American Wagyu Beef vs A5 Wagyu Beef (What's the Difference) | The Bearded Butchers

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welcome to another video so we've discussed what is wagyu right here on our channel before and when we did that we had a beef on the rail it was american wagyu we talked a lot in that video about american versus japanese well today we're going to actually show you a direct comparison between american wagyu beef and japanese wagyu beef and do a little bit of explaining what the difference is when you see the word wagyu whether it's on a cut of meat on a menu help you understand now there's a lot of information in the previous video what is wagyu you can reference that we're going to give you more of a brief description today but the big thing is is we're going to show you the comparison so this is the japanese a5 wagoo first thing comes with a certificate of authenticity now this particular livestock that produced this ribeye section spent its entire life living in the country of japan it was butchered there and shipped directly to us now we have a direct resource in kai wagyu is the name of the farm kai wagyu we'll put a link in the description you can actually order this same product straight to your home um but they're in california so they get it directly shipped to them from california so this particular animal right here spent its entire life in the country of japan now that that alone leads us to one of the biggest differences between japanese a5 wagyu and american wagyu japanese a5 wagu are pure japanese genetics directly resourced from the country of origin so this animal was born there raised there and the reason why these have such incredible marbling take a look at that right there is because the wagyu breed of beef has a gene that is switched on um that gene causes them to marble tremendously so there's your 100 pure japanese a5 next to it we have what we call american wagu now this comes from sakura farms right here in ohio this too you can have shipped directly to your door we'll put a link in the description this animal was born and raised right here in north america now the difference between the marbling in these two is usually quite dramatic american wagyu is simply wagyu genetics married to american beef so it can be in varying contents whereas you have 100 pure unadulterated japanese genetics right here you have essentially japanese genetics influencing an american breed of beef most times it's angus and it can be in varying amounts and that's what leads to higher marbling in this one and lower marbling than this one we're going to taste these two after seth gets them cut up and talk a little bit about the taste differences um but generally with the american wagyu most times you're gonna be looking at a 50 50 genetic blend 50 american 50 japanese genetics tied together so we'll see what they look like when seth chops into them so scott told me to just work and not talk so i've been doing my best work while i'm talking so that way people have something to watch all right so typically what we do when we cut the the kobe the a5 is we cut them pretty thin because we try to make it a more affordable uh cut for the consumer so we'll just get started by cutting these fairly thin plus it's it's extremely rich so you generally don't want massive chunks right so we're gonna go about a half of an inch thick here and scott mentioned doing the cooking comparison we are going to cut a couple of the american wagyu the same thickness so so that we can do our our cooking and eating comparison these are a lot of fun to cut obviously there's some stress involved because they are so expensive but oh seth you're not stressed no you've done this many times well i should say the first time i cut one was a little stressful see the trick that he did there he held that over against another one so you get two nice uniform stakes pro tip tricks of the trade [Music] so that wraps up the a5 now it's time to get started on the american so with the american we typically cut these stakes a little bit thicker but i will cut a couple like mentioned thinner like the a5 for the taste comparison so you can see the difference between the two so far and once i get these cut i'll get them laid out here on the table so you can see the side by side [Music] now let's cut a couple thinner ones for the taste comparison [Music] so that wraps up the cutting of the american and the a5 then what i'm gonna do is we'll get the american down here which two would you like a couple right in the center well i'm the accountant so i'd say we probably like just one sir yeah well you can do that um okay i don't know what you're gonna eat but so so so so obviously massive difference here in marbling and and just to be clear this is sakura farm signature line they have a line above it they grade these so they'll have the reserve which has even more marbling but what i want to point out to because we see a lot of prime cattle that are going to have marbling just like this and so some might say well that type of marbling is already in prime cattle it true but what we have here is this this fat is actually going to have a much lower melting temperature melt in your mouth that's that umami that we talk about with the the wagyu the five senses that's the same fat that's going to be in here so that genetic transition is going to happen so this marbling will actually in fact be better so here's the side by side you see the bigger beefier this should have a bigger beefier flavor but still have some melt in your mouth this is literally just going to have that melt in your mouth flavor so only thing left to do at this point now that we've seen them cut is see them cooked tasted and then we'll give you our taste opinion on these two let's cook some up [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's time to grill up the a5 kobe ribeyes and the american wagyu ribeyes today we're using a new grill this is made by brio it's an outdoor fire pit it's a grill it has a sear plate on it we have it fired with hickory firewood just like you see right here in the background pretty cool unit it's 100 american made by the great folks out in lancaster county pennsylvania so not only does it work as a grill has a fantastic sear plate on it you can take the sear plate off you can use it as a fire pit and it has a really cool feature built into the grill that actually makes it a smokeless unit so as you can see we have a nice size fire build in here but there's very minimal smoke and it's designed that way through airflow also has a fantastic grate that goes over top of the fire you can put steaks burgers etcetera right on there this is removable you can take this off you can stick it in your yard you can use this you know however you want on the grill off the grill it's completely up to you so 100 american-made stainless and today we're going to cook the ribeye steaks on it so i just lathered up this paper towel with a little bit of a fork lard to get that sear plate seasoned up we're going to let that burn off and then when the steaks are on it'll be a nice non-stick surface that's the american and that's the kobe a5 my accountant told me that i'm only allowed to cook two one of each so he he cut it back on me originally i had two and two but we got that cut back so um josh is going to be running timer for me we're going to throw these on the sear plate we're doing 90 seconds on the first side we'll flip it and then see where we're at this heat plate if we had an infrared i bet you this thing's at a thousand plus easily we're gonna put these on the sear plate it's been pre-seasoned with pork lard and um there's there's no seasoning on these now we're simply gonna sear them off wait a second right here on our sear plate we talked about the five senses the umami with the a5 wagoo so he already did sight number one you're about to hear sound sizzle and then you're gonna get smell and then you're gonna get and then you're gonna get mouthfeel or taste and mouthfeel at the same time so all five senses come with that that's that's that umami we're just about ready to be enlightened by our five senses so the americans going on first are we ready for the sizzle i'll put the kobe on that side so there's the sound and then there's the smell and josh is gonna let me know when 90 seconds is up and we're gonna flip these babies to make sure they're not sticking good there we're good there they're thin and they're going to cook fast where are we at josh 45 seconds left i feel like they're going to have a pretty afraid to thank you pretty pretty incredible crust on them don't be afraid to peek [Music] how we look them [Music] oh my so you want to count me down probably another yep probably no more than 60 seconds so we're talking like under three minutes on these [Music] that's why we wanted to use the brio for these because we wanted this steer plate we wanted that hot fire with a sear plate get that nice crust on there [Music] how you boys feeling okay i'm gonna flip one more time [Music] oh my look at that i think we're done i can see the nice medium rare to rare right there calling it yeah i agree talk about some instant results that's probably the fastest i've ever cooked a steak now we let them rest we're gonna put out some different piles of seasoning some plain salt and all of our favorite beer to butcher blend spices and have a little sample of a little sampling contest all right these have rested for a few minutes it's time to get them sliced up i think i'm just going to slice the whole steak so i'm going to start down here at the end make some nice serving size slices this is the a5 look at that you gentlemen approve yeah i think you did all right he can cut and he can cook so the idea here is we put out those different piles of spices we have our four top selling beer to butcher blend spices as well as just plain salt um so we can get a true sense of the beef oh my seth you like that now i know which which piece i would go for first well you cut and cook like that uh cap right there so i'm actually going to go for the american first simply because that a5 will will over overwhelm your your senses and it may cloud our vision a little bit so i'm going to start with just a little bit of the salt dip in there joshua oh my goodness i'll follow suit fantas i mean a steak you buy it at a restaurant you take your first bite and you're like worth every penny that's what i i mean the big thing with american wagyu is it's going to have your beefier tones to it tastes like beef tastes like beef um and then with our a5 wagu we expect to get that real mouthwash velvety smooth just incredible mmm i'm going to try a little brock there you go being our salt forward seasoning is so good it's literally like red velvet cake but beef i mean take some of the best experiences that you've ever had around food centered around food whether they're desserts and in and it's centralized and focused right into a piece of product like this that american is so good reminds me of a good high quality steak at a restaurant this a5 just complete euphoria that in the beard butcher fun flavor gives some different profiles to it too which is really fun you can have just like a little bit of a of a s'mores board the a5 you can definitely wow your friends and family with if you cook it and serve up even just these small pieces and this is it yeah a great way to do it you buy one steak you're not going to sit there and want to eat a ton of it you just want to grab a nice steak cut it up like this everybody can get around and enjoy it so i'm going to try some without any salt or seasoning as well so kobe in american i just did that with the a5 i'll do it with the americans yeah so just plain beef so good all right i'm going to stop it has such a overwhelming texture flavor yeah spencer's we've got here we gotta get a little salt on there too we've got alyssie over here running camera too so alyssa ooh don't cut your finger yeah there you go thank you you're welcome that's pretty good fantastic here you go spencer you need one more just a dab of the salt on there don't say no to that you already have a band-aid on your finger you don't need cut anymore so what what flavors of seasonings did you guys dip i i've had everything but black right now the seasonings obviously they just layer in different different profiles i mean originals just yeah got your garlic powder and onion powder butter's got that natural butter flavor black has the the richness of the molasses and coffee and then rocks more salt forward like in garlic like josh mentioned they all add a little something extra without taking anything away and something that we we weren't going to do was pre-season these before we grilled them so we wanted to give you know 100 just the meat on the grill before we did anything but boy we we kind of hammered through those yeah i know everybody else at the shop was probably expecting us to bring some back but i'm not sure if there's going to be anything yeah we're going to have to do that so we hope we described the difference between american wagyu japanese a5 wagu a5 being the top level um and when you see kobe kobe is the region in japan that they came from again reference our other video what is wagyu for even more details but hopefully this adds some clarity we think both are amazing both are great choices if you see them on a menu hopefully you can understand a little bit better and paired with bearded butcher blend even better kai farms and sakura are both available online they ship directly to your door the links will be in the description below so you get these um products shipped right to your door so thanks for watching the bearded butchers america's butchers that grill is hot behind me sure the sun is hot i'm back i need to get into the shade this was amazing see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 570,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bearded Butchers, Wagyu, Beef, Kobe
Id: Pv5UEDflS0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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