Ammo & Magazines/Amount & Storage - Concerned Citizen gear EP:5

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hello everybody and welcome to the fourth installment of the concerned citizen gear setup now this is by request of Adam from patreon I now have a couple $10 patrons but at the time Adam was the only $10 patron which means you get to choose a video for the month and he wanted to see the fourth installment of the concerned citizen gear setup so here it is he knows it's getting published today so does everybody else if you watched my last video on the Glock 19 Glock 43 frame odds so here we go [Music] we've been over first line second line third line gear right we went over bug out back now we're talking about ammo magazines and ammo storage I figured all three could be into one informative video I mean after all that's what this entire series is about is it's about having a series that people can go to for all the information involved with this sort of stuff as opposed to bouncing all over the interweb now let's start with magazines how many magazines should I have how many magazines should you have now I base this opinion off of well over thirty years of shooting I base this opinion off of teaching people for the last five plus years pretty consistently and off of other various personal experience I used to and some people like Jayhawk who's my newest big shout out to Jayhawk newest $10 of patron Jayhawk remembers when I used to say have at least double what you carried right so if you are a concealed carrier let's say you watching these videos strictly for entertainment but and you're just the average concealed carrier I think that this magazine part still applies to you if you carry one in your pistol and wanted to say one a spare mag pouch or just in your pocket then you should have four mags loaded we're ready to go ready to go for max minimum four magazines I believe that to be a little low and the more I thought about it over the years I thought that that was just low across the board because I said the same thing about your your battle rate here your your plate carrier if you carry three or four you play carrier plus one you're in your and your rifle then that was four that's only eight mags that's not enough I've switched it to at least a minimum of three that's how many I think you should have three spare three times the amount that you can carry or normally do carry first it's if you carry three on your plate carrier one in your rifle that's four that is twelve if you carry three in your plate carrier one in your rifle one hundred belt that's four five that is 15 rifle medics if you carry one on your belt for a pity you're just a concealed carrier you carry one mag spare mag on your belt or pocket one in your in your pistol that's six and that's really where I think a comfortable number is a minimum of six pistol mags assuming your basic concealed carrier and a minimum of triple or three times the amount that you can carry on your rig so why do I say that because outside of operator error the two major most common malfunctions with firearm involved magazines and ammo and if you're using quality ammo that is almost an on position that's almost even a non-problem which leaves just magazines magazines were out magazines brake feed lips have problems maybe you didn't seat the mag all the way which I realized tap rack tends to take care of that but sometimes strip reload takes care of a to just as easily but and other magazines are the two biggest problems when it comes to the functional firearm therefore the more fixes you have for that problem the better off you are you go open a toolbox and a guy has a 9/16 box end wrench no he has a 9/16 box end wrench he has a short short socket deep well socket a half inch drive impact socket he has a rat gearwrench and he has an adjustable crescent wrench why because there are several 9/16 you know over there are several 3/8 bolts with 9/16 heads in various positions that you need to get that stuff into your guns should be no different have multiple fixes for the same problem second reason is if you are prepping for like an SH TF if you are prepping because this is concerned citizen you you're watching this because you know something's coming you don't know what but you don't want to be Alex Jones about it that if some move happens if something breaks down you have your team or at least your immediate family that as you're going through ammo as you're using what you have in your kit not only do you have the spares there to automatically reload everything and restock your kit and rifle you also have somebody there reach reloading max they have something they have a job to do and everybody needs a job to do so magazines three times the amount of what you can carry again that's if you have to if you wear eight rifle mags on your kit and you have one in your rifle that is nine you need to have in my opinion 27 mags loaded at all times now for me when it comes to loaded magazines I probably take it overboard more than a lot of people for instance this giant ammo cam back here has something like 60 I think a whole 60 or 65 loaded Tapco aka mags there's a whole bunch of magazines whole bunch the things that you don't see around here and you'll see this a little bit more of it as we go but you know there's I have magazines loaded everywhere I have four three guns I have well over 100 magazines total which brings me to ammo how much ammo should we be storing the contrary to popular belief ammo is not expensive shooting ammo shooting is expensive animal itself is not expensive the reason shooting ammo is expensive is because it's double the cost you have to buy it and then rebind to get to bring it back so $20.20 around terms under 40 cents around really quick but buying ammo is not expensive if really really really isn't if you want to do it now not only in my mind should you have all of your magazines loaded no matter what that is I have several thousand rounds loaded in magazines through various calibers but not only should you have all of your magazines loaded I believe you should have a minimum of one thousand expendable rounds per year meaning that if nothing else happens you could waste a thousand rounds a year in practice and training minimum absolute mental so there's a thousand rounds per caliber not perfect for caliber I'm sorry I should not have said that because that doesn't account for shotgun and bolt-action rifles because most people don't shoot those that much but when it comes to your primary fighting rifle when it comes to your your your duty pistol minimum a thousand rounds per caliber ready to rock and roll and ready to be gone every year now on top of that on top of that 1000 rounds you're gonna use for training that is not stored ammo that is used ammo on top of that thousand rounds that you're going to use for training and practice I believe you should have another 2,000 rounds in magazine or not in magazines but stored on top of what you have stored in magazines already now that seems like a lot to some people that seems in a lot this is a thousand rounds to two three that's pretty unimpressive box I mean that's kind of little it's not hard to store ammo it's doesn't take up a whole lot of room if you do it right and it's not extremely expensive if you really want to do it and what I mean by if you really want to do it is do you smoke which is more important to you smoking or buying it or prepping how much was your last cellphone did you buy the $100 one you could buy at Walmart or did you buy the thousand-dollar one do you really didn't need just because you wanted the coolest one which ones more important how many games have you purchased free game system how many pointless drives in your vehicle have you taken and so on and so on and so on do you shop every day yes sir that's a big one do you go grocery shopping every day of you once a week bi-weekly whatever there are an endless number of things people can do to save money if they really really want to do this if they don't review don't really want to do this that's fine be honest with yourself about it but doing this is not that expensive if you really want to do it so buying ammo and stocking ammo a minimum two thousand rounds stock in cans or whatever on top of what you have in magazines and then a thousand rounds ready to go for the year for minimum for training and practice by the way if a thousand rounds a year seems like a lot of money to just throw downrange how do you put number one how do you put a price on your own personal security how do you put a price on having yourself as minimally trained and and and practiced up as you can that's first and foremost and at 20 cents around which is kind of an average as what I say I buy I think this was 19 cents around I buy steel case I buy steel case 9-millimeter for 15 cents around but at 20 cents around at 20 cents around at 60 cents a day to have a thousand rounds a year 60 cents a day if you can't afford that you've made some pretty horrible life decisions now I did say that I excluded excluded shotguns yup shotgun ammo and your bolt-action like 36 and 300 I would say unless your bolt-action rifle rounds are also the same caliber as you're fighting rifle you know your primary rifle then that's obviously doesn't count but for your bolt-action rifle and for your shotgun you know 500 rounds it's you know that's such a just a rollercoaster number because it you know some people shoot those far more than others some people think they're snipers and so they they talk online about how they're gonna shoot somebody at a thousand yards all day long and it's just not gonna happen so for those guys I would double it because you're gonna miss a lot but 500 rounds maybe a thousand rounds either way thousand rounds 12 12 gauge is really really inexpensive and then you get into your bigger you know your bigger board rounds like 308 30.6 and then you go up and up and up obviously up to like you know 50 BMG and stuff like yeah you know you're talking you know anywhere from 2535 dollar you know cents to 50 Cent's 75 cents around on up to three and four dollars around so I mean just be careful there because that's when you do get into giant expenses when it comes to ammo storage but I would say for your bolt-action your long-range rifles and your shotguns 500 rounds it should be fine alright so now we've talked about tons of magazines we're talking about tons of ammo now where are we gonna put all this crap right and this is where I bring all this into play so these I really really like these these are from NTM they are the four can ammo crate they are plastic they're like an ABS plastic high polymer plastic what I do with these is so these are generally the equivalent to a 30 cal ammo can write a steel 30 Cal I look in and they hold for instance this these hold right around thousand to twelve hundred thousand nine millimeter loose that touchstorm hair is loose riding around a thousands of 1200 rounds loose and then in these in this one this one is actually half full of ammo and then the rest is six or eight loaded fun sticks and that's snores that's storage that's it that's all I have in there is that stored and then over here I have the bottom half of the bottom has some ammo in it 50 round drum clock drum stored about that but either way so these are really nice you can take these out pull them out there they have handles on the sides check them out I'll put a link on our TT guns gear calm it'll be affiliate link help my channel out if you decide to go that route these are awesome I love these things I have two of them I'm getting a third one when I get a chance I haven't really needed the need of the third one yet you don't know why here in a second now with that said I said these hold thousands of 1,200 rounds that same goes for the-- same goes for the 30 Cal steel military Afghan Norse we have a circle essentially these hold a thousands of 1200 rounds of 9-millimeter they hold about 600 rounds of two to three and that's loose if you meticulously stack it I'm sure somebody out there would do that but if you meticulously stack it it will hold more than that I don't know that number I don't have that kind of patience but so the 30 Cal KS here's plastic version steel version they both hold right around thousand rounds 1200 rounds so you fill one of these up which is really easy there's your training ammo for the year if that's your minimal amount so here's a 50 Cal am okay and you can see the difference in the 30 count 50-gallon right they do get heavy it's 50 Cal endemic and this one is labeled 760 by 39 and that's what's in it it will hold right around 1,000 rounds of 7.62 by 39 are you seeing a pattern here thousand rounds thousand rounds thousand rounds really easy you know 1200 rounds really easy to keep track of stuff really easy to keep an accurate number of things it'll hold right around thousand rounds just under probably of the seven six - seven six - by 39 but I of course have 2,000 rounds loaded in Max and in this which is a 30 millimeter ammo can this is going to be for bulk storage like this you don't want to fill this with handfuls of loose ammo I don't know that you'll be able to pick it up I mean this is heavy as it is I don't know they don't pick it up I couldn't tell you how much ammo would hold but 50 Cal cans they are useful for also loading or you know storing loose ammo right around thousand rounds of 76039 which this is and right around 1000 or 1200 to 1300 rounds of - 2 3 5 6 will go into one of these loose again back here I have the by the way you guys have seen this in other videos I want to give a big shout out to laser one engraving I will put a link to their Instagram in the description of the video they're the ones so I got this from their out of Phoenix or the Phoenix area cool company and they've been really active on my Instagram account ever since we met and so yeah check them out but in in this one I have these two loaded with ammo and these two loaded they have 8/8 loaded AR mags in each one of course everything is numbered and everything else again these are sort of a grab-and-go shtf problem solver here you know you if you load up moving them up with magazine ammo like I have with these you can grab them grab them and go it's as opposed to if you have 50 ammo cans full of ammo and you're making trip trip trip trip trip trip in and out of the truck in and out of the house bah blah blah blah blah this is an emergency case go go go I have you know 2,000 rounds plus or minus plus 16 loaded magazines this is this covers everything I just said right here everything I just said this covers for my AR this covers well over everything I just said for my pistol see where I'm going with this but these exist too don't be afraid of the plastic ammo cans I don't know what to call this the equivalent of I guess somebody like the equivalent of the 50 millimeter or 50 millimeter 50 cal ammo can but it holds far far more I have had I believe it is this one I have had this one stock full - I can barely close the lid of nine-millimeter that's I think was right around 3500 rounds and it didn't break the handle didn't break off or anything it flexed I don't know that I wanted wood wanted to put 4,000 rounds in it but whatever this thing held to the brim it held up - with that said severely freezing cold or some severely hot temperatures these might not hold up as well I use these for indoor storage I don't take them out to the field very often but this is one have a whole bunch of different 308 308 ammo and that's just loose stuff in that bag but these are a good option and and depending where you're buying them from sometimes these are also the less expensive option from the 50 Cal steel cans these stack I think a little bit nicer they are a little bit more comfortable to carry they have an ergonomic handle they're a little lighter weight themselves you know it just doesn't have to unit when you're buying these they have a brand new o-ring in them to seal it whereas the surplus 50 cal ammo cans may or may not even have it over again it a bit and if it does it may or may not be in good you can always go to Walmart and buy their 50 cal ammo cans they're not bad in fact no in fact this is one of them and it's not bad this is one of them and it's not bad this is one that I put loose 760 by 39 when I want to take a smaller about I'm sorry what I want to take a smaller amount with me and lastly when it comes to you know we've talked about how much ammo how many mags how to store different kind of storage bins of containers feel free to ask me any other questions about that stuff I know that I didn't cover every type of can you know imaginable but last but not least is magazines magazine numbering I believe once you get into a certain number of magazines if you're the person that is stocking just the minimal right I would argue that you're not as concerned as you think you are but if you're stocking just the minimal you probably are going to have this problem but if you're someone like me and others who have you know hundreds of magazines and thousands of thousands of rounds loaded in these magazines you are also likely training and shooting a lot and when you number mags if I have a malfunction with magazine number two I record that magazine number two my AR mags had failure feed if I can remember that it was round 10 throughout shooting it then I'll also mark down that it was round 10 otherwise its magazine - I'll make sure magazine - comes out with me next time and the time after that time after that maybe it was just needed cleaned maybe it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing maybe I never have a malfunction with it again but if I continually have malfunctions with magazine number two I throw magazine timber - away I put a screwdriver through so nobody else can use it and hurt themselves with it on accident or shoot it or destroy it in some way shape or form throw it away and magazine - no longer exists it will eventually get replaced and that another - will be on another magazine I do the same thing for a K mags as well this one's number 60 right this was number 60 there was another it's number 55 here's a slap side this was 59 but I don't do it very often with this pistol mags and I need to start doing it with pistol mags I need practice a little bit more when I preach for pistol mags I'm getting more and more pistol mags therefore I do need to do it that's it episode number 4 concerned citizen gear setup ammo magazines and storage and a little bit of organization thanks for listening everybody don't forget to check out patreon calm down here calm that's where you can find all kinds of amazon affiliate links for the stuff i use and this these MTM ammo cans I'm assuming Amazon still has them that's where I bought them from I will today try to get the affiliate link on the website for these check them out if you like them please use that affiliate link help support my channel we'll talk to you later thanks for listening
Channel: RTT : Guns & Gear
Views: 31,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2nd amendment, constitution, ar15, ak47, guns, gun, gun control, reviews, glock, glock 19, 9mm, 7.62x39, 5.56, magazine, firearms, blog, conceal carry
Id: IsPxXLGueso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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