AMD's RX 7800XT... It's got some issues...

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well it might have been a holiday weekend for you guys but it certainly wasn't a holiday weekend for Tech reviewers especially when it comes to those that talk about graphics cards the bright side is I think there's only one card left to talk about in the future that hasn't been announced to come out yet that's gonna be the RTX 4050 which is just going to be kind of a crap shoot anyway but anyway AMD has just embargo lifted today the 7800 XT and the 7700 XT now we're gonna have two different videos for each of those cards because I don't want the videos to be too long and I want those searching for each of those cards to find the data that they want so if you want to know about the 7700 XT stay tuned for the next video going live not long after this one anyway moving on I don't think the 7800 XT is gonna be that exciting of a love story but there's a Twist this is winter up this video to bring you a special message from iFixit no we interrupt this Interruption with this Interruption the new stuff from my fitted push it into grab this cardboard inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with iFixit Whoa Don't drop it can't fix that with I fix it just kidding yes you can wish you could take iFixit with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing your new Moray and the new minnow take them with you anywhere so good I fix it for your loved one or just get them for yourself okay so to understand the 7800 XT you first have to understand the 6800 XT and typically when we talk about naming schemes um like a you would have a 800 so an x800 would be like 6800 7800 there's no x 700 or x 800 for 5000 series or the first gen Navi um rdna one because there was only 5700 XT and 5700 for those those were like the highest end cards that they made but the thing you have to take away from this right off the bat before you look at the numbers and to understand why the numbers look the way that they do the 6800 XT was the exact same Navi 21 die that you found in the 6900 XT only it was a more shaved down version of it when you look at the 7800 XT it's not this it's not the same die as the 7900 XT the 7900 XT is Navi 31. this is Navi 32 so whereas before you had the 6900 6950 later on XT and the 6800 XT and then you slash down cut into a different diet family entirely down the line with the 6700 XT and below this time the 7800 XT actually is below that cut off so what you're getting now is what is kind of like crappy naming in my in my opinion so AMD was very adamant that this card is more or less designed to compete with the 6800 non-xt because of where that cutoff is I argued it is extremely disingenuous to name it a slash 800 slash XT whatever but have it designed to compete with a non-xt card so there's a couple things you could probably take away from this one there probably won't be any X the non-xts this time around the non-xt existed in a Time when there was GPU Mania and everyone trying to get their hands on graphics cards and there were shortages everywhere well those days are long gone there are no shortages pretty much of anything right now unless the AI stuff we talked about takes off uh that's neither here nor there so let's talk about the specs because side by side even though it's Navi 21 the 6800 XT has more of everything so we've got 4608 Cuda cores versus 3840. you got 288 tmus versus 240. you've got 128 drops versus 96 and they're both 16 gigabyte gddr6 256-bit memory bus pretty much the same memory so even though it is a newer generation core of the Nava Navi 3x 3132 there's less of it so you have to really count on the efficiency uplift and the performance uplift to make up for the deficit okay so before we get into the charts a couple of things one the card I'm testing today is the 7800 XT Red Devil limited edition it's a 579 dollar MSRP card uh 80 more than MSRP I really really really really wanted to test the 499 MSRP card in fact we have it somewhere it's re-boxed ours is kind of a dud after spending quite a while troubleshooting it with AMD and amd's lab and retesting our own stuff stuff and getting data to them we've come to the conclusion both teams have come to the conclusion my 7800 XT reference card is probably overheating and not running right now remember they are chiplet design which means they're slightly uneven surfaces so instead of using thermal paste they use like a graphite thermal pad kind of a thing that's designed to squish and fill all those gaps it's also important to note all these reviewer cards especially the AMD cards like the the reference cards are first run engineering samples they are the final test prior to production of actual retail samples to confirm that all the machines are operating as expected it also is expected that sometimes some things slip through and this isn't the first time this has happened regarding engineering sample cards so with that said my tests you have to keep in mind as we go forward this is a card that costs eighty dollars more than MSRP so that's unfortunate the other thing too is with my charts I have everything sorted by 1440p because that is where the card is designed to really slot in in terms of resolution 1080p on there as well but you're going to notice like a 3080 Fe on our charts and that's because of the fact that you cannot deny and argue that used cards are definitely worth considering and considering the fact that you can get a 30 80 10 gig non-lhr lightly used card for about 450 to 500 these days means it is definitely a direct comparison price wise of what you could spend today with the 6800 uh and 7800 XT if you don't care about use or whatever you don't care about the 3080 then just throw those numbers out but that's something to point out is you guys have requested I start comparing to more like what's previous genu stuff go for that's something to consider on there as well with that said let's go and jump right into the charts now we're going to start with Port Royal Port Royal is one of the synthetics that I run um synthetics are really good at showing you small changes in architecture that show up on a chart but that's because it uses like no CPU like no memory is just GPU bound so when we look at the 7800 XT Red Devil it's newer generation RT cores remember their second gen RT for 7000 series and AMD versus first gen with the 6000 series cards it's evident by a thousand Point advantage and then when you compare it to the 6800 non-xt it's even farther behind uh at uh 1500 points even farther back or 1400 points farther back than that so but when you look at the 3080 if RT is your thing that's significantly uh farther ahead but if we go ahead and move on to the next chart and we take a look at rasterization and we look at time spy times five extreme puts the 7800 XT Red Devil way out the top actually I don't want to say way out at the top but it's definitely ahead of the 3080 Fe and so is the 6800 XT but look how close together the 6800 XT and the 7800 XT is time spy extreme is a pretty good example of showing us again small differences with rt aside that are tangible and you can visibly see them on a chart now if we move on to actual games let's move on to shadow of the Tomb Raider no RT 1080p is an interesting one in this because you'll notice weird numbers with 1080p that's because it's an older title we test with older titles because we want to see what happens with the card's performance as you start to hit engine limitations or engine caps uh Shadow the Tomb Raider has like a hard cap at right around 220 FPS and sometimes certain cards that are actually a lower tier will get a better 1080p average because it's not smacking that engine cap so hard that it's like throttling the card back down and then what it does is it lowers your like one percent lows which then brings down your average as a whole so what you'll find right here is a 7800 XT Red Devil although tying the RTX 4070 which again as a more expensive card so that's a good thing for the 7800 XT is the fact that in 1440p it's matched an older title here but it's got a lower 1080p number because uh it's probably smacking the limit harder than the 470 at least that's just a good guess but the 6800 XT is also scoring higher than it so your guess is good as mine 1080p is such a weird resolution these days because cards have definitely gotten faster and faster toward the 1080p numbers get weirder and weirder as you go on um 5700 XT owners though as we go forward with these charts you're gonna see that's probably time to consider an upgrade of anything at this point moving on let's go ahead and enable RT though RT and Shadow of the tomb Tomb Raider is only a shadow RT so even amd's really good at being able to do Shadow Ray tracing and not actual lighting Ray tracing technically it's lighting retracing but it's a little bit different in the way that's calculated so the 4070 takes a pretty commanding lead there but the 7800 XT Red Devil is showing some strengths over the 6800 but if you look it's a couple of FPS it's two FPS in 1080P and three FPS in 1440 both of those are pretty much within margin of error I think if we ran those tests 10 more times we could see them trade leadership multiple times but they're both ahead of the 3080 so that's actually a pretty a pretty good thing to talk about right there you'll notice 5700 XT is at zero that's because it doesn't they cannot run retracing obviously it does not have any RT cores or any RT accelerators moving on now to cyberpunk cyberpunk no RT it's even though it's a little bit older title at this point now I'm going on three years old I think it's such a good linear test it really shows differences between cards but the 7800 XT Red Devil took the lead across the board on 1080P and 1440p and pretty commanding lead in front of the 6800 and then the 3080 is definitely dropping Back 40 70 surprisingly even farther back than the 3080 and that's kind of what we talked about with the 4070 review was 30 80 40 70 really kind of intertwines depending on the test until you turn on Ray tracing because as soon as you turn on Ray tracing boy does that love story fall off hard so as you can see 40 70 and 3080 just way out into the lead but you'll notice 7800 XT and 6800 XT the RT differences between the two are very apparent that's just because of the newer gen RT cores and 3070 sliding in right between them like yo can I slide into those DMS that like slid right in between those two 6800 just way down there at the bottom Borderlands 3. now Borderlands 3 is an AMD title and what's unique about that is it's very good at comparing AMD cards to each other it's almost like Borderlands 3 is just the AMD Benchmark utility if you will so as you can see the 7800 XT Red Devil is uh not significantly ahead but only six FPS ahead in 1080P and what are we looking at here seven FPS ahead in 1440 which is funny that they're closer together in 1080 than 1440 um which makes sense because we're starting to get near like engine caps as we get higher this was actually the first test where I realized something was wrong with our 7800 XT reference because it was losing to the 6800 XT by like 10 FPS now it's not a normal it's not a normal it's not it's not uncommon even if you go up on Tech PowerUp today and compare the two cards you'll see that tech power up gives a three percent Performance Edge to the 6800 XT over the 7800 XT and a lot of these tests will show that but I think a lot of what they do though is also calculated based on specs rather than straight up head-to-head performance only because the performance figures aren't public yet so you can expect that to potentially change if we go ahead now and move on to um Gears of War 5 pretty linear test 40 70 at the top 7800 XT followed right behind the 6800 XT by only 6 FPS in 1080 and three FPS in 1440. obviously if you're a 6800 XT owner you're not going to be running out to buy a 7800 XT to if you're especially if you're playing Gears of War 5. so Guardians of the Galaxy arteon pretty linear test 3080 Fe way out in front 4070 right behind it and then the 7800 and the 6800 XT Red Devil only a couple FPS behind each other right the 1700 XT has a slight lead again we're not talking about any particular commanding leads as a new generation card but what happens when you turn RT RT off you get this funkiness where 1080p was all over the place and all the cards like 30 well 6800 non-xt and up were very very close in performance so I ca we I can't explain what's happening with 1080p with this card or these cards if you see across the board they're all acting weird I don't know if this is an engine problem it's it's looking a lot like an engine problem we start to compare our higher end cards in this they all seem to hit and smack a wall well not far behind this but we run everything with ultra settings because we're trying to really push the card as hard as we can I can't explain why this 1080p numbers are what they are but 1440p as you can see is a very uh Progressive reduction in performance as you go down the card stack which is exactly what I'd expect to see which also shows why if you're playing 1080p games buying higher end Hardware doesn't necessarily always lead to more performance so you got to keep that in mind let's go ahead and talk about Forza Horizon 5. interesting note with this one our 5700 XT refused to launch it would it would launch the loading video for Horizon and then crash the desktop every time clean install of the game ddu reinstall of the drivers the drivers off of the website even rolled back several drivers it doesn't make a difference it just will not launch for us so that's just some wonkiness we're having a hard time figuring out but the 7800 XT as you can see is in the lead by in 1440 feet by one FPS over the 6800 XT and it's actually two FPS behind the 6800 XT in 1080P however both those cards are beating Nvidia for 40 70 and 3080 are significantly behind this is the last one this is also another really good linear test as you can see everything is gapped between 1080 and 1440p as expected 5700 XT big fat zeros again 3080 out in front with the 4070 right behind then the 7800 then the 6800 and they tend to scale down as you would expect Crosshair brings gaming to the next level with the xenium 45 inch flexible OLED Xenia on Flex display with up to 240 hertz refresh rate 0.03 millisecond graded gray response time motion blur canceling anti-reflective coating burning protection and customizable Bend based on user's preference the zinni on Flex from Corsair allows Gamers to truly tailor their display to their liking click the link below for more details now here's the thing we got to take away from this although the 6800 XT is right behind the 7800 XT in all of our tests now if we were to run 25 more titles we might see these leads change it is a hundred and fifty dollar less MSRP than what the 6800 XT launched at 6800 XTS are not 650 and up anymore this is where the buying decision starts to become a little bit dependent on what kind of a deal you can get on the card you can bet 7 800 xt's being the newest generation just launching 579 dollar card as tested here if I had the founders Edition or the founders the reference Edition card on here it would be even farther behind because the only 6800 XT I have right now that I can test as a red devil so these are Red Devils versus Red Devils so they do tear up exactly the same so it's not like I have a reference card versus a red devil which would be unfair it depends on the deal that you can get because I don't think you're going to find any like blowout sales for 7800 xt's because they're brand new but you will find great deals on 6800 XTS so unless you can find a really good deal on a 7800 XT which I don't think they're gonna be flying off shelves 6800 XT deals are abundant right now like Micro Center has great deals Amazon has great deals Newegg has deals because they're older gen that they were trying to blow out for the new stuff but the retailers had no way of knowing the new stuff was going to be kind of just performance parody with the old stuff so now if they know you need the 6800 XT for performance reasons in terms of like compute power or rendering or any sort of professional workflow rate my start marking those up a little bit because you're gonna get the same gaming performance essentially but you're going to get better productivity performance so maybe don't wait if you need both of those in fact that 6800 price point at launch was 579 USD so it's kind of like talking out of both sides of your mouth if you're saying wow performance wise you should really compared to the 6800 non-xt but price wise it's 150 less than the 6800 XT less for a little bit more is not a bad thing it's just I don't think I don't think consumers are gonna I don't think they're going to feel well about the naming scheme I just I don't I I have a theory behind this I think the non-xt days are gone I think they're all xt's and I think the 6900 XTX has showed us the X moniker at the end or the second X or third X that's gonna be the performance model hopefully we don't see that this year we don't need that all right guys sound off down below how you feel about the 7800 XT I'm a little disappointed in the fact that it just feels like more of last gen with a new name on it even though it's a newer architecture but in terms of performance at the end of the day effectively it's the same as last gen because they shaved it down enough to just sort of match it and beat it a little bit maybe that's how they're able to make it cheaper by having it just be less of stuff I mean theoretically that's how it works right less stuff costs less unless it costs more to make that stuff I'm not in manufacturing so I can't speculate on that but I can tell you that at the end of the day I feel just a little bit lackluster about it all right guys thanks for watching as always we'll see you the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 444,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7800xt, 7800xt red devil, 7700xt, 4070 vs 7800xt, amd vs nvidia, nvidia vs 7800xt, 3070 vs 7800, 7800 vs 4070, 7800 vs 3080, 3080 vs 7800, 7800xt vs 6800, 7800xt vs 6800xt
Id: 2Jao-aV8Ixc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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