My 5 Favorite Amish Foods

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so i'm going to tell you about my five favorite amish foods today what am i calling an amish food well the amish foods on my list are all foods that i think people associate with the amish these are also foods that i've personally had with amish friends these are typically things you'll see in amish communities on the whole two of these foods are what you might call sweets or dessert foods two of them are non-dessert foods and one of them is kind of i don't know in between let's say so the first first one on my list is pie it's got to be on the list the amish make pies for themselves they sell them they serve pie at the fellowship meal after church i've got three of my favorites i'll tell you about here i really like homemade amish pie pies that are commercially produced can be good often they are but in some cases they're not always amazing one pie that i got i remember in lancaster county it was a fruit pie but it was kind of quite gelatinous so not a lot of fruit in there and the crust was not so great so but i think most of the time you'll do pretty well with the pies you get from the amish so here are my three favorite pies black raspberry snitz and pecan two of those you probably recognize some of you might be wondering what is snitz snitz is a specific type of pie that's popular in lancaster county it's actually made from dried apples it's got a filling that's kind of a dark color it's kind of like i want to say applesauce but it's maybe a similar texture to that flavor a little different as well it's commonly served at church i used to not really see it so much but i started seeing it you know more for sale in stores so uh probably got to be known among non-amish so try snitz pie if you're ever with the amish or if you ever especially if you're in lancaster county you'll see sometimes snitzpine other places but i would i would try to get in lancaster county if you can what's not on the list now one famous pie maybe the most famous amish pie did not make my list and that was shoe fly pie shoe fly is fine for me it's not my favorite the amish eat it one way that they typically chew fly pies they'll put it in like a bowl and then they'll pour uh milk over it and kind of eat like kind of like a sloppy mess and that's actually not bad i've also had like a chocolate shoe fly pie it's not bad i guess there's also whoopie pies now that's not exactly a pie that's the two layers of the sort of the chocolate cake with the white creamy filling tasty for me for the first two or three bites then it gets too sweet some people that's their thing it's not my thing but that's not technically a pie but pie in general that's definitely on my list that's why i put it at number one number two breakfast casserole i've been eating breakfast casserole especially when i visit one particular family of amish friends in pennsylvania and she makes the best the best breakfast casserole you've ever had what's in a breakfast casserole i mean it's like kind of like in a casserole pan and i don't even know all the things that go in there i mean obviously there's eggs there's cheese there's some meats there's like sausage it's got kind of a sweetness to it so i think there's probably some kind of maple syrup included as well just absolutely delicious definitely not a diet food another time actually i had some friends from pennsylvania that came to visit my family in north carolina and while they were staying with us they wanted to make this breakfast casserole so we just went and got some supplies from the grocery store and they made it and it was fantastic as well so they were able to do that with our regular sort of north carolina grocery food so it's not like some kind of secret amish item that they have only in pennsylvania so yeah if you want to eat this every day it would help if you're like an amish farmer and burning like 8 000 calories a day because this will probably give you half that amount in one meal number three on my list homemade donuts you know this is something i've always had a question on is a donut a dessert or is it a snack or is it a breakfast food i don't know if for me it's sweet so i consider it a dessert right amish make donuts in a lot of places we had a story about uh during the whole pandemic there's a story in the unity mate in the unity main amish community where they're well-known for their donuts i think they do donuts on wednesday and they had to actually you know shut that down for the pandemic and that was kind of a big deal because people love the donuts they line up for for them and actually you hear that about amish donuts in other places as well so they know how to make donuts i was with some amish friends in lancaster county the family had actually gathered that day to fry up donuts they were they were doing it kind of outside and some big vats and big vana oil there then they stuffed them with like chocolate and cream and stuff and so it was just they're so good if you haven't had an amish made donut i really recommend getting your hands on one number four amish peanut butter uh or church peanut butter as amish might refer to it this is a special kind of a peanut butter spread which the amish traditionally served at church or at the actually the after church meal the fellowship meal so every you know amish church service is on every other sunday and after every service they'll get together and they'll have a church meal which is you know there's a three hour service it starts like at nine a.m and it finishes around noon typically so then you kind of gather together you actually take the church benches and it's funny you know it's it's kind of neat because the way these benches are designed you can stack them up and they have like a couple pieces of wood that fit into like the ends of them and actually put them together you can create like a table out of a couple of the benches and so you just use the same benches that you use for church service as tables and of course bench just you know and to sit on while you're eating the amish will have the fellowship meal and one of the common foods there is a amish peanut butter spread and it's made from regular like peanut butter and it's got like marshmallow cream and i think molasses or some other stuff in there so some other magic in there so and what you get is a it tastes like peanut butter but it's definitely more more sweet so this was the one when i sort of previewed this list that i didn't know whether to put as a sort of a sweet or a salty because it's a little bit of both but it's definitely um more of a smooth or more like drip drippier than like regular peanut butter so you know very easy to spread and you know part of the meal is you know you have pieces of bread and you just i always spread it on the bread and the other um kind of food i didn't put on this list but i quite like it that's from typical of amish church service is a cheese spread or shmea case which i'm probably mispronouncing that i don't speak pennsylvania dutch but it's basically like spread cheese right typically i'll just i'll take a piece of bread and put half of it with the peanut butter spread and half of it with the cheese spread and i don't know just a great combo that's one of the nicest parts of attending an amish church service is the experience itself is amazing but the meal at the end is also always just tastes really good so the other other items that are typical in the meal are um you may have cheese cubes salty pretzels beets pickles some churches serve like a soup plainer amish churches they serve like a bean soup you'll have the pie in ohio is like a dessert rather than the pie i've had where they give like dessert bars the church meal is it's a simple meal but it's very tasty especially after a long church service you can also get commercially produced amish peanut butter spread that's just sold and labeled as as such you might expect me to say that the church peanut butter spread is definitely superior to the commercial stuff but i've actually had some commercial stuff that's quite good so if you don't if you don't have an opportunity to visit an amish church service you can always try to pick some up in the store number five mountain pies now despite the name mountain pie is not a dessert what is a mountain pie well you take a long it's a it's a there's a special sort of metal contraption i'll call it with a long handle and it's got like a holder for basically for a sandwich on one end and you in that sort of squarish holder you stuff two pieces of bread meat cheese whatever other filling mayo whatever you you like in there what do you do next well mountain pies are made in front of a bonfire you know you close it and you hold it over the fire for a little while and a few minutes later you've got a delicious hot melted sandwich tastes the taste is great uh but it's also i've included it here also for the experience of it because there's something about sitting around outside you know in the summer in a cool evening you know with friends and doing this sort of experience of making mountain pies kind of like s'mores or roasting hot dogs over the fire this is in that same family where it's not just the taste of the food but it's really more about the experience this video has made me hungry officially so i'm gonna go take a break grab a bite i'm gonna give a quick thank you to cal who suggested the idea for this video and if you have any ideas for videos that you'd like to see let me know in the comments [Music]
Channel: Amish America
Views: 156,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amish food, Amish cooking, Amish cuisine, Amish dishes, Amish dessert, Amish pie, Shoofly pie, donuts, whoopie pie, breakfast casserole, peanut butter, mountain pie, Amish church, Lancaster County, what do Amish eat
Id: SiLLYPtuB_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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