America Unearthed: Massive Serpent Mound in Ohio (S2, E9) | Full Episode | History

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SCOTT WOLTER: The history that we were all taught growing up is wrong. My name is Scott Wolter. And I'm a forensic geologist. There's a hidden history in this country that nobody knows about. There are pyramids here-- chambers, tombs, inscriptions. They're all over this country. We're going to investigate these artifacts and sites. And we're going to get to the truth. Sometimes, history isn't what we've been told. [music playing] I was on vacation in Scotland when I got a call from my friend Alan Butler. He and I have investigated many mysteries together. He told me there was a serpent-shaped mound here at a place called Loch Nell. Serpent mounds are rare. Of the three largest known to exist, one is in the US, and two are in Europe, which begs the question, is there a connection between the people who built the mound in Scotland and the one in America? Alan, it's always great to see you. So what you have must be really good. This is something very special. This is a site that's extremely old as far as we know. It's got folklore and tradition. It's a truly amazing and really quite a unique site. We're actually now standing on the head of the serpent mound. And you can see that its sinuous body weaves away on down towards the loch there. If we take a look at this, which is a fairly unusual view of where we're standing now, it was done just at the end of the 1800s. - So we're standing right here. - Yeah. Yeah. SCOTT WOLTER: The serpent we're standing on is an effigy mound. Effigy mounds are piles of earth and rock in the shape of animals or symbols. Many are so old, their true purpose remains a mystery. But evidence of rituals involving blood, death, and fire can make them very intriguing. On the mound that we're on, there was originally a stone circle with another stone in the center, which was referred to as the altar stone. The body of the serpent itself was discovered at that time to have been covered with very large stones maybe-- These right over here. They're still there, it looks like. Yeah. ALAN BUTLER: And some of them were burned stones that have been heated in a fire. And that is fairly typical of what was going on at the end of the Stone Age, start of the Bronze Age. SCOTT WOLTER: These large stones that appear to have been worked and formed like a chamber down here. - Yeah. Yeah. This is fairly typical of Scotland and Great Britain, generally. It's what's known as a burial kist. In about 1890, when they looked into it, there was remains of a cremation. There was also a bone knife in there. But other than that, it had been robbed out. The people that were here were probably somebody who was a prominent individual-- - Absolutely. Maybe a king or a ruler. Or a priest. --in the culture at that time. Do we have any idea how old this might be? Well, we think it's probably Bronze Age. So we're talking 2000 BC Absolutely. Of course, there's no way of knowing whether the Bronze Age people came along and modified it. It could be older still. There is a legend in the locality that executions were carried out here. OK. It's much more likely that what it harks back to is ritual sacrifices. At a significant day in the year, they bring the poor person along, cut their throat, throw them in the loch. We've got a beautiful lake here. And I can imagine that there was a large glacier that terminated or ended right here. Underneath these glaciers as they're melting, there are rivers that flow under the ice. And they deposit sand and gravel and boulders. And it forms these sinuating snaking ridges called eskers. And that's exactly what this looks like here. This is probably a natural esker that has been enhanced by man. So the question that people, of course, are going to ask is why a serpent? Why is that so important? If you look back at human history, you know the serpent or the snake has been really significant to humanity almost right from the start. SCOTT WOLTER: The serpent plays a major role throughout history. In the first book of the Bible, the serpent appeared in the garden of Eden and offered Eve the apple from the tree of knowledge. In ancient Egypt, a serpent called a Uraeus is on the forehead of the pharaoh and represents divine authority. The staff of the Greek god Hermes has two serpents wrapped around it like our modern day symbol for medicine. Recently, serpents came up in another investigation closer to home-- a legend of a lake monster tied to the Aztecs. This serpent is said to be a protective figure patrolling the waters in Wisconsin and guarding sacred underwater pyramids. I never saw the serpent myself. But in legend, there is usually some truth. There's no question that serpents were important to whoever built this mound. Sometimes, the same people who revered serpents also held archaeoastronomy, the practice of building things in line with the sun, moon, and planets, sacred as well. That could be a clue to who built this serpent mound and possibly the one in the United States. It just keeps recurring theme-- - Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. - This serpent. - Absolutely. - And we have it here. Yeah, and in this case, of course, you've also got to think that everybody knows about the Loch Ness Monster, you know? But most of the entities have been associated with many of the lochs in Scotland. They may to a certain extent have been trying to reproduce the spiritual entity that they thought lived in the loch. Along with all of this serpent mythology, I'm convinced that a structure like this has to have some archaeoastronomy associated with it. When I look at this photo, if you look in the distance, there are those peaks right there. ALAN BUTLER: Absolutely. SCOTT WOLTER: And you notice how they seem to follow the long orientation of the esker here or of the serpent? ALAN BUTLER: Yes. SCOTT WOLTER: I'm wondering if there might be some alignments here. I think it's highly likely. You know our experience has been when we come to ancient sites like this, there's almost always going to be some type of archaeoastronomy involved, some type of alignments with the stars, the heavens, the moon, the planets, and with geographic features. I would like to see if we have some alignments. I have a brand new app on my phone that I can use. Maybe we've got some solstice or equinox alignment. So you up for it? Yeah, I think that's a great idea. All right. Let's do it. I think this serpent mound was intentionally built to align with the peaks of those mountains. I'm taking some basic measurements to determine the orientation of its axis. [music playing] All right. Now, I'm going to pull out the app. The helios sun position app can calculate the position of the sun from dawn till dusk on any day at any time and allows people to track the sun's path from anywhere on Earth. What I'm seeing from here confirms that this mound is aligned with those mountains. And this app will show me exactly what day of the year the sun passes over that alignment. Here's where the sun rises. And it's following that track. ALAN BUTLER: Yeah. And there is the mountain right there. We're just past the summer solstice. ALAN BUTLER: That's right. SCOTT WOLTER: So the sun should rise on those mountains and then make its arc there on the equinox. We definitely have an east-west alignment along this megalithic structure. There's probably other alignments here involving the moon, the planets, maybe the stars and some other things. Ancient people built alignments into many of the world's most famous sites. Chichen Itza in Mexico is a Mayan marvel. And its main temple, El Castillo, uses the angle of the sun to honor the serpent on specific days of the year. Stonehenge in England has enormous standing stones that mark important dates, serving as a giant calendar. Even the Washington Monument in DC is part of the Federal Triangle that lines up with the stars. But the question for me is who built this? Well, we're talking about 2000 BC-- 4,000 years ago. We've got people coming in from France and from Spain. It's the start of farming. It's the start of people being settled. SCOTT WOLTER: We're talking about people who are practicing pagan rituals, right? Oh, no doubt about it. SCOTT WOLTER: We had the kist here with the human remains probably part of some ritual. ALAN BUTLER: And maybe human sacrifice. SCOTT WOLTER: I believe that they took a natural feature and enhanced it with the stones. I think it's probably a glacial esker. They added the stones perhaps to make the alignment more precise I know of another serpent mound that has a lot of the same features that we see here. It's massive. In fact, it's two to three times larger than this one. Where's that? Ohio. If there is a connection between these two sites, I'm going to find it. I was on vacation in Scotland when I got hooked on a new mystery-- a possible ancient connection between a serpent mound in Scotland and one in Ohio. The Scotland mound definitely has evidence of archaeoastronomy and probably dates back to at least 2000 BC I think some ancient pagan group may have enhanced a natural formation called an esker for its own ritual purposes. Archaeoastronomy could show that the same thing happened in Ohio and could be the missing link that helps prove whether the same people built both mounds thousands of years ago. [music playing] Hey, Ross. I just got back from Scotland. And I looked at the Loch Nell serpent mound with my friend Alan Butler. And he said that this serpent mound maybe dates back to about 2000 BC They've got a burial there for sure that they were able to get some dates on. To me, it looks like a natural geologic feature that's been enhanced by man. And there are some alignments there that were very interesting. And of course, I thought about the Ohio serpent mound. And I wanted to see if there might be a connection. Yeah, there could be a connection. Our serpent is similar to the Loch Nell serpent, only it's bigger. And its purpose is a mystery. And the best way to see our serpent mound is from the sky. So-- Well, let's go. [music playing] PILOT: Alexander Solomon airport helicopter 10-tango departing to the east. Any traffic in the area, please buzz Solomon airport. SCOTT WOLTER: Ross is right. The best way to view this mound is from the air. It's huge. If the serpent mound were stretched out into a straight line, it would measure 1,371 feet from tip to tail. That's almost as long as four American football fields. Take a look at that. There is the serpent. Oh, you can see it beautifully. Stunning. You can see the seven mighty coils. It has three parts to it-- the oval, the small triangular feature at the head, and then the main body. Wow. Obviously, it was meant to be seen from above. Could they have built this for the gods? ROSS HAMILTON: Well, yeah. If the people on the ground were wanting to impress or attract someone from above, then they would have created their effigy in a way that would indeed evoke somebody from a heavenly point of view. SCOTT WOLTER: Now, who do the archaeologists think built the mound? ROSS HAMILTON: The question of who designed this urban mound still remains a mystery. The carbon that was discovered solidified date of about 312 BC. That would put it squarely in the middle Adena era. Some carbon from the early Adena era was also found going back to 700 BC because we feel that the Adena people may have been part of a reconstruction effort. So really, what you're saying is you think it was probably built much earlier, perhaps thousands of years BC, and then it was rebuilt or modified by a later culture, possibly the Adena? ROSS HAMILTON: Yeah, there were burials that were found that suggested the Archaic people who were before the Adena going back 2000 BC, even 3000 BC, were thought to have constructed it. SCOTT WOLTER: Human bones? ROSS HAMILTON: Yeah, and they were fossilized. So it's possible that the serpent could have been here long before the Adena and that the Adena may have religiously attempted to keep its memory. Well, that would be analogous to what I saw in Scotland. We know that we had burials there inside the head of that serpent. There was actually something called a kist constructed there out of quarried stone. And that's where they found human bones that dated back 2000 BC. Maybe there is a connection. When I look down here in the mouth of the serpent, it looks like there's something there. To me, it looks like an egg. The oval that's contained in the serpent's mouth has been one of the greatest points of discussion for earthwork aficionados over the years. SCOTT WOLTER: There is debate over what the serpent's egg symbolizes. Some believe it is a type of sun disc which could tie this mound back to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians. Others believe it is the eye of Horus, another Egyptian symbol. ROSS HAMILTON: We know for certain that the serpent can accommodate over 15 possible solar and lunar alignments. The serpent also reflects from directly above a pattern of stars. So that's why we say the serpent is the most astonishing effigy anywhere in the world of its kind. SCOTT WOLTER: Some experts believe that along with more than 15 solar and lunar alignments, the Ohio serpent mound also reflects the star constellation Draco. In Latin, Draco means dragon. And a portion of the constellation does line up with the serpent mound below. I think that evidence of alignments proves that this mound was an ancient tool that reflects something similar to what the original builders were seeing in the heavens. When we look at Serpent Mound, we're looking at something that was probably created by a genius-- someone that loved astronomy and loved the earth. And adept. Yep. [music playing] SCOTT WOLTER: Ross, one thing we know for sure. It's definitely an effigy mound, in this case, a serpent or a snake. And whoever built it went to an awful lot of energy and work. My question to you is do you think it's more spiritual or practical in nature? I think both. It was apparently functional. The effigy actually is a scientific instrument that helps to restore the spirit of the planet. SCOTT WOLTER: On the practical side, when I was at Loch Nell, I've documented a long range alignment. In this case, it was an equinox alignment where the long axis of the serpent lined up beautifully with these twin peaks in the distance. Well, you know, I can show you actually. Here's the effigy. And you know, we have seven coils. It's actually three loops going out toward the east and then three coils kind of facing in toward the west. And on the ones facing east, you get the classical winter solstice sunrise. And then if you stand in the most northern coil facing east, you get the summer solstice sunrise. And then through the oval later that same day, you get the summer solstice sunset. SCOTT WOLTER: Maybe that's when people were making pilgrimages. It could be, but it could also have been used by those old astronomers that lived in the prehistoric times to cite the various phases of the moon. SCOTT WOLTER: So the general orientation or long axis of the snake in your case runs north-south whereas in Scotland, it was east-west. ROSS HAMILTON: East-west. Yeah, I guess they had the same idea in mind. But they just went about it in a different way. You mentioned that there are burial mounds. Why would people want to be buried by the serpent mound? Like Stonehenge in Great Britain, the serpent may have been one of those great revered pilgrimage places that people wanted to be associated with in life and in death. SCOTT WOLTER: When I visited Stonehenge in England, there are burials there probably for the same reason that we have them here. They would practice rituals. They would have processions. And it was a very important part of the culture. Apparently, the same thing happened here. SCOTT WOLTER: So far, I see a lot of similarities between the mound in Ohio and the mound in Scotland. Could there have been a transfer of rituals and rites between pagan people over there and the Adena people or some other native group here? Both are serpents-- effigy mounds best seen from above. Both have ceremonial burials, astronomical alignments. And both date back thousands of years. But what I really want to know is did the same people build both mounds? And why did they choose the serpent? There's no doubt that there's some incredible astronomical alignments here. And they're incredibly precise. We see the same thing in Scotland, although the question that comes to mind-- there's all kinds of effigies, creatures and things that they could have made. Why a serpent? Why a snake? The serpent is a world symbol from very ancient times of the giver of life. There is an uncanny connection to a Christian minister back in 1981 said that this serpent was created directly by God to remind humanity of the fall from grace. And that what it has in its mouth is a fruit from the tree of life. So Ross, are you saying that the serpent mound or the shape of it could represent the location of the garden of Eden? ] My investigation into a link between the serpent mound in Scotland and a similar mound here in Ohio has me thinking. There has to be some sort of a connection-- that ancient travelers brought knowledge from the old world to the new. Both sites have archaeoastronomy. Both have evidence of burials. And both were thought to be spiritual sites. But what kind of spiritual sites? Some suspect pagan rituals took place at the serpent mound in Loch Nell, Scotland. But there could be a spiritual connection of a very different nature going on here. So are you saying that the serpent mound is somehow connected to the garden of Eden? Native Americans think so. The Cherokee elders are pretty, pretty certain of that. The entire eastern half of the United States they believe was once a magnificent garden. And it was based, we believe, in a mythology. SCOTT WOLTER: The garden of Eden is the biblical garden of God. It is mentioned most notably in the book of Genesis as the location where Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, were created. They were forced to leave the garden after a serpent convinced them to eat forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Over the centuries, many cultures have claimed to know the location of the garden of Eden. But to this day, no solid evidence has been found. This site seems too new to be the actual biblical site. But the themes of the serpent and of growth and regeneration could be the same. We definitely have dates through radiocarbon dating that go back about 2,400 years at least. We've got an effigy mound here that is so large and so important to these people, they were obviously trying to document something that was bigger than themselves. Do you think that this mound could somehow be connected to the one in Scotland? I wouldn't rule that out because the serpent was considered the great father or mother. It was the provider of life for all vegetation and for all things. And so once you understand that the belief that the serpent is a great symbol of life and regeneration, then it's kind of hard not to see a connection between Scotland and the United States. SCOTT WOLTER: Right. There are other effigy mounds in the US that are impressive and not that far from here. Where? Iowa. [music playing] SCOTT WOLTER: I'm investigating a possible link between an ancient serpent mound in Scotland and a serpent mound in Ohio here in the United States. Both are ancient sites possibly dating back thousands of years with evidence of ceremonial burials and archaeoastronomy. I think there's a strong possibility that ancient pagan worshippers from Scotland, or some other early group of trans-atlantic travelers, shared knowledge with the earliest inhabitants of the United States. Ross just told me the Ohio serpent mound isn't the only animal-shaped effigy mound in the United States and that a site in Iowa could figure into the mystery. He told me to meet a man who knows a lot about the mound-building cultures here to ask him about an ancient connection with voyages overseas. Depending on what I find in Iowa, it may be the evidence I need to get to the bottom of who made these mounds and for what purpose, whether it be pagan worship, spiritual rituals, or something else. Hey, Jim. I'm investigating possible connections between a serpent mound site that I visited in Scotland called Loch Nell and the serpent mound in Ohio. We know those sites date back at least 2,000 years. Both have archaeoastronomy. And the way those things are laid out, they had to have been designed to be viewed from above. I've been studying these mounds for 33 years and surveying them. And I've had a lot of stories from Native Americans about such things. SCOTT WOLTER: Jim, this is a lot bigger area than I imagined. How many mounds are here? JAMES SCHERZ: There are 200 mounds in this park. About 31 of them are effigy mounds. This was a small part of a much larger complex. SCOTT WOLTER: How big are we talking? JAMES SCHERZ: Well, it had estimated at least 1,000 mounds, essentially all of which are now destroyed. It was a sort of an intertribal expression of what appears to be a harmony between the earth and the sky and the seasons. SCOTT WOLTER: So you're saying they have archaeoastronomy here? - They do. People came to these mound groups at certain times of the year for education where they learned about the sky and the animals and the stars. SCOTT WOLTER: Do we know which native group built them? This was in the area that was controlled by what are called the Ho-Chunk. And stories say that the Ho-Chunk controlled the trade along the rivers all the way from Lake Superior to the gulf. That means they were traveling. And they travelled. There were priests that went across to Europe and to Asia. And people from there came here for training as well. SCOTT WOLTER: So Jim, what you're saying is that there was a transfer of information through the native priesthood both in Europe over here to North America and back again, I mean, long before Columbus, right? That's what they say. SCOTT WOLTER: When I was in Scotland and then when I went to the serpent mound in Ohio, I saw things that definitely connected those two sites. One was archaeoastronomy. And based on what you've told me about this site here, there seems to be the same thing going on. Do I have that right? Yes. Keep in mind that the knowledge was spread by the priesthoods. Across the continents. And across the seas. This would explain some of the mysterious artifacts that people have been pondering over for decades and over 100 years. That would answer a lot of questions, yes. You're saying that these effigy mounds here in Iowa are almost certainly connected to the serpent mound in Ohio. Well, couldn't they then be connected to the serpent mound in Scotland as well? I'm investigating a connection between an ancient serpent mound in Scotland and similar mounds in the United States. All of the sites have a sacred purpose and are best seen from above. What's more, there is evidence that they were aligned with the heavens. But why? Evidence like this left at the mounds could be the key to unlocking a global system of shared knowledge and ideas-- a link between cultures that reaches further back in time than our history books tell us today. If it can be proven that a group of pagan worshippers, their rituals, and their symbols came from Scotland to America thousands of years ago, that would open up a whole new chapter in American history. So Jim, it sounds to me like what you're saying is that there was a native priesthood in Europe and Scotland that shared information with Native Americans over here in North America? That's what they say here. Certainly, somebody has to have the knowledge of how to construct in archaeoastronomy. And I believe that knowledge was shared freely among all tribes and also across the ocean. That's amazing. What are we looking at, Jim? JAMES SCHERZ: Oh, it's a bear mound of the north group that's 137 feet long and about 3 and 1/2 feet high. There is a main group with 10 other bear mounds with the same shape. SCOTT WOLTER: Jim tells me that 1,000 years ago, this entire area used to be covered with hundreds of mounds, and not just bear mounds, but serpent mounds, too. Even though they've now been destroyed, the fact they existed during that time could mean they were tied to a ritualistic religious group centered around a figure called the plumed serpent. In America, the plumed serpent religion was widespread. But their trade empire went far beyond our country's borders to Mexico and possibly to Europe. JAMES SCHERZ: These people who traded, they went all across this country. And so those would be the same people that were at Cahokia until they were abandoned about 1200 AD. SCOTT WOLTER: Cahokia is one of the most mysterious sites in America. It had an outpost called Aztalan, which I've seen. Jim says Cahokia was also a central hub for the plumed serpent religion, a belief that stretched all the way south into Mexico. Some experts believe the plumed serpent religion connects this Iowa effigy mound site with Cahokia. In fact, serpent shape artifacts have been found there. Any serpent connection is important in my search for the truth. What happened to those people at Cahokia? Where did they go? By 1200, they were gone, so the culture kind of-- SCOTT WOLTER: Collapsed? JAMES SCHERZ: Collapsed. I've now been to three different sites on two different continents. And between the archaeoastronomy and the effigy mounds at all three places that are best viewed from above, this all seems to tie these sites together. But there's one more place that I want to go to that might provide some additional evidence-- Cahokia. My investigation into an ancient connection between Scotland, Ohio, and Iowa thousands of years ago has me thinking that ancient traders may have brought knowledge here to the United States from across the Atlantic. All three of these mound sites have evidence of nearby burials and archaeoastronomy. All could be connected and were thought to be ancient ceremonial meeting places. I want to find out whether ancient cultures possibly from Europe traveled to the United States and shared knowledge with Native Americans. [music playing] I think evidence at Cahokia could give me the answer. And that's my next stop. But a regular plane ride over the site won't be enough this time. I want to look under it to find clues hidden beneath the Earth's surface. To do that, I'll need to use a technology called LIDAR. LIDAR stands for light detection and ranging. It uses laser light to scan the surface of the earth to generate precise 3D information about the terrain below. This technology essentially removes all vegetation and allows scientists to map the terrain and see what may be buried below. It's a way to dig up new information without digging at all. And I think it could be exactly what I need to solve this mystery. Hey, Jamie. Good to see you again. Good to see you too, Scott. Well, I'm investigating Cahokia, which was an ancient city, trying to see if maybe there's a connection between this site and effigy sites I've looked at both in America and Scotland. So what kind of connections have you made so far? Well, I've looked at two serpent mound sites-- one in Ohio and one in Scotland. I was also in Iowa. And I looked at an effigy mound site. They were important ritual sites. And they also incorporate elements of archaeoastronomy. And while I was there, I heard about Cahokia. And I'm hoping to see if there might be a connection between this site and those sites. What we're trying to do is see if we can find any effigy mounds with your technology that weren't found in the past. JAMIE YOUNG: I have some pictures of the old LIDAR that was collected. It was collected at one meter. SCOTT WOLTER: This is the old technology. JAMIE YOUNG: Correct. SCOTT WOLTER: OK. JAMIE YOUNG: We now can collect the data 30 to 60 points per meter. - Really? Yeah. SCOTT WOLTER: That's a lot better. JAMIE YOUNG: If the old LIDAR was looking down at a dog, the new LIDAR would be looking at a flea on the dog. That sounds exactly what we're looking for. JAMIE YOUNG: If those effigy mounds are there, we'll definitely see them. SCOTT WOLTER: Maybe this data you generate will help us tie the site Scotland with what we have here in America. [music playing] In the entire world, there are only a few known serpent mound sites. Two in Europe and a massive one in the United States seem to share similarities. And I have to wonder could they be connected? At each location, I found evidence of similar beliefs and practices. That evidence could connect native cultures here with cultures across the Atlantic. Cahokia was once the epicenter of mound-building culture in the United States. In 1200 AD, there were 40,000 people living here, making this city bigger than London or Paris at the time. Some experts believe forefathers of an ancient plumed serpent religion which spanned through Mexico and the United States used Cahokia as a central meeting place. Serpent-shaped artifacts have been found here. But I want to know if there was ever a serpent-shaped mound at this site. And remote sensing technology called LIDAR is going to help me figure that out. [music playing] Right now, I'm flying over the Cahokia mound site. The largest mound, Monks Mound, is 100 feet high and at its base is bigger than the pyramid of Giza in Egypt. This ancient city spread for miles over the Illinois countryside and was once a booming metropolis for the Mississippian mound-building culture. What I'm hoping here is that by looking at this data, we might be able to figure out if the mound-building culture here at Cahokia-- maybe they're connected to these other energy sites that I saw in both Ohio and Iowa and maybe even connect to Scotland. [music playing] Grid over here [inaudible] north-south and east-west. SCOTT WOLTER: Right. Yeah, a heck of a lot more detail than the last time, isn't it? CHRIS GUY: Oh yeah. This will get it from different angles as well-- the north-south and east-west and with a different overlap so. Cool. [music playing] CHRIS GUY: All right, Scott. Wrapping up our last line here. We have the scans that we need to compile our LIDAR results SCOTT WOLTER: That sounds great, Chris. I've got an archaeologist who's meeting us on the ground when we land. CHRIS GUY: Let's drop off this data and see what we uncover. [music playing] SCOTT WOLTER: Once Chris hands off the LIDAR data to Jamie, he'll be able to tell me what the data shows. He'll be able to pinpoint anything interesting hidden under the Earth's surface. But in order to find out what that data means, I have an expert on Cahokia meeting me here. He'll be able to interpret any new evidence the LIDAR uncovers. Hi, Peter. I've been doing research trying to see if there's a connection between effigy sites here in the United States with the serpent mound site that I saw in Scotland. And I also went to an effigy mound site in Iowa. And I learned there that there is a likely connection between that site and Cahokia. Well, Cahokia was the largest human-made construction in the United States before Columbus. Cahokia brought people in from everywhere. My understanding is that there is a serpent artifact here in Cahokia. Correct? There's actually a couple. There was a copper serpent found by an amateur late 1800s. But there's also a very famous figurine called the Birger figurine. And what it shows is a woman who's hoeing the back of a serpent. It shows that serpent being a figure of fertility. One of the things I learned at the Effigy Mounds Park was that there's something called a plumed serpent. PETER PEREGRINE: The plumed serpent is very broadly shared across the eastern United States. The plumed serpent is a flying serpent otherwise known as a dragon. So in fact, that idea of this flying serpent probably goes all the way back to the time before Native Americans came to the United States. It's probably a very ancient set of ideas. The rituals that were created at Cahokia embodied that knowledge. A big part of it was looking at the sun, knowing when the seasons were. The whole city is lined up with celestial events. So the big question is, what happened to these people? Where did they go? And the answer is probably pretty simple that they just left. They had a lot of people in a very small place. They had begun to diminish the soils. They'd begun to use up wood resources in the area. And once again, we don't know why. We just know that by about 1350, the place was pretty much abandoned. Well, we're definitely seeing connections between these sites that I visited. Maybe the LIDAR data will give us more information. Well, Jamie, do you have the data for us? JAMIE YOUNG: Yeah, we've got all the data processed so we can go ahead and look at it. All right. JAMIE YOUNG: I think I found some new mounds right here. There's some more over here that I didn't see in the other data. Peter, what do you think? Well, there's an east plaza over here. And I think those may be associated with that. I think what you're seeing is part of the woodhenge, which would be right about in that spot. They may just not have been big enough to be seen. So this is a great improvement. And also, if we can go to the north, this whole area was all artificially leveled-- Engineered. --so that it would be relatively flat. So the possibility exists that there could have been an effigy mound there. But because it's been flattened, we'll never know. That's true. Yeah. SCOTT WOLTER: I don't think we found the smoking gun yet. However, it's still possible that there could have been a connection between those two sites. At least, I'm firmly convinced of that. I believe that ancient civilizations were much more advanced and intelligent than we give them credit for. And the possibility does exist that there was contact across the oceans. I mean, the oceans were like super highways. I don't believe that they were barriers. And I really believe that we're just beginning to understand the connections of civilizations that were here in North America thousands of years ago. I think effigy mound sites hold the key to understanding our ancestors-- where they traveled and what they believed. The Loch Nell serpent mound in Scotland has evidence of ceremonial burials and alignments with the heavens, as does the serpent mound in Ohio, which hints at a possible connection. I believe the people who built that serpent mound shared or received knowledge with ancient cultures across the ocean-- trading ideas, symbols like the serpent, and who knows what else. I think there is more evidence of a connection out there, hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be unearthed.
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, america unearthed, history america unearthed, america unearthed show, america unearthed full episodes, america unearthed clips, full episodes, America Unearthed season 2 episode 9, America Unearthed s2 e9, America Unearthed s02 e09, America Unearthed 2X9, America Unearthed s2 full episodes, America Unearthed season 2 clips, Massive Serpent Mound in Ohio, Massive Serpent Mound, Mound in Ohio, season 2, episode 9
Id: uH39EPEvkV4
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Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.