American Beer Tier List With Ludwig!

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what's up guys can you hear me can you hear us okay how do we sound scuff stream because we're in Ludwig's house what the heck bro why are you trying to why are you why are you trying to be I'm so much taller than you yeah but look American Chad Towers over Japanese weeb you're wearing like puffed up slippers take them off all right fine I'll take off my slippers you have like the thickest slippers yeah they're a little bit they're Tempur-Pedic okay give me them back you made me look tiny in the interview with him thank you I swear you were like appreciate it what's up how you doing well okay it's because before you came on I had um uh young gravy who's six four he's not he's like nine then we had Rambo who's like six three so the whole time I'm sitting there six foot feeling like an idiot should we punch in let's punch in a bit we can punch in we can punch in let's punch in slightly I'm thinking like oh yeah I like it I like it let's do it that's good what do you think chat you like being manhandled like that yeah am I handling you guys are my little my little toys congrats on the W thank you appreciate that appreciate that because I also got Ellie we've also got W's we did our table was it was stacked yeah we had drama we had Hassan Mouse me it was it was the W table that's five Awards five people I think so right yeah yo five bars five different beats right now hit me wait what does that mean it's just like a it's like a morning radio show like The Five Fingers of Death where you do different style rap beats and then you freestyle on them you think it's American culture it's American culture you you want to know what we're doing today chat it's very simple um I like beer laundry likes beer we're gonna try all of the American Beer some of these are not America we're gonna try most of the iconic American beers we're getting drunk baby and we'll give our thoughts on them and I'll rate them and you'll read them and tell me which ones you like I am concerned about some of these um like what is what is this one oh this looks disgusting for Loco why is it called Warheads because it's flavored after a an American staple Warheads candy which uses citric acid to make children go but it's it's delicious because this is 14 alcohol okay all right it also has caffeine in it uh how much caffeine does a Four Loco have wait why would it why would it have so you can go all night baby because we're in America jindesque we parte do they remove the caffeine from four Locos they had a lawsuit for a while you that's it's an opera and a downer yeah it is a depression no for sure a couple of these used to kill men oh they did remove it they did it used to have like it was like 200 mg caffeine which is equivalent to like like two red bulls three Red Bulls and then it'd be like literally the equivalent of three beers so it was tight yeah these are also I will know these are massive cans of beer like why are they so big no this is for an American this is like a regular single portion this is big well these are so these are liquor store beers and liquor store beers are different from like grocery store six packs okay why a six-pack is like it's like either something you get to share you bring it to a party or maybe like you're chewing through and you're like oh I have like two or three in a six-pack in a night yeah this is like hey I'm going to a liquor store I'm getting this in a brown bag and I'm [ __ ] drinking this because [ __ ] what is going on in my life right now yeah all right liquor store beer is different I mean also why it has a serving size on the back let me show you the chat 24 ounces what's the point of having a serving size I don't really understand that I don't have to manually focus no you I just have to make sure I'm not in it sure look look at that what a serving size as if somebody's like opening the can and not and they're like oh no sorry sorry it's I gotta stop I've had I've had one serving serving sizes are a bit of a meme in the States but I think it's FDA law that you have to have a serving size I've had some of these before obviously so okay Connor I've brought to you here all the best American beers the Staples that make America and this includes all of America so we're talking Mexico as well because Mexico has some of our best beers half of these are not these are these are wait what do you mean on some of these not American well they're all American or Mac what can we sneak in a Belgian this is this is done and this is Japan as you know and then there's also I think that's actually these emotions yeah that's it because I Corona is a Mexican beer yeah I feel like it's such an American thing Mexican beer especially in La is like yeah like that's what most people drink yeah I think it'll be probably one of your more favorites is some of the Mexican beers I think you might really like like Pacifico I I yeah I've tried this one we'll get into it but I I actually really like Heineken normally that's like one of my favorite okay well that's good because it's actually just for me yeah so it's not American wait do we have a glass okay you're just going in all right well no it's just mine oh my god this is my it's my palette cleanser dude it's an American Beer tier list do you have any like small glasses do I have small glasses yeah uh there's everything launched yeah one right here [ __ ] you dude you even framed it so check let's see oh [ __ ] that uh yeah we can take these little Boma markups maybe this should be like a nice yeah that's classy these are reused Jam I'm gonna get a glass for water too so I can clone clever cleanse my palate whatever um we'll get the big one oh [ __ ] what is your favorite beer and the winner of the poll was depression beer hello hello my mods must have put that in they're sad what if we drink 15 ounces of every beer that's death we die we throw up for sure how okay what's the rule then how much beer are we supposed to drink I think like one sip of each that's still gonna be a lot of beef juice why'd you rolled it up because because the pants hang really low yeah okay you have to check I'm not kidding it's okay they've seen his balls before we've all seen it all right everyone I went to the Onsen yeah we did yeah together yeah I was too proud of the outside because I was so nervous no I wasn't weird it was not tell her I was normal were you just like walking around like yeah yeah he did that he did that I wasn't walking around like I I think I think because he was trying to not be weird and so he didn't want to be shy I didn't want to be like and so he's went around like this everywhere no I didn't walk right I walked I walked like this he made eye contact with every kid as well that's a good thing it was eye contact all right I kept it above the eyes I'm sorry we did you dirty on the pod like judge each other's manscaping no I don't I think it's like a zero judgment Zone that's the whole idea like if you start to judge at all it's more like it's more before I went I shaved you did you did you don't judge but you know maybe if your friend is killing it you're like God damn you know I wouldn't name names but we know dude he says we know like there's someone else dude some some people in the yard got it some people don't okay all right let's just focus on the beers um the keys is what I came in here for oh yeah they were somewhere huh oh they're in my fanny packs another front zipper welcome it's welcome front zipper right here uh he just opened the Heineken yep you know when I uh okay Mormon I drive a cool girl and have my first beer beer tastes really gross 100 so me trying to be cool because I like to see people miss mix whiskey and Coke so I'm with this this like really hot guy he's like all tattooed he's like my the devil and my shoulder right he was actually grooming me I was 18. not me what the hell not me but he was like do you want a beard it was a Heineken I was like yeah can you mix it with some yeah and I had I pretended like I liked it he's like I've never seen anyone do this I'm like so gross but yeah that's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard honestly that's probably like an LA eyeball I mean that probably put you off beer right yeah I know I know I I'm just saying in La High balls probably beer and Coke right before the show the makeup artist just comes running in the room and then cutie do you need anything are you okay and I was like I'm good I just had my coat talking about my drink and she's like oh okay and I was like and she left the room and I was like what and I was like oh my God I like how quickly she was down for us bro you got to get this centered it's just gonna when you turn it's just gonna sound worse all right bye-bye see you later all right I guess we'll start with Heineken then because it's a good um all right let's move this out of the way let's get the beers out of the way here I'm going easy with it I'm not going crazy I'm just gonna pour a tiny bit because we got a lot to drink all right I'll put a little bit more for you this is going to be gross what are you doing what are you doing I'm trying to expand my stomach there's no way there it's not your throat no it gets there oh all right okay cheers to our house well Heineken heineken's kid Heineken score yeah I think it's good what are you okay well I like Heineken it's very fine it's it it never tastes bad I've never had a Heineken that made me think like damn I hate beer I don't think heineken's bad I think Heineken gets the job done I think it's out of all of like the beers you can get in a can or a bottle it's it's pretty good I think a Heineken for me is like a a high B low a so here's what we got I have 18 beers for you 16 of these are North American beers two of them are you know a little outside the box I think the way we're gonna rate it is by generally having a line form so it doesn't matter okay right now okay it's just that we put it here got it and then the next beer we drink we say to ourselves is that better or worse than the Heineken okay we'll do it okay you're small it's better this way worse towards me because I'm the devil and you're the angle make sense Chad thinks the Heineken is her crd all the Dutch hate hanging well it's because you guys have better beer right but I'm saying if we're talking about like is if we could get into we could have gotten like a million fancy craft beers ipas all that stuff they're always better but I mean let's let's stick to the ones you can just get I think the goal of these 18 beers is like the most popular beers like we are doing a tier list of a beer that you would find everywhere in America okay and that it includes two foreign ones more so just for fun but it's a beer that you can find anywhere in America and there's Staples okay so like they're not going to be your ipas they're not going to be your Stouts right they're not even going to be you know pale ale it's all going to be like [ __ ] basically water with a little bit of piss in it I have we have a bit of a fun connection to Budweiser okay have you seen this meme that we did no we did a blind beer tasting stream we raided the beers and we guessed which country they were from okay and I was crushing it I was like naming every country I got every rating and then we all got to budweis and I was like this is great it's such a rich flavor it's and we all gave it like eight out of ten and then it was Budweiser and I was like I just lost every inch of credibility I had oh that is sad I was crushing it I got every beer Budweiser then uh well like well let's not judge it by the label this is of course a staple of America and it's for a good reason perhaps it's made in Mexico right Anheuser-Busch no it's an American Beer but isn't it produced in Mexico there's many locations I think the largest locations in St Louis America where they produce Budweiser and Bud Light but they also have a factory in uh I think New Hampshire oh okay St Louis all right thank you Chad yeah I knew that oh it smells it's just I mean you can drink it I think it's great it's just fine it's like the most fine like it it it's not offensive it's as inoffensive as it gets because it's like the Jimmy Fallon of beers anyone could enjoy it but it's not going to be your favorite do you enjoy Jimmy Fallon I'm saying like you could stomach a Jimmy Fallon bit like he's he's created so that anyone could enjoy because he's so PC he's so he's so inoffensive I don't think I've ever laughed at Jimmy Fallon yeah but he's inoffensive he would never you'd never like watch him and be like last time I drank it blind but I I okay I know why because you drink it and you're like I could easily go for another sip yeah there's no alcoholism stuff the aftertaste is like nothing there's no bad aftertaste yeah I think if I drank like five Heinekens by the fourth or the fifth one I'd start feeling like pretty gross yeah I think because it's so watery but I guess that's why they want you to buy it right because you can just buy a 24 pack and drink too many of them I I think it's worse than the Heineken he did the black face thing okay well that was you know that was not good that was not good and you know to be fair Budweiser had a bad year in the 90s so so I get Still Still fell and asked but yeah good point good point on that one I think it's worse than Heineken but only a little bit I uh yeah I'll agree I'll agree I I think heineken's got more flavor going on and I think look honestly there's no way unless we did this all blind yeah we could disassociate our branding with the actual flavor so we'll try our best but I think realistically I think this is a fair placement we'll put it right next degree chat Conor is a Capper chat drink alcohol alongside with us today everybody get drunk it is Sunday fun day Europeans we're just hitting midnight baby it's time to Chuck it's fighting midnight it's hit oh I know you're there ahead of us I'm so used to being having them behind yeah I think it's like 10 or yeah it's like puff actually you know what actually yeah fellow Dutch people get your Heinekens out it's not like you got work tomorrow come on and even if you do what's that movie called um every time I come here you always mention this this show at least once because it shows that drinking alcohol is good for you well Muslims in chat crying right now yeah true all right what's the next beer all right I got I want to take you so I want to kind of like like take you around the tour of the world right now okay we went to Europe okay okay we went to this European American Fusion okay of Booth visor okay now I want to take you a little bit further south to Mexico specifically with one of my favorite Mexican beers see if you go I had this first time in my life last night really and I thought it was pretty good and in the bottle though I do think that beer tastes infinitely better in a bottle you're right I think you're right we went to the liquor store with 20 minutes so we we have it let's hear it I mean it's a it's a can I was putting up her leg oh oh okay I think you will like it am I amazed that you opened again no there's something so depressing about having a can this big yeah you know what I mean yeah it makes you feel like I'm at the end of the road it gives alcoholism this is a funny story we were in the liquor store and me and London were talking and then um we're in La a crackhead walks in okay I I didn't want to say it because I said okay I'll say it it's 100 you we're in La all right there are a lot of crackheads and that's okay I don't fault someone for being addicted to crackers I think that's like a thing that happens to them and so like we're being cordial and they're like they're like so we're just chilling yeah we're talking and then she she's like what language are you guys speaking and we're like uh English English I'm from America but I realized that she probably heard Connor's accent yeah didn't understand him so I was like oh but he's British yeah and she's like oh I'm Irish in like a like classic American fashion yeah I'm Irish Polish Russian 10 Italian four percent fresh Spanish well cool and we're like dope love that for you and then we move on with our business and we're like checking out checking out about to leave and then she turns to Connor she goes can you say have a good day in British and then what do you say I said oh have a good day and then she's like no no in British and I was like oh oh she wants to be like Harry Potter so I'm like so Connor Connor with reads right so he first he just goes have a good day and then and then she's like no I'm British and so with Rays he goes have a good time you'd say it was so much rich I was just trying to say it like Harry Potter I was like have a good day no I don't [ __ ] that how'd you do it I don't know anything about how you did it with Riz I just went like say have a good day have a good day like that I just I don't know like you said it like a Tesco's clerk but she was unamused by that yeah no she she was like she was she thought I was copping out she she wanted you to like speak a different language I was like I think she thought British was a different language and she was like can you please speak British you keep speaking English you're speaking American I didn't get it I was like what do you want I want you to speak in your weird tongue and so we just left I was like you know what I I'm listening let's get out of here anyway let's drink the Pacifica cheers I mean what is that flavor it has it's like kind of like weirdly sweet a little bit you know what I mean okay what is that it's like a Spanish person like a barcelonian saying beer in Spanish oh you're mobile educated I like that one a lot actually I look like a Pacifica I think that's really nice I would put Pacifico above Heineken I don't know if you agree yeah I think it's smoother I think I like I don't know what that after taste is corn it's colon I couldn't believe that I don't know they're just saying that it tastes good chat I don't know what it is but it tastes good it's I think um wait can I I don't want to be this sounds about it no way just tiny bit it's good all right let me I don't know what that is it's kind of sweet am I crazy you're definitely going back in oh yeah wow like this this should be a bro it's like I went from dessert back to appetizers wow well because I think a traditional a traditional beer in the in the you know the if you were to go to German you're going to be at there's no sweetness there's no kind of like well I mean like this is like a normal be a taste it's kind of like you feel that you're kind of sad but in a good way because you have beer I don't know where I'm going with this German people are not funny yeah it's true I mean it's true they know that though some German people are funny because I like the show because German people are so normally not funny but then oh yeah it comes around very funny when they you know what who is the most German American I've ever met who box box you know what I mean yeah like he's hilarious but like he has never I feel like tried to make a joke no he's he's very funny I was in a conversation with him once at uh Abe and Wendy's wedding we're talking he's like oh you play Valerian right and I was like yeah yeah like uh I've been playing a lot of solo queues like we should play some time and I was like yeah I mean like we chatted a bit more and then like the conversation naturally died out and he's like I have nothing left to say now so I'm gonna turn this way and I was just there and I was like okay fair enough I saw him yesterday and I was like so he went up to he's like just TFT yeah that's it I was like me too he's like yep and it probably will be the same next time I see you I was like okay all right all right now yeah I did the Pokemon tournament with him that wolf ran oh yeah and uh and he uh I was sick he nearly won right oh does he win yeah he got second yeah second to voice and that was his first time ever playing he had never played Pokemon he's so good he got so good so quick very good and then um every time like in between his matches instead of like hanging out and chatting if you want to like in the beginning side he would uh he would he would go play um like fire emblem on his switch I was like why are you doing that like shouldn't you be like warming up he's like oh if I get like stressed out in social situations I play video games I'm like damn like you just have it down I like how he just does himself he knows him more than anyone knows himself yeah he just does it I appreciate that I envy him all right what's next all right Connor uh we're on our world tour we are on a yeah America Mexico I want you to take a little sip I knew you're gonna do this from a little sip of good Japanese a little sip of good Japanese beer this is Sapporo which comes from Sapporo in the Hokkaido prefecture as we went to the most northern prefecture of Japan and in Sapporo the only Bob we went to had awesome that is true which is also a hokkaidobia but we were in sapro I've never seen these cans in Japan so these must be like this is a [ __ ] I want to show this off it's big because it looks like a weapon you would kill people with and Hitman I'll get out so I can focus easier I can see my body to block it look at this it's like first of all it's curvy like it's kind of a sexy bottle right it's it's a nice it's built like a triangle like this is how you hope your your your latissimus dorsite goes down to your abs what does that mean like what what did you have you ever heard of this no like the general body shape that you want as like a bodybuilder yeah because you want like Big Lots so that when you go like this your lats pop out and then it goes down into like a like your whoosh thumbnail is you like that no that's my traps that's like I can't remember which video this is but it's horrible I could beat streamers in a fight no that was it I hated that thumb every time that video has a [ __ ] ton of views yeah but every time it turned up I just saw you doing this and I could just imagine you like I want you to know changing the focus going no no that was that was one take [ __ ] no oh it's not photos crazy traps dude Connor no I'm crazy it's not fake you're I like I don't want to show off right now but I could show you my traps I was in the onset I didn't I probably the only thing I sold I had I had a squint like it was okay all right let's open it feels like it's gonna explode like yeah it does feel like so well oh my god oh dude this is like feel that alone like that that little no it feels like you're gonna cut yourself why is it so strong this is like uh again I can't even like crack the aluminum if I squeeze as hard as I can in Japan as well um when you get like a bag of crisps um chips uh why don't you like you don't say Chris yeah okay so when you get a bag of crisps right normally when you get it it's like this very thin kind of materials like plasticky Alum aluminum yeah aluminum I've been in here too long um but in Japan it's like super thick for no apparent reason it's like packaging why are you over engineering this bag of crisps it's it's like the thickest material for no reason I guess cheers I so far is fine oh I don't even know where to put support I I'll be real it's like it's better than Asahi for me but there's so many other good Japanese beers that are so much better like yeah is the best one I think I mean I honestly think it's worse than Budweiser I think there's like a sourness to this beer do you think it's because it's an import version or you think it's because it's just how it is like it's just worse draft well I think a draft of any of those would instantly be at the top except for about I think draft bodies yeah exactly but it's the exact same as everything um but yeah for the other ones I think drafted versions are way better but yeah this imported version at the very least is like it's like a little bit sour I don't particularly love it I don't particularly hate it dude it pains me to say that it's I think it might I I think bot is because because bud is the line of like no taste like there's no taste at any point now and I think this also has no taste it is very little taste it just has a sour note and no aftertaste but most Japanese speed is all designed to be very easy to drink right because then then they like beer but they don't really like European beer they like very light lagers yeah and so every single Japanese beer is extremely easy to drink because it's just it's like nothing I it's it's Bob it's the same as bud I I'm happy to put it worse if you if you think but it's the same in my mind actually you know what I am indifferent and this is your tier list okay I want you to make the call I'm indifferent whether it's higher or lower than Budweiser I'm gonna say let's put it let's put it High I mean I want to call you out right now why this is a clout pick you are clout moving because you are a Japanese content creator it's because everyone in the comments gonna be like dude I know because you have a Japanese audience they want sapod so this is a cloud payment I don't know I do not have a Japanese audience fake well you have a you have a um people infatuated the culture of Japan I suppose Chris Broad Chris broad is the only guy really that watches you that loves Japan yeah he's the only guy this he's the only one I um so far I kind of like these are all fine I'm scared because I see some of these like I've had Bud Light before and I think Bud Light is like a crime against beer yeah um it is made by the same company right yeah yeah it's Anheuser-Busch Anheuser-Busch is actually a lot of beers they're they're like the largest conglomerate so I think a few of these are going to be Anheuser-Busch can I pick one uh yeah let's go ahead have a pick we took our tour so everything now is going to be North American what the [ __ ] is this one ah this is a Mexican beer Dos Equis okay you might remember their marketing campaign I've never seen this before I think I've seen this double X double X and they had the marketing campaign if you remember it was the most um like interesting man in the world oh I think I have seen this yeah yeah it's like the guy who looks like an older version of Clooney and he was like uh I skydive with no parachute and then I drink Dos Equis it's pretty good let's try it let's try it uh Chad's saying they like it Chad says they like this beer it's a Pilsner lager with a refreshing and balanced taste started in Mexico in 1897. sure let's try it so far I think we're doing this pretty well I think we're being very responsible by how we're doing this well I'm impressed we're this is our quarterway Mark oh my God yeah your paws are getting bigger as well I'm noticing that well I have a new strategy now Rob so I'm gonna I've been one-shotting them I think it's a mistake you want to say I think I should sip sip for flavor maximization you know what I did this with uh I did this with Chris with Japanese alcohol and we were like quarter of the way through and he was pouring way too much in the cups and I was like Chris we got to get through it and surely Enough by the end of it he doesn't remember the last 30 minutes of that video really he got so drunk you can see it in the video he he he starts slurring he just he even vaguely remember this in Old it's like two years or three years ago yeah because it was it was I found it so badly as well but it was like he got he was spilling [ __ ] everywhere in my office and it was so bad that's tight that's the dream I don't know cheers all right let's try it whoa that's like way fizzier now yeah am I crazy what is that flavor I okay wait hold up it's definitely it feels like corn this one's for sure corn everything's corn in the yard this is my ease dude I feel bad I think I like button Sephora More Than This is that wrong is that a bad thing no I don't think it I don't think it is wrong I think Dos Equis is a beer that like and most Mexican beers to this point are like beers that are built around being drink drinking with limes yeah and like maybe a bit of salt like especially Corona it's like a bottle Corona you put a lime in it we're not gonna do that I think you know what I don't like about this is how fizzy it is it's really it's making me want to burp a lot what is that aftertaste it's got like this weird like strong aftertaste that isn't Pleasant yeah yeah no it's because they all cover all nine thousand taste buds dude I'm getting [ __ ] nothing from the spirit I don't the spear is less taste it tastes less than Budweiser no I don't like this I think this is bad I I also think that Mexican beers are so much better in a bottle because most of them always like Corona you always get it in a bottle right yeah and you never get it in a can because it tastes like ass in a hand that is so weirdly I don't like that one I'm gonna make an executive decision we put this behind the box [Music] do you agree I agree okay okay if I think dosage is overrated dude because I always get worried dude if I ever do talk [ __ ] about anything that is uh Spanish Mexican anything like that that they get so offended that like that's my thing it could be war crimes and they're like no he does it better than us nobody does it better than us uh it's like what I think in this spot you're fine because for one these are not like I think the main beers that I know people from Mexico like to drink like Dos Equis specifically yeah I think the beer that that for the most part I see most Mexican people in La drinking it's Modelo this is I've never seen this until I came here in America also I need a lot of book right I mean I got it oh this is your stream what are you asking me I'm just I'm I wasn't sure the vibe was we were we burping oh yeah I've started we have to burp this is the beer that I normally get in America um at like bars or at um like if it's a stadium because this is the only one that doesn't taste like ass Modelo it's super popular I think like every single game will have like Bud Light uh what's the ribbon one uh Pabst Blue Ribbon that's like a New England one yeah yeah that's East Coast for the most part I've heard that's bad yeah Bush light will be further south you'll have Coors Light out every game pool's light as well I have to do it it's nasty and so the other one I think tastes pretty decent I'm gonna try it I mean I think Modell's fire but you know who loves this beer is uh is mango well I think mango is pretty impartial to any beer I think it's yeah when I saw him I don't think he was asking what beer it was I think he was just drinking is it beer yes all right I'm drinking my first time eating Mango never met mango in my life was it be real cart use Bureau card and that man drank everyone under the table and we went out afterwards for dinner and everyone was like maybe I'll have like a little beer and then he's like I'll have the foot please yeah it was like a boot it was like a two liter beer yeah and he drank it all before we even got halfway through our small beers it was crazy the first time I met him if you know how mango is one of like the the best Smashers all time he's a goat of Super Smash Bros melee and I'd watch them all because I came from that community and he used to do this thing it was really fun it was called MILF which stands for Mango's International League of fun okay where it would be outdoor football like American football with his Subs okay so any subs in Los Angeles could show up and they would play like 10 on 10 tackle football Jesus okay so I showed up uh and um this is the first time I'd ever met him and to like make a good impression I showed up with like a like a I think a 12 pack of Miller Highlights yeah I'm like yo I got us this and he's like dope he takes it and he immediately is like talks to one of his friends he's like hey put this in the car [Laughter] and then he was like all right let's play some football what the [ __ ] well that's it I was like touche bro that's so funny all right cheers all right yeah I mean that's fine I like that one that's that's decent it's a little more flavor than this it's more it's more it has more of a body to it yeah which I think just means it hits more of my taste buds I you know what I mean let me do an in-between sip here yeah I was thinking around that that's what I was thinking I was definitely better than that for me yeah I thought it was better than Sapporo but I'm not sure if it's better than Heineken this is a tough decision oh wow like Heineken is a lot of flavor I think even if it's a shitty beer that you can get anywhere it's still pretty good I think Connor I leave it to you I recommend here or here I was thinking yeah if that's all you'd like to make that's the call I'd like to make I think medela's good it's great it's a good easy to drink beer I have to cycle in five days for nine days straight by the way dude you're saying that like it's a like like one we should give a [ __ ] and like dude you're not gonna be drinking every day on the cycling trip probably more than we're drinking today no I no that's not true I mean this is true it is true it is true excuse me your body hurts finish and you got like three of these in your life this is Chris Cornell of course it's because we had Yakitori you have to have a beer with it you can't not have a beer with you had Yakitori I think when you and Chris get in a room like your brains like go down to like primordial states where all you can do is drink alcohol you go to your British Roots I think it I think there's a bit of that yeah you know I you become you ever watch Castlevania the anime oh yeah you know when he drinks beer in the pub he likes to get me a nail yeah when he says that I'm like damn something in like my bloodline is like yes you're like a psyop there's something about it that felt like dude I could like you know when you get like a flashback I'm like dude like my ancestors you go to your nearest hub no no no shout out huh baby it's actually good I was in Japan yeah it's called Hub if you guys go to Japan I recommend going to ichiran Ramen yes oh wait hold up Mike I think your mic died yeah it's right here I got it all I mean it's just they also can't even actually they can't yeah it's just the receiver all right check get you out as good both ones are there that's not true because I see something being picked up yeah you guys can hear me hello yeah Connor can you talk yep yeah it's working I see it picking up I just smacked it let's give it a little smack [Music] damn I'm so impressed people turned up on such short notice this is great what to the stream yeah that's crazy it's like last time we did the serial throw we are this is two streamer award winning creators oh yeah it's a cannot miss event okay what was that yeah [Laughter] oh my God okay right next beer then uh this is you yeah uh no actually oh I washed mine out yeah then it just happened to end up on the wrong side of the aisle I think as I was like crying all right let's leave Mexico for a bit we've had we've had too much I think we should have a fun beer okay now this is technically not a beer okay but it did start a revolution of beer like alcohols that are consumed at colleges around the country okay it's not what you're thinking of ah Mike's Hard okay you know what I picked this why I only know this from one for one reason um this is what all the Predators drink in To Catch a Predator what yeah every single episode with Chris Henson they'd be like why did you bring Mike's Hard Lemonade and a pack of condoms really that's all I know about this it's like a beer for Predators because it's easier to drink I just assumed anyone who got like yeah because they would give the I assume they were buying it for like the kids Connor you don't have to admit this idea I'm just that's oh I legitimately because Predators if you put this here you guys I gotta say it a lot I as a person who's you know I only ever went to the U.S from when I was like you know 20 onwards my only experience of seeing this was in To Catch a Predator because I used to watch the I used to watch clips on YouTube all the time Mike's hard for me is like an introductory beer because like you start drinking alcohol usually introduction to Wood it's a beard okay 30 year old men no Mike's Hard is like uh like if you go to like a high school party it's your first party ever you're 16 17 18 maybe you're at a college party whatever it is like they'll have beer but if it's your first time drinking beer is kind of gross yeah it's nasty it likes it's like not great for your stomach it's very fizzy do they do this in America as well where obviously as a kid you'd see a dad drinking something fizzy and like colorful and you're like oh can I try it and your dad's like all right yeah and then he laughs at you and you go yeah my dad died okay yeah wait no no it's like kill it's like why are you doing why are you using that for a bit what the [ __ ] oh my God he's such a YouTuber Mike's Hard I'm stealing that watch it so William in the morning God it's clear as well why are you pouring yourself now this did start a revolution for alcohol because now we have white claw you have true leaves you have Bud Light Seltzer there's a Selter Revolution happening in the states at least with every single Beer Company creating their own Selter which is like it is heavy it is heavy yeah you know if you are at a party drinking a lot of beer is is um not fun yeah and this is technically not a beer it's not yeah this is like a strong zero yeah it's it's just a seltzer but we're still gonna have it oh man it tastes or smells it smells gross it smells like cheese Jesus Christ oh wow I really don't want to eat this or drink this dude that's nasty bro that's weird that's insane that's a that's a children's drink what's insane to me is that there was a period of my life where I would only drink selters and now I drink this Seltzer and it's kind of grossing me out does this count as salsa this no this is way too sweet no it's a Seltzer I can't taste any alcohol in this bro what the [ __ ] I guess it's massive and fun it has a it has a five percent alcohol yeah I think this is a children's drink I think if you gave this to a kid they wouldn't even know they'd be like great I love Fanta yeah it's great you know what the people who are on To Catch a Predator that honor something I didn't want to say that I don't want to say that out loud I need to say I can't believe you said that bro you're on to something what do you mean by that I think the B is great it's great yeah you know how Wild it was seeing that as a kid that show like that was like my introduction to like America because we we have such normal TV shows and then they were like why are you trying to have sex with a child and you're like this is insane I think I mean most people's introductions to other cultures are like characterizations of those cultures so for Americans it's like I guess Predators or like Cowboys yeah like Americans in in anime yeah let's [ __ ] have a great time everybody I feel like that's every you know who's every anime American is uh it's like a American Pete he's like the human version of how anime depicts Americans I wish you were kind of wrong it's true though all right this just because I not a predator just putting that out there this is right down here this is I I actually thought it was [ __ ] this actually just tastes awful as well the thing is like I I don't mind certain selters I think white Claw is like a little it has like a weird taste it's very perfumey I kind of like trulies I I think white claw works because it's just it's like very minimal in everything it's kind of like they're basically trying to make a Lacroix version of alcohol yeah yeah it's it's just kind of alcohol water with a like a sniff of flavor yeah much yeah I think um I think there's certain flavors that truly that I like I think um strawberry orange generally are [ __ ] yeah uh they like mango or pineapple is always a good bet a more tropical one it always does well I've never been disappointed by like a pineapple drink like ever but like strawberry and especially orange I mean this is the worst yeah black cherry usually the worst yeah I'm not a fan of that all right let's get it going um to another let's go back to beer yes let's go back to a classic oh god let's go back to Coors Light they are very good branding whereas gold as the Rockies and then you go to the bar and they have like the ice things that that was very cool coors's branding is only drink this when it is as close to freezing as possible so that you cannot taste anything but the temperature is just it's just nothing it's I if I recall correctly it does taste like nothing like I think it'll be if I had to guess right off the top of my head I think it'll be like yeah and there's actually a point where if you have cores and it warms up a little bit you start to realize like oh this tastes like [ __ ] how bad it tastes yeah I am not a fan well let's see I mean look at that the color that's like a piss I mean they all like piss but this one more so Jesus look at my I'm analyzing it I want to say this is the second most popular beer in the states after bud uh after blood this Bud actually the most popular or is it just like the most well-known no it's the most it's the most popular it's Christmas they have an insane marketing budget they're at every sports event dude that tastes awful that's so bad yeah Coors Light has a very distinct aftertaste yeah it's it's like shoes like muddy shoes have been left in the van that's tough I think it's gross it's like Earth it is yeah it's a little earthy it's a little corn do they have coals heavy or something that's it's Coors Banquet what the [ __ ] is that there's like so there's versions of every single popular beer like yo I saw there was like Bud um tomato or something well okay what was that that one they just get fun but like for bud there's like Bud Light Budweiser Bud premium there's Coors there's Coors Banquet there's um like Modelo especiales Modelo negro there's like the idea of like Bud premium you have to imply the original product is somehow inferior or [ __ ] they do with all of them like Miller has Miller High Life I think for the purposes of this we're gonna go with the most popular version yeah yeah um yeah this is kind of where I I think this is worse than boss I have foreign [Laughter] I hate and love streaming with you because you never miss a beat to make fun of me but I also know that it's great content but God damn it hey come on I got my fair share when I was on the ski slow [ __ ] half dead that was so good such a rare moment again never like that yeah I got so beaten down uh I actually don't mind Coors as much I think no I don't know if I found that one that's nasty I think uh I'm okay with either here right above Mike's Hard right below Dos Equis or right here right above Dos Equis right below Budweiser I don't specifically love it's about the same for me as this one we're really good at being on the same page here actually we're [ __ ] synced right um I'm gonna move this and it's going here I think it's just a little bit worse it just doesn't taste that good when people taste beer professionally yeah it's not it's for sure not good it's like do they spit it out do they I they don't swallow right is that is it like wine tasting oh beer tasting they feel like I guess it depends I wonder it's by it's by the gamer it's by the game yeah each gamer has their own preference all right let's try another one then okay I think we're doing pretty I'd say this is fair so far look how you can see I'm gonna do a quick double check the more aesthetically pleasing the packaging I feel like the nicer it is look at this bro yeah no a hundred percent Coors Light is Willow again it needs to be like freezing it's actually not close yeah it needs to be freezing um I actually think quartzite has the best Packaging um because their whole branding is if it gets cold enough the Rockies turn blue and that's when it's good to drink which I think is actually kind of dope that's cool uh but also I don't want my my alcoholic beverage to be some kind of like child gimmick Connor is like this cool it turns blue I can drink it guys I drive a Dodge Ram I drink Coors Light and sometimes I beat my wife okay that's just what I imagine the announcer talks yeah you're probably tank tops only no I think I think European beer goes for more flavor and tries to look more [Music] um European beer looks odd actually now that I think about it it tries to look more Regal yeah or like more fancy um for Americans just go for Simplicity like Americana I mean there's no one more simplistic than the Japanese here I think Japanese packaging is garbage they want a silver bullet I think Sephora and Asahi logos not that great well let's talk about fun packaging let's talk about Pabst Blue Ribbon now Blue Ribbon will always have this on it but this one also has a cool little art piece on the back show this off it's actually very cute okay so here's one here's what I know about this one well I used to watch Family Guy a lot they seemed to go put your body in front they seem to be like the beer that Peter Griffin was always drinking really or like some kind of knockoff he drank the one from Quahog right oh I guess maybe it wasn't it's like am I crazy chat am I am I no maybe you're right it was the beer from kohogu it was like Brewery you know yeah but I swear it was it was like a parody of this one right am I crazy please help me out here I I feel like I'm maybe I'm crazy uh so chance seems to be very divided some people saying this is the best one this is the worst one well so the thing about Pabst Blue Ribbon it's kind of like in and out although it's available everywhere it's regionally much more popular East Coast uh it's also like I think a decent beer by all metrics like it's not it doesn't try to sell Itself by being hey this is inoffensive and you can drink this without tasting anything like it tries to have flavor so like you know I think this is the beer of like probably West Virginia uh most party schools out there Austin so most of your own uncultured swine if you don't drink this what does that even the people who drink this are actually the term uncultured swine yeah I think they would probably think you're cringe for saying that yeah they'd be like what cheers all right let's try it I mean I like it it's just it's very passable here's the thing Connor okay somebody tell me the thing you're named after this beer what do you mean Connor dog Virginia okay this is the beer of Virginia no it's not is it well it's popular East Coast Virginia is the first date um only I only have an obligation really I mean it was a mistake it was the first one if if like we had to choose the first state over again it wouldn't be Virginia if we had a choice I'm like what the first one was it wouldn't be like 20th what would be the first state if we could choose depends which coast you're on right they'll say different uh I don't know where I'll say I'll say Ohio so if you're first starting number one your first biggest downfall you would not be a coastal State no no you would walk up across the coast and then and then you'd say you know what this area yeah because you then it makes sense as well because a higher now is like the number one worst so it's kind of a nice story arc you keep spilling oh my no I was like what no I don't what do you think um it's it's genuinely so hard to have any feelings on this beer it's nothing it's somehow more nothing than Budweiser I mean let's find out cheers to my health I think it's marginally more flavorful than bad but like not bad wow I want you to do you know what I'm gonna do a blind one right I want you to do a blind taste test here all right actually you know what I can see this just close your eyes okay uh the different cans okay can one take a sip it's it's a front-facing oh shoot keep the eyes closed enjoy that think about it don't say anything second can take a sip think about that enjoy that talk to me I think the first one was paps I think the second one was budweis which one did you like more I I think I like the first one more a little bit they're very similar they're very very similar it was correct you can open your eyes perhaps was the first one personally I would put past above portal yeah um whenever I said Osaka like that's white boy swag ah Starbucks this clip dude I hate that clip I hate that clip so much Japan Connor going off in Japanese the worst part is like it has like 500 000 views and it's literally it's literally the probably the most like if any sentences I would ever say in a day it's probably the most non-japanese I said I think the only Japanese word was hitotsu the rest were all like Grande Grande [Laughter] no no no he's so bad I want to put this above Sapporo but I'll let you pick um Let me let me this this cat is ridiculous this has to be a money waste um well probably if it doesn't probably paid the premium for the cam price like I'm hitting an empty pot it doesn't make it that doink sound because it's so thick oh yeah yeah [Music] that's so similar I think yeah I'm happy to put it higher but they're genuinely the same I think you make the call yeah I'll put it home I'll let the East Coast boys be a little I'll let them get a w today okay he [ __ ] hates Japan get him deported get them deported chat it would be right here no question oh oh my goodness you never tried the episode when you were there right that's so good well actually what actually I don't know what was the beer we had remember the first place we went to we had um like dumplings or not oh that was whatever draft they had I'm assuming it was Asahi I said here's the default if they fancy they have sampoto and if they they real fancy they have kitten which is a little bit fancy yet if that gigafarers I like I [ __ ] with Karen Kieran has a sick logo too yeah Karen's sick I like Karen too um but the embassy is the best all right give me another one so we were East Coast we're gonna go a little further south you obviously know about light beer Bud Light yada yada but what about Busch Light I didn't know this was a thing Bush light is a less lesser known outside of the states but it's a very popular beer yeah it's a light beer it's a cheap beer it's something that like like many people in in south and east America's fathers might have drank a [ __ ] six-pack every other spamming oh no oh no oh God ew This is bush like the big one because it's not like this is not known for its flavor this is like hey I [ __ ] have three bratty ass kids I work a nine of five that I don't like but I have to pay the bills I want to go home and drink a six pack of something cheap that gets me drunk and does the job it's from St Louis as well I want to have a beer stomach and I want to watch TV I want to watch football and that's Bush light maybe some NASCAR in you yeah it has it has 3.2 grams of protein though so there we go that's a working class beer all right we're getting right I'd always thought that it was very odd they always put brood in the USA like I would be ashamed of that so I don't know I would not I would hide that what it's like no first of all you gave us if you gave me a beer in the UK said brood in the U.S I'd be like sheesh America's top five in the world in beers right now in what sense like producing in terms of who makes the the best beer no no no yes sir no that's not true 100 no way our craft beer industry is insane no I I think that's 20 years I think America's great craft beer our ipas are unmatched um yeah but they're mentally hazy I think what we're worse at is like loggers yeah pills loggers creepy as you guys suck at but our crafts are great things are fire we've never had a good wheat beer they're always hazy though as well I'm just giving myself top five all right I didn't say [ __ ] shut up it's top five in one specific category if we dominate one category I feel like that should push us a top five for beer as a whole I'm just saying I don't know I didn't say top five for for pilsners I didn't say top five for Palace all right whatever let's let's drink bush like you know what I hate about it most is the way it's spelled why it's like bush bush it's a name like what I don't like it you still [ __ ] with the guys I don't like his name change your name bro just fix it okay I think was it you who I told oh she got that on your hands I told some I was it you who I told I was like in Japan if you when you cheers the most important person in the because of course there's an important person the most important person Ching's higher goes highest so like and then the moment I told Ludwig that he started just going cheers guys no I didn't no there's a son oh maybe it's a song yeah that was not me yeah I I told someone it that would be a Hassan move I remember we we talked about this it was at the yeah the bar we were playing uh [ __ ] uh last night remember with Pete oh yeah that was fun it was a good one that's where you told me but I wasn't like [ __ ] because there's a group you're like yeah oh yeah yeah because he was with me gone Pete and uh yeah that was a good night um um I mean I'm gonna be honest it doesn't taste much worse than some of the worst I was expecting this to be god-awful no no it's not the thing is people are like [ __ ] on it it's like the whole point of this beer is that it's inoffensive you can have a six-pack of it without like feeling sick of it because it's almost watered it's like very we also have a nasty aftertaste though yeah it has a multi aftertaste I think the aftertaste is akin to Coors I'm gonna try a Coors here it's gonna be a race to the ball oh okay I think it's better than Coors really let me try again I gotta I gotta confirm yeah anything's better than the course um but I'm I'm indifferent it's it's very similar I would put it do they have the same like bottling plan or whatever and they just use both and repackage uh um Anheuser-Busch owns this beer so Anheuser-Busch wait right yeah it's not good uh yeah I think it's I think it's worse than cause I'm a real I'm having another set I'm not a fan I'm going to Google what Anheuser book sounds I think it's worse worse than cause I'm saying it you make the call it's going lower chat I think it's somehow Mike's Hard Lemonade is unrivaled at the bottom um Chris Hansen did numbers on that on their uh reputation abroad all right here it is Anheuser-Busch beers too many they do have a lot they have a monopoly so they own Bud Light Budweiser obviously they own Michelob Ultra Stella Artois Bush they own Stella yep they own Bush light they own Natty light which I actually don't think we have today which I should have gotten that was a mistake was nutty like famous it's like it's Bush light Natty light and Bud Light are like it's like a how do I describe this it's like kind of like um Zeus Poseidon in Hades so like obviously Zeus is Bud Light like he's Top Dog okay but like these three run light beers okay so like Natty light is like that would be like you're Poseidon so what's his trailer park is that yeah they would they run trailer parks and then your bush lights like your Hades that's like I realized we've been stacking these up and chat can barely we've stacked them in like the worst way I'm visualizing now we should have moved them along I'm sorry Chad sorry we're getting there we're drowning I'm not thank god oh [ __ ] damn it this makes no more sense oh did you spill it no I spilled water oh okay well it's fine then um oh the trash is open yeah it's been open this is supposed to that that wasn't even close okay round two you just got my phone stop it's going nowhere all right let's go this one what's this so we're we're drinking this in a much different format than you normally would Mickey's normally comes in a 40 ounce glass bottle that is like tinted dark green it's a huge huge [ __ ] you get one of them it's a malt liquor Malt Liquor much stronger I did see it beer than regular light beer uh so other popular versions you get like a 40 Miller High Life um [ __ ] Dreadful yeah so like the way that this is normally drank is by like one a person addicted to [ __ ] malt Liquors that gets one of these a day and just chugs through it break two oh I break well you guys can sub with twitch Prime yeah it's fine we'll have them everybody who's subbed LOL W in chat so the people who aren't subbed think they're having a really good time what is cult cult 45 Wednesday Colt 45 is another uh like Malt Liquor oh okay like someone said this is the liquor store beer yes yeah this is like the this is like the ultimate like hey let me get a [ __ ] 40 ounce of 40 ounce Mickey let me get it in a brown bag and let me just drink it do you have something called Frosty jacks no that sounds like a fast food this is like um it's like a cider and it looked like it came it comes in literally like a normal bottle like a two liter like a two liter plastic bottle but it's it's like 10 alcohol yeah it's vile they reminded me of this when I saw it in the store so yeah oh thank you even have five Subs nice all right let me show you guys the logo because it looks like it's intended to hurt you like so yeah it's drink by liquor store regulars and then also certain college parties will have something called um it's kind of outdated now but you can do Edward 40 hands Oh I thought of this so you get you tape your hands like really thickly taped with two 40 ounce Liquors with tops open and you have to drink both of the 40 ounce Liquors before the end of the night and you can't use your hands that's disgusting until you've done it it is disgusting you definitely throw up on that I notice you haven't drank any of your water you're brave uh I've been sipping you've been sipping bro I spilled a bit of it oh no I had I had a second water oh [ __ ] he's hydrated okay I was I was like that's very brave of you Charming drill was so good yesterday he was so good he was insane he killed it all right I'm wooded up now right let's drink this let's drink this pain a little [ __ ] you yeah we should wait a little bit now they're still on that oh yeah true five out of seven we're getting there we're getting there yeah 10 hours later did you ever do the Beer Olympics the what someone asks the Beer Olympics no idea what that is and this must have been an idea we had that I forgot about we the Beer Olympics well your your drinking games I assume were similar to the UK ones where the objective was to just make it so somebody like at least one person couldn't leave the house that night because they were so like [ __ ] that is kind of how it ends up going yeah because like we would do do you I think you caught something else we call it ring of fire where you would play playing cards and then everyone pause a bit of that drinking oh King Cup King's Cup King Cup yeah that's what you call it we have we have that too and that was cool yeah yeah yeah yeah King's Cup Rage Cage are games that are centered around bullying one person usually yeah but people we we made this rule where the person had to leave I know luckily I never lost they'd leave the room and we were allowed 20 seconds to put anything in the kitchen in the drink and so it would end up just being something that would just was too gross it was it was vile they put like olive oil in it and stuff yeah and they it was so bad I I would have refused to drink it if I saw a layer of oil I'd have been like [ __ ] now [ __ ] that no yeah yeah we had a lot of really drinking games that would just kill you the drinking game I like playing as Liars dice what's that it's not really it's more of a betting game but I also like drinking every time you lose a Dye You're Gonna Play Liars dice no I've never heard of that oh it's fire it's like uh it was in Pirates of the Caribbean but I oh I got like addicted to it I made all my friends play it and it was like uh all right we're back from ads as well welcome back it's a fire game we're gonna drink uh my keys now is it this isn't a Mickey's it's a 40 ounce normally Malt Liquor this is a 24 ounce version actually not that bad it's I somehow better than Kohl's I think am I wrong in saying that I think I think it's better than calls I think Mickey's in Malt Liquor as a whole is like a way more distinct taste so it's like if you're if you're newer to beer like malt liquor is just [ __ ] gross and like I really like like be the traditional beer flavor yeah you're very closer to it right so this is I think this is where we have a bit of a divide I personally don't like malt liquor that much I think Malt Liquor kind of has like a kind of tastes like Whoppers to me like it has a weird gross aftertaste I don't enjoy Bud's the control look at it [ __ ] I think I like it molten bud you'd like it more than I think I like it more than bad is that bad that's bad right is it bad that you like it I'm gonna live in that liquor store I'm gonna be that Resident local well I'm gonna mute the sub note of is it busy almost you know it's just gonna [ __ ] up your vibe right because you have to edit around it uh true I think I have it off on my actual OBS plus you don't need to go and then I know right why running so many ads twitch steal that's basically why every hour we run out thing is chat do you want your mans to get the bag from Twitter and the answer is yes the only way twitch gives out the bag is if you run the [ __ ] ton of ads this is true okay I now on YouTube I don't throw on [ __ ] just like hypothetics oh uh what do you think I think um that you're a little baby you can't handle Mickey's uh I would personally put Mickey's right so I would have reversed this I would have put Bush above Coors and I would have put Mickey's in between so above Coors below Bush right here is where I put it right now okay but I'm in this is your tier list I put it I put it here [Music] better than all these I think this is not bad try a tripart it's got no flavor it's easy to drink but no this has got more flavor than bad am I crazy am I insane [ __ ] has more flavor than water it doesn't mean I want it more I like it I think it's fine I think I I drink it I I don't want to drink it but I would it's like I If I had two of these I'd feel vile but are you two tier lists I'll respect your choice here you're just trying to absolve any like blame you could get from your potential no one would blame you for liking malt liquor if anything is more Chad I don't think is that Chad yeah small liquor what does that mean what does that mean what is malt is just like a like an old school flavoring agent that would be used in a lot of like baked goods and then like also alcohol and it's more soy to be like no I prefer beer that tastes like nothing anymore go drink your Mike's Hard soybean literally yeah all right I just have to eat it okay next up we've got a seven left um my man's is good at math we got seven beers left let's start hitting let's start hitting I want you to hit my number one beer in college okay uh I drink this all the time my friend Ben is who got me on this Michelob Ultra now some people might be a little hurtful they might call this chickalab Ultra why do they call it that well the reason is because Michelob ultra's main branding is around its low calorie low carb uh formula it's still got a lot it's basically one of the water beers of America I thought that was per 100 milliliters that's per one pint wow yeah so like in a 16 ounce I think it's like it's like 95 calories uh and it's like it's like 1.8 carbs it's something [ __ ] crazy um where most beers you'll have it's like 120 140. Japan is the same thing but I think illegally it's not allowed to be called beer because I think after a certain point it's actually just not beer like it's something else and it's like it's called like apple shoe I think um and the way they make it because you just can't have like no cops in Via because that that's that's the whole point yeah this is 4.2 uh percent alcohol still and it's like it if you so like the whole idea is if I'm in at a college party and I want eight [ __ ] beers that night yeah I could either have 140 calorie beers and I end up with over a thousand calories or I have this and I'm like at 700 calories is this what we drank in the birio call yeah we had glass Mickeys because uh yeah we we drank them and I felt like I tasted nothing and I just burped like like it was just like that was it it's so that and that's actually a really good point to bring out this is like what I used to do in college is I played birio cart yeah I played Mario Party drinking and so it's like what is the best beer for that oh yeah definitely we don't want a beer you don't like like people will be like you would you would be it would be such a waste there's no flavor like are you really gonna go and drink like ah you know what let me get a fine IPA for this birio cart I think it's like eight percent as well yeah you'll be [ __ ] like you're supposed to chug this this is good this is bad chat just in case you want to wear just Mach 5 chugging okay um I can't speak on this it's like rating my child does does this not bring back like hurtful memories when you drink this like you're like oh no in my head I want to chug the whole thing I've probably chugged like okay I've said this a lot about some of these beers like I've said that it tastes like nothing but this actually tastes yeah like nothing literally it's just fizzy water that's alcoholic like slightly alcoholic fizzy water that's almost impressive how they've got it to taste like I don't even think I don't think I can rate this like there's nothing to write I would I would assume what do I something just inoffensive right something that is this catered towards getting you drunk without having any flavor can't be an S A or B tier no presumably it also can't be an F or D tier it's got to be a roundabout I assume it's like a CTR I assume it's as middle as you can get because it doesn't it's not like it [ __ ] hurt you no it's not like you enjoyed it I would I would do this I think I would move this along and I put it here I think that's what I do I respect that decision I would respectfully put it above Budweiser but I also understand I think Budweiser is a little better because this says nothing there's nothing hey I get it I'm just speaking my truth and that's all right that's right no it's not all right Jake and Paul yeah Jenkins drinking Pond drinking Pawn oh [ __ ] I was going to do scissors and then for some reason I did like that better got lucky you got lucky remember when you lost and you didn't do those two ski runs you promised you would I do yeah yeah I'm gonna collect interest on that remember when I threw our chess match and I could have crushed you I don't recall anything like that did you did you I don't remember that actually I would have been it's crazy how I don't remember that I was I was doing [ __ ] on the board no one's ever done before yeah it was throwing yeah I also was in a better position yeah you said you actually were beating Russian and then now he's been grinding chests and now he beats me uh this is the one beer I've never heard of in my life what the [ __ ] is Bud Ice I've never heard of this mind dude this packaging is like Monster Energy it's packaged like an energy drink from the 90s dude look at this look at it this is like boost in the UK so Bud Ice is apparently an Anheuser-Busch owned beer uh it has an ice Brewing process what does that even it's literally brewed at a temperature below freezing which formulates ice crystals in it and apparently it tastes like semi-carbonated flavored water I'm convinced that if beer companies wanted to make like viable semiconductors for us to use they would they would be able to do it way quicker than any research institution 100 because they would just find out how to do it for beer they're like we actually got to uh Kelvin one um to make this beer so here's what happened like beer is like any other industry based around Trends so like Seltzer is the common Trend right now in the 90s there was an ice brewed Trend and it was like a huge marketing push that we were too young to know where they're like this was brewed and ice and this is stuck around this is basically it's it's genuinely opposite in the UK this is a time capsule I in the UK we're like this is the dirtiest oldest smelliest beer you've ever heard all families been making this beer since 1745 it requires four ounces of piss two [ __ ] go sit on this beer for four weeks and then everyone's like yay yeah yeah yeah and then we just drink [ __ ] copper coughing but no what is it called um the cast book that's the one that Carlsberg Danish Danish Carlsberg is fire no Goldsboro really is like the number one like dog [ __ ] beer I [ __ ] with it oh ew bro that's vile I hated that it actually like tastes super artificial ew that's vile maybe I'm veered out but that was gross to me oh it's overly um carbonated as well oh [ __ ] that sucks that that does suck that is such a gas station I was watching the um I was watching the Philip DeFranco show I just I like watching it because it's like a it's a nice routine and um you're gonna miss it okay finally you got it and um this just blew my mind one segment in the show he's like so it turns out these these pills you could buy at the gas station were just worse than heroin and I was like how does that happen how do you make how do you make pills that get people as addicted as heroin just and then you see like oops my bad sorry I sold those at the gas station I do think there's a lot of [ __ ] that gets sold that's not FDA regulated and until the FDA cracks down which can be like a two three year process I guess it's possible the gas station seems like this mythical place where sometimes laws don't exist and like stuff just happens and like beers like this exist like this would never work outside of a like the most grimiest gas station yeah I mean gas stations is like where you can buy alcohol if you're in her age it's where you can like still get Vape products that aren't allowed to be sold on Market this is the worst the question is is it worse than mics and I don't think it is I think it is Mike's is pretty bad well I take a sip of each I I refuse that I refuse to take another sip but I'll put I'll just do it you know what so pedophilia is better than bad ice is what I'm getting right now Sub-Zero you are worse than a pedophile it's a it's a tight race to the bottom but someone had to lose okay people who came in now can be very confused about why I said that that's oh my tummy is so full bro all right okay I'm getting there okay damn did you how how do you do that bro it's a [ __ ] allergic reaction or something let's go for a Mexican one again they've been good this one is that does not look good it kind of looks like like a communist symbol it does but uh Tecate is I I would argue like maybe behind this is like the bad boy of beers I think it's like up there with Pacifico and Modelo where it's like one of the more um uh uh I like how I love how divided chat gets they're like dude this is the best one dude this is the worst I think this one might be good I'm I'm willing to give it a shot I'm willing to be open-minded let's find out we'll see let's find out they're brewed in Baja California which is on the border of California and Mexico well that's good to know I guess I why did Logan become the the only beer that people really drink in America there's a documentary about that [ __ ] probably I think I'm not talking about it okay there actually was there I was like Yay no working class something like that probably all right probably something about Prohibition cheers it's mainly lager in the UK as well foreign it's got a very funky taste like very um I don't know what it's made of but it's like I mean it hits my palette in a way that I don't mind it's a Dutch beer not a Mexican beer they got sued I do like Brew dog food dog is very good wait what I want to look at this Dutch beer argument um this is weird I don't know how to feel about this one Tecate Dutch beer what the [ __ ] I think this is a little bit better than you know what's crazy in my head I'm like the beers I liked are here onwards oh my God these are all the beers I did not like these are all the beers I like um wow a chat you made it a tie oh oh my God sorry okay yeah I know we know Heineken is is from the Netherlands oh I think the lawsuit was a bit of cap so what happened is during covid they have to they had to move production to Holland oh but they moved it back to Baja California or I guess Mexico foreign kids here or here I'm not too sure I would I would be chill with it going flanking either side of sapodo but I I also feel fine about here here I would say here here here well then let's see yeah it's like Blues in it it's like the ski trip all over again he's about to move it to the right Mark because the left is actually chat so oh really okay we'll we'll put more in there all right I'm willing to put it there I'm willing to get it done we've been very thoroughly washing all classes yeah we're drinking water this is a tier list for this too I think like a tier list would be like a better visualization in the bottom right corner I can do it in post We'll add it in post fix it in post fix it we'll fix it fix it in post and post can you actually fix the pimple I have on the right side of my face that's modern technology can't keep up with that thank you let's go for the next one all right we are gonna go to Miller life I believe the third most popular beer in the states I've had this before this is one of the worst face tasting things I've ever had really I remember I did not like it Miller Lite so I actually love Miller High Life they call it the champagne why is it all [ __ ] up how does that happen uh it's just pretty common we went into that carbonated beer that's that's the that's the fancier version of Miller this is the the everyday man version okay let's give it a shot I'm just going to grab it because it's awkwardly placed there you go [ __ ] you're getting heavy on these well you can pour it down down the sink dude it's so bad it's so it's so please tell me it's you agree it's bad right like I'm really trying to find words that I can use to encapsulate what is happening with my senses but I think I'm drunk I and so I think I'm having a harder time differentiating beers that's just beer to me [ __ ] I think what happens with a lot of these beers is that I feel like the carbonation is the main flavor which is weird because carbonation shouldn't be the main flavor I'm getting because some of them have so little flavor that the [ __ ] bubbles in my mouth give me more to work with than whatever the [ __ ] they actually put in it um do you want to do a little game no what okay what's the game okay turn around I'm gonna point to where it should be okay okay what's the game and then now you you point to where it should be this beer yeah that way we don't bias each other um yeah I don't know what you said did you do the same you did the right now it's wrong oh my God I did right here no but that was close I'm down to go with your answer I think that's fine I think the carbonation of Dos Equis still has rubbed me the wrong way I every time I I keep forgetting about it and then I remember what it tastes like and I'm like it's kind of [ __ ] actually yeah I I I Feel Fine about it though I think it's bad though it's pretty bad okay cool easy um three left three left let's get through it final three now now that was so dramatic that was like the most dramatic polls you've ever done we're going with three Heavy Hitters heavy on my liver the first one I believe is the most popular Mexican beer okay meant to be drink with a lime although we're not doing that because we're treating all these beers equally yeah I mean Corona is this like faded the colors what's up with it no um yeah I mean Corona you normally always have out of a glass right like you I mean that's like Corona you're supposed to drink with a bottle and you're supposed to drink it with a lime but we're not doing all that [ __ ] yeah I think I've had it a few times and it's significantly worse um in a can but also I think Corona is very meh it does the job it's just it's just very passable now fair warning to everybody watching this is not Corona Light I believe it's Corona Extra well which I think is slightly different is it really it's like Budweiser to Bud Light why why but they didn't have why can't they just make one it's confusing this is ridiculous basically this is like the Budweiser version of Corona as opposed to the Bud Light version matches this looks different to the corona personally I kind of [ __ ] with Corona I mean I think it's the most I like if I go to a place and it's literally only loggers and they only have like this I'm like okay sure but it's much better in a bottle you need a lime and it needs to be cold um but as a can it's probably around where butt is for me I mean I was gonna I was gonna say okay ready I'm on go point three two one go oh okay okay I I think I think your choice might even be more respective sorry okay I I just think it's like around that kind of inoffensive flavor profile isn't this sad that we're treating American beers and Heineken and Pacifico the job hey wait I I claim North America all of it all right that's terrible oh wow so you know wow how very wide have you I shout out I'm pretty sure that's how you're in California all right buddy you're in California right it used to be formally Mexico okay well that's not how exactly I meant it all right all right two beers left this one's not really a beer counter but we do have to try it because it is a staple of alcohol it's a legendary beer that's gone through many lawsuits no it's time to have a second before I gotta show I gotta show them this is disgusting this is Four Loco Warheads it's flavored after a popular American candy Warheads which is just citric acid incarnate look at this [ __ ] this this just should not be legal 13.9 alcohol puts it at about 3x over 3x most dollars here sour Cosmic punch it used to have caffeine in it I think 100 to 200 milligrams because like three red balls worth 14 they got seeds that's almost out of existence so they had to stop wild 14 in the 2000s this ran colleges bro I just got a whiff when I opened it dude what the [ __ ] is that that's what the [ __ ] is that why is it that color so if you drank that that'd be the equivalent of like uh like a whole beer yeah a whole beer maybe two I'm not gonna I'm not drinking all of this chat I just I wanted to visually that's disgusting that's actually concerning I'm gonna take a tiny tip bro what the [ __ ] the thing about these beers is they do a really good job making it they make it like literally perfume and sugar to mass all of the oh that's disgusting that's so disgusting that's like more I know there's a chemical for sourness um citric acid it might just be pure citric acid honestly if you put enough acid in anything I won't be able to tell there's any alcohol uh I wonder do they have an ingredients list I guess beer doesn't have to have that no because it's probably cons you don't you do not want to see what it is it's battery acid it does taste a bit like batteries like it's so oh it's so bad it's so nasty where you want to put it you know what I want to put it very bottom it's it's it's somehow worse than butt eyes I no actually I honestly won't [ __ ] with you I think it's better than Mike's Hard foreign it's so sour I can't believe you're trying the most I don't want to try the worst ones again they're so nasty they're both they're both somehow so disgusting I'm gonna put them like this it's vile it's so I'm putting up Russell Westbrook numbers right now what do you mean what I'm trying to get a garbage can I don't get that reference there's a couple Americans will get it no Americans watching now shout out to my American jindasses so yeah that's um a zero that's disgusting yeah but you know what in in I am gonna fight for Four Loco right now every beer from I would argue here down has a singular purpose yes to get you drunk in an inoffensive way okay it does not expand you know what actually I would put that maybe up to here even yeah honestly maybe every beer here to be fair because of that if we're factoring in the percentage alcohol which is 3x almost all of these beers the flavor I would argue is not three times worse than Mike's or Bud Ice this is not a great argument well it is because I'm saying that you only have to drink one of these to do the effect of three of these and if you were to task me with drinking three Mike's hards or three butt ices versus one for Loco I'd be like give me the four loka I'll get it over the quicker it's it's crazy how that made no [ __ ] sense what no I was cooking Chad back he had so much [ __ ] you know when I when it's actually so [ __ ] so [ __ ] bro I was actually cooking like I'll eat meal I'll eat fried chicken I'll eat burgers and stuff and I won't bat an eye about what I'm putting in my body you're drunk but then I I have one sip of that and I'm like what are we doing as humans like what what do we become Shinji yeah I'm like I actually become aware of the dog [ __ ] I'm putting in my body all the time this [ __ ] is like I I genuinely think you would develop problems if you drank that often that's fair well I ask you all of these to be honest but I mean that one yeah yeah if you drink Pacifico often you actually don't have a problem yeah I think you're actually not problematic you're actually based it's kind of sick all right the last beer why did we leave this one to last Bud Light is the most popular American Beer and it is not close no Budweiser is like maybe the the so this is the original uh formula that made Anheuser-Busch the parent company popular but Bud Light is there is there [ __ ] dream child so I don't know much about Bud Light all I know is that post Malone seem to always be holding on yeah um which I was baffled by because surely he's rich and he could afford stuff that tasted good well I think his whole entire brand is built around like being rich but still connected to him and his youth I'm so I'm so well connected I I also drink a bottle like yeah actually like you're memeing but like but I also don't even think it's an act I think like he likes smoking cigarettes drinking blood Bud Light and playing Apex Legends he does like Apex Legends but I'm like makes you play Apex Legends and that's probably the worst thing okay bud light in 2020 accounted for 17.8 of total unit sales in the states and 10 of sales by volume so it's literally 10 of all alcohol consumed in the states the next was Corona Extra which was seven percent the third was actually Corona does that Ultra which was 5.5 then Coors then Miller then Budweiser then Heineken then Stella which we don't have let's tell is no it's a French one uh Stella it was French I think right Stella is French am I correct I don't think it's French I don't know I thought Stella was French I don't know teams teams I don't know maybe go Belgian oh [ __ ] Belgian basically the French no it's not basically the French let's be real they wish they they made waffles one time all right no it's not I I do I do my favorite thing is to annoy belgians and people from Luxembourg because like it's like they're rich the Judy people captions through the roof you've got bigger problems like how to how to spend William all right try come here cup here's my cup yeah I had this problem too why are you okay you can you can stop that's enough Bud Light it's our last beer this is so much foam that's right but the foam head level out all right cheers oh yeah my phone's not working all right fine well whose fault was that it's the best thing about light actually the phone doesn't ever leave it's actually a thing that comes with a can chug off why do you want to jug off I gotta ask did you throw in the chugging versus the yeah a little bit you seemed like you you slowed down you stole the one pack he was very fast he was very fast but I uh Connor's referencing my video where I went up against the best competitive eater in Japan we did a drinking contest we had two beers had one I think I could have for sure beaten him would 1v2 but he would have been like it would have been like me when he win yeah but I think for like the purposes of the video I mean he was clearly better at chugging yeah there's no no shot he wants it was 1v1 he would have [ __ ] gapped me he just opened his throat and I think it didn't even like swallow I think it just goes it walks actually right it's kind of crazy all right ready sure let's do it are these equivalent yeah it seems about oh okay oh wait you want to wait this is one mouth this is like boom yeah I'll be faster up down up how do we so what's the up yeah down up and then how do we is it when we touch the bottom that it counts when it touches the ground again they can't even see so they'll get gonna make some okay okay fine all right exactly ready all right you were nervous we're not even tasting it up down chug okay okay like that right I'm just practicing so up down up foreign that beer Can I taste it I actually want to taste it it's great no it's not that's the perfect chugging beer all right let me try it he's back I mean it's Budweiser with a little better close your eyes okay I'm gonna turn around that sounded like Sapporo um yeah what why would you put it bro wow it's actually kind of hot okay what I put it here really I think it's better than it tastes better than Corona this one was bad your tier list bro well it's like that's like seven right that was your two list man we're moving it up what do you mean stop laughing stop laughing put it right put it to the right put it oh right right sorry sorry don't move it up dude honestly not a bad take that's where I'd put it yeah but I would still say every beer from like I liked I enjoyed these I I could drink these and I wouldn't like to drink these okay well let's let's do this we have our beer tier list here this is the worst beer this is the best beer yeah now let's do a little bit of uh of a helpful thing for you in post s tier is from here to tell me stop yeah I'd say that here or here is Modelo Esther have a sip no have a sip and try it I just want me to drink more someone told me Four Loco isn't a beer really I I couldn't tell actually that's especially a beer no yeah that's a okay so this is a so s is just these two a goes from Modelo down to really I think it's actually no yeah yeah okay so you're gonna include Tecate yeah I think there's a okay so s a a b is B is from down to Budweiser yeah I would I would love to push Michelob up you really want him b i I guess you're a Nostalgia talking you're right I'll I I'm too biased so then we have seats here from Michelob down to I would assume here you didn't really like course I dude I maybe I've been too nice because I think like this is where it began to go wrong so you think C tier is exclusively Michelob Ultra I would feel comfortable with that actually maybe I'd put like C and then B uh-huh okay so B uh-huh C and then we're getting into D range okay okay so let's let's refocus okay our seats here beers are a Heineken and a Pacifica excuse me are s t or beers our Heineken in Pacifico they're the best of American beers and one of them is not from America and the other one's also not from America and this one's also North America nice are eight-tier beers are Modelo Tecate and PBR okay nice are B tiers are Sapporo Bud Light Corona Extra true true are sea tiers are Mickey's Budweisers Michelob Ultras yeah yeah our D tiers I would argue are these four you think Bush liking on D yeah okay okay Dos Equis miller-like Coors Light Bush light yep I agree and then our F tiers would not drink even if chugging even if playing some drinking games paid money Mike's Hard but ice in Four Loco two of which are seltzers technically but still [ __ ] chat saying Heineken and S well I mean Heineken in general is like an okay beer but in comparison to American Biz it's it's pretty high I think yeah at the end of the day these these are not beers meant to please the palate the gears meant to be Drank in large groups large volumes and so I think it's fine to have a Heineken up there uh I think it's awful I think because most Americans don't like Flavor actually in beer I'm learning that is it the most popular ones or the ones with the least flavor or any kind of like um strong notes right it's an inoffensive beer that we can chug much like the inoffensive television that like we like to consume you know yeah that's that's that's the American way baby the fact that full logo is allowed to exist in any state is beyond I think four logos are Chad Chad to who if somebody maybe that woman if somebody was like do you guys have Four Loko it's all I drink I'd be like yo you're a chat why are you something wrong with it I'd be like are you okay do you need assistance yeah and I respect that I don't respect that well we've done it baby that's it chat well I hope you enjoyed this uh tier list Arena hour 40. yeah 50. I think it's a pretty good amount of time it wasn't gonna be a long one today Chad um because I gotta go and catch my flight so that's mainly all of it they'll be like do I smell beer on you I'll be like you smell a lot of beer which one uh do you want the cheers full Loco actually man do you have pacificos or Heinekens really go in the lounge and I'm gonna be like they'll be like are you drunk how drunk you feel right now not even remotely let's find out how do you do you have a breathalyzer yeah oh this would be great actually this is fantastic I'm not drinking my blood alcohol concentration is I've never done a breathalyzer before in my life by the way he's gone he's gone I mean you can still hear him ever in my life I've never done one I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing um yeah yeah we'll find out I I've never done a breathalyzer really in my life well time to start so this is a first who do you think is going to blow high up I think you how does it how does it work I have no [ __ ] clue to me is it just like it's like body weight and height must be a factor maybe I don't know no none of that it just measures the amount of alcohol in your breath drink a lot of water right now for me okay if there's alcohol in your breath it will uh be a little higher than it should be foreign yeah you're 26 so you should know how to drink it I don't think drinking water will get rid of all the alcohol in my breaths that might help oh you refer to them as Christmas it's so cute what is this Panera Bread You Go Frozen okay which I guess why do you have this I did a drunk driving stream oh all right what are you waiting for it's the drunk Crashers that are the problem [Laughter] no that's the Wisconsin [Music] um does it count down to oh it was just white yeah how hard do you blowing it it was low continuously until it says you're good all right 0.10 I have no idea what normal uh blood alcohol things all right whoa 0.125 I am a little over the legal driving limit what is the legal limit point zero eight so I'm 1.5 x wow what's um what did you get to on your stream Point YouTube oh is that a lot it's a lot right yeah it's like pretty drawn wow I think you'll start like throwing up at like point three it's just you got pretty drunk then one hour you're under yeah you will be under in an hour all right let's give it let's give it a shot my first ever breathalyzer and hopefully my last as well they're kind of fun to be honest it seems fun it gets a great circumstance yeah well in this circumstance it seems fun certainly there's people who've had bad experiences with them but yeah so how does it work like because obviously there's no way you could build up a tolerance right that's just your brain getting used to it how does that all work I have no idea so I don't know exactly how this works I do know a lot of it's based off your breath so like even if you just if you like brushed your teeth or did some mouthwash like you'll have a blood alcohol content in your breath which is like a little cringe okay so it says white let me show you guys what actually real quick just what is what we're working with here this is weight and it's counting down very ominously actually wait wait where was it at you gone keep going keep going keep it going keep it going almost there wow 0.054 that's low I can drive you can drive do you feel drunk at all no not at all yeah you could drive you could drive in in [ __ ] oh well you can't drive in New Zealand you can't drive in Japan that's for sure this is a show oh it's off now rip nevermind damn that's why why is yours double mine I'm probably a lighter weight does that have anything to do with it does that surely not right because it's just a you're in taking a chemical too yeah I'm not a [ __ ] mathematician but I don't know I have no idea how alcohol gets processed is through your liver and then a certain amount of the alcohol goes into like your bloodstream and that reflects back in your breath somehow I think you will also take a bigger sense than me I will admit you were taking more sips and bigger sips I might have drank a little more but I think even if we drank the same amount but like if you drink if you drink the same amount as like a like a 19 year old [ __ ] college kid yeah yeah who's never drank they would process alcohol less efficiently than you your body's probably built up a tolerance and does a good job processing it I'm just got more blood just more blood going around you have more blood in your body there's more blood like twice the amount oh chat was betting they were betting on my blood alcohol content was gonna be this is fire that's crazy that they were that close though that's a great line wow all right well chat I mean that's basically it we're done here for today uh I gotta get ready to leave go back to Japan uh also get ready for the cyclathon so uh but it's been fun and thank you for joining this short stream um yeah thanks thanks for having me as well I appreciate it thank you for letting me do this again in your house and I'll probably do it again what do you okay well that's that's that blood alcohol content dude guys if you don't know you can click the Subscribe button scroll down there's a little check box you can click it and it'll say subscribe free and purple yes now normally I wouldn't Farm These for Connor because I'd Farm them for myself I used to be a 30k Andy back in the day never forget unfortunately I can no longer Farm those I love YouTube yeah yeah but I miss farming my Prime Subs okay okay okay so do me a favor let me see that I still got that dog in me let me see how many crimes I can Farm that's actually a decent I used to be able to farm like 50 with these showers no issue that's crazy so if you got a primer make me look cool for one time oh [ __ ] just drop it that's a lot of problems we don't know about prime Subs too is they don't roll over so it's like if it is available right now and you wait a day you have technically lost value on that if you waited a month you would lose five dollars of value so you should use it on cooldown oh look that's so many I don't give a [ __ ] if you use it on Connor he's already rich you should just use it Connor happens to be the guy you like to use it on Connor doesn't matter you should just use it on cooldowns that's a lot of problems otherwise you're you you're losing the value of your of your Amazon goddamn thank you guys that's very kind of you um I'm glad to leave La a winner we win you still that's a lot of that's at least 50 I think still got it baby Jesus Christ well thank you Chad I appreciate that so you never do this no I never I should do it more I I'm really bad I used to do this every two hours on the dot I was is iron Mouse online we got a 50 shop thank you a thirsty boy well I'm no longer thirsty that's for sure oh my God thank you so much for the 50. I appreciate it all right Mouse is online so let's go and uh let's read Mouse YouTuber of the Year guys and if you if you know that um let's go and send you guys over there V2 you guys got to spam vtuber of the year when you get there okay iron Mouse all right it's intended for mature audiences chat so I'm a little more mature than this stream probably breathalyze is alcohol yeah right a little more mature yeah we kept this [ __ ] PG you did thank you guys so much for joining about pedophiles again don't worry about that for a while no Mike's Hard Lemonade there are two beers why was Mike so hard then why did he bring a six-pack and conduct I don't get it what's up with that thank you guys so much and if you're watching this on YouTube please make sure to subscribe to the conlog YouTube channel if you haven't already it's free to help support the channel and we're live on Twitch and three to four times a week try to be oh well you know you would say I'm not but I try I try all right chat bye I think I have to click it do I have to click it how do I click it I I clicked it I clicked it I did it I did it yes and stream I gotta press and stream
Channel: CDawgVODs
Views: 598,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, connor, connordawg, vod, stream, vods, cdawgva vods, cdawgva streams, cdawgvod, ludwig, tier list, beer
Id: 1bVqIHMP1jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 7sec (6487 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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