Top Moments of Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Camille Vasquez Cross-Examining Amber Heard (Part Two)

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this is a situation where you were trying to get mr depp to pay attention to you isn't that right no i was trying to stop him from using and because he ran away from you at the first sign of trouble you call him a monster i was trying to stop him from turning into the monster the drugs that are the key that opened the door who was the real monster in this relationship miss heard lives in johnny half of johnny it's not all of johnny the other half of him is wonderful and beautiful and the man i love i'd like you to take a look at plaintiff's exhibit 120f [Music] there's another set of text messages between you and mr deb is that correct yes that's correct i'm going to move to admit and publish any objection no you're on all right 120f in evidence you can publish this is a set of text messages and it's from october 2015. do you see that yes i do in fact you sent all these messages to mr deb on october 22nd 2015. isn't that right exactly same thing was happening here and again i'm not going to read them all but you start off again by trying to get mr depp's attention right you right please come home i was trying to stop another bender you're right please come home right that is correct please answer don't break us up please answer please and continuing on page 97 you write give me some piece of your heart please no fight i promise please no fights please just pick up please give me two minutes i'm dying please and continuing on page 98 you write please come home please come home baba i am so sorry actually you didn't say baba you said baby apologies and it goes on did i read those correctly that is correct that was another time i'm trying to stop another twist off this is what would happen when mr depp would try to take some space from you right no this is what would happen when johnny had moved into the next phase of the cycle decided to use and our lives were getting a lot worse just heard i'm talking about your actions this is what you would do to mr depp when he would leave you you would harass him i would try that's correct you him your honor at least let her answer the question that's fine go and ask the question uh i do not think uh i would characterize my behavior that way i was trying to stop him from using you were texting him incessantly isn't that correct misheard it was imperative for my life my question is to me much more simple you were texting him incessantly i would yes or no everything to get a hold of him and to stop the cycle that's a yes right i would try everything to stop the cycle it was that important to me and he's the monster for not responding to you that's not what made him the monster for needing space from you the monster was not the guy who needed space the monster was who he was when he came back not for doing drugs misheard not for being violent just for needing space that's when you called mr depp the monster incorrect you were sitting here in this courtroom when officer melissa science testified by deposition about being called to the eastern columbia building on may 21 2016. right i saw her testimony yes and you heard officer signs testify that she did not see any injuries on you that night correct i heard her testify she did not consider this injured no miss officer signs testified that she met with you and she did not see any injuries on your face isn't that correct she did not consider this injury miss heard my question is a bit more nuanced so is my answer my question is more nuanced you sat in this courtroom while officer science testified that she saw you the night of may 21 2016 face to face and didn't see any injuries on your face isn't that correct miss heard i believe she was testifying about these photographs and she said that i was not injured in them is it your testimony under oath now that officer signs testified that she saw injuries on you when she saw you in person on may 21 sorry let me clarify i was testifying that i know that that's what officer science said that she didn't consider my red puffy face injured that's what she said the red puffy face that was your counsel's question correct that was your testimony in the uk that's incorrect and you know that misheard i disagree it's just inconvenient for you that officer science didn't see injuries on you on may 21 2016. it doesn't matter what's convenient for me right officer tyler hadden also testified by deposition about being called to the eastern columbia building on may 21 2016 and he also testified no injuries on your face on may 21 2016 isn't that correct they both said that they did not consider me injured they did not see injuries on your face on may 21 2016. isn't that what their testimony was what their testimony was is that they did not consider what my face looked like to be injury they didn't consider what they walked on in the house damage but it was you were sitting here when officer william gatlin testified by deposition about being called on may 21 to the eastern columbia building and he also did not observe any injuries on you did he and that's what he testified to he didn't even know which one i was no i think we all saw on video camera you identify yourself isn't that correct i had to because of how far away he was he didn't even know he didn't even know who he was after you identified yourself he looked at you isn't that correct from a distance yes and he didn't see any visible injuries either did he i don't know what he saw he testified that he didn't see any visible injuries i would believe that he didn't yes you were also in this courtroom when alejandra romero who worked at the front desk at the eastern columbia building testified about seeing you on may 25th 2016. isn't that correct that is correct i think he said the 25th yeah and mr romero testified that he didn't see any swelling or bruises on your face when you were talking to him at the front desk he wouldn't have no he wouldn't have even though he had a habit because his parents taught him correctly to look into someone's eyes when speaking to them isn't that correct i know that's what he testified to yes you testified yesterday that you sought a temporary restraining order on may 27 2016 because you wanted to change your locks do you remember that testimony yes i do because the locks were to the penthouses at the eastern columbia building isn't that correct that's correct you changed the locks to the penthouses on may 22nd 2016. i attempted to that's why you felt comfortable having james franco over the evening of may 22nd 2016 miss heard i do not know when i do not know when james came over okay let's remind you let's uh go back to that recording it's a defendant's exhibit 598 so you testified that you and mr depp were in the car outside of his studio is that right yes you were trying to prevent him from going into his studio to do drugs right uh yeah to effectively start another cycle right not that mr depp was just trying to go into his house to see his daughter right his daughter might be one of the people that was in the house at that time but that's neither here nor there though your testimony is from entering your testimony is now that mr dutt does drugs in front of his children well first of all i know he does um second of all it wouldn't have mattered it wouldn't have stopped him from using with his friends which is the problem not whether or not his daughter was there okay this is a photograph of you taken inside the courthouse when you obtain the dvro correct that's correct and your friend raquel pennington took this photograph yes that's correct because you needed to document your time at the courthouse getting a dvro she just took a picture of me i i'm assuming it was um in relation to my divorce yeah if we could please pull up defendants exhibit 801 which has already been admitted into evidence miss her this is another photograph of you taken inside the court house isn't that right that is correct were you having a photo shoot inside the courthouse while you were getting a dvro i would not characterize it that way miss vasquez you have a mark on your face right misheard yes didn't use your bruise kit this time to cover it up no it was the only day i actually walked out of my house without makeup on i had to be stopped my best friend saw me in the bathroom starting to put makeup on and told me not to all right you also wrote quote imagine a powerful man as a ship like the titanic that ship is a huge enterprise when it strikes an iceberg there are a lot of people on board desperate to patch up holes not because they believe in or care about the ship but because their own fates depend on the enterprise this thought better you're saying mr depp is a ship right i'm making an analogy to a powerful man as a ship the powerful man you're referring to in this analogy is mr depp right i was talking about a bigger issue actually than just johnny i was talking about what we as a as a country were talking about at the time of writing this which is when powerful men in general do something horrible or something they shouldn't how there is a system in place to protect them clean up after them maintain them uh afloat you know this is a reference to not just johnny it was about what was happening as a culture when we were addressing a lot of me too issues for the first time the iceberg is you in this analogy right miss hurt um i would not say that i had that had not that was not what i intended to know so this is another reference to your accusations against mr depp uh no this is about what happened to me once i left that relationship and got a tro and became associated with domestic violence right but it's your testimony that this op-ed isn't about mr death right it's about what happened to me after that's correct about your experience after obtaining a temporary restraining order against mr depp right that is correct among other things but it's not about mr depp it is not about him mr death is making it about mr duff right ironically it's kind of like that carly simon song right misheard i don't know what you mean let's talk about the defamatory statements in the op-ed that you also claim are not about mr depp then two years ago i became a public figure representing domestic abuse and i felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out this is about mr death isn't it no you wrote this in 2018 right exactly and two years prior was 2016 right that's true okay that's correct it's not about johnny it's about what happened my question was may of 2016 is two years prior to december of 2018. that's correct all right may 2016 is when you publicly accuse mr depp of domestic violence right i got my restraining order at that time and you publicly accused mr depp of domestic violence yes that was in attached my restraining order so yes may of 2016 is when you sought a restraining order against mr depp that's right correct and i had to provide testimony for that right and may 2016 is when you walked into court with a mark on your face to obtain that restraining order yes or no that was the day i walked into court with a bruise on my face yes and you were photographed with that mark on your face weren't you i walked out to a bunch of photographers cs may 2016 is when you told the world that mr depp had physically abused you during your relationship isn't that right that i had to provide testimony as part of my restraining order application yes and that's how you became a public figure representing domestic abuse right ms hurd from that point on yes that's when you claim you faced our culture's wrath right when it started yes but it's your testimony under oath that this statement is not about mr depp it is uh not it is about what happened to me afterwards that's the more interesting was the more interesting thing for me to write about so on december 19 2018 you tweeted quote today i published this op-ed in the washington post did i read that right that is correct and the tweet includes a link to the op-ed we were just looking at correct that's correct and you can see that the title the op-ed in your tweet is quote opinion amber heard i spoke up against sexual violence right yes you don't get to change the title of an article you're retweeting and that's the title that you put on your twitter correct i did not put it on my twitter no you linked it to your tweet i i retweeted the article you published it i retweeted a link to an article that i wrote and you publish it on your twitter account all right i retweeted it you testified yesterday that you didn't have any control over the title and just now of the op-ed when you retweeted it is that correct that is correct this wasn't a retweet though right uh tweet perhaps not retweet i don't i'm not quite sure it was a tweet tweet i misspoke excuse me tweet not retweet you included a link to the electronic copy of the op-ed in your tweet right that's what i was trying to say earlier um and i might have misspoke it's like i'm trying to attach it right so you can cr included a link right yes that's correct okay that's correct so you must have seen the title of the electronic version of the op-ed before you tweeted it right i may have i just didn't notice it not very careful about what you publish are you misheard i just didn't notice the title you didn't need to include the link to the electronic version the op-ed in your tweet did you how else would i have linked it well you didn't need to include the link to tell the world that today you had published this op-ed in the washington post about women who are challenging their rage and about violence and equality into political strength despite the price of coming forward right i couldn't attach it with a paper clip no but you didn't need to attach it at all to tell the world that you had published an op-ed no the goal was to to tweet about it and to provide a link so that people could read it the op-ed is in your name right that's correct so if you had noticed the title of the electronic version of the op-ed before you included it in your tweet you could have asked the washington post to change it isn't that right uh no that's not okay but you didn't do that right never asked the washington post to change the title i didn't notice it and i didn't ask them nor do i think i needed to at the bottom do you see that there's another tweet from december 19 2018 yes i do and in this one it reads i am honored to announce my role as an aclu ambassador on women's rights did i read that right that's correct so you announced your aclu ambassadorship the same day you posted the op-ed on your twitter i think that was always the plan is to attach the article with the the announcement that i was an ambassador there was a lot of publicity about your relationship with mr depp around the time mr waldman made the three statements at issue right uh i do not recall a lot of really negative publicity for you must heard isn't that right there's been an ongoing smear campaign yes an ongoing negative publicity campaign it's an orchestrated smear campaign you have no evidence of that do you misheard just look me up you'll see let's take a look at some of that this one was published on march 17 2020 amber heard slam door into johnny depp's head reveals new audio do you see that yeah these are more of the pr plants let's go to 1270 this one was published on march 31st 2020. amber heard to be sacked from jason momoa's aquaman after johnny depp's controversy reports do you see that i do i can go to plaintiff's exhibit 1271. [Music] you see the title that says johnny depp says ex-wife amber heard sliced his finger off and it quote erupted like the vesuvius vesuvius i just don't know when that was um i've never seen that article you can go to 1272 this one was published on may 29 2020 and it says when amber heard confessed to smashing a door into johnny depp's head clocking him in the jaw do you see that i see that going to 1275. this one was published on july 15 2020. amber heard stole my sexual assault story ex-aid tells libel trial do you see that this was adam waldman as well it doesn't say mr woldman it actually says kate james also says she often received abusive text messages from johnny depp's ex-wife doesn't it i just know because he threw down the article it's heard isn't that what that mr waldman threw the newspaper afterwards that's heard that's not my question the question is sorry the title of the article says amber heard stole my sexual assault story ex-aid tells libel trial kate james also says your honor she opened the door by saying it was adam waldman i'll sustain the objection next question i can't see that i'll be perfect i can't promise you i won't get visible again god i fucking sometimes get so mad i lose it i can fucking promise you i'm you know do everything to change promise you i'm not going to go around divorce i will not say divorce and then i hope you leave me you're not going to give me too i will leave you it's fair i can't do it you know and i think honestly if we hold each other accountable to that it's fair mister that's you and mr deb on that recording correct that's correct and he told mr deb quote i can't promise you that i won't get physical end quote correct that's correct he was accusing me of instigating something in the situation i explained yesterday and you also told mr deb that sometimes you get so mad you lose it correct that's correct i also explained the context of that fight yesterday isn't that exactly what you told ben king on your way back from australia that you get so mad you lose it absolutely not i know that that's what ben king testified to but i never had that conversation with ben king we could please play i'm sorry um i checked and i have no objection to the entirety of 356 coming so 356 in its entirety will be in evidence all right thank you thank your honor we could please play from what's now been admitted plaintiff's exhibit 356 in its entirety from 705 to 743. i'm not going to be in a physical fucking altercation with you then don't you fucking hit me last night you fucking what all the other times you split come on you cannot act like that it's about that we're on a plane i can't split no and you hit back so don't act like you don't fucking participate i pushed you i'm not going to get into the details of that fight you and i both know that you split when there is no physical violence and that you do it and meet like at the very beginning of fights these days and if you split and you go into a different room and you don't actually leave that house it does nothing but perpetuate the fight and you don't actually do it respectfully don't as hard as that you and mr depp on this recording yes it is can we please uh pull up plaintiff's exhibit 343 and i believe that one's been admitted already into evidence yes ma'am thank you and just for the record um we're playing from two four six zero one two two four seven two zero i said to travis i said no i said to you hey tell travis what just happened are you telling me to do it you told me to you said go do that i said tell them what you're saying i lied and that you punched me in the fucking thing you figured it out and you said no fucking i didn't what the fuck are you talking about and i watched you lie and then i didn't punch you by the way you i'm sorry that i didn't uh uh hit you across the face in a proper slap but i was hitting you it was not punching you babe you're not punched don't tell me what it feels like to be punched you know even a lot of fights been around a long time i know no when you fucking have a closure then you get punched you got hit i'm sorry i hit you like this but i did not punch you i did not fucking deck you i fucking was hitting you i don't know what the boat motion of my actual hand was but you're fine i did not hurt you i did not punch you i was hitting you how are you how what am i supposed to do do this i'm not sitting here bitching about it am i you are that's the difference between me and you you're a fucking baby because you started you are such a baby girl the fuck up physical fights i did start a physical fight you did so because you fuck out of there yes you did so you did the right thing the big thing the you know what you are admirable that's you and mr depp on that recording right mr that's correct and you said you hit mr depp right yeah i had to hit his body to get him out of the door my question was you said on that recording that you hit mr dupp right yes i did and you accused him of being a baby for not wanting to be in a physical fight with you right incorrect i accused him of being a baby for complaining about me hitting him when he was trying to get through the door i was trying to barricade next thing that i'm going to play to you uh as hugh would you listen to this please [Music] when i was trying to close the door i just stretched your toes [Music] [Music] [Music] i okay so you told him in that uh excerpt that you hit him with the door but did not intend to hit him correct did you say that i i said whatever i said in that recording i don't um when you play it for me it's hard for me to remember everything and that's a recording marked as exhibit the punching uh cue would you continue to listen to exhibit queue are these from the same day i reacted but this whole the door thing i remember i never did that that wasn't on i remember hitting without you so on the tape you tell johnny depp that you did mean to hit him and it also misrepresents which is him trying to get into a room i'm trying to keep him out of and then he runs the door over my toes trying to get into the room i try to push him out of it which is what the hit is referred to and johnny whenever he was injured or touched it always referred to it in these ways of punching or clocked or whatever and whether you didn't disgust it with him or not the last thing you do in in talking to him afterwards or trying to reconcile with him is to get into what the definition of those words mean to him never i never even addressed it he would if he was ever pushed it was it was a close he called it a a cold clock i mean it's just very dramatic isn't it true you're smiling as that audio recording is being played in your deposition aren't you misheard not smiling because of the audio i'm smiling because of what's happening around me you even roll your eyes at one point don't you i was sitting opposite a whole table full of lawyers who were snickering laughing and rolling their eyes at me while i was talking is there something amusing about kicking a door into your husband's head no i was rolling my eyes and commenting on what i was experiencing at that time in recounting the story there's something amusing to you about punching your husband in the jaw that is not what i was smiling about and no i do not think it's amusing
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 4,255,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: u-69KBGcjvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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