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today i'm playing among us oh did you hear that right prop hunt that's right we are gonna be a tiny little props hiding in a beautiful among us map look at this for example do you have any idea where i could be hiding in this room um that was the electrical thing do you see it you know what's even cooler than among us praw punt me being the imposter that's right i'm the impostor prop and my job is to kill all the other props if you think i can do it leave a like in this video i'm gonna try to win this is crazy also jelly start come get some merch this is so funny which one which one are you josh i'm the i'm the electric shoot do you see them tell each other okay i'm trying to electric one there okay i'm this one i'm the i'm all right well i'll see you guys later i'm gonna go hide wait why didn't you say what you were josh good luck guys bye bye look i'm hiding i'm blending into the wall i was lying about which prop i was i am the electrical box oh we've got another electrical box walking by in today's video i am actually the imposter believe it or not let's turn off the lights and escape now as a prop i am gonna try to kill people however people are gonna see me doing kills but i don't see them because they could be blended into the natural environment as a prop look this looks this looks completely legit this is scary legit i'm just gonna have to wait for a prop to walk into reactor wait i can actually trigger that event oh we got crainer here we got crainer at least i think that's crainer he said he was the wifi thing he doesn't know that this one's me though but i think on the voting screen he's gonna find out so i cannot kill trainer just yet all right let's go back down let's go back down all right let's vent all right the good thing about venting in mira is that you can vent anywhere you want the bad thing is there could be a prop in here oh there is a prop in here okay i need to kill someone all right leave the fan leave the friend oh he just saw me [Applause] did you see offend did you see the bottle i don't know who they are oh more people here might be clear oh my god he saw the body how did he do that i guess the report button okay i have a question what's the question dead body a dead body or is a dead body a prop i was gonna want i was asking that like yeah i don't know what did you see uh cyan is it a dead body or was it just like a coupling on the ground that you could report they're invisible uh they are not helpful are you kidding me okay so once a prop dies the prop just disappears and you're like that's annoying i guess he found the body because the report button pops up that's the only way you can get it i guess that's a good point well i don't have anybody to sauce i was actually ordering soda from the soda machine and you guys interrupted it so i'm mad wait okay josh josh is a soda it says right did you see that i mean did you jelly i did come out the vending machine i have a straw yeah i'm a cup you're like oh anything i come out of a little fountain shoot thingy i'm sorry sometimes things out of the vending machines come with straws that actually reminds me if anybody would like to maybe come with me to medpay i have something to show everybody oh okay all right that's right and you're the bottle right no i'm just kidding i'm the wife blue is voting himself okay blue is a little bit concerned maybe because he had no idea he said that the body was invisible right yeah yeah he said that he said all right well let's go into mythbank yeah follow the wi-fi box guys i got something to show y'all all right i'm following i'm following then all right now everybody step away so there's no confusion step away okay wait alarms are going off um okay well we gotta go do the emergency obviously but cleaner why are we gonna get split up what are you doing here no i can totally do it look i'll do it now i'm sorry i got confused look there we go wait that's me that did it no this is what i'm doing right are you kidding me i think i've enabled it it says color is yellow you idiot what are you talking about this is me no what are you talking about i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding oh i wanted to kill so bad i wanted to kill so bad i'm still here nobody realizes that so let's leave this room and vent out of here we got somebody we got somebody i can kill him hello wait i can hide right here i can hide right here and wait until somebody finds the body i'm a prop they can't see me come on hurry up is anybody on his way can i trigger a sabotage event so they come here i don't think i can oh oh my god who's dead okay orange found a body i guess okay josh are you so quiet because i don't have a clue what's going on yeah i'm confused as well man i i gotta be honest this is really weird on the balcony at the bottom of cafe all right so crainer anyone got anything to say you med base scan so it cannot be crainer right yeah thanks thanks josh was lying about his scan or he was just a meme okay it was a meme okay well thank you for mee min not good so where where are you guys i am i don't really know the names but you know the the the thing where you go through the tunnel and you get wait i'm actually saucing josh a little bit because he was joking about my mid-base again i'm gonna vote josh that's it that's your entire yeah wow wait a minute fingers crossed doesn't take much is it you just get you just get a little bit upset about someone you're like you know what it's them i was an admin and i uh i don't think i saw anybody i mean people could be hiding as props which is the problem but i was doing the same thing hiding as an electric thing against the wall which is kind of fun all right well skip both guys i mean i don't know let's get let's go let's get going this is so hard guys how are we ever going to find out wait two people want to josh who else voted me what is diane doing and he voted himself the first round okay let's everybody keep their eyes out for slogo okay sauce slogan real stuff look at this cup you see him he's extra sauce guys look at me i'm back in the soda machine no oh you're on the table how cool is that look at me i'm a wi-fi box on there you know you know crainer yeah this is exactly where i was standing when you murdered that last person oh just kidding just kidding i hate you so much josh yeah bye oh my god that could be true that could be true you know crainer what do you want colonel let's go together i'm just thinking about um if that's true or not but they wouldn't have seen me they wouldn't have seen me because i never left the balcony oh my god those alarms those alarms those alarms those arms those alarms oh that was close i don't want to i don't want to win this quick okay i don't want to win this quick it needs to be fun all right so let's see what am i going to do i am going to leave this room oh we got crainer coming in he's just a little wi-fi thing oh my god come on there we go oh my god this is extremely difficult this is extremely difficult all right lights are off and i am on the panel oh craters here crater's here but he knows i'm here he knows i'm here oh i don't want to kill crainer yet can cranon not understand that there we go there we go greener where did crainer go oh he's still here is crainer sussing me he's just following me crader stop trainer knows who i am crainer knows it's me okay communications i gotta go get that i gotta go get that trainer stay away stay away i gotta kill now anybody got fixed communications i can kill right here i can do it oh wait there's somebody here and look i'm a panel on the wall i have no idea oh my god there's a bottle there there's a bottle there's a i need to kill the bottle i need to kill the bottle i need to kill the bottle i need to kill the bottle i need to did he see me did he see me did he see me did he see me oh my god i don't know what to do i need to kill that bottle no uh wait you found a dead body we were in common together huh wait what uh i'm so confused josh i think i think the report must have just popped up okay i guess there's a body in comms yeah i mean i was like going around i couldn't find anything josh that's a little sus you know i saw you walking in i was a craner yeah i'm really confused we're just checking the door lock together prana has a very small prop and he's really good at hiding i didn't see him crainer we were hiding together once in cafeteria remember that that was real yeah that was cute it was really cute also i followed you for a while julie and i actually don't think you're sauce at all buddy yeah i know we were just chilling trying to hide as as props you know i also followed you that one time were you on the wall wait wait wait wait wait wait do you want to fight when i yeah did you did you not have a report button come on no i didn't i was just saying that's admissible so i checked it out the report button does pop up when you're close it didn't pop up for me i was in the same room as you and i didn't see it i mean i was together with the bottle the whole time and i think that the bottle you can verify that i thought that i didn't kill it's just like can it verify orange orange can you verify verify what what he was with oh you were together with jelly okay no he said yes to you being the imposter no no no he did john why are you so sauce against me this round what's going on what's all about jelly nobody asked that question john jenny that was a bit weird that you walked out of the room where i found the body but i didn't see no report button josh oh my god oh my god i got away with that the bottle didn't see me kill that was amazing oh my goodness all right is there anybody in here is there anybody in here all right here's my next plan we're gonna set off reactor first i gotta make sure nobody's in here we're gonna hide as an electrical panel in reactor and we're gonna sabotage it oh my god this is the most difficult thing i've ever done man i don't want to win like this okay we got we got a bottle with us all right wait wait okay no wait it's josh it's josh it's josh he knows he knows that i'm here he's not stupid josh is not stupid there we go there we go i made it look like i was waiting for josh there i made it look like that last second i thought josh would see me because he's just too big brains sometimes you know and don't really know what to do anybody here oh my god this is somebody this is somebody wait somebody's in the balcony i gotta turn the lights off i gotta turn the lights off corner can see me crainer can see me creator can see me but he doesn't know me no no and i can't sabotage because i'm on the emergency button no no oh my god oh my god oh my okay i just saw something super strange who died i was just chilling in a room and the doors opened so an invisible guy and closed again that was really weird what term is this crane which room is this i was in the you know below cafeteria chilling okay black where was the body where was the body uh where are you i swear i swear it's not me um doing that stupid task you know wait that's a lie i see you on my screen jelly no that's not true where are you me yeah yeah where are you i'm in the stupid farm room that's not in the cafeteria jelly yes it is it's like you know you know you know the cafeteria on the left the bottom left not that not like above the i saw you walk into the cafeteria in the bottom right i was following you i hid in a bush and you never left jelly that's not true and i'm pretty sure i see you on my screen i'm voting jelly no going on i am i'm so confused i see you on my screen oh you lucky you guys are stupid it's not me you're stupid you must think that i'm some panel on a wall that's just no you weren't on a wall it was a panel on a bed right there where you just oh wait you see when you when your body gets found everybody spawns here crainer oh now granny you're making the you're now making my evidence look dumb crainer um i look guy follow me i hid in this bush like where are you i was hiding here i was here i didn't see josh i was in here i was in here guys this isn't a farm well it's this farm task with things oh you oh this is where you pick up the water yeah the watering can it's farming okay wait admittedly i was wrong about my evidence but you still lied about it there's a literal farming room in green house i call that the farmer that sounds like a green house yeah you're just as close jelly yeah you could have easily been the killer now you're not technically lying you tried to say you were far away but it's like a guy's greenhouse then you're like oh no i'm not in the greenhouse because y'all saw me and now you're in the air okay storage jetty it is good all right listen guys i've always called it the farm room like are you dumb trainer we know it's you stop pretending what are you doing just because my brain is again you dummy all right bye yeah i'm messing this up ah this is the most difficult thing i've ever done everybody was hiding in cafeteria as a prop and i just simply had no idea about it uh i don't know what to do i don't know what to do man [Music] i think i should kill josh i think i could should kill josh all right what are you guys doing we know i know i know you're here they're trying to hide from me they're trying they're trying to hide from me i think i'm gonna kill josh oh my god where was the dead body i found it josh you faked the scan didn't you that it jelly is fake the scan oh really you're gonna try to set me up now buddy me and josh were geniuses we were following jelly and hiding in our elements but he saw us every time so we ran in cafeteria and he stalked us this is she ran to hide and jelly killed josh who was an innocent little bottle standing on a box all right are you done talking let me quickly explain what happened there everybody josh was walking around together with crainer craina was trying to bring him to a spot where they would be lonely so he could slaughter him little did he know i was stalking them the entire time very obvious you're following us you weren't even trying to hide you're just saying that now because that's the only way you can get it you can get around this just a walk-in box you didn't even care about blending into your surroundings silly no that's not true crainer i was stalking you you barely saw me okay well then you killed josh because you didn't know i was there i saw it happening hey listen listen remember who saw me hey hey black remember previous round when you found that other body the only one who was close was crainer and remember that he thought he saw me just kidding everybody do you guys remember when i met you it's crainer i'm done i'm voting daily because he is he's just killed josh and honestly i'm very sad about it because josh is a very dear friend of mine i'm very sad about it too that you killed him crainer i'm very sad that you're elijah falling upon josh if you hear this i'm so sorry i will get trainer for you josh i'm gonna kill him josh i gotta sabotage i gotta sabotage okay lights are off lights are off lights are off lights off this is it this is it how do you not see that how do they not see that oh my god okay this time like guys i was so far away from wherever that body was probably that it has to be jelly oh it's it's real convenient that all the vents in this map line up don't isn't it greenery i wouldn't know about that because i'm not the imposter but then what did you know about it let's listen let's listen out the guy with the note where is the body the guy with the interior of cafe that's that's pizza dilly is it pizza oh it is pizza pizza all right body inches of cafe wait isn't there a vent there okay wait waiter uh you were on the complete otter side of the map i mean i was actually heading to a cafe right now but they're no i don't even want to play this game i met bay scan people should know i met base camp it was josh it was josh who met base again and you lied about you scanning port josh is probably sitting here in silence we all know it's now right now because you are trying to convince everybody i know it's craner we all know it's craner jelly is the imposter it's not me oh god everybody saw me met basically he said it's literally near a vent can anybody vouch that they have seen me met base gang come on vote already is this taking too long okay wait are you kidding me all right pizza is going to die uh-oh i saw it i saw it this time plant you walked in you saw crainer doing it he was in the hallway he came all the way down i was right behind him i was at the i was at the end of the hallway i probably wasn't even close to where it happened but just know that if you oh we got it we never water another plant in my life jelly is the winner well-played jelly well played guys that was so hard couldn't have done it i guess yeah i love plants thanks for watching click here to watch another video do it now because this video is ending i won yay
Channel: Jelly
Views: 5,201,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, I Hid As The EMERGENCY BUTTON In AMONG US!, among us, jelly, prop hunt, hide and seek, funny, funny moments, game, games, gaming, new game mode, among us prop hunt
Id: k7ftQsjnKlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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