Among the Sleep Part 4 | SCREAMING LIKE A BABY

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to among the sleep the babies back baby plier mark a baby and I know what you'd call me but I'm here and apparently I'm probably gonna die okay so is there any way that I could lift this okay that's gonna twitch a little bit but can I lift this up here I'm an ingenious baby and I know how leverage and physics works come on well the baby I can't lift up that barrel it was just come on what if I really needed that to make it through this puzzle it's not really a puzzle I just need to get up there but come on your son maybe I oh I get it that barrel was too tall I'm just a sure little baby why would I have been able to get up that barrel let me get the key and then this is gonna allow me to get out of here I think that's not a good sound I'm a baby but I know how to do this Oh lady how are you doing lady you look good look better than good you look great you look so good I can't even imagine how good you look you still out there did you take another dive in the water Hey thank you don't know why these boards are still here but I just Toph ed through them Oh baby power died that was me breaking it thaws Emiel maybe I should shut up with the stupid jokes and just carry on my way I actually don't know which way I'm supposed to go I kind of got lost here those um these misty woods they're easy to get turned around it but I'm assuming I'm supposed to go that way and let's set her down there that's okay sudden silence is just as bad look Elijah now I was wondering when things were gonna get creepy I'm glad that that time that is now is happening okay no I think this is the way that I came so I need to go this way I say with an uncertain tone what is over here I wonder Oh death God the sudden stoppage of noise is very disconcerting I'm just assuming I need to go back careful cause I'm a baby I forgot sometimes it's very easy to forget that I'm actually a two-year-old and I'm not supposed to be in this environment but here I am I hear splits fly oh dang by mark oh come on you baby bastard get on your feet is the last time that I'll be yelling at a little child to hurry the F up so what I need to do I think I need to speak faster unless this is just a fool's errand then this is just leading into my death which could be as high priority I'm just clouds of spit everywhere in this pit maniac right now googoo gaga but just a baby I see you there's a crocodile what are you doing crying for your mommy I should be the one crying for my mommy are you my mommy are you my mommy lady my mom is not dead though so that might be a little bit problematic to that hypothesis okay just sneaking right by okay so maybe at this juncture I went left when I was supposed to go right I do not know I have a square key now I open the triangle door before oh there is okay I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm solid I'm rock solid I am a okay I'm in it to win it I am the bee's knees I'm the baby of Oz : go goddamnit got open no that's wrong hello baby have a baby don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me God that was the most terrifying figures she still by me she still I'm isn't it [Music] we we all ignore the fact that that was probably the highest pitched scream I've ever done in my entire life cool don't like that that is in fact pretty bad okay the beginning of the Mario 64 portal system so I'm just gonna hop back Kukoc damn it that was his video zero that actually sounded like cuz I know it's gonna be bad but all right so these are the last puzzle piece teddy bear he's definitely not gonna betray me at the end of all this I'm just gonna carry on my way oh no I gotta go through another painting into another demon wall Arnie why do they know our faces this is a lovely slender family before they were violently torn from each other's arms baby rock star oh god damn it's gonna be another area of nightmares I need to collect it two more memories overall I don't know how long this game actually is I think some people were saying that it's actually a short game but I don't know maybe I'm just taking longer to get through it at least see what happens is there any dastardly demons our bear in the darkness I used the deal iteration of it too much so malevolent maniacal monsters mashing out in them mmmm bleah more growth woods and woods in the woods baby don't kill baby no kill little baby no no somebody feet oh no little baby no kill how could even see me she he she he I don't know whatever you call yourself I will respect your life choices okay okay how that have she can actually kill me maybe she's not really a threat although I have a distinct feeling that she's probably a very large threat can I climb up okay can't climb up on that because it's not gonna let me all right cool that's cool a my dad might be dead does that do okay I was worried that when I click the pacifier I might have just boy this kid he gets knocked down yeah you usually punch a baby in the face and he just goes down stays down to this one you get him he gets back up he's he's got the eye in a tie yet get away from this lady not though I want to clarify not that I've had much experience in baby punching but it'd be too different than like any normal punching of small creatures of small stature about it really dryads give me what I cover my hands or my eyes when I answer I'm dead that is that is that is my middle name what is that what's going on where am i what happened this bad is going poorly for me I need to find a better way to get around her without going straight into her gullet okay so I just gotta crawl on my belly it's got to be very sneaky about all this it's gotta be the stealthy of baby that ever lived I'm a shadow crawling what did I do where I get it I'm running I'm out of here if you're going around that way I'm I'm just assuming Oh God okay don't know what happened to the first one but okay whatever okay just gonna run this way still go for it going for it baby on the run maybe on the run don't know where I'm going don't know what I'm doing now baby I thought I fall in the river there you're not dead yet get up son hit him with the old one-two I hope I don't need to actually find anything in this library because I'm going to be very dead very soon if I have to go in a circle is this a correct path did I make it sir memo reunir sir a memo read can I close this damn door thank you no one heard this close very silent yeah okay look about the five drowning friends [Music] cool that's a great story mom now if you could stop being dead I could carry on with my life all right cool oh hi hi there demon lady how would you like to go away forever and fall into a pit of hell it's great I got great makings baggage of free right now what was that song you were humming mother er if it really is you and if you're not really the teddy bear who's trying to get my goat goddamn you are I went through all the death did you I don't trust you very much god damn it's like one of those some of the scariest chases I've ever been through who's terrifying amplified by the fact that I am a freaking baby anything like what what are you look at how shouldn't that's what I was saying oh my god we understand each other so much this is amazing thank you miss be so nice we can play together all the time that's okay I was Green with you before but now it sounds distinctly evil what you're saying no much care for evilness here so how about you doing I'm just gonna burn all my memory hmm hmm he's gonna burn all my memories up and trap them in this machine oh hi hello there with your beady little eyes staring at me okay crank it I'll close it first then crank it sorry it's been almost a day since I was playing this last the key is to very gently turn it that way I don't have to do the big motions is that a good thing that you can feel my mother that also sounds slightly sinister do not that you're saying you're saying yeah you keep saying these things that why all right here we go mr. teddy bear I'm gonna go and see the next area but then I'll have depth in the episode there he keeps saying these things that are somewhat comforting but in another level they're also very not comforting goodbye everybody fell in this hole because I'm a little kid it's like going down the rabbit hole like Alice in Wonderland yep my name is I don't know what my name is actually good that was a nice soft landing on my baby bones what have we got here what are we dealing with this time sky what is that what is that am I looking at here whoa um tells me this place isn't too friendly I don't know what the hell that is but I guess I'm gonna find out on the next episode so thank you all so much for watching click the annotation for more videos that games that I've done and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,522,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among The Sleep, Scary, Funny, Screaming, Scared, Scream, Scariest, Scariest Game Ever, Among the sleep gameplay, markiplier, among the sleep scary moments, baby, among the sleep markiplier, jumpscares, scary chase, chase sequence, monster, demon
Id: muqlvwfmH5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 02 2014
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