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hey what's up everyone thanks for joining me back here in my kitchen for another recipe video today i'm super excited to share this one with you guys i'm going to be showing you how to make this amazing vegan queso style dip but at home using ingredients you probably already have in your fridge and you're covered and it's actually like quite healthy super tasty really versatile i think you guys are gonna love this so not only does it make an amazing dip that you can use for like chips and veggies it's also a super good sauce that you can put on top of bowls tacos and you could even use it for nachos [Music] so i recently discovered this queso style dip in costco a couple weeks ago and as soon as i saw it was plant-based saw the ingredients i bought it right away and have been enjoying it so much on just about like everything and i know a lot of you might not have costco memberships or you know you might not have one near you or you just don't you can't find this queso style dip and you want to try it so i figured hey why not kind of figure out everything they put in there and recreate it share it with all of you guys so the other night i went to work and started to try and recreate this and i think i have finally figured it out took me a while and i went through a few different versions of it first and i made a huge mess in the creative process but i'm pretty sure that i have created something that is pretty close and if not exactly the same equally as good in my opinion so this isn't like a sponsored video or anything by these guys well i guess that'd kind of be a dumb like sponsorship eh like it's like you're just not yeah hey here's this product and here's how to make it on your own yeah okay so i i guess i didn't have to say it's not a sponsored video that was dumb and this is actually how i get a lot of inspiration for my different sauces recipes meals and different flavors to put together is by looking at different ingredient labels and you know different meals at favorite restaurants and stuff like that and then trying to either recreate it in my head or in this case looking at the ingredient list and recreating it like that and something good to know about the ingredient listing is that here in north america at least and i'm sure many other places around the world they have to be listed in decreasing order from the most used ingredient to the least used so that can kind of give you an idea in your head of you know what most of it is and what least of it is and then you can just kind of figure it out uh the ratio sort of in the middle i don't know that's kind of how i do it at least so that's what we're gonna do with this one and it works anyways enough talking let's get started with making this queso style dip so good i can't wait to share this recipe with you guys it's gonna change your life okay maybe not actually yeah it probably is oh yeah and of course i will put the recipe in the description box down below to make it easy for you guys but please watch the video anyways this is how i you know make a living and continue to make these videos but i'm going to first show you all the ingredients that are in the recipe so you can kind of like get a visual of it and then i'll show you all the amounts and everything as we go but it's really easy you guys are going to see how easy this is so if we have a quick look at the ingredients from the queso style dip here you can see that they're all pretty common and i've got them all out here on the cutting board so everything you probably already have in your cupboards i mean i use a lot of this stuff in my cooking anyways i mean pretty much everything here so cauliflower red pepper garlic we've got some almond butter nutritional yeast apple cider vinegar back there red onion paprika cumin chili spice which isn't in this but i do find it adds a little extra flavor so i do like that in there and then a little bit of salt as well that's pretty much it oh yeah and i should say this is a blended sauce so you are going to need a blender of some type so first ingredient we've got here is cauliflower and we're going to be using two cups of cauliflower and you just want to kind of roughly chop it and get it into some sort of measuring device here that should be good right around there so we're just going to steam the cauliflower oh man i really packed it in there there we go actually you know what hold on i'm gonna trade out this chunk of whatever for that way better okay so that should take about 10 minutes that's it so while the cauliflower is steaming we might as well just get the rest of the ingredients all together measured up and put into the blender and that's pretty much it the sauce is so simple so this is really the hardest part is just like steaming the cauliflower and getting all the ingredients together and measuring them i mean that's not just the hardest part that's like the whole thing so anyways let's measure all these up and then um that should be done by the time we measure all these up we'll get all in there blend it up and we're gonna be eating in the next five minutes let's do this so the next ingredient is red bell pepper so i'm gonna use about a half a pepper for this and you guys can play around with all these you know the amounts and the ratios and stuff i mean make it yourself taste it and see you might be like what the heck this isn't queso this is red pepper dressing or something but no it's not i at first i put too much pepper in so i dialed it back and i think this is going to be a good amount so we have half a pepper and whenever i'm putting anything this big into like a blender whatever i usually just chop it up a little bit it just helps everything to blend and yeah just makes it quicker in the end that way you're not like shaking it and having to you know get in there with a knife and stuff there we go [Music] so next you want one or two cloves of garlic i really like garlic so i'm gonna put in probably one and a half these are really big cloves so i thought we'll put them all in actually let's chop that up we don't want any garlic chunks in our sauce there we go and then the juice from a quarter of a lemon so if you had too much lemon it definitely makes it a little bit too acidic to be like a cheese sauce so you don't want to overdo the lemon so i'm actually not going to squeeze all this in but yeah around a quarter of a lemon should be good next we're gonna do two tablespoons or so of chopped onion there's one tablespoon two tablespoons two tablespoons of nutritional yeast [Music] all right two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar from the largest acv jug ever so two teaspoons [Music] so we're gonna do two teaspoons of almond butter and i found this surprising too but trust me it's in there there's definitely almond butter in there and i found it unusual but it seems to work so two teaspoons of almond butter and you don't really taste the almond butter in this recipe it just i don't know what it adds to it just kind of probably some fat and some consistency but uh definitely works one teaspoon of paprika and actually i don't think there's paprika in here either is there i don't know when i was experimenting i tried around i tried like a bunch of stuff and this is definitely like what i liked best so yeah let's just stick with it a half a teaspoon of cumin i'm also going to add a half a teaspoon of chili spice and now this is my own addition as well it's not in the queso style dip from the store but i found it was lacking just a little something before i added this and then once i added it i was like oh yeah now it's all come together so you know it's probably more of like a third of a teaspoon i don't want to have too much of this in there because i don't want to overpower it so a third of a teaspoon of chili spice and next we're going to add some salt so like with many prepackaged sauces this one does have like quite a bit of salt in it so just be mindful of that and if you want it to taste exactly the same you're gonna gonna have to put that much salt in it but uh we're gonna do uh two thirds of a teaspoon of salt so remember this is not one serving of dip like you should not just have this like a super smoothie this is designed to be like a dip so we'll start off with a third of a teas or a two-thirds of a teaspoon i might add a tiny bit more salt along the way if we need to so the next thing i'm going to add is just two teaspoons of water i know it doesn't seem like a lot but you need to have it in order to get the right consistency so back to check on the cauliflower here and it's probably been just about 10 minutes and oh yeah it's super nice and soft so it's ready to go and take it off the heat i'm just going to let it cool for just a couple seconds so next we just have to add the cauliflower to the blender cup here all right so now all we have to do is just blend it all up all right so here it is and you see it's nice and thick all right so now for the taste test wow that's so good let me compare it to this one it's not exactly the same theirs is still cheesier and i don't know how they do it there's one ingredient in here that i can't find and it's chia protein but i can't imagine that that would make all the difference but anyways pretty dang close and really really good and just an awesome substitute for this so i'm gonna get making some loaded nachos to put this on top but first i'm gonna get crystal to try this out and see what you think of it see how we did you should have done a blind taste test oh that could we can still do that but the temperature is different this has been in the fridge and this one's like has hot cauliflower in it hot that's like a good like band name hot cauliflower i'll try yours first yeah so crystal for you guys who don't know are you know part of the channel she is my roommate and girlfriends man it's so good it's good isn't it the store-bought one it's a little bit like maybe creamier yeah but it's a little kind of muted it's a little yeah it's not it's like yours is a little bit more assam yeah it's got a bit of kick i think that's from the fresh garlic but i like yours it's really good and it tastes like more fresh yeah it does yeah look at that so good vegan style queso i think you could you even play with this a little bit maybe even do if you wanted to you could probably even put like more nutritional yeast if you really think yeah if you really wanted it cheesy but i like where it's at right now but i'm just saying for everyone at home the fun thing with sauce is you can just do different things yeah there's this cheesier i don't know okay let's just like just hammer them for the sake of argument but it is interesting because nutritional yeast is like really low on the ingredients that's why i know that's why i didn't okay so a third spoonful of nutritional yeast i wonder if that'll make any difference oh yeah i don't know it's good like that isn't it i feel like that brought like the cheesy level up just a little bit okay well okay so stop this with my recipes okay we'll make the adjustments in the description box three tablespoons of nutritional yeast wow yeah it's so good wow it's good with two it's good with three so i'm gonna make those nachos and yeah and then eat them and show you guys and then the video is done this is amazing so i'm gonna start these nachos by making some of this modern meat crumble first and this is gonna basically mimic like a ground beef kind of thing uh but obviously a vegan version of it and i just added some frozen corn to that as well just to give it you know a bit more flavor a bit more color and everything and then just gonna chop up a whole bunch of veggies to put on top so i've just got some red bell pepper orange bell pepper some sweet red onion some tomatoes and some jalapeno peppers so i'm not a huge fan of like a ton of spice so hopefully these aren't too spicy but i'm sure they're going to be just fine i also have some salsa and some avocado that'll go on there afterwards but for now yeah let's just start building up these nachos so i'm just gonna be putting the nachos into the oven so i'm just gonna do it on this baking sheet here with the silicone mat i know it looks like really sketchy and dirty but it's not it's just burned this is just how they look man making nachos is always like so fun i don't know what it is i don't make them very often but i always get excited every time i do i can't really figure out in my head if i want to put this stuff on like before or after so i think i'm probably just going to do both i don't want them to be soggy so i'm just going to put a little bit on beforehand but i think it's gonna help because i don't have any like uh daiya cheese or any you know anything that's actually gonna melt so this will be nice all right so here it is before it goes into the oven and man it looks so good look how many colors there are there it's gonna be so good so uh let's just give it a quick little taste test right away here because there's nothing you know that you can't eat raw in here or whatever state it's in right now wow holy crap that's good it really doesn't need long in the oven i'm just gonna fire it in there for a couple minutes and then pull it out okay i think they're probably ready now let's check it yes wow it doesn't look too much different than when they went in but man it looks amazing i'm gonna try and figure out how to get this onto a plate come on like so hopefully it slides see what i'm saying there we go we're getting it we're getting it needs a jiggle to release the friction heck yeah [Music] thanks [Music] wow so here it is all plated up and i don't have to tell you guys because you can see it but it looks incredible man so let's get into it see how good it is let me find a good nacho here with a little bit of everything on it [Music] holy smokes wow okay wow so yeah these are the best nachos i've had in a long time and i don't know where crystal went but she's definitely missing out i'm sure she'll sniff these out and be out here soon enough but i think that's probably it for this video i'm gonna go and enjoy this thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video i hope you got something out of it you definitely learned a new recipe hopefully you make it if you do tag me on instagram i would love to see what you do with it thank you guys so much for watching and definitely hit the like button it helps me in the algorithm subscribe so you can see more from me and i will see you guys again and use that tip of like looking at the ingredients on you know certain products that you like and like try and duplicate it or at least get some inspiration from it much love for me hope you guys are having a good day i will see you soon [Music] bye
Channel: Simnett Nutrition
Views: 260,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simnett nutrition, vegan nutritionist, vegan recipes, easy vegan meals, vegan fitness channel, vegan youtuber, vegan queso, queso dip, vegan cheese recipe, vegan cheese sauce, vegan nacho cheese, vegan nachos, how to make cheese sauce, good food queso, cheese dip, healthy sauce recipe, plant based recipe, veggie dip recipe, easy sauce recipe, cheesey sauce, Derek simnett, taco sauce, vegan meal idea
Id: 3PYeQoWRzdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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