SSundee is ANIME in Minecraft

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all right boys welcome back to Minecraft today we're playing anime battles all right y hello what's happening what isone dance oh Naruto who is that one punch man what no I'm right here what is this music does anybody know what's going on right what is that guy who's that guy Bibble oh that's that's uh Ice Cube freezy Frieza right oh Mewtwo I see Mewtwo Wait no that's the uh guy from uh skib boy we have 20 minutes to fight to the death as anime we get a bunch of different weapons from all these different H characters I'm going to talk to rudo first get out of here I'm getting out of here get out of here I'm talking also there's a scoreboard you can see our score we all have zero the more kills you get the more score you get come here let me kill you oh look at look at we're anime ping okay I'm going to talk to Naruto I got to hurry up and get some items Naruto if you want to race me meet me in the basement of the storage building or if you bring me an enlarging potion I'll show you something incredible okay so I need an enlarging potion and I need to race him and I assume this is the racing okay where's that go this way is Naruto fast or something there's a campfire up there did people already get no zud already got an item wait zud how did you already get an item zud cheating zud's cheating Z many two points already you guys got to stop it okay race this way I got's going to win race that way okay why is it so far away Naruto is it down here uh this has got to be oh what's up bro I never thought you come to the race with those legs you stand no chance believe it what my legs are nice what are you talking about I have to do parkour start race oh no oh look at him I got to beat him in parkour wait how does an NPC do parkour the AI is getting too smart he's actually doing parkour what in the world has Minecraft become how is an AI doing parkour this is going to be interesting ah oh there's checkpoints okay that's a good idea idea thank you for that okay I'm going to need those are literally build different this is easy oh no oh I thought they disappeared and you could land on him this is easy wait how many points okay Z's only at two this is good where's he at you're still back there I thought you were supposed to be fast you're easy you're literally free hey oh no how did I died how does sigil have five from that okay the weapon okay give me that give me that give me that okay and hold on press the complete how are you still back there I thought you were going to be fast all right well you really beat me huh take this as a reward I took it from another anime that I can't remember the name of something Slayer oh well an anime was better my anime was better what hey Biffle what's a Zen itsu it's zitsu what is that it's from it's from Demon Slayer where they slay demon okay well Naruto said his anime was better than Demon Slayer is that true Naruto is definitely better 100% okay so he was right okay so what is this uh blade empowered by lightning hold the right click to dash okay cool hold on right click be careful listen we he's got the lightning powers he's so quick he's so he's so fast parkour parkour Park help what is that I have a shield I have a shield you will die I won't why you so fast what is WR oh gosh oh okay I sh sh okay how many points get for that TR figure out my power listen listen in the dojo at least in the dojo okay oh my God what' you learn it's pretty broken all anime is op what do you want are you ready for this why do you have a giant shark whale thing what what what in the anime is that Biffle what is that uh that's from Naruto fight me like fo you are huh I would if you can miss if you can catch oh I have r ow wait why are you shooting stuff at me I don't like this got to go got to go got to go no no oh I'm wait does the respawning time increase when you die can't die DN it great okay well I'm losing I need better weapons oh okay there was a girl over there right yeah this girl here okay hold on make sure Nobody's around everybody calm down I don't want to get ganked all right what do you got to say uh to I don't need your help if you want to learn my skills though beat me by the mine or the quartz cave okay so I want to learn your skills so I got to go to the mine but you don't need my help where's the mine wait who's in here leave me alone stop it stop it no you're not coming in here leave me alone take my sh what do you have what my tra no you're not no I'm not why are you not why are you not dying why are you not dying why are you not dying you don't want to be closed quarters I need to get stronger wait till I get stronger okay this sword is actually kind of bad wait it's good for teleporting so I think that's good so I need to find the mine I mean look how high I jump is there anybody else over here that I can talk to maybe this guy satma is that how you say that I really want to a block of mixed minerals but mining just isn't worth mining I got to go find a mine I'll be right back uh guy what are they doing okay where's the mine okay that's a sword ooh pickaxe it's got to be this way right mine okay we're going the right way how many Point's at 13 boys you got to hit the like what you think get back up I I need better stuff though is it this what is it here oh wait I thought you need my help oh yeah you're going to teach me I sense you want to learn the powers of Earth bending I don't know he he well even a sucker like you probably could a noob like you will need assistance so take these I am not a noob okay what is this paper oh this is the mix minerals for one punch bald man sigils three diamond blocks Three diamond oh gold okay what is this bracelet of Earth bending allows you to destroy blocks okay got it Transportation teleports you to a place in the mine wait I I can drink this hold on oh wait so if I right click does it break it right clicking spreads it and I assume left clicking mines it hello uh how did I just punch all that so if I need three blocks of gold three blocks of iron and three blocks of diamonds that means I need 27 of each quick math all right we got a stack of iron that's good now I need gold and diamonds oh look here's diamonds can I just like right click this yep and we'll just spread it I'm going to need this item in my next let's play that's it's mildly broken all right cool um that's fun let me grab a bunch of this gold oh and diamonds hold on me I got 27 gold all right I think I have 27 diamonds so to get back up I drink this and I'll go back to tote got it that is sick hey I got the stuff wait no you don't want oh crafting table hold on so I need to make blocks wait can I make armor would diamond armor actually work hold on okay we got that and that there we go that help me survive wait did I find the cheat code and then we'll make three of those there we go and I assume we do this craft it there we go mix minerals wait that's what one punch man needs wait do you give me anything hey I sense you no I don't get anything crap all right well she gave me these two items but I can't use that to fight okay I need to go talk to one punch man where is he over here right there here you go sir I got the thingy oh is that for me in return I've given you some power in punching maybe one day you'll be strong enough to entertain me in battle okay man hey uh biffl what's up this bald guy uh he gave me sorry no not sigil the other bald guy saama he get Sunday listen look at look at me look at me chill chill let's do this correctly okay okay your anime versus my anime let's do it what are you bring it you want pieace what is the what does the one punch do where are you oh I tanked it yeah one punch my butt come here ah how did you tank one punch man hello cuz I'm strong wait does that is that like L base like you can tank all at one punch man's punch that's I don't think that's L based I think it's from two different anies but it's fine guys please I have leled up I love anime okay well never mind okay so I just one punched everyone except for Biffle that makes sense I'm one punch man never mind I'm not going to show you my dragon it's fine have a dragon you you know what no no before you UNP punch me I want to test something hold on what do me too hold on on what is that b help I'm also here and I'm confused by what that is b b help me what am I oh Sailor Moon I'm Sailor Moon ready for B here stop it oh chill I want to use my rainbow power Justice I have a sword of justice back up rainbow power rainbow rain rainbow say say Moon prison Powers Z prison for the Dragon Force oh my what was that my Dragon Force did you not hear stop stop shooting me with he did Dragon Force hi sigil I'm here to play Dragon idiot how was that how was that no D wait can I catch on points oh I'm in lead boys you better find it's okay I'm Moon girl why do you turn why does that song play Whenever you I like that I have a theme song you guys want to know a fun fact about sailor kill Sun I think s was technically the most powerful anime character ever okay I'll leave it to biffl what do I need to do next I know when I was up here yeah I saw Goku I know Goku hey Goku what's up man I am so hungry I'll teach you a powerful attack if you can cook me lunch BR I have a fist look at it I don't even have it equipped to have it on wait do I get this effect even if it's just in my hot bar oh look at me I got a fist that doesn't do anything all right man where do I cook lunch at I assume right here yeah we got that what is this chicken storage oh I got drumsticks okay cool how me I don't what do I need to do what is this oh close that door make sure nobody can get in here what is this okay lunch menu 5 x Fried Chicken one salmon one steamed bun steamed bun four wheat one egg cooked over fire got it okay so I need five cooked chicken a deep fryer okay put that up there got it oh it's filling with oil oh I just dropped the chicken in it's cooking no the chicken was deleted is it cuz it got too low to the ground oh I click it to keep it up it burns if it gets too low all right I need six got it okay four five got six okay is that enough how many does he need five I did one more okay great so now I need salmon and wheat and an egg I hear a chicken over here hi chicken you have an egg oh an egg perfect oh and salmon okay I'll just punch this is that because I'm one punch man all right that's some fun fishing yep that's cuz I'm one punch man that's fun I like that all right well I got my salmon cool oh I also need weat why there's fish everywhere I just blew fish everywhere Z you don't want this there deadish everywhere I may have gotten angry excuse me I may what are you doing over here get out this is my oh get out of here don't talk to me I just got one hit again sick yeah because I'm one punch Man Four wheat one egg okay four wheat don't come out that house suy don't come out that house one egg oh dough ball and I cooked this come out that house Dall cook the cook the slamming got it don't come out what do you mean don't come out of the house don't come out the house or you get the swords what did you just do they don't come out this house it's really scary don't oh my gosh don't come out here I said don't come out here oh I tanked it got to go it's okay I have a theme song the song as I'm dying so Bibble you said that that anime is the strongest ever right that's what I was told this mod doesn't do it justice yeah I don't I don't think so why don't you ever enter my house again lunch menu five Fried Chicken one salmon one steamed bun got it all you making what's going on nothing I'm trying to talk to Goku he wants oh no there you go Goku guys he's talking I love steam buns okay and chicken oh he's eating it Fried Chicken awesome okay a deal is a deal what is this Kami Hami ha charge up and blast the burning enemy and burns enemies if an enemy hits hit is already on fire deal massive damage to them uh that's bad I can't tell if I'm rayu or Goku who am I get it what is that oh gosh don't make me use my new on you come here what was that I miss what was that I'm leaving things on time oh you're on fire why am I slow what oh I have ranged one shot now got it okay cool no I love it uh he might be getting too powerful too op I found one of his Secrets I can fly nothing I want it who said we talk about this you're burning I can tell I can't even take it kills are now worth double what read that what was that sigil hello oh you know it's just your sword I found it how hello I need I need points no dragon stop throwing dragons I will Kami Hami hot everything no you won't you're scared I still one shot I still one shot hello take this take my rainbow beams and then my club of do ow why am I dying swords swords how much damage does the Kami kamami hot fire do I don't know you want me to see maybe I'm 100 billion bring it where are you P mode oh bi you're on fire bi how much damage does that do oh nothing okay a lot all right I'm going to fly now you can't just fly away why you flying can't fly away from all your problems I wait how many points do I have 33 you boys better catch up you guys are getting wrecked hey uh this is kind of easy um I need more what what do you mean I'm going to need more items though so I think Biff will talk to that person cuz he became like the upgraded version I think have anybody talked to them uh Hey one for all do you you really think you could beat us in a battle probably I got a Kam h Huh Ice Cube he's nothing but a miserable in what that who the heck are you calling insect you Mewtwo wannabe oh you're approaching me instead of running away you're coming right to me what what you mean do go you are a Chad aren't you so I need to fight them and I assume that's what the sword is I will kill all three of you the sword was this way sword that way okay sword got it can I use my sword to get the sword faster here we got a cauldron there what is this sword okay going this way sword going this way wait let me check this score wait how does zud have 38 it was like 2 minutes no way you guys are not win trading are you no no man come here you want to play this game you want to cheat hi you want to cheat what is this okay Fight 1 V3 I'll shut you up for good behold okay FR okay I want you to Die the most gruesome death imag why what did I do to you oh what is wrong with your arm Oh no I got a dash I got to dash okay Frieza does no damage set him on fire oh you see their health up top Center oh hold on I'm going to go fight this guy now come here do a what what was that okay just hit him get away from me Frieza get oh look at the damage I got to go I got to go I got to go okay I am pretty strong I am really not taking much damage okay I got to set him on fire what does he do oh he sends out tornadoes got it Das behind him and get him easy get out it oh all three of them are here no this easy just keep doing this Dash away I'm going to take you down next and I'm going to take down Ice Cube come here bro all right you're dead where's where's Ice Cube Boy at oh wait all for one's not dead yet no he's dead where's Frieza all right Frieza come here it's time to die easy oh what is this Super Saiyan go Super Saiyan wait hold on Super Saiyan speed four I don't what is it look at look at my hearts wait do I have like super regen oh this is going to be good I'm in last play you guys need to stop wind trading zud we not wind TR I'm going back to the I'm going back to the bosses my final take him down boys look into my eyes come here don't do it don't do it oh my God he's got super saiyan I have a new sword my sword will kill him stay away from me that so much damage I'm totally not healing all of it take oh no Lava font oh look at the lava font oh no guys he's going Super Saiyan 3 careful time wait so if I just run through you while I'm super saiyan you just die I mean you guys can all try to use your abilities on me if you want but I don't think it'll work we got 39 seconds I got to stay alive I'm winning I just got to stay alive activate Super Saiyan he just doesn't die why aren you guys strong thing right I died okay cool I'm strong I'm just run through you is it am I winning run through you I won't even respawn in time I'm so happy for you okay so one wait who wins time who do you think wins I me I won right oh I won hold on so I saw this little trophy over here what's over here okay there's a trophy yeah there's a little there's a little trophy over here okay hold on maybe it's good for all of us uh Death Note write the names of your enemies and hit enter run run run that I haven't seen this anime I haven't seen that what is it oh Biffle Whiffle listen I'll hit the like button I'll subscribe I promise just don't do it don't write the note okay I won't write Biffle Whiffle I will not I got rid of the Whiffle man I'm not writing Biffle Whiffle I'm not writing Biffle Whiffle don't do it all right well uh boys I think I win the anime hit the like button hit the Subscribe button what the heck
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,168,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MwyPQqTpQUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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