American Brahman Breeders Association Promotional Video

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[Music] the American Brahman influence in the beef industry is felt worldwide and their genetics are sought by Cattlemen in every continent the Indian cattle that were the foundation of the American Brahman breed were first imported into the United States in the 1850s as the breed developed the American Brahman Breeders Association was organized in 1924 the first Secretary was JW sartwell of Houston Texas it was he who proposed the word Brahman to the industry and so it became the new name for the beef breed today the American Brahman breed has achieved acceptance for their environmental adaptation longevity mothering ability and and efficient beef production the Brahman breed is probably the most versatile beef breed of cattle there is in the world uh if we think about circling the globe at 30° north and 30° South and where that band of land where those how much land that encompasses just within the northern and southern hemisphere we take an area that's uh that's almost to Dallas and go almost the the entire country of Brazil all that land mass fits between those and that's where Brahman cattle can exist you can go across the Atlantic Ocean and you think about Africa it takes almost the entire continent of Africa and part of southern Europe all of India and probably 2/3 of Australia that's where Brahman cattle fit so not just in the United States but around the entire world if you look at their attributes or physical attributes or genetic attributes we look at cattle that are adapted to hot humid type climates cattle that U have a longevity cattle that are uniquely adapted to have some resistance to diseases and intolerance to parasites ability to digest and utilize a little bit coarser forages and roughages their ability to to to store some minerals and because of longevity and their ability to live in undesirable tropical subtropical type environments uh they're uniquely adapted particularly on the maternal side uh for that uh as a cow breed it's because of this that these cattle came to have the ability to survive and thrive where other breeds have failed in their expansion American bramming and cattle have improved beef production in every country they have been introduced they had in those early days great difficulty with the European and British cattle coming in here and being able to survive and reproduce and be efficient in this country and they were constantly looking for some cattle to infuse into the herd here that would make the cattle more efficient and live better in this country and be more economical the primary purpose in life in today's cattle business is to add heterosis through crossbreeding and heat tolerance American brammen cattle are utilized extensively in the US beef industry due to their convenience traits of heterosis which acquaints to increased growth environmental adaptability insect resistance efficiencies longevity and carcass quality if you think about where Brahman cattle come from the environment that they're adapted to as pure Breads and then we have whatever breed you choose to have as the other half of the F1 and the environments that they're adapted to now we have genes from both of those different breed types that within our own respective breeds were adapted to two different environments that allows that F1 individual that hybrid to be adapted to a wide range of environments and I think to me that's one of the best the the most important things about thinking about crossbreeding and thinking about F1 cows is that if the breeds are chosen right to make that F1 sure we get increases in productivity and ter in fertility and Longevity and milk production but the most important thing is we get increases in overall adaptability and that's the foundation for all those other things cows cow that is not adapted to her environment will not give you extra milk production will not give you extra fertility will not give you extra growth and won't live a day longer unless she's already adapted we run a cow CF operation here in Central Florida and we use uh three breeds of of bulls Angus charlay and brahmas we use these three bre three breeds of bulls on on crosses with the charlay being the terminal cross using the Brahman influence to get the superior female Replacements the Brahman are one of the few breeds that will um sweat their tolerant of the insects of the Heat um the cattle that were you know they're adaptable to to our subtropic climate that we have you know here in Florida we have approximately 50 some odd inches of rainfall uh it can get muddy and it gets hot and they're the best acclimated we have to have some Ramen influence in each cattle to make them perform here in Central Florida although Brahman genetics are utilized in all facets of beef production the F1 Brahman female or commonly referred to as the queen of Cal country is known known for their increased milk production high fertility levels and easy cing abilities these are just a few characteristics that Brahman F1 females are known for and show superiority over any other female in the nation's cow herd the F1 female has proven that uh that she is superior to everything else because she is the the in the cattle world the in the strictest sense the most Divergent uh of of the BOS indicus in the in the in the English or BOS tus uh that we do get maximum hybrid Vigor she uh and everything that goes along with it and the production traits from longevity to growth the growth factors the milk factors uh Etc uh and when you put them all together there's nothing out there that can equal it the Brammer is a as we all know in Florida is well suited for Florida you've got to have her she's a she's a cow that does well on the forge we got she's uh she's a Survivor she's a go get her she she she's not waiting on the feed bucket and without it that's what you need here Brahman females cross with nearly any other breed have value and have a lot of value to ensure these traits the American Brahman Breeders Association created the F1 certification program program to verify the Purity and parentage of the F1 female as this benefits both the breeder and user the Abba F1 certification program is without question the leading commercial femural program in the United States through this producer friendly program either a certificate or an ear tag is issued verifying the parentage of the golden certified or certified female this further uh ensures to the producer that maximum heterosis is received and ultimately more values given to either the producer or the enduser of these females the Abba program was started some 30 years ago uh as a way to identify and legitimize uh what we've been doing for the last 50 years on this Texas and Louisiana and southeast coast and that is putting Brahman genetics together with uh English genetics uh their has been a little analytical work done uh in the early days maybe 15 years ago that our certified and golden certified cattle brought X doll in a particular sale over a 20year period and it was significant it was like $125 by implementing the certification program it means more money in the producer's pocket and presents more opportunities like strengthening the value and quality of breeding programs both registered and and Commercial along with their survival skills the American Brahman physical characteristics are obvious from their large hump over the top of the shoulder to their generally long oversized ears though a majority of the breed is light to medium gray or red their color trait can vary from light gray red to even almost black brahin are not only recognized by their distinct physical characteristics but also their intelligence and desired disposition the Brahman cattle are different but our cattle are probably some of the most gentle cattle in the world they're gregarious they stay together if we drive those cattle if we can control where the leader goes and and uh get that front cow to go where she needs to go the rest of the cattle will generally follow her with all other things being the same so Brahman cattle are tremendously easy to work we just have to understand them and how they think as consumers shift to lean meat and lower calorie diets American brahin are perfectly positioned to fill the demand for a beef product that efficiently converts feed into high quality tender beef while producing a carcass free of excess fat if you're feeding those cattle whether you're feeding them to sell them live uh feeding them to sell them in the beef or feed them to sell them on S some sort of grade and yield equation uh one of the first things you have cattle that don't get sick is as much and cattle that don't get sick don't die on top of that they'll have better feed conversion they'll have higher average daily gain we get along really good with um with half Brahman cattle uh here in the Texas panal especially cattle like these that are F1 true F1 steers um they'll goow grow plenty of hair and um they can handle the winter very well performance of the steers has been really good to this point we check weighed the cattle in November they were gaining over 4 pounds a day and the cattle weren't thin when they came in so cattle are really performing well we've been very pleased with how they've performed their consumption has been good um I think the cattle will end up closing out gaining over 3 lbs a day in the mid 3 and 1 12 to 37 a day is what I would expect that would um be above average um from the other catle we feed um we get a lot of calves right from the ranch um these steers would perform as well as as any cattle that we that we feed uh from a a yield grade standpoint they're going to perform very well I would expect these steers to be over 70% yield grade ones and twos very few yield grade fours um we'll also have a a really uh good dressing percentage with the thin height on these cattle I would think we would these cattle would dress anywhere from 64 1 12 65% and when you put all that back together um selling these cattle on a grid I expect these cattle to bring back a premium on the grid especially with the choice select spread being between three and5 like we've experienced the last year I think the hybrid Vigor of the true F1 Brahman uh certainly helps um with in cattle feeding uh as well as what we're trying to get done on the female side when we're raising true F1 females when you put those cattle in the feed yard we don't see any real difference in terms of feed yard performance efficiency or sickness compared to any other cross and in fact most of the time those F1 cattle are superior to straight Breads and Superior to F1 cattle that do not have brahen influence in them in terms of carcass performance in terms of reduction in Mor mortality or death loss reduction in morbidity or sickness rates and feed efficiency the Abba has started a carcass evaluation program about 10 years ago and one of the things that that they do in terms of not only putting a value on these cattle going in and feeding these cattle and then harvesting these cattle and collecting all the carcass data all the for cabil for cutability and for Quality grade they also take a stake out of these cattle for for tenderness analysis and here recently we just got back some data uh from a lot of those same breeders that have been in this program this entire time and uh the average sheer force is underneath 8 lb okay and previous to that have been closer to 10 and so they've made a lot of progress in in tenderness a Brahman carcass will run with anybody's carcass tenderness uh palatability grade yield they work perfectly well with strict selection Guided by the standard of Excellence of the founding breeders the American Brahman has been recognized for its exceptional hardiness physical stamina and ability to profitably produce on marginal lands it has enabled us to breed cattle that can adapt produce and uh live well in environments in tropical regions the Abba has made a continued effort to ensure the American Brahman breeds place as a viable entity in the global beef Market uh we have an outstanding International marketing effort uh there through the association through our International committee uh and in fact we probably export the most cattle of any beef freed in the United States the lands that are available around the world where there's a lot of pasture land a lot of uh people that are available to work with them and to produce protein in the most economical manner are going to be produced using bramin or Brahman crosses so the future for our breed is extremely bright if you want to produce uh beef and milk in tropical subtropical conditions uh I think that the common denominator for registered cattle or commercial cattle will be the Brahman we've been selling cattle internationally from our organization since the early 1930s since that time we've sent cattle to 43 different countries of the world and so the Brahman is in great demand worldwide it's a good for Vietnam and I want to do it and the people in Vietnam want to bring uh American Brahman to Vietnam to raise there and we want to exchange trade between two Nations the American Brahman Breeders Association is a long-standing member run organization the primary responsibility and original purpose of the association is to record the parentage and ownership of Brahman cattle however over the years the organization has grown and developed a number of programs to better improve and promote the breed and its members the American bomman breeders association's been in existence since 1924 not only do we have a strong history but we also have a large number of dedicated individuals that are part of this breed and help carry on it to see that it's going to uh Prosper into the future oh we put information out about the breed that we hope will be helpful to all of our our breeders old breeders new breeders and uh anyone that has an interest in in the Brahman breed but I think the association is made up of some great cattle and some great people uh who who have loved and have a lot of passion for these animals and they they have uh bred them to be very efficient beef producing uh animals along with the Abba the American Junior Brahman Association is growing rapidly and soaring to new heights from the prestigious All-American National Junior Brahman show to the numerous scholarships that are available the ajba allows youngsters to be a part of the bigger picture of educating its future breeders and promoting the American Brahman we have a tremendous Junior program probably one of the best ones in the United States where we offer over $50,000 in premiums and scholarships each year it is one of the best youth organizations in the United States we've got over 600 members Coast to Coast um our members come from 18 states mostly in the South but we actually have members all over the nation I'm growing up through the association I gained a love for cattle and just a love for all agriculture in general and it's kind of developed me to what I want to do for the rest of my life and going to embryology I'm actually going to school now Liv so judging scholarship and the things I learned about Liv so judging were at the All-American through different contests and selecting cattle to bring to the All-American it has shown me what it takes to get the job done and it's prepared me for being on my own and getting out there and I know that I can make executive decisions that are going to better prepare me um to in college and also in the world in the job market it's opened up my opportunities I know so many people and um it'll help me later on in life to just be a better speaker and a better [Music] person to learn more about the American Brahman Breeders Association and to be a part of the growing success of the American Brahman breed visit [Music]
Channel: AmericanBrahman
Views: 158,815
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Keywords: ABBA, American Brahman, Brahman (cattle), Brahman, brahman, Brahman Breeders, Brahman breeders, brahman breeders, cattle, livestock, beef, Brahman breed, brahman breed, promotional, american brahman, F-1, F-1 females, certified F-1, golden certified F-1, f1, F1, Cow, Cows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2012
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