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[Music] can you tell them hey [Music] good morning guys i am getting ready to make a little bit of poor man steak for dinner tonight and it's in the morning but it wants to i need to have it sit in the fridge for a little while and then i'm going to like pre-girl it i am going to do a bit of a life update in this video catch you up on what's been happening and then show you a couple other things that we were doing the other day also show you guys the crazy kiddos uh i am as i said gonna make for my steak which is really easy and i'll just kind of show you guys that um quickly and i'll leave the recipe in the description box below and then i'll kind of fill you in on the craziness [Music] [Music] so i grilled these a little bit they're actually probably almost done technically you could just grill them like a teeny little bit and then bake them the rest of the way but i probably won't have to bake them very long so i put them in a pan and then i'm going to put this sauce on top of it and just bake it till it's baked through and that's it are you showing them your babies you got two babies yeah oh so cute hey can you go give your baby a stroller ride can you go get your stroller and put her in the stroller yeah you have some struggles here there you go here there you go okay gotta have both okay are you gonna put her in there too okay good job okay this one was in the hospital a little while ago i'll tell you guys in a little bit it too good mom you give baby the bottle can you find a bottle okay give baby the bottle oh good job so what are you guys gonna do we're thirsty we're gonna pounce on we're gonna pounce on him oh we're watching we're watching fireworks last night yeah all right so it's around lunchtime and i kind of watched the kids this morning while nick was doing some work and stuff so we're kind of swapping but uh i was gonna make mashed potatoes tonight just because i haven't in a while and that goes really well with permanent steak but i found some that i had put in the freezer from another time so i think i'm just gonna heat that up be a little less work for me and so we'll do that i still need to grill the permanent steak at some point so if you guys noticed me using this label and i know a lot of my longtime followers will recognize it of course this is the one creek foods brand and i wanted to thank them for sponsoring the video today i've been working with them for so long and i truly truly love them and i just enjoy talking to you guys about them if you aren't familiar with them they are based in homes county they do a lot of food manufacturing and they have a couple stores want to create cheese it's definitely a really fun place to stop if you're up in homes county if you're maybe being touristy or even if you live there obviously i'm sure you're familiar with them but i grew up buying wild creek foods products and they they put a lot of their stuff in stores across the united states and so you'll find them maybe even little stores that you wouldn't think of they have a lot of deli stuff um meats cheeses then they also have you know canned goods and stuff just yeah really good source and i just i feel good about you know where their stuff comes from and i can just recommend it to you guys very much so i'm hoping to show you guys around maybe a little bit more again this summer we're actually going up to homes county again for wedding i'll talk about that more a little bit but i'm hoping to maybe film up there a little bit more um let me know what you guys would like me to check out uh i have done a couple videos and you always seem to enjoy them we went twice last year and i've got a couple of those videos if you're interested but uh you always seem to enjoy them so if you guys have recommendations or like places that you want me to take you guys since you can't go always i thought you know let me know in the comments below and i'll probably show you guys around all crew cheese again it's such a cool place there's actually two locations one's really big the other one's smaller but also really interesting so they have onecreamcheese.com that you can order stuff from too they have a wide selection of things you can order online and have it delivered to your house shipped so there's also that option um okay so just sat down it's been a busy morning uh i don't know where to start i feel like the last month and a half has kind of been a blur and i don't know we're we're actually i think our schedules are going to be a little better now we officially are done with the flip house uh it's under contract at the moment and to some of you guys that might be confusing because i'm just starting to put up those videos on youtube that whole series but i waited until the end because of the style of videos i was doing i wanted to like do start to finish through multiple videos so we're actually we are under contract with the house which is a blessing we're so thankful hoping that it'll make it through the inspection period that the buyers don't back out we'll see that can happen but we're feeling pretty good about it it's been quite a process and i know that some of you guys probably don't quite understand what all is going on and i've had some people wondering or kind of saying that they wish you know i do my old style content or they like my old style content better and i i'm trying to work in as much personal life as i can but to be honest the last couple months the last month especially i've we've just kind of been maintaining at home i've really not even been cooking very much because we've been so busy trying to finish the house over there and so for me to go and try and film that kind of content it was not really an option for me even i i was barely at home the way it was let alone trying to create other type of content and so for me it worked better to just film more so what i was already doing if that makes sense i'm doing what kind of works for me at the moment and for my family because my family also has needs and so the kids are at home this summer we've been juggling them they've been with us a lot or we'll have you know babysitters grandma my mom and dad have been helping out a lot too so it's just it's it's a different season of life that we're in and i'm not complaining about it and i'm not trying to sound like a whiner or anything i'm i'm grateful for it uh it is it's been a lot uh we just it's we're not where we were at one point of life so it's definitely kind of changing and it's it's just a really busy season that we're in right now and so i'm trying to do the best i can with what i'm filming and i'm trying to put in as much personal stuff as i can as time allows and things like that but sometimes you know it just it doesn't really happen so i hope you guys can understand that uh i know that the renovation style videos aren't necessarily everyone's type of thing that they like to watch and that's completely fine i get it for me i love that that's what i enjoy watching that's what i like filming and it works well because of what i'm really into right now with our business and nick's job and everything it's youtube is it kind of all goes hand in hand with it and it i'm not just doing youtube anymore so i'm a lot busier than i used to be so anyway i hope you guys can understand that and still want to join along a couple weeks ago or a couple weekends ago nick decided to buy a truck out in utah so salt lake city and it was kind of like a spur of the moment thing and so he needed to fly out and drive it back and i've thought oh goodness i don't want him to go by himself and i kind of wanted to see it out there too i'd never been to utah but i felt kind of bad because it's like a 34 5 hour trip and he was planning to drive straight through and i was like that's just crazy so i ended up going with him we had a couple days notice basically before we left and so it was over like the weekend so we flew out there and drove all the way back home saw a lot of nice scenery uh just especially there in utah i was just blown away i'd love to like go back and explore uh we drove through like arches national park and not through the park we basically just stopped there by the entrance and took a picture stretch our legs a little bit kept going but we put the hammer down the whole way home pretty much we drove straight through so we would have yeah left like in the afternoon on saturday and we didn't get back home until sunday during the night so yeah it was it was a long trip but we made it through i was able to work on editing and stuff some too so i was glad i could go with him so after we got home from utah we had like one day until we needed to leave on vacation i had planned a couple day vacation and in jacksonville on our way up to charleston we're gonna spend the weekend in charleston visiting some of our friends we hadn't seen some of them in a long time and so i thought well we'll break up the trip and spend just a couple days just our family and i thought originally we'd be done by the flip house by now i was like we're going to be done we're going to be done and this will be a good break we'll just you know relax and well we weren't done we were close but we weren't done we were there for a couple days had a condo on the beach was really nice and the the thing that kind of threw us for a loop towards the end is on a thursday so we got there tuesday night and on thursday i noticed oakland was starting with a little bit of a cough kind of like a barky type cough caden had a little bit of it too and so i assumed you know there's something going around and oftentimes we'll have colds and stuff in the summer but anyway she woke up from a later afternoon evening nap and she woke up to like she was kind of wheezing and she had a fever and then also you know the cough and everything i was like oh no what's gonna happen um i kind of told mom she was thinking too it's probably croup i monitored her gave her ibuprofen um she was really hot and everything but she did sleep some it kept getting worse as the night went on i felt like um it didn't necessarily get better and i know that oftentimes that's just how it is like during the night it seems to get worse i held her a lot of the time just out on the couch or we did put her in the in the crib for a little bit she would sleep off and on but she was she was wheezing and like her chest would be like like she could see like a little indentation here and then like up here you could tell she was working a lot harder to breathe which scared me also i noticed towards you know during the night her heart rate was up so high which could attribute because of the fever and everything but i did the steam shower thing that you know you often do with croup uh you take them in the bathroom turn on the shower as high as you can just have the steam you know help or i've heard you know that cool air is really good and i think that would have probably been better in this case but i i didn't hurt her by doing it the nurse told me later she was like no it was fine it's fine to do that just to get humidity and stuff but we can't it's florida you can't really find cool air anywhere finally around i don't know 2 30 3 o'clock and i was like listen we have to do something and i felt so hopeful for like as a mom like how do you like you can't do anything and i felt so helpless we're on vacation we're not at home and so with her fever heart rate and everything i called in and they said yeah you can take her to the er which is just less than a mile away so i took her over there it's probably three three thirty and they checked her in pretty fast um and they started nebulizer treatments on her and i don't remember what it was called it was a long word of some sort but anyways they gave her treatment and she did respond pretty well to that uh and we had to like be monitored for a couple hours after that hour two hours maybe just to see you know how she responds and it helped they also gave her an oral steroid and some tylenol and so we we watched her a little bit she she got better some like her breathing was better and everything so she got a break from that but they ended up seeing that she's gonna need another treatment and if you get another treatment that automatically admits you to the hospital so that meant we're gonna have to take the ambulance the kids pediatric ambulance to the hospital which was like half an hour away in jacksonville so we got to the hospital they admitted us to wolves and children's and the nurses doctor there was really nice they were all very very friendly and helpful and kind and everything we ended up having to stay overnight because by afternoon she would sleep off and on she was just like in and out in and out drink some but not like a ton and they gave her another couple doses of this of the nebulizer treatments and usually if it is group uh i think that by that point it should have been responding a little bit better like you should have been seeing more but her heart rate was still pretty high and she had like fever still like she still was running a fever in i had been asking on instagram if you know other people are dealing with any of this and they were saying yes and especially like people down here they're saying it's you know rsv especially it's like rampant and croup is and stuff is going around and things like that so i knew that obviously she probably just picked it up somewhere you know and with with what was going on they the doctor said she feels like they should do some more testing like she's not responding as much to it and she needs to figure out what's going on of course i'm like yeah whatever we need to do let's you know let's do it so they did an ekg on her heart and they did chest x-rays probably to check for you know pneumonia they also wanted to give her fluids so they gave her an iv they wanted to do a respiratory panel and check for all kinds of different viruses so they did that and those tests ended up coming back also did a blood culture but they ended up coming back saying it is rsv which made more sense because the way i understand it rsv is different from croup and the fact that it well it affects the upper airways here and you're listening for that strider wheezing noise which is what she had and i think that could also be part of croup as well but she had the fever and i don't think that croup generally has fever necessarily like they'll just have really like a lot of coughing and just things like that so rsv is definitely a a notch worse and i'm so glad i took her in with that at least we knew then what we were dealing with and she did start turning the curve kind of that evening so and they had given her another steroid that evening then to be able to last for a while so she was getting a little better um she was actually like a little perky there for a little while and things like that uh so just really glad that we were able to finally see a little bit of change in her so at that point then nick had gotten a hotel earlier in the afternoon because we needed a place to stay and so i switched with him he came to the hospital and i stayed with the boys at the hotel so we all slept good i got a good long nights asleep and just because of the night before barely sleeping so by the next morning she seemed to be doing pretty good she ate a teeny bit just like a little bit of pudding or whatever but um he said she was she did pretty good during the night uh and so i went back over the morning and then we were able to be discharged by around noon um they didn't really send me home with anything they said i can give her ibuprofen or whatever you know so we obviously canceled our trip to charleston by the way so we got out there around noon and then we just headed back down to sarasota so i was on high alert after that so the first night or two i was kind of concerned i was like she was still like in evenings it kind of flares up a little bit more so i actually borrowed a nebulizer from a friend i don't know if it did a lot for her but i you know at least i you know had that thing but i she seemed by day four or five i think she seemed to start kind of turning the curve in other words and i could see a bit of a difference and she's honestly she's within like a week she was well not even a week like she was back up to her pretty much normal self took a while for her to get like her eating and stuff back to normal and i do feel like she looks a little skinnier than she was she seems just fine again so praise the lord and i'm just so thankful for all of you guys for praying i got so many messages and encouragement and just prayers and i'm just so grateful for the community i have so that kind of i don't know turned out to be quite quite an event there all is fine we got our house yeah the flip house listed and on the market had open house and it's under contract now so this is monday and yeah i have a little bit of a week now where i can kind of catch up on some things i think i'm hopefully going to be home a little bit more and maybe get my house straightened up i have a bunch of boxes sitting downstairs that are for the next project next week and we do have a couple other fun things planned for the rest of summer vacation before the boys go back to school we're going to ohio we're going up for my cousin's wedding then we fly out from cincinnati probably we're gonna be flying to branson for the weekend just nick and i maybe oakland we're gonna leave the boys i think at his parents they can have some grandpa and grandma time they don't often get to see them uh so they'll stay there over the week and we have like a little reunion with some of my mountain view friends that i worked with back in the day before i got married so that'll be while we're up there we just fly to branson and fly back branson missouri so then we come home and school will pretty much be ready to start um by early to mid august so that kind of does that and then also before that just last week uh some of my church friends and i planned a little trip to waco just like a long weekend um here i think in about what a week and a half or something so that's coming up before ohio trips but i'm really excited for that i feel like that'll be just a really good break um most of us are moms there's one of them is not a mom but she's been married and we have a good a good group of girls and just friends i'm just thankful for friends who can yeah just kind of like support each other and help each other and everything so our husbands were all on board they're like yep you can go and uh so we're gonna go we're excited yeah that's kind of where we're at so i thought that for the rest of the video i had filmed a couple days ago or last week sometime i had filmed uh one day we were checking in on our projects that we have got going on um the one big house that is starting and then we have another condo that i'm working on i checked in on those and so i thought i'd just kind of show you guys keep you updated with that because i said i would and you can kind of see the progress as we go along i feel kind of out of it as far as what's happening so we're gonna go ahead and find out we're at the condo first uh the plumbers are here hello yeah it's your favorite people that's kind of presumptuous of us [Laughter] you can't get away from us you know what [Music] so all this area out here is going to be a bit more my domain then i don't have as much to do back in the other rooms right now obviously with all the demo and everything going on [Music] on to the next place things are happening wow i can't wait to get rid of this yeah ceilings are getting ripped out [Music] [Music] i think they're doing all new windows right yeah yeah this is i think their first day of demo so so my next stop is the boniva farm and garden place that i love to go to for plants i am still needing a couple of things for the project that i'm working on uh i'm gonna get some for outside and then also some indoor plants so i'm gonna head inside it's kind of rainy hopefully it'll kind of quit for a little while here [Music] [Music] okay so this is what i got a couple of different plants i'll show you guys this one here i'm kind of pleased about i don't know the technical name for it it's a monstera but it's something that kind of stays this size and they said it's pretty rare they don't often have these so i'm happy to get that one add to my collection and i don't have one like this and i got a couple others i do have one like this at home and i really like it needed some more stuff for staging this is a philodendron and monstera mix and then this is just a monstera and then of course the snake plants [Music] [Music] [Music] so that is the end of the video i feel like there's a really long one but i hope you guys enjoyed it and maybe gave you a bit of an insight as to how we're doing and saw the kids and everything i just yeah hopefully you guys will um stick around and if you haven't started watching the playlist of the beneva flip house series do so thank you also for all of your comments and everything um i really appreciate it so anyway i will stop jabbering thank you so much for watching guys i will see you hopefully on tuesday also make sure you check out the link for walnut creek foods in the description box thank you for watching i will see you all in my next one bye guys
Channel: Lynette Yoder
Views: 96,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lynette Yoder, mennonite mom, urban oaks design co, ditl of a mennonite mom, chatty life update, Emergency room visit, hospital stay, rsv, life update, mennonite life, amish country, Walnut Creek cheese
Id: GAGnd16uC5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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