AMERICAN vs.CANADIAN accent - Canadian rising, linking, fluctuation & pronunciation | video quiz

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the it's sort of your outs becomes oats aye aye aye aye aye four years later and say you've been an incredibly important person in my life I went a moment where someone said something or did something that you feel fundamentally made your life better your life this world where life supports you rather than life life life that you are willing to enter into a conversation that might change your mind might what they were trying to do was figure out whether you might have my mind now I can assure you is not quite that simple quite from psychologists and sociologists are quite persuasive here ripe ripe life-life ice ice my my Mike Mike [Music] Python Python righteous righteous Wow oh the it's sort of your outs becomes oats and you know that they say boots yeah and you had a bucket full of lollipops and you were walking along and you were handing the lollipops out we use them we throw them out the mouth among the many things I admire about NYU is that about a fifth of the students are international people are talking about it walk around without knowing it walk around without so all of these vendors all sorts of companies can interact using the same database without trusting one another without south-south couch couch about a belt out out cows cows I'm a brain researcher here at the University of British Columbia I'm a brain researcher here at University of British Columbia and one other example Colin Clark bio economist from University of British Columbia University of British Columbia University of British Columbia University of British Columbia University of British Columbia and [Music] regardless of what happens and regardless of what happens not being in the right place just at the right time but being in the right place all the time regardless of what happens regardless of what crisis or emergency comes up regardless of what happens regardless of what happens regardless of what happens and regardless of what happens and regardless of what happens that is the policy of the administration we do not condone racial profiling and that is something that is not allowed by law enforcement officers that is something that is not allowed by law enforcement officers but what we also have to do is we also have to be in a position where we are allowing law enforcement officials to make some risk-based assessments what's the stop other people from saying if the Prime Minister can make fun of people for what they're going through why can't I the signal of the sense of young people who wake up to seeing these images of their Prime Minister making them feel like maybe they don't belong in this country I want to let those young people know that you do belong you are valued you are loved you are important and most importantly I want to also connect the lack of action on I want to also connect the lack of action on clear and concrete steps to address inequality you know we put forward a commitment to immediately expunge all convictions for simple possession of marijuana we know that that's specifically targeted racialized indigenous black and people of color that is a politic it's great to be here thank you for inviting me to TEDx YYC thank you Calgary I recognize that I stand in the traditional territory of treaty seven black foot First Nations although at the moment it does look a lot like a big red dot does look a lot like a big red dot and I realized that I'm at a TEDx talk and I've been told that when you give a TEDx talk it's not like my normal talks it's not like a speech I've got to get in the you know in the groove of what TEDx is like so they directed me to please watch a lot of previous TEDx great talks so I thought well I'll save some time and find the great TEDx talks delivered by politicians this this this windows down the possibilities considerably and so I want to start by offering you a free no tech life hack and all it requires of you is this that you change your posture for two minutes but before I give it away I want to ask you two right now do a little audit of your body and what you're doing with your body and what you're doing with your body so how many of you are sort of making yourselves small or maybe you're hunting crossing your legs maybe wrapping your ankles sometimes we hold on to our arms like this sometimes we spread out I see you so I want you to pay attention to what you're doing right now we're going to come back to that in a few minutes and I'm hoping that if you sort of learn to tweak this a little bit it could significantly change the way your life process process sorry sorry passed down pasta semi semi for a foyer baro baro drama drama fragile fragile Z Z [Music] you
Channel: Meringo
Views: 2,312
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: Canadian, American, Canadianaccent, Americanaccent, CanadianEnglish, American English, CanadianAccentvsAmericanAccent, Tedtalk, American English pronunciation, Canadian English pronunciation, American linking, Canadian rising, meringo, USA, Canada, Pronounciation difference, Canadian fluctuation, Canadian linking, AMERICAN vs.CANADIAN accent, Stanard canadian English, Standard American English, American vs canadian accent, pronunciation, vowels, lesson, new, American English accent, English
Id: 4_lxuZCwULQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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