Among the Sleep Part 5 | IS MARKIPLIER A DUMB?

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to among the sleep there is a strange noise coming from over there obviously I'm clicking this game up again from last time I played it last night I don't know what's happening over here but I'm gonna find out what it is what the hell is that okay don't know what's happening over there something Oh something trying to get out of there it's something what is hitting there is a piano ramming that thing it's a great that I could normally climb through I'm just wondering what the hell it is what are you I know what you are but I'm gonna forget about you and I'm gonna go over here and try to outlive this land of nightmares that constantly wants to kill babies anyway I don't know if that lady from the last level is gonna be over here but I have some theories about who she is now she's obviously related to this kid in some way and I don't know why but it seems like I'm looking for my mommy and yet something here is not right maybe my mommy is not who I think she is maybe it's all figment of my imagination in the darkness of this child extended okay okay damn Jax for everywhere hatboxes and all this douchiness you know somebody be banging hmm what are you I don't know what you is what the hell is that oh god where am I going why is it thrusting it's the eternal burning question in my mind something I ask all the time why is it thrusting why okay here we go okie dokie let's try not to tie this early in the game I am just a little kid but I deserve no mercy obviously I've done some terrible things in my life okay thrusting is good okay alrighty then hey what's over there oh I can't go over that way that way leads to death so I think I'll go this way I think I remember seeing this level in the developer thing they were actually building this level as they were or they made a video of them building this level to showcase how it works where does this go oh god sorry thinking around that I need like crawl again there you go I'm gonna assume no so I'm gonna just keep going up the grandfather clock anyway what I was saying about the lady before that lady in the other area I don't know if she's related to me somehow not directly anyway because the paintings actually had it the paintings actually had a daughter in the pictures I think who's in there ooh I hear creepy crawly noises I'm gonna go in there stop it Jesus get on the bag get out of my way bag I need to get in here can't get up jump hop hop of your little tiny feet hop okay terrible mistake I didn't want to disturb you but I'm in anyway who's in here who the hell do you think you are huh [Music] that's a music box from before what do I do about that what bad Lola boy why is it bad why did I give an achievement for that okay whoa okay I thought thinking oh I thought something bad was actually gonna happen to me like death why is there an ace of spades on the ground there good I'm glad oh nevermind what's why me don't like this game messing with me it decides that he needs to mess with the likes of me who is too strong and brave and handsome of a child man baby to be boggy Kyle you can't say I didn't see that I'm coming for you hi hi you [ __ ] who do you think you are glowing your eyes at me so you dare oh hi are you alright come back here eyeballs Hey look at you loo okay fine you go run away who's that on the ceiling why does that bicycle' upside down what does that eyes over there or is everyone just being a giant bubble blowing baby and they don't want to face the likes of me okay there was nothing over here never mind I'll carry on I'm just wasting time at this point this is obviously the last area from the memory that I need so I need to find a way to go and get whatever I do need hello lamp can I crawl in here can but why why I'm in here why is that shaking what's the point of that I don't know let me out like to carry on with my mission whatever that may be there's something in these why did I why was I able to find a bad lullaby and why why why whoa hello was that nothing what is that can I go through there no yes I don't know get out of my way you briefcase [ __ ] okay I can okay so that's a lie there's two options here got the purple door over yonder way that leads to confined space and I'm gonna look at come on hop up what do we got here big shadow monster that's not quite like the lady someone was scribbling away over there so oh my gos iffy dude out fast on my knees okay Michael I wasn't crawling this fast before I swear I was not did I just fall and break my anybody bones sorry hi how'd you going how you doing I'm hugging my teddy bear am i evil evil teddy bear very tight anybody want to mess with me what's in here hello who's there okay there's a lot of doors that just lead backwards why is this door marked by a big shadow answer is there a big shadow monster behind this door is anybody home anybody want a baby friend no you do not you garments stop that why are there so many coats I mean obviously these things are what would scare a little kid maybe scare a full-grown man is but I mean so sometime maybe I hear noises surrounding me I don't like it very much ah someone dancing with another's I gonna have to have dances boys can I get up okay I can't get up get up get up oh god I fell okay mother panicked a bit Bob I couldn't have my teddy bear what is that over there blimp hot air balloon model why is that in a strange language I mean I guess to a kid he wouldn't be able to do I her are people talking over there how you bad-mouthing me over there sorry what okay thank you oh go this way but because I chose it and not because you made me okay bloody baby clothes good big glowing door also good all these things are good don't know why your eyes this one covered in blood hello sorry do I need to knock something down do I need to hit something hi honey so it's a puzzle and I got a lot of objects that I might be able to throw some things high up so I got to figure out a way to get down is that what you're saying there you say to me oh wait a minute it just told me that I need to throw stuff so yeah how about that glowy thing okay sorry about the [ __ ] thrower everybody I'm just a two-year-old there we go Oh someone didn't like that sorry pick it up okay cool cool I'm out I'm out I'm out here who says something by me I thought that might have been some behind me okay cool close that door forever and hopeful nightmare soon ah follow me what is that one thing about this game that I really really like is that it's um be on account effect sings are very good very good I mean they always sound like they're directly behind me I do now like this but I'm a brave man and you guys want to see this story so I'm gonna tough through it you need to go find the star key no yes does that input in here I've been hearing that sound for a while oh where you been trying to survive death wait a minute isn't that the thrust II do dad this is all it's a different thrust you do that I get to [Music] maybe I don't know don't ask me how am I supposed to know did that do the job okay [Music] so wouldn't sure what am I supposed to do I'd like some answers tonight questions I'm just a baby okay so I'm assuming I need to either crawl through this hole can I crawl through there damn it I can't I gotta go this way I guess come on hop up going on a little ride little venture exploring the area who knows what destiny demon Zowie goddamnit I say bastard big demons way too much who knows what undulating I can't think of anything there what about those things over there do I need to do anything about that how the hell am I gonna get this go sorry what do I need to do to make it go I'm a beer a while guys I don't know what I'm doing why am i bouncing so much what is going on I do not know can I go through here okay bouncing bouncing baby baby bounce bounce okay still bouncing why jeez baby stop bouncing double J alright so I had to load back from another save point because I think something went seriously wrong even when I died the same sound kept looping over and over again and something seemed very bugged with a bouncing I don't know what's your sound buddy were you doing I need to figure this out it's a puzzle Oh Jared um I'm just a baby with the IQ of a genius okay you see now it's doing the pump II do but it's now bumpy doo-doo on that she now is eating a box and it wasn't before so there was a bug they see now it's going backwards afford it wasn't doing that before and now it is so that was a bug that was bug it was not my fault I was not breaking it in any way on my own volition but it was just breaking by itself I did not break it it was not my fault everybody I am not to blame here this is the game's fault and most likely this baby's fault I would blame the baby I would really blame the baby yes it is how strange that it is stuck well let me just get that out of the way for you no no no almost let go of it let go of it I'm a baby but I'm various push there we go okay that was supposed to happen it was the elbows to break but I got it this time I am in it to win it because I'm super smart but she is very before I would be more scared of it but it did so here I go I am so enough gloating about the game breaking let's just keep the flow going here oh hey Pope teach puppy come on get up on the thing Thank You kid come on we got time to make up because you were breaking yep good job kid now don't be bouncing over here make your way over nice and calmly Oh got it now we're looking for a star gonna be a star kid gonna show them all what you can do you gotta show them the bright lights inside your soul yeah show me true heart okay what are we looking for are we looking for a star we can knock down lows down there death probably in here no okay someplace we going come on let's crawl into the dark and close named Earl and I'm sure that nothing bad will happen to me what bad could happen I'm in the most capable hands of this teddy bear that looks like somebody falling on the ground in pukey why is somebody falling on the ground and puking good question where the hell am I now do I want to fall down there here I go this is a mistake wasn't it Oh No I'm dead what the hell happened oh god damn it dingus damn it post okay try this again what's that being an idiot hello balls thank you for falling upon me what do I need you for I don't see anything I need to knock down oh my god I was way down there I went through there but I went through that what I came out up there that's so weird but I don't know why I need those balls for anything let's just go through here hey wait a minute I'm back home oh I need to take one of those balls that I need to throw them up at the bottle up hey honor Oh God you run so slow with this dang bear just get gone get the ball throw it at the battle and carry on your merry way wait a minute that's not a bottle well that is a bottle okay okay you are a wimpy wimpy baby come on give it some moans okay that was the one being slow I've ever seen in my life that must be either heavy heavy balls or you're just running on a steam little kid how about you pick up the pace cuz we got to conquer some dark horrors here not horrors but horrors all right how do we get a pie okay that's how god I gotta go in it to win it jump up climb up higher how about an orange or an apple can make it up there oh wow okay you could have done that a little bit better good I will assist you by vacating the premises i evacuate with your star wait a minute this city right it's not where I [ __ ] what's going on here this isn't where I came out wait a minute what who the why the how the oh I'm saving now why was I not supposed to go this way which way did you want me to go doing it I don't know what you wanted from me oh I get it I can't go back this way because you cut it off what the hell happened there okay so I get it I get it I get what you want me to do I think I do anyway not exactly under percent is saving again can I please get up get up up up Oh unless I need to go under it here's what I need to do now this is definitely the level of they showed off okay did not mean to stand up okay where do I go can't see anything what am i doing climb up let me doing where am I going what am i doing what we're doing what am i doing where am I going why am i trapped under here why did I need to crawl under I don't think I didn't need unless they needed to get this bucket and then I used a bucket to get up hi I'm a genius I'm a genius baby I'm a genius man baby hop up here puppet online up on it haha oh now you're gonna hop up okay now that I've accomplished the incredible task of hopping up I'm asking to stop this episode here this has been rife with troubles I don't know why but I'm having a lot of trouble with it this episode it's not entirely my fault not entirely some of it does me to blame but either way I will continue this in the next episode I don't know how many are left but I feel like we're approaching your conclusion so anyway thank you all so much for watching click the annotation with more videos that I've done and as always I will see you in the next video a tape recorder attached under the plate okie dokie
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,153,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among The Sleep, Markiplier, indie horror, Survival Horror (Media Genre), exploration, free roam, indie game, sleeping, falling, funny, scary, babies, cute baby, stuffed animal, teddy bear, super scary, jumpscares
Id: 1wXC-Af_BAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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