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the joker has done something to me and he changed me into another player wait ah we are back with some more among us mods and today we are introducing a brand new role the joker he's got a whole bunch of really cool abilities like smoke grenade oh now you can't see me because there's a lot of smoke everywhere he also has a laughing gas ability that changes every player's skin into another player's skin so that people start sustaining each other and it all just starts becoming a mess and that's awesome i'm also going to be the joker in this video so make sure you watch until the end at the jelly store you can get some awesome merch for example this one jelly stir look how cool and at 75 000 likes we'll do more among us mods who is it i own who is it no i have copyrighted it and everybody who says it has to pay me ten pennies can we say all right let's check the cameras we got dr vals we've got nobody else oh yuki poppy trance where's the joker we got it we got to find him and take him down oh no not this task oh no this is difficult my memory can't handle this stress okay nobody found a body yet sauce whoa i'm trans what just happened oh my god the joker has done something to me and he changed me into another player wait ah i just died i got killed but dr vals what just happened are you kidding me oh my god there are two dead here please find my body please find it okay there we go jelly died and yuki by the way i just want to say i was actually playing as jelly in that round because the joker switched me somehow that was a lot of fun so how does that work i don't know i think everybody trans was you josh he was dressed as you i was vows oh that i thought for some reason i thought that the the imposter was close to me when that happened but it changed how are we gonna know who the imposter is if we all keep changing i actually still don't know who the imposter is they don't hear me right now but i still don't know who it is i wonder if jelly and yuki even know who it is oh yeah they might not all right i'm just going to skip i'm going not picking nyx i don't want to keep doing this death noises guys they're death noises are you you really think it's panics or something i mean i might as well just start kicking people out josh you sound like an imposter i'm not gonna lie what all right i don't know who it was but josh said he was val's and wasn't val's inelectrical where i died is dars the joker i mean he just changed in the trance but everybody else changed too oh he just vented it's josh oh my god oh my god oh my god crainer is about to be killed by some random teeth oh oh my goodness what is happening here is josh doing this whoa he just died in front of paganix oh okay body outside security you're not allowed to say that crainer pianists you feel they're not allowed to talk either jelly and you're not allowed to say that i'm not allowed to talk trainer i'm just going to vote peganics because crainer voted them and trained this is a typical slogo round everybody knows it's him at this point right why is nobody voting josh am i the only one who's seeing this maybe it's because i'm a ghost oh oh i don't know who the imposter is even though i'm dead okay this is really annoying wish me luck guys wish me luck good luck josh spider do you have any idea who it is yes who is it i didn't know at first but i i saw josh turning into somebody else and then he vented look at him look at him look at this look at him look at him is he going to kill chuck look he's adding the smoke he's changing it to a different character oh no and then he walks away he's troll he's throwing things he's doing crazy so he's right now kelly right yeah he's cali he's cali look you saw that he's me yeah he's a mean mean boy he's a little jokester isn't he that's what i'm saying i mean he's almost killed everybody i think he's going to win this to be honest there's not a lot of people left there's protecting the button oh he keeps changing are you kidding me 20 minutes later i mean we need to vote someone out either way because if if the impos is here can you just vote can you just vote in the vote callie come on dr vows is good because of that i'm dead but i feel like i'm gonna die if you don't vote oh god what are you kidding me i'm about to get murdered straight away i'm literally going to be here yeah josh who is it who is this who is it trainer it's kidding me it was still awesome both times i didn't realize i killed you guys because you were someone else yeah thanks for that as if asked as if you didn't know me you killed us on purpose joe yeah oh i don't even know i keep saying i love saying it too it's my favorite thing in the whole world all right all right all right what's going on the lights are off already are you kidding me all right the lights are back on paganix and poppy are here we haven't did cali did he vent we haven't changed character yet oh okay i'm peganix now slogo and yuki are here although they've probably changed hey we got jelly there that's me hello that's well that's me you're looking good today boy oh that's crainer what's that crater catchwife yeah first try all right so if i turn into the same player as i was before i assume everybody else does also i'm slogo i suck at the game should i do something real sus i'm venting event event i vent oh dead body reported one down oh kelly person is dead top of election i was playing as you fall while there dilly did you see that oh [Laughter] and i was standing on a vent hoping that somebody would try to slow go yeah yeah he could have been playing 3d chess and it was him i saw josh kill yuki what what yeah it's josh i'm voting no but we literally just said i'm kidding jake turned into that means it's me don't vote him i voted him when he was a joke i'm just trying to be funny all right well i don't know anything there's a body an electrical the person probably vented josh you didn't see me going in that vent so you know no but it could have been involved with me too josh you literally voted me kind of what it was a joke well maybe josh is joking i didn't find it very funny okay wait josh has no humor what here we go ready for it it was a joke er you're the joker get it josh is a joker it was a joke well the last body was found in electrical and i actually have some tasks there so let's go to them [Music] what i am different person now oh it's picnics and me hey what's up bang we are doing tasks again oh and now we changed again this is awesome where is this jokey boy whoa crainer sauce yo yo yo wait wait who's with me was that was i with the real stop talking i clicked that button what do you want jelly cranner you sucks huh why am i serious you just walked into cam you just saw me walk into camps what are you talking about where were you before that going past electrical nah you came from the top buddy no i didn't jelly that's just straight out of a lie there's a ladies and gentlemen for my explanation i let me let me speak did not go from the ice your body your engine me [Laughter] bye guys that makes you the joker can you be quiet and just mute jelly [Laughter] what are you doing i don't know just relaxing in cafeteria you know i like to eat whoa i'm crater now whoa i'm gonna vent all right i am sustain craner that's logo although i don't know for sure if it's him okay what's happened now another body's been found this time wow cali dorgo sorry it's my accent we pronounced the asb the o as an a all right door guys play by med all right where was that hater you literally walk that way jelly a lot of people walk that way painter me and you we were sharing that last slice of pizza on the table and cafeteria and then once we were finished i went my way down south and you went to the west side and that's where i saw you last why is this nobody else it's not me jelly it's clearly you then i don't care i just vote korean i've got i'm just going to go with jelly on it what you just act different when it's you all right are you kidding me you guys are absolutely useless you're useless still you suck and you suck more you suck even more than that you will always suck one time more than me you will always suck two times more than me that means you still suck one more time crainer that means you still suck two more times no that's not how it works i said it first this is how it works we literally said it you said what i said two now it's three three times more each huh i still said it first so it's still always one time i want new friends i'm still susan crainer to be fair i am still sussing craner i think he is the murderer the door is closed a murder probably happened in here nothing i'm trans that's crainer he's pretending to be slogo that's funny i actually think he's the killer so i'm just gonna do my tasks now okay he killed me as dot he killed me asked josh did anybody get to see that are you kidding me i was right you see i was right i saw it i saw it it's obviously kelly darko everybody i saw him do it he don't do what he killed jelly and then i ran away from him and then he reported the body oh yeah he met this game [Laughter] anytime where it's just crainer alive he's been falls apart every time i can't handle the pressure you guys know i suck at pressure oh so you agree with me you always suck one time more than me you suck two times who is it oh wait i got something to show you follow me guys oh wait what what what kicking jelly at he's annoying right no oh i hold it voted daily please that would be rude that would be it guys that would be i was just asking a friendly innocent question yeah because he's annoying he smells like rock even puppy voted for you john yeah that was not worth anyway i got something to show you guys if you would like to follow me to medpay all right follow me everybody hey follow you now everybody stay away stay awake okay cali's clear cali is clear trainers clear slow goes clear oh logo is clear jelly i don't have this it's very clear it is totally clear i don't have this task guys okay all right excellent play squad roll out yeah yeah that was not going kelly i okay that's not your valve go away all right good luck guys i'm the joker i'm the joker but i have no idea what i'm doing we have a teeth trap a smoke grenade playing cards laughing gas should we try the laughing gas i'm yuki hey what's up dude come over here [Laughter] that's a good way to kill is what i'm saying and there's the real yuki there's the real yuki yeah oh we got cranon slogo walking around okay they're going up they're gonna find that body okay i gotta go from the top i'll report it guys what slogo me and kelly are clear slowly we found an alliance called the clear squad we have formed an alliance it's true it is our job to find out who the joker is together well you guys have done terrible because i am the one who found the body uh-huh did you find the body where was your body though the body was on the right side of cafeteria close to weapons where are you guys we're in navigation and you guys yes came from south to north does it matter we're clear sauce south we came here clear squad dill you can't sustain clear squad are you sure because have you have you really been sticking together i don't know about you clear squad but i voted for the green guy how like how small is your brain that you forgot we met bait in front of you i mean it happened to me too that's that's true i forget things too but it's just a little bit weird that you guys are all working together and don't find a body and i am the one who found it and guess what it's right next time we tiny brain tiny brain your tiny brain you got a poop on your head that doesn't give me a tiny brain trainer every time you say i'm tiny brain you're a double tiny brain you will always be one time more tiny brain than me okay clear scar squad roll out of breath roll out clear squat roll out i don't want to join this stupid squad all right laughing gas i'm craner i gotta do a kill right now come on who just killed josh in front of me what wait what did you see that i didn't see who it was kelly did you see that okay clear yo weren't you like uh no like clear squad or something like that i saw was blood too you were like together with innocent people we are literally innocent can you stop sussing us yeah but how how does it happen that somebody dies in between you guys and you don't know who it is yeah it was sloco i think i saw sloco kill sloko too that's why it was so confusing guys that it's not a thing there's never two slogos nobody turned into slogo when he died that looked really weird if everybody changes it's still only one's logo you're not listening to the words that are coming out of my mouth because you're an idiot i am saying when he dies he turns into his original so there was two slogos in a split second jesus we're clear jelly stop trying the sauce sauce all right well it's just weird to me that slogo dies in clear stuff i know it's weird jelly but we're literally kidding you guys all have sweet lady brains like this and now alone and ghosts apparently talk all right laughing gas vent vent out kill teeth trap yes playing cards yes that was great that was pretty good that was pretty good all right here we go again how did this happen two more people died trans what happened i think at this point we gotta realize that jelly is just the imposter i don't have any evidence but i just think he is um he's acting way too weird he keeps trying to say that we're sauce even though we're clear okay well i okay i'll tell you what tasks i've done i've i've done the little uh beep bop boop the thing in real life yeah yeah look at this kelly taco killed people kelly doctor killed two people and bent an electrical but it wasn't our original skin so we have no idea who it is are you kidding me who were you playing as jelly uh i was playing as paganinix who were you playing as picnics see paganix was me so that makes sense then we kind of swapped who were you playing as granny no cause kelly was you uh no callie was playing as crainer who was who was the one killing just saw kelly darko's oh it was kelly darko skin crano was me and i was trainer [Laughter] i don't know what's going on i really don't that means you're indicator look trans saw cali dargo kill two people guys how you were cali dargo it makes what do i say i i literally meant basically can you stop maybe the joker can do that i don't know we're about to quit this game jellyfish who were you i'm leaving somebody said it was literally you you want to see it again look go met my scanner and you want to see my trash dude because you keep on saucing me and i don't like those again oh i mean come on guys what happened guys let cali talk wait callie what happened you you you found a body but he's now dead yo that's crazy man that's that's crazy how that just happened where did that happen i was in navigation i literally have the biggest headache because of you right now jelly i was in navigation doing the rocket thing where you have to line the doors i said funny because they were together at the time yeah a little bit weird isn't it goodbye jelly i was the joker you want to hear a joke no i don't want to hear you talk ever again thanks for watching clicking to watch another video do it now because this one is about to end like right now
Channel: Jelly
Views: 2,293,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, AMONG US But I’m THE JOKER!, among us, joker, joker role, new role, new game mode, funny, among us funny moments, jelly, new
Id: UkFyIpMUXrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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