Amish/ Mennonite Style Food! | Sides, Salad, Dessert Ideas

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[Music] hi guys welcome back my name is Lynette for this via new I'm excited to do another Amish Mennonite style cooking video for you all and gonna try to keep doing these every now and again maybe once a month or so so definitely if you're new hit the subscribe button I do a lot of home lifestyle related things as well as some cooking so today's video is a little bit random I feel like I don't really have like just one certain subject that I'm doing and I hope you like that style let me know if you prefer to have like just one type of thing or if you like to have just a variety of different things in one video in any case I just have been making a couple of things and I decided to bring you all along I'm gonna have a couple sides or salads and then also a dessert so I hope you enjoy it and before I get further into the video I'm also collaborating with my good friend online look he's also going to be doing a cooking related video today she's doing freezer meal prep so make sure you go check out her channel she's a mom of three girls and she lives in North Carolina she has some Mennonite background as well and yeah her and I have just been friends for a couple years already and I really appreciate her and I think you will enjoy her channel she gets a lot of similar content to mine so make sure you go check out her video subscribe and if your coming over welcome alright without further ado I'm going to get into the video and I hope y'all enjoy it I am making a salad it's gonna be a broccoli and cauliflower salad I will have the recipe in the description box down below as well as all of the other recipes that I'm making I will have them mostly written out because I don't really have links to any of them so definitely go check that out if you're curious so the broccoli and cauliflower salad is something I really don't make very often and it's honestly not very hard to make I don't know why I always think it's you know difficult but I suppose if you make a bigger batch it might take a little longer however I love me a good broccoli and cauliflower salad so I'll let you kind of watch how I put it together and go from there [Music] I was using up whatever cheese I had on hand and I think it was either Colby jack or marble I honestly don't really remember one of the two but you could also use cheddar I think that would be really good [Music] [Music] once I made the dressing for it I kind of mix the salad together and then I poured it on right before we ate but I do think you could put it on you know early in the morning if you were gonna eat it later in the day I don't think that would matter but I guess you can correct me if I'm wrong I was kind of thinking I don't want to put it on until right before I eat but I actually think you'd be fine so I guess use your judgement all right the next thing is a whipped jello I don't know if you guys have heard of this but it's very common among amateur Mennonites it's a really easy dessert or jell-o salad if you will and I'm gonna show you guys how I make it it's super simple [Music] I have some great gelatin at least that's what the package says it still looks kind of blue to me but I taste a little and it does taste pretty much like grape so we'll see how it looks I guess if it's blue so be it so I'm gonna go ahead and put that in the fridge and let it set a little bit like it a little bit like more than syrupy but I've already mixed it in it's not really so it does work either way but it's good if it does like thickened just a little bit and kind of cools down so for the actual stuff that goes in the jello it's going to be one stick of cream cheese and 1/4 cup of sugar I'm going to mix that or beat it together and then add the whipped topping to it and then add it slowly to the other jello [Music] [Music] [Music] after it's mixed you're gonna go ahead and pour it into a pan and refrigerate it until it is set so it's very humorous to me that it's blue instead of purple so I don't know what's going on but it does supposedly taste like great but I'm sure the boys are okay with that okay you could also put like a layer of jell-o on top of it yet or on the bottom of it if you want to you know take extra time but another kind is really good is like the strawberry kind strawberry or like cherry maybe raspberry so there are definitely other colors you could try or like other flavors you could try so don't be afraid of that if you don't have grape or the color blue in this case it kinda matches my shirt that's quite anyway this is just like a really fun easy thing to do and I know I've shared some jello on my channel before but this is just another style of it and it's also really easy okay the next thing I'm making is Amish chicken noodles I know a lot of you guys know about them and I've also had requests for them we you see them quite a bit growing up and I love making them they're very much a comfort food and they're super easy you can make them like hours ahead of time and let them sit so I will show you what it takes to make these for the ingredients you're gonna be needing noodles I'm using the Walnut Creek foods noodles it's the fine kind they're really thin I've actually never made them with this thinness so I'm thinking it may have to adjust my recipe but generally I would do like medium or thin maybe you don't have to use like you know just this size they can be bigger just experiment a little bit I'm using cream of chicken some butter the butter is going to be browned and you're probably gonna smile if you know me and you've been watching my videos you know that I like to add brown butter to quite a few things you're also going to be needing some chicken base and a little bit of salt and then water so I'm gonna do a little less than half a stick of butter and I'm going to brown it in the pan before any of the other ingredients so the brown butter adds just an extra element to choose a noodles you can totally do it without but trust me I think you will like it you just let it cook until it's kind of has these Brown little specks in it and then I'm gonna add the rest of the ingredients [Music] [Music] now I'm gonna let this cook for just a little bit like I don't know a couple minutes and then I'm gonna turn it off and just put the lid on it and let it kind of cook itself you don't really need to keep cooking it and this can set for literally a couple hours here's the noodles they look really good I let them sit for I don't know barely an hour and I think I could have up the butter just because I feel like a brown butter flavor is not you know very prominent but still they're gonna be great and they actually look really good being like the fine ones so this is what they look like I'm really excited like they turned out really well are you excited we're having a very simple meal really gonna have noodles and some of the jello that I'm showing you guys Nikki's gone overnight so I'm all about easy okay so the next thing I'm making is a cheesy potluck potatoes and this is very common in our culture they are made with like shredded hash browns or you can cook and peel and shred potatoes yourself if you want to I am just usually not that energetic and there's plenty of recipes that call for just your regular like starving hash browns there are certain signs that don't work as well because they want to kind of come together but these I believe are all the ones and they also they usually do pretty well so I have some my ingredients sitting out here hope you can't hear the driver my background but in case I don't know if you guys recognize this brand here will increase foods I have talked about them before in one of my previous videos and they're sponsoring the video again today I'm very grateful for that they are a distributor in Holmes County they also have Mullen cream cheese which I'll link that website down below you can order products off of there but the long free foods brand itself distributes to tons of different states in the United and they're in a lot of different stores bulk food stores especially but they could be and you know your random little gas station that would sell some stuff like deli products you name it they try to manufacture as much as they can in Holmes County it's like making as many of their own products as they can and you know use local people as much as as possible so I am very familiar with a brand I've used them in the past a lot especially like meats and cheeses and deli products and stuff so if you see this brand you know what I'm referring to the next time you go to one of those stores be on the lookout for their brands and I would definitely highly recommend them but I'm gonna keep cooking and I'm gonna show you how to make these pop-up potatoes they're very easy I'm actually gonna make them for tomorrow for Sunday lunch but I'm just gonna put them in the fridge so that's possible I'm going to be making them today on Saturday and then I'll put them in the fridge and then to have them bake tomorrow so that's definitely something you can you know do with this you can also bake them right away it doesn't matter but in any case if you wanted to do ahead of time they're great for that I'm going to use my handy dandy little chopper from pampered chef I have a lot of their products I had a bridal shower in that before I got married and so I was able to get a bunch of product so this is just a handy little chopper to chop things up [Music] so you're gonna be making sauce for the potatoes you're gonna be using like the cream of chicken everything basically except for the potatoes you're going to be putting in a saucepan and making it into a cheesy sauce show you guys how to do that [Music] you can see I'm not really measuring but it's because I've made this type of thing so often and it's really not something that you can easily mess up so feel free to add or subtract you know to how you think you want it but you definitely want you know a good amount of cheese in there and then you're going to pour the sauce over the hashbrowns alright so I'm gonna pour the hash brown into a bowl but some recipes called to have the hashbrowns saw it a little bit so you could do that if you wanted to [Music] so I'm gonna spray my pan with cooking spray and then pour it in here and then it will be put in the fridge until tomorrow but you could also just put in the oven right away and cook it until it's baked through which probably at 350 and I don't know check it after like 40 45 minutes maybe something like that the other thing that I don't usually do is add corn flakes on top you can do melted butter and corn flakes like crushed I like it but Nick doesn't really like it so I've never really put them on but that's also very normal to put that on top of it I just think it adds a nice crunch to it but since Nick doesn't really like it I just don't put it on but it's actually really good so you could also do that melt a little butter with some crushed corn flakes and then put that on top of the potatoes so it's really good so I have enough for two pans and I'm gonna divide it and put one in the freezer for later you kind of want it a little bit soupy also okay so here are the potatoes so we're excited to eat dinner got them a little sweety sitting here in the highchair she's eating a graham cracker right she's just putting it down I don't know how much she's actually getting but it's something that easily dissolves okay so the next thing I'm gonna make is a peanut butter pie I know this video is all over like I said but I decided I was gonna try and make one I have made peanut butter pie before but I'm not sure about actually the pudding part of it sometimes I've used instant but that's really not very good and honestly peanut butter pie is like one of my favorite things and it's very well known and common among Amish Mennonite and I'm not saying no one else makes them I know that but she's all over the place - I am gonna make some because I love it and I'm gonna try my hand at making my own pie crust as well I'm not much of a baker but honestly do you guys have been kind of spurring me on to keep me like motivated in new things like I'm not very much like a vidoe person but I'm getting a little bit more nerve to try things so I'm just kind of taking you guys with me and I've tried to make pies before and I've made it before it's just not really my forte but in any case you could also buy like ready-to-go pie crusts for this this is the kind that you will pre bake the crust and then I'll show you how to make some peanut butter crumbs to put in it and like the powdered sugar that's like powdered sugar and peanut butter to go together together to meet the crumbs and it's really really good oh you just love having so much of that and then I will have the pudding and then whipped topping top with crumb so I'm excited I I love peanut butter pie so let's get into it these are the ingredients for the pudding and I would suggest making sure you have everything ready to go before you actually start cooking your things on the stove I kind of learned that by trial and error there but I make my second batch here and this is everything I put together I think I had forgotten to add something the first time around so you know I mess up too but anyway mix your dry ingredients together and separate your egg yolks from the yolk and then you have the eggs to go into you know the cooked part of the pudding as well so just follow the steps in the recipe that I have outlined below and you should be good to go [Music] so this is why I said to have all of the other ingredients prepped and ready because you want your milk to be scalding which means basically boiling but you know just barely so you want to get it really hot and then you're gonna add the liquid that you had pre-mixed already and add that to it and then it will get thick as you stir it so just make sure you're there don't leave the stove too long keep stirring it and it should get all nice and thick without lumps or at least not too many all right so I am getting ready to make my pie crust I mean the pudding you know last night and it's actually gonna make like three crust so that gives me a little bit of wiggle room I really only need one I could have it but I'm gonna go with the whole recipe because that way if I mess something up I you know have extra so if I'm being honest you guys this was my second attempt of the day to make a pie crust the first recipe I used I don't know what was really wrong with it but I didn't actually have to like roll it out and so I put it in the pan just like they said but it just didn't really turn out very well so I decided I'll just make the more standard style and this one turned out a lot better now granted I know that some of the pie experts will probably say it's not quite right but it's okay we liked it it was very good and I would definitely recommend the recipe so [Music] okay so it's not perfect but we're gonna give it a shot you want to cut off the excess part of the dough after you've laid it in the pan because you don't really want all of that and this is the way I watched my mom do it she probably has a little different technique but it's the way I've been doing it and there's tons of different ways you can crimp up high but this is kind of the way I kind of like use my four fingers and then my thumb to just kind of pinch it [Music] I'm gonna make sure to poke it so that there's no air bubbles in there [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and divide this into two and then put it in the freezer that way I can use it later for the peanut butter crumbs you're gonna use 3/4 cup of powdered sugar and 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter and then you're gonna mix it until it resembles kind of coarse crumbs whoever came up with this idea definitely was a genius because this is really what makes the whole peanut butter pie [Music] and this is what you want it to look like just little crumbles like this so just kind of I don't know crumble it together don't smush it really because that'll just kind of make it clump but the more powdered sugar you add the more it'll start to kind of form little crumbles so here you go so here's a pie all baked and then you're gonna go ahead and put the crumbles in the bottom some of them don't use all of them in the bottom but you put some in the bottom and then you will add your pudding to the top of that and the pudding should not be too runny if it is you're probably gonna have a little bit of a problem you know serving it and stuff but this is just sort of like a gel like I guess texture and then you go ahead and add whipped topping to the top of the pudding as much as you want or as little and then you add some more sprinkles on top [Music] here she is I think it turned out I have yet to try it and the crust is not perfect but I think it will work you know you kind of need it anyway don't you I am excited hopefully you'll enjoy it tonight when he gets back and okay you might enjoy it too we don't know do you like pie not really but I like pumpkin pie okay that's fine if you don't like it because that means there was more for us huh anyway yeah I'll leave the recipe down below if you're wanting to try it I'm still learning into kind of improving my pie making abilities but if you're lacking courage just try it anyway I think I'm gonna end the video here I hope you all enjoyed it very much make sure you go check out a DS video I will have linked in the description box also the have requests of some things that you'd like me to make or try to feel free to leave them in the comments I love that I don't make any promises but I'm always so into more suggestions so I hope you all have a wonderful day may you be blessed and I'll see you my next one bye guys [Music]
Channel: Lynette Yoder
Views: 225,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lynette Yoder, mennonite mom, amish style cooking, amish recipes, mennonite cooking, cook with me, potluck potatoes, peanut butter pie, walnut creek foods, baking a pie, adaline zook, food prep
Id: _o17WxleGZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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