay eat these oh gosh I am destroying these noodles why am I eating so fast there look Quest log updated oh I got checked off okay wow the just go further Beyond reach Super Saiyan 3 oh that's in that PVP zone so what I'm going to do I'm going to camouflage as Biel right make sure Biel is nowhere in here and I'm going to go in here and use my new ability what is this new Ab cuz in the PVP I have Kai blast right I can shoot that I can also punch I can also do a beam right and there's also coins laying around hold no hold hold on I'm going to use ultra Instinct this is new what does this do oh I'm going in B what B what is that why am I slow slow no it hurts it hurts come here look te up on oh no I take no damage when I'm in this either you can't kill me no B stay away from me B ow ow ow what I'm on to you I'm on you in stupid no no no get out get out I got to run I got to run and UND disguise I got to run in UND disguise I got to go shave shave shave oh I got out and un camouflage how many kills did I get right there I have two of 10 okay I need eight more kills this is not going to be easy is it but it'll be fun hey I'm hearing some sus things about you I'm hearing some sus things about you B I'm literally eating Robin right now can you like least don't worry B okay I need more I have 37 coins wait I can just level [Music] up oh D sorry what is wrong with you give me that fireball ow oh my why does that do so much damage oh my oh gosh okay hey uh my punch hits like a truck now now that my strength is level seven um okay well let's go take on this guy all right Frieza level seven what do you got okay what do I do click Mash oh oh oh gosh you I thought I heard something up here you did it destroyed him wait P can you beat him can you beat him can you beat him can you beat him can you beat him think I I tried before let me see let me see you got this did you see how many stats he just lost uh I have 60 coins I unlocked a new ability though Kam H ha what does that do let's camouflage as Biff again oh there's Biff right there I got to be careful I don't want to kill anybody near Biffle cuz then he'll be cleared okay he says right there I'm going to use kamami fight him do it fight I dare you behold my oh my okay this is fun I like this Kamehameha is pretty good is it Kami hamiha or kamiam I don't really know uh that's fine though let's go ahead and quick quick quick quick quick oh hello uh Biffle where's Biffle Biffle stop killing is I don't think this is the real come here One V one come here this might not be got to go got to go got to go I kill flash okay this is perfect this is perfect okay so I need to let me let me check my oh there's a thingy here oh this is the the super Saiyan one on the the list uh go further Beyond reach Super Saiyan 3 is that this one right here space oh look at me boys I got the dreadlocks no that's not dreadlocks okay um well we move fast now I have 65 coins I need to go spend these wait I have another ability too I'm going to camouflage as Biff's dead I'm going to camouflage as Biffle Biff's back alive I'm going to go back in as Biffle Biffle I literally have no HP down go oh you want some more oh my god oh no wait oh this is broken it's bi scary it's bi it's always been bi run run run run okay I um okay whenever I'm in that form my uh little Dash thingy turns into a Teleport that's pretty good all right cool let me go level up some more I'm at 8 of 10 already perfect uh I have 144 yep all right uh let's work on speed next hey look oh my gosh hey guys oh my how strong is your but my strength is 12 ow you what you're done take my punch then okay take mine so whenever they die they lose half of their coins so uh Yep this is good let's uh let's keep increasing my strength yep it's at level 13 now that is fun wait let's increase my speed too so see how Speed Works watch this it's level five now now watch how farther I Dash no hey watch please don't no no stop stop stop stop stop I'm trying to level up hey you did some I'm leaving by Z get over here hold got to get out got to get out got to get out I have one Health I need to heal um okay what do I need to do next I need two more speed and then I can take on the boss I think down here yeah this one what is this one called yeah I could take on MOA I need two more I need more I need more points I need more points zad give me more points I got to defeat all the bosses MOA sakuna Mewtwo judge it what is this practice throwing knives train with a dummy yeah I saw this earlier hold let me do this train with oh click all these click all them I cannot beat that boss uh I got seven points I didn't get them all though I got them all hey 10 try again come on I'm not doing too good I I did a I just found an exploit this has no cool down this this has no cool down I can get infinite point is that two exploits in one video nice I'll show you how it's done hey Biff get out of here I don't trust you I've heard bad things about you oh really really I've I've heard things about you like what like what know the name of your character you're playing right now uh red from pal World touche why are you dancing no way I'm going to get infinite amount of points I already have 98 97 one eternity later yep look how many points I have 367 all right let's go ahead and uh level up and sun stay away from me sunny Sun listen we can talk about this okay I we're friends we're friends we're friends we're friends okay okay I saw what you just did no no no no no no listen we can talk about this we can talk about this stop it my god um okay that's fun I'm having fun wait if I go to my nine Tales form that doubles my damage and I take like 90% less damage do I just onot people that is my go no please somebody else coming in here I'm going to teleport I don't if they come in here no there's Nico oh there's can I teleport to the other PVP oh my God okay we're just cheating at this point no we're just cheating we're just legitimately cheating that's all we're doing we're cheating okay this is fun I'm having fun no I'm having a lot of fun I want to vote up we're voting you out we're sick of you we're sick of this we're going to call we can take we can take them they can't even hit me I take no damage no get away get away from me you don't have to oh this is fun all right well I have 60 points let's go increase my speed so I can do so I can fight Mewtwo and increase speed I need it to seven how much farther do I Dash now that's pretty good I like that uh let's do that a little bit more wait no not meww I can take on Madara hi Madara mad is just MRA m m okay here we go oh oh got to landed on that oh and I do damage to him oh this is easy I'm not going to take a single hit WAMS not a single hit oh God literally nothing this how much power do you have how much strength do you have what no this is speed I only have seven speed okay just build different wait what is that Amat wait what was that called amuru shugan okay I'm going to hold on let me camouflage this bivel what does it do oh gosh why is my eye bleeding I don't black fire black fire do I'm going to put this there put this there wait in the PVP Zone Gary's on fire wait is Gary dying I don't even hear anything this hey all right that's pretty good and let's put another one there and another oh now looks is on fire and let's kill Nico oh I missed wait can I even kill someone in PvP cuz they can't see that fire I really don't know um I'm turning that off I don't like it what are you doing nothing you want to come in here and fight no it's good job good job oh God oh my what is wrong with I'm out of here bye oh my what is wrong help um um help I'm a fire help I'm a fire help I'm a fire help Z I'll save you come here Z I'll save you oh I can't sorry oh somebody just watched me got to go got to go got to go okay what else do I need to do uh I have two badges I need two more so we got this guy sakuna oh I need power I need power to seven how many I have 12 coins I need more coins I need to do should I go should I go exploit more oh check out some anime all right I'll go do that anime's up here what do I do hi you watching anime I'm just watching some TV why you want to watch some TV all right my turn to watch TV oh go watching what is happening what am I watching uh this is Bakugan that's not a word that's Transformers left oh I got to change the channel oh we're walking we're watching po World from power world yeah nice dude I love power world change your channel up we're watching power world again it's still power world you it different right place oh that's uh Power world you're going to get us canceled then watching in there no we were watching power world yeah world yeah we love power world is power world an anime I don't know I just say than so for the best okay that g me 43 coins oh gosh wait can I level up wait I'm going to go exploit a little bit I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to exploit I'm going to exploit I'm exploiting exploiting eventually I mean that is such an easy exploit 470 I was checking people's badges too they're good everybody's good we're still good we're still looking good people are very slow in this I mean it's probably because I keep killing them every time I kill them they lose all their stats yeah that's pretty good I'm going to go in here and level up as fast as I can L as fast as I can hey look him hey looky get away from me please please please please don't what that was mine that was mine run run ah I'm one-shotting them I don't even need Ninetails but hey Ninetails is fun um let me check the leaderboard biffle's at 14 L is at 10 wait I'm at 25 kill oh it's cuz I killed a bunch with Biffle and it gave Biffle all those kills oh no hey SOS hey hey what oh my gosh no no no this is fun I need to increase this to seven is increase this to seven there we go I have 20 27877 perfect so now I need to wow the judges defeat sakuna and Mewtwo all right bring it h oh I got to click these okay okay okay okay easy oh go easy hey you got this man e easy easy oh God how did you do it e that I had seven power I've seen you beat two bosses yeah hey look you want to see something yeah all right um 93 I can increase my strength one more perfect I think I unlocked an ability too from that the guy just the boss I just beat hold let me camouflage is B yeah I unlocked black flash my intelligence I will defeat meww in I've been telling you this whole time listen we could talk about this no let me go listen whatever you do don't do the ring that's fine yum it's fine don't slowly burn it into my face ah please don't do it it's oh that's too good all right well bi's cleared now crap I didn't know he was up there that's not good um who else can I sus I can't sus Biffle or sigils but I do need to fight Mewtwo right oh oh gosh Charizard uh WF no CM wait what do I do here oh that was me blocking now I'm attacking TF attack look at the damage oh my gosh TP TP for my unders wait catch me too you're going to catch me too come on wait isn't he a legendary hey Samurai can you move Samurai I'm literally setting you on fire SG Pokemon battle I'm literally not going to get hit Dad I'm literally I'm literally not going to get hit this is at least dude for last badge I got to finish or third uh qo shut up hat easy it's just it's just too easy Samurai move hey man oh did I catch Mewtwo from po world did you do it yay we love power world do it that's fun job so I got to wow the judges now right okay oh oh that's wait hold on wait I have news I have news what bi is clear you know how I said it was bi wait no s I have news come here just s don't you this is an ab's conversation and see your Z self out okay listen listen it's not bi well how do you know because I was talking do we call a meeting and then no someone disguised this hold on hold on you stay here and protect the button why are you why are you like this stay right there and protect the button don't go anywhere from the Pokeball that I just unlocked from you too why are you like this like what a bad man okay so the last thing I need to wow the judges here where Sig I don't know right here step type power power power power power level [Music] up so Kawaii wow how was that so what just happen how was that you're so Kawaii so I did everything what am I missing I need 35 kills come here come here what do you mean you need 3 what nothing what dud it oh I one shot with that too you're going down I'm sorry that I kills 38 kills did I get it hold on did I unlock it I have all of it right I have all the badges uh guys listen it's it's not me it's you it's obviously I have an ability called bomb what does bomb mean please I should have probably called huh it's time to get blue ball bombed no uh ball bomb we win hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,091,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GdRx_JnKkmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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