Johnny Depp's friend gets emotional talking about Amber Heard

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now you have known you've already testified you've known him for 42 years he you didn't pay rent at the penthouse correct no no one did right right okay and then after you finished at the penthouse you went over and lived with him and sweet sir correct i live in uh one of his house house that he owns on suites and you still live there yes and rent-free correct yes okay and uh is it has other than the hundred thousand you never paid that back right the hundred thousand that he's given you no that's not that's a thing that that that's a thing for me when i if the how i look at it and stuff at some point i would love to uh pay it back pay back uh some that money but that's not something that is expected that he's expecting would you say you're kind of beholden to mr demp no i'm not beholden at all he's given you a hundred thousand dollars he's put you in that nice i'm sorry i started i didn't hear the whole question can you say it again you were rent free in in penthouses for a number of years and now you've been rent free ever since in sweet sir that's that's a nice friend yeah okay and you i think you testified already you're pretty angry with ms heard right when i wrote it down oh about all the phony about the phony pictures that would that were taken and putting tabloids and about the fake narrative and about uh and the way she's uh trying to uh at trying to get a a a a fraudulent dv claim to extort and blackmail uh a man yeah that kind of got me uh uh pretty frustrated confused angry upset yes which is why i said the best thing for us to do is not to talk to each other okay yes was it fair to say you're still angry with her oh you know something it's six years am i angry anymore i'm not you know what i am is tired and i want this all to end how to go heal him to go heal see you know so many people are have been affected by this malicious lie that she started and she created and it's gone out the door and around the world and so i don't i can't even paint anymore i've stopped painting for the last who knows how many years and that's affected by stuff it's it's it i don't i i'm not angry at anybody i want the best for her for her to take her responsibility heal and and and and and and move on move on and and for johnny john you know his family has been completely wrecked by all of this stuff and it's not it's it's it's not it's not fair it's not right what ha what she did and what happened for so many people to get affected from this it's it's insane and mister that's how this happened and mr barroche if in fact she's telling the truth and if in fact mr depp who has engaged in enormous rage and domestic abuse and violence of amber over a period of time that you wouldn't know about then maybe it's time for him to take responsibility don't you think objection your honor what's your speculation lack of foundation relevance speculations he just went off on this rant and rave about assuming that she's you asked questions i didn't ask a question that launched that i'm going to sustain the objection okay i'll ask this mr brooch you don't know whether mr depp has committed domestic violence of amber heard do you never witnessed i never saw or witnessed whatever type of claim that is that is being said ever i've never seen him be violent since kit since teenagers from first person i didn't ask you that i said you don't know whether he has committed domestic violence or abuse on ambergris isn't that correct that's correct i do not witness any physical violence but you have seen mr depp use drugs as well as drink and be drunk correct oh yeah okay now i've partaken i'm going to ask you to take a look let's let's pick up dep exhibit number 116 again it's our
Channel: Daily Mail
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Keywords: johnny depp, live, depp, johnny depp trial, johnny depp amber heard, amber heard, Daily Mail, johnny depp amber heard fight, johnny depp amber heard court, johnny depp amber heard trial 2022, johnny depp amber heard trial live, johnny depp amber heard court video, johnny depp amber heard fairfax, johnny depp amber heard case, johnny depp amber heard defamation case, johnny depp daily mail, daily mail johnny depp, amber heard daily mail, johnny depp trial 2022
Id: FcmUNlgld74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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