We got all these mystery packages in the mail what did we get?

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packs unboxing yeah thanks stephanie yes and today this is brought to us from rachel white steph's drinking rachel white coffee bill yeah bill's cup yeah i'm drinking rachel white tea yeah english breakfast it is okay so by the way i put two bags that's why it's and i did one my drink gets strong genius that's really good coffee too okay let's grab something okay last time boxing we did a tea this gives you an accent so if you do drink this was this it okay you might be talking different i don't know if i didn't notice this one or maybe steve opened it and we never got to it or maybe steve fully showed it and i just didn't see it at all but i don't know packing this stuff up i looked in here micah we didn't see this yeah we met i didn't stand man we don't even have slicers that i remember what about slicers hmm we're gonna need one there's probably one right there um okay this was from belinda lathan i'm so sorry belinda if i didn't say anything about this but i didn't see it i i or i just lost my mind but i don't remember this at all it doesn't hurt yeah i'm just doing it again so freeze dried durian that's the second durian that we got and i can't wait to try it and i'm terrified all at the same time but it's gonna be fun we will do as soon as we can that tv show where that guy goes and eats strange food that made that look but he was eating it like at a market yeah what's his name zimmerman yeah and it was pretty gross and then this a count up countdown stainless steel kitchen timer i'm assuming this is for our games this is that's my guess because we never have timer we're always messing up you know all that stuff so or it's because of the cooking and steve couldn't read my timer so that's probably where this is going to go first or basically karen morris yes and she lives in yay seal beach this is awesome it's counting so beach california that's our neighbors to the northwest thanks melinda that's so sweet hi everyone oh this is cool uh do we get to see putty yes if she wakes up putty like putty is an independent dog like she loves on us and stuff but she literally a little while ago just went in the bedroom and got in our bed and she's asleep and we were out here this whole time myself i honestly feel like we annoy her we do when she she means business when she needs a nap yeah she's just like you guys are you're too loud at night when it's time to go to bed she stares at us like please lower the bed i need to get in my spot she sleeps between our pillows she'll probably come out in a little bit and we have one of those adjustable beds so it's up like this like a hospital bed and then she wants it down and the lights off okay so this oh my gosh hey melinda oh brenda brenda who let me off work and put you live online at the same time oh it was meant to be brenda is a well-known cougar wrestler she's in all over the country like if there's a cougar problem mm-hmm or mountain lions or what's the other one panthers wasn't she petting a lion yes she's okay this one is from who or karen we might just do two packages okay hi saw this game and thought of you i know this will be a lot of fun karen wacky game of words california karen that's who this is are you guys in california she's in seal beach oh she is yeah it says on the so she is california what is this game what are you doing no but you can grab another package okay we got a lot of packaging i know oh here we go here we go i'm curious about this game and everything anything with a button on it i'm in yeah and i've never heard of this game it says try me oh you gotta pull pull the sticker out okay try it okay here we go oh wait it's in a thing i can use that as a button for sweet i can use that as a button for putty too she knows how to touch yes our serenity now button and um also we have another one that screams and so i've taught her to touch it when i say touch and she'll hit it color also makes you feel like you're in a laboratory right i don't know we have another fun game to play okay let me write on here no this is karen california karen oh no the green light is flashing getting your defcon 4 suits nice i'm gonna totally smoke you with this game i don't even know what it's about but i'm feeling competitive today it's got dice why do you say totally smoke me in that like i'm gonna smoke you you probably will but i'm like that's what competitive people say things like that i'm just amping up my game here it's got dyson wow that was i thought this was just like we were going to relax we're not playing this right now i know but you're threatening me i'm relaxing i just saw indiana jones and i know you haven't seen all those so i'll probably beat you at that one okay so anyways there's questions and then ooh skiing yes i've skied more times than you two i'm gonna smoke ya okay finally a game i'm gonna beat him at you beat me at this time all the time no but i don't ever brag if i win i just i'm low-key yeah real low-key okay okay cool i'm putting this back in because how's everybody doing today what's up callie thanks karen i'm excited halle rice kyra's in kentucky okay where's everybody from this is from another karen karen s w-i is that wisconsin this one's from karen b oh no not really uh yeah that's that's wisconsin wisconsin wisconsin okay let's see what karen's in here christie's in florida nice scotland nancy scott wow oh pauline in cincinnati diving deep okay pauline does the you should check out her channel she pauline are diving deep in cincinnati she's got some bigger look honey i'm curious i think this is a garage sale a guy shirt let's see swap meets flea markets whatever you call out there and then maybe a girl shirt well there's something now you open this upside down oh my god go wisconsin there's my answer the wisconsin badgers is that what this is wait wisconsin is it football because this is the fountain i was talking about it just has to be the universe it's just wisconsin likely football it could just be wisconsin the state you've got you have never been to state you got is wisconsin bad wait no michigan wolverines i think wisconsin is badgers i don't know come on somebody's in wisconsin here karen karen you're in wisconsin is it the badgers i don't know well anyway go wisconsin yeah cause i've never been there and wisconsin i would like to someday wisconsin thank you karen i'm gonna re-shut this i'm leaving that in there so i can remember to put your name in because there's stuff here that i have it upside down and this was from miss amy amy wood yeah and sunderland california we don't want to say last names though oh miss amy miss amy and that was it miss amy hey bum crack okay here we go okay now steph you can see what is it kind of afraid why oh i see why just afraid i see why oh peach explosion these are some hot sauces or something then pizza peachy sauce for barbecue little divas little bebbas okay there's a ton of these let's see baby this one doesn't sound like it's gonna be too hot this is just peach explosion this is little little baba's kicking red sauce that one's gonna be hot it's gonna be hot i imagine you're all spicy and sweet mmm ooh this one it's honeylicious peach sounds good as a barbecue sauce pizza it is actually yummy so does honey let's just see wow these look cute and fun aloha sauce why does it look so runny that might be a hot one that might be a hot one right there it looks like sauce that's sauce okay it's island style sauciness delicious yeah we love island stuff i do i love it okay a little car car card merry christmas yay little little beva's yellow sauce okay amy honey mustard goodness oh your friend makes this from scratch what he's trying to support his family during this hard time there are nine in his family oh that's so cute so you want people to know about it that's adorable bomb sauce wow oh thank you brenda that's so cute treat for the baby so um there we go it's called b-e-b-a-q b-b-q baby q.com this one is and it's different hot sauces that's so cute bruce's bold bourbon oh that's their last name beverly this one this one won't get you drunk be bit cute how great is it if your last name is biba and you can do barbecue i think most people live for days like that i'm really interested in the blueberry one i'm really interested in that peach one this is ghost ghosty sauce that'll be one i'm real interested in little bebba's ghosties yummy that sounds awesome thank you ton of hot sauce we're gonna love these we got to put them all back in here so i can remember who sent them out they're all going back in thank you so much it's so cute we'll make sure that brenda gets or brenda your treat goes to uh putty i don't even know what kind of treat we've she's into these days i know some treats she's gonna be having she's gonna be having some carnivore crisp ones but they have the dog one but she's been in her her time right now and has not been stressed foodie she's been in her easter but she's at the tail end of it now so now she's all excited about stuff and she actually ate her food the last two days quickly so i think that she might be back on track so she's been very moody she has she's been very sleepy and she's asleep right now so she may not be feeling better okay this is from speed queen uk woohoo let's see she sends us cool stuff for katie okay that's awesome like this okay here we go make speed clean inside what's this gonna be oh two open other end okay open other end open this right directions like that yeah because i was gonna open at the wrong end when i go to the doctor i always say hey it's the other end check this end no don't touch this end don't do surgery on this end okay oh yay these are definitely for katie look at that yep bunch of sharpies my friend katie the teacher we were just about to see her too she was having she's a doctor now she just got her doctorate katie got her doctor oh mark covington from virginia steve what's up thank you hey guys from virginia yeah the virginia mountaineers this looks like maybe mickey mouse maybe it's our west virginia mountain virginia anyways it's like an eraser that's a cool big and these look like mickey mouse hands kind of but mickey mouse has only four fingers right i think four okay cute thank you for these i'm gonna give all of these to katie all of them a bunch of stickers okay so this is a kid really nicely packaged i might give one or two to my grandkids just because you know they love stickers i'm gonna give them a sticker this thing says open this from you though before you open this okay thanks speed queen that was really sweet how do you say thank you in uk thank you thank you very much i don't want to mess this up either okay well into joy sorry for the cricket stuff let's see if you two can eat one of these in less than 60 seconds you don't have to swallow okay don't open this envelope until you open this belinda joy oh belinda what are you doing the epi the the when she ate my mouth watering right now you know what's interesting that like all the stuff that i have tried okay all the stuff that i have hot sauce forced to do waxy all that stuff yeah when it came down to you just eating a cricket it was like the hardest thing in the world to do and everybody was pissed at me they should have been not everybody a lot of people were pissed at me i didn't make up the game either linda sent it yeah yeah well that all the stuff i do and the minute that stiff has to eat a healthy cricket that's good for you and they were flavored and everything people were all just if we had ground it up in the food processor or just smashed it and i didn't have to look at the eyes and the wings and the bags i've been i just i've had a lot of let's put it that way a lot of stuff works i'm scared of this what is it warning to avoid danger oh that's for the bag durian what what's up what's with the durian what are these oh we're gonna have to wait to choke this down after 60 seconds we got to put that leave it with the sticker oh we don't open it because so it's in this and we have to swallow it like i've never smelt durian or anything now we've got three different durian things but i my mouth is right now getting like that weird sensation like like i want a cube yeah so what's in this though if it's just straight durian oh no it's got sugar okay we can't have it yet okay it says keep your gift a surprise open and return information inside do i what do we do with this open oh it's so they don't do a spoiler alert oh until you open your gift okay so then you don't open and go oh i know what's coming up the bag is quite fast okay don't smell it hold your breath and eat it i think the purpose though does anybody ate this is to to have it be tortured to throw up right has anybody have any of you eaten the actual plant all right belinda joy thank you thanks belinda linda's a sweetheart oh i know i'm scared she loves to see us tortured i think she just wants us to have fun yeah and it gives us something fun so we'll do that as soon as this weird diet's over this is a uk morning tea yes uk morning tea two bags oh so he'll be pumped pretty soon here okay this is from mrs billy i'm not going to say we're from but santa maria california mrs billy from where no like the last name oh um so let me check it's mrs billy ray cyrus yeah mrs billy i'm mrs steve isn't that funny i never thought about it mr steph mrs steve what it is weird huh it is that is really oh this is for katie for sure wow look at all this yay okay i'm gonna have to see katie over with your actions here she just had scheduled a whole doctorate party like her mom for her for becoming her doc a doctor and she canceled it because of all the new covenant stuff so that's not happening now so i'm gonna have to see her it says bring coffee and no one gets hurt which i agree no one was um i thought this was toy story but this is somebody else okay where does it start i hope you're you're well and enjoying dumpster diving i'd like to be able to dumpster dive but it's not my husband's thing it's not mr billy's mr bill's thing i'm actually you know what if it's mr bill mrs bill is a really good one oh no oh no sorry not live i'm trying to sell online but it's a little overwhelming yeah you know what try the local apps they're way easier like go to offer up and facebook if you want to and they are way easier to sell than online because you don't have to deal with all of the ebay nightmares you don't have to ship you don't have to speak to me you got to find out what app is best in your area yeah and uh some people they live they live in an area where i think it's challenging regardless if you live remotely or this goes that's true it's fine yeah but those apps man well she said to us they're way better than ebay because it's less work way less work so we like that and you don't have to interact with them you do uh porch pickup they'll just come get it put money under your mat and nobody has ever ripped us off when we do it all the time okay i hope you're enjoying your coffee i am stiff huh it's a what are you doing dancing when did you get this mate i'm dancing this is steph here's steve [Laughter] you don't want to be a pirate i would love to be a pirate yes you would pick this one and then look at the one you pulled out for me this one's awesome you could put this one's awesome this hair and mustache let's have a vote who's who's is more awesome steven still okay here's steve this is i mean what do you want me to pick i i'm kicking this you don't get anything you don't have to try to wait that one's better oh okay so you just want to be a human i don't want to be this guy no okay well no i'm saying i take the good one for you well let me dig around and look for one for you over here here's steve here's steve no this is steep yeah that'd be me yeah see that's way better right yeah okay oh wait now this might this might be steve in his diaper oh my goodness okay okay anyway these toys are fun for katie's kids or for your grandkids thank you i enjoy videos for the grandkids because i see a few in here that they they would love okay oh thank you oh on the makeup mirror so you bought a makeup mirror from us it's you oh that's so cute so you made me an offer on poshmark that's awesome i don't have any of those left they've they've been gone a while so thank you i know that was a long time ago then that you bought them so i appreciate it thank you so much and all of these are going to katie's kids and a few to the greens maybe they'll play with them first and then we'll go to case unless they're wrapped but crayons and everything thank you so sweet that's good too because school's back in session and katie actually has a classroom this year not online so finally unless they stop there things are right things are uh this switch back to normal i guess yeah she never had a classroom last year not at all and we weren't finding stuff you know how they closed our staples well we haven't been able to find any like all the awesome pins and um all the awesome supplies we were finding so ah amy fisher your package did we open it already what's up amy fisher is it back here or was it one that we opened last time we might have opened on the last video i feel like i think of what it was what was it now well if we didn't we'll we'll know here yeah amy and everybody else our grandkids were in town for two weeks and adriana but three new grandkids sure yes she gave us the um the chico bags that i use everything yeah she's you know joey joey butterfucko right right right i've talked about that before she said it was okay she said it was true i know can you believe my prank didn't work my rattle snake i thought it was gonna be a freaking hit the reason is because you you mistake my being you know one warning you that i was afraid of rattlesnakes i'm not i'm not going to go pick them up or anything but i've seen them a lot and i just want you to be aware hey they're out this time of year well and then you're back behind me doing some silly rattle that scared all the birds off those birds heard it and were like rattlesnake if you would have got like a a that look you could have had a real snake you somehow planted behind there you like stick it in the bush you go hey is that a snake then i would have i wouldn't have ran but i would have said whoa i needed the noise though i wanted the rattle and here's the problem too is we've gone on that walk so many times that now i've been teasing you too many times about how you keep talking about rattlesnakes that you're annoyed with me bringing up the rattlesnake saying i'm not paranoid and so that's what happened hey that that says don't read that on okay private and it's from this is inner ooh this is from new zealand wow oh how cute it's from oh how do i say your name is it is it gloria it's gloria i think that says gloria it kind of looks like abria but i'm pretty sure that's glorious gloria okay glorian perfect cute handwriting too really nice really nice like wow yeah beautiful handwriting here to write on the customs declarations there okay so pens and pencils for katie oh they're supposed to be private okay new zealand um that's private just the letter yeah it says the just a letter oh look at this that i'm not allowed to show that's can i show no why because it says just the what does it say read what it says this is just the letter but i really want to show this private just the letter that's not letters yeah it's true it's not a letter okay we're going to take a chance g-l-o-r please don't be mad gloria this is not letters that's just how cute is that i love it this is her cat i hope yeah either that or she just sent a kitty cat i don't think she'll mind i love that she's so cute hola vicki oh okay so here's some stuff in there thank you this looks like a carrot but i'm sure that this letter says something about the cat she's so cute you guys like seeing it too yeah okay it's a photo of her for baby snow okay that's all i'm gonna say and i'm gonna read all of this oh yeah oh she's brilliant music trivia sweet game we got a uh cute little bag that folds up into this that's adorable block busting movie and tv trivia nice gonna use those okay so let me be ready for this gloria puddy honeybone oh this must be pictures of okay new zealand you know what gloria when i wrote your name it it looks like something else so hello all right okay i have to do one trivia wow okay okay here we go new zealand you will know this one as you asked it i'll show you and you guys will know in happy days who does the fawns have a picture of in his wallet the phone isn't himself sure and his wallet isn't it himself do you i don't know maybe i don't know that's a good trivia question maybe oh i got the no elvis um nobody has it so far is it an actor james dean nope these are gonna be fun these are pictures of new zealand it is an actor it's an actor back then or a character martin brando it's a character uh his mom nope mrs cunningham no it's a character of tv cunningham in his wallet that wouldn't be good naked mrs cunningham is it a a movie or a tv character [Music] gunsmoke is that it oh i was doing the lone ranger and that was the wrong oh no i remember that now now watch everybody's gonna say lone ranger everybody yeah just me kathy said alone i think hers came through before it came through these are going to be fun thank you gloria gloria i'm sure you're sick of that song but yeah i was gonna sing it and then you you yelled at me oh sorry go ahead i'm gonna i was gonna nail it you got the mic ready no there's several glorious songs though right gloria gloria gloria yes i think i got your number is it gloria yeah i think i got your name wait i think i got you no wait gloria gloria i'm singing no glory off anyways you guys you guys know the trivia unboxing new zealand pens these are cute i don't want to go there kiwi on there me too this is so so cute ooh this will be fun it's a little kiwi stunning new zealand and it is stuff that's just going to make us want to go more i always thought like that when even in australia we're like right next to each other but it's a it's a bit of a distance is it yeah a word search fun tons of pencils love that by the way we got one kid and one grandkid in first grade now and one kindergarten get started steve you got it that's the glorious song okay yes sounds familiar but it also didn't sound right crossword brain games cute these are fun organic fair-traded coffee supporting tutara conservation to tara i wonder if that's like uh tua tuatara tuatara utara well that's gonna go into tuatara into my mouth i'm going to be trying that that sounds good we'll have to look that up and see that might be like that'll be good i'm totally making that it might be like australia has a aborigines it says freshly ground plunger blend do you think that means they um that's probably what they're plunging it that's probably what they're calling a french press a plunger blend how cute is that even if it's not that it's still they don't want to acknowledge the french here's a uh plunger just me kathy wrote oh i think they got the alias if you drink too much of this you might need a plunger thanks brenda that could be possible too bunch of erasers okay do kids use erasers yes yes they do come especially when they're cute nobody wants a boring eraser you want cutie razors and these fondant of your pencils okay hold on okay this looks fun don't know if the games are any good i don't know if i'm supposed to read this but it sounds really fun and the game was already a hit we found out about the lone rangers games are if it's the company you keep to make the games oh my god she said she's a crafter that's what she's a freaking crafter all right wow show show hold on come on i'm having a look at it while you're looking at it like that again i'm having a moment i know i forgot how tiny she was and she was so cute oh my gosh show them you can have a moment looking at it in the thing look at our little girl oh she was chunky back then she was just a little ball i know it went so fast just a little ball he's having a moment yeah amy yeah putty collect beautiful moments nothing lasts forever i love that take those moments well you're an amazing crafter gloria cause you know what cute everything about this like the colors and everything is putty like putty putty is a girl she is such a girl she's moody right now she's so cute yeah oh my gosh she's saying girls are moody that came out of her mouth hey i'm saying she's a girl i'm just saying she's not in her eustress she's a please quit using the word eustress it's disgusting that's scientific i'm not going to run around saying she's in heat yeah that's that's gross that's a little girl that is gross that's a little girl but like even when she's not in there well guess what she's almost out she's very very girly she is and she's in there and having a mood taking her time out on her own in there sleeping and pretty soon you'll see her head though she'll come out wearing her out she is getting quieter hey all these need to go back in there so i can write down who's from what i'll leave and i need to write read the letter thoroughly and enjoy it and then i'll have to come this is gonna be fun using words longer than six letters talk without using words longer than six letters okay hmm that's a hard one that isn't oh but six exactly that's five no t-h-a-t with you say i said talk without using words longer than six letters oh longer without using longer oh hey how's it going oh hey how's it going hey it's so easy then you buzz each other oh that'll be fun oh you're gonna get buzzed oh we're getting buzzed for sure okay thank you for all these fun things wait this has to go in here cause they need to read it thoroughly thank you that was really cute gloria okay let's go for something down here that might have been a one-hit wonder that was back when that lady sing she's got betty davis eyes oh yeah this is from taking her voice i think it was it was very good for that song especially mj honold or mjh arnold mj okay this is from jay honold steve this is what i use when i get a burn and it works this stuff is awesome use this and you won't get a burn blister after a burn again this stuff is awesome thank you nano silver i could have heard of nano silver i was trying to what was i i was like testing to see if the bottom of that pan was hot and it had like butter or something so this needs to stay in the kitchen because you got fried when we did the avocado puff up noodly thing yeah you get fried every time you cook you try to pull the thing out of the oven we can put some of this on your tongue because everything's too hot for you it doesn't it sounds way worse than what you're saying how about when we did the salmon and it wasn't hot and you said it was boiling hot and it wasn't even warm pain is different for everybody and some people don't feel as much some people it's not as intense some people it's intense briefly some people it lingers and some people whether it's hot cold a sharp i mean you didn't get blisters not from the salmon but that one you have to admit that one you just thought was gonna be hotter than it was you could admit that the salmon you could admit it no it's as hot as it was to me whatever it is whatever it is is what it is to me okay i think i have an intense short energy receptors because we have receptors all over our body more in your face hands feet and your things okay i'm putting awesome for burns mj honold thank you mj if you take if you take two we'll try it pointy objects in fact let's go let's go get let's burn let's burn our feet i'm not burning anything let's just go burn and we'll just test it out one with one without or i'll burn two fingers one with one without and we'll just see if it really works no which one heals faster they're not gonna burn just to burn wait why burn baby burn so anyways thank you like we did this experiment with the grandkids you take two pointy objects ideally you have them on uh like say you took a ruler and you drilled holes in it and then you could separate these pointy objects but if you go and do them at the same time on a unlike your back if you do it on somebody's back you get it was it closer yeah they came faster that they can't tell if it's one or two right because your sensors on your back are you know your brain's saying i don't need them your arm was worse than your back remember that we did the arm and i couldn't tell like right now just this i can't tell but it's one or two if you do like your hand your face your feet or your even this far apart i can't tell i don't know you guys try it this far apart can you tell if it's two fingers touching you or one it really is a like you just have more sensors kind of say this stuff okay i was just joking trying to talk him into it i wouldn't do it talk me into that okay okay grab another package okay boy we're going slow i know what else is new rachel i'm going for some of these smaller ones in here because they're getting left out okay rachel is in wasilla or wasilla this is from okay rachel in alaska okay alaska has no uh snakes i think rachel sent us something before let's see i can tell you rachel you don't have snakes in alaska no open and read on camera it's okay okay steph ease up on steve steph your say destiny you don't know what um have a meeting with cena for a couple months it's all mostly from alaska the state i was born and raised in and have lived most of my life 50 years with the exception of living in ontario canada or california i guess california in the late 70s and early 80s in norfolk virginia as a teen in late 80s wow you got some variety in your locales alaska's the last frontier in the 49th state of the united states it's the home state i will never leave wow my best friend well i call him or my sister that one my for angie she just moved back to alaska but growing up in junior high she's my best friend one of the best things about alaska yeah a lot of friendly wildlife out there oh she says she's seen all of our videos she's been watching us for a couple years but maybe six or so that's a lot of videos that's way too much of us let me just tell you that too much it's more than the normal human needs to have in any lifetime alaska is where palms in and adventure how cute she said she's watched so much of us that she's paid attention and thinks she knows what we both would like and wouldn't like i'm very much like you steph and i love me since starbucks heck yeah stiff but don't enjoy the hot stuff to eat however the salmon dips i included is to die for a salmon dip if you like seafood please try both steve doesn't have to try the hot stuff but he will regret it thank you the rest should be self-explanatory how cute the biggest state steph i didn't even get to look at all those things she said she sent us a package later and um all right thanks rachel she's proud of her state and well she should be remember we wanted to go on a an alaskan cruise yeah i want to see the whales friends went like um i don't want to go with friends i want to go with us yeah let's tell the friends if we went i would want maybe with my parents that might be kind of fun but i don't i don't want to die original smoked so salmon dip is not a dip it's too is it is it a goo you dip it what are we dipping i don't understand hopefully you take your fish and you just dip it just add cream cheese and friends well unless this is salmon is this like mushed up salmon one pack of salmon dip ingredients wild alaska salmon salt it's salmon natural flavor sodium phosphate it's cool wow that is really cool so it's kind of like a tuna pack but it's a salmon pack and this could be two people you're eating this is salmon pate it could be patented chipotle i feel like it's got shape to it though a little bit i don't want to smoosh it i had goose liver pate 32 okay this is a memory game and it's a you could learn about alaska this will be fun learn about levels oh it says drop salmon into a shallow bowl and mince with a fork add whipped cream cheese or sour cream at the rate of about two tablespoons at the rate yeah so there's a speed to it um they add chopped chives for color these socks are your favorite fractions that sounds fun we'll totally try that i didn't see any of this yeah but you will but i won't i want to see look real quick too while you're looking oh miner she sent us some gold awesome i could put some of these on my feet are a little bit chilly right now trick grandkids these are mine tell them it's real gold oh we're totally playing this game fun discover historic wasa fun i need some of these mine are so old they're like thread bear and i don't know why we probably find them all the time i just never think about it so i need to write down who sent it this is rachel so i can remember forever i like postcards rachel do people do people like just they don't do postcards like they used to is that a thing or i guess you could just send pictures over the phone oh yeah neat though it's a good way to advertise where you're you're from or if you want to bring tourists there because it's really pretty i love these rachel thank you i'm gonna show them to my friend angie and show it off and let's be like hey look what i got angie lives in anchorage right i don't know now i don't know if she moved down to where she was before caribou and there's moose she since posted a picture on facebook her second moose she'd seen that day second we all know it's rare but moose do eat moussa dewy people right i'm not saying that they're just going out just let go do it we found out that's it but in a pinch just like an elephant they will eat a human okay this is from kathy in indiana cute kathy expect some comments about that just like the last time i wait just let's see oh i sell paparazzi jewelry sorry for the messy writing 101. here's a little gift for you i love um watch yours and steve's youtube channel dive videos videos or um white stuff the last time i went dumpster diving was right before my 20 year old daughter oh passed away oh i'm sorry sorry kathy oh we're facebook friends i knew your name i totally knew it but let's see what you sent i didn't know this was like a thing where you sell somebody's jewelry because i think i lilo sent us some paparazzi jewelry before these are cute um lady gaga you got it cute i'm wearing just a plain black boring dress i can wear these right now is it paparazzi [Music] yes i don't know what about um um what i was trying to lady gaga saying paparazzi and she also sang um please tell me you're not gonna name off all the lady gaga songs that you know you were i don't know them all i was just asking for some help on the one that i'm trying to remember right now okay how about pop pop pop pogo face is that the one yes okay thank you i know you still well i knew that that was going to be the one this is cool cute okay wow wow to move everything these are cute thank you i like them honey i'm taking off your earrings so i got stuffed these earrings 20 years ago and they're all this is my jewelry this is what i wear yeah this ring that he got me and this these are not big ends not big in a jewelry no no one day i can't bother with switching them out i just wear the same ones every day do you remember when you lost them yes yes they do right after you gave them to me a lot like i gave them to her and then next thing i know they were gone no you lost them i was blind so it was before i got my lasik it wouldn't have mattered totally blind it wouldn't matter if you could see because ultimately they were found do you remember that yeah but okay so i dropped it i was getting in the shower and i put them on the counter and one of them fell off and i was like okay i'll just have to find it later because i'm i'm blind and i was so blind like i don't know if anybody knows numbers but this was 975 in this eye and this was eight something in the side so that blind she has like this thick hello so you've had lasik done 20 years probably yeah but anyway um i lost it and then when i got out of the shower i couldn't find it and i thought maybe the cats um got it or something didn't know what happened but i never found him again so i had to tell him after that i lost the earrings so he went and got me some more the same ones i looked everywhere i vacuumed i could not find it and then when we moved out of that house so we lived there two years um we i was just cleaning and the countertop or the cabinet was down the drawer must have been pulled out a little bit it had hit the carpet bounced up and was underneath the ledge under the drawer i don't even know how i found it when i pulled it i was sitting right on that little ledge and that was the earring and that's where it went in a year two years i never heard the end of that about where that earring went but how i didn't like it that was my way to probably get rid of it tried to hide it tried to hide it say i lost it no but anyway so i have two pairs of this one earring one's a little bit bigger than the other okay that's what happened this box crackle puppies thanks karen these are really cute this one i don't know who it's from yet because there's no um we'll find out super cute these are really pretty thank you kathy i appreciate you trying to help out my um my lack of my paparazzi jazz facebook to all the children who have who love their puppies even if they never listen it's kind of like all puppies right um if i saw some people said it was blurry all you have to do is log not log out just refresh or hit um exit out kick back in and it'll be back in there and it'll be fine supposedly because it ever it's not is it the same each time yeah okay so there's two of the crap deanna peters crackle my puppy ah is this who did deanna send this yeah she must have written this book it's very yeah copyright can appear very um is it deanna or dina deanna like the graphics and everything are really nice kids will love this oh how cute they're really going to love how you made the eyeballs real big because that really gets your attention well one of the we'll leave one of them here and then we'll send one of these to our grandkids because they're going to love it and they'll love to know that somebody we know wrote this that'll be really neat because they don't know anybody's written a book crackle never listens to me that's a good story actually it would have been good if they read before because we were trying to were these out for katie did it say something like that i don't know anything our green kids are getting these there might be something written down later but i don't wait this is from out of the country oh steve and katie stephen's stuff for katie okay well this book sir it's got all of us on there it's going to well there's seventh graders two reasons kids they're too old for this book i think two grandkids so they're going to go to grandkids okay headbands head head um bands they're called a band yeah this is the type that goes hard right here and you slide your hair back oh that's what it is that's not a headband a headband goes like this no yes a headband that's a sweatband like a bandana type headband that's a sweatband a bunch of these are you talking 80s where you have the sweatbands on your wrists and your no a headband you go like this this or it could be a sweat man that is it just goes right here and what's the name of it it goes behind you i'm a girl what do you think the name that i'm wrong ladies i don't think it's called a headband they're a headband steve thanks julie okay so are these headbands never ever say i'm right ever yeah that's why they're saying it is because they wanted to support me over you in this one headband headband headband okay then what's the thing that you go like this you tie that around your head it's a sweat band no it's not this not this stretchy kind you could tie anything around your head well i guess it could also be a headband but it's a headband everything's a headband that's a sweatband bandana he does it he's got his cat you too he's got that one that's got um what's happening okay he's got that and he loves to sport that even though it doesn't doesn't like hold any sweat back or but it gives him a super power in some way he he likes it when he's getting ready to do something what's wrong with serious what's wrong with that no i know it amps you up here's some here's some just like when he mows the lawn he has to put on his um his camouflage pants what when he comes out in the camouflage i know something's going down he's about ready to either do a concrete experiment or he's gonna mow the lawn or he's doing something but he needs to get amped up and if he could find his headband yeah you win it's a headband so here's some school supplies cool these are for katie clips look at these pencils so you guys have dollar stores or pound stores back there do you call them a pound store oh i'm sure they didn't do that same concept i know but look yeah that's a pound still that's cool a pound store let me see i need to know look how thin these these pencils these are cool oh honey the happy hoarders we are men we are wrong let's see in the uk they're called hair bands okay that's true a pound shop that's not getting let's not even talk about fanny packs okay let's not talk about right fanny they don't like to even hear us say that word i'm not going to say fanny pack no one here cares about it but well everybody here calls it a fan when you say have a bedazzled baby pack or a shiny fanny pack or a really pretty shiny fanny pack it means a whole other thing in the uk you got it that's a nice fanny packy out there the thing is packed that fanny pack looks full you got stuff just spilling out of that fanny pack that's what you do at yard sales and stuff because people are wearing fanny packs yo whoa you got a lot of dog treats in that fanny pack i've never seen anybody stick that much money in their fanny pack before uh these pins are cool though a bum bag is what you want that's right they look yeah are they they no they're pins or pencils neat they're very cool wait do they have different colored tips or are they actual pencil tips okay i thought maybe they colored like a weird color these are neat they're really heavy i don't understand it okay keep all that together yep because katie needs to don't use the hair bands these headbands i'll put these in here headbands don't lose them typically um love you guys have to be i have to go be awesome um at least that's the lie they used to tell me thanks belinda i just called her belinda i'm sorry brenda baudwin i'm so sorry i don't know why i just have a good uh thanks for branding weekend yep cause the weekend is here yeah okay i wonder if it started getting cold there yet probably not it's august no it's still it's i bet everybody maybe i don't know what's it like in new zealand and australia right now i don't know i know simon simon says that i think it's been getting cold over there isn't this like their winter uh australia is winter this is missouri is casey is that kansas city yeah kansas so known that they could put i guess we have l.a and sd in san diego but casey we are all know that that's kansas city missouri right are you okay now come on people the headbands i give that step now is saying kansas city missouri like casey is kansas city okay and is anybody gonna jump on that it might what is it then it's it's obvious that why is it obvious because it's massive what if it's kettle corn help me out guys corn candy couldn't put her in her place please candy corn winter in new zealand kiwi gal said that it is that is winter in new zealand wow i wonder what their winter's like do they have i say headband or whatever i said it's never real did you guys get snow in new zealand if they have a high mountain they probably do i don't know though i don't know either like you know you can get snow in hawaii you know you can you know it i guess at a certain altitude you can probably get it anywhere but i just assume it being sunny all the time there it snowed in the desert before oh please share candy with your adorable grandchildren i could tell you this they would love for that to happen love it let me use one of these okay let's see betty and santa maria okay stephen steph greetings from kansas thanks for sharing your adventures online um you guys kansas city chiefs wait kansas oh kansas city kansas city okay um let's see thanks for sharing your adventures online you two have bought me many laughs during these tough times stay safe oh that's really thank you i can't wait to see the um it's betty thank you uh scrap with matt he just gave us a uh super chat appreciate it scrap with matt awesome thanks crap go check out his channel he is a kid that's doing basically what we do he's scratching saving stuff from the landfill all these dumpster diving i mean scrapping covers a lot of ground it's true like you could just go oh you want to scrap not not suggesting you do that no but you could also go and find precious metals things like that but he's he's doing a great job go and check out his channel and support that guy there's not a lot of kids doing hey glenn he could be spending his time at home playing you know you've moved on to the next and i'm in the middle of this client carry on no you're still moving on to the next did i pull those out i'm doing this one right now out of this box no this one let's hold off on this box right here this is what happened with the durian last time yeah one of the areas are you ready i'm reading it backwards oh that's nice and this one this is if man this will help my cookie now oh it will a lot onto the next very nice that's so cute um this is betty ann thank you betty thank you betty ann i love the way these feel too i know you know what we have to keep them special we'll just save them for your cooking but i was just saying texture is just i don't know if it even made it in a video but i think you might have cut it out where i was talking about our dish towels and i was trying to figure out what dish towels people like you probably cut that out but anyway because i ramble you know the videos would be 10 hours long if they were not yeah look at this video look at this guy it's true it's long like this is going forever i know okay look how cute this is this is the prettiest wrapping ever and she mentioned that there's candy involved these feel really nice so let me see what this could be actually this is nice you run onto it oh i undo i do the knife back up hold on i undo the nice thing yeah so steph lost those earrings i was like it's no big deal ottn on to the next yes ttn t-t-f-n-o-t-t-n um ttfn tata for now where'd you get that the movie did i just say it is that where it kind of got in your head no no you did not say it okay okay what what is this what is it i thought it was erasers at first but that's the candy are you serious is this oh i almost just popped this in my mouth that smell so good this is a bag full of it's bigfoot we are um look we're fasting at these we're doing a protocol diet right now but this this is those cookies or the meltaways or whatever you put it on your tongue and the wedding mints that have the little white dots on them as these melt away on your tongue your eyes roll back into the back of your head and you have a sip of coffee after it's stuck to your tongue i'm gonna imagine i'm eating one oh you put it right in front of me i know oh we got to see what these are and share them with the kids we will except we're going to be drooling when we do this we might have to wait okay butterflies thank you smell you guys all know exactly what i'm talking about yeah it's a cross it's exactly the i don't the wedding don't mistake it right when you smell that it's like yes i'd even forgotten about the smell it's um almost an andy's mint too yes the ones that you get from olive garden when you check out they give you that little mint only more it's more bold do they put those like in there's bigfoot mints in here tails and stuff i know they're oh this made me hungry there's a lot of rumors about bigfoot smell like a skunk that's not true he smells like a myth betty ann this is so adorable this present is so cute i love it so much i'm gonna have to keep all this together handy yeah but we know people who can't grant kids and kid kids we probably can somewhat soon if we start introducing things i would love to start with sugar but i think i'm not gonna be ready for this one thank you betty ann i love you you could find out who that's from unless it's on here yeah this is becky wow becky in ohio this is some nice tape here this tape feels like duct tape it's it's got a very thick trash but this i need to keep with it so i can remember it's like duct tape and it's pretty it is duct tape pretty duct tape yeah that's it's really pretty that's nice did you show them like it looks like spider webs but i think it's circles you can get to it dying okay dying to know what needed to be done i feel bad cutting these duct tapes i think she sent us this to show off her cool duct tape because yeah holographic duct tape it's awesome i would i would show this off too so i don't have any problems with doing it and syracuse new york okay becky oh well at least that's what this label this this is a different one then no dayton oh okay i see yeah she got this she might have reused this bag good recycling what is that good on you that's some kind of candy is this really dazzled homemade soap this soap oh here mm-hmm mm-hmm this is gonna be soaps here dude i thought that was s's [Laughter] let's do putties first let's do putty okay oh that was funny i really thought it was yeah all i can do is just see that when i look at it she made that oh how cute congratulations on your fur ball where is her fur ball she's ignoring us look how loud i am and she's not even coming in no oh she's so independent it's so annoying i indeed why doesn't she want to be in here in my lap smothering me okay then this one says steve this is really cute she made this welcome to your new home i think you hit the owner's lottery aw they were incredible with jerry so i know they will be with you i have a pit and he's my third child he's actually more spoiled than my boys here's to a great life becky oh becky that's sweet thank you very much becky is this is the paper soap also if that's a candle that's a candle wow oh yeah because the bottom is maybe this is a candle too i think this is the stuff oh that's so look at these candles what i hope she explains it in this card that's that's impressive she is a crafter look at her look at that becky wow coffee because prison oh poison no prison prison prison orange isn't my color coffee because prison orange that's funny that's cute this is very creative today's forecast 100 chance of coffee oh yeah it is this is my second one today and my first one was like a whole pot almost so so becky's crafts oh cute made to order specialty cards rn99 aol.com if anybody wants an awesome becky card homemade cuteness she's crafty and this is cool it's cuter than you guys can even see that is adorable don't leave the fact that i couldn't read the font yeah this one this is very talented her handwriting is beautiful too good things come to those who bake bake oh that's you yeah you're the baker in the family i can bake i know watch the cup you and steve make a couple make candles in a couple weeks ago and i thought i'd send you a couple i made yeah so i decided to throw a couple together like this yeah and then i wrap them up really nice and they look exactly like you had to question whether or not this was a cupcake that's what becky does i also made the soap i understand if you don't use it because you don't know me but i promise i'm not some crazy lady i'm just a martha stewart type of like you ah there's a direct she's talking about me okay that makes there's a dragonfly on that soap many different crafts i'm always jealous when you find things at michael's i bet and joanne's hopefully i'll find something i can use soon i haven't as of yet amazing i threw a couple things together i just whipped this candle from scratch up together freaking awesome um that is so cute you don't have the nerves to do it you could do it as long as it's legal and it's not as scary then go for it this is so awesome you can do it becky and becky look at that how do you even do such things i don't understand how do you make something like lazy this is martha stewart we have here as a subscriber and i don't even understand how you i i understand how to make a soap you're pouring that in but i don't understand how you make the freaking topping on this i don't even know how you write like or the speckles this is so cute yeah michelle says when i do things from scratch it doesn't turn out like that yeah thanks for encouraging my baking efforts these are adorable becky becky you're very kind thank you this is all adorable i love it so much thank you you're really crafty yeah we have some people that are part of our youtube adventures that are super i don't want to smell these talented man oh it smells like vanilla smell i i'm telling you i thought that this was a real cupcake it okay i'm feeling hungry with the wrapper and everything all of a sudden it's good to hone our discipline yeah with temptation i'm not normally hungry on this diet but with all this stuff it makes me hungry so thank you are we at 60 minutes yes okay we're stopping right now it's 60 minutes we'll have to do another one but we've got another one for sure because there's a bunch of stuff still behind us i think we really blew it on this one with our you know lack of discipline yeah okay you're right we are they are nice gifts and we are very lucky we really are sorry thank you we appreciate you guys all of you yeah we do all we can handle this is an hour because we're tired we had grandkids here for what's the name of your diet it's the autoimmune protocol it's um aip if you look arp up you'll find it but michelle lathan yep michelle michelle would have known michelle were you in here when um ask her now ask her now do you know what the fonz even if she doesn't know if she saw that part she can act like she knows what picture did the fawns put in his pocket what are you having what was her toenail it's got to be gigantic by now okay so greedy joe was part of a scientific experiment her nails got to be this long during the throes of covid get us up to speed can you imagine her toenail if she's been eating having collagen she is she's definitely she's cutting through the sheets at night to the the what is it called the experiment greedy joe was letting one of her toenails grow so we could see exactly how much they actually grow in the course of yeah however long a year shark he jumped it yep swamp that's funny yes yep that's cute greedy joe it's really long yeah i bet it is you're allowed to cut it now science experiment is over oh my goodness okay oh oh putty you need to go potty wait oh yeah honey you guys can at least come here see the change is that dog toy see the change she's made from fox had that dog toy well steph she might need to come here if she has to go potty we don't want to come here you know your little diaper oh your moody little girl you want a snuggle your moody girl do you want a hair band what's this what's this do you want a hairband what's this it's a headband or a hip headband oh there's our girl okay look at her where's that hide everybody i gotta find it no let's just let her let her say hi here we go all right here we go you want this she's like uh i have to go to the bathroom that was why i was ringing the doorbell all right how cute is that yours yes it's so cute i love it that's from gloria buddy gloria loves you she loves it gloria thank you guys she sure does enjoy your life all right thank you guys he'll see you
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 44,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: AdWE7KoMzvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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