American & Japanese People Swap School Lunches

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I'm not gonna lie I think that it's time for America to step his game up what's going on hi I'm David and I'm representing America hi I'm Blake and I'm American Pam me who I'm from Japan and today we're gonna swap school lunches my school lunches in Japan they're called cue Shoku I loved it it was pretty good school lunches as I'll remember I mean I probably wouldn't like them as much now as I did back then I would just eat like four burgers every day or like eight slices of pizza we had this thing when I was really young called the cheese zombie which was just like two giant pieces of bread and a bunch of like melted American cheese oh yeah I mean I liked it I liked it we had this thing called UFO which was literally a giant goes up that was shaped like a UFO and it had some meat and vegetables inside that sounds way better my favorite was I get pie we say it's a bread it's Friday tons of sugar our food has a lot of sugar in it right oh maybe it's less sugar less sugar right I would like to see the stats on this let you just walk lunches let's do it let's do it oh this is the American lunch Wow we got a swab now this is crazy all yours looks way better that's salmon that looks fantastic is that miso soup oh that's crazy in a school lunch I'll be excited to go to school so we have carrots and ranch which I think that's pretty standard the green beans is also pretty standard apple slices we don't necessarily get healthcare in the US but we got apples this is like a manwich sloppy joe we got this from the freezer pride was cooked four days ago cheeseburger we got to tell you Taj you usually can't mess up tater tots I'm excited meditated hogs but I don't know what's going on with this book I mean it's not brioche and then you got an S quick cuz you got to have your chocolate milk that's if your mom didn't give you money to go to the vending machine get a coke you know what I mean so I would really like to know what you have on that tray though right we soup corn soup it is definitely a thing in Japan and you can even buy it in vending machines during the winter that's crazy I never seen a super vending machine before pineapple salmon there's some in their schools coming up which is Japanese fried chicken some key to key there is usually a vegetable and we got milk I don't know about her but I'm ready to swap she could take this yeah I want to swap I didn't want to stop then I can I better keep my salmon yeah it's still frozen burger burger that's not a sloppy job the hamburgers deadbeat brother don't try a bite of this I want to take you from you you know that's your main part I want you be able to finish that that's pretty good I could eat this every day this is great I wanted to find out what kind of meat it was I took a bite I still don't know it's probably beef I don't think we could get a turkey burger in like a US school lunch it could be a be on no definitely you're the salad is not that bad it tastes better than it looks okay it's probably the dressing probably the dressing so what's all in this so that doesn't look like a vegetable there's one of the maybe YUM what is this yeah good how like a bull bar yeah so this is gonna be like so dope yeah the dirty Road Oh No sound of sweets I'm gonna say Japanese lunch is a kick in American to the house right now where is it tastes like I was thinking it would be like a seaweed or something but it tastes more like a saute vegetable that I haven't had before it's so good well this is good Yuji I don't even know what good is so now I know I got the good one it's gonna make the taste better so what you do is you dip the carrot in the ranch I'm not gonna lie this Japanese fried chicken might give Kentucky a run for his money so see also you see how she went in with the fork an Americans not going in with the fork we're going in fingers just get in there kind of interested to see what this corn soup is talking about that's good yeah the miso soup is amazing it just seems like they take a lot more care right it takes more time this is like a nice light fulfilling lunch I'm gonna have to say I guess I was just ignorant to the fact that Japan had amazing school lunches out of everything that I sampled I'd say the corn soup the hijiki and like a Japanese fried chicken was amazing that was a good lunch that I would make for myself on like a Saturday if I had kids I would rather than be eating that lunch I still love Japanese lunch that was like so much dedication it made me so happy when I was kid yeah I am all about the Japanese lunch definitely feels like home although I do like tater tops there you have it Japanese lunch with a side of tater tots everybody's happy [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 5,262,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American & Japanese People Swap School Lunches, KQvz, K_fe, PL-MealSwap, PL-SnackSwap, PL-TryingOtherPeoplesFood, VXWf, Zuh7, adults try school lunch, american school lunches, americans, americans and japanese swap school lunch, americans swap, americans try, americans try japanese food, buzzfeed, buzzfeed food swap, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, food review, food swap, japanese, japanese people try american food, japanese school lunches, japanese try, lunch swap, school
Id: mQES07mOEdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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